Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, February 14, 1917, Image 4

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KEOWEE COURIER (L'sUblNhod 1840.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription X<i l*er Annum. Advertising Hu.CH Reasonable. -Ry HTECK, SIIKI<OIt & SO 11 KO DHU. i Communications of a personal obaracter charged for as advertise-1 men ts. Obituary notices ann tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, will K> printed free of charge. All over that number must he paid for nt tho vjito of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA. S. C.: W HUN HS HA V, KERRI'A RV ll, 11)17 WASH I NH'IM?N'S HIRTH I)A V. Next Thursday will bo Washing tun's Rlrlhdny which is recognized ty the Nation.? I Covern ment ?is a na tional holiday. Consequently there v*> 11 lie no servie?; on tho rural routes td the country next Thursday. For ! * ??is reason The Courier will go to I j,ress at the sante hour next Tuesdav that wo regularly KO to press on Wednesdays, This will insure doliv ? ry of The Courier on rural routes on ? Wednesday, tho 21st. Otherwise i ?tr pap?*rs would lie over in the post I iffices ol the county until Friday morning before starting on thc inities for hoinc-io-hoine delivery. We request thal correspondents . nd others having business with Thc i'onrior for next week will hear Ihb tact in mind, speeding up commuul rations ami all ut hoi matters om .lay. H ROW INC SLOWLY. Con I i i bu I ions received b\ Fred ll. ' ominick io the ? I .OKI? lund for de .. it ii? treasury of National Demo-' i ral ie < '?un MI it tee: ( b'oneo < 'utility, reviously ucknowledgod.$.'. ?'. 7 .". hrougli Keowee Courier: Aug T. Smith .5li .1 \. stock .50 ; oi M i i o i-'eh. l m h .i.7."> Totals hy Conni les, ' icwberrv .$20 <.00 ; Mulerson . I no | Abbeville . tts.:',:, j le ken s . il ii. uti j i ?reen wood . 117.55 ?cunee . i. 7 ."> McCormick . , .>t:il In 1". li. lUlh .$57.'?.05 Acknowledgments this Week. . . L. I lerndon .$ . A, Manning . I .on . F, Craig . 1.00 :. IO. Rhodes .511 . ash i .1 ?."?ii P, li. Shcloi-. .n:. ash I A I . asl? (li. S i . . ash ( T. ) .25 Cash (Mi .25 ash I Ki .._'.> Total.$ 7.50 ON TH M ALERT. Tin tact thal tile government of ihc United Stales is awake to the ? cry nearness of our country lo war1 >. evidenced by the precautions thal ; ar? being taken on all sides to safe r. II a rd the interests of this country. Tho (. overnmeni olflcinls are purlieu-1 arly careful lo commit no act that j uild possibly give ground for just i ump.aim where thu interests nfl othor nations are concerned, yet . erv precaution is being observed. : ii the nation's capital no man goes about government buildings without i proper credentials, which tiro care : illly vised hy guards. Evidence of this fad came to the attention of one of Wiilhnlla's (dil ens last week. Arriving in Wash- j agton on Important business, the . isitor made Iiis way to (he Capitol, I it was halted by a guard on near- l nu tho government grounds. Ile I < as closely questioned regarding his ? itsiness. Very courteously and ; "willi regret"' the guard stated that ! 0 grips or satchels could he taken ; alo the grounds. No objection he- ' ag interposed to an examination of ', a small grip carried by the traveler. : was carefully examined, found lo-I tally unsuspicious, hui yet ii was not j ?erinitted lo be carried in. "Rules, yon know." explained the guard, and , 1 Washington to-day rules are c-tr iel. Our government is making no ul.i . hont the break with (?ermany, bul ' is evident from Hie g rea I p roca a- I ions that are noted on all sides, that . hose in authority view (he situation is one fraught with possibilities (hal nay precip?tale war conditions with ? nt vorj ceremonious pridimiuaries. The activities in naval circles, cou pled v\ it h i he fad i hal t here is no public annoum ?meut ol' movements and intended movements