NORMAN'S E WALHAL) Everything (lenernlly Carried in STATIONERY, TOILET ARTIOL IMPIOS, TOBACCOS, PURSES, l>? SPECTACLES, Ki N E CHINA. CU ICE CREAM and F< (Small advertisements under this heading Inserted at rato of | one cent a word per Insertion. I Four insertions for price of I throe.) Ali grinding at Earle's ."Villi tor tenth toll. 37-12 Shingle Mill and Engine for Salo. T. E. ALEXANDER, Walhalla, 38 WANTED-Few good Milk Cows. See CEO. T. MORTON, Walhalla, for a square deal. 44-47 All kinds of seed grain cleaned and graded by spoclal machine at Earle's Mill, 10c. per bushel^ 37-12 WANTED-Five hundred cordB of Pino Wood; also fresh country Eggs at 4 5c. per dosen. THE PEOPLE'S STORE, -Walhalla Cotton Mill. 44-47 FOR SALE.-4-h. p. International Gasoline Engine; good condition ami ready to run. Apply to E. H. LAN FORD, West Union, Rt. 1. 4 4? WANTED-One or two girls to train for trained nurses. Apply to THE OCONEE HOSPITAL ASSO CIATION, Westminster, S. C._4G WANTED.-500 bushels of Sweet Potatoes. Will pay $1.25 per bushel. J. H. BARNETT, Westminster, S. C. _15 ? FOR SALE-8-cyllndcr Olds Club Car; practically new. Will sell at a bargain. W. A. GRANT, Walhalla, S^a_ _39-tf A FEW SMALL FARMS for salo on easy terms. Call at once If in terested, and get particulars from FRANK. E. ALEXANDER, or see R. H. Alexander nt the Court House. Registered Buroc Jersey Pigs for Sale. Oconee County Duroc Breed ers' Association. Writo G. M. BAR NETT, Secrotary, Westminster, S. C., R. F. D. No. _4?_!_ SEVERAL FARMS for sale that paid from 15 to 26 per cent this year . To bo sold quick. The land, section and price right. GFO. T. MORTON, Walhalla, S. C. (Phone 83.) 44-47 ATHENS HIDE COMPANY, ol Athens, Ga., are largest buyers of ex press shipped Green Cow Hides in South. Reason is "They weigh the weight." H. EUGENE FANT. Mana ger. :u-s* I OFFER TO THE PUBLIC tho services ol* a Registered Jersey Bull and registered Du roc Jersey Boar. Both animals in lino shane. Terms on application. W. PAT DICKSON. Soneca, S. C., R. F. I). 'i:i-:u? BROOD SOWS.-I have some good Brood Sows that I will sell at a rea sonable price. Some of them due to farrow In January. Also, some hue pigs. SAM J. ISBELL, Walhalla, Rt. No. L_ _4 3-4ti_ TWO OR THREE SMALL FARMS for salo or rent; good buildings on each placo. Terms easy, to suit pur chaser if sold; liberal contract for renters. Apply to J. D. ISBELL, Walhalla, S. C. _42-45 WANTED-All the poultry and eggs I possibly can got for the next 30 days; better prices than ever be fore. Also, want beef cattlo and hidos. R. D. OELKERS, the Chicken Man, Walhalla._40-tf. FOR SALE--Oohmlg Property, sltuatod in tho best business center of the Town of Walhalla; half-acro lot with buildings. For information address C. F. HOEFER, Administra tor, No. 1000 Main St., Columbia, S. C. > 29-tf 100,000 FEET LUMBER for sale -worth money. 1 have bought the Mica Mines buildings, between Rus sell, S. C., and Pine Mountain, Ga.; 10,000 feet heart weatherboarding, 15,000 feet linch-boards, 5,000 feet finished flooring; other lumber suit able for building, from Ixl to 10x12 50 feet long; 64 glass windows. 10x1 2-1 2-Ughts, delivered or at the site. GEO. T. MORTON. (Phone 83, Residence No. 121 Main street.) Walhalla, S. C. 33-35 TRESPASS NOTICE. NOTICE.-All persons are hereby notified not to Trespass in any way. nor to remove any property from my lands. Trespassers in violation ol' this warning will bo dealt with accord jug to the lawn of the State of South Carolina. J. M. DAVIS, 4 2-45 Westminster. S. C. .\>o\.?J.??J??J??Jrd comfort tho borcavod onos In their affliction. -Plenty of cement and roofing for everybody. W. M. Brown & Son. ad. j -Miss Desale Karie, who has been a Bufferer from influenza, ls again up and able to be about. -Mrs. R. T. Keys and little daugh ter, Mary Jo, of Florence, are s lend ing several weeks in Walhalla visit ing Mrs. Keys' mother, Mrs. Joe Mc Carey. -Aro you going io need good farm or driving stock in the spring? Head tho advertisements of C. W. & J. E. Bauknight, of Walhalla, and E. C. .Marett, of Westminster. You will be Interested. -Mr. and Mrs, Carlisle Taylor and two children returned to their homo here last week, after visiting Mrs. Taylor's parents at Prosperity for a couple of weeks. During their ab sence from Walhalla they were made happy by the birth of their second child. -Wo are requested to make tho following announcement: Tho Wal halla Circuit (Methodist) quarterly conferonco will bo held on Saturday, November 2d. Let all the officers be present. There will ho no preaching. This does not conflict with the rules of tho board of health. -We regret to learn that Mrs. C. M. Brennecke ls quite Ul at her home here. Mrs. Brennecke ls one of the oldest residents of Walhalla, being woll on toward 00 years of age. She has a host of friends hore and else where who will join with us In the hope that she may yet be spared to continued usefulness. -Born, unto Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Moss, on