^_M,_. ivEowEE COURIER . (Established 1840.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Bu INS? Opt icu $1 l'or A nu uni. Advert Ising Kates Reasonable. -By STUCK, SHELOK A SCHRODER. Communications of a personal character charged for aa advertise ments. Obituary notices ann tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, will bo printed free of charge. All over that number must ho paid for at tho rate of one cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, A BB I Ii il, 1018. WS.& mRMHMOttl?MN UIUKD IkY TU? Um mu 8TATB0 JXyVfcRMMBMT Buy Them And Help Win The War FOR SALE EVERYWHERE * 'i? * * * .!? * * * * * * * .J. WHAT KHALI. THE .J. .J? A NSW MK HE ? .]? .I? * * * 'V * 'h 'I* * ?I? * * * * (Richard ll. Edmonds, in Manufac turers' Record.) America is made up ol I 00,000,000 Hint.', oi' individual men and women. lt lias been well said that Cod does not Know America as America, ex cept as he knows you and me and every Individual who in the aggre gate comprise America. Von are America to the extent of your individuality. Your responsi bility in this world crisis is exactly the .'ann' as that ol' America as a whole A:ueiie:i mus) pm rori h every ounce ol' its strength lo sase Itself, but America will l'ail li? do lilis lo Ibo extent thai any single individual ? ails lo do his or her lull dais. Viewed from this angle, are son truly an American or are you merely a hanger-on, shouting perhaps willi tim crowd, hui doing no ro.il effect ive service in this, the greatest crisis since man's cr?ation? Co deep doss n Into your soul be fore you make answer to yourself, to your country and to your (?od io I bese questions: What am I personally doing to up hold the government, to equip and sustain our soldiers and to lighten their bu/duna? What sacrifice am I making to match the sacrifice of tho soldier., who give up home and endure untold hardships and offer their lives to pro tect me? Whut am 1 doing to Increase the output of the things needed for .var or to sustain the nation In tts stupen dous task ? Am I seeking personal gain of higher wages, or shorter hours, or larger profits merely for my own In dividual selfish interests? Am I consecrating every ounce of my strength, every power ol' my be ing toward tcousing the nation, to ward quicken!) g latent patriotism into a living lian <\ toward increasing food production, or lessening food consumption and waste, or toward ?the building of ships, the increased output of steel and iron and coal ami chemicals and machinery, thc e\| au ston and at the same lime the conser vation of transportation fa'il I tlc-?: ly rail, ssa ter and highway?, Am i adjusting my family ex penses bj cattlin, ??ut every unneces sary thing thai the money thus sn .'od may be dedicated to the nation's USO through Llbertj Bonds, Red Cross or Y.M.C.A. work, or religious activi ties'.' Am l morely ,i c asual looker-on, an unthinking bea- i, ss iib no realization ol my Individual responsible . lc? Cod ami man, or am i consecrating all that is in me. all luv power-, of mind and bod.., tn this croat (asl;, lim most momentous co which mankind has ever been c <:'. il ? Am I ;. shirker, a s'aekCV, a physi cal, mental or a financial coward, or nm 1 a man or .? woman into whom Cod has really breathed the breath of life in its largest and divinest S0I1S0? Whenever Vou Need a (icnernl-Tonic Toko Grove's. The Ole; Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable os a Genet?? Tonic because it contains thc well k nov, n ionic properties of QUININE atid IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out ?Malaria. Enriches the Blood and Build.) vp thc Whole System. 60 cents. Tho number of Filipinos emigrat ing to Ua*vHI since lOOO, when tho movement* stinted, has reached a to tal of :?.v>2."). Will South Carolina Respond? j ?South Carolinian? are expected to aub ?^???"?^????gtw^^Bg*^ ?oribe liberally to War Savings Stamps and WjjtfY Thrift Stumps during 1918 ww &Jv ?3sL 1,10 K?vernnlont lB presenting to ov*ry vo a2?k3aTnaIUSI n>?n, women and child un opportunity tor j!?>*v?*i?r TOT! ?Imple, profitable and ?neuro Investment. \ VinAll of the resources of this great govern &Wryg,is>iaAKlTT ^ mont .slum: hack of thoso bond?. 