ONE CENT A WORD (Small advortlHemont8 under this heading Inserted at rato of one cent a word per Insertion. Four Insertions for price of | throe.) FORD ROADSTER for sale. In good condition. See mo at once. J. I>. MOSER, Walhalla, Ht. 1. li??* NOTICE.-The Probate Court will be closed on tho days appointed tor the county campaign meetings, Y. )>'. MARTIN, .fudge Of Probate. FOR SALK-Ding Store, $8,000. invoice $10,000. Want $3,500 cash; balance tour years. Owner in France. Write GRIFFITH'S PHAR MACY. Marietta, Ga. lilt* WANTED-5 00 bushels blackber ries; will pay 20 cents per gallon. See us and make arrangements in advance J. II. HARNETT & SON, Westminster, S. C. 24 WANTED-100,000 young chick en?, from ono pound up; also hens and eggs, hoof hides; highest cash [.rice. R. D. OELKERS, West End, Walhalla, S. C. 2C-t? HOUSES FOR SALE.-Three houses on Mauldln street, Faculty Hill, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Rosa Fahnestock. No reasonable of fer refused. Writo WM. J. OWENS, Walhalla, S. C. _30_!_ WANTED-Man In deferred mili tary class, or exempt by physical dis ability, to learn manufacturing wholesale optical business. A big opportunity to loam a business with good future. G DO HE OPTICAL & MFG. CO., Greenville, S. C. 29-30 FOR SALE-Ooh mig Property, situated In tho best business center of the Town of Walhalla; half-acre lot with buildings. For Information address C. F. HOEFER, Administra tor, No. 1000 Main St., Columbia, S. C. 29-lf WANTED-1,000 bushels peaches; 7iic. to 00c. per bushel, according to quality. Drulsod fruit lowors grado and price-pick carefully. Seo us at once. Also want 5 00 bushels apples. J. "H. HARNETT & SON, Westmin ster, S. C. _31* LAND FOR SALE.-127 acres known as the estate of Mason Dun can, deceased, on Oconeo Creek; ono five-room house; good mill shoal; plenty of wood and water; several acres of bottom land. At least $2, 500 worth of saw timber. In tho boundaries of tho agricultural school. Also, one small tract near Westminster, S. C.-51 V4 acres. moro or less.of fine farm land; 5 room house, pionty of wood and wa ter. For particulars apply to J. M. DUNCAN, Westminster. 20-3 2 1. O. O. F. MEETING. Oconeo I.J?.J..J..J..J?.??.J..?. ?I? ?1**1* *l* * I* ?I? j I LOCAL AND PERSONAL. X -Got your name on your club roll. Put lt there to-day! -Louis Theillug, of Charleston, ls spending some time in and around Walhalla visiting relatives. Mrs. lt. L. Hogers and daugh ter. Miss Carolyn, are spending tJils week among relatives at Fountain j Inn. -Sorgt. .1. Marion Moss, of Camp Sovler, was a visitor to his father, .las. M. Moss, and faintly, the past week-end. Ile is looking well, and it is probable that he will leave shortly for overseas service. For Sale --Good family or farm horse; will work anywhere Apply to Mrs. ll. F. Sloan.-Adv. Mrs. T. Hudson, of Dascomville, Oil ester county, hus been spending several days in Walhalla visiting her som Will O. Hudson. It ls probable (hat Mr. and Mrs. T. Hudson will move to Oconee at an early date. -Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Zachary, of the Cross Roads section, desire us to express through our columns ?their thanks and appreciation of many kindnesses shown them by friends and neighbors, occasioned hy the 1 - cent loss by Uro. -Friends of John F. Schumacher, formerly of Walhalla, will be pleased to learn that he bas arrived safely overseas. Mr. Schumacher was in training nt Camp Cody, N. M., for about a your. Ho was drafted to that camp from Minnesota. -Wo notice by tho daily papers that tho 30th Division, U.S.A., has boon moved up to tho fighting lines In France. Tho First S. C. Regiment is a unit of this division. In Company A of this regiment are a number of Oconeo boys. We wish them well In active service. -For Sale-Grant 3-parsonger, 6 cyllnder runabout; will trade for touring car. Apply to Dr. J. W. Dell, Walhalla.-Adv. -Miss Julia Tlmmerman, who has been visiting at thc home of hor uncle, Rev. W. U. Aull, has returned to ber home in Newberry county. She was accompanied on her return home by little Misses Sara and Elloen Aull, who will spend some time vis iting among relatives in Newberry county. -Wc have received notice to dis continue Loyd's Brown paper going to Camp Wadsworth, lt ls presumed that ho has left for another iroint. Wo have also received notice to dis continue Burnham Addis's paper, re cently sent to Rhode Island. Ile, too. it ls understood, has been moved to other parts. -Chas. S. Reid, of Woodbury, Ga., arrived In West Union last week to be with his family, who are visit ing at the summer home of Mrs. R.C. Strother. Mr. Reid was accompanied by hts sister. Miss Roxie, who will he hore among relatives and friends for some time. Mr. Reid's family have been at the Strother home for some time. --Mrs. J. A. Steck returned last Sunday afternoon from Atlanta, where she had been for a month un der Ibo care ol' Dr. Geo. C. Mize.ll. Uer many friends will be glad to learn that the operation she under wont terminated successfully and that she is recovering from it satis factorily. Mrs. Sleek is able to be up in the homo for short periods dur ing each day. -Ono Oakland auto for sale; good as new; all Goodyear tires, brand new, all-weather tread. Price right. See J. Dort Gillespie, Walhalla.