Saturday morning, Oc tober 19th, a daughter. This little lady failed to get a fair deal at our hands last week. In tho rush inci dent to getting out tho paper short handed, tho notice of her arrival was lost among other notes intend ed for use a week ago. -Geo. M. Ansel, who has been absent from the store of Moss & An sel for several woks on account of a stubborn case of Influenza, Is greatly improved, and we trust will soon be quito himself again. We are in formed that Mrs. Ansel is now suf fering with the same trouble, but her case Indicates that it will be of a much lighter form. Several of the children of the family have also had attacks of the "flu," but all are now on the road to recovery. -Died, at at his home In Central, on tho 17th of October, C. W. Fos ter, aged 24 years. His little daugh ter Ola died on the same date, aged ithree months. Doth bodies were interred in tho Neville cemetery near Walhalla on the 18th. Funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev. L. M. Lyda, of the Baptist church. There are many friends of the family of the deceased who will join with us in extending sincere sympathy to them In their great bereavement. -For cheap lumber and glass win dows see Geo. T. Morton, Walhalla. Adv.-13-45. -Kev. L. W. Langston requests us to announce that, unless otherwise notified, th ero will be services in the First Baptist, church of Walhalla on I next Sunday, November 3d-Sunday 'school at lu o'clock, preaching ser vice at 1 l o'clock. This announce ment is in conformity with a notice from Dr. J. H. Hayne, of the State Hoard of Health, in which the prohi bition against holding services in the churches, and of gathering in other places of usual assemblage, is lifted. -We are informed that our good friend. 'Phos. It. Keith, of the Keo weo Uiver section of the county, has suffered considerable loss by reason of high water resulting from the re cent heavy rains. Of Mr. Keith's in dividual crop he had about twelve acres in fine bottom corn, and this, we are Informed, was all cut and shocked In tho Held ready for the shredder. Our informant states that this entire bottom corn crop was washed away. Mr. Keith's average yield on this land is said to be about T>t> to 60' bushels of corn per acre. -Each week we receive letters In which it Is stated that the writer is enclosing 25 cents for three months' subscription. For a month now we have been charging 30 cents for a three months' subscription, 55 cents for six months. We are, therefore, entering up all 25 cent subscriptions for a period of two months. We make this announcement in order that our friends who have sent in 25 cent subscriptions may under stand why The Courier will stop com ing to them sooner than they expect ed it to. We have made this slight advance in the price of short-term subscriptions merely to cover oost of the necessary handling of thc business. -South Carolina has gone "over the top" in great shape in the Fourth Libetry Loan. The State's appor tionment of tho six billion dollar lonn was $3-2,450,000, and tho itizeus ol the State subscribed for $35,;,1.1,960, giving an "over-the-top" ll. ure ol about $3,000,000. The towns of Wal halla, Seneca and Westminster have boon awarded honor Hags in recogni tion of the work done in raising thc loan funds. While the reports show that these honor Hags are Awarded to Ibo towns named, they aro In re ality in recognition of the communi ties embraced within the torritor> designated as thc Walhalla, Sonecj; and Westminster Districts. The flag* constitute honor emblems for thc citizens of the whole of Oconee. -Mrs. M. E. Cole died at her home in the 'Eoarle's Grove section on Oe tober 16th after ah Illness of about ton days. She was about 83 youri of age. Her husband, N. P. Colo preceded her to the gravo about If years. Mrs. Cola's remains wore laid to rest besido those of her hus band in Bethel cemetery on tho 18tl of October. The services woro con ducted by Rev. L. M. Lyda, of Wal halla. Tho deceased had been t life-long member of the Bethel Bap tist church. Sho leaves the followlnf children to mourn hor death: W. H Colo, Mrs, Safnuol Grant, Mrs. J. A .Patterson, Mrs. C. W. Patterson, Mlsi Alice Colo, all of rural Westminster and J. P. Cole, Townvlllo; J. H. Cole Anderson; Mrs. J. H. Crooks, Green villo, and Mrs. G. W. Elrod, of Belton : Tho funeral was largely lattondee Buy Liberty Bois. ? Young I We Have tw? and young Brooi These stocK these worth the 1 Plenty of Biaj BIIOWN HAS IT OU BROWN GETS IT. w and the floral offerings were beauti ful and extensive. -Crown fenders for Ford cars. W. M. Brown & Son, Walhalla.