KI? "TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, ANO IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THB HAY: THOU OANST NOT THEN BE FALSE TO ANY MAN." By STECK, SHELOR & SCHRODER. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, .WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1010. Buy Th? Help Win TOR SALE E MULES One Car of Fine Younj "Young Mules; 80 head our barn. Come in and C. W. & J. E. WALHA] IT PAY8 TO B Absolutely I Cash in Advance i for Subscriptions* ?fi ?fi ?fi We cannot extend credit on subscriptions? Please bear this in mind. The U. S. Government, for reasons of its own and for the best interest of all-forbids it. ?fi ?fi ?fi On. January J st, 1919, all subscriptions not paid in advance will be dis continued by us in con formity, with the Govern ment's new ruling. Watch your label. If it reads like this X DEC. 18 you will know that your paper, will stop coming to you on January I, \9\9f unless you renew. ?fi ?fi ?fi We hope that not one of our subscribers will permit his name to be drop ped from our list. Our "family" now consists of upwards of 2,500 members -but we want every one of them to stay in "the home circle/' ?fi ?fi ?fi It's up to the sub scriber. You can stay in the circle by paying in advance. We can't keep you in "our family" by ex tending credit. Uncle Sam says so, and what your Uncle Sam says goes. ?fi ?fi ?fi Make Checks or Money Orders Payable to The Keo wee Courier. "Do It Now." 1 year . . . $J.OO 6 mos .... .55 3 mos.30 j ' Absolutely * Cash in Advance for Subscriptions* Buy Bonds! Buy Liberty Bonds! And then buy some more Bonds! Bonds build ships. Buy Liberty Bonds. Buy Bonds till you feel lt hurt! s?s* > ? 0TATM umang | ' &m And The War VJERYWHERB_ ?_ MARES g Mares and One Car of of Mules and Horses in sec them. BAUKNIGHT, LL.A, S. C UY FOR CASH. APPEAL, TO SUNDAY SCHOOLS j v _______ 1 Of Oconeo County to Get Into Fight i Against Illiteracy. Fellow-Workers: Read this appeal to your Sunday school. Find out how many illiterates in your reach-d and who they ai*e. Organize a toach ing-to-read class In your Sunday school. Call for volunteers to go to the homes of these people, or Invite them to the homes of the teachers, and help them open their eyes. You can find the volunteers. Remember our key word: " Tho j Kingdom"; our motto, "Thy King- ! dom Come." Remember the four things stressed at Buffalo: 1st, pa triotism; 2d, education; 3d, Chris tian unity; 4th, Christian progress. Frateranlly, Wm. S. Morrison, Pros. O. C. S. S. A. Clemson College, Sept., 1018. The Appeal. The world's arch enemies to-day aro militarism, lack of self-control, and ignorance. The flrBt two thrive chiefly by the support of the last. Il literacy is the heaviest burden the people of South Carolina have to carry. Every man and woman in the State ls concerned, and every one can do something to help in this cam paign against illiteracy. Are you a county superintendent of education? If so, you can organ ize a literary survey in your county, help the commission organize your county for work and assist the com mission in raising funds. Above all, get busy establishing adult schools in your county for work and assist the commission in raising funds. Above all, got busy establishing adfllt schools n your county. A>e yc. m.- (Ebenozor, Koowto and Wost Union. Blue Ridge School House-Sun day, Oct. 13, at 8 ii. m.-(Blue Ridge and West Union.) Double Springs Churchy-Sunday, Oct. 13, at ll a. m.- (Chattooga, Village Crook, Bethlehem, Belmont, Mill Creek.) Long Creek Aciden y - Sunday, Oct. 13, nt 4 p. ra,-(Long Creek, Mountain Grove, Poplar Springs, Rich Mountain, Brasstown.) Holly Sprnlgs School House-Sun day, Oct. 13, at 8 p. ni.-(Holly Springs and Chauga.) Rocky Knoll Baptist Church-Sat urday, Oct. 1, 2?t 8 p. m.-(Neville and Zion.) Speakers will he provided for all these meetings. The time being so short, school districts have been grouped for the sake of convenience, and everybody IB urged to attend. All meetings except one have been fixed for Sunday next. Being for the sale of -Liberty Bonds, automobiles can be used by government permis sion. THESE MEETINGS ARE ALSO EXCEPTED FROM THE ORDERS OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH PROHIBITING PUBLIC GATHERINGS. Local committees named in circu lar of September 20 aro urged to co-operate and Invite attendance of residents of respective districts. These meetings have boen arranged to assist these local committees in their work of canvassing their re spective districts. All members of committees are urged especially to attend. W. M. Brown, County Chairman. Ruth Berry, County Chairman. C. W. Pitchford', District Chairman. Mrs. Arthur Brown, District Chairman. October 7th, 1918. * * ?. # **** * * * * * * * * NO JURY CASK?. ? * _ . * At a meeting of the Walhalla * * Bar Association, held last Mon- * * driy afternoon, it was resolved t * to try no jury cases at the ap- * * preaching Cctober term of the * * Court of Common Pleas. This ? * decision was reached by the * * Association by reason of the fact ? * that the time of tho lawyers has * * been given up so much to war * * work and that the farmers aro * * busy with tho essential work of * * gathering in their crops. Jurors * * will not be summoned for the * * term beginning Monday,October ? * 21st. .ludgo Prince will opon * * Court on that day and sign or- * * dors and boar such equity mat- * * tors as may be ready for trial. * 4* * * * * * * * * * * * + * THE ?TATE I? AIDING Editor Keowee Courier: i The State Board of Health ls sup plying medical relief to thoso com munities in tho Stnto which are In moat need of this aid on account of the present epidemic of influenza. You are requested to publish the following notice in your paper. Respectfully, James A. Hayne, Secy. State Board of Health. Notice to Local Health Hoard. You are requested to telegraph the State Board of Health, Columbia, collect, the following information: 1. Number of old and new cases of influenza. 2. Number of new cases occurring each day. 3. Number of physicians In active ?practico. 4. Number of nurses available. 6. What aid, if any, is needed from the State Board of Health? ? * * + + * *** * * 4 OlipSlNQ EVERYTHING AS A * PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE * Sheriff Jas. M. MOBS Monday * afternoon received tho following ? tologram rotative to taking pre- * cautionary measures against the " spread of Influenza and other * Infectious diseases: . * Columbia, S. C., Oct. 7. 1918. . To the County Shorlff, Walhalla, * S. C.: - Under authority of Paragraph ? 16, Fourteenth soTtth Carpllua * Code, you are directed to close * all schools and all other lnstltu- * tiona of learning; churches, pic- * ture shows, and all other places * bf public gathering In your * county. See that thoro ls no f crowding lu stroot cars and pub- * He conveyances. * James A. Hayno, * State Health Offlcer. * Mrs. T. S. Strtbling Dead. Seneca, Oct. 7.-Special: Mrs. Maude Vornor Stripling foll asleep In Jesus on Monday, September 30, nt 8.30 o'clock, after an illness of about llvo months. The deceased was a daughter of Robert S. and Mary Johns Veruer, and was only 36 years Of age at the time of her death. Nineteon yoar's ago, in tho first bloom of young wo manhood, she was hap: Hy married to T. S. Strlbllng, who, with four children, survives her. Mrs. Strlhling's life was a beauti tlful lesson to her fr'ends In cheer fulness, patience and Christian vir tue. She was so full of laughter and happiness that she scattered sunshine wherever she went. Even up to her last moments she had a smile and a cheery greeting for those about her, but never1 a murmur for the intense suffering that lt was hers to bear. She was descendod from a long line of Revolutionary ancestors and was a charter member of Seneca Chapter D. A. R. She was a devoted and active member of the Presby terian church, and was for a number of years prosldont of the Ladies' Aid Society of that church, and was zeal ous in all good works.. Perhaps the crowning act of her Ufo was tho care and devotion of a motherless babe.. A strange coincident wnB tho death of hor stop-mother on tho same da>v the two interments taking place only a fow hours apart. To her loved ones she loaves a? rich horltage-a beautiful memory;, of n well-spent lifo. A Friend. f Cheeso Prices Regulated. Tho Food Administration has an nounced that, until further notice, retail dealers in cheese must not make a profit in excess of from six to seven cents a pound over delivered cost. The Food Administration has also announced that retail dealers In but ter must not make a profit on this commodity in excess of from five to six cents a pound. The Food Administration has pro mulgated what it considers reason able margins of profit for wholesal ers to make on butter and cheese. E. L. Herndon, Food Administrator for Oconee Co. MA Deaths at Jackson. The Columbia .State of Sunday last announced that there had been 24 deaths at Camp Jackson during Saturday, the cause being Spanish influenza. Five South Carolina boys wero among the victims of this dis ease. Their names are as follows: Rennet Cook, Helena; Wm. Davis, Warrenvillo; Richard J. Micki, Gaff ney; -. - .Huggins, Aynor; Alhort Thompson, Anderson. DEATHS IN HOPEWELL CI/AS1I. Soldiers Called Out Following Riot Between Foreigners and Negroes. Petersburg,' Va., Oct. 4.-On re ports of a riot between negrov>s and foreigners at tho I. E. du Pont de Ne mours plant at llopowoll, Va., a pla toon of soldiers was rushed thore from Camp Lee late to-day. First reports said two persons had boen killed. Soldiers from Camp Lee and a local military company were patrol ing tho Hopewell streets to-night, but firing ir. the negro section was still in progress. More than a thousand shots had been fired, lt was esti mated. The riot was started by a Spaniard named Gomez, steward in a restau rant, who slapped a negro cook, Her husband resented it and a general fight ensued. Oconee Election Commissioners, Governor Manning last Friday ap pointed the following gentlemen to serve as election commissioners for Oconee county:' Commissioners of Federal Elec tions-P. A. Brown, Weat Union; I* C. Spencer, of Seneca, and Oscar Land, of Westminster. Commissioners State and County Elections-W. H. Talley, ot Salem; John Spencer, of Madison, and