i To Relieve Si -Remove W! HEN your head ly find that yoi } bilious. To correct c J the system of tko f 5 of stomach, waste, fot ] f DR. CAL] SYRUP (?hc Perfet ! Dru& Stores Everywh \ A TRIAL BOTTLE CAN BE OBTAIN] I TO DR. W. B. CALDWELL, 457 WASH EKR I IL1ZP.H I'NDKR CONTROL. Makers, Importers, Stoners, Sellers in 8coi>e of New HcgiilutioiiN. A Washington dispatch says: Government control of the fertili ser industry has been ordered by President Wilson in a proclamation requiring manufacturers and distrib uters to obtain licenses from tho Sec retary of Agriculture on *or before March 2,0. Authority for the act is contained in the food control law. Licenses must be obtained not only by makers, importers, storers and selleT of fertilizer itself but of its in gredients as well. Applications for liconse will be made to the food ad ministration, but they will be issued by Secretary Houston, who is charged in the proclamation with enforce ment of regulations to bo issued. Coalers in soino fertilizer ingredi ents, including ammonia and Its com pounds, are already under license by the food administration and they are excepted In tho 'proclamation. Among the ingredients not already under li cense and now put under control aro sulphuric acid, phosphate rock, hones, sodium nitrate, potash, salt, cement and blast furnace dust, wood ashes, cotton seed hulls and meal, potassium nitrate and tobacco waste. Huns Have Sixteen Moue Divisions. Ivondon, March (5.-The Germans are still adding to the number of their divisions on the western front, (Jen. P. M. Maurice, chief director of military operations of the war office, declared in his weekly talk with the Associated^ Press to-day.. The Germans now have sixteen di visions more than the allies in the west, he said, but this did not mean that they wore In superior s/rength, ns the allied divisions wore numeri cally larger. Gen. Maurice said the entente forces still held the superiority in rifles, guns and aircraft, but that this superiority was diminishing. WINTER HAVEN MAN SAYS ; IT'S A F1NEJEMEDY. Hod All Kinds of Kidney, Bladder and Stomach Troubles Himself, Hut Got Rid of Them. TELLS HOW HE BID IT. "Anybody who has suffered with kidney, bladdor and indigestion trou bles like I did knows it is no joke," says tho City Mara?al and Tax Col lector of Winter Haven, Florida. "I had severo pains likJUtd around my kidneys and In my bladder, and sometlmqs would have to climb out of bed as often as 8 or 9 times in a night. It put me to a whole lot of suffering not to mention expense. My food sometimes wouldn't digest at all, and I wm; getting alarmed about my condition when friends who had1 found out about Acid Iron Mineral started mo taking it. The pains In my kidneys and bladder disappeared and instead of crawling out of bed nt all hours of the night my sleep got so peaceful and lb did mo so m ire h good I know lt will help peojde trou bled like I was. I want to pass the glad tidings along to others because I know what a hard time'I had locat ing a ronl remedy. My digestion and appetite got better and I can oat anything I want now. No sour sto mach and indigestion troubles on my inonu any moro,", declares Winter Haven's City Marshal and Tax^Collec tor, B, F. Norman. ' Acid Iron Minorai is a medicinal iron compounded from ore just ns it is dug in the mine. It is powerful ns can be. Just a teaspoonful in a glass of water makes a powerful dose. A twelve-ounce bottle selling at a dollar goes a long ways and it doesn't contain a drop of alcohol or injurious dope. It won't hurt any one's teeth. It Is just a good old, highly concentrated iron tonic, aid to digestion and blood medicine. Tho namo, Forrodtno Chemical Corp., Ro anoke, Va., is back of it and means quality nnd.strength. Druggists have It or /et frosh, generous-size twelve ounce bottle will be sent prepaid on receipt of *1.-Adv. Lek Headache 1 {he Cause! j I I ? j ; i i i aches you will usual Li are constipated and j constipation and clear { ermentin^ congestion \ il &ases and Lile, Use ; D WELL'S PEPSIN . j zt laxative. i ere -50 cts. $1.00 ! - - E.D, FREE OF CHAROE, BY WRITING ) INGTON ST., MONTICELLO, ILLINOIS I I _-._J DOUBLE MURDER JX X. C. No Trace Cnn He Found of tlie Pot*> pet rn (ors ?d' the Grime, ; I Winston-Salem, N, C., March 6. Completing the dduble murder, per petrated hy an unknown man near | this citj.