Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 16, 1918, Image 6

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K KOW EE COUJUEK (UataUIlHhod UH ut.) Published livery Wednesday Morning Nulwollpl mn SI Per A lill tl III. Advertising Kales Reasonable. -ny STICK, SHILOH & SCHHODElt. Com in ii uh allons of a personal character charged for aa advertise ments. Obituary notices ano tributes of respect, of not over 100 word;;, will bo printed free of charge. All over that number must be paid for at the rate of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript, WALHALLA, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, OCT. I?, MM H. GOVEKNOIl COOI'KIt, PltOSPHCT. Sunday School Workers I,oohing For ward t<> Presence Next Year, Kilner Kooweo Courier: May I uso your paper for a mes sage to your readers who are. Sunday school workers? Fellow-workers: My first official act was to write (August Suth to our nomlnoe for Governor, Koberl A. Ooo por, and ask him to attend and address our County Sunday School Convention next summer. A recent mail brought this answer. Laurens, H. c.. Sein. II,, I :I I s. My Dear Mr. Morrison: Please accept my sincere appre ciation of your loller of August 510. 1 hog to assure you that, my delay In answering is due to the fact thal il has been physically impossible to answer promptly the many letters that I have received since the election. The vote of coiitidenc.e which Ibo people of Ibis Slain have given tuc ii* very gratifying personally, and causes mo to form a new resolution to give to the people the pest ser vire of which I am capable. In roforonco to your Invitation lo address ibo Moonee Conn ly Sunday School Convention during the l.ti ter part of next August. I will bo glad lo comply with your request it possible lo do so al (hat limo. Willi assurance of personal Os teom, I am. Very sincerely yours, lt. A. Cooper. I thank you, Mr. Editor, for the kindness. For the Kingdom, Wm. S. Morrison, President 0. C. C. S. S. A. MOTH Hit ! (JIVE CHILI) "SYKCP OF FIGS" ll TONGUE IS COATED. ff Cross, Feverish, Sick, lUlious, Clean Little Liver and 'towels. Children love this "fruit laxative," Mid not liing else cleanses t he tender stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop play ing to empty tho bowels, and the re sult ls, they become lightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, sto mach sours, then your little one be comes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, tiroath is bad, system full of cold, bas nore throat, stomachache or diar rhoea. Listen, mother! See If tongue ls coated, then give a tea spoonful of "California Syrup pf Figs," and In a few hours all the ?fooHtipatod waste, sour hilo and un digested food imsses out of the sys tom, and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers give "Califor nia Syrup of Figs" because lt ls per fectly harmless; children love it, and it never falls to act on the stomach, liver and bowels. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." which has full directions for babies, chil dren of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Be ware of counterfeits sold here. Get tho genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt. Adv. At End ol' their Kopo? Paris. Oct. !?. (len. .1. M. G. Mnl lotorre, the military critic for tho Temps, has written a letter from tho front savin:; that Hie German armies .tro at the end of their strength, and that the German high command is hoping lo sase Iheiu. "An armistice, even with the ob ligation IO evacuate all invaded ter K'.ory and Alsace-Lorraine." he continues, "would allow tho Gorman (ommand to withdraw Its armies In security lo a distance sufllclonl lo /ivo timo to reform tho ranks in proparal iou for tho moment when Herlin will denounce the Allies' con ditions tis Impossible." CASTO RIA For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beare the Signature of The Huns Abroad and Tlie Pacifists at Home (Contributed by CASPAR WHIT NEY, now at the frorst for the "N. Y. Tribune," to tho National Security I/eugue's campaign of Patriotism Through Kducatlon.) Although Germany, while yet a "friend," Intrigued against our peace and order, urged Japan and Mexico to make war on us, and murdered our men, women and children, there are those among us professing loyalty and Intelligence who practically nay this ls not our war and appear unable to real ize that the defeat of the buche is as vi tul to us Americans ns was the vic tory of 1776. Then NM* declared for Independence ; now we fight to maintain lt. It ls not merely that we fight In answer to Indignity and material In Jury done us through attack on our rights as a nation and on the lives of our citizens not merely to uphold our place among gelf-respectlri^ peo? pie?