"Q Money talks, and thc p any observing person the st standpoint of quality. A doll; and the farmer who pays a fe slightly resembles one of our not save thc difference. Inst< in quality, service and dura sacrifice is that it is seen and used as long as he owns it, The difference in p difference in value is alw buys a cheap Buggy docs nol lars saving. But he believes BROWN'S GOT IT or BROWN GETS IT EVEKYT1 Brighten Up NORMAN'S DRY Now lin? Chi mi, Crockery, Alu Woodenware, Window Shades, li???, ikMl Spreads, oil Cloth, Trays, Mat?, Hugs; full lino pretty Dry nm! Shoes, arriving weakly, at Respectfully, WA NTH I)-500 lbs. bens nt 13c. Hi.; 500 dozen eggs every week; also voung chickens, beef callie and hides. H. D. O ELKERS, Walhalla, S. C._31 VOtt, SALI')-Kord Touring Car; ill good shape; recently overhauled; new tire. if you want a bargain come ((nick. JOHN F. CHAKI, Wal halla, S C._ _31* EXPRESS your Wool, Mule. Horse and ; Cow Hides. Old Auto Tires, Beeswax and Tallow to ATHENS JUDE CO., at Athens, Qa. H. Eugene Kant, Manager._? 11-28-7 $8(1.00 CAvSH gets practically new No. 5 Oliver Typewriter; perfect or der; used three weeks. Will sell for $35 or rent $3 month. Terms If de sired. MILTON NICHOLSON. Salem, Z. ^ 31 WANTE1)- Old Indian relics, such as Tomahawks, Arrow l'oints, Spear 'Heads, Pipes, Pots, Bowls, Beads, or anything made of stone. Highest prices paid. Cut this out and keep. C. F, SC ll WI NC, Box 74, Creen ville, S. C._ 29-31 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.-To every person whomsoever: Please take notice that Florea Crenshaw, my lawful wife, has loft my bod and board without my consent and with out fault, on my part: All persons are, therefore, warned and forbidden lo sheller, harbor, or In any wise as sist the said Floren Crenshaw, or to give her any employment. All or any persons doing so will bo prosecuted lo tho extent of the law. Signed: JESSE (his X marlo CU 10 N'S 11 AW. July 25, HUT. :iit-3 2 Knights of Pythias. The regular meeting of Walhalla liOdge, No. ?7, Iv. of P., will be held at the Masonic Temple to-morrow (Thursday) evening, Angus 2, 10 17, at 8.30 o'clock. Visiting Knights alwavs welcome. P. L. STECK. C. C. T. B. SHELOR, K. It. & S. (adv.) A Regular Communication of Blue i*T?il Ridge Innige, No. 02, A F. M., will be held next Fri day night, August 3, 1017, at 8.3 0 o'clock. W. C. HUGHS, W. M. K. F. RITTER, Secretary. (adv) .j**!******. ?j. .?j? ?|? ?j. " j ? ? j ? ?j. ?j? .}.*{. LLOCAL AND PERSONAL, X> |??f*?fr????f??fr?fr?|? .J. .?..T. .T..J. .J., .J. ?J. .J. - Dutterlek patterns. C. W. Pitch ford, Walhalla, S. C.-Adv. tf. -J. M. Alexander and daughter. Miss Crace, of Pelzer, spent the week end In Walhalla visiting at the home of the former's brother, lt. H. Alex ander, and family. - Miss Janie Cirant and J. J. Phil lips were married at the residence of the bride on Sunday, July 2 2. The ceremony was performed by Hov. J. B. Traine). The Courier extends to the young couple ?ill good wishes. -S, L. Richardson, of Greensboro, N. C., spent a short while in Walhalla yesterday on business. Ile was on a bu si nos st rip to Seneca and came on up lo Walhalla to meet old friends and to look after matters of business hero, -L. 11. White, of Leesburg, Ga., is spending some time In Oconoo with his family, who are living now in the Mountain Rest section. Mr. White will bo in Oconee for some weeks, and spent some days last week among friends in Walhalla. ?-Wanted-Twenty men to cut cord wood, 8-foot length; will pay 50c. cord for cutting. Also want five 2-horse teams to haul wood from Bul wlnkol iilaco tu cars, 2 V4 miles; pay .$1 cord for hauling. Apply at once to J, C. Shockley, West Union.-Adv. - .Miss H racle Mae Cox, of the Re turn section, and Odell Morgan, of Walhalla, wero married Tuesday night at deneen by Magistrate J. N. Hopkins. The marriage was quite a surprise to the friends of this young couple. The brido is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. B. Cox and the groom ls a son of Mrs, J. M. Morgan, of Walhalla. Mr. Morgan ls a mem ber of the 17th Infantry of the Regu lar Army and ls off on a brief fur lough. There nro many who wi'i Join with The Courier in extending nil good wishes lo the young couple. UALITY rice of a Vehicle proclaims to atus of that Vehicle from thc ir buys just one dollar's value, w dollars less for a Buggy that High Point Buggies does :ad he sacrifices just that much bility. The sad part of the felt every day the Vehicle is rice is usually slight; the ays great. The farmer who ; particularly need thc few dol that the Buggy that is priced W. fl J& JZ? JZ? J?? UNG TO Your Home GOODS STORE. Hillturn, Kimmel, Tin, Glass and Hods, Holes, Curtains, Towels, l)ol MI no rs, neils, all kinds Brushes; Goods, Notions, ('lot liing, Hats unusually low pri?es. V, E. HARRISON, Manager. -T. IC. Alexander, Walhalla, S. C., sells land, buggies and harness. See him beforo you buy.