- yesterday afternoon, Harvey Hester, aged 24, died early this morning as the result of a pistol shot through" the head when he looked into his window, where his young wife was dead as the result of three j pistol shots through her body. Bloodhounds wer*1 put on the trail this morning about 2 o'clock, but were unable to follow it, nor were the searching parties, consisting of several hundred citizens and officers, able to find fruitful clues. When two men, who were working nearby, arrived at the homo a few minutes after the shootiug, they found one little daughter, aged 18 . months, on her mother's breast call ing her, while another, four years old, was calling her father. j Keeling is running high, as the man and woman killed were highly respected, and no motive can be found. j Half Your Living Without Money Cost We are all at a danger point. On the uso of good common sense in our 1918 farm and garden operations de ponds prosperity or our "going broke." Even at present high prices no ono can plant all or nearly all cotton, buy food and grain at prosont prices from supply merchant on credit and make money. Food and grain ls higher in proportion than are present cotton prices. _ It'a a time above all others' to play safe; to produce all possible food, grain and forage supplies on your own acres; to cut down the store bill. A good piece of garden ground, rightly planted, rightly tended and kept planted the year round, can be made to pay nearly half your living. It will Bave you more money than you made on the best three acres of cotton you over grew! - Hastings' 1918 Seed Book tells all about ?he right lund"of a money sav ing garden and the vegetables to put in lt. It tells about the farm crops as well and shows you the clear road to real and regular farm prosperity. Ifs Free. Send for it Hoday to H. G. HA8TINQ8 CO., Atlanta, On.-Advt. ? - . . -mm ? - S#?n?? Insurance Agent J (Greenville News.) "The Docket" has a story about the general agent of a life insurance j company who was summoned to serve on a petit jury in New Mexico. He asked to be excused on the plea that he was too busy writing insur- ' nuce. He was compelled to serve, j The first jury of which he was a member stayed out a very long time, j but agreed On n verdict. After the ' trial the agent showed the judge an ' application for insurance signed by i each of tho other mombers of tho i jury and admitted that he had held ont all night against the other eleven until they agreed to take out insur ?h?e, H was tho only time he ever had to serve us a juryman. For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try ono 60-cent bottle of LAX-FOS | WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to tolio. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medi cine Co., manufacturers uf Laxativo Bromo Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic. Tho Hong of tito Stamp. Sing a song of Thrift Stamps, Pocket full of dough, Lend lt to your country And help the War Fund grow, When five years are over, Tho, U. Government Will give you back your capital Enriched by four por conti DRAFT XQ SAVIO FARMERS. I-in lough Provided for Men Needed in Pursuits Necessary to War. Washington, Marci? 8.-Furloughs for fanners and other men needed In non-military pursuits necessary to tho war were authorized in a Senate hill passed to-day hy the House with the approval ol" the War Department. The evident purpose of the an nouncement) which takes the form of an amendment to the selective service regulations, is to exempt as far as possihle registrants who ?nay he used on farms. This is in line with the policy to increase the country's fodd production. (.'lass 5 for CVrtnhi Students. Governors were notilled to-day hy Provost Marshal General Crowder that all ?tiulcn?G in land grant agri cultural colleges whose class standing places them in the upper third of the senior class, may enlist In the quar termaster's enlisted reserve corps and will he'placed hy local hoards in class 5 on the ground that they are In the military service. Labor Conti t Law Signed. Columbia, March 7.