? NORMAN'S I WALHAL Everything Generally Carried ii STATIONERY, TOI LET AltTIOJ PIPES, TOBACCOS, PURSES, V SPECTACLES, KINE CHINA, Oil CHRIST/WAS QC ONE CENT A WORD (Small advertisements under this heading inserted at rate ot one cent a word por insertion. Four insertions for price of throo.) All grinding ut Earle's Mill for tenth toll. 37-12 Shlnglo Mill and Kngino for Salo. T. E. ALEXANDER, Walhalla, _38 WANTED-Few good Milk Cows. See CEO. T. MORTON, Walhalla, for a square deal. 44-4 7 All kinds of seed grain cleaned and graded by special machino at Earle's Mill, 10c. per bushel. 37-12 FOR SALE-Pair Donkeys, work anywhere; 18 months old Colt; pigs. Soo Mrs. GEO. A. HARRISON1, Wal halla, s. C. 4 5-48 WANTEI>-Five hundred cords of Pino Wood; also fresh country Eggs at 4 5c. per dozen. THE PEOPLE'S STORE, 'Walhalla Cotton Mill. 44-17 WANTED-Ono or two girls to train for trained nurses. Applv to THE OCONEE HOSPITAL ASSO CIATION, WoBtminstor. S. C._4_6 WANTED-5OU bushels of Sweet Potatoes. Will pay $1.25 per bushel. J. H. BARNETT, Westminster, S. C._45* FOR SA LE-8-cylIndor Olds Club Car; practically now. Will sell at a bargain. W. A. GRANT, Walhalla, 8. C. _3{Mf__ FULL-WliOOO JERSEY COW for (Mile; In lino condition; excellent milker. Reason for selling, moro cows t*au 1 need. Apply to F. P. GUR NEY, Walhalla, S. C. 45 ? FEW SMALL FARMS for sale oa easy terms. Call at once ii' in terested, and got particulars from FR A NIC E. ALEXANDER, or see R. H. Alexander at tho Court House. Registered Duroc Jersey Pigs for Sale. Oconeo County Duroc Breed ers' Association. Writo G. M. BAR NETT, Secretary, Westminster, S. C., R. P. D. No. 4._49? SEVERAL FARMS for Bale that paid from' 15 to 25 per cent this year . To be sold quick. Tho land, soctlon and price right. GEO. T. MOUTON, Walhalla, S. C. (Phone S3.) 44-47 ATHENS H IDE COMPANY, of Athens, Gu., are largest buyers ol' ex press shipped (?reen Cow Hides in South. Reason is "Thoy weigh the weight." ll. EUGENE FA NT, Mana ger. 34-8* 1 OFFER TO THE PUBLIC the services of a Registered Jersey Hull and registered Duroc Jersey Hoar. Both animals in line shape. Terms o? application. W. PAT DICKSON. Seneca, S. C., lt. F. I). 3U-:iG BROOD SOWS.-I have some good Brood Sows that I will sell at a rea sonable price. Some of thom due to farrow in January. . Also, some lino pigs. SAM J. ISBELL, Walhalla, Kt. No. 1. 43-46 TWO OR THREE SMALL FARMS for sale or rent; good buildings on oach place. Terms easy, to suit pur chaser if sold; liberal contract for rentors. Apply to J. I). ISBELL, Walhalla, P. C. 4 2-45 FOR SALK-Oehmig Property, situated in the best businoss center of tho Town of Walhalla; half-acro lot with buildings. For information address C. F. H OE FER, Administra tor, No. 10?0 Mjain St., Columbia, S. .C:_ 29-tf 100,000 FEET LUMBER for sale --worth money. I have bought the Mica Mines buildings, between Rus sell, S. C.. and Pino Mountain. Ga.; 10,000 feet heart weatherboarding. 15,000 feet linch-boards, 5.000 feet llnishod dooring; other lumber suit able for building, from ixl lo 10x12 5 0 feet long; 04 glass windows. 10x12- I 2-11 gb ts, delivered or at the sito. GEO. T. MORTON. (Phone s;!, Residence No. 121 Main street.) Walhalla, S. C. 33-35 TRESPASS NOTICE. NOTICIO.-All persons ure hereby notified not to Trespass in any way, nor to romovo any property from my lands. Trespassers in violation ol' this warning will be dealt with accord ing to the laws ol' the State of South Carolina. J. M. DAVIS. 42-4 5 Westminster, S. C. 'I* .!* *I* .!* *I* *J* *I* *?* "I* ?I* ?I? ?I* ?I* ?I? ?I* ?I* ?J? ? LOCAL AND PERSONAL. .1 -Girls Wan tod-To loop hosiery at home. Apply to Hotrick Hosiery Mills, Walhalla.-Adv.tf. - Mrs. Ceo. L. Wilson left last week for Columbia, where she went to be with her sister, Mrs. Geo. W. Maxwel, who ls suffering from a severo attack of pnoumonla. Mrs. Maxwell's many friends hore will be glad to learn that the latest reports from her woro encouraging, though tho crisis In her illness had not been passed. We hope to hear soon of her completo restoration to health. -Good one-horse wagon for sale. T. E. Alexander, Walhalla.