F?ll HAMO OH HUNT-House and lot on W. Westley Street. Apply to A. J A FF 10 lt SON. Walhalla. 4-7 F?ll SALE-Hood Heart and Sap Shingles. Apply to t?. L. BARKER, Walhalla, Route 1. 6*_ FOR HAI>10-Good sovon-yeai-old maro; weighs about looo lbs; bar gain for cash or good note. W. H. KNIGHT, Walhalla, Rt. 2. 5* WANTED-Housekeeper to take ebargo of home and have charge of three small children; must be of good character; references desired. Good home in country, near Wost Union. Addressi.l. Aid.KN KEELEY, West Union, S. C., Itt. No. 1. s* FOU SA M-:-Ono 20-horso-power Peerless engine, good as new. Also, ono No. 2 Hustler Saw Mill, com plete with all belts; driving bolt all new; cabio wiro to drivo carriage; carriage with three head block, with spring to back lock; Deacock feed. Also, ono new 62-inch Simmons saw, X by 0 ?ange. For further particu lars, wrlto or seo .1. L, CH ASTA IN, Salem, S. C., Route 2. 1-10 . j ? ? j . > j. ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? X LOCAL ANO PERSONAL. .I* ? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j* ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? *f**f* *t* .!* -For Sale- -A good, cheap pair of mules. T. IO. Alexander.-Adv.l -Miss Ruth Walker returned bo Walhalla last 'Thursday, after an "ab sence of some months visiting rela tives and friends in Atlanta and Toccoa. -If. I). Hombree and family moved last week from the Hombreo jilace, noar ilMcket Post, to a farm recently purchased on Rural Route. No. 1. Mr. II embree sold his place to L. O. Rowell, who will farm there this year. -Miss Pearl Childs and .lohn Don ald, both of the Townvillo section, wore married by Rev. T. C. Ligon, at his home near Townville Inst Satur day afternoon, January 26th. Many friends will join In wishing for the young couple much happiness and I prosperity. -In a letter from Lieut. A. A. Manning, now at Chickamauga 'Park, (ki., he requests us to remember him to his friends in this section. Mr. Manning is now first lieutenant in the 66th infantry. National Army. Ho give? no Intimation as to any probable movements on the part o? tho .men In his encampment. -C. A. Grant and family moved last week from Walhalla to tho Sa lem section, where Mr. Grant will engage In farming this year. They have many friends here who regret (hoir departure, but who will join with Tho Courier in wishing them every success I.', their new home. Mr. Grant will farm this .year on tho Nlmmons lands, at the Nimuions' Bridge, on Keowee River. ?-At the recent teachers" examina tion only eight persons took the ex amination, six of theso being white and two colored. Only two passed the required average, one receiving a second and the other a third-grade pertinente. Those were No. l, sec ond grade; No. third grade. A general average of so per cent, with not less than 50 on any ono branch, entitles applicant to 1st grade certifi cate; To per cent, with not less than .15 on any one branch, i'd grade cer tificate; un jier cent, with not less than 10 on any one subject, ?td grade < crtiflcalo. -Mrs. Mary K. Bnuklllghl died :?t lier home in Walhalla last Saturday evening at 8.15 o'clock, after a long illness from paralysis, the first stroke having been suffered more than twenty years ago. In the long years of her suffering and confinement to the homo the tender care of her chil dren has hoon marked hy every ono who knew the Invalid, and this care and solicitude for tho every comfort of the aged lady was her chief source of joy, enabling her to bear all her sufferings with that cheerfulness and resignation that attracted tho atten tion of those who visited her in the past years of confinement to her homo. Sho had been an Invalid for moro than ten years, and for the past seven years bad not taken a step, be ing alternately confined to her bed and a wheel chair. Mrs. Bauknight was almost 75 -years of age, she hav ing been born Juno 8th, 1843. Her malden name was Smith, and she was a native of Lexington county, this State. On June 5th. 1800, she was married to John S. Bauknight. who preceded her to the grave some 20 years, he having died November 27th, 1S07. Mr. and Mrs. Bauknight came to Walhalla In June, 1870, and were always numbered among the most prominent of the citizens of the town. Mrs. Bauknight was a consistent member of tho -Methodist church, with which she had been Identified from young womanhood. Her life was consistent with her profession, and the record she leaves is that of an humble, consecrated Christian, zealous in her church work ti)) to the time of her affliction, earnest always in the discharge of her Christian duties. In lier passing away a truly good woman has been called to her reward, and she will be greatly miss ed in tia- home circle and in the com munity. Mrs. Bauknight is survived by two daughters and two sons Mrs. Lillian Stoddard, Mrs. C. W. Pitchford, Chas. W.' and John 10. Bauknight. all of Walhalla. Two sisters also survive her, those being Mrs. Mathias, of Inno, S. C.. and Mrs. George Haltlwanger, of Lexing ton. A third sister. Mrs. Mariah Bauknight. died about six weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs, B. 