KEOWEE COURIER (Established l?iO.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription $1 Ter Annum. Advertising Rutes Reasonable. -Ry BTECK, SH FLOR .V SCHRODER. Communications of a personal character charged for aB advertise ments. Obituary notices ana tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, will to printed tree of charge. All over that number must be paid for at tho rato of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, .IL'LY 17, HMM. Buy Them And Help Win The War TOR SALE EVERYWHERE Grund -Jury Presentment. State of South Carolina, County of Oconoe. lo dis i louttit' George IO. Prince, Judge Presiding in Tenth Judicial Circuit: Wo have passed apon ?ill bills ol i ndictment that have men handed u? by the Solicitor, and beg leave to re port to thc honorable Court as fol lows: My committee we have examined ibo poor farm, jail and chain gam and find same in satisfactory condi tion, and by committee appointed to examine the county offices, have made arrangements For tho same and will report ; ? the full term of thc Court, Wo recommend that our County Su por visor pr?vido a closet for tho colored people, separate from the toilet that we now have We recommend thal our County Supervisor maintain the road from what is commonly known as the Pen dleton road toward Newry, on the Southon! Railroad, and have the Southern Railroad build an over head bridge at crossing on new track on the Cherry farm, and not aban don said road, as rumored, from Cherry farm crossing 'o Pendleton road. Having passed upon all matters brought to our attention, wo wish to thank your honor and tho other offi cers of the Court for courtesies ex tended us in the performance of our duties and beg to bo excused from further attendance upon this Court. Respectfully submitted, W. L. Thomas, Foreman. Walhalla, July 2, 1918. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days DruttlMa refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure I tentait. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can ftet rentrai sleep utter the first application. Price 60c. Why lilith Registration Necessary, Tho only way of keeping an offi cial record of a person's hirth is by birth registration, lt is probably the most important record in a person's life, because it is a proof of his ot her legitimacy, his or her descent, his or her right to inherit property belonging to the family, and his ot her ago for schooling, voting and marrying, lt will not be long before .i birth certificate ls roquired for al most every kind of service and occu ltation. lt i.s really not safe to travel In any country without the legal au thority of one's citizenship, which is supplied by a birth certificate. LEMONS MARK SKIN WHITE, SOFT, ('LEAR Make rbis Meanly Lotion for a Few Cents ami Soo for Yourself, What girl or woman hasn't hoard of lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes, to whiten the skin and to brin;: oui the roses, tho freshness and thc hidden beauty? Mut lemon Juice alone ls acid, therefore Irritat ing, and should bo mixed with or chard white, this way: Strain through a flue cloth the juice of two fresh lemons Into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard white, then shake well and you have a .vhole Quarter pint of skin and complexion lotion at about the cost one usually pays for a small jar of ordinary colt! cream. Me sure to strain thc lemon juice so no pulp gets into the bottle, then this lotion will remain pure and fresh for months. When applied dally to the face, neck, arms and hands lt should help to bleach, cloar, smoothen and beautify tho skin. Any druggist will supply throo ounces of orchard whlto at very lit tle co3t and the grocer lias tho lomons.-'Adv. MEf I Cud Jest Co (By Poggy Conway, who recently i Bf I cud Jem git back wu nco more To the lan' whar I wuz born, Kn be waked up by a rooster Instead ot' some dorn bugle horn, Kn cud hear mub Maw a calila' "Son, lt's time youse gluing' up!" 'Stead o' some Sergeant hollerln': "Fall out, you lazy pup!" I'd hov sumthln' to remember That would help me out a heap, i Pout my Kittin' up at mornin' When I druther lay and sleep. I Ki I cud jest sit down wu nee more i To some sure nu ff eggs and ham, Some good ole country butter. Hot biscuits, milk and jam; And hev muh Maw a pass In' things All nice and smokln' hot, 'Stead a grabbln' an* a snatchlu' Fur everything I got I'd hov sumthln' to remember Thet would sorter take the rub Out o' settin' down and eatln' This yere regier army grub. Kf I cud jest git back wunce more To tho Old Kentucky Hills Kn see th' woods,en fields on streams, Kn soak up all th' thrills, Liv the misty April mornin's, Kn tho Indin Summer days, Kn the Autumn's moller moonlight, Kn the Winter sun's red rays I'd hev sumthln' to remember Thet would sUn' ino well In hand When I'm lookin' on the horrors "Over There" In "No Man's Land!" .j? ?j? ?i* *i* ??**?* *\* ?J* .J**!* .!* ?I* *I* *l* *I* . ?* .J. WHY ('KILMANY WA HUF I) .J? .J. ON I'S. .J. ?(?.?..(..I*?J. r.i??J??|??*??J? .'?.'m. O. C. LY LES. Weat Union; 8. C. ??-l ?J? ?I? ?I* 4 4 *?* *I* 4" 4* 4* 4 4" 4 FOOD ADMINISTRATOR'S 4 4. NOTKS. 4. 4 ?I* 4? 4* 4? 41 4 ?I* 4 Ht- 4 *4 4? 