KEOWEE COUBIEft (Isiahi isl i cd 1H I ?. ) Published Every Wednesday Morning Hubs? i l pt ion ^1 Ter Annum. Advertising RMI?? Heasonnhle, -By STECK, SH IO LO H Ai SCHKODEH. Communications of a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices ann tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, wll bo printed, freo of charge. All over that number must ho paid for at tho rato of ono cont a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. Cs WEDNESDAY, Ol'TO Illili 21, 1017. IIL'MtV LOI IS HHAXDT DEAD. Aged and Honored Citizen Passed to His Howard Last Saturday. Henry Louis Brandt died at his homo in Walhalla last Saturday night about 0.30 o'clock, the an nouncement of his death coming as a distinct shock to citizens of thc town ;is well as to members ol' the family. Though Mr. Brandt had been in poor health for more than two years, and il was known that but recently ho had suffered a second slight stroke, of paralysis, still lt was not realized that his strength would fail so soon. During Saturday afternoon he had rallied, fooling much better than for some time past, going for the ii rsi lime in many days-to the porch and gi'ting about with some indication of his old-time vigor. Shortly after re tiring, however, ho called for a glass of water, which he drank, then lay bark on his pillow and "peacefully slept." The end of a long and well spent life had come, and thc sum mons hail found him ready. Ilcnrj Louis Brandt was born at sieV'M, Germany, on December 13, IK$,iv He was. therefore, rounding oui bis 7 Sth year. Ile cann' to Amer ica in I s."? I. II lad of less than 1 :\ years, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Brandt, who landed in Char leston, and a short while later came to Walhalla to make their home. In 1880 Conrad Brandi went to Califor nia to visit his sou. Fred. Brandt, and while in California death came to him in 1SS2, and he was buried in that distant State. His wife died here 111 ISi?.'i and was burled in the Lutheran (cine! cry. the grave being one of I he old landmarks of this city of tho demi. The brother, i'Yed. Brandt, now of Alameda, Cal., ls tho only to nod ?j ii l|he t.y and fro.uloin ;?.:> Wiltl Oin. ...... LU ..1:... Motu KUvC, "> Charleston, who, with three sons and eight daughters, survives him. The children are as follows: Wm. .1. ll. Brandi and Mrs. Lena I Mick lia ber, ol' ('harleston: Mrs. Lucy Hoff meyer, of Florence; Mrs. .Mary Biemann, of West I nion; Henry W. Brandt, of Walhalla: Mrs. Johanna Schwecke. Charleston ; Mrs. Louise Burnside. John L. K. Brandt. Mrs. Julia Hun ter, Mrs. II. Melburg and Miss Mag gie Brandt, of Walhalla. One son, Fred. l-l. Brandt, died September 4, 1902. All of the children were present at the interment, which took place Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock,, the funeral services having been held Monday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. One daughter, Mrs. Hoffmeyer, was nuable to reach hero In time for the services at 'A.'