-Ad. - Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Frotwoll, of Anderson, have announced the mar riage, on Tuesday, July Otb, of their daughter, Miss Caroline and George Paul Browne, of Anderson. The bride has numerous friends hore who will join with The Courier in extend ing all good wishes and to the groom hearty congratulations. An account of the marriage, taken from the An derson Dally Mail, will be found elsewhere in this Issue. -Rev. John W. Link, of Strasburg, Va., camp pastor at Camp Sevler, will deliver an address In tho Lutheran church next Sunday night at 9 o'clock. The sorvico will bo under tho direction of tho Woman's Mis sionary Society and thc offering will bo devoted to missionary work. There will be some good music ren dered by a number of the bos*, sing ers In town. This is tho regular un ion service and is for all the pjoplo of the town and community - Mr. and Mrs. J. J, McAbee and three sons. Jeff, Herbert and Well ing, and daughter. Miss Leonte, of Piedmont, were recent visitors at the home ol' their uncle. Newton Orcn |f;haw. They made the trip over in 'their Chevrolet car. Karly in May Mr. McAbee ?nade a trip to St. Au gustine, Fla., and points further south entirely by auto. Speaking of our good country roads, Mr McAbee remarked that he "would like very much to borrow our county supervi sor." . ?jFor Sal?* Lookout Mountain seed potatoes; $2.?>0 bushel. Can get same at mv residence. Jas. ll. Darby, Walhalla.- Adv. .-Wilbur I). White, who has been spending a few weeks in Walhalla with his undo, R. 'J'. Jaynes, left this morning for Branchville, where he. will he for a few days with his par ents, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. White, bo fore going lo military training at Plattsburg, N. Y. Mr. White re ceived notice yesterday that he had been chosen, along with a few other Wofford students, to take the special training at. Plattsburg, at which place he will report July 25th for a two months' training course. This course ls designed to specially flt a body of students of each of the col leges and universities for ser vice in training the student body in military tactics. It ls evident that the military feature will hereafter have a prominent place in all of the larger institutions of learning all over our country. Young Mr. White j has numerous friends who will bo in I forested in his career and his attain ! monts. I -Wagons, harness, plows, tin cans, etc. Prices right. Seo nie. J. Wade Dickson, Westminster..-Ad29. -Miss Lillian Moldau, ol Charles ton, arrived in Walhalla last week and will spend the summer here with her lather, Geo. F. Moldau. - Mr. and Mrs. John F. Craig and family loft tho first of this wock for lloiidorsonvillo, N. C.. where Mrs. Craig and children will romain for some Mme. Mr. Craig will return lo Walhalla after a brief rest. -Dr. Wallace, of Diekens county, is spending a few days willi Dr. and Mrs. W. It. Craig. The latter have moved from Main street to one of the collages recently built by Dr. J. W. Boll, on Catherine street. North. - Miss. Natalie Norman, of Sum ter, is spending some timo here with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Nor man, she was accompanied to Wal halla by her friepd, Miss Walsh, of Sumter, who is visiting at the Nor man home. -Several new candidates are an nounced this week-W. 1*. Mason and M. It. McDonald, Esq., for the House, the former for re-election; Capt. V. F. Martin, for re-election to the of fice of Probate Judge; W. M. Drown, Walhalla, for County Supervisor. -Two 1017 and one 1914 flve-pas songer Ford cars for sale at a bar gain; also ono Harloy-Davldson mo torcycle. J. S. Carter & Co., West minster, S. C.