Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, July 03, 1918, Image 8

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ONE CENT A WORD (Small advortisomonts under thia heading inserted at rato of ono cent a word nor insortlon. Four insertions for price of throo.) WANTED-fiOO bushels blackber ries; will pay 20 cents per gallon. Seo us and make arrangements in advance J. H. BARNETT ft SON, Westminster, S. C. 24 WANTHD-100,000 young chick ens, from ono pound up; also hens and eggs, beef hides; highest cash price. It. I). OE LEERS, West Fud. Walhalla, S. C. 26-tf FOR SALE-Nico bunch of pigs; ready for delivery now and for fu turo delivery. Will sell for cash or rood security. JOH? CANNON, Ht. 1, West Union, S. C. (Near High Falls). 27* "America's War for Humanity." -I havo tho agency for tills valua ble book. Trico $1.7f>, including supplement to bo published at close of tho war. Seo mo at the Court House, or send order 1iy mail. Add postage. J. C. KIN?, Walhalla, S. C. Littleton College Mas just closed one of the most suc cessful years in its history. The 37th annual session will begin Sept. 25th, 1918. Write for new illustrated cata logue: also, and QUICKLY, for particulars concerning our special offer to a few girls who cati not pay our catalogue rate. Address J. M. RHODES, Littleton, N. C. L O. O. F. MEETING. Oeonee Lodge, No. 04, Independ ent Order of Odd Follows, will meet Tuesday Night, July ?, 1018, at 8 o'clock. Visiting Odd Fellows welcomed. CFO. L. JONES, Noble Grand. ANTON QERBER, Secretary, ad. . I' ? J ? ?J? ?J? ? J . ?J? ?J? ?J? ?|? .J. ?|? .J. ?J? . J . .Jo . T . ?J? ?J? ? LOCAL ANO PERSONAL. *!**!**!"1 ?"*J**I**I* *I* .!*.?* -I cnn save you ?money on mow- ' lng machines and hay rakes. J. Wade Dickson, Westminster.-Ad29. -Miss Sue Ive8ter, of Greenville, was a week-end visitor to relatives nenr Walhalla. -C. w. Pitchford announces a large stock of men's collars of varied styles. Soe him and get what you want at right prices. -Tho D. A. H. will meet with Mrs. S. L. Vertier and 'Mrs. c. W. Bauk tiight (at the home of Mrs. Vernor) on Saturday afternoon, July 6th, tit fi o'clock. -James Fricks and Christopher Ivester, who are attending a business col loge in Greenville, spent the past, week-end in and near Walhalla with their homefolks. - Wilbur 1). While, who has been spending the past school session as a student at Wo ff ord College, ls In Walhalla for the summer months and is visiting nt tho hom.? of his uncle, ft. T. Jaynes, Esq. -For Sale-1000-Hi mule. Want to put tho money III War Savings Stamps. Apply at The Courier of fice.- -Adv. -Married, at the residence of A. H. MoAlister, near Pleasant Hill, Miss Aillo Milton and Anderson Hen son. Both of Oeonee conni;-. Kev. W. T. McAlister officiated. Good wishes accompany tho young couple. ?-Miss Ida liiemann returned to Walhalla last Saturday, evening, af ter a pleasant visit of some weeks to relatives and friends in Charleston. Miss Blemnnn went direct from Lan der College, Greenwood, to Charles ton after the close of the college ses sion. She graduated from Landor this year. N -Robert 'Macaulay, of the United States Navy, is spending an eight-day leave of absence with his mother, Mrs. N. W. Macaulay, and family and among friends here in Walhalla. "Rob" has a host of friends who are glad to welcome him back home oven though but for a few days. He vol unteered for service last December. -L. Blumenthal, of Westminster, announces to-day another of his well-known and popular Saturday and Monday sales, which will be held next Saturday and Monday. July Oth and Nih. Don't fall to read this an nouncement and to niko advantage of th? great bargains thal ho is offer ing. They are wort li while. -AVe thank our friend, Chas. W. llurnsido, for a liberal sample of his :ine June apples. Mr, Burnside ls one. Of our regular annual benefac tors, bringing a treat in ihe way of fruit each spring. Tho apples he brought this year are from an old 1 ree which bas been bearing perfect fruit for many years. This year, he says, be ls confident thal its crop will total at least 60 bushels, - Fresh Jersey cow for salo cheap. John A. Nichols, -We announce Ibis week the last of the "first cotton blooms." An derson Young, colored, and Nat Fos ter, colored, the former a tenant on tho J. D. Abbott placo at Coneross, the latter of the Toxaway section of thc county, on T. IO. Alexander's place, report blooms taken from ihelr fields last Saturday. Monday morning J. F. Rogers, who lives near Walhalla and operates a farm, re ported counting eight blooms in bis field ns he came to Walhalla. We take it, therefore, that the time for reporting "early blooms" for this season is past. The crop is unusu ally fine an dadvanccd In Oeonee this year, and this condition applies equally to com and other crops. We havo never seen a liner crop prospect tor our county. -liuy your groceries from Dort Gillespie, "Tho Idoal Grocery."