.U) o'clock, and the body rested over night in St. John's Luthe ran church, of which he had been a member since early childhood, and in which for many years be had held of fices of honor and trust. Ile served tho church for many years as deacon, and as president of the church coun cil from 1 S S 7 to 101 0. Oil November 2d, 1915, Mr. and Mrs. Brandi celebrated their golden wedding. At that time they were surrounded hy all their children and a large number of grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Mr. Brandt was ever an active man, and bis long life was spent 011 his farm lust outside of town, where he for PO many years communed with nature and drew near* lo his Maker ?is he tilled the soil. Ile loved work, and 10 the last day thai he was able to pell Orin some (ask it was his plea sure to be out In the open, where, as we have often heard him express it. "I feel so i ree. and Clod so jienr," Honest and honorable in all his deal ings wii.i his fellow-man, be has laid down his earl lily cares and labors, and there are many who are hotter for having known him. The funeral service al St. John's church was largely attended, many having come fruin tho country to pay I he lust sad tribute to the deceased. There were quite a number at tho ln termenl yc/lerday morning and the floral offerings were indeed beautiful. The service was short, conforming to the Lutheran grave service, and this BOrvlco, M was-also the funeral ser vice in tho church, was conducted by the pastor of Hie decoased, Kev. W.H. Aull. At the services In the church the pastor paid a beautiful tribute to Iho lil? ami works of the deceased. The chu I'd chance] and pulpit were beautifully draped for the Sunday morning < burch sur vb The active pall boa ors were the members of the prosent church coun cil. The honorary pall bearers were those who had servid willi Mr. Brandt on tho church council. The friends of the family sympa II i/o deeply with them in their hour ol son ow. Mr. Brandt was a Confederate vete ran, of whose service In arms tho following brief sketch by a comrade gives evidence that bo was as faithful and loyal in war as be was trustwor thy and honorable in time of peace: As a Soldier. Comr&?e t?* Louis Brandt was a ?allant member of Company C. Orr's Rifles, 8. C. V., C. S. A.. Capt. Jos. J'. | Norton's company. He was sworn Into the service at Sandy Springs, j Andorson District (now county),, on, July 20th, 1801. We all remained at .Sandy Springs for three months. ' The ten companies wero drilled in (Sen. nanice's tactics by ten young men from tho Citadel Academy of Charleston, and flue drill masters were they. Ile, with the whole regi ment, wa., ordered to Summerville, 1 S. C., from Sandy Springs, remaining lhere for only a few weeks, and were then ordered to Sullivan's island, and : remained there for six months. Karly in May, 18(52, we'were ordered to Virginia, where we were assigned to ! Hen. M a xe y Gregg's S. C. Brigade, I Gen. A. I\ Hill's Division, Gen. Stone- ' wail Jackson's Corps, Gen. Robert 10. j Leo's Army of Northen Virginia, whore Comrade Brandt saw active service dining the entire Hmo wc were In Virginia. Ile was in all the , great battles in which Orr's Rifles took part, and was a true Confede rate soldier, ever ready to obey all orders of his officers. Ho was slightly wounded twice, as the writer knew. He always answered "h?re" at roll call. Ho served the Southern Cause most truly and faithfully till the Star ol* thc Confederacy sank to rise no more, at Appomattox Court House. Ile was surrendered, by order of our beloved Gen. It. B. Lee, April nth. I 865. lt is my prayer, and may lt bo Cod's will, that his immortal soul shall bask forever in the sunshine of pence and happiness with old com rades who have gone before. Very truly, bis comrade and life long friend, S. K. Dendy, Sr. KEEP LIVER ACT IV E AND BOWELS CLEAN WITH "CASCARETS" Best When Bilious, Siek, Headachy, Constipated, or for Bad Breath or Sour Stomach. Be cheerful! Clean up inside to night and feel line. Take Cascareis to liven your liver and clean the bow ids and stop headaches, a bad cold, biliousness, offensive breath, coated tongue, sallowness, sour stomach and gases. To-night take Cascareis and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experi enced. Wake up feeling grand Kverybody's doing it. Cascarets best laxative for children also.-Adv. DH A IT MACHINERY SIMPLIFIED. N w Orders Will Affect Enture Culls for Army Service. Washington, Oct. 2(>. - A sweeping change in tho machinery of the se lective draft, based on division of tho 11,000.000 remaining registrants Into live ?dusses in order of their eligibil ity for military service, was an nounced to-day by Provost Marshal Gen Pl-1er TVtMl r tl 1 i . I i. h hilft liuftll .> '''?VIM Itv pi'Otil dont V i Iso n ire u< I disclosed- lt ls ila li: Ubi ted, howe* bi. to do ;iv,?.< w i I i vi 1... i h nil tile co m Pilca tod inhclviiV o? y v the Hit,! lira tl ai 1 c> mjf?ke me operations of the local boards here after little more than rubber stamp proceedings. The plan was worked out at con ferences with local and district board olficials and approved by the various Stale authorities, its chief features are that every registered man will know his exact position and be able to arrange bis affabrs accordingly, and that no man deemed necessary in any important Industry or needed at borne to support his family will be called to the colors unless the mili tary situation is desperate. Working Out Details. Detailed plans to govern the new system are being made ready for dis tribution to local and district board members. Gen. Crowder in a formal statement assured them that they would be given ample opportunity to familiarise themselves with these regulations before ibe machinery pro vided is called into use. As the next call to the colors ls to be made under the new plan, this assurance is taken' to indicate that the second-call ls not to be expected before the llrst of the year. The success of the plan depends upon the completeness of the ques tionaire. The questions to bo answer ed by the registered .men have been worked out with infinite caro from ?be vast fund-of Information gleaned from tho llrst use of tho draft ma chinery. Attorney to Assist. Included in tho plans ol' the gov ernment, it is understood, is a pro vision which will place the services Of a trained attorney at the disposal of every registrant to assist him in making iii* answers. The new plan. Cen. Crowder points out. settles the vexing question of continuing the physical