BUSINESS AND PLEASURE! Mr. Farmer: Hauling your products and turning your soil Are two tilings you must do. JZ? Why not do it the easiest way that is, with Good "COLUMBUS" WAGONS and "OLIVER." PLOWS? =?=_:-- M YOU CAN" GET BROWN HAS IT or BROWN GETS IT Mr. Automobile flan: We have something for you, too-An Up-to-Date Re pair Shop and Garage. & We sell a line of high grade J. (Si D. Automobile Casings and Tu hes-5,OOO mile guarantee. ^ If your Car needs attention, see our Mr. Arthur Brown. IT ATV T3ROW3SPS." ? W. m. BROWN, Walhalla, S. C. jp "WHEN YOU RIDE, RIDE RIGHT." J& j&, BROWN HAS IX or BROWN GETS IT <;0 each. Apply to Wm. A Hetriok, Walhalla.-^Adv. tf. -Miss Helen Beard will leave this afternoon for Spartanburg to re sumo her position with the? Greene wald Company. She has boon at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beard, of Tamassec, for some months owing to Illness. , -Friends of J. A. ivester will re gret to learn that he ls seriously ill of pneumonia at his home on Wal halla Route 3. Mrs. Ivester has been ill for several days with acuto grip, and their sons have been up only a fow days from measles. It Is boped this family will soon bo well again. -Gin Days-My gin will bo In Juli operation tho first Friday and Saturday In January, thc 4th and 5th. Have your cotton ready. CW. Pitch ford, Walhalla.-Adv. -Kor Sale-Six-room dwelling near depot. J, H. Earle, Walhalla, S. C.-Adv. -Hov. C. It. Abercrombie, who has for some time boen doing pasto ral work in Plckens county, residing at Coutral, has been called- to the paBtorato of tho Salem Baptist church and will again reside in tho Salem section. His new work begins with the new year. -Tho friends of Mrs. A. T. Held are glad to know that she ts able to bo ui> and about the home after a four-weeks' illness from pneumonia. -Itev. L. M. Lyda will preach at tho Second Baptist church, Walhalla, on the llrst Sunday night iu this month nt 7 o'clock. All the mem bers and tho public are invited to bq present. -The Young Men's League will meet in the Methodist church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All members (the seniors in particular) are urged to attend. Officers will be elected for the ensuing year. -A marriage that will bo of Inter est to many in Oconee was solemn ized at the homo of Mrs. Sophio Rit ter, on Main street, Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock, the contracting parties being Miss Lillie Ross, of Walhalla, and Austin Beaty, of Par rish, Ela. The marriage came as a pleasant and complete surprise to friends of the couple here. Mr. Beaty was on a visit to relatives and had said nothing of the major object of his trip to bis old home. Only a few intimate friends of the couple witnessed i'ie ceremony, along with several members of the families of the brido and groom. Mrs. Beaty, as Miss Ross, made a host of friends hero who will join with us in extend ing sincere,good wishes. She has for some timo bad charge of the dry goods and ladies' department of C. W. & J. E. ^auknlght's store, and asido from her list of personal friends, she has made a wide ac quaintance and large number ot bus iness friends in all parts of tho coun ty. Mr. Beaty is a former Oconee man, having been raised near Wal halla, but be went to Florida some years ago, establishing himself in the truck farm and orange grove business in that State. For the past several years be has been living in Califor nia, but last spring returned to bis Florida property. Immediately fol lowing tho marriage ceremony, which was performed by Rev. W. H. Hamil ton, of tho Presbyterian church, Mr. and Mrs. Beaty left for Parrish, their futuro home. Mr. Beaty is to be congratulated upon his food fortune in winning thc heart and hand of Miss Ross. The very best wishes of many from all over Oconee will ac company them to their Florida home. -Going! Yes, going fast! Come quick If you want'anything at a bar gain. Some laces left going nt 1 cent a yard and up. A few skirts, shirt waists, middy blouses, corsets, etc. Alse, five nice show cases, two nice mirrors and a lot of things too num erous'to mention. Want to close our doors by February 1st. Delay may put you too late. Mrs. W. M. Brown & Co., Walhalla.