-Governor Manning Wednesday signed the act introduced hy tho judiciary commit tee of the House at the 1917 session and -passed at tho last session of Hie Legislature amending the Code of 1912 in regard to labor contracts. The purpose of the act is to throw further restrictions around the em ployer and employee in regard to la bor contracts. The act makes it a misdemeanor for any person to contract with ano ther to fraudulently., or with malic ious 'ntent, to injure his employer, or to fail to render such service as agreed upon in the contract. The act also makes it a misdemea nor for the employee, after receiving advance money or other compensa tions, to fail to perform services as required lu the contract. lt also makes it a misdemeanor for the employer to fnil to perform his part of tho contract, and after receiv ing aid to fail or refuse to make com pensations for the same. The act further provides that the contracts shall be furnished to all third parties, and also be flied with the Clerk of Court within ten days after theing signed. . Violation of the law^makc-s the vio lator liable to a fine of not leas than $25 or more than $100, or imprison ment for not less than 20 days or not more than 30 days. "Thunder Kugle." IFort William, Ontario, March 8. The "Thunder Eagle,'' sacred among tho Ojubwa Indians as personifying' the spirit of the Manltow, supposed to have Rs next on the Sleeping Giant, 1.400 Teet above Thunder Bay, was seen depicted in fire in the bril liant display of aurora borealis here Inst night. Tlie Ojuhwas say the Thunder Eagle has l/M been seen for many years, and that its appearance por tends wonderful happenings In the world. Tho figure of tho eagle trav eled swiftly southward over tho bay, accompanied by huge splashes of red and green fire which shot about it like meteors. A Duluth dispatch told of the appearance of an eagle in the aurora borealis there last night. " FAREWELL." Men with' war's challenge before you You who must win in the fight, You who shall bring the glad morn ing After war's terrible night Here find the way and tho wisdom To match and master the Hun, Translating the Book and its mes sage Ijnto tho 8|>eech of the Gun. So farewell, beloved parents, Brothers, sisters and friends; We must bo parted till victory an nounces the end. But nay! We hopo death will not meet us 111 the trenches, on hill, or the sea,/ iFor 'twill be sad for all theso loved ones Who walt In patience not tpygreot us Homo with a Kiss. ' -F. M. S. Camp Jos. E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla. . rn- . The phonograph and telephone are employed/In a South Carolina Inven tor's automatic Are alarm that calls up a central oporator and tells her just where the blaze ls starting. CHICHESTER S PILLS DIAMOND ?5&?k BRAND - S ff r.ADras i Alic ?our ?rnfftftt for Crii-CltfvVf BR 8 DIAMOND I1HAND I'll,I.ii in KI P mid GOLD metallic boxes, scaled wltb Blue1 Ribbon. TA KU NO OMI KU. nay o? Toar l>m*fft*t and Mik for (HII CHKS T?B A DIAMOND Il It A N D I'll.l.n, Tot twotity.fiv? years re?nrdeU nt ncflt,8ftfeft. Always Relinblc. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMK FVFRYWHFRF WORTH TKJUD ewen i wv nene TKBTHD THOM (?F.ORG1A TO II,LINOIS. $lt),000 Worth ol' I/uni Shipped Hom Tlfton to Chicago. Tirton, On., .March 7.