Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, April 24, 1918, Image 6

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KE?WEE COURIER (Established 1840.) PubllHlie? IO very Wednesday Morning Subscription 91 Per Annum. Advertising Hates Reasonable. -Hy 8TICCK, SHFLOR & SCHRODER. Communications of a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices ana tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, will bo printed free of charge. All over that number must be paid for at the rate of one cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, APRIL IM, 1018. ms manMIDUfl .M vas vt nm vmrna> ??TAT** JXPVftBNMBMT Buy Them And Help Win The War yOB SALE EVERYWHERE VOLUNTEER HONOR ROLL. 'Honor lo whom honor is din;" eYideilll) bas boon adoptOd by the; anny recruiting party of this dis trict as their slogan, for. according to Information coming from the headquarters station in Savannah, every effort ls being put forth to give each man who volunteers for service the widest publicity that each may luive credit for his patriotic action. Derides the plan of furnishing each volunteer's home newspaper with a news Item relative to his enlistment, each city and town in the district, which comprises the Stale of South Carolina and Southeast Georgia, is to be given an honor roll, bearing the list of volunteers for all branches Of Hie military and nav al son ice. which will be posted in a conspicu ous pince in tile lobby of the post nineo iu tho respective towns and (Hies. These honor rolls are being vent out daily from Savannah as they are compiled, and soon every town will have its roll ol' honor to display, Because ol' omissions or errors which tuny slip by thc recruiting olll llcials occasionally in the compila tion of thc lists, a request has been made from the main station that tiny such errors or omissions which might be detected by residents of tho various communities be reported immediately to the postmaster In tho community, and the postmaster will gladly make the corrections on the honor roll. It is quite possible that names may bo omitted front honor rolls unintentionally and through no fault of the recruiting officials, and, for this reason, the re quest ls made, The need of both colored and white volunteers for the army is greater than evor and repeated calls for mon aro being sent out from the recruiting stations. It is urged that all who arc eligible for enlistment rall on or write to the nearest army recruiting station or postmaster at once, with a view of doing their share in the winning ol' this war, upon which the futuro of evory American depends. INFORMATION IS WANTED. Officials Welcome All Information Relative to Disloyalty. Charleston. April l!?. -IOditor Keowcc Courier: lt has come to the notice of this office that, many peo ple fail to report suspicious and dls Utyal ads or manifestatolns of sym pathy for tho enemy, because of un ertalnty as to the proper olncial to approach. It is very Important thal the gov ernment should have thc assistance of all citizens itt detecting enemy propaganda or suspicious activities of Individuals, ami you will do a service in notifying your friends that any communication addressed to "lntelllgoi ce oiilcor. Headquarters Southeastern Department, Charles ton, s. C.," will receive attention and t>?> transmitted to the proper official of the government for investigation. The names of Informants will not be divulged and there need bo no .ear, on the pr,tt of anybody, of getting into trouble in case suspicions prove to be unfounded. Informants should indicate the naturo and source of their Informa tion, as well ns tho time and place. - Drives Ou* Malaria, Builds Up System The CO ' >..' ?rd irenerat strengthening ?onie, OROVV3 TAH'CJ'XI?SS chill TONIO,iii ?vc* out Malani,cm ?chea the blood,and but ld? untheays. leta. *?t:..c :cnic. Z'or adults omi children. 