'I lie bond? enable you to invest your eurplu? J money in government ?oeurltieu paying an equivalent to 4 per cent com pounded quarterly. Let your money earn for you while it works for Unelo Sam. Th? Liberty Uoijd and War Stamp oampaign? must go h un?! in hand. Ten million American? have subscribed to Liberty Honda. One hun dred and ten million American people have the opportunity of helping win tho war by Investing In War Savng? Stamps. A Thrift Stamp 1? worth 25 couts. Sixteon Thrift Stampf cost $4.00. Ry th? payment of a few additional cent? a War Savings Stamp worth $6 may be secured. Agencies for the sale of Stamps are being established throughout tho country. Q?< Behind the Government. .|? TIMO AM UBICAN SOLOHOH. The soldier ls ?\ necessary ind dis Liticl ? diameter in every i ge and 0 very civilization, lu the eui lest rec ords we have ot' any peonies wo lind among them tho soldier-In war to fight, in peace to watch; in war to labor, in peace to wait. Ho was produced tor a distinct purpose and j labored for a definite end. The sol dier was novel' free from tho respon sibilities imposed by the nation or 1 he I ribo. America has reached tho point in this war whore tho hard jolts begin. Our boys are in the llrst-llne linches, ; facing the (lennans, lt becomes ! more apparent every day that tliis I war is going to be settled with the sword. Bloody days uro ahead for the American troops. Our soldiers know exactly what Is ahead for them, and they are ready to take what comes. We are told that the ?best soldiers I hat ever fought on any liront were the Canadians; and our hoys tire Ibo same sort of stock, thc same sort of men. the same sort of lighters; and wo are not surprised i that le.< li cst big raid by picked Gor I nut ti "shockers" was beaten. Dut If Hf must lose Hie Mower of our man hood in this ureat battle for freedom, lei ns never forget the legacy of i splendor I ney leave to the younger j generation. A generation soon ?passes; a life-time ls very brief. So '. I think the young American soldiers of our army will be ever sealed to :iis as the greatest heroes, j This is a great chance, too, to elu cidate the essence of patriotism -the j great thought that country-native j land - comes before self and family, j lt is a line time to teach the boys that .they are. first of all. defenders, and j thal before they can defend the lives .they cherish, the homes they love, or even their wives and children, they I must be defenders of their native : land. There are many young mon at i this time who have not fully under stood why they were called to tight ill this war in lin rope. Wo cnn point the men of to-day to this standing ob ligation of true manhood, and make them understand that the people are the government. They will suddenly recognize themselves as men in tho loftiost sense of the term -as per sonal defenders of honor, borne and the loved ones. At this time there ls un consideration of property or place. This ls an opportunity for us to take serious thought of tho stuff that heroes aro made of; bow much sim ple manhood counts, and that physi cal perfection is demanded of a sol dier. These aro not times when we ?an think ol' what is easiest; these are days when we are called upon to do the hard things In life, and to do them like men and women. Our army Is now out on ll hard, grim job, ami the United states knows it. But no nation's soldiers are so well fed, so well (lothod and so well eared for as our soldiers. Already (hey are the erny of all the Kreuch .did English soldiers. Gen, Pershing says there is a limit to the wisdom of how much .extra" ls good for a soldier. He says the cheerful letters they got from home constitute tue biggest and most helpful "bit" WO can do. Let them feel thal the women of their homes are standing back of them strongly and courageously. Americans are noticeable every where, and these, Instead of asking about the expected German drive, in (|tiiro how things aro going at borne. And it is evident here that the war must moan just as much to a village in America as to a \illage in Franco. There