4 South ' Carolina "Wheat Crop of 1018. Millers aro authorized to grind from the wheat raised bj' farmers ?lough to supply the farmers, tho members of their famillos and their .enants for a year, on tho basis of 12 pounds of flour per person per month. Farmers are expected do ise flour substitutes, pound for lound, with tho flour they have ground from their wheat. Farmers are at liberty to sell their vheat to any one who wants to buy t. Purchasers of wheat from fnrni irs can have it ground into flour on he same basis as farmers, but aro expected to use flour substitutes. )ouud for pound, with the flour. When farmers sell flour to indi viduals they must soil flour substi tues, or take millers' certificates rom tho Individuals showing that hey have had flour substitutes ground to cover the flour they buy, lound for pound. Farmers can sell flour, from their vheat. to merchants, but when the nerchants resell this flour, it must >e sold, pound for pound, with flour tubstitutes to the persons who buy t. These regulations apply to thresh innen as well as to farmers. H. Li, Herndon, County Food Administrator. atarrhni Realness Cannot lie Cured >y local applications, as they cannot 'each tho diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure ca arihal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal loaf ness ls caused by an inflamed ?ondltion of the mucous lining of tho [Eustachian tube. When this tube is uflamed you have a rumbling sound >r imperfect hearing .and when lt is ?lithely (dosed, deafness is tho ro ittlt. Unless the Inflammation can l>o reduced and this tube restored to ts normal condition, hearing will be lestroyed forever. Many cases of loafness aro caused by catarrh, Vilich is au inflamed condition of .he mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts through the blood on :he mucous surfaces of tho system. Wo will give ono hundred dollars 'or any case of catarrhal deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Ca arrh Medicino. Circulars free. All Iruggists, 75c. F. J. Chenoy & Co., (adv.) Toledo. Ohio. Buy War Sayings Stamps Tho Heul German Drive*. (Greenville News.) "The real German drive is back of the lines-the ever-increasing pres sure of the population for relief from tho almost unbearable burden im posed by the war," the New York World declares. The organ of the Krupp Interests, Rhelnisch-Westfalslcho Zeitung, is calling on the German people to "go barefoot this summer and help the Fatherland." "In view of the alarming scarcity of labor," it goes on, "rich and poor alike should dis penso with boots and shoes." Gorman newspapers lately recolv ed in the United States contain ad vertisements of thc new drug pro duced by Dr. Ehrlich and Dr. Lener to subdue tho pangs of hunger. It is praised as "an oxcellent prepara tion to still tho premature feeling of I hunger and thirst, or when food is not forthcoming at tho proper timo." The public is admonished that "it is not a substitute for tho dally mini mum of nutrition, but is used with tho greatest success by persons who are made ill by hunger between ni ea ls." In Simplicissimus is printed a long list of the pharmacies where these tablets can be bought, including If? places in Berlin alone. "When the population of a great Bm pi re reaches a stage in war in which it is urged to go barefooted In order to save leather and its scien tists begin to produco patent nos trums to overcome tho feeling of hunger, its military autocracy is bound to fight with greater and greater desperation in tho effort to obtain some sort of decision that will satisfy the people," says the World. The Gorman general start' expresses its own judgment ns to the serious ness of the situation hy the effort it is making to break the" allied lines regardless of cost. Hunger and des titution at homo arc enemies no less to ho. dreaded than the ever-increas ing forces of tho allies. No doubt the dispatch of U-boats to lurk s round the shores of America was mainly intended to stir tho pride and patriotism of tho Huns at home and allay their unrest. - Tho bagpipe was known in long land and Ireland as carls as tho twelfth century and is believed to have Peen in existence before the Christian ern. .J??J..J?.T.?J?.J..J?.T..T. TWO WOMEN. 4? .I? ?j? ?j? ?j. ?j? ??> ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j. ?j? ?j? . j. ?J*?!* ?J? ?J? ??? (Anderson Mail.) There were two young women whose husbands had been drafted for the army. One sat down and cried, and said: "I don't knpw what will become of me. 1 will get $15 from my hus band's pay, and the government will allow me $15 moro, but that won't bo enough. I can't go to work, for what would my friends think of mo if I did? I don't know what will be come of me." The other one had a good cry, and then she said: "I will get $15 a month from my husband, and the government will allow me $15 more, and 1 am going to save every cont of it. I can make my own living, and it ls my duty to do so while the war lasts. 1 would be ashamed not to support myself now. and the $30 a month saved while the war lasts will give us a good start after the war is over." If it were in your power to select ?a mother for a child to ho born five or ten years from now, which of these women would you select? CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Al way? bears ^-5^ Signature of V^A^Vj^Vj l'rompt Buying I'rged. Tlie State War Savings committee urges that those who pledged them selves in tm- .lune W.S.S, campaign to ?.imiiase War Savings Stamps dur ing ibo remaining months of tho sear should not wait until the last minuto, but should co-oporatc with tlie government bj purchasing the. specified amount of stamps at the earliest day possible. That ls, if stamps aro pledged for July, tho sub scriber should make every offort to pu rebaso thom in tho early part of tlie month. This will mako tho work of the post ofllces and, ageuls easier, and will enablo tho Stato to make a bottor showing at Washing ton in ?tho campaign. The commit tee points ont t.hat tho pledges wore made to the government, and, there fore, all should co-operate to the full est extent In fulfilling tho pledges.