'M. Holland and Joe Holland, of Liberty, were the only rotatives at a distance who were able to attend the funeral services, which were held Monday morning at 10.30 o'clock, the interment taking place in iWostvlew Cemetery. Tho ser vices wore conducted by Rev. IO. P. Taylor, of thc Walhalla Methodist church, assisted by Rev. W. IL -Ham ilton, of the 'Presbyterian church. There aro hosts of friends of the de ceased hero and elsewhere in tho county, ns well as in other parts of this Stato and adjoining States who will join with The Courier in ex tending sympathy to the bereaved ones. -?The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church will moot with Mr?. C. G, Jnynos Thursday after noon ?at 3 3u o'clock. -Miss ?Eloise Strother is spending; a while in Johnston ns tho guest of her sister, Mrs. C. J'. Coin. She will also visit Mrs. R. J. Slffodr In Pros perity before her return hoon?. -M. (5. Holland, formerly of this section, is now engaged in the mule and horse V>uslness at Westminster. See announcement elsewhere and give him a (rall when you need some stock for farm work or pleasure driving. I Lieut. TllOS. J. -Davis, of Com pany M, i22d Infantry, stationed at Cain)) VVheeler, (Ja., has been spend ing a live-day furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. 0 or 55 years of age. we would judge, though we ?have no informa tion as to lils age. ile was a bro ther or Rev. D. d'. Dearden, who re sides near Seneca, and a sister, Mrs. W. L. Owens, lives near .West Un ion. There are numerous ot'her rel atives of the deceased lu this section, to whom Tho Courier joins in ex tending, along with other friends, sincere sympathy in their sorrow. Mr. Dearden'^ body was Interred In Greenville Friday last. -L, L. Sloan is a new citizen of Oconeo, ho having recently moved with his fumlly from McCool, Miss., where ho had resided for a number of years, and was engaged lu farm ing on a small scale. Last year his crops were an almost complete fail ure, die has also been r several days. Mit Pitchford is .a daughter of Mr. These I them so we can sell 1 We predict th bought for love or m< now, while our stoc And by the w We've got 'em; and ) and something you v without it again/' If you are a fa business this year. * BROWN HAS II or BROWN GETS 1 -.Wanted-White men in board ing room. Apply at Hetrick Hosiery .Mill, Walhalla.-'Adv. 6. -G. E. Rhodes, of The Courier fvvrce, has been s/been-t 'from the of fice this week, suffering intensely from a felon on hie rlgiht thumb. -iMiss Allie Coiyb, of Hodges, ls spending this week in Walhalla vis iting her cousins, the Misses CoT>"b, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cobb. -J. li. Parker, of Columbia, spent the week-end here with his family. Mr. Parker reports ideal weather In? Columbia tho patat week, with only a little sleet last Tuesday. .This soon melted away. -Mule Buyers, Attention! They are a pair of mountain rnlBed pip pins. Coming three and four; weigh over 900 pounds. I don't need them; will sell ono or the pair reasonably. A. Whltmlre, Russell, .S. C.-'Adv. --Balls Harrison, of Greenville, has returned to Walhalla and will, we unders-tand, 'be here .permanently this year, looking alter the farm and other Interests -of his father's estate. Miss dian nah M. .II a rr leon, who has .been teaching at Seneca, is also at home for the ,present. -W. ?M., "Brown returned ,Monday last from a< business tirp to points in North Carolina. Mr. Brown re ports .a continuation of snow and sleet ?ll along the railway route over whloh he traveled until reaching al most the .beginning of the South Car olina line. At several places he says that young men and .boys were ?skat ing with ice skates on the sidewalks and in the streets of cities, where the walks and streets were solid sheets of sleet and ice. -Representative Harry R. Hughs was notified by telegram last week to appear In Atlanta, /Ga., for final ex aminait ion on his application for en listment in the aviation department of the United States Army. Mr. Hughs is in attendance upon the prosent session of the Routh Caro lina General Assembly, and the tele gram wa4*at once forwarded to him in Columbia. We have not .hea'rd whether ho will go no'w, or has al Mules ar Will offer Specif urday next, Februe Gambrell Tom Lowery Barn. HIGH FERTIl Complete GENERAL M - Buggies Har FABM mi SASH -:- DOC W. P. Nimi Monday our first two carloads of : all styles, in both Rubber and. Si buggies were bought on contracts o our trade away below the price at before spring, owing to the cor aney. ?5* The factories will all k lasts. & ?fi rayt do not forget to see about tha fou will be surprised when we sh /ill like. ?* It lasts a life-time. ft^rt ?j?t %*f? trmer we have got something tha * We appreciate it. *M> r w. n. BRO1 ;T WALHAL ready gone, for this examination, or wili receive extension of time till the end of the legislative session. -Rev. JJ. W. .Langston, of Ashe ville, ii. C., has t>een called to the jwistorate o'f the Walhalla First Bap- ! list church, and' has .accepted the i call. 