-Ad. -Mrs. D. G. McAllstor, of Colum bia, ls visiting her mother. Mrs. IO A. Bell. -We aro requested to announce that tho Keowoe school will bc open ed on .July 22d, and all patrons and pupils aro urged to govern them selves according to this announce ment. -J. W. Dickson, of Anderson, rep resenting tho Pacific Mutual Lifo In surance Co., is in Walhalla for a day or two on business. Mr. Dickson has recently returned from a pleasant trip to J3an Francisco, Cal. - Wagons, harness, plows, tin cans. etc. Prices right. See ma. .1. Wade Dickson. Westminster.-Ad29. The services at tho Lutheran church last Sunday night were great ly enjoyed by a good congregation. Dr. Ryden, of tho religious work at the military camps, made a most fav orable Impression, and the service throughout was most edifying and enjoyable. --Mrs. IL L. Brandt has been quite sick for tho past few days, suffering from a slight attack of -Bright's dis ease, complicated with an old-stand ing trouble. Her friends will be glad to learn that she is better this morn ing, though still unable to be up. We hope for her early restoration to health. \ - For Sale-3 00 bushels of good corn. Apply to W. F. Hughes, Wal halla, S. C.-Adv. t.f. -Candidates for olllco In Oconee, announced this week in The Courier, are as follows: For House of Kepre sentatives, Jas. H. Brown, of South Union; for Sheriff, Luther A. Martin, of Oak way; W. M. Kay, of Seneca, and Jas. M. Moss, of Walhalla. These aro In addition to the several gentle men who have been announced for several weeks. Announcements will be found on tho fifth page. -We are requested to announce to thc Bcd Cross workers of Walhalla chapter that the instructor in surgi cal dressings was taken sick recently and forced to return to her home. She will T?egln the instruction work with tho Walhalla, chapter on Mon day next, July 8th. unless lhere should be some other unforeseen rea ! son for postponing the instruction work. Those interested are urged tc keep In mind'the lessons to be given and attend promptly and regularly. -Fruit powders, jars, rubbers all kinds insect powders, stock pow ders; full lino drugs and fancj goods at Norman's drug store, adv. -Announcement is made of tht marriage of Miss Carol Herndon, ol Greenville, and Julian Hall Lewis, ol Richmond, Va , at tho Buncombe Street Methodist church, Greenville on June 2 3. The bride is wei known to many in Oconee, being ? daughter oT Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mern don, formerly of Seneca. The core mony was performed by Rev. P. F Kilgo. The Courier extends gooc wishes to the bride and hearty con gratulations to the fort unte groom. - Announcement of the marring? of Miss Lessie V. Miller, of Wostiniu ster, and Harmon MititOU, ol tho Ho turn section of the county, is made the marriage having taken place a Westminster last Sunday. The brid? is a daughter of IL L. Miller and hal many friends who will join with Th? Courier in extending ??ll good wishes for :> long and happy life. The groon is a vonng man of merit and ability I and we. congratulate him on his gool fortun?? in winning the heart am hand of his fair bride. -The many friends of William V Hodge, formerly Of this section, wil be interested In learning that he hm moved back to South Carolina and i: now located at Greer, where he holdi a position as chief engineor and maa ter mechanic with the Franklin Man ufacturlng Co Mr. Hodge was a one time in charge of the plant o the Walhalla Light and Power Com pany at their power house near Wes Union. When he left there he wen to Middleton, Ga., where ho has boot located up to the present time, -See J. Bert Gillespie for bes prices on groceries.-Adv. -Bishop L. Watkins of th recent volunteers for special servie for tho government. Ho volunteerei as a timber cutter and was sent a once to Vancouver Barracks, Wasli Ington State. Mr. Watkins was a res Ident of the Westminster section o Oconee. His was probably the lo?? est trip taken by any volunteer o selective service man from this com: ty. Ho was furnished with a length ticket and a bunch of 21 meal ticb ets to carry him through to lils dei tlnatlon. The board estimated tbs lt would take him seven days to malt the trip. Before moving to the Wesi minster section Watkins bad lived i the mountains. lt ls doubtful If li had ever traveled on the railroad b< fore. It is understood that Watkin was the only volunteer from th State for this special service. At noon on Saturday last, Jun 2flth, Miss Marion Kelley, cldei daughter Of Thomas M. Kelley, < the l'amass?e section, was ma ried to William Borter Tait, of Phi adelphia. Kev. W II. Hamilton oil elated