examination of registrants until all have been classified in this way. Presumably it will be necessary to examine men under the new pinn only when called up. or If greater speed can be secured in that way, to exam ine and classify physically all mem bers of the class that ls under call. - Soldier Kills Comrade. Augusta. Ga.. Oct. 21..Private Hoben Murray. Battery B, 109th Pennsylvania Field Artillery, was shot Saturday, afternoon by bis tent mate, Private Karl Correll, and died during the. night. Murray's home ls in Oboes, Pa. Although Correll told Murray he was going to shoot him. it appears that he spoke jocularly and as If lie did not know the pistol was loaded. The shooting occurred at ('amp Hancock, and Private Correll is under arrest ponding an examina tion before a general court-martial. Meetings nt Salem Church, Central, Ht. 2, Oct. 2 2.- I want all the members to meet me nt tho church next Saturday at i o'clock. Matters of importance claim our at tention lt. M. Holding. Mr. Hampy and (libel's will sing nt Salem next Sun day, the 28th. Everybody bring song books and dlnnor. C. R. Abercrombie, Pastor. \ TREASURER'S ANNUAL KEPOKT. 1003 Dallenger dldw. Co.. 1004 Hutchison Bros. & Co 1005 Dexter Grocery Co.. 100G CW. & J10. Bauknlght 1043 G. M. White, Jr. . . . 1 l.">7 W. It. Cobb. 11.18 Matheson Hdw. Co.. I 150 CW. & J Ii. Bauknlght 1 MO J. VV. Lee . I Hi 1 CW. ?fe J10. Bauknlght 13 2 5 W. S. Cross. 13 20 Carter & Co. 1327 S. H. Collins. 1 3 28 1?. I?. Sullivan & Co. 13 2?) CW. & J10. Bauknlght 1330 Hutchison Bros. & Co 1331 W. M. Brown . 133 2 W. H. Cobb . 1353 CW. & .110. Bauknlght 1 30 3 Sheldon Furn. Co.. . 1430 CW. A. "J IO. Bauknlght 14 37 CW. & J JO. Bauknlght 1438 Brown Lumber Co.. 14 39 W. It. Cobb . 150(5 W. H. Cobb .. 1 507 CW. Sc JE. Bauknlght 1508 CW. & J10. Bauknlght 24 32 3 00 18 25 140 DO 3 67 V'l 8 2 90 2 HO 111 7 0 DO 0 5 70 S 5 85 ID 00 i.;o mi 3 no 8 <>i> 88 168 2 125 8 9 5 2 '68 10 70 nit 161? 84 ll 00 Total.$2915 50 Ck. No. ll G 4 2 43 4 4 45 46 4 7 48 I !) 50 Chain Gang. D. W. C. J. G. D. IO. SL.N. W. P. 51 50 5 7 5 S 51) 60 01 0 2 '.lil 1 1 7 I !l 5 1 96 Kelley.$ Kelley. Mitchell .... Jonos . Pitchford . . . Nlmmons . . . Hutchison Bros &Co .1. A. Keaton .\ . . Dexter Grocery Co. H. B. Zimmerman & Co. Gignilliat & Co. ... Sullivan Hdw. Co.. Cudahy Pkng Co.. . Town of Wost Union W. H. Glazener. . . . .1. Allen Kelley . . . .1. F. Kelley. C. W. & .lr IO. Bank night . Dr. .1. W. Bell .... Martin Stewart.... .1. C. Knox. P. Baldwin_ Brown .... Nlmmons . . Kelley . & J. E. Bauk M. L. C. W. night 11)7 .1. M. Barron . lits .1. A. Keaton. 1 il il Good Roads Mch.Go 200 Sullivan lldw. Co.. 20 1 Sullivan lldw. Co.. 202 S. X. Pitchford . .'. 20 3 Town of Westmin ster . 204 .1. W. I.oe . 205 .1. C. Knox . 200 Dr .1. W. Bell .... 207 Cudahy Pkng. Cb.. 208 Moss & Ansel .... 20!) C. W. Pitchford . . 2 10 Marry Miller. 105 W. C. Kelley . lOO .1 W. Cranl . Kutledg ; bi' >l Amount. 1 00 313 00 2 00 2 00 lt; co 40 15 ll 15 2 00 4 !? 35 !i 22 71 00 61 17 21 00 25 13 5?? 0 0 47 00 227 !?7 . 