Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, November 28, 1917, Image 6

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K EOWEE COUKIEH (Established I ?itt.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription Vi I'or Annum. Advertising Hut?* Reasonable. HTHCK, KHELOB ? SCHRODER. Communications of a personal obaracter charged for as advertlsc moDts, Obituary notice? ann tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, will bo printed free of charge. All over that number must bo paid for at the rate of ono cent a word. Cash to Accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, 8. C.: WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28, 1017. 'i'h<; Law ns to Tolling Orntn. We have noon asked lo print tho law on tolls for grinding corn and wheal, lt follows: "Toils Allowed for (Irinding, Vol. I, Code Of Laws. Section '?'Mil: "No person shall take more toll for grinding corn, wheat or rye. Into good meal or Hour, than one-eighth part of any quailtHy under ten bush els, and for ten bushels or any quan tity <hbo\ o at one time brought, one tenlh only." Penalty for overcharging, Vol. I, Section 2:188: # "Any person or persons taking more toll than hereinbefore directed shall be subjected to pay a lino of ten times the value of toll so taken, to lu* recovered in most summary way before tho nearest magistrate. One half to the prosecutor, afyd the other half to tho person aggrieved." A cose in the Georgia Courts that promises much of interest is that ol' Null vs. Nutt, the naturi; of the case being an action for divorce. The par lies to tho action are Alexander Nutt and Lilllie Nutt. From the very na turi, of tho circumstances it would .seem thai. Ibo woman will be granted a decree, for th? man is A. Nutt be yond question, and bas evidently boon so from Infancy. Whatever the fnmpy name of tho woman bofore marriage, it will be established that she was certainly Lilllie before mar riage, this ceremony only making her pllghl more deplorable, trans forming her at the altar into Lunte Nutt. Looks promising for th? "bug house" for tho pair. Certainly the woman was Lilllie, or she would never have married A. Nutt; the man's condition was equally estab lished as A. Nutt when he took unto himself ibis Liinie girl. "Squirrel food" beyond doubt. CA rr. sci,LI VA x FOUND GUILTY. General Returned Verdict Without Approval of Leniency. Sparenburg, Nov. 20.- -Capt. H. KS, Sullivan, of Battery ll, lO?th Field Artillery, tried by courtmartial at Camp Wadsworth two weeks ago on Hie charge of ordering and witness ing the whipping of Private Otto flottsch?lk, of his command, for broach of the sanitary regulations, lins been found guilty, the sentence I of thc court being suspension from his command for ?IO days, restriction to the onmp for 30 days, and a repri mand by his commanding officer, The finding of tue court, made public to-day by Brig. Gen. Philipps, acting commander of the 27th Divis ion, was accompanied by a statement from ('.en. Philipps to the effect that in hin opinion Capt. Sullivan should have been convicted under tho fl?tll article ol war. which carries dismis o sal from tho anny. The general's note Brough! out the fad that the Unding; of the court bad been return ed hy hint unapproved, bul ibo court maintained its position and resub mitted its verdict. Sickness in Camp. t G reen wood .tournai, i tt is tn bc regretted that there is so nun-ii sicklies^ III tile several eumur, but there should not bc any surprise nt this. Where men are brough! logeihor in large numbers it would bc a miracle were there not mor C\ or less sick ness, Wu were told that lill ?lng the Civil War measles and ciher con i agious diseases killed more UK ll ?han ballets. This seems to hean extravagant statement, but %no doubt it ls true. Conditions in camps, vit li all the improved sani tary methods of recoilt years, must bo far superior to what they could possibly have been llfty years ugo. Of 0;.0 Hiing we may bo sure: Tho gov er ninon I will do all that can be done te prevent thc sickness of tho men, find when they get sick they will hiv*' the most careful nursing and medical attention. We see no reason for severo or unjust criticism as soino people seem disposed to do. There 'H more than the usual amount of sickness at home due to the change of the season. Many persons ^are suffering from colds which are always |;.?evalent nt this timo of tho yoar.1 17 BRITISH SHU'S liOST HY SUDS. Ot Vessels Dcstmyod Ten Wer? of 1,000 Tons and Over-Italians 2. I.lindon, Nov. 21.