m nu Nen- Variety Called Calotabs is Per. fectly Safo and Delightful. With all of tho liver-cleansing and system-purifying qualities of the old style calomel, hut robbed of its sick ening, griping and dangerous effects, Calotabs ls destined to become the most popular of all home remedies, as it has already become the favorite of all physicians. The new style calomel, called Calo tabs, is perfectly delightful in effect. Ono tnblet at bed-time, with a swal low of water-that's all. No nausea, no griping. Next morning you awake feeling fine, your liver active, your j system purified and with a hearty I appetite for breakfast. Eeat what j you please, there is no restriction of habit or diet. Genuine Calotabs arc never sold in ! bulk. Ask for the original, sealed package, price thirty-five cents. Your j Iruggist recommends and guaran- ! tees Calotabs.-Adv. j MASTERING SHELL SHOCK. | American Institution Near thc Hattie Fields of France. An Associated Press correspondent at "A Chateau in Lorraine" says: Tho dread of so-called shell shock, i that has grown out of inconsiderate 1 talk about it, is being taken out of it I here in a special ?American hospital within sound of the big guns. A ! charming old chateau that grew* out of a sixteenth century farm lias been filled with twentieth century com forts for officers; enlisted patients are-quite as well housed in near-by wards, where they enjoy tho same luxuries. A signpost identifies the place as "Base Hospital No. 117." Mobilized at Allentown, Pa., and brought to Franco by its present commanding of ficer, Col. Clarence R. Bell, it is the first and only American hospital dealing with shell shock. What appears to be going on here mostly is farming, amateur mechan ics and outdoor sports. There are between 3 0 and 40 acres of land un der cultivation, piles of stone being broken for road mending, heaps of old tin cans and old packing boxes being made into all sorts of knick knacks, and soldiers playing base bail and croquet, and officers tramping around the roads and through the handsome ,<~"*e?tn. Tolere ls li? thing visible fchut. su g. :?'vu! tin* } ri ti i mary ur >i>o i.iinP'. ..oleo ?"ron: the ?S^?) pf ho toed leal t?(if uuO tljq cv ?meneo, I?..?-1 arid ?.".. Hence of tho nurses and attendants, topis, hace ball bats and croquet mal lets appear to "be tho only curative agents around the place. How effi cacious they are is shown by the fig ures. ' The hospital has sent back to the,army, cured, G out of 18 officers, 43 out of 240 privates troted there since it opened June 10. Of those that remain few have not reached the convalescent stage. Capt. Sidney T. Schwab, who came to France with Unit 21 from St. Louis in May last year, is the medi cal director. His staff consists of six neurologists from various universi ties and special hospitals In the Uni ted States, such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins, tho New York Neurological Institute, Bellevue and Washington University. Miss Adele Postum, of Bloomingdale, is the chief nurse, hav ing undor hor direction 30* specially trained nurses, chosen from all parts of tho United States after a year's study of tho qualifications of numer ous candidates. Six young women specially trained for tho purpose of supervising tho work in the shops and the recreation of the patients completo a staff which is not only clearing up con Hooray!! Baby To Rule the House Ko Lnnjjer De Women Fear The Groat? est of All Human Blotting** Tlionsonds of women no longer resltrn them selves to tho thought that sickness and dis tress nre natural. They know botte,, for In Wolher'a Friend they linvo found a won derful penetrating remedy to relieve many dreaded experiences. Nervousness, ben ring-down and stretching pains aro among tho disheartening and dis tressing experiences women everywhere cay they entirely escape during tho period o? .expectancy by tho uso