is evidence thal mir government is maintaining , ii altitude of extreme watchfulness and preparation for any eventuality. Thc sit nation tm,y well be slimmed ? :;> In the statement that the United -tates is actively preparing for war while ardent!) hoping io avert lt. American relief workers in iiel gium and Xort bern France hilve been ordered by Hie Herman military an .horities io leave (hose territories. Accordingly ail American relief workers there are preparing for im mediate removal, lt is announced, however, thal these orders will not preven! I he American association cont in o i ng Hs efforts to relieve the stricken territories, and thal as soon as possible the relief work will he reorganized, the Americans working in conjunction with thc relief organ izations of other neutral nations Prosen! Intentions are to sci up tem porary American relief headquarters In Holland. A household novelty is holli a nut pick and bot I le opener, ?ind can he used to bold an ear of corn while it ls being eaten. NOTUS FROM BOUNTY LANI). neath of Samuel Cleveland tirings Sorrow to Ocoiicc Friends, Bounty Land, Feb. 12.- Special: Miss lilith Berry will meet with the members of our School Improvement Association on thc afternoon of Fri day, the 23d instant, in the hope of arousing enthusiasm among our ladies along tho lines of home? eco nomics, cunning, etc. We hope for a full attendance of the members on that day, and also invite all who would be Interested to meet with us. .loo Barron's many friends will re gret to learn of his recent misfor tune in getting a log broken while it work in a llCWground. littst re ports are to the effect that he is able to sit up, ?md we hope he will soon : recover from his Injuries, Miss Cary Doyle, of Oak (?rove, spent the week-end with lier parents, i Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Doyle. The many Oconeo friends of Sam Cleveland will learn with regret of | his ?loath. which occurred al his home In DunncUon, Fla., on Jami- , ary 28th. Mr. Cleveland was a na- ! live of Abbeville county, but when j unite a young man he, with his bro- | thor. Knox Clavotand, were employ ed for a number of years In this ? county in the lumbering occupation, working for some time in the em ploy of Capt. A. ll. Ellison. Ho hud ll for several years past been living in Florida, and only a few years ago l visited this county, taking back with ( him is a bride Miss Anna Hall, of i I this community, who survives him. 11 Mr. Cleveland's death was duo to ; i Bright's disease. Wc Join other J i friends Bi sympathizing with the ho- i leaved. Mrs. Cleveland is quito ill al her J * home in Florida and could not come \ to her old homo hore as wo reported t in our last. We hopi; for her early ?j recovery. ! I Miss Irene Stone is on tho sick , t list . bul is aide to be up. ' I Mrs. Dock Rice is visiting her mo- i I her, Mrs. H assn way, who is quite ill .it her home in Georgia, j < ' i Houston Treasurer Farm Loan Bank, i Columbia, Feb. 'J David A. lions-1' ton. a banker of Monroe. X. C.. and h bist cousin lo the I'nitcd Slates Sec- I rotary of Agriculture, David Francis I Houston, les hoon appointed a direr- s tor and treasurer ot' the Columbia i farm loan bank and will come lo Co- t lumbla about next Thursday with I i the president of the hank. F, .!. II. i von Engolken, formerly director of ? 