-Seventeen Brit loll merchantmen were sunk by mines or submarine* last week, according to tho weekly ^statement issued by the admiralty. Of theso ton wore, ves sels of 1,000 tons and over and so ve li of less than 1,000 tons. Last week's record or British mer chantmen s?:nk greatly exceeds that of the previous week, when only one vessel of I.lion tons or over and live craft of less tonnage were sent to tho liol I om. In fact, it represents in the aggregate the greatest number ol' vessels .destroyed since the week of Ot tober 28, when LS were lost. Since then lhere has been a gradual falling off in shipping losses until the mini mum since Oormany's intensified submarine campaign began, was i oavhed November 1 I with a total of li. I,esses of Largo Vessels. As far as the losses of large ves sels are concerned, however, the present admiralty report apparently bears out the optimistic statement recently made by Premier Lloyd* George that he had no more fear cr submarines, and of the llrst lord of the admiralty that enemy subma rines were being sunk to an Increns ing extent for the sinkings lu .., the 1,000 and over category last week weie Ibo lowest 1 since March, ex cept for the weeks of September 10, November 1 and November ll, when in the two ronner weeks the total in each instance was eight and lu the latter ono. Premier Lloyd-George in his ad dress io the House of Commons early in the present week said live subnia- j lines wore destroyed last Saturday, but he nave no further information. Sir Brih Geddes, the new first lord of the admiralty, in his maiden speech before Parliament, asserted that be tween 40 and 50 per cent of Ger man submarines operating in the North Sea and the Arctic and Atlan tic Oceans since the beginning of the war had boen sunk. He added thal enemy submarines were being sunk to an Increasing extent. but Hint the Gormans were building them lasier Mian they had previously done. Italy Loses' Two Ships. Home, Nov. 24.--italian marine losses from submarine attacks dur ing tho week ended November 18th were ono large steamer sunk and anot lier steamer damaged by a tor pedo and afterwards towed into port, to-day's olflcial announcement says. Young Mill Operative a Suicide. Anderson. Nov. 20.-Crayton Haw kins, aged 1employed as doffer in (?luck Mills, committed suicide this afternoon, dring a pistol bullet through his hoad. The bullet enter ed just to the rear of the right ear and caine out on the loft side above tho ear, Death'was Instantaneous. Hawkins worked tn tho mill until a few minutes before ho ll red the shot. Ho was In his room alone at his boarding house. His mother and brother, who also live at the 'board ing house, are at a loss tn under stand what caused him to commit the act. Ho appeared In his usual good health and to all appearances had not been worrying any lately. Haw kins was unmarried. Short, of Bonnies; Scrip Suggested. Washington, Nov. 22.-Reports that tho -shortage of one-cent pieces had caused clearing houses in seve ral Bastera and Middle-Western cities to determine to issue paper scrip to be circulated locally instead of pennies reached the treasury to day and were met by an immediate effort to ship more small coins east ward from the Denver and San Fran cisco mints. Within the six weeks ending No vember 15th, 62,000,000 new pennies ?ind I ."?,000,000 now Hickies were put Into circulation by the treasury. Tho persistent shortage of these coins, even making allowances for the heavy demand for cents caused by war taxes, has caused Officials to suspect that a number of retail merchants ure hoarding '.change" for the holi day rush. Ri'itisb Closing on Jerusalem, London. Nov. til.-The British torces in Palestine have now ad vanced live miles northwest of Jeru salem, tho uar ofllco innouncod. The announcement follows; "There is no change in the situa tion nonh of Jaffa. On Monday Kuryot-lOl-Knad. six miles west of Jerusalem, was carried al tho point of tho bayonet by territorial infantry, and Heit Likia. some five miles to the northwest, was occupied by Scott isl) troops. "Yesterday our mounted troops wore tn contact with the enemy four miles west of RI 1*0)1, on tho Jerusa lem -Schechen! road." . ? The . propaganda In favor of changing thc draft ago was not suc cessful. lt is the opinion of the War Department that the ages 21 to 31 should stand. ^ AXON "SIX" ABIC TOURING CAR FOR FIVE PEOPLE - Look at the Costly Cars They'll Sell You on Saxon "Six" down to I J-2 miles per hour "on high" and roll along smoothly without bucking and jerking. Do you know any costly car that will do better? Saxon "Six" seats five passen gers, comfortably, and six if necessary. No costly five passenger car can do more. And Saxon "Six" will cost you far less in gas, oil and service A attention expense. Thc price now is $935 f. o. b. Detroit. Before long the price' of all motor cars will probably be raised. Make Saxon "Six" your car at this price-$935. AUTO. REPAIR COMPANY, ' LIBERTY; S. Cr Here's the best way wc know of to really find Out what a great value Saxon "Six" at $935 is. Just forget for a moment that you are going to buy a car priced somewhere between $800 and $1150. Now go and look at the high priced cars-thevcars selling at $2000, $3000, $4000 and up to $10,000. Take a pencil and jot down their most important features. Then chectv those features against the Saxon "Six" fea tures. You'll find that U of the big features ot Saxon "Six" are also i features of 30 cars priced from $2000 to $10,000. One of these 30 cars-selling at $4800-has 5 of these J J fea tures of Saxon "Six"*' at $935. That's enough on the quality side. Now. check thc performance of these costly cars against the performance of Saxon "Six." Saxon "Six" will "pick-up" from a dead-stand to 50 miles per hour in 26 seconds. Can these great, heavy cars match that? Saxon "Six'.' is so flexible that you rarely have to shift gears, save when you. come ko an absolute stop. But the costly cars have to change gears then, too. \ Saxon "Six" will "choke" FOR SALE BY Porto Ricans to ('?imp Jackson. Columbia, Nov. 21.