- -adv. )RUG STORE, LA. S. C. i ii Drug Store, n Varied Mn? <>f .BS, DYKS, STOCK MEDIOINES, OOKET BOOKS, KYK GLASSES, IT (?KASS, TOYS, CANDI KS, Etc. lODS ARRIVING. -Wanted-(?iii, white or colored) mr housework. Apply to Mrs. W. A. lletrick, Walhalla.- adv. -Little Caroline, one of tho twins of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. lletrick, has been quito til for several days, suf fer in g from an attack of bronchi tis. Friends of tho family will join with us in tho hops that the Utile lady may soon be entirely well. --Attention is directed to the ad vertisement of The Deo Hive, Sen oca. Mr. Harper, the proprietor and manager, has bought advantageously and is giving his customers the belle ll t of his good deals. Read his adver tisement and call at Tho Ree H Ivo and inspect {he largo stock carried. -Plenty of cement and roofing for everybody. W. M. Brown & Son. ad. -Tho Walhalla friends of Mrs. Viola C. lletrick and her sister, Miss Augusta Crenshaw, of Atlanta, will bo glad to learn that they have re covered from severe cases of Influ enza. Mrs. lletrick was stricken with the disease while nursing more than a month ago at one of tho Atlanta hospitals. Miss Crenshaw has recov ered sufficiently to bo up in her room at their apartments at 1)7 Cap itol avenue. Mrs. lletrick joined the Hod Cross and was accepted on the reserve list, being a 1918 graduate, and is doing temporary nursing In whatever territory she is sent to. Miss Crenshaw ls a stenographer, and has held tho position of assistant manager for an Atlanta firm since the draft law became effective. These young ladies have the best wishes Of a host of friends for health and prosperity. -A change in the weather means a change in underwear. We have the right quality and the right prices. The Peoplo's Store, Walhalla- 'Sells it for less."-adv. - Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. Reid, of Anderson, have moved to Walhalla and are occupying tho Fahnestock cottage on College street. Mr. and Mrs. H. 'E. Mayes, who have hoon re siding there, have moved to the Fahnestock residence at the corner of College and Mauldin streets. Tho many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Reid are glad to welcome thom back lo Walhalla. Mr. Reid has entered on the discbarge of his duties as a^slts ant to the resident manager of tho Walhalla plant of the Victor-Mc ba gnall Mills. Mr. Warren, who has been holding this position, but re cently resigned, has returned ?o bis old homo in Charleston. Ile has had service in thc ifavy as a yeoman, and WO understand has been called bi?ck into the naval service. Louis Adams, of the Madison section of Ocone, was among the visi tors in Walhalla last week, and be paid his accustomed visit (and sub scription) to The Courier. Mr. All ants is a great sufferer from rheuma tism at present, which gave us no little surprise until we learned that he is a veteran of Uncle Sam's army service, and contracted rheumatism while in service in the Philippines. Hut Mr Adams is jovial and in the best of humor In spite of his suffer ing and announced that he is ready to again take up arms, if necessary, for his country. One doesn't always have to look for gray hairs and con siderable ago nowadays in seeking out veterans of army service. Tho fact is, however, that most of us do not think of the comparatively re cent "brush" with Spain that called not a few of our boys Into service far from homo. -For Sale-7-room residence, with 15 acres of land; best known as tho Col. J. S. Newman place; in town of Walhalla; nice orchard, fine well; all necessary outbuild ings In good condition. Apply to Jas. H. Darby, Walhalla, S. C. (or at Seneca Oil Mill.)-adv.-42-tf -Thursday night of last week thc Norman lower store, which ls under the management of F. E. Harrison, was entered by parties and a small quantity of goods wero taken from the stock, and money to the amount of $ 1 .{i0 in change, which had been left in the cash drawer. The front door was forced open in some man ner, as was also the door of the Phillips meat market, next door j .Nothing was taken from the Phillips place so far as is known, but a con siderable quantity of meat was dis turbed, being taken from the hang ers, and the door being left open, stray dogs got in and devoured not a small quantity, as was evidenced by tho bones left scattered about the place. -To Rent - Tho Schumacher house on Main street. Apply to W. L, Vernor, at Bank of Walhalla.