1 the mint. They will proceed inime- \ diaiely to make preliminary dispose s lions for the early opening of thc 1 hank. ?1 ! i TOO DANGHKOl'S TO OYF.HLOOK. ( Walhalla People Will Do Well to Heed tbe Warning. To have good health, thc digestion, heart, lungs and kidneys must work I perfectly. When lhere ?s anything I * wrung with the digestion, heart or lunns, a very noticeable pain or dis-! tress nixes prompt warning. Kidney j trouble is more easily overlooked,] however, and too often gains a long sturt. But kidney trouble does give early signs, and backache, headaches, dizzy spells, rheumatic pains, too fre quent, scanty or painful urination should not be neglected. When these warnings appear, use Donn's Kidney Bills, the reliable, successful, strong ly-recommended kidney remedy. As sist lin1 medicine hy taking things easier, reducing tho diet and tho usc of liquors. A severe attack of kidney disease may be avoided. Dean's Kid ney Bills have won the grateful praise of Walhalla people. Head this Wal- ? halla resident s endorsement: W. s. Urabi, blacksmith, North Church street. Walhalla, says: "I hurt my back and since Iben have boon troubled by kidney complaint. Whenever 1 had ono of those attacks, I had severe pains In my kidneys and across my loins. Tho action of my kidneys was irregular and I bad no control over the kidney seo ?tions. I often had dizzy spoils and dull pains in tho back of my hoad. For the past ten years I have used Udall's Kidney Bills at these limos an ri have never failed to receive pron*pt relief." Brice 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidie'v remedy-get Dean's Kidney Pills ii,o same that Mr. (Srahl had. Foster-Milburn Co.. Props.. Buffalo, X. Y. Adv. Shortage of Empty Freight Cars. September, 1010. 10,000 October. 101 li . 60,001' November, I 0 11! .1 os,uno December, din. estimated, 150,000 January. 1 : ? 1 T. not announced. But large shippers say conditions were never so had as they are now. I'nder ordinary conditions there Is usually ' oiisiderable delay in get ting .-hiii aeuls during tito fertilizer season, but this year when we go into the season handicapped with an unparalleled car shortage*, thu sim al ion may ?wow to be very serious, So we earnestly urge yon to order out your fertilizer at once You will lind thal the sacks do no! roi any thing like as badly as tivy did a year or so ago. Better order early: delays are d:> ngorous. ANDERSON PHOSPHATE Al OIL ? COMPANY, A NI HOBSON, S. C. W. F. FA HM Flt, Secretary. NOTICIO OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. isotlco I? hereby given that the un dorslgnod will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate foi Oconeo County, in the State of South Carolina, at his olTlce at Walhalla Cou ri House, on VIM DAY. the Oth day of MARCH. I?U7, at ll o'clock, in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter , as said application can bo heard, for leavo to make final settlement of the est ?itt; of Pompey Keels, deceased, j ?ind obtain final disc bargo ?is Admin ist rater of said Estate, W. f). WI UTK. Administrator of tho Estate of Pom pey Keels, deceased. Keb. 7, 1017. 0-0 ENJOYS LIFE NOW AFTER WAITING SEVERAL YEARS 'I WAS MISFRAItLK WITH NERV OUSNESS A L.MOST ALL TUM TIMK," HUE SAYS. ?ii \ NISH Kit MY THOU ULES." is Wonderful," Says MIK. Smal ley, as She Told ol' Over? coming Her Siil?oilng. "Tanlac gave me back my health after I had suffered so much for sev eral ...ais, and it is (lie best medi cine over look for the troubles I had." declared Mrs. Nancy Smalley, of 2 ! Seth street. Greenville, in a statement she gave in endorsement Of Taiihu;. Continuing. Mrs. Smalley said: "I suffered from a bad form of liver trouble and general weakness I was troubled a lot with a dizzy, staggering tooling and my appetite was almost gone. My nerves had gone t>? pieces and I was miserable with nervous.tess almost all the time. My liver was the causo of all the sickness I had during the past several years, and I felt badly most af the time. "My complexion had become yel low, my tongue was coated and my ??roath was bad, and 1 had 'that lazy ooling' all the tune. Really, I never lid feel well, but I was weak and Ired and worn-out continually. My ood rlid not digest well and my neals felt like a brick in my sto uach, and lt seemed that they nour sbod nie little or none at all. "I bad heard ai lot about the treat relief Tanbie was giving peo de in Greenville and I