The bride entered the ceri mony room on the nm: of the groo and was given In marriage by her f? thor. Miss Grace Beard, her cousi; playing the wedding march fro Mendelssohn's as they entered. Tl bride was very attractively gown? in pearl grey taffeta, with hat ar shoes to match. Woodland fen were used throughout as decoratioi In the home. This wedding Is tl culmination of a romance which hf Its beginning thrco years ago no Salisbury. N. C., where the brido : Miss Kelley and Mr. Tait were tl princi liais of two neighborii schools. For the past year the bril bas held the position of prima teacher at Thornwell Orphanag Clinton, S. C. Immediately after tl ceremony the brido and groom lo! amid the congratulations and be wishes of relatives and friends, for short stay in Atlanta. They will r turn to visit at the brido's homo Tamassee for a few days, after whi< they will be at homo in Pbiladelphl where Mr. Tait will bo employed aa draughtsman In the government st vice. -Ono Oakland auto for salo; good aa now; all Ooodyear tires, brand now, all-weather tread. Price right. Seo J. Bert Gillespie, Walhalla.-Ad. -The regular meeting of the Paul Hayna G?rele will not be,hold on July \2 on account of the conflict with the surgical dressing class. - -Mrs. Myra L. Cox, of Greenville, spent ti few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hughes. lier Walhalla friends are always de lighted to see her. -John Carter, of Gainesville, spent a part of last week in Walhalla visiting in tile homes of his sons. F. H. and R. C. Carter. Mr. Carter has I many friends here who are always pleased to meet him on his visils to t Walhalla. -Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Pitchford and daughters, Misses Idah and Lillian, I spent lasj Sunday In Anderson, hav ing gone down to visit Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. Reid. Mrs. Reid has been quite unwell for some time, but her j friends will be glad to learn that she continues to Improve. -For sale, or exchange for renl j estate-A Saxon Six touring car; comparatively new; a bargain. Come and see it. Also a Dixie Flyer; fine machine, cheap. G. A. Norman ad. -.Miss Rosalie Hunter, who has I been staying with her grandmother. I Mrs. H. L. Drandt, for several months, has returned to her home In West Union. She will take the place of her sister, Miss Nannie Hunter, an employee In tho West Union post office, who will visit among friends and relatives In Abbeville. -Announcement has been made from "Columbia that the case of Jas. C. Owens et al., appellants, vs. Thos. G. C. Fahncstock et al., respondents, has been reversed by the Supreme Court. The finding of tho lower court was in favor of the plaintiff, T, G. C. Fahnestock, who claimed property rights under a paper pur porting to be tho last will and testa ment of the late Mrs. Rosa Fahne stock. This paper was not question ed by either side as to its genuine ness or authenticity, but the case hinged on construction of the paper -whether lt was to be considered a part of the deceased's previous will, or if it constituted a new will by rea son of its language. The paper be gan with the words "Item 10," but In the body of this paper the state- J ment was made that previous wills were revoked. The lower court held that the language of this paper con stituted a new will and that it re voked the previous will. The opin ion in the case by the Supremo Court has not as yet been transcribed and handed down, but it is presumed that the higher court construes the paper In question as an Rom added to the previously made will, which closed with "Item 9" in the body wherein property was disposed of. It ls presumed that the Supreme Court's decision will be taken as final by all parties to the action. Walhalla Stores to Close Fourth. We, the undersigned merchants of Walhalla, hereby agree to close our stores on Thursday, July 4th, 19 18: Signed: C. W. Pitchford. Nor man's (F. E. Harrison, Manager), I M. C. Todd. O. H. Schumacher, I.A. Moody, Cash Grocery Co., R. A. Mo Lees. J. H. Gillespie, C. W. & J. E. ?nuknight, Moss & Ansel. First Woman Officer. Anniston, Ala., June 30.-The Hist woman officer has reported at the base hospital, Camp McClellan, for duty. Dressed in full uniform, mi nus the bars, First Lieut. Dr. Ollie Josephine Baird, of Detroit, Mich., almost caused a sensation when she reported for duty. She has been assigned quarters in the nurses' barracks and ls now serv ing on the staff of a well-known ma jor. Shoes! - Just received OYGOEPH and BE for Men a A full and c Oxfords and Sandi Cnili CLOTHING! We Have a go< Boxs' and Childr? Our Style Plu best-the Red Lal Labels, $25 per Si A full and c Dry Goods and N< Buggies an Doors :-: Sai Lime and Paints a w. P. N Seneca We have Buggies of all ki Buggies were b( cheap; in fact,"tl than the same b You can save us within the ne See us about t money. Rememl BROWN HAS IT OR BROWN GETS IT. CASUADTIES PASS 10,000 MARK. 0,131 in Anny and 1,252 in Marino Coi*i>s-One Day's Dosses. ! Washington, June 30.