-that we are at war; but literally for our self preservation as a republic. To muzzle this war-mad wild beast wc have taken up arms-that the world shall bo safo for the freemen of the world. The world cannot rest In pcaco while Germany holds the destiny of other peoples In her blood-dripping hands. Thc world cannot live In peace with a people that commits, or permits her sponsors to commit In her name, the foul acts of treachery, of vandalism, of bestinllty, of murder, that have marked the trail of the German army over Europe. One doctrine or the other must pre vail ; either the German brutal right of might or U>o clvlllxod might of right one or the other -munt succumb In this conflict to tho death. And should lt bo the Ccajnun doctrine -then ?hall we fall under the domination of a people that have robbed and rapod and looted and burned and killed, that the "kultur" of a military oligarchy shall live. Prussianlsm ls devoid of honor, truth, Justice or mercy, as ita own acts have proved, and Its defeat la a neces sary Hist step for tho pence of the world and the freedom of cl vii I nu ion. For the safety of American Institu tions lt must be destroyod ; for the safety of American freedom, yours am! mine and of all of us. We are tn Ihe midst of war, our war, (he war of every freeman, of every mun and woman who does not Indorse cowardly murderous assault upon the weak and Innocent, brutal Injustice, und atrocious acts; and If we would preserve the Stars and Stripes and all they stand for we must fight the Huns abroad and the pacifists at home with all our strength. . lill-: LONG CHEEK SECTION. Iteslgnallou from Academy of .Miss .Abbott Deeply Regretted. hong Creek, Oct. 8.-Sper al: Kev. h. II. Haines filled bis regular ap pointment at the Mountain Grove at Long Creek church lu tho after noon. Among those from the Long Crock Academy who recently stood tho teachers' examination were Misses Jennie Tato and Hertie Har ris. Others from the school were Misses Ethel Matheson. Myrtle Thrift und Dora Ilroedlove. They were accompanied by Rev. Haines, be being a member of the board and having to be present officially, The Y.W.A. girls from Clearmonl silent Thursday and Friday at th? academy. In tho afternoon ol Thursday they went up on Hound Top Mountain, accompanied by sev' oral from the academy. After the> returned they all mot in the recep Hon hall at the Sullivan Home, nix three interesting gamos we're en joyed for a while, and then the} were ushered Into the dining room whore refreshments were served Those from Clearmont who went tt| on the mountain trip were: Mis; Jane llunstngor, chaperon; Misse: Addie Mae, Kvnlout and Rosottl McClain, Hattie Mae Owens, Gdel and Hose Wait.elleld. Fay Driver Paulino Wilson, Hose Owens am Miss Harriss, '['hose, from the aead erny were Hov. Raines, Misses Ea telle Smith and Cornelia Rollond. Tho many friends of Miss Kati Abbott regret to learn of ber resin nation as matron of the acadetnv Miss A Idiot I resigned last Monda for the purpose of accepting wor willi the brm of C. W. & .1. E. Hank night, ol' Walhalla. Wo regret he departure very Irnich, but willi lo her great success in her chosen wor and wherever she may go in thc fti I ure. Sam Fret well and KIMI h Alexar der. of t'oneross, spool last Sunda at the. academy. The school at this placo is pr< grossing nicely, lt seems to bc be ter than ever before, and wo ar all hoping that Its growth and in provoment will bo steady and coi tin nous. liny over boro and win over thor? Froemon buy bonds; sin vos wen thom. TA lili PRACK; COMMIT HORRORS Cambon Declares Conduct of Huns Outrage lo Civilization. Paris, Oct. ?.-Jules Ca ni bon, the ronner French ambassador at Wash ington, and one of the foremost fig ures in French affairs, said to tho Associated Press to-day: I "At tiie moment that Hie Central powers address themselves to Presi- , dent Wilson to obtain an armistice and begin negotiations for peace, tho Gorman armies renew the horrors they have been committing in all of tho occupied territory. "St. Quentin. hens, Cambrai, Douai are burned, mined, ruined. Having formerly been prefect of the department of the North, I know what this new horror means to the regions devastated by the German armies. These represent the. ruh est territory of France, where the largest industrial establishments are localed. All these centers have a glorious past. They are filled with splendid monuments and mu- ! seums and libraries of priceless treasurers. In Cambrai stands tho tomb of the illustrious Fenelon. "Ono cannot view without pro found sadness all the ruins the Gor man invaders are leaving behind them- - ruins that represent not only material losses, but moral losses as well. "The conduct of the Gorman ann ies is nn outrage to civilization and to humanity." GERMANY, THE S By LOUIS R. Contributed by Mr. Raonmokers to the Patriotism Thr JOHN G. RICHARDS' SON DI KS At (amp Dodge, Iowa-Victim of Preumonia, Following Influenza. (The State, Oct. II.) Word was received in Columbia yesterday of thc deatli at Cami) Dodge, Iowa, of Lieut. Stephen M. Richards, son of John G. Richards, chairman of the South Carolina Rail road Commission. The young man died Wednesday night of pneumonia, developed from Influenza. Ho was 24 years old and was graduated from Clemson College with the class of l!