-Adv. - Married, at the residence of Clerk of Court .John F. Craig, oil Sun day last, July 29th, Miss Flossie Smith and Claude S. Thomas. Both bride and groom are of tho Ebenezer section, and have hosts of friends who will join with The Courier in ex tending all good wishes. -Ground limestone ls becoming on.? of the great factors In building up Hie fertility of lands these days. See announcement of the Anderson Phosphate and Oil Company else where In this issue. Write tills en terprising Arm for particulars or any specific, information desired. - Have C. Strother, of Kort Val ley, Ga., and Fair Dodd, of Atlanta, spent last Sunday at the Strother home in West Union. Their friends were glad to welcome them. Mr. Strother will spend several days hore. He is driving one of the handsomest cars ever seen in this section of the State. -Two canning outfits to close out at less than factory cost to-day; small sizes. Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster, S. C.-Adv.32. -Mrs. Addie Reeder McAlister and Miss Inez McAlister, of Birming ham, Ala., who have been visiting at (he homes of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. R. Owens and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reed er, of Wesi Union, returned to their home last week. They have many friends in (his section who were glad lo meet them again and regretted 1 heir departure. Mrs. Ethel Baker and babe and Miss Ruth Ogg. of Columbia, visited nt the home of Mr. and Mrs .1. A. Hester, near West Union, last week, Mrs. Baker and child returning Mon day. Miss Ogg will remain for ano ther week. Tiley are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Ogg, former cit izens of Oconee and well known to our people. -'Rev. and Mrs. \V. Marshall Craig, of Kinston, N. C., are spending some lime in West Union with tho former's sister, Mrs. C. W. Wilson. Mr. Craig is a young minister. He is pastor of the First Baptist church of Kinston, a city of about 12,000 peo ple. He will preach at the First Bap tist church in Anderson (his old home) next Sunday morning. -Wanted--Intelligent boy, about 18 years of age. to clerk In general store. Address "Clerk," care Keo wce Courier, giving references.' Adv. 32. - Frank E. Alexander, the real es tate man of Anderson, who is operat ing extensively in Oconee these days, has for sale at this time the W. J. Hunt farm, in the Ebenezer section, which lias been subdivided into 30 to 50-ac re tracts. See announcement elsewhere in this issue and call on Mr. Alexander if desiring a fine small farm. Mr. Alexander's headquarters areal the Busch House. -Jos. Shook had the misfortune to have his arm broken one day last week by the latest and most approved method-cranking an automobile. The job was a most complete one. both bones In tho arm being broken. lt is characteristic of the Fords that whatever tiley undertake they do well, whether climbing hills, "speedin1 'em some" or cracking bones. Mr. Shook is getting along nicely and finds Iii? arm board quite ornamental ns well as useful. ?-Ennis Abbott left last Monday morning for Greenville to stand tho examination for the navy. Young Mr. Abbott is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S, Abbott, who reside just south of Walhalla. He is a splendid young fellow and we have no doubt that ho will pass examinations, will be ac cepted, then ordered to return I101116 and await call. This 'has been tho procedure for some weeks past, the enlistments exceeding tho Immediate capacity for taking charge of and training the young men who choose the naval branch of tho government war service The young men are, however, placed at onco on tho pay roll and draw full pay until they are notified to report for duty. We wish for our young friend every good for tune and ultimate return home in good health. -The Seneca Marble and Granite Works offer you quality of the high I ?st character; service that is intelli gent and efllclent; action that Is 1 prompt and dependable.-Adv. OUTLA high is bringing an. exorbiant Be Wise-Invest for t of those ten farms we advert?s the one most highly improved man who invests in a Buggy son. Ordinarily he would ex The price he pays is" the initia a well-known, time-tried and the quality dividends that hav The recollection of quality rei: forgotten. Four years ago (Aug. ll West Union, S. C., one of Oe ers, a High Point Buggy for S rt. BROW? "WHEN YOU RID -Cider presses, apple and poach parers, fruit baskets. Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster-Adv.32. -The Beaverdam Baptist Asso ciation will convene with South Un ion 'Baptist church next Tuesday. -Miss Addie Miller, of Abbeville, is spending a while with the family of her cousin, G. J. Hunter, of West Union. - Mrs. J. H. Alley and little son. of Charleston, are spending some j time in West Union visiting the fur ! mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .las. C. Shockley. - Mr. and Mrs. H. F. J. "Busch and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Calder and son, of Charleston, are spending two weeks with Mrs. G. J. Hunter, of West Un ion. They came up in Mr. Busch's auto. -Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McKinney and two children, Miss Margarette and Master Carl, of Birmingham, Ala., who have been on a visit of two weeks to W. A. Grant and family, left Tuesday morning for a visit of two or three days In Franklin, N. C., be fore returning to Birmingham. Mr. and Mrs. McKinney have visited here before and have numerous friends among our people. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Fowler, who moved from Walhalla to Clin ton, NT. C., several months ago, have returned and are occupying the Dar by cottage (the old Leopold place) in Midway. Mrs. N. A. Fowler, mother of Mr. Fowler, has also returned and is making her home with her son. Mr. Fowler will be employed at the Piedmont Garage, taking back his old position. He has numerous friends who are glad to note his return. -lt is much better to select a monument from our show room than from a book. In selecting! ttom our show room you know exdttly/ what you are buying. Call oftjjwfyte us your needs. Seneca Marble and Granite Works.-Adv. -Louis H. Riehle left last week for Greenville, where he recently en listed with the coast artillery. He will bo in training at Greenville for two weeks, then will go to Charles ton and will be stationed at Fort Moultrie. Louis is just ono more of our Walhalla boys to join Uncle Sam In tlie cause of world-wide democracy and is Hie youngest son of the late William Richie. We will watch his future movements with interest. Ho conies from a-family of that good and liberty-loving German stock that had such a great part In the early settling of this section of Oconee. -We are requested to make the following announcement: "The com mittee soliciting members for the Red Cross Chapter earnestly desiro and request that those whose signatures appear on membership lists pay the membership fee of $1 as soon as pos sible. These dues may be paid to Will J. Schroder, treasurer, at the Bank of Walhalla." It is hoped that all, notwithstanding the fact that they may have already contributed to the Red Cross fund in the recent campaign, will pay in addition the $1 membership fee. It was agreed at the organization of the chapter In Walhalla last week that this request would be made of all those who have placed their names on the member ship rolls. --Large crowds are attending the camj) meeting being held at the Ab bott grove on the road between Wal halla and Westminster. There are a number of campers who spend the whole time enjoying the services and the social side of the meeting as well, while others come in at service time only. The preaching is of a high or der, spiritual and non-sensational, and not a little permanent good is be ing accomplished, it is felt. Minis ters from several points are engaged in tlie work, and great interest is be ing manifested in the services. The meeting will continuo through this week, doubtless closing with next Sunday, though we are not author ized to make this as a definite an nouncement concerning tho closing. - II"ny R. Hughs, Esq., of the Walba bar, went to Columbia last Frld' ii answer to a summons to a pp? >efore the Federal examiners. Mr. Hughs some Hmo ago .flied his application for a placo in the Second Officers' Training Corps. Mr. Hughs is a young man of marked ability and is Hie second from his Immediate family to volunteer service, his younger brother, Edwin Hughs, hav ing recently stood tho examination for service in tho navy. Ho Is now at home, having been accepted, but is awaiting call by the government, lt is expocted that those chosen for tho Second Officers' Training Corps will receive notice of acceptance or rejection within the next ten days. Mr. Hughs passed the examinations, hut there aro more applicants than there are men needed, and it is of course not known which ones of those standing the examinations will be chosen to go to tho training camp. -Dazy churns.-3, 4 and 6-gallon sizes. Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster, S. C.-Adv.32. kSTS B/ he future. If you bought one ;ed last week you would want for lasting results. Also, the is not buying for a single sca pect to use it for several years. 1 investment. If he invests in fair-priced article he will reap e been built into that article, nains long after the price is J) we sold Mr. W. M. Broom, once's most progressive farm ?95. The other day he came J, Wathalla, E,, RIDE: RIGHT." -Auto for Sale;-In good running order; recently overhauled; bargain in it. Apply to Win. A. Hetrick, Walhalla, S. C.-Adv. -Mrs. C. H. Miller and little child, of Anderson, spent a short while vis iting at the home of 1. H. Harrison last week. -Miss Angle Fricks left the early part of last week for Columbia, where she is spending a short while with her sister, Mrs. Fritz Rtehle. -Morris Dodd, of Charlotte, N. C., is spending a week or two visitlug at the home or his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Davis, near West Un ion. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Dodd, formerly of West Union. -Mrs. J. N. Badger, of Greenville, spent a short while in Walhalla last week, having come over to attend the funeral of W. Thoa. Maxwell. Her stay was very brief, but many friends greeted her and were glad indeed to see her again. -Union services will be held next Sunday evening at the usual hour, and Dr. J. D. Stokes, of tho Metho dist church, will conduct the services, which will be held in the Presbyte rian church. All are cordially invited and urged to attend. -Only a few more of those 42 1 piece china sets left to offer at $7.60 per set. Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster, S. C.-Adv.32. -'Perry Murphy, a magazine wri ter. ls spending this week in Walhal la. He is stopping at the Busch House. He is a native of Walter boro, this State, though his business for a number of years has called him away from this State a large portion of his time. He is, In addition to be ing a contributor to magazines, an advertising man of considerable ex p?rience His magazine articles ap pear in different publications under the pen name of Craig; Weston. -Attention is directed to the ad vertisement * of D. Blumenthal, of Westminster, which will be found on the second page this week. Next Sat urday, August 4th, will closo his groat July clearance sale, and lie has numerous bargains to offer during '.bri next three days. The trading public will do well to call on him when in need of clothing, shoes, men's, women's and children's fur nishings in general, and especially so during the remaining days of this special sale. Mr. Blumenthal is mak ing some very attractive offerings during this sale. -Wanted-White girls, 10 years of age and up, as knitters and loop ers. Nice work and good pay. Ap ply Hetrick Hosiery Mills, Walhalla, S. C.-Adv. -In the thunder storm of last Wednesday afternoon the wife of An derson Teague, who was taking from a line a washing, was severely shock ed by lightning. Mrs. Teague was in the act of taking down some articles of clothing from a wire clothes line when the electricity in the air con centrated on the line, knocking her unconscious and giving her quite a painful burn on the arm. The light ning ran the full length of her arm, burning her and scorching her cloth ing. The line was attached to a cor ner of the house occupied by the Teagues, the bolt striking with such force as to severely shock several children on tho inside. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt. -Claude D. Wilson died at his homo in West Union last Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, after a long illness. About five years ago Mr. Wilson. With his family, moved to West Union, where he was employed as agent for the Blue Hidge railway, a position which, owing to his poor health, was filled most capably for a greater part of thc time by Mrs. Wilson, who undertook the duties of the position and filled them ac ceptably hoi.i to the public and to the railway company. Mr. Wilson was a native of tireen ville county, and on Thursday afternoon the remains were taken to the old home of the decoased at Simpsonvillo, where funeral ser vices and interment took place. The funeral services were held in tho Simpsonvillo Baptist church, of which he had been a member for a number of years. The services were conduct ed by the pastor, Rev. H. M. Fallaw, well known to many in Oconee. Mr. Wilson was 38 years of age and had been in thc raliway service at differ ent places for about 16 years. For the past two years ho had been an in valid, suffering from tuberculosis. He was born in May, 1870. Ho is survived by his wife (who was a Miss Craig) and three children, besides bis paronts, who reside at Simpson ville, Creenvillo county. Thoro are many friends of tho family who will learn of his death with deep regret, and with whom Tho Courier joins in extending sympathy to tho bereaved ones. Mrs. Wilson is now holding the position of agent for tho Blue Hidge nt West Union, and we. under stand will continue to act In that ca pacity permanently, making her homo there with hor children and her mo ther, Mrs. Mamie Craig. \RGAI NS." in and we offered him $60 for this buggy. He refused! saying, "I think I can sell it for more to another man." ij amused and pleased us very much. This is not an isolatec case. Scores of men allover our county prefer High Point B uggies, because they last longer, ride easier and look better\ Only yesterday another one of our customers told the! writer that, after using his High Point Buggy for six years,] he would not take less than for $25 for it. Now, these men arc not Buggy Salesmen. They are farmers buying their goods where they can get the most quality out of Heir money, and not the most goods for least money. Yes, there is a wonderful difference. Let us have a personal talk with you before you buy. S. C. JP BROWN'S GOT IT or BROWN GETS IT 20 Per Cent. Reduction on Ladies' Slippers We will close out our en tire stock of UTZ and DUNN Slippers at 20 per cent re duction for Cash* ? CW. PITCHFORD, Walhalla, S. C. -Chattanooga cane mills and evap orators. Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster, S. C.-Adv.32. -Miss Minnie Theilkuhl, of Char leston, arrived in Walhalla last week and is spending some time here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Theilkuhl. Her num erous friends here are delighted to meet her again. -Mr .and Mrs. 10. L. Horndon and Miss Dorothy Platt visited for a brief period last week at the Platt home in Aiken, returning thc latter part of the week. They were accompanied on the return by Miss Platt's younger sister, Miss Emily, who will spend some time here. -Harry daPonte, Sr., of New Or leans, spent last Sunday evening and Monday In Walhalla visiting at tho home of his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Steck. Mi. da Ponte was on a brief business trip to Atlanta and took ad vantage of his nearness to Walhalla to run over for a visit. -Bicycles to close out. Another shipment of Ked Bird and Blue Bird bicycles, regular $35 bicycle, for $2f>. Matheson ilardwaro Co., Westmin ster, C. C.-Adv.32. -A homicide occurred In Oconce last Saturday afternoon about 2.30 o'clock at the Bennett construction camp, near the Horseshoe Bridge over (Mianga creek, about 4 miles from Madison. Both parties to the tragedy were colored, and each about 1S years of age. They were Will White and Charles Keels, and were employed by the Bennett Construc tion Company on Southern Hallway construction work. Both were Oco nee negroes, White being a son of a colored preacher. From facts brought out at the Coroner's inquest it was learned that tho two young negroes had had a quarrel earlier in tho day, but this had boen settled, it was thought, satisfactorily. In this fight Keels had struck White with a shovel, tho blows striking White on the arm and shoulder. Some time later "Co war broko out again." and White threw a rock at Keels, striking him on tho head and knocking him down a fio-foot embankment. This blow cracked Keels's skull, a blood clot formed on tho brain, and a few hours after tho blow was given ho died. Tho Coroner's jury Sunday re turned a verdict to the effect that Keels came to his death from a wound in tho head Inflicted at the hands of Will White. White's fa ther Saturday niglit took the youth to Westminster and turned him over to tho authorities. After tho Inquest ho was brought to Walhalla and is now hold in the county Jail. -J. H. Parker spent Monday and Tuesday in 'Greenville on business. -Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gasque are now occupying rooms In the home of Mrs. J. M. Sltton. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Humphries have moved to the Maxwell home. -The Misses Moose, of North Car olina, have been spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Crisp. They have made numer ous friends during their visit. -Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Edwards and three children, of Fountain Inn, ar rived In Walhalla yesterday and will spend a week or ten days here visit ing at the home of Mrs. H. L. Rogers. -The Ladles' Missionary Society of the Walhalla Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. W. F. Milam Thursday (to-morrow) afternoon at r> o'clock. All members are urged to attend. -About 2f> ice cream churns, all sizes, marked down. Don't miss this. Matheson Hardware Co., Westmin ster, S. C.-Adv.32. -Tlie Dort cars are proving very attractive to auto lovers these days. This car is being sold by the Ballen gor Hardware and Furniture Co., of Seneca. The first of a series of very interesting announcements concern ing the Dort cars appears In this is sue. Keep an eye out for these adver tisements, each week. If you are in terested in cars you will And the facts very attractive to you. - Federal Court will be held in I'ickens next week, beginning on Tuesday morning, August 7th. The purpose of this session of Federal Court is to hear certain cases Involv ing lands purchased by the govern ment from citizens of Ocoiiee and other counties, in which cases the money for tho purchase of the lands has been tied nj) in tho hands of the Federal Court pending tho settle ment of certain minor questions. -Mrs. C. M. Nield, of Vicksburg, Miss.; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nix, of Greenville; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Maxwell, of Anderson; Jesse R. Max well, of Columbia, and Mr. and Mrs. Lucien S. Maxwell, of Johnston, were in Walhalla for a short while last week, having come over on the sad mission of attending the funeral of their brother, W. Thoa. Maxwell, last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Maxwell and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Maxwell, of Columbia, were also among thoso from a distance who at tended tho funeral, the deceased hav ing hoon a cousin of the latter two gentlemen._ (Other Local Now? on Fif?? Page.)