-Ad. -Nows comes of additional finan cial dealings on the part ol' "Sorgt." Russell Lewis, of thc army, whose doings wero recorded in The Courier two weeks ago. While in Walhalla Lewis stopped at thc Husch House and became acquainted with Mr. War ren, of Charleston, then an employee of the local cotton mills. On the trip that Lewis made to Seneca he inci dentally stopped at on1! of tho banks in our neighbor town, r.epresonted himself as Mr. Warro?:, wrote a check for himself for the sum of HO and got tin cai)', for it Th? check was forwarded in duo course to the bank herc for collection, and Mr. Warren was notified that his ac count was overdrawn. On examina tion into tho affair the forged check was located by Mr. Warron at once, and his account straightened with tho local bank accordingly. So far as we have been able to learn, tho bank that cashed the Warren chock for J,_M Lewis is "out" $50 and Lewd! is $50 "in." It is posible that the bank may got its money back through some" action on the part of tho army au thorities. The Judge advocate, when Lewis was returned to Camp Sevier, gave tho rural policeman who took him over every ussuranco that , the man would bo dealt with In such manner that he would not.for a long whllo give private citizens or civil authorities any trouble. -For cheap lumber and glass win dows soe Geo. T. Morton, Walhalla. Adv.-13-46. -Walter D. Moss loft last Satur day for Baltimore, Md,, and has re entered Johns-Hopkins Hospital, he having received notice that there is at last room for patients who have operations to be porformed. Mr. Moss recently returned borne without having had lils operation performed, tho hospitals of Baltimore ami other cities having been closed to all opera tive patients on account of tho epi demic of influenza. (Noto.--Slnco tho above was writ ten a telegram has been received by Mrs. Moss stating that tho, operation for the removal of an Internal goi ter has been porformed and was en tirely successful. Mr. MoSs's condi tion was roported most favorable.) -Got "him" a soldiers' "comfy kit"; contains razor and all other toilet equipment. Matheson Hard ware Co., West'jninator.-adv-15 -The many friends of Miss Bewley Hunslnger will regret to learn that sh > has been seriously sick with influ enza for tho past two weeks. Miss Hunslnger is now a student at tho Woman's Training School at Louis ville, Ky., and for ten days was too ill to give the address of her homer folks to the college authorities, and members of hor family were, there fore, without information as to her condition until she was well on the way to recovery. Hor friends will bo glad to know that she ls now rap idly re -overing. , -Among the young men who have recently gone into the service of the United States from Walhalla are (Jor don W. Kant and Geo. A. Harrison, both former students of Clemson Col lege, they having been chosen for service In the students' training corps. They aro now located at Fort ress Monroe, Va. Mr. Fant, a son of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Pant, of Walhalla, is in training for the Held artillery, while young Harrison, a son of Mrs. (leo. A. Harrison, of Walhalla, is being titted for service in the heavy artillery branch. They have many friends hero who will join with as in the hope that they may prove eflicient men in the service of Uncle Sam. - Get. ready now for tho snow and bad winter weather by buying your overshoes. Thcro ls a great scarcity on the market for rubber goods, and we may not bo able to purchase any more after the present stock is ex hausted. Tho People's Store, Wal halla-"Satisfaction always guaran teed."-adv. -The Walhalla Graded. Schools opened tho .. 