-Adv. --George Seaborn, of the Enter prise Hank, spent last week at Ka rniga Lake, N. C., attending a meet ing of South Carolina bankers. Mr. Seaborn* states that although he was absent only ono week, he managed ! to squeeze a month's vacation into Hie seven days. -We have been Informed that several auto tire thefts have taken place in this section of late. W. John Schroder is the latest loser. His car was moved from bis home in West Union to a patch ot* woods, about 10 0 yards distant, where the tires were removed and the car loft. Other complaints of a similar nature are also spoken of. -A nice shower came yesterday (Tuesday) evening to relievo the long, hot spell that has practically put gardens out of commission. In dications aro for a continuation of showers for some days, and they will be most acceptable. Thero is still ample time to get tn a number of different vegetable seeds for the late garden. Late gardens are quite as profitable as early gardens, espe cially so under conditions such as have prevailed during tho present su miner. -Tugaloo Tribuno, 16th: "Mrs. Martha Whitten, wife of Edwin Whitten, died at their home in Pen dleton on Monday, July 8th. Mrs. Whitten was 71 years old. She leaves her husband and six children, one of the sons being Dr. B. O. Whit ten, of Columbia, who is well and fa vorably Known here. Her body was buried u't Pendleton last Tuesday. Mrs. Whitten was a member of the Methodist church. Before marriage she was a Miss Douthlt, being a sis ter of B. Krank Douthit, a former sheriff of Oconoe." ---For Sale-Mountain grown (fall crop) Lookout Mountain potatoes. E. L. Herndon, Walhalla, S. C.-Adv. -News reached Walhalla Tuesday lof Hie death of Kev. Wilkins, which occurred at the home of Ollie Bur ' ris. in the South Union section, Mon day night. About three weeks ago Kev. Wilkins suffered au attack of ( holern morbus, from which he never recovered. Ile was about ii0 years of age and came here from Green ville. For several months Rev. Mr. Wilkins had been supplying the Bap tist churches of which Rev. C. D. lloyd was pastor. Mr. Royd hoing forced to give up the work tempo rarily on account of bad health. -Two Oconee young men who have recently returned from the Plattsburg (N. Y.) Training Bar racks aro Wm. L. Austin, a son of Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Austin, of Sen eca, and W. L. England. Jr., a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. England, of Westminster. These young men are splendid fellows, and completed thc course of instruction prescribed foi young men of tho upper classes ol various military colleges. They wen! to Plattsburg as representatives ol Clemson College. Young Austin was one of 200 men out of 2,880 whe were recommended for special and additional training for commissions -Friends of Thos. J. Davis, for merly of West Union, will be pleased to learn that he has been promoted from second to first lieutenant In tlx army service. Young Davis has beer in tlio service only 2f> months. H< recently completed a special course nt Camp Perry, Ohio. At present ht is with his old command, Compan> M. I22d Infantry, Camp Wheeler Ga. lt is reported that Lieut. Davis will bo assigned as assistant intelli I gonce officer for his regiment, (on tlx colonel's .staff). This will be quit? an honor for Lieut. Davis. We wisl for bim continued advancement am success in the service of Uncle Stun -1 can save you .money on mow ing machines and hay rakes. J Wade Dickson, Westminster.--Ad20 Hon. John L. Smith, who live! near Seneca, was a visitor to Wal li.'Ila for a short while last Saturday M Smith is looking remarkably wei and finds tho rural mail service worl peculiarly attractive in that hil health permits him to give almos uninterrupted service to his patrons He has boon serving Seneca Rout? No. 2 for almost 17 years. Refer euee to tho present 3-cent postag< rate recalled to Mr. Smith that, afte all, it had not boon so long since wi were paying three cents for tho car rying of letters by the government Mr. Smith was living In Picken county at tho time, and recalled tba ho bought tho first 2-cent postag? stamp sold by tho postmaster at Eas loy. That was in 1882. Tho occn sion of Mr. Smith's trip to Fasle; from the country was the bringing o hts brother, Van Smith, to Easley ti take train for a medical college ti begin bis course of medical lectures This brother is now living at New berry.Dr. Van smith, well knowi in his adopted county as well as ii his old home county of Dickens am ^ BU We have Buggies of all ki Buggies were bc cheap; in fact, th than the same b You can save us within the nc See us about t money. Rememl BROWN HAS IT OR BROWN GETS IT. tn Oconee. John L. Smith Is a very Interesting talker, having boen prominently connoeted with affairs public and semi-public for a number ot* years, and he has Humorous friends in Walhalla who aro always glad to meet him. - Miss Carrie Darby Harrison is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Hayne