60c i/ A CHANCE TO HERVE C. H. I'h} sh u! IU qulrt-niciils Not AH Rigid A? III Military Branch. AB many as 12,000 skilled work men within tho draft age are needed lin mediately in Cen. Pershing's ex peditionary forces In Franco. The war department has asked to bo no tified on April 30 the number of men who voluntcor in this State and for what (articular service qualified. The time lim in which to bo onllstcd un der the call expires April 27. Those wishing to offer their services are asked to proceed us follows: "Present yourcslf to your local boards at the oarllest possible mo ment and list your name for this ser vice." Those who secure induction in the branches of service listed In the announced occupational classes will rccelvo material personal bone lit, which will aid them in advance ment both in their army career and in after Ufo. This opportunity, it is said, is open only to men within the draft ago. Tho offer oxplres on April li7, and registrants are urged to ap ply to their local boards at the earll- j cst possible moment for full Infor-! matlon. General physical qualifications . only arc required for all the occupa- ? fions listed. Tho list of occupations, and the color eligible for the various , classes is announced as follows: Whites-Airbrake Inspectors, an- i gle-iron smith, anio mechanics and helpers (general, engine, magneto or j ignition), bargemen or boatmen, | blacksmiths and helpers, bollermak- j ors and helliers, brakemen, flagmen or conductors (railroad), bricklay ers, buglers, carpenters and helpers (ship, bridge, house, general), join-j ors or patternmakers, caulkers, wood, chauffeurs tanto, truck or tractor), chemists, clerks (railroad or general), cobblers, commissary storekeepers, concrete foremen or workers, cooks, cranemeu, holstmen, . pilo drivers or shovel operators, dispatchers, engine draftsmen (gen-j oral surveying, machine design or topographical), engineers (clvil.clec-. tr leal, railroad or computing), ongi- ' noers and firemen (locomotive), cloe- j triclans (general, armature winders . or wiremen), door hands (shipyard ), foremen, construction (bridge), i building, earthwork, ship or rail- ! road), foremen (gyratory or Jaw j crusher). g;is plant workers (acety lene, hydrogen, oxygon, poison, illu- 1 initiation or compressor), gunsmiths or operatives in gun factories, host lers, locomotive Inspectors, car (rail road) inspectors, locomotive instru ment makers and repairmen (engi neering, optical or electrical), lino men (telegraph or telephone), ma chinists and helpers (general, bench, lathe or railroad), mechanics, gene ral meteorologists or physicists, mine or quarry workers and help ers, drill runners, foremen, powder men or pumpmen, motorcyclists, molders, painters, photographers, plumbers or pipe fitters, rangers, for est, repairmen, car, riggors (bridge building or ship), saddlers or har ness-makers, sallmakers, tentmak ers or other canvas workers, section hands (railroad,) steermen, sheet iron workers and helpers, solderers, or tinsmiths, stenographers, survey ors, levclmen, transltmen (topo graphic or railroad), tailors, team sters, telegraph operators, telephone operators, telephone operators who can spoak German, timber cruisers, wagon-makers, welders (acetylene or oxacetylene), wireless operators, yardmasters or switchmen. Negroes--'Blacksmiths and helli ers, bricklayers, buglers, carpenters and helpers (ship, bridge, house, general), joiners or patternmakers, ?chauffeurs (auto, truck or tractor), clerks (railroad or genrnl). cooks. The time for registering your name for this branch of service will ex pire next Saturday. Call on James M. Moss, John p, Craig or Dresden A. Smith nt Walhalla Court House for information. LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN .Make this Beauty Lotion Cheaply for Your Face, Nock, Arms and Hands. At the cost of a small jar of ordi nary cold cream ono can prepare a full quarter pint of tho most wonder ful lemon skin softener and complex ion beautifier, by squeezing the juico of two fresh lemons into a bottle con taining throe ounces of orchard white. Caro should be taken to strain tho Juico through a fino cloth so no lemon pulp gots in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. 'Every woman knows that lomon Juice ls used to bleach and remove such blemishes ns freckles, sallowness and tan and is tho ideal skin softenor, whitener and beautifier. Just try it! Oct three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and i two lemons from the grocer and niako up a quartor pint of this sweet ly fragrant lomon lotion and mas ango lt daily Into tho face, neck, arms and hands. It ls marvelous to smoo then rough, red hands.-Adv. -< . ? ...... English experimenters have car Hod on submarine telephony with uninsulated wires for distances up to eleven miles. MYSTEliY OF CYCLOPS DEEPENS Wife of Commander of Vessel Saya Ship ami (/row Safe lu Port. Norfolk, Va., April 17.