18-19 session ??sr.Nlon day, November Hiv. At. the regular time, for Um opening a snort session was held, but the school was alose?! almost tm mediately on aocoun* oi the diphtheria epidemic. Since that time ono condition or another has operated to keep the school closed continuously for about six weeks. The latest "disturbing element" was tho epidemic of influenza, which has by no moans as yet been completely eradicated. At present, too, there are a number of eases of diphtheria on hand and in process of develop ment, lt is hoi? d, however, that the present situation will not develop such proportions as to again cause the closing of the schools. R, H. Alexander has purchased ? the residence on Main street belong ing to Mrs. H.P. Holleman, of Seneca, and will conduct a bonrldng house. It is Mr. Alexander's intention to have the house open and ready for business by December 1st. Miss Lou isa Burss will have charge of the new boarding house, and this constitutes a full guarantee of a good hostelry. The new boarding house will bc known as "The Alexander House," and its opening will mark the filling of a long-felt need locally. There is now no hotel in Walhalla, and with but one flrst-elas boarding house the Busch House--in town, accommo dations for the public have been alto gether inadequate. We feel sure that the opening of the Alexander House will give Walhalla, from the very day of Its opening two boarding houses that can be surpassed by few, If any, In the State. -Another shipment of soldiers' "(CO.mlfy-kitiB" arrived Ito-day. Get one for "the boy"; contains every ! thing needed while In camp or in the ! trenches. Matheson Hardware Co., I Westminster, S. C.-adv-45 -Private John Moss, of Cam]) | Jackson, Columbia, spent a short while in Walhalla last Saturday and Sunday among relatives and friends. Mr. Moss ls a aylen did specimen of physical manhood and muk og a fine looking soldier. Ho is in tho heavy artillery branch of the service and is enjoying his period of training to the full. He says he sees few South Carolina men In tho service now, tho present body of men at. tho Colum bia cantonment being mainly from NQW York and Massachusetts. Mr. Moss came up to see his bret hor, Lem Moss, who has recently been vovy 111 with Influenza. His family, too, has been 111, but they are now improving. Mr. Moss returned to bis position in tho Walhalla plant of ibo Vlctor Monaghan Mills on Monday a week ago, but was not well enough to go to work, and has, therefore, been compelled to rest again owing to his very weak condition. He has a host of friends over the county who will join with us in the hope that he and his family may soon all bo well. --Among tho welcomo visitors In Walhalla this week ls Bob Macaulay, of the United States navy. Young i "Mac" is a typical sailor-Jovial and uniformly good natured, except un der exceptional circumstances. Ono such was presented soon after Bob entered tho service, when a young ster applied to him an epithet that novor sits well with most of our ? boys. There was a general pummel I Bny Liberty Bonis. Young / We Have twc and youn^ ?5roo? These stocK these worth the i Plenty of B\ij BROWN HAS IT Oil BROWN GETS IT. lng, from which Bob emerged victo rious, and now ho numbers among his staunchest friends the blue-jacket to whom he administered a genuine trouncing. Bob is now on the U. S. S. New Jersey, and has a ten-day leave of absence while his ship is in dry dock at Boston. His friends are glad to welcome him among them. -After Thursday, Nov. 7, Lay's gin will be closed until further no tice, on account of sickness.-adv*. -The missionary society of the Walhalla Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. C. G. Strong on the afternoon o? Thursday of this week at 4 o'clock. ? . -Harold, the 3-year-old son of Mrs. W. C. Foster, who has been very ill with diphtheria, is improving and will soon be well again. Will, thc older son, ls now suffering from the same disease, but on account of his age it is hoped his case will not be as serious as was that of the little fellow now recovering. -Mrs. Grover Crenshaw, of Mid way, is just recovering from a severe attack ol' influenza! The whole fam ily has been alllicted during the past ten days, but all are recovering but their 14-months-old Infant, who is now threatened with pneumonia, following the influenza. The many friends of tho family will join with us in the hope that the little ono may soon be completely restored to health. -Our good friend, G. C. Marstn gale, of Westminster, R. F. D. No. 5, was in The Courier office for a short while Monday. Ile is looking remarkably well and not a day older than when we first made his ac quaintance some years ,agp. 