-Casualties ' in the American expeditionary forces j thus far reported total 10,383, sum-! maries issued to-day by the War De- I partment and marino corps show. Of i this number 9.131 were in the army and 1,242 In the marine corps. Army casualties, Including those reported to-day, were summarized as follows: Killed in action (including 291 lost at sea), 1,491. Died of wounds, 479. Died of disease, 1,287. Died of accident and other causes, 165. Wounded in action, 5,024. Missing in action (Including pris oners), 385. The summary of casualties among the marines, which also Included to ? day's Hst, follows: I Deaths, 407; wounded, 84 2; in hands of the enemy, lj missing, 2 Pour hundred and ninety-seven casualties in the army were reported during the week, including 179 kill ed in action, 47 died of wounds, 19 died of disease, 19 died of accidents and other causes; 213 wounded in', action and 20 missing In action, in cluding prisoners. Tho week before 5 49 casualties were reported. The marine corps summary did not show how many of the deaths report ed were In action, from disease, acci dents and other causes. It did di vide the officers and men, showing that 14 officers havo died, 29 have been wounded and one is missing. Ono Day's Dosses. Tho army casualty list to-day con tained 71 names, divided as follows: Killed in action, ll; died of wounds. 7; died of disease, 3; died of accidents and other causes, 3; wounded severely, 10; prisoner, 1. Few Southern men are included in the list. The marine corps casualty list an nounced 'to-day contained -IS names, I divided ns follows: Killed in action, I; died of wounds, 2; wounded severely, 41; missing in action, 1. There are only a few Southern men in the Hst. Among them aro Capt. Lloyd W. Williams, 404 East Main street, Spartanburg, S C., who died of wounds received in battle. A systematic rotation of crops is one of the most feasible and effective means of controlling weeds. " Shoes! w. a big shipment LACON OXFORDS .nd Boys. omplete stocK of als for Women and Iren. CLOTHING! od stocK of Men's, irt's Snits. s Brands are the bels, $21; the Blue uit. omplete stocK of otions. d Harness, sh x Blinds, i Cement, nd Oils. I/HMONS, fe just received a carload of irids, sizes, styles and colors. These >ught last October, and were bought Ley are easily $20 to $30 cheaper aggy would be if bought to-day. this money by buying Buggies from >xt few weeks. hese Buggies while we can save you ber: "Money Saved is Money Made." M. Brown & Son, WALHALLA, S. C. BROWN RAS IT OR RROWX ORTS IT. We Have a Full Line of Men's TriangleCollars 5-Ply Linen Collars, - - Soft Linen Collars, - - - Washable Silk Collars, - OUR COLLARS RUN IN SIZES FROM J 3 to J 8; ALSO QUARTER SIZES. ? Walhalla, S. C. asease???*?? I ?sae???x wt?SDA-Admiral Mowers give a service that cannot be equalled by any other machines, be* cause no others postese auch valuable features as taoiwln* UntSardeati, Floating Feamm and Uniterm nu Genuine underdraft puta all the pull of the team on the cutter-bar, giving greatest pos sible cutting power. All neck weight is eliminated by the floating frame, and the uniform tilt makes possible cleaner work 3 Styieo' e Sisea Dea't fail to look Int* all the feature! that i?ia?ss the Admiral Mower "Kirip of tba Hayfield." Baamlna the machinen lo our ?tore or aek the maa that own o aa Admiral. We also have stock of Deering Mowers and will shortly have full stock of repairs for same. Wave some machines that wc arc making special prices on, Better prepare now to take caro o? the hay crop. WS.& mnaAV?MOSfiTAAOS I46VKB BY TU* UNITED Ot WW ?XOTRMMEMT Buy Them And Help Win The War FOR SALE EVERYWHERE Ballenger Hardware and Furniture Company, Seneca, S. C. .X* $ ft Ci> 40 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Buy these Stamps with your B'g Money, The Present Government Program demands that thc Big Money Man enter into thc Saving Stamp Purchase. Let tis all rally to thc cause. London Chronicle: when Lord first sotting foot within tho "lord French visited the little counirj town ,-s,'?l>." The custom ls carefully kept of Oldham to inspect tho Rutland vol- "????d( ^ ^-in^oa^ing collection . . , lor horseshoes which hang on tho untoers he found time to leave a ! wa\\B ot the hall of the castle num horseshoe on the castle walls. From hers some 200, ranging in sizo from timo Immemorial the lord of the that of tho ordinary racer to the manor has demanded a horseshoe Brobdingnagian proportions bf a shoe from every peer ol' the realm on hlfl seven feet long.