-Mrs. Sel ma Worley, wife of Llout. Comman der George Wiehtnann Worloy, com mander of the missing naval collier Cyclops, In a statement Issued last night, declared that the mystery sur rounding tho disappearance of the collier would he cleared up within the next 24 hours. In one statement she ls alleged to have said that the Cyclops ls safe in a South American port, and that an official announce ment would soon be forthcoming. Mrs. Worley ls known to have visited the homos of families who have members and relatives on the ship and told them not to be worried any longer, that the mystery would bo cloared up last night. Last night she vtsltod a newspaper ofllco to plead with an Interviewer not to print a story she had given as to why her husband had changed his name or that ho was born In Ger many, declaring: "I will give a big ger story to-morrow of tho safety of the Cyclops." A former naval collier command er, her escort and friend of the fam ily, declared the Navy Department would probably soon be In a position to notify relatives of the men on tho collier of their safety, but declined to divulge Mrs. Worloy's secret. When pressed for additional Infor mation, Mrs. Worloy added: "You know thoro are other ships at sea." "Have you any reason to believe the Cyclops is safe other than your hopes and belief?" she was asked. "Yes," was her reply. Only Based 0,1 Rumor. Norfolk, Va., April IS.-Mrs. Sel ma \V. Worley, wife of Commander Worley of the missing naval collier Cyclops, who last night asserted aa her belief thal the vessel was> safe and that news of her whereabouts would soon bo forthcoming, to-night frankly admitted her stalcmnet was based on rumor. She said she had no information further than a state ment, she says a naval officer made to her over the telephone Wednes day to tho effect that the collier had been heard from. Traced to i ti source?, this report was found to ht based on an unverified rumor. lt also was developed to-day that recently Commander Worley sob his home in this city and told friend! that he expected soon to retire fron tho service, undergo a surgical ope ration long delayed and move to tlx Pacific coast. Denying that .sho has receive! word from any source as to the fat? of the missing American naval col lier Cyclops, Mrs. Selina W. Worloy wife of the commander of the over due ship, declared to-day that she i thoroughly convinced that the Cy clops is safe and will be heard fron within a few days. Mrs. Worley characterized as ri diculous and absurd the theory tba Capt. Worley, who ls a native-bori German, had sailed the Cyclops ol her course and turned her over to i German raider. She says she is con fldont that the ship ls adrift at se; with her engines disabled or she i short of coal. A letter received fron her husband shortly before sailin, said his starboard engine was out o commission, and she believes th port engine has broken down nude the increased strain imposed upon il Although born in Germany, Capt Worley yielded to no one In his loy ally to the United States, his wit declared. Government Searching. Washington, April li).-Althoug no word had como to-day as to th fate of tho big naval collier Cyclops missing since March 14, tho Nav Department refused to givo up a! hope of her safety and will continu its search for some clue that mtgh solve hor mysterious disappearance Navy officiais themselves hold dil feront opinions as to what has bc come of the ship, some believing tba she was sunk by a bomb placed Ix fore her departure from a Sout American port, others aro of th opinion that sho was sunk in a su? ?len squall, and still others aro ir dined to bollevo she was capture by a German raider. Houles the Story. Washington, A|>rll 18. - Navy D< partaient officials said to-day thu Mrs. Worley had told their represet I tatives In Norfolk that she never ha I said her husband was born in Gol many and that sho made no stat? mont In which she said sho ex'pecte word of the safety of the Cycloi within twenty-four hours. .-.? . K- ? - - - - See. Daniels Pp In Air. Washington, April 17.--Secretar of the Navy Daniels was a paosengc yostorday with Lieut. Doherty? a ni val aviator, in a 20-inlnuto fiigl over tho capital. A service hydr? airplane was used. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist wilt refund nioner H PA2 OINTMENT fallu to cure any case of Itchln Blind, BltedlQe or Protruding PlleH in6tot4daj The fii.