Jones, at Tamassee. -J. C. King, of Walhalla, is the only Oconeean drawn for jury ser vice at the August term of F?deral Court at Greenville. He has receiv ed his summons to bo on band at the opening of the session on the 12th. I -Married, on Sunday, July 14th, Miss Ola May Medlin, of West Un ion, and F.lsle Morgan, of Seneca. i The young couple have the best ! wishes of many friends. Notary J. i H. Ilunnicutt performed the cere mony. I -Dr. D. M. Ramsay, of the Green ville Woman's College, was in Wal- i halla for a short while yesterday '< lookiirg up the young ladles of this 1 place who have been attending his in stitution. His visit here was greatly ; appreciated by thom. -We are requested to announce 1 hat. the Picket Post school will open : next Monday, July 22d. Misses Ger ; trude Dunlap and Mary Lee Walker ' will bo In charge as toachers. The | t patrons of this school are urged to . have their children ready to start on the opening day. j -Mrs. J. T. Holleman, of Ander don, spent several days in Walhalla j last, week visiting among relatives. | Cards received in Walhalla this week announce that J. Townes Holleman | has arrived safely overseas. He will ? be engaged in Y.M.C.A. work in the Europea? war zone. -J. Russell Wright, who has been ! for some time in this section attend- j ing to business matters, left last ' week for Anderson, where he expect I ed to be for a few days before tak- ; ! ing a more extensive trip, the object and destination being left a mystery to his friends. He will he absent for j some time. --William A. Morrison, of Clemson ; College, who graduated there in HUG, 1 and who enlisted in the Marines in ! May, I :"? i T. has been promoted to a ; captaincy in that organization. \ Young Morrison is a son ol' Prof. and j Mrs. \V S. Morrison, ol' Clemson, I and there are hosts of friends who will watch with interest his career. -Ex-Governor Martin F. Ansel, of Greenville, spent a part of Satur day and Sunday In Walhalla with relatives. He carno over especially to make an address to the selectmen who were to leave for Camp Wads worth on Monday morning. The speaking took place at the audito rium Sunday afternoon at 6 o'clock. A large audience was present. -Mrs.: S. G. Pitchford, of Green ville, spent tho week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Pitchford. AR this family lacked of having a complete reunion on Sunday was the filling of two vacancies In tho homo, two sons, Chas. W. and Sam G., being "some where in Franco." Mr. and Mrs. Pitchford bear regularly every week from "tho boys," who report them selves well and In the best of spirits, but anxious to again "put their feet under 'Pap's' table." -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown re I turned yesterday from an extended j bridal trip to points in tho Wost. ?Their many friends are delighted to j welcome them back to Walhalla. ; Mr. and Mrs. Brown took their ? friends by su prise a few weeks ago j when they were married at Spar tnnburg without taking any of their 1 friends Into their confidence. Mrs. i Brown will re remembered by many here and elsewhere In the county as Miss Grace Prince. The many friends of Rev. Geo. M. Wilcox, former pastor of the Wal ' halla Presbyterian church, will bo [ interested to learn that for several mont lis he will be located at Char leston, where he will be engaged in la very important work as camp pas tor. During his absence from Ben ? lionsville Mrs. Wilcox and children 'will be among relatives In this coun ty and at Elberton, Ga. They are : now at the latter place, and will spend th? greater part of the summer In that city. -At tho funeral of Mrs. Lucy Sanders last week all of the children of the deceased were present nt tho gravo except the oldest son, Louis, who is now with tho United Statos forces in Prance. The children were with their mother at the end wbon she passed away in Atlanta, and came on to Walhalla with tho re mains. The children aro: Mrs. A. H. White, Buffalo, N. Y.; Mrs. Ed. Mnlkey, Alice, Billy. Effie, Emma. Earleno and Neal Sandors, all of East Point, Ga. During their briof stay bore they wore with relatives and friends, who sympathize deeply with them in their bereavement. They returned to their homes last Saturday. w. G G IIE S ! ' just received a carload of nds, sizes, styles and colors. These )ught last October, and were bought Ley are easily $20 to $30 cheaper uggy would be if bought to-day. this money by buying Buggies from >xt few weeks. hese Buggies while we can save you Der: "Money Saved is Money Made." M. Brown & Son, WALHALLA, S. C. BROWN HAS IT Oil BROWN (?liTS IT. iiBoeceoeoececeseceoeceoeoec? Equip Your