-(Adv. -Miss Carrie Darby Harrison left last Friday for Columbia to resumo .her studies at Chicora College. -C. L. Dean, of Plckens county, was la Walhalla for a few days last week among friends and looking after professional business matters. -Keep the doors shut these damp days. Carelesness was the cause of the recent (and still existing) epi demic. Some one thoughtlessly left the door open-and in flew Enza. -Cast your ballot in the general elections next Tuesday. It is Im portant-quite as much so in a sense a8lit was to vote in the Democratic primaries. In another sense it is infinitely more important. Don't neg negl?ct this plain duty. -There will be the usual Sunday school und preaching services in all the churches of Walhalla next Sun day morning. Also union services in the Presbyterian church in the even ing at 7.30 o'clock. It bas not been the privilege of the people of the town to attend services regularly in the churches for come time, and the various houses of worship should be well filled on next Sabbath. -We are informed that O'Dell Morgan, now in the army service in Eurolie, has recently been promoted from the rank of first sargeant to that of first lieutenant, tho promo tion coming during service on the field. Young Morgan went into the service from the Seneca section of tho county, and has many friends in. this section who will be glad to learn of bis advancement. -lt looks very natural indeed to see "Cbarllo" Mulkey back on lils old Stamping ground in Walhalla. Mr. Mu Ikey came over from Westmin ster a week ago to take charlo of the Western Union telegraph omeo, relieving Mr. Frierson, of Anderson, who had been holding the position of operator here for a while. Mr. i-'rior son is at present at bis homo in Anderson, having gone off on siel? furlough. -S. J. Barker returned to Wal halla ten days ago suffering from a severe attack of influenza. Since his return home he has been confined to his home until the past two or three days. He ls now able to be out, and will return to Charleston as soon as ho has regained his strength suffi ciently to enable him to take up his work In the City by the Sea. His friends are congratulating him on lils escape with a very slight attack of the "flu." -Erlends here will be glad to know that Claude W. Reid, who hat teen residing for some time in An derson with ls family, is again a res ident Of Walhalla. Mr. Reid and family I ?turned this week and will, wo understand, make their home in Wathala again. Mr. Reed will be with the Walhala Plant of the Vic tor-Monaghan Mills Company, hav ing accepted the position of assist ant to the resident manager, vice Mr. Warren, who will return soon to his home in Charleston. -George W. McFall, one of the oid-tinie and highly respected col ored men of the Wathala community, died at lils home hero last Sunday after a long illness, combined with the Infirmities of age. He was well known as a minister of tho Gospel among his people in this section, and years ago, before his age prevented, he was one of tho most active work ers of Oconeo in the colored Metho dist church. He was respected aliko by the white people and those of lils own race, for his life was such ns to command respect. Ile will be missed by all who knew him. -Walter D. Moss is at homo from Baltimore, where bo had been for some time awaiting an operation for the removal of a goiter. Owing to the serious situation in Baltimore in regard to influenza, all patients at the hospitals were forced to abandon the hope of Immediate attention at the hands of specialists, and Mr. Moss carno homo in preference to making a longer stay at present with no im mediate prospect of attention. His many friends hope for his early re covery from his very annoying trou ble, which, howovor, is not thought to be of a serious nature. -'Ernest O. Hutchison, who re sides on lire farm just west of Wal halla, has sold a portion of his placo and will In the near future move to West Union to engage in business. Mr. Hutchison sold his homo place with 87^ acres to P. L. Henson, who moved to Oconeo about a year ago. Tho price paid for the tract with tho farm residence was about $4,000. Tho sale was made through George T. Morton, of Walhalla. Wo aro glad to number Mr. Henson among tho property owners of our Immediate vicinity. Buy More Bonis, tittles and Mares. > carloads of well-broKe young Mules 1 Mares from SOO to 1200 pounds, are well bought and we will sell all money. ggies and Harness on hand. M. Brown & Son, j WALHALLA, S. C. I. BROWN HAS IT OR BROWN GI?TS IT. UNDERWEAR ANDr SWEATERS. Our line of Underwear and Sweaters is Now Complete. THEEZ^IST .nun? MAWK watrrwwi?o) C. W. Pitchford, Walhalla, S. C. -CLOTHING II Style Plus Suits, 2 Prices Only-$25.00 and $30.00 per Suit. OVERCOATS Boys' and Children's Suits. Il LadiesV Misses' and Children's Coats bought carly be fore the big advance. Can save you money on your wants. DRESS GOODS. SILKS. BLANKETS, UNDER WEAR. TRUNKS and SUIT CASES. SHOES! SHOES! Educator Shoes for Women and Children. Cygolf and Beacon Shoes for Men and Boys. Cook Stoves, Oliver Chilled Plows, Mitchell, Stude baker, Old Hickory Wagons, Buggies and Harness. Red Cedar Shingles, Doors, Sash, Cement and Lime, Paints and Oils, We pay the highest market price for Cotton at all times. W. P. NliHMONS, Seneca, S. C.