5 0 10 00 5 ii 5 12 00 10 00 27 25 302 05 352 07 5 70 12 00 2 S 5 0 5 0 0 .J SO '.i 00 3 s 0 1 I 10 7 SO 1 5 0 42 3 2 2n 15 3 83 2 86 299 80 4 00 Sj ,'0 I . ?I ?fl 412 518 519 520 521 522 5 23 5 24 5 25 520 527 528 529 5 59 561 5 62 577 599 049 650 652 651 653 654 65 5 05 0 6 5 7 058 05 9 ooo 0 0 I 002 . 003 6 0 4 0 0 5 666 0 07 7 14 787 7 SS 789 70 0 79 1 79 2 79 3 79 4 79 5 796 797 798 799 SOO soi S 02 982 9 S 3 9 84 9 85 9 S 0 97S 98S 989 99 0 991 9 9 2 993 9 9 4 995 990 997 998 999 1061 1117 1 148 114 9 1 150 1151 1152 %->. ?V , Ot ?. Iii, OitUlv nlght. W. C. Kelley. J. IO. Kelley . Jesse Lay . W. M. Murphree . . Cudahy Pkng. Co.. J. A. Keaton. W. H. Talley . Moss & Ansel .... Matheson Hdw. Co. C. W. & J .10. Bauk nlght . B. J. Moody . J. P. Beaty . Strother Reese . . . Sciota Sign Co. . . . J. E. Clayton Co.. Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co. Dexter Grocery Co.. W. C. Kelley . Mrs. E.RF. Looper B. J. Moody. C. W. & J. IO. Bank night . Town of Westmin ster . Dr. S. S. Meroney . .1. A. Keaton . P. L. Creen . J. C. Knox . Gignilliat & Son. . R. li, Nlmmons . . . Allen Kilpatrick .. Stonecyplier Drg Co .1. M. Clark Neville Bros. West Union Mill Store . C. \V. Pitchford. . . C. W. Pitchford . . . .1. \\\ Davis . Cudahy Pkng. Co.. W. C. Kelley. Xi ni mons . .. Busch . Xl m mons . . . W. Bell .... .1. J. Norton . . Ballengor lldw. M. P. Perry . Cignillint & Co.. . Allen Kilpatrick . M. B. Gosnell . . . Cudahy Pkng. Co. W P. Collins .... C. L. Mauldin , . Goo. L. Abbott . . W. Leo .... McMahan . . Mitchell . . Grant. Mauldin . . . Busch .... 67 ')'! 1 63 30 295 20 7 29 111 00 1 90 47 36 15 00 2 75 30 00 15 00 191 67 16 50 2 00 1. 50 18 50 12 94 34 60 46 07 3 18 25 39 60 1 2'5 83 3-5 8 00 2 65 00 45 75 H. II. W. Dr. li. C 1'. .1. Co. .lohn J. D. .1. C.. A. P. C. lt. ll. C. Hutchison Bros& Co Town ol Wost min stor. Gignilliat & Co. .. .1. L. Marett . R. L. Nlmmons ... Champion SupplyCo Champion SupplyCo Dexter Grocery Co.. W. P. Collins . Bank og Walhalla. W. P. Nlmmons . . . Cudahy Packing Co J. P Strlbllng . . . W. C. Kolloy. W, C. Kelley. J. Q. Swanny . J. M. Vickery .... Town of Westmin ster .... ........ W. Pat Dickson .. V. H. Ramey. 73 84 31 25 3 00 5 5'0 lt 70 129 15 49 50 17 07 29 30 3 00 59 15 315 95 2? 25 ll 00 69 50 2 00 13 00 23 10 1 00 218 55 2 58 3 ,00 7*9 67 3 90 37 60 1 50 85 120 00 2 00 5 20 45 30 10 00 2 45 8 00 247 87 3 50 11 80 75 53 65 73 22 00 4 00 42 90 16 50 63 54 26 00 320 85 320 65 8 00 16 50 8 00 3 00 15 00 1153 1154 1 155 1235 13 10 1311 1312 1313 1311 t 3 15 1310 1317 13 18 1 3 1 0 1 320 132 1 1 3 2 2 1 323 I 329 1 I 2 1 1 125 1426 1 127 1 128 1 129 14 30 1431 113 2 14 33 143 1 1 135 154 5 15 46 1547 1 5 4 8 1549 1550 I 1 5 51 1552 j 1553 j 1554 i 155 5 1556 I 1557 1 558 1 5 5 9 , 15 6 0 15 61 15 62 15 63 I 564 156 5 J. M. Barron. J.' C. Knox . Dr. J. W. Bell .... Cudahy Packing Co W. C. Kelley. J. P. Strlbllng. . . , W. lt. Lynch. It, ll. Boyd.. A. M. Brown. W. M. Campbell . .. M. P. Perry . J. M. Barron . Gignllllat & Co. ... W. P. Xi in mon s . . . S. N. Pitchford .... .1. W. Boll. If. li. Nimmons . . . R. L. Ximinon8 .... H. C. Busch . .1. M. Barron . W. P. Nim mons . . . Ballenger Hdw. Co. C. M. Ables !. Champion SupplyCo' S. H. Johnson . Town of Westmin ster . Olgnilliat & Co. D. P. Richardson . . Hoyt Boggs . W. H. Crooks . W. C. Kelley. B. P. Tilley . V. H. Barney. Town of Seneca . . . J. ES. Harper. J. M. Barron. C. W. & J. K. Bauk nlght.1. W. P. Nimmons . . W. C. Kelley. D. P. Richardson . . Gignllllat & Co_ T. C. Peden . G. E. Singleton . . . Geo. R. Pike. W. L. England . Champion SupplyCo Champion SupplyCo Sheldon Furn. Co... C. B. Alexander . . . Austin Bros. Hutchison Brosfc Co J. C. Knox. 9 25 14 35 1 25 67 59 338 67 17 50 30 no 40 63 22 00 4 00 3 65 111 95 663 66 1 20 3 00 1 50 22 70 39 60 1.4 36 41 98 40 75 .4 2 96 67 60 39 72 6 15 8 00 385 15 34 70 2 00 2 00 349 05 8 00 25 00 36 00 32 50 21 65 1 60 2 30 279 90 60 94 370 82 148 53 10 00 34 75 I 100 25 9 00 ! 57 95 1 24 00 1 80 j 72 00 1 40 16 35 \ Total.$10371 28 Salaries. Ck. No. 73 W. C. Foster.$ 7 4 R. A. Reeves. 76 M. R. McDonald .... 7 7 John F. Craig .... 78 D. A. Smith . 79 R. H. Alexander . . . 80 Thos. A. Smith .... SI Sallie Strlbling . . . 82 John W. Davis .... 83 Whit Knox . 84 W. H. Cobb 85 W. L. Littleton .... 86 J. H. Thomas . 87 L. A. Martin. 8S J. C. King . 89 J. X. Hopkins. iro W. Ii. Lee. 91 Paul Littleton . 92 S. L. Leathers . 1 93 W. A. Dickson .... ! 94 .1. A Keaton . 9 5 H. C.-Harbin . 96 E. A. Holbrooks . . . 1 1 2 >. 1 :>. J I 217 218 219 12 2 0 221 222 223 221 2 25 2 26 227 2 28 2 29 2 30 23 1 2 32 233 3 2 5 3 26 327 328 32-9 3 30 3 3 I 332 333 33 1 33 5 3 3 6 337 338 339 . 3 10 3 4 I 3 12 3 13 3 14 3 15 3 I 6 3 17 3 18 3 19 3 50 35 I 352 5 36 Y?\ C. ToStfei1 . . . I). rOi Nicholson . K. A. Beeves. , . M; n f< Donald .leim v Craig . w. lt. v obb D. A. Smith_ R. II. Alexander Thos. A. Smith . Sallie Strlbllng . John W. Davis . . Whit Knox. L. A. Martin . . . .T. H. Thomas . . . W. L. Littleton . J. C. King. S. L. Leathers . . W. A. Dickson . . H. C. Harbin . . , J. A. Keaton . . . D. E. Crenshaw . .1. B. S. Dendy . , W. R. Cobb _ W. C. Foster . . , R. A. Reeves . . . D. E. Nicholson M. It. McDonald John F. Craig . I). A. Smith . . . lt. fl. Alexander Thos. -A. Smith Sallie Strlbling John W. Davis Whit Knox .... J. H. Thomas . . W. lt. Littleton Li. A. Martin . . J. C. King NV. R. Cobb . . . J. X. Hopkins . J. A. Kubanks . .1. B. S. Dendy S. H. Marett . . W. B. Dooley . . P. it. Green . . . II. C. Harbin . . . J. A. Keaton . . . I). E. Crenshaw . J. H. Mason . . . J. C. Mitchell . . , S. L. Leathers . . W. C. Foster . . . 537 II. A. Reeves . . , 5 38 I). IO. Xlcholson , 539 *M. R. McDonald 540 John F. Craig . D. A. Smith . . . R. H. Alexander Thos. A. Smith Sallie Strlbllng W. R. Cobb . . . J. W. Davis . . . Whit Knox .... W. L. Littleton A. Martin . . 5 I I 5 12 54 ;i 5 14 5 45 5 4 6 54 7 5 I 8 5 19 550 551 5 5 2 5 5 3 55 1 5 5 5 55 6 671 67 2 673 67 1 67 5 67 6 67 7 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 6 86 68 . 688 689 H. Thomas . . X. Hopkins . . L. Leathers . . E. Crenshaw . C. Harbin . . . G. Mitchell . . . .1. A. Keaton . . . W. C. Foster . . . R. A. Reeves . . . D. li. Nicholson . M. R. McDonald John F*. Crnig . . I). A. Smith . . . R. H. Alexander Thos. A. Smith Sallie Strlbllng John W. Davis . Whit Knox . . . W. R. Cobb ... W. L. Littleton J. H. Thomas . . Amount. I 100 00 8 33 16 66 25 00 36 ll 36 ll 66 66 1 41 66 83 33 8 33 j 33 33 I 70 00 70 00 70 00 16 66 A. Martin . . E. Crenshaw A. Keaton . . G. Mitchell . C. Harbin . . i 6U0 J. X. Hopkins ? 