is aa endless chain from tho towns to every American home. lt runs through Gen, Pershing's office across tho Atlantic to the seaboard. Tho more ' read of this war the more I realize what is ahead for America before a victorious peace comes. America must set her face aa a flint, and bo prepared to accept with grim determination whatever comes in tho way of set-backs- -bc causo every army has Its setbacks, no matter how superior lt may bo. I Lot us encourage our boys on the firing lino with patriotic letters: Tell thom that you are proud of them- - proud that they have made the sacri fice, in answering the call to tho colors; tell them thal you are stand ing back ot thom and doing your blt. ! This ls what ono has said about our President: "President Wilson walks the tight rope; it stretches across the sea, with its wrecks and j dead; lie holds in his hands the rich jest treasure ever lodged in the keep ing of one man. That treasure is our j very life, our liberty, our institu tions, our homes, our lire-sides - our all. Lei mo plead with you - let me plead with all Americans- do not shake the rope. Do not badger him; do not heckle him; do not annoy him. ?Ho will make the journey safely over this ocean of blood and peril. Keep silent; hold your tongues. He ls j the greatest man on earth to-day, and his name will as such ride down the ages. J. Russell Wright. I TRY IT! SUHSTITUTW VDU NASTY CALOMEL Starts Your Liver Without .Making You Sick and ('minot Salivate. IO very druggist in town-- your druggist and everybody's druggist- ' j has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all gi\e the same reason. Dodson's Liver Ton?! is taking its place. I "Calomel is dangerous and people know it. while Dodson's Liver Tone iis perfectly sale and gives better rc- : suits," said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson's Liver Tone is person ally guaranteed hy every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs hut a few cents, and If it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money i back. Dodson's Liver Tone ls a pleasant- ' tasting, purely vegetable remedy, . harmless to both children and adults, i Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipat ed bowels, lt doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of calomel to-day and to-morrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dod son's Liver Tono instead and reel j fine, full of vigor and ambition, ad. j 9500,000,000 Offered by McAdoo. j Washington. .March 28.-Continu- ' ing his preparation for the third Lib erty Loan. Secretary McAdoo to night announced tho issuance of ano- | thor block of $500,000,000 certlil- j cates of indebtedness, bearing 1 V2 per cent interest, payable July A, and dated April 10, when subscription books will close. These certificates carry the same terms as others is- j sued In anticipation Of Liberty Loan I collections. This is the H ft ll block of certifi cates offered in advance of the Lib erty Loan, making a total of $2, 100,- ; 000,000. In addition, about $1,250. 000,000 of so-called tax certificates, due next June 2f>, in payment of ex cess profits and Income taxes, are outstanding and the total of both classes of certificates issued is $3, ()f)0,000,000. Ilth Air Cadet Killed at l t. Worth. [.'ort Worth. Tex., March ?.l.-H. ilootcn, a cadet of the Royal Plying Corps, whose homo was in Montreal, Canada, was killed to-day when his airplane crashed to the ground at (Overman Ifield, a British Hying camp here, lils was the 44th fatal aviation accident at the various British and American camps in Fort Worth since they were established last fall. One Killed at Wichita Palls. Wichita Falls, Texas, March 27. C. O, Franks, of Clyde, Ohio, an American cadet, was killed and bis body badly burned to-day In an air plane fall at Call Field, the United States aviation camp hore, when his machine caught fire In tho fall. As the machine, in which Franks was flying alone, struck tho ground, Hames burst out and the wrecked air plane was destroyed before assistance reached lt. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Toke LAXATIV!? BROMO Quinine. It ?tops the Cough nnd Headache and works off the Cold. Druggist* rebind tunney if lt (ails to cure. V.. W. GROVI?'t? ilfiuaturc on euch bc/X, 30c. j Would you like a Pension? We'll tell you how to obtain a pension every bit as safe and certain as those Uncle Sam provides. Whatever amount you wish, paid to you on the first day of each month for twenty years, or, better yet, for as lonp; as either you or the good wife lives. Doesn't it sound good enough to find out about? Golden Jubilee Souvenir Policy fci it Pays Seven Ways " FIRST WAY $100.00 per month for Disability from Accident. SECOND WAY $1 00.00 per month for Disability from Sickness. THIRD WAY $50,00 per month during life for Permanent Disability and $5,000 at death. FOURTH WAY $5,000 Cash and $50 per month during life for accidental loss of two limbs or sight 1 and $5,000 additional at death. FIFTH WAY i $31.60 per month during life, beginning at age of 65. SIXTH WAY $5,000.00 ior Natural Death. SEVENTH WAY $10,000.00 for Accidental Death. (20-Payment Life, Age 35-$5,000 Policy, Issued by The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company of California, 11E EE (l E XCES : J. W. DICKSON, State Agent,-Anderson, S. C. " BANK OF WALHALLA, B. H, DEASON, District Agent, - - - Greenville, S. C. MU. O. C. JALES, West Inion, s. o. That Hog Island Navy Yard. Washington, .March 27.- Total cost to the government for construct ing the shipyards at Hog island, Pa., where 2 0 fabricated steel ships are to be built under tho agency con tract plan, will be between $3T>,000, 00U and $10,000,000, tho Senate commerce committee was told to-day hy John R. Freeman, of Providence, it. I., an expert naval architect, brought here to testify by the con tractors. This sum includes only the yard construction and does not take into consideration any work on ship con struction. An original ostimate was made at $21,000,000, but offlcials of the In ternational Corporation estimated it would be much more than that. Members of thc Senate committee have expressed belief that tho total cost would go beyond Mr. Freeman's estimate. For use in cities which forbid gar bage, waste paper and ashes to be mixed, a Cincinnati Inventor bas brought ont a ventilated, three com partment rubbish receptacle. Run Down. Aching people need a good tonic that will send the blood tingling through the body, enrich it by im proving the digestion, and clean it by expelling the waste matter. Health is a matter of plenty of rich blood, free from impurities. dirpels inflammation of the bl 3od making organs, -the di gestion-gives tone and "pep" to the membranes that line the lungs and the digestive tract, and invigorates the entire system. You can hove health if you take PERUNA care of your self and take Pcruna when you need it. At your drug gists. THE PERUNA COMPANY Columba*, Ohio UNION GUANO CO., (WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.,) I" HIGH-GRADE f\ FERTILIZERS To the Farmers of Oconee: Please take notice that the Fer tilizer business heretofore conducted by Geo. A. Harrison, deceased, rep resenting the above named well-known manufacturers, will be conducted by Baylis W. Harrison and O. W. Pitch ford. We will carry at all times full stock at the old Harrison Warehouse at Blue Ridge depot. DON'T FORGET THAT THIS IS UNION GOODS. " Call, phone or write for any in formation to BAYLIS W. HARRISON, C. W. PITCHFORD, Walhalla, S. C. What tho Kaiser Haid. Los Angelos. Cal., March 28.-S. C. Clomenacn, once a subject of Den mark and now an American citizen, claims to have the "goods on the i Kaiser." In July, 1901, (Momonscn j claims ho stood within fifty foot of rule tho world In 1917. "Itt 1917 our fleet will have su promo power over the sea. Our fu ture Iles on tho water. Wo will rulo the sea and the land," tho Kaiser declarod on that occasion, Clemen son says. Plies Cured IM to 14 Dnya I ni?? WM? WM ... " ?~ - . ?~-.? - the Kaiser at tho launching of tho - drritrirlst wilt refund money I? PAZO battleship Kaiser Carl dor Grosso, | Sfffi? .-? -- --- - , . BHud.nicedingorrrotruatnffi'iicBinoioifaBy?. and heard the Emperor say he would ' Tbs flriu. application gives i{ase ?no nest, soc