'Rev. Mr. Langston ?nd family will move to Walhalla in the near future, and he will enter upon the discharge of the duties o'f pastor of the church about February 1st, preaching his first sermon here prob ably ineXt Sunday. Rev. Langston's family ls composed of his wife and two small children. .They will be most cordially welcomed to our midst. -To Rent-One good 4-room house with stables; good well and large garden; In East Walhalla. W. M. Brown.-Adv.tf. -Attention is directed to the ad vertisement o'f the Traxler Real Estate Company, of Greenville, which will be found on the fifth page this week. This well-known real estate firm will oTTer for sale on Tuesday, ?February 6 th, some most desirable farms near Westminster. These smaller tracts are cut from tho well known large br 3y o'f land known as the W. ip. Anderson -water po'wer "tract. Read the announce ment, then go to t'he sale next Tues day prepared to select a good farm for yourself. NOTICE TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS AND VAGRANTS. Walhalla, S. C., Jan. 28, 1918. TO THE PUBLIC: Please take notice that it is unlaw ful to drive any automobile or motor cycle after February 1st without having the 1918 license tags. All rural constables and the public I generally are requested to co-operate in enforcing,the statute. Thirty days of grace has already been extended. ' VAGRANCY NOTICE. All able-bodied men and boys must do five days' work eac'i week or they will be indicted for vagrancy. The vagrancy laws will be strictly en forced. ?TA'S, iM. MOSS, Sheriff Oconee County, S. C. id flares. il Bargains on Sat? iry 2d. Holland. :: Westminster, S. C. GRADE .IZERS. ! Stock of . ERCHANDISE = Wagons - ness. ?ItHMQBIVVS. >RS :-: g PAINTS mons, Seneca. fifty Buggies we have had since Christinas. ^* We tcel Tires, for you. ^ Buggies arc scarce and hard placed a great while ago, and consequently we have :s prevailing to-day. & ?* nmercial condition of our country, Buggies cannot be be required to produce war goods. *?* Better buy ^?f ff?i t "New Standardized Farm Wagon0 with five wheels, low you that new fifth wheel, & It's new and novel & Farmers who have tried it say, "I will never do j?> ?fa ?fa t will interest you. ?fa Try us with a share of your .?fa ?fa ?fa ?fa ?fa vVN & SON, BKOWNorHAS IT LA. s. c. BROWN G?TS ?T ? Now for Another Bumper Crop. We are now ready to help you make another Bumper Crop. Our stock is complete in Farming Implements, i II >?????! ii , ? i lilli ni i iMnimrwpiwwi IM-I l o.muiwi !? Il.wlr? ?-? J' 1 Consisting of Chattanooga and Avery Chilled Turn ing Plows and extra parts for same. Cole's Cotton and Corn Planters, Fertilizer Dis tributers, Wood Single Trees, Steel Single, double and triple trees; Plow Steels, all shapes; Hcclbolts, Clevises, Lap Rings, Back Bands, Collars, Plow Lines. .Wc will also continue to handle the Best Grade of Fertilizers. CW. PITCHFORD. Walhalla, S. C. This is to Give NOTICE To Whom It May Concern : That 1 have, bought all tho asset? of Tim Seneca Fertilizer Company, including Real Estafe, Notes-and Account?, Machinery, Material, Steeles,. Contracto, Brands, Coed Will, etc. I am going to surrender the Charter of The Seneca Fertilizer Gov and continue the FertiHzcr Business under the firm name of SENEGA FERTILIZER CO., J. W. BYRD, Owner. I assume all obUgations of Hie Seneca Fertilizer Co. made prior to January 15, 1918, and all Notesv and Accounts, Contracte, etc., ore duo and payable to me. ? appreciate the business you have given Tho Seneca FertiHzer Co.. mid trust you will continue your Fertilizer busftie&? with me. I ?mi ready to make contracts with my customers and friends wanting te buy Reliable Fertilizer. Some say tho demand for Fertilizer tills sea son will be greater than tho supply. I don't know this. Von can lind me nt G. W. GignU lint & Mon'? Oillco till t in t lier notice. J. W. BYRD, Seneca. FOR COUNTY PHYSICIAN. NOTICIO OF ELECTION.-Notice is hereby given that tho Board of County Commissioners will elect a County Physician on Friday, Febru ary i, for tho yenr 1918. The posi tion will be filled by election of the lowest responsible bidder. S. N. HUGHS, County Supervisor. Jan. ?IO, 1018. N?TIGE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to the Estate of George A. Harrison, deceased, aro hereby notified to make pay ment to the undersigned, and all per sons having claims against said es tate will present the same, duly at tested, within the time prescribed by law or be barred. (?MRS.) HANNAM E. HARRISON, Executrix of the Estate of George A. Harrison, deceased. Jan. 30, 1918. 5-8 CLOSING OUT FVIUflTlTIUB OUI* YI - Until February 15th, 1918, we will make special prices ort our entire stock of FURNITURE, as weare closing out this line. MEDIUM STOCK ON HAND. Call and examine this line, supply yo?r wants and s&ve money on every purchase you make. HUTCHISON BROTHERS, West Union, S.JC.