-it application circa Rase and Rest. & Would your wife need a job if you quit work? We'll give her one of the best jobs wo know of-just Cashing tho Checks we'll send her on tho iirst day of each month. We'll make it a life job if you say so-one she can't lose, even if she tries. Why not let us tell you how to get your wife's name on our waiting list ? * 1 Golden Jubilee Souvenir Policy lt Pays Seven Ways " FIRST WAY $100.00 per month for Disability from Accident. SECOND WAY $100.00 per month for Disability from Sickness. THIRD WAY $50.00 per month during life for Permanent Disability and $5,000 at death. ? '?(I -, V FOURTH WAY-_..^..^^^^^^^.^ $5,QQQ G?srT and $50 per month during life for acrMei^?Wdss bf ? o^ltmbs or sight and $5,000 additional at death. ' ! FIF'i H WAY $3 J .60 per month during life, beginning at age of 65* SIXTH WAY- ' % $5,000.00 ior Natural Death. SEVENTH WAY $10,000.00 for Accidental Death. (20-Payment Life, Age 35-$5,000 Policy, Issued by The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company of California. J. W. DICKSON, State Agent,-Anderson, S. C. B. H. DEASON, District Agent,-Greenville, S. C. REFERENCES: BANK OF WAl/HAIJI/A, Walhalla, S. O. MR. O. 0. IJYIJES, West Union; S.v<3. IMtOHU.U OF ENDURANOS. Correspondent Notes Swaying of Rat tle Fortunes With Confidence. j Ottawa, April 18-"The enemy ap : parently is drawing on fresh re serves," says a dispatch received here to-night from Router's corres pondent at British headquarters In France. "In the course of the great hattie more than 30 enemy divisions have so far appeared, and it is cer tain the German command is ex ploiting every success by the most prodigal expenditure of man power and not counting the cost. ! "In the great German attack of yesterday our troops fought with J Homeric valor against tremendous j i numerical odds. They are fighting in the same irresistible manner in ( the battle between Givenchy Forest J and Nioppe. "For nearly a week the German gains in the battle of Flanders have j I been limited to tho smallest extent. ' j lt has been a terribly costly advance ! \ at certain points. j "The attempt to break through tho ! ' Belgian front south of the Houtholst ? Forest probably was inspired hy the ; ( discovery of our withdrawal from ' j tho" Passachendaelo region. "Tho attack has been repeated to- ' day, tho enemy doubtless being mor- { titled at being defeated by about half i his own number. "Apparently tho tanks, armored cars and cavalry have not been in action on either side. We now nre down to a sheor contest for man power, a swaying, ceaseless attack and repulse with the vital issues car ried In the anxious problem of whe ther our powers of endurance can wear down tho repeated bull rushes of vastly superior numbers boforo a decision is reached. "At the moment tflo prospoct as suredly justifies confidence in this respect. Tho appearance of French battalions and batteries of 7.Vs in the ranks of the ramy which tho Ger mans are counting on cutting off from tho allies cannu ,o pleasing to the enemy." INION GUANO GO., (WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.,) F" HIGH-GRADE A FERTILIZERS To the Farmers of Oconee: Please take notice that ttib Fer tilizer business heretofore conducted by Geo. A. Harrisoa, deceased, rep resenting the above named well-known manufacturers, will be conducted by Baylis W. Harr?soh and G. W. Pitch ford.' We will ca?ry at all times full stock at the old Harrison Warehouse at Blue Ridge depot; DON'T FORGET THAT THIS IS UNION GOODS. Call, phone or write for any formation to BAYLIS W. HARRISON, O. W.'PITCHFORD*. Walhalla, S. C. in CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears thc Signature Steamer Haven Sunk. RUY A RIO LIBERTY BOND! Now York, April 18.-Tho Ameri can steamship A. A. Raven, a vessel of 2,4 58 tons gross registor, owned by J. W. Elwell & Co., was sunk by a submarine during the second week of March, according to word received In shipping clrclos hero to-day. The A. A. Raven was last reported at an American port in February. She was under requisition by tho U.Hod. States shipping board for fore'**0 Bor: vico and when last heard 'wm had been assigned to the ar*W quarter master department iflt?&d. No de tails hate been rece/I/Od. Tho etreots/ than 250 tow;:ri lu Fra*'. . Portions of Algeria t" \re ???tod Ctn/' ;8;