of Mother's Friend. Here ls n remedy that softens the myriad' of broad, flat abdominal muscles Just be neath tho skin, enables them to expand wilt* : out tho usual otraln upon tho ligaments and i n?rvea and assists nalino to mako lt pos sible for women to go through maternity without many of tho dreaded symptom? so familiar to A lost of women. Hy regular use throughout tho period tho musel?s expand easily when baby ls born, and pain and danger at tho crisis In con sequently leta. Mother's Friend ls for external uso only, is absolutely and entirely safo omi hos been used by thousands of women awaiting the greatest timo in a woman's life for over half a century. Write tho bradfield Regulator Co., Lamar ltldg., Atlanta, tia., for their "Moth crhood Pook," so vahiablo to expectant moth "".and In tho meantlmo obtain a bottle of Mottler's Friend from tho nearest drug store, ?f?n Its uso strictly ncrordinjr to directions with every bottle, nnd thus fortify yourself! ogain?t pain and discomfort, Subscriptio We i . Effective October 1st, J of The State will be as folk Daily and Sunday, p Daily only, per year Sunday only, per ya Semi-Weekly, per y< Short term subscription invariably in advance. Until October 1 st renc\ year in advance will be acce per year. Subscribe to The Sta newspaper, covering local come to your home as a dai Address The State ' Columbi fused minds and settling shattered nerves, but is rendering an immense service to mothers at homo by prov ing that boys suffering from concus sion eau be cured and sent back to their regiments instead of being sent home as dorelicts. j DON'T SCOLD, MOTHER I THE CKOSS CHILD IS BILIOUS, FEVERISH Look ut Tongue! If Coated, ( levin Lit t lo Stomach, Liver, Bowels. Don't scold your fretful, peevish j child. See if tongue is coated; this i is a sure sign its little stomach, liver ! ; .d bowels aro clogged with sour ' ? waste. j When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, does , not eat, sleep or act naturally, has ; stomachache, indigestion, diarrhoea, give a teaspoonful of "California . Syrup of Figs," and In few hours all tho foul waste, the sour bile and fer menting food passes out of the bow els and you have a well and playful child again. Children love this harmless "fruit laxative," and moth ers can rest easy after giving lt, be cause it never fails to make their little "insides" clean and sweet. i Keep U handy .mother! A MWo given to-day Bavos a nek child to nio. r>v, hui get the gnu nine. \.?k your di.n/$$ist: for anbettle of "Calli form . Syrup' du Figs,*4 which ima ?Ji r..n:tlors for :bnbtc,B, v.bi?dr:(n vt aU. ages and Tor grown-ups plainly on tho bottle. Remember there are , counterfeits sold here, so surely look and seo that yours is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Hand back with contempt any other fig syrup.-?Adv. Local D. A. II. Meeting. I The September meeting of the Walhalla Chapter, D.A.R., was held ; last Saturday, the 7th, with Mrs. .las. H Darby, regent. Mrs. W. L. Vor I nor presidbd. Tho program was de voted to war work. Mrs. W. L. Ver ; uer read an interesting paper, which j was io'lowed by a reading by Miss Anna Stribling and a piano solo by Mrs. Harry Hughs. After tho program th? hostess gave tho guests a charming little contest, tho answers being the names of magazines. Mrs. Dean, of Atlan ta, was tho fortunato winner of the pretty little prize, while tho consola tion went to Mrs. Hughs. During the social hour Mrs. Darby, assisted hy her sister, Miss Strother, served a dainty course of refreshments. The favors were mlnature "Uncle Sams." The delegates from this chapter to tho State Convention, which will meet in Cheraw, are Mrs. Hayne O. Jones and Miss Eloise Strother. The next meeting of the chapter will be with Mrs. W.. L. Vernor ftnd Mrs. L. .M. Brown, at the home of the latter. -Mrs. Harry Hughs, Cor. Sec. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beats the Signature of On thc Right Truck. (Creenville News.) Soon after Judge Rico called tho August term of criminal court to order yesterday morning he stated that no lawyers will be called at tho door, adding that ii they have cases lo come to trial nt this term, their place is in tho court room, where they can take caro of their business when lt conies up for disposal. Ho added also that lawyers should have /their witnesses present. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS CONSTANTLY n Rates of kate. 918, thc subscription rates iws: ?cr year . $9.00 .... 7.00 ;ar . . . 2.00 rar ? . . 1.50 is at same rate. Payable vals for not more than one pted at thc old rate, $8.00 te now, and have a real State and general news, ly visitor. Company, i, s. c. HEPORT CASUALTIES BY if AND. Only tile Names of Dead und Missing Will He Cabled. Washington, Sept. 7-Under a new policy of reporting casualties in the America? expeditionary forces ador ed by tho War Department, the names of the men wounded will be sent to the United States by courier twice a week, and only the name* of the dead and missing will be cabled by Gen. Pershing, when the system ls in full effect. In making this announcement, Gen. March, chief of staff, said Gen. Per shing had not heretofore sent in the names of men slightly wounded be cause generally the men had return ed to duty before the names reached the-United Stales. In reply to an in quiry from the department, Gen. Per shing had reported, Gen. March said, that there were 20,000 such casual ties up to August 20. Under the new plan the names of all the wounded will be sent to the United States by courier, together with their hospital records, so that a statement of tho diagnosis can be furnished to relatives of the men. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic destroys the malarial germs which are transmitted | tc tho blood hy ?he Mali -V Mo* ?> ito. Pr! ? 60. Cotioross i ocal Notes, Conoro'ss, Sept. f>.~ Special: r. u. Alexander ?nd Murr Ai Davis, o? Greenville, were visitors in our com munity recently. Miss Selena DuBose, of Greenville, spent a few days with their cousin, Mrs. Clara DuBose, recently. The Misses Stewart, of Pickcns, spent a fe wdays with their cousin, Miss Ada Duckworth, week before last. Miss Courtenay Smith, of Toxaway, spout some timo recently with her friends, Misses Myrtle Dilworth and Lena Abbott. Dick DuBose, of the U. S. S. Cy press, is among the visitors in this community, having spent the past 10 days at the home of his mother, Mrs. Clara DuBose. .Miss Katie Abbott left on Septem ber 3d for Long Creek, where she has resumed her position as matron at tho Long Creek Academy. Blake Gambrell and 'Henry Butler, two of our Conuross boys, loft Sun* day and Tuesday, respectively, to an swer tho call to tho service of their country. Gambrell has gone to Camp Gordon to enter an officers' training corps and Butler to Camp Jackson. We wish for these boys everything that is good. Miss Mary Lee Walker, who ls teaching at Picket Post, spent the week-end with homefolks. .Miss Codie Alexander is spending a part of this week with her sister, Mrs. G. C. Hubbard, of near P*ich land. For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Luxative pleasant to take. Mario and recommended to thc public by Paris Medi cine Co., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Tho emerald improves in color by exposure to light. Pearls kept in darkness lose their lustre, but regain it on exposure to tho sun. WOMEN TORTURED J Stiffer Terribly With Corns Because of High Heels, But Why Caro Now? Women wear high heols which bucklo up their toes and they suffer terribly from corns. Women thon proceed to trim those posts, seeking relief, but they hardly realizo the terrible danger from Infection, says a Cincinnati authority. Corns cnn easily bo lifted out with tho fingers If you will got from any drug store a quarter of an ounce of a drug called freezono. This ls suffi cient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from ono's feet. You simply apply a few drops directly upon tho louder, aching corn or cal lus. Tho soronoss is relieved at onco and soon the entire corn or callus, root and all, lifts out without ono particle of pain. This freezono is a sticky substanco which drios lu a moment. It Just , shrlvols up tho corn without Inflam- ' lng or even Irritating tho surround- ! lng tissue or skin. Tell your wife about this.