>ir>. He volun teered last fall and attended the sec ond ofiicors' training camp nt Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., whore ho received his commission. Lieut. Richards was a young man of lino personality and great prom ise. INDIGESTION, GAS OR SOCK, CPKFT STOMACH Fut Ono Tablet! Put Vour Stomach in Order With Pope's Diupepsin, No waiting! When meals don't flt and you boich gas. acids and un digested food. When you feel indi gestion pain, lumps of distress in stomach, heartburn or headache. Here is instant relief. Just as soon as you eat a tablet of Papa's Dlapopsln all tho dyspepsia, indigestion and stomach distress onds. Thoso ploasaut, harmless tab lots of Pepe's Diapepsin always make sick, upset stomachs feel lino at once and they cost so little at drug stores. -Adv. APPROVES WILSON INQUIRY. lt ls Felt that II IN Note Covora tho dorman Situntioii. Paris, Oct. 9.-President Wilson's reply to the German peace note was published in the noon editions of the newspapers to-day and was greeted with general satisfaction and ex pressions of approval throughout Paris. "The note could not be Improved upon; substitute Paris for Washing ton as tho date line, and the reply might have been dictated here," ls an epitome of French opinion as in dicated by the popular reception of tho Presidential document. "The note could not be Improved upon," was the concensus of opin ion when the newspapers containing the note came out, and the people literally fought for copies of the editions of the Paris papers. The noto was reproduced in these jour nals In heavy, black type under big headlines. So Kospito Given. The significant passage In the note in which President Wilson refuses to entertain the possibility of a cessa tion of hostilities, and demanding tho immediate withdrawal of the German troops is interpreted in mil itary circles as meaning that the Allies will give the Germans no res pite in their retreat . Bo nd s speak louded than words. If you can't fight, your money I ca tl, UPER-ANARCHIST A.EMAEKERS National Sacurlty League's Campaign af ouQh Education. , XMAS PACKAGES FOR ?ODD1KR8. Huies Announced by Post Oftieo De partment Governing Hamo. Postmasters have been notified by 1 the War Department regarding the rulings affoctlng the sending of Xmas I packages to soldiers and sailors who : are overseas. Only ono package can be sent to j each soldier, and it must be of a J standard size, which Is three inches ? by four inches by nine inches, and no package will reach its destination ' without the "Christinns Parcel La 1 bel," which is being issued each sol I dior or member of tho A. KS. F. now in Bu rope, Parcels must not wolgb over three pounds and must contain no perishable foods. The Red Cross will have entire eliarge of inspection of parcels, and all parcels must be submitted to Red Cross stations, where they will have affixed a Red Cross seal evidencing to the postal authorities that it luis boen inspected und approved. The Navy Department bas advised thal parcels to officers and men of the navy must be well packed and must contain, beside-, the name of tho party to whom it is desired that lt shall be dolivored, tho name of tho organization of tho addressee. Parcels for the ollleors an?! men tn tho navy must be presented to the post oflleo for inspection and must bo mailed so as to reach tho Bush Terminal station not lator than No vember in, 1918. No mention has boon made of "Christmas Percol La bels" being Issued to the members of tho navy. Tho moro bonds you buy tho fowor of our boys will dlo. PERUI and MANALIN C Mrs. E. M. Harris, R. R. No. 3, Ashla nd, Wis., sends a message of cheer to thc ick: "After following your advice and using Perunu ..nd Mnunlln, I \\ns curv? of catarrh o? t..e nour, thront mid utomueh, ont which I had Stiff I"Mi for ?CV*? 