-Adv. -The cold wave for this section ls now entering well into the fourth week, though lt has not, of course, been continuously what could be call ed freezing weather, but Ice that was formed in barrels four weeks ago has not melted. There have been during the past three and a half weeks a few days of sunshine, and quite pleasant. Before the six-Inch snow had completely gone there came a lighter fall last Saturday, and again on Sunday night about an inch and a half, and this we havo with us to day, with an additional three-fourths inch that fell last night. Thermome ter readings have varied a few de grees In Walhalla, naturally, accord ing to location, but tho variations have been comparatively slight. Pov erty Pinnacle readings since the thermometer took its latest hard tumble were: Sunday morning, zero; Monday morning, fi above; Tuesday morning, 2 above; this morning, 18 above. These readings represent the temperature between fi and 7 o'clock in the morning. Information comes to us that Ueaty's Creek was frozen ovor from bank to bank yesterday morning and that the water could be seen running below tho ice forma tion. This was reported by John P. Beaty, who had crossed tho stream, and ho also stated that ho had it on good ifuthorlty that Keowee River was frozen completely ovor just prior to tho recent snow fall, and that the snow covered the river while Ice clad, leaving Keowee for tho time being completely lost to view. W. A. White, who lives a fow miles from town, reports "Nigger Fork" Creek also completely frozen over yesterday morning. SCHOOL TO OPEN JAN. 14. Owing to the fact that the coal situation bas not been relieved lo cally, the Walhalla High School will not open noxt Monday, ns had been anticipated. The date for reopening the school bas been changed to. Mon day, January 11th. All Interested will please govern themselves ac cordingly. -Liquid smoko and sausago cas ing. C. W. & J. K. Bauknight.-Ad.. -Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kimx, of An derson, are visiting relatives in West Union and near Walhalla. -Walter Hagger ty, of Dade, Ala., spent tile Christmas holidays vwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs..E. B. tlag gerty, of the Salem section. He was greeted by many of his old friends, who wore delighted to moot him again. -The Walhalla Chapter of the American Red Cross has made a ship ment of forty sweaters and nine pairs of socks and will make another shipment of sweaters and socks on Friday. AU knitters of socks and sweaters will please take notice and bring in their work not later than 3.30 o'clock Friday, to the Red Cross headquarters. -For Sale-Thirty-one; Jacre farm near Seneca; 8-room house. J. R. Earle, Walhalla.-Adv. -Married, on the afternoon of December 25th, nt the home of Rev. T. C. Ligon, the officiating minister, at Townville, Miss Amy Richardson and Ambrose A. Williams, , both of tho Cross Roads section of Oconee. We join with^other friends of the young couple In extending all good wishes for a long life of happiness and prosperity. -?Will F. Hetrlck, ot Gainesville, Ga., spent part of Sunday in Wal halla visiting his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. W. A. Hetrlck. His friends here were glad to meet him again and to learn that lils business in his Georgia home ls prospering. Mr. Hetrlck ls at the head of the hosiery manufacturing company organized by him some years ago at Gaines ville. , . . 1 . V -Marked, at the home 6f the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Chnstaln, in the Vtctor-'Monnghan Mill village, in Walhalla, on Decem ber 23d, Miss Florence L. Chastaln and Leonard Vissage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. B. Norton. Friends of the young couple will join with The Courier in extending con gratulations and good wishes for prosperity and happiness through a long life. -W. E. Dillard ami family have recently moved to West Union, whore they are making their home, Mr. Dillard having accepted a posi tion with the Blue Ridge Railway as section foreman on the Seneca-Wal balla section. Ile succeeds J. A. San ders, who recently resigned from that position. Mr. Dillard and fam ily are occupying the railway's cot tage near the West Union depot. They are cordially welcomed to our ?ection of the county. , -Dewitt G. Morgan and wife