-Adv. j OCONKK SCHOOL TRUSTEES. NUUK'S or tho Mon Who .Manage Ute Educational A Pairs of Districts. Dist. No. 1. Townvllle-L. D. Hunt, J. R. Pant, C. C. Kay, Town vllle, S. C. Dist. No. 2. Tokc'ona-?W.D. Giles, J. H. Graham, J. A. McPhall, Town villo. S. C. Dist. No. 3. Providence-IB, S. Herring. C. A. Whitfield, Seneca. S. C.; J. W. Reeves, Townvllle, S. C. Dist. No. 4. Return-W. ll. Wil liams, J. W. Graham, Walker A. San ders. Seneca, S. C.. Rt. 4. Dist. No. T>. Oakw?y-M. S Car roll, L. A. Martin. W. C. M vers, Westminster, S. C., Rt. 2. Dist. No. G. Fair Play-D. V. Wright, C. P. Glenn, Pair Play, S. C. Dist. No. 7. South Union:-ottie Burrlaa, J. E. Farr, M. W. Gibson, Westminster, S. C., Rt. 2. Dist. No. 8. Retreat-H L. Vei ner, S. P. Bruce, R. H. Land, West minster. S. C., Rt. 1. Dist. No. 0. Block-L. F. Hardoi!, H. C. Morehead, L. F. Harbert, West minster, S. C., Rt. 1. Dist. No. 10. Tabor-W. B. Knox, A. A. Morehead, J. Wrinn, Westmin ster, S. C., Rt. 1. Dist. No. ll. Hopewell-.1. T. Jen kins, J. F. Singleton, T. E. Land, Westminster, fi. C., Rt. 5. Dist. No. 12. Cleveland- J. F. Stewart. Westminster, S. C., Rt. 5; Janies Spencer, T. R. Cannon, Madi son. S C., Rt. 1. Dist. No. 13. Tugaloo- T. E. Smith, T. D. Powell, W. A. Carver, Madison, S C., Rt. 1. Dist. No. 1?. Unity-Daniel Car ter, P. M. Long, J. W. Smith, Madi son, S. C., Rt. 1. Dist. No. ir>. Toxaway-Carl G. Smith, Wm .A. Cnrson, Andy Davis. Westminster, S. C., Rt. 5. Dist No. IC. Holly Springs-Ro land Cobb, B. M. Lee, K. L. Burton, Westminster, S. C., Star Route Dist. No. 17. Westminster-T. Peden Anderson, J. G. Brea/.eale, W. L. England, Westminster, S. C. Dist. No. 18. Clearmont- R. M. Wilson, W. C. Driver, J. W. McClain, Westminster, S. C., Rt. 4. DiPt. No. 19. Richland-J. Paul Strlbllng, E. N. Foster, R. M. Davis, Richland, S. C. Dist. No. 20. Bounty Land-Jas. R. Wright, L. M. Smith, E. L. Stone, Seneca, S. C., Rt. 1. Dist. No. 21. Blue Ridge-M. Ab bott, J. W. Walker, Walhalla, S. C., Rt. 1; J. C. Barker, Westminster, S. C., Rt. 4. Dist. No. 2 2. Oak Grove-.Wm. R. Cobb, Walhalla, S. C., Rt. lj Jim Dunlap, F. T. Petty, Westminster, S. C.. Rt. 4. Di?t. No. 23. Chauga-J. B. Cox, W. J. Hare, E. K. Cobb, Westmin ster, S. C., Rt. B. Di?t. No. 24. Zion->W. D. Ladey, J. Il Lee, Wesley A. White, Wal halla, S. C., Ri. 1. I D?t. No. 25. Neville-E. O. Hutchison, Joseph Korr, Walhalla, S. c.. m 1. Dist Nu. SIC. Wa)h:7. Rich Mountain-W. P, Davidson, IQ. L. Collins, J. E. Col lins, Walhalla, S. C. Dist. No. r>8. Poplar Springs-M. J. Mooro, Andrew Ramey, Virgil Wilhnnks, Mountain Rest, S. C., Rt.l Dist. No. 59. Long Crook-W. N! Moore, (.}. W. Smith, J. J. Mooro, Long Crook, S. C. Dist. No. 60. Brasstown-T. B. Lee, H. P. Ixmg, J. N. Breodlovo, Long Creek, S. C. Dist. No. 61. Damascus-Clifton Carter, J. N. Watkins, J. T. R'holet tor, Battle Creek, S. C. Dist. No. 62. Pulaski-W. D. Lee, J. J. Rudesoal, P. J. Carter, Madison, S. C., Rt. 1. ? Dist. No. 63. Seneca-J. AV. :.. Coopee . ; ut ion--.-J. i it. N. Cell,ns. j. H. Oren, maw, M-v ! Uoore, 1 am ?fl?eo; S. C., Rt. I. Dht. Nb. 0K, County Supt. of Education. Walhalla, S. C., Sept., 1918. . CHICHESTER S P8LLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIES t AtV you MAMON GOLD nietaltl Ribbon. OrtiKftUt _ DIAMOND lilt A NI? Pl I, I.S. for twenty-five years regarded ns Beot,8ftfeet, Alway? Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMK 1RIKU EVERYWHERE ggSgS Rniiifnll and Temperature. Below Is a rocord of meteorological observations taken by H. W. Brandt, co-oporativo observer of the Weathor Bureau of tho U. S. Department of Agriculture during tho weok ending Soptember 8th, 1918, at 7 p. m. (Tho instrumental readings aro from gov ernment standard Instruments ex posed in the manner recommended by the chiof ot tho Weather Bureau) : Character of Day. Dato Sopt 2-.Ptly cldy. Sept 3-Cloudy . Sopt 4-Ptly cldy Sept 5-Cloudy . Sopt 6--Cloudy .. Sept 7-Cloudy . . Sept 8-Cloudy .. Total for week. . . .33 .88 .14 l~39)f Tempera ture. CD 87 83 87 84 73 70 67 66 64 65 68 66 59 59 for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been irs, has borne tho signature of has been made under his per? 1 supervision since its infancy? ff no one to deceive you in this. and ** Just-as-good " are but i and endanger the health of arience against Experiment. ?ASTORIA itute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, It is pleasant. It contains r other narcotic substance. Its more than thirty years it has ?lief of Constipation, Flatulency. allaying Feverishness arising I the Stomach and Bowels, aids 'lng healthy and natural sleep. ) Mother's Friend. "ORIA ALWAYS ver 30 Years ire Always Bought NOTICE OF- FINAL SETTLEMENT!' AND 1)1 SCH A KM 10. Notice ls hereby given that the un dersigned will mnko application to V. F, Martin, Judgo of Probate, tor Oconee County, in the State of South Carolina, at his omeo et Walhalla Court House, on Thursday, th* 10th day of October, 1918, at ll o'clock in tho forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can1 be heard, for leave to mako final settle ment of the estates of Harry K. '.Si I gk and Yancey Sllgh, minorB, and obtain final dischargo as Guardian? of Said estates. 10. B. RAMSAY, THOS. S. -RAMSAY, q"orfB<>ns of thA Enlates of Harry K. and Yancey gilghi finora, tfopi jj t, tfrv4, 1 ' NO < (:/.).: TO MEBTORS A N I* OnWOITOBS, \ __ < AU persons indebted to the Estate of ALLEN PUGH, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to tho undersigned, and all per sons having claims against said es tate will present the same, duly at tested, within the time prescribed by law or be barred. R. T. SUELTO! , Executor of tho Estato of A HOD Pugh, deceased. Aug. 28, 1918. 36-38 .I? il* "Ia -I* -I* ?I? "I* 'U A PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 41 ?|? ?J? ?.J. .J. ?J? ?J? oj. A t|t ?J. A tf\ A C. L, DEAN, A ?J. Surveyor and Civil Engineer, A A R.'F. D. No. 8, .j? CENTRAL, S. C. ?f. BUY AVAR SAVINGS STAMPS .j? ?j. ?j. ?j? ?j? oj. ?j. ?j? ?j? *j? .j? ?j* DR. W. R. CRAIG, ty Dental Surgeo ?. WALHALLA, S. CAROLINA. Office Over C. W. Pitchford'? Store. . < sj MARCUS C. LONG, $ .J? Attornoy-nt-I^w, ift .J-. Phone No. 00, *{. Walhalla, South Carolina. f - <* .J. Office Over Oconee New?1. ?f,<| *-4< .J- J.R. EARLE, A AUorney.nt-Law, m$ .J? WA Ul ALLA, S. C. ty ?J? I?ractice In State and Federal iff ?2* Courts. ny, * FARM LOAN?. tfi A RUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS A ?I?- ^ .J. E. L. II ERN DON, ty ?J. Attorney-ot-Law, *fct .J? Walhalla, South Carolina. Sj\ 4? PHONE NO. 61. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS * - A R. T. J A YNES, .J* Attorney-at-Law, $ 4* Walhalla, South Carolina, ft] ?J? Bell Phone No. 20. ?fl A - ? ?J. Practice In State and Federal ?fl A Courts. ?fl * .j. J. P. Carey, J. W. Shclor, .tf A Pleiteas, S C. W. 0. Hugbs. fl 4? GARBY, SHELOR A HUGHS, ?ft A Attorneys and Co unod lora, ff\ A Walhalla, South Carolina. A Practice in State and Federal ?*V .ft Courts. 41 ?j. 4?4?4?4*4?^^4?^**f**l?4**? Piles Cured In 6 to M Days Ptot?bU refund money If PAZO OINTMK? Wh to ?ItchlnfcBlind, BtoidUs ? '?f?i'? iDttantly reltoveirltchloa Plletj, and you can ?et MM ?leap after th? flrrt application. PricoCOc.