'Ho re ports, however, that lils home' haft' been a veritable hospital for "flu" cases for the past ten days. All of his family aro improving at present, though, and we hope soon to hear of their complete recovery, -Crown fenders for Ford cars. W. M. Brown & Son, Walhalla.-"Adv. -Mrs. Mena Richie last week re ceived notice that her son, Joseph, ls in a hospital in France, having re ceived a wound ot> the (?th of October that has incapacitated him for pres ent service on the active front. Mr. Itiehle did not state minute particu lars as to the nature of his wound, the announcement being in the form of a mere paragraph in his letter to his mother-"Well, mother, tho Hun has at last 'got' me." Mr. Riehle stated, however, that he was hoing well cared for nt. the hospital to which he was sent, and that he hoped that he would soon be entirely re covered from bis wound. Mrs. Riehle also received last week the custom ary announcement card from her sec-, ond son in service, Louis Riehle, that he had arrived safely overseas. Re cently Joseph Riehle sent his mother a German helmet, which ho secured on the field of action after one of the heavy battles. We join with others In the hope that Mrs. Riehle may at an early date learn of the complete recovery of her wounded son. -News comes to us that Quarter master Sergt. Lewis C. Harrison has been honorably discharged from the army on account of 111 health incur red in Uno of duty. For the past few months he has been receiving special treatment at the Army and Navy Goneral Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., for neuritis, but has been ben efited very little, and tho medical board has ruled that, in order to as sure complete recovery, it would bo best for him to cease further mili tary duty. Sergt. Harrison was one of the first volunteers from Walhalla, hu\ing enlisted at Savannah, Ga., soon sailor war was declared, He has served practically all of his en listment at Camp Beauregard, La., where he. was made chief of the administration department) and in ? February of this year was appointed on the staff of the commanding gen eral of that camp for overseas ser I vice, but was never able to pass the physical examination. In the early part of this year he was offered an honorable discharge, but it was de clined in the hope that ho might overcome his ill health, and he was transferred to Hot Springs. It is a keon disappointment to our young I friend to leave tho military service , at this time. Many high lestimon I ?als have been given him from his j superior ofiicors, and his commnnd I lng officer pays him this tribute: "A fine soldier, honest and faithful, ever cheerfully obedient, devoting himsolf to tho mastery of his work without regard to hours or personal conven ience. Thus, unselfishly, he has sac rificed his health, bearing without murmur excesSivo military duties and heavy responsibilities." Mr. Harrison i will soon visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank TO. Harrison, in Walhalla, but before doing, so will visit among rolntlvos and friends in several South ern cities. Other liOcals on Fourth Page. Ff _Buy More Bonis. Viiiles and Mares. > carloads of well-broKe yoting Mules % Mares from SOO to 1200 pounds. are well bought and we will sell all money. ?gies and Harness on hand. M- Brown &, Son, WALKALLA, S. C. BROWN HAS IT on BROWN GETS IT. m UNDERWEAR AND SWEATERS. Our line of Underwear and Sweaters is Now Complete. THET^TVAIST? 1 WAI),. MARK R?OI?T? WTO I C. W. Pitchford, Walhalla, S. C. -CLOTHING Style Plus Suits, 2 Prices Only--$25.00 and $30.00 per Suit. Il OVERCOATS ' Boys' and Children's Suits. IS Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats bought early be fore the big advance. Can save you money on your wants, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, BLANKETS, UNDER WEAR, TRUNKS and SUIT CASES. j SHOES! SHOES! Educator Shoes for Women and Children, Cygolf and Beacon Shoes for Men and Boys. Cook Stoves, Oliver Chilled Plows, Mitchell, Stude baker, Old Hickory Wagons, Buggies and Harness. ^ Red Cedar Shingles, Doors, Sash, Cement and Lime. Paints and Oils. We pay the highest market price for Cotton at all times. W. P. INlftt/HONS, Seneca, S. C. i