-Major-Gen. Chas. J. Balley, commander of Camp Jackson^ announced yesterday that he had received advices from the Sec retary of War that Porto Rico's white Unota under the solectlve draft would be sent to Camp Jackson. They will be mobilized in Porto Rico January 1 and sent here as soon as possible thereafter, it was stated. Porto Rico's white quota is estimated at 7,000 men. j --* . ?--1 Whenever You Need a General Tonic Toke Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is equally valuable as a1 General Tonic because it contains the i well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents.1 Two More Deaths' nt Sevler. Greenville, Nov. 21.-Two addi lonnl deaths were reported at Camp ?Sexier to-day, but the medical head inarters of the camp announced that ?ondltions showed a decided im irovement, o What is LAX-FOS LAX-FOS IS AH IMPROVED CASCARA V Digestive Liquid Lnxative, Cathartic md Liver Tonic. Contains Cascara Bark, lllue Flag Root, Rhubarb Root, Black Koot, May Apple Root, SennaLe?Ves and Pepsin. Combines strength with pain able aromatic taste. Does not gripe. 50c Thousands of Go( DRAUOHON'S PRACTICAL BUSI 150,000 Tons Commandeered. Washington, Nov. 20. - American si) ip ya ris, whose construction was commandeered hy the government, completed last week 20,000 tons of merchant shipping. The shipping hoard announced to-day that this brought their total output since the commandeering order was issued, on August 1, up to 28 vessels of 159, 00') tons capacity. North Carolina ho?? made hunting gamo from dying ma hines illegal hy prohibiting shooting waterfowl on any of the waters of the State from an airplane. . NOTICE OP REGISTRATION. Notice ls hereby given thn't the? nooks of Registration for Municipal Election for Town of Walhalla,'S. C., are now open for the .registration of qualified electors in saul municipal ity. lt is necessary to present county registration certificate and 0 Id?neo of the payment of all ta^:os dur be fore i municipal registration certill cate can be issued; residence in tho State for two years and within tho corporate Unfits of the To Wi Of Wal halla for a period of four months prior to the election are also Neces sary qualifications. Hooks of Regis tration are now open and will remain open until/Saturday, tho-8th day of December, lill 7. Supervisor's office is In Hie Enterprise Rank. GEORGE SEABORN', Supervisor of Registration. >d Stenographers 3eded Help Waoted vrittcn to lins school. pointing out their irgent need of stenographers, both male md female, and asking us to help them in (.curing the great number needed. The tarting salary offered is $900 to $1200 a e^ir. Examinations aro being held weck y in 400 cities. Resides tho demand of tho government, he conscription is taking thousands of roting men from commercial positions, md their positions will have to bc fdled* jy new employees. Business men arc nilling On us daily for assistance in sccur ng stenographers and bookkeepers. Writo for detailed information. 'Address NESS COLLEGE, Greenville S. 0. All Traces of Scrofula Eradicated from the System By the greatest of all purifiers. A common mistake in the treat ment of scrofula has been the use of mercury and other mineral mix tures, the effect of -which is to bot tle up thc impurities in the blood, and hide them from the surface. The impurities and dangers ?are only added to in this way. For more than fifty years S. S. S. has been thc one recognized reliable blood remedy that- has been used with highly satisfactory results for Scrofula. Being Mad? of the roots/ and herbs of th? forest, it is guaran/ teed purely vegetable, and absolutely free from all mineral ingredients. You can obtain S, S. S. from any drugstore. Our chief medical adviser is an expert on all blood disorders, and will cheerfully give you full advice as to the treatment of your own case. Address Swift Specific Co., Dept. F Atlanta, Ga. Are Your Business Affairs Secure? Have you provided ?f or the members of your own household-not their present needs only, but for their needs in the future, when they may not have you to depend on ? Have you things sc? fixed that in your absence there would be without question a certain and sufficient income to provide them with the comforts of life? If you have not, you will find on investigation that among the numers policy forms of The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company I there is at least one within your reach that will exactly ? suit your case. You can make no mistake in allowing us to explain these liberal policies in detail. J. W. DICKSON, State Agent, - - Anderson, S, C. B. H. DEASON, District Agent, - - Greenville, S. G . REFERENCES : Thc Bank of Walhalla, - - - - Walhalla, S. C. Mr. O. C. Ly les, - - - - - West Union, S.