bought a hol lo. I gained eight pounds as a re mit of laking the Tanbie, and now am in good heall li and am not rouhled with any of these ailments bad. That is what Tanbie did for lie. It banished my troubles. The l'a ii lac gave me a lino appetite, .I ea red up my skin, tho coating left ay tongue and I was soon freo of nd igest ion. "I had only to take one bottle Ol' l'anlac to get my system in good ihape, oven if I bad bad those tren des several years, and I took thal mille about lb roi1 months ago. And. duce I took tho Tanbie I have been II better health than I have for seve al years. I can't say too much In naise of Tanbie, for it was a woil lerful medicine for troubles like I ind." Tanbie, the master medicine, is ?old exclusively by Hell's Drug Store. .Valhalla; J. C. Cain. Oakway; Sa eni Drug Co.. Salem; Seneca Phar nacy, Seneca; Stonecypher Drug 'o.. Wost minster.- -Adv. Three Killed, Many Injured. Louisville, Ky., Fob. 12. Three lersons were killed and between I ?a md 20 otheis injured early to-night vhen Southern railway passenger rain struek a heavily loaded stree! ar at a giade crossing in the west >rn end of i he city, souci?: OE FI NA ii SETTLEMENT I AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given tliat the un lersigned will make application to /. F. Martin. Judge of Probate for ? )conce County, in the State of South Carolina, at his oftice at Wal lalla Conn House, on Flt I DAY. he 0th day of March. I?I7, at ll ?'clock in the forenoon, or as soon hereafter as said application can be leard, for leave to make final sot.tlo noni of the Estate of William Wald. Icceased, and obtain dual discharge s Administrator (with will annexed) >f said estate D. H. WA LD, Ulministrator (With Will Annexed) of Estate of Wm. Wald, deceased. Feb. 7, 1917. G-9 VOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby gi von that the inderslgned will make application o V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Sconce County. In the Stato of South karolina, at his ofllce at Walhalla 'on rt House, on Monday. March ?th, 1917. at ll o'clock in tho orenoon, or as soon thereafter as ?aid application cnn he heard, for eave to make final settlement of tho | Estate of J. M. Trail thain, deceased, I md obtain Final Discharge as Ad ninistrator of said estate. I lt. ORR, Ulministrator of tho Fstale of J. M Trantham, deceased. lan. :? 1, 19 17. .">-8 Tr Mutual Life I OF NEV\ rJTII E AGENCY J THE DISTRICT AC pared to give prompt and c of present as well as prosp Company-thc oldest in Ai YOU PROVIDE for LECT your widow. Gc the widow and orphans, * THE MUTUAL LI desirable forms, with D?S? Future Premiums, and At tion furnished upon rcques JAS. M MOSS, Dis Oconcc, Pickcns anc WALHAI S U M M O N 8 . State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. ( In the Probat? Court.) .James C. Owens, as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of .Mrs. KOSH Fahnestock, deceased, Petl I toner, Versus Thomas (1. C. Fahncstock, Anna Owens, William .1. Owens, Peter 1<\ Owen?, Thomas Welch, Mary Welch, Mary Owens, Eliza J. Owens, Hosanna Crumbly, Mary Ellen Proctor, .Jane Else, .John J. Owens, and Thomas P. Owens, De- i rendants. Summons. To the Defendants Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the Petition In this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Petition on the subscriber, J. R. Earle, at his ottlce. Walhalla, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclu sive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer tho Petition within the time aforesaid, tho peti tioner in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the petition. Dated at Walhalla. S. C., this 26th dav of January, 1917. V. E. MARTIN, (Seal.) .Judge of Probate in and for Oconee County, South Carolina. J. R. EARLE, Petitioner's Attorney. Jan. Ill, Iii IT. 5-7 NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION. In