36 36 66 41 83 8 70 70 70 16 6 ll 16 20 5 33 75 100 8 8 16 25 36 36 66 41 83 8 70 70 70 16 33 25 25 29 37 12 12 16 20 6 32 21 0 100 8 8 16 25 36 36 66 A 1 33 83 8 7 0 70 70 12 6 6 16 16 20 100 8 8 16 25 36 36 66 ll 83 8 33 70 70 70 6 20 16 16 12 691 W. B. Dooley. 8 32 819 VV C. Foster. 100 00 820 l\, A. Reeves. 8 33 821 D. H. Nicholson .... 8 33 822 M. lt. McDonald_ 1G 66 823 John F. Craig. 25 00 821 D. A. Smith ....... 36 ll 825 R. II. Alexander .... 36 ll 826 Thos. A. Smith. 66 66 827 Sallie Stripling .... 41 66 828 \V. R. Cohb . 33 33 829 John W. Davis. 83 33 830 Whit Knox. 8 33 831 J. H. Thomas. 70 00 832 W. li. Littleton_ 70 00 833 Ii. A. Martin ... 70 00 834 J. N. Hopkins . 12 50 83Ti S. H. Marett . 37 50 836 P. L. Green . 12 50 837 J. A. Keaton . 20 83 838 H. CT Harbin . 16 66 839 J. G.?Mitchell . 16 66S 8 10 D. 10. Crenshaw ... 6 25 8 11 J. Ii. Mason. * 31 25 842 J. B. S Dendy .... 62 50 843 J. A. Kubanks. 25 00 8 14 \V. B. Dooley. 4 16 845 S. Li. Leathers .... 12 50 961 W. C. Foster . 100 00 962 It. A. Reeves. 8 33 963 1). 10. Nicholson .... 8 33 964 M. R. McDonald .... 16 66 965 John F. Craig. 25 00 966 D. A. Smith. 30 ll 967 R. H. Alexander .... 36 ll 968 Thos. A. Smith. 66 66 969 Sallie Stribllng _ 41 66 970 John W. Davis. 83 33 971 Whit Knox . 8 33 972 W. R. Cobb. 33 33 1007 W. B. Dooley. 4 16 1008 D. 10. Crenshaw .... 625 1009 J. A. Keaton . 20 83 1010 J. N, Hopkins . 12 50 1011* H. C. Harbin . 16 66 1012 J. C. King . 16 66 1013 W. L. Littleton .... 70 00 1014 L. A. Martin . 70 00 1015 J. G. Mitchell . ' 16 66 1016 S L. Leathers. 6 25 1060 J." H. Thomas. 70 00 1164 Whit Knox. 8 33 1165 J. C. King. 16 66 1 166 L. A. Martin . 70 00 1167 W. L. Littleton _ 70 00 1168 J. H. Thomas. 70 00 1169 J H. Mason. 20 83 1170 D. 10. Crenshaw .... 6 25 1171 J. G. Mitchell. 16 66 1172 H. C. Harbin. 16 66 1173 W. B. Dooley. 4 16 1174 S. L. Leathers. 6 25 1175 J. N. Hopkins. 12 50 1176 M. R. McDonald .... 4 40 1191 W. C. Foster. 100 00 1192 R. A. Reeves. 8 33 1103 D. 10. Nicholson .... 8 33 1194 M. R. McDonald .... 16 66 1195 John F. Craig . 26 00 1196 D. A. Smith . 36 11 1197 ill. H. Alexander .... 36 11 1198 Thos. A. Smith. 66 67 1199 John W. Davis. 83 33 1200 W. R. Cobb. 33 33 12B3 J. A. Keaton . 20 83 1237 W. C. Foster . lOfl 00 1 238 It. A. Reeves. 8 33 1 239 D. IO. Nicholson .... 8 33 12 10 M. R. McDonald .... 16 66 1241 John F. Craig ..... . 25 00 12 42 D. A. Smith. 36 ll 12 13 R. H. Alexander_ 36 ll 1244 Tiu.--,. A. Smith .... HG 66 i.: i ". .im ' w . o?i\ ?i . S3 .".3 i ;M fi \\ hii Knox . S 33 t.247 u i oiib. aa 1248 .1. C. Kin?. H", iii', U4U L. A. ' i 70 2 Respectfully submitted, I R. H. ALIOXANDIilt, ! (adv.) Treasurer of Oconeo Co. I A new material for electrical Insu lation, made from fish offal, lins been invented by a Danish chemist, MASTER'S SALE. . j STATW OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OP OCONEE. In Court of Commou Pleas. Pursuant to decree ot tho afore .ild Court, lu the ease named below, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, in front Of the Court House door, at Walhalla, South Carolina, on