1 year*.. Wlun'i;. -'1 tal iiig I'c runa I could not make my bcd Without rs!i;;:i>ltw; t:> TVHt. ?NOW i WHAT THE VICTORY OR ! DEFEAT OF GERMANY ; MEANS TO EVERY AMERICAN : (Contributad by ALBERT PAYSON J TERHUNE, author and globe trotter, ( lo the National Security League's ( campaign of Patriotism Through Edu- ( cation.) i Germany's victory would mean all 1 that the alarmists hare said-the set back of humanity, democracy, civiliza- ' tlon, rights of man, etc. But, to Amer ica, ii would mean infinitely more. It would mean our first national de feat ; and, thus, would smash our per fect record for victories-a record as old as our nation-a record that means moro than the right to brag. Even as a beaten army never wholly regains Its old form-even as a beaten ring cham pion sinks at once Into desuetudo-so our nation (Its traditions of victory gone) would suffer far worse deteriora tion than the mero fact of defeat could Indict. It would mean th?t the man who has risked all In his country's struggle for Bight could never again feel his former calm certainty that Right must tri umph. Thun, the moral tone of the In dividual, as well as of the nation, would Inevitably be lowered. This country has never embarked In a war of conquest. From 1775 to the present we have fought for Liberty or for Union or for the Oppressed-ever for some sterling principle of right. From childhood we have been taught to believe that the high unselfishness of our war alms has given us the vic tory. We have seen the decay or de struction of men and nations that have battled for dominion-as Germany ls now battling. Should we fall In this, our mightiest war for the Right, the average man must lose forever the simple Faith which has led our dear country from nothingness to Its pres ent estate. For that Fuith, more than for anything else, our sacrifice ls a hundredfold Justified. \ Your Country Calls! jj Xwake, Americans I Moka this war your war. Every man must prove Right is Might, ft means your liberty, if not your life. ?ombit German propaganda here. Attack everything un-American 1 Be one of the millinos to lend the billions. Remember that "Idle dollars are pro-German. "Come across"-or the Kaiser will. HOW TO AVOID BACKACHE AND NERVOUSNESS Told by Mrs. Lynch From Own Experience? Providence, R. I.-"I was all run ".down in health, was nervous, had head aches, my back ached all the time. I wus tired and had no ambition for any thing. I had taken a number of medi cines which did mo no good. Ono day I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and what it had done for women, so I tried it. My nervousness and backache and headaches disappeared. I gained in weight and feel line, so I can honestly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound to any woman who is Buffering ns I was."- Mrs. ADELINE B LYNCH, 100 Plain St., Providence, R, I. Backache and nervousness oro symp toms or nature's warnings, which in dicate a functional disturbance or an unhealthy condition which often devel ops into a more serious ailment Women in thia condition ohould not continue to drag along without help, but profit by Mrs. Lynch's experience, and try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com Ciund-and for special advice write to ydia E. Pinkham Med.Co., Lynn. Mass. SA lured Me Catarrh of (he Nose, Throat and Stomach. do all my work and am in Kood liOHlth. I recommend HIIN valu able remedy lo nil .sufforintf from any disease ii tho stomach.' Pcrunti TH Sold lOverywher M<|iihl or Tablet Koria j Absolutely ? ? Cash in Advance i I for \ \ Subscriptions* ?fi ?fi ?3* We cannot extend < credit on subscriptions. J Please bear this in mind. < The U. S. Government, ( for reasons of its own- { and for the best interest of < all-forbids it. { ?fi ?fi ?fi On January 1st, ? 1919, all subscriptions not i paid in advance will be dis- 1 continued by us in con- j formity, with the Govern- i merit's new ruling. Watch your label. If it reads like this 1 DEC. 18 you will know that your paper will stop coming to you on January 1, 1919, unless you renew. ?fi ?fi ?fi We hope that not one of our subscribers will permit hts name to be drop ped from our list. Our "family" now consists of upwards of 2,500 members -but we want every one ' of them to stay in "the I home circle." ' ?fi ?fi ?fi It's up to the sub ' scriber. You can stay in , the circle by paying in i advance. We can't keep j you in "our family" by ex > tending credit. Uncle Sam > says so, and what your Uncle Sam says goes. ?fi ?fi ?fi Make Checks or Money Orders Payable to TheKeoweeCourier. "Do It Now." 1 year . . . $1.00 6 mos.55 3 mos.30 Absolutely j I Cash in Advance * J for j Subscriptions* Limit. Win. if. Hawkins. Tho many Oconeo friends of Wm. H. Hawkins, who has been at a mil itary cami) at Plattsburg, N. Y., dur ing tho sum mer, will be pleased to learn that be has been promoted to thc rank of lieutenant. He is now located in Philadelphia, and is mil itary instructor in Ibo University of Pennsylvania. Lieut. Hawkins ia tho oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. VV, Hawkins, of Wost. Union. Before going into ser vice im was a student of Forman University. He was home for ia brief visit only recently, i Liberty Ronds or Gorman taxes. Put the "pay" In patriotism. Wear your old clothes and buy Liberty Honda. Liberty Bonds or Gorman bond ago.