-South Gcor gla is shipping hog products to Chi cago. This reversal of the accepted order of tilings marks a new era for the South, which promises this year not only to feed itself, hut to supply a liberal surplus for its less fortunate neighbors. ^ Thc Tifl?n Packing Company ship ped two carloads of lard to Chicago yesterday, the aggregate value being over $111,000. This shipment was made before the packing house had been lu operation 30 days. While at Moultrie Manager C. L. Brooks, of the girton Packing Conipnny, shipped tho first carload of hog pro ducts from the South to Chicago. He is improving on this record at Tlfton, and lt is not dilflcult to anticipate the day when South Georgia and not Chicago will lix prices for the hog markets of this country. At (ho Big End of the Horn. Tile Greenville NCWB, in discuss ing the war achievements for 1017, shows many signs of progress, and produces figures that cannot be con tracted. We reproduce one para graph from tho article; "Let us say, in passing, (hat nb student of political economy, can doubt tile ultimate issue of tho world struggle. For while the Central powers possess but about 15 per cent of the world's wealth, and 0 per cent of its population, Hie allies (Counting us in) have 78 per cent of the wealth, and 76 per cent of tho population. Whenever the final re adjustment shall take place, the Uni ted States will come out at the lar ger end of the horn." TRUTHFUL REPORTS Walhalla Reads Them With Uncom mon Interest. A Walhalla citizen tells his experl mce in the following statement. No better evidence than this can be hau. The truthful reporta of mends ana ick'h i)o rs is the best proof In the world. Rood sad be convinced. P. J. Fredrick?, conductor South ern R R., Main St., Walhalla, says: Tho Jarring and jolting ot the cars ?rought on attacke of kidney trouble. When I have had one ot those attacks the pains In the small of my back and across my loins have been severe. Tho kidney secretions have been scanty, scalding, have passed to oft en and have contained sediment like brick-dust. I have never let the trouble get a good hold on me, as 1 have used Donn's Kidney Pills and have never failed to receive prompt relief. I keep them on hand all the time." Prlco 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills -? the same that Mr. Froderickb had. Foster-Milburu Co":, Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. Col. .lohn S. Dennis, of the British Canadian recruiting mission, in a speech nt the University Ch? '). Chi cago, declared that when the Uni ted* States has entered tho war ns fully as Canndh, we shall have l ad a casualty list of 2 000.000 and will have enlisted 10,000,000 men. In the three and one-half years Canada has been In' the war, he said, her cnsunltles total li?,000, although her pouplatlon is only 8,000,000. To the Farmers of Oconee County : We are, Jobson System Dealers for this county, and as such are actively engaged in bringing the Common Souse Methods of easier- and moro profitable farming to every nook and corner of our section. These methods and the remarkable Jobson Plow have received tho en dorsement of great agriculturists, State oflicials and practical farmers all over the country, and these bene fits are being extended to all* parts of the country at a rate that certain ly proyes its merit and genius, prac tical advantage. No farmer can af ford to overlook tho opportunity of a thorough investigation of thi? sys tem before going further with his spring work. Tho Jobson Plow lins no etjual in preparing the land (late or early, wet or d?W) boforo planting, and it is also of extraordinary value in work ing growing crops and in getting ready for second crops. In fact, it is something the farmer needs every month in tho year. A little Investi gation demonstrates this boyond doubt. Call on us for literature and full particulars. Wo'ro here to servo you. Jobson Plows 'now (fen ?tock. HUTCHISON BROS, West Union. BALLENGER HOW. & FURN. CO., Seneca. C. W 'PITCHFORD, Walhalla. MATHKSON HARDWARE CO., adv. Westminster. Children Cry The Kind You Have Always ?n uso for over over 30 yea All Counterfeits, Imitations Experiments that trifle witt Infants and Children-Expe What is C Castoria is a harmless subst Drops and Soothing Syrups, neither Opium, Morphine no: age is its guarantee. For i been in constant-use for the re Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; therefrom, and by regulating the assimilation of Food; giv Tho Children's Panacea-The GENUINE CASI Bears the In Use For 0 Th? Kind You Hen TH? CRNTAUN COMP Curd of Timuka. .Editor Keowee Courier: Pienso al low us space in your paper to thank tho good people of the Onkway Wes leyan church and community for their donations; also the good peo ple of Westminster and Return. May this he a personal thanks to each and every one who contributed, and may the Lord reward thom a hun dred fold is our prayer. Mrs. Mary Williams and Children. Seneca. R.1?