Monday, the 5th day of November, 1917, between the legal hours of sale, the tract of land below de scribed: Andrew Rampy, Plaintiff, ? against Bird Taylor, John Henry Long, Bank of Walhalla and W. M. Brown, De- " fendants. All that certain piece, or parcel or tract of land, in State and coxinty aforesaid, in Tugaloo township, on . waters of Toxaway Creek, adjoining *> lands of J. S. Carter, Wm. Black, for merly owned by B. M. Lee, being sev enty acres, moro or less. Terms of Sale: One-half cash and the balance on a credit of one year, with interest from tho day of salo; that the credit portion bear Interest from day of sale and be secured by a bond of tho purchaser and a mort gage of the premises, that in event ot failure of the purchaser or purchas ers to comply with the terms of sale within Ave days from the dayof sale, the Master do ro-advertlse and resell said premises on the following sale day, or some convenient saleday thereafter, at the same place and on the Bame torms as heretofore set out, at the risk of tho former purchaser or purchasers, and that he continue so to do until he has found a pur chaser or purchasers who comply with the terms of sale. Purchaser lo pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. Oct. 17, 1917. 42-44 NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice ls hereby given that the undersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, In the State of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on Saturday, November 17th, 1917. at ll o'clock lu the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application cnn be heard, for leave to make final settlement of tho estate of Miss Frances ll. Earle, de ceased, and obtain final discharge as Executor of said estate. WILLIAM H. LYLES, Executor of the Estate of Miss Frances H. Earle, deceased. Oct. 17, 1917. 42-45 .T. ?|? ?J? ?J. ?J? .J. .J? ?T. ? J? . *. t|-|? ?|? ?|? ?ft? ?|? ?J? ?J?? for Safe My 500-acre Farm? near Townville, Oconee County, will be cut in any size tract you want, and give you terms to suit. See me at once, as you will find this a rare chance to get just what you want. All this land is in high state of cultivation? * ELIAS EARLE, Rt. 1, Townville, S. C. .J* . J? . T. ?J. .J. ?J. ?J. ?J? .V??J. ?Jo ?Jo ?|-? .J? ?J. ?J. ?J. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will make application . to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, in the State of South-Carolina, at his office at Wal halla Court House, on Monday, the 19th day of November, 1917; at ll o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be beard, for leave to make final settle ment of the Estate of Mrs. Sallie' C. Williams, deceased, and obtain final discharge as Exocutor of said estate. CLARENCE C. MILLER, Executor of tho Estate of Mrs. Sallie C. Williams, doceased. Oct. 17, 1917. 42-45 RHEUMATISM Why will you .suffer from this most dreaded dise&so, when L-Rhcumo has proven tho great est remedy for tho past 25 years? Thousands of people testify to its wonderful cures. This proscription should bo in your homo. Tako it when you feel that first pain. De mand tho bottlo with big "IJ." -FOR SALE BY Bell's Drug Store. Walhalla, S. C.