jpent the Christmas holidays near 3eneca with Mrs. Morgan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. B. Cox. Mr. Morgan ls In the service of tho Uni ted States regular army and ls locat ed on tho Texas border. Last Au ;ust he secured leave of absence for i brief period, coming home on his ?rst visit since., ho entered the ser vice, and during his visit then he and Miss Gracie Cox were married, she eturning with him. Mr. Morgan has returned to his post, but Mrs. Mor ?an will remain in Oconee with her parents- for the present. Their mar iage was the culmination of a child hood courtship, they having been iweethearts for years before Mr. Morgan's enlistment in the army. -Willie Foster, son\>f Mrs. W. C. foster, sustained quito painful In jury last Friday while hauling* wood. Vouiig Foster was riding on the wagon, his feet hanging down, when sue wheel went suddenly Into a rut ir hole, tho horses making a quick lunge fsrward. Just as tho horses went forward Foster's foot struck a Stump, and several bones in his foot wero broken. . Willie is about 14 years bf ago. His mother was absent from homo, visiting rolatives at Rich land when the accident happened, but me was telephoned for and reached nome shortly afterwards. Dr. Thode save professional assistance to the ?hild, and his injury, while very painful, will, it is thought, not provo serious. His many friends hope that ho may soon recover. * -We are taking stock! All oddb md ends will be placed on our tables U prices that will movo them. Come In an registrars to this matter. Last year there was much delay occasioned by registrars not turning in their rec ords, and it is this the Clerk wishes to avoid this year. -Otto Johnson, of Belton, spout the holidays near Wallalla with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson, of Rural Route No. 1. Mr. Johnson will leave Belton in a few days for Portsmouth, Va., where he has ac cepted a position with an insurance company. He has many friends in Oconee who will wish him well in his new work. He has for some time been engaged in farming at Cheddar, near Belton. -A wedding ceremony in which much Interest will be felt by resi dents of Oconee was solemnized in the president's apartments at the .Greenville Woman's College on De cember 13th, when Miss Eudora j Ramsay, daughter of President Ram say, of the college, was married to Fitzhugh Briggs Richardson. The ceremony was performed by the fa ther of the bride, and fhe wedding was attended only by the immediate families of the contracting parties, a few Intimate friends, the faculty of the college and the senior class. The bride is pleasantly remembered here and elsewhere in Oconee, having at one time taught school in this coun ty. She made a host of friends In this section, who will join with The Courier in extending to her all good wishes and to tho groom sincere con gratulations. Mr. Richardson is a young attorney of Surrey, Va., at which place the young couple will make their home. -The many Oconee and South Carolina friends of A. Rae .Dendy, formerly of Walhalla, but now of White River, S. D., will be interested In the following announcement pub lished in the Mellette County (S.D.) News of December 13: "Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dendy returned home last Saturday from Fort Snelling, where Mr. Dendy'lias been in military train ing. Mr. Dendy passed successfully the examinations at the conclusion of the training camp work ?nd was recommended for a commission. On the final physical examination, how ever, it was discovered that his phys ical condition was not such as to warrant the examiners passing him for active service. This notico was appended to Mr. Dendy's discharge from tho military service of the Uni ted States: 'This is to certify that Al fred R. Rendy bas completed tho course of training nt the Fort Snelj ing camp and was recommended for a commission ns first lieutenant in thc national army. He was subse quently' discharged from the service on account of physical disabilities, he hoing deetyed physically disqualified for the strenuous sorvice required of soldiers on tho front in Europe. It is believed that his experience at the training camp, coupled with his na tural ability, would have enabled him to nrfake a