\D. 4, March 8, in 18. To meet the growing use of coal Kas for automobile fu*?l In England, a rubber container for compressed gas, which can be mounted on a car's run ning board, has been invented. Health About Gone Many thousands of women suffering from womanly trouble, have been benefited hythe use of Card ul, the woman's tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z.V. Spell, of Hay ne, N.C. "I could not stand on my. feet, and Just suffered terribly," she says. "As my suf fering was so great, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr.-had us fitt Cardui. , > I began mproving, and it cured me. I know, and my doctor knows, what Car dui did for me, for my nerves and health were about gone/' TAKE The Woman's Tonic i She writes further? 4,1 ^5 am in splendid health ... ll can do my work. 1 feel I ? owe it to Cardui, for I was kl In dreadful condition." j If you are nervous, run I . down and weak, or suffer kl from headache, backache, M etc., every month, fry kl Cardui. Thousands of ? women praise iii is medl jj cine for the good it has H done them, and many ^| physicians who have used ?j Cardui successfully with m their women patients, fdr dj years, endorse this medl I cjne. Think what it means j| to be In splendid health, y like Mrs. Spell. Give ^ Cardui a trial. ti All Druggists J JV2 for Fletcher's Bought, and which lins ' been rs, has borne tho signai m o ol has been made under his per* i supervision since its infancy. 7 no one to deceive you in this. and 44 Just-as-good " are but i and endanger the health of :riencc against Experiment. ?ASTORIA itute tor Castor Oil, Paregoric, It is pleasant. It contains r other narcotic substance. Its moro than thirty years it has ilief of Constipation, Flatulency, allaying Feverishness arising the Stomach and Bowels, aids lng healthy and natural sleep. ) Mother's Friend. "ORIA ALWAYS ver 30 Years re Always Bought 'ANY, mwVoHK TV._ Rheumatism and Gout A convincing fact of tho remarka ble power of L-Rhonino ns a euro for Rheumatism and Gout is shown by tho grateful letters from people that have taken thia famous remedy. L Rheumo eliminates poisons by ita action on the liver, kidneys and bow els, aids digestion and assimilation of food, purifies the blood and builds you up. Don't suffor when L Rheumo ls rendy to aid you. Demand the bottle with big "L". , For Salo by / Roll's Drug Store, Walhalla, S. C., Central Drug Co., Central, S. C., Or write Chapman-Alexander laboratories,. Greenville, S. C. Kurfees Paints and Oil. ? Gutter and Repair Work, JO. E. GOOD, TINNER. - WAIillALXiA, S. C ?I? ty ?I? ?I- ty ty ty ty -I? ty ty ty PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ?fr ?J? ?J? ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty cjj i-g ty C. L. DEAN, ty .g. Surveyor and Civil Engineer, ty ty ll. F. D. No. 3, ty ty CENTRAL, S. C. ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty C? DR. W. R. CRAIG, Dental Surgeo n WALHALLA, S. CAROLINA. Onice Over O. W. Pitchford'? Store. HARRY R HUGHS, * 4 ty At?orpey-at-Law, A, .I- Walhalla, South Carolina. ? ty-?-J ty MARCUS O. LONG, .? ty Attorney-at-Law, *?. ty Phone No. 00, fy ty Walhalla, South Carolina. 4 4* - i? ty Office Over Oconee Newt'. ?|. ty-. fy 4? J. R. EARLE, 4. ty \, A ttorney-al-Law, ? ty WALHALLA, 8. O. 4 ty ' Practice in State and Federal 4 .b Court?. kg, ty FARM LOANS. fy t --- * ty E. L. II ER NOON, ?ft ty Attoroey-at-Lnw, 41 .J? Walhalla, South Carolina, * ty PHONE NO, 61. 4 fy-*- fy ty R. T. JAYNB8, <;< ty Attorney-at-Law, .$ ty Wallinna, South Carolina* $ 4* Hell Phone No. 20. 4 * - * ty Practice In State and Federal ?J.j ty Cou rta. ?H ty-?-' ? 4? J. P. Carey, J. *vV>She:or, ?ft 4. Picken?, 0 C. W. 0. Hugh*. 4* ty CAREY, SHELOR ? HUGHS, 4> ty Attorney? and Counsellors, ty Walhalla, Sonth Carolina. ty ty Practice In State ?nd Federal ??; .j. Courts.* "ft ty ty ty ty ty ty ty 4* ty ty ty 4* 4' *