accordance with Section 1742, Civil Code of South Carolina, 1912, and pursuant to an order of the County Hoard of Education of Oco nee County, South Carolina, notice la hereby given that a Special Election will ho held at tho school house In Fairview School Dist ried. No. 34, on SATURDAY, February 17. I'M7. upon Ute question of levying a special j tax of three mills upon all the real and personal property in said district I for school purposes. At .said election each elector favor- I ing the proposed levy shall cast a | ballot containing tho word "Yes" i printed or written thereon, and each I elector opposed to said levy shall ; cast a ballot containing tho word "No" printed or written thereon. At the said election only such electors as return real or personal property for taxation, and who ex hiblt their tax receipts and registra tion certificates as required in gene ral elections, shall be allowed to vote. Polls will be opened nt 7 o'clock a. tn. and will close at 4 o'clock p. m. S. C. BIOGERSTA FF, A. A. MCMAHAN. FUHRER L. MURRA RD, Trustees of Fairview School District, No. "? I. Managers of Election. ?.'eh. 7. 1 :> I 7. 6-7 I-S-O Ointment Antiseptic Healing Germicide. A most satisfactory dressing for wounds, such as Cuts, Ab scesses, Roils, Old Sores, Ulcers, and all Skin Diseases. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. Directions: Apply t wice daily. For stile by your druggist, or postpaid on receipt of 25c. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. STONHC Y PH E R DRUG CO., Distributers, WESTMINSTER, S. C. DR. M. R. CAMPBELL. Registered Optometrist. AND MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN, Anderson, S. C. Bell's Drug- Store, Local Repre sentatives. Take your repairs and broken lenses to them for prompt and accurate work. HE nsurance Co. / YORK. FOR SERVICE ! ;ENCY at Walhalla is pre arcful attention to thc needs ective policy-holders of this merica, *?* ?J* v* *i* your wife-DON'T NEG od intentions will not feed (?1 tj^1 t?? FE issues policies in all thc ibilitv Benefits, Waiver of inuai Dividends. Informa t. ?fi j* jfi ?fi ?fi & trict Superintendent, I Greenville Counties, vLAt S? C. The WEATHER Has not made you think much of GARDENING, But it is time to get ready. Thc better days are sure to come, and pretty soon, too. We have complete stock of Garden and Farm Tools. Let us show you. MAJUbMJsmmn HARDWARE: HD; FURNITURE ?JO** Seneca, S? Cr BUGGIES, WAGONS, HARNESS, Doors, Sash and Blinds. PAINTS AND OILS. Complete Stock of 3ENERAL MERCHANDISE H. P. Nimmons, Seneca, S. C. Jfe*. To the Farmers and Hs?. ^ Stock Raisers ! 1 IMZ&PSSPP?^^^^'^vw'^*V. 1 '"' 'M st 'nvcs*'n,?*n< yon can make "?^^^mi^^^'^^^SS^^^^i ,s il"* pio|?er caro ot' your live TOTV?STWW^^^W Kt Nothing gi vos helter results or M^^^QMSraioS??^^^^^^ Pfiw'i pays a gritter dividend tor Hie ^' ' Wm money invested than the proper uso wi Ut? (>t dK? Stonecypher's ^SS^^K^^HBKife Horse and Cattle Tonic. It ls guaranteed to increase the QUALITY and QUANTITY of milk iiiid hut ter on the same amount of food you ure now using. Vor Horses and Hogs it prevents lind destroys worms, sharpens tho appetite and improves the whole system. Try n 1M)X and note the improvement. Your dealer will pay your money buck if you are not. satisfied. Sold and Cuaranteed hy J, <;. IIRKAKKAIJK, A. li. HTKWART, C. I?. MIIJIJH, IO. 0. POORK, _ WKHTM 1 NSTI'?R, S. C. - W. .1. LUNNEY, IMuggist, C. I?. AIIIJKH, KIO N KOA, H. O. OA WAY, S. O. NEW Cross-Tie Market First-class Ties, .... 45 Cents, Cash Second-Class Ties, ... 30 Cents, Cash I have engaged Mr. J. W. payable in CASH at C. W. iarrison to grade Tics for me Pitchford's, ,t Walhalla. Tie yard will be t Blue Ridge Depot. Mr. Har ison will inspect your Tics herc and give you a check The opening of a Tie Yard by me at Walhalla means that you will always have a ready Cash Market for your Ties. A. B. Taylor, "ftF*