competent oITlcer in tho army, had' his physical condition permitted him to go to the front. His character and conduct at the camp wero found to be excellent.' This appendage to his honorable dis charge ls signed by F. B. Terrell, In structor of Eighth Company, Fort Snelling, Minn., and is dated Novem ber 27th, 1917." Mr. Dendy in his letters home spoke of his hopes and aspirations in tho military sorvice of the United States, and his rejection on physical disability came as a source of deep regret to him. It was known to his friends hore that a number of years ago ho suffered in jury to one lung, and lt is supposed that this injury' ls tho cause of the physical disability discovered by the medical oxaminers. V Wc arc now rcadyv Bumper Crop. Our stock is comp! Farming Ir Consisting o? Chattanooga ing Plows and extra parts f Cole's Cotton and G tributers, Wood Single Tre triple trees; Plow Steels, all Lap Rings, Back Bands, G We will also contint Best Grade c e.w. pm WalhalU Lu -Rov. M. Q. Holland and family, ,vho have long been residents of tho Walhalla section of Oconee, have noved to Westminster. Mr. Holland vas at one tim? County Farm Dem >nstrator for Oconee, and his farm a ew miles northwest o.f Walhalla is 'ecognlzed as one of the best tn the iounty. He is ah active, energetic itizen and we regret his departure rom this section. His and his fam ly's removal will be a distinct loss o the Fairfield community. W. J. Iunt, of the Ebenezer section, has ?ought the Holland farm. -The following information, aken from a Greenwood dispatch, viii be of interest to many in Oco lee: "On Thursday afternoon, De cember 29, at 5.30 o'clock* at the lome of the bride's father, E. Z. Seymour, Miss Ruth Seymour was fiven In marriage to George Robort Polbert, of Bradley, this county. The vedding was .simply arranged, and mly the immediate families of the ?ride and groom were present. Just it 5.30 Miss Elizabeth Tolbert, a sis er of tho groom, accompanied by rtiss Iris Perry at the piano, sang 'ery sweetly, while the guests as sembled in the reception room. When he notes of Mendelssohn's Wedding vlarch* sounded tho pastor of the ?ride and groom, Dr;"Smith, entered ho room, followed by the niece of ? ho bride, little Miss Janelle Perry, j vho carried tho wedding ring in a iny crocheted silver bnsket. The croom came in with the brothor-in aw of tile brido, E. L. Perry, 'of tldgeland, and joined the bride, who intered with her father^ After con- f gratti lat ions, the guests proceeded o tho dining room, where supper vas served. The bride and groom eft on tho 6.30 trolley for Green Mile nnd other points." The bride s a granddaughter of the late Rev. 1. W. Seymour, at one time pastor >f tho Walhalla Baptist church. "Mr. Tolbert is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. IV. Tolbert. Mrs. Tolbert is pleas intly remembered - here as Miss Liaura Crisp. The Courier Joins vith others in extending to (he roting couple hearty good wishes. -J. T. Davis, of Poplar, has loft it Tho Courier office $1 for the Lou lermllk fund. In the rush of last veok Its acknowledgment wfls over ookod. This dollar brings contrlbu r Crop. to help you make another tv ete in njplements, and Avery Chillec^ Turn or same. ^ Dm Planters^ Fertiliser Dis es, Steel Single, double and 0 shajpes; Heelbolts, Clevises, sllars, Plow Lines. ie to handle the >f Fertilizers. DHFORD, i, s. c. tiona through The Courier to $13.50.. Amounts contributed direct to Mr. Loudermllk have not been announc ed to us, though the total fund has: i reached something ove"r $40. -Mr. and Mrs. Carl Long, ot Spartanburg, are visiting relatives in. and near town. -Rev. E. F*. K. Roof, of Ogle thorpe, Oa., spent last Sunday in: . Walhalla, occupying the pulpit of St, John's Lutheran church at the morn* lng hour. Ho-was heard by a good: congregation and his sermon was? greatly enjoyed. Rev. Roof ls a n?v tive of Lexington county, this State,, but has resided for some time i'm Georgia. -Ma Wied, at the Methodist par-?> sonage, in Walhalla, on Sunday, De cember ?2 3d, Miss Sallie Hunt and Oscar Tollison. s The brido is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hunt; of the Ebenezer section, and is quit?; popular. For several years she lived! in Walhalla with her parents, an