Car! Before you start on your vacation trip, equip your car with new tires. WE SELL AJAX Plain and Road King Cas ings. Also, Ajax Red and Gray Inner Tubes. C. W. Pitchford, Walhalla, S. C. - Ike White, of Anderson, spent a part of last week in Walhalla with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. White. -Miss Dora Pitchford, after spending a week at the home of her parents, returned to Atlanta Sun day afternoon. -Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reid and daughter, of Anderson, are spending the week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Pitchford. -Mrs. Wm. A. Hetrick and chil dren, after a pleasant visit of some weeks to relatives at Philadelphia, returned to Walhalla last Sunday. -C. W. Pitchford calls attention to his line of automobile tires and inner tubes. Seo bim when you want your car fitted up. Announcement on this page. -Mr. and Mrs. Julian Dendy and child, of Greenville, spent the week end in Walhalla visiting at the homo of Mr. Dendy's parents, Capt. and Mrs. S. K. Dendy. . - Mrs. C. F. Hetrick and children, who have boen spending some time with relatives at their old homo in Philadelphia, returned to Walhalla last Friday evening. -There aro many friends in and around Walhalla who will learn with deep regret of the death of Mrs. Er rett Zimmerman, of Westminster, who passed away Thursday of last week, July 11th, after a briof illness. She was ill but six days, having been taken sick on tho 5th of July, under going an operation on Wednesday night, the 10th. She was but 28 years of ago, and was universally be loved in her homo town. She was a daughter of Mrs. H. J. Reeder, Eight years ago she was happily married to Errott Zimmerman. She is sur vived by two brothers, W. J. Reeder, of Greenville, and S. F. Reeder, of Westminster, and four sisters, Mrs. A. R. N. Folger, o? Gaffney; Mrs. J. P. Reese, Misses Eva and Lila Reoder, of Westminster. In tho sad bereavement that has como to her husband, mother and other relatives Tho Courlor extends sincero sympa thy. Funeral services were held last Friday, Rev. J. T. Black, of Ander son, a former pastor of the deceased, conducting the services. Mrs. Zim merman was a consistent and conse crated member of tho Christian church, and passed to her reward with a full assurance for the futuro in the Church Triumphant through a lively faith and active work In tho church militant. A. T. Thompson Dead. (Tngaloo Tribune, lGth.) Augustus T. Thompson died at ais homo in Westminster last night, July 16th, at about 0 o'clock. He had been suffering of heart and stomach trouble for a long time and bore his affliction with patience and fortitude. Mr. Thompson was in the 80-th year of his age, having been born April 2, 1830. He was a native of New Gloucester, Maine, and was a brave Union soldier during the War Between tho States, serving three and a half years without a scratch or wound. Ho was a man of hum ble disposition, and declined promo tion while In the war, preferring some one else to receive the honor. Mr. Thompson had been in the south for about 43 years, living first 1 0 years In Florida, 1 6 at Seneca, iud 15 at Fair Play and a little less than two at Westminster. His wife died in October, 1910. She was a native of Maine. Shortly nfter her death he moved boro and lived with his only daughter, Mrs. John F. DorrOh. The deceased ls also survived by one son, J. C, Thompson, of Hcflin, Ala. The interment took place In the c?,m etory of Fair Play Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon. Oak Grove Comm unity. Oak Grove, July 15.-Special: Rev. Wm. Abbott filled his regular ap pointment at Pleasant Hill Sunday and preached a very interesting ser mon on "Repentance," Crops in this section are looking fine, but the red spider has made Us appearance In several cotton fields. W. F. Orr and son Luther, of near Picket Post, spent n few hours ti this community Monday. Miss Julia Peters, of Charleston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M.A. Schaf fer Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Snipes and Itt* I tie son, of Anderson, spent Friday night at tho homo of R. J, Snelgrove. J. H. Barnett has purchased a Ford truck to bo used In tho transportation of cunned goods. We aro sorry to roport that the baby of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bolt has boen very sick, j Mrs. W. D. Barnett and mother, of Columbia, arc spending some time nt tho borne of J. H. Barnett. W. A. Schaffer ls the latest owner of a touring car In this community. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Snelgrove vis ited friends In the New Hope sect'on last week.