HIE UNITED STATES OP A M EH IC A In the District Court of the United States-For the Western District of South Carolina. THE UNITED STATES Versus A certain tract of land containing 144.29 acres, moro or less, situate in Chattooga Township, in the County of Ocouee, in the State of South Carolina, known as the John Lochrie Tract No. 1 (Snider tract); A certain tract of land containing 80.G2 acres, more or less, situate in Chattooga Township, in the County of Ocouee, In the State of South Carolina, known as the John Lochrie Tract No. 2 (Powell tract); A certain tract of land containing 201.36 acres, more or less, situate in Pulaski Township, In the Coun ty of Ocouee, in the Slate of South Carolina, known as the John Loch rie Tract No. 3 (Roach tract); A certain tract of lund containing 193.40 acres, more or less, situate in Pulaski Township, in the Coun ty of Ocouee, In the State of South Carolina, known as the John Loch rie Tract No. 4 (Rnmey tract); A certain tract of land containing 137.29 acres, more or less, situate in Pulaski Township, tn the Coun ty of Ocouee, in the State of South Carolina, known as the John Loch rie Tract No. 5 (Orahl tract); A certain tract of land containing ?I72.:iC acres, more or less, situate in Pulaski Township, in the Coun ty of Ocouee, in Hie State of South Carolina, known as the John Loch rie. Tract No. 0 (Black tract); A certain tract of land containing 100f).G7 acres, more or less, situ ate in Pulaski Township, in the County of Ocouee, in the State of South Carolina, known as the John Lochrie Tracts Nos. 7 and 8 (Smith-Whttner tract) ; A certain tract of land containing 238.2 4 acres, more or less, situate in Pulaski Township, in the Coun ty of Ocouee, in the State of South Carolina, known ns the John Loch rie Tract No. 9 (Fred Lee tract); A certain tract of land containing 180.88 acres, more or less, situate in Pulaski Township, in the Coun ty of Oconee, in the State of South Carolina, known as the John Loch rie Trt'ot No. 10 (Deaton tract); A certain tract of land containing 1050.77 acres, more or less, situ ate in Pulaski Township, in the County of Oconee, in the State of South Carolina, known as the John Lochrie "Thomas and Howell Car tor Tract No. 2"; A certain tract of land containing 191.00 acres, more or less, situate in Pulaski Township, In the Coun ty of Oconee, in the State of South Carolina, known as the John Loch rie "Thomas and Howell Carter Tract No. 1"; A certain tract of land containing 77.9 4 acres, more or less, situate in Pulaski Township, in the (/oun iv ol Oconeo, lu tho State p( Sou'h Carolina, known au the John Loch rie "Mowed (Javier Tract/' Notice that Application has Been Mude hy The United States to Ac quire the Land Herein Desi-ribed hy Condemnation. Pursuant to an order made by his honor, Joseph T. Johnson. United States Judge for the Western District of South Carolina, on the 9th day ol' January, A. I). 10 17, notice is here by published that application has been made to the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of South Carolina, in behalf of the United States, for tho condem nation for the public use and purpose of National Forest Reserve, of a cer tain tract of land, owned or supposed to be owned by John Lochrie and Kathleen Lochrie, and an accurate description of said tract of land be ing as follows: All that tract of land known as the .lohn Lochrie tract number one (Sni der Tract), in the County of Oconee, and State of South Carolina, former ly said to contain one hundred and forty-four (144) acres, but contain ing one hundred and forty-four und 251/100 ( 1 14.29 ) acres, adjoining lands of A. Hynam F. A. Hull, and others, the same being a portion of the tract of land formerly conveyed to Elisha Snider by Arra! Snider, by deed bearing date the 10th day of February, 1893, and recorded In the Clerk's ofllce, in Oconee County, in Rook "O". page 500; the line be ginning at corner five of the F. A. Hull "Mongold" tract, an original black jack corner, common to the F. A. Hull "Mongold" and "Ramey" and John Lochrie number one tracts; thence with the line of the F. A. Hull ' Karney" tract to corner L 1, an orig inal corner, a twenty-eight inch pine stump; thence to corner L 2, a stone, one foot high, with witness trees fac ing lt, an original corner of the F. A. Hull "Ramey" tract; thence leaving the line of the F. A. Hull "Ramey" tract to corner L 8, nu original cor ner, a stone one foot high, with three witness trees facing it; thence to corner L 4, a three-inch while oak, marked "X", an original corner; thence to corner L 5, an original cor ner, a white stone set in the ground with sevearl small witness trees fac ing it; thence to corner L G, a flat ?done marked "X", an original cor ner; thence to comer L 7, an origi nal stone corner with witness trees present; thonco to corner L 8, a lo cust stake set In the ground witness ed by several trees, a locust poBt be ing set. and scribed; thence to cor ner L 9, an original stone corner, one foot high; thence to corner L 10, an original stone corner with an eight inch pine for witness, sot near old fence line; thence to corner Lil, an original stone corner, set ono foot high; thence to corner number one of the ?F.A.Hull "Mongold" tract, an original stone corner common to the J. II. Jolly, John Lochrie number one, Bymim and F. A. Hull "Mongold" tracts; thence with tho boundary of the F. A. Hull "Mongold" tract to corner two of the F. A. Hull "Mon gold" tract; thence to corner three of the F. A. 'Hull "Mongold" tract; thence to corner four of the F. A. Hull "Mongold" tract, the site of the origina] stone corner, a pine post be ing set and scribed; thence to corner five of the F. A. Hull "Mongold" tract, the place of beginning. All and singular that tract of land known as the John Lochrle tract number two (Powell Tract), in the County of Ocouee, and State of South Carolina, and formerly said to con tain ninety (90) acres, but contain ing eighty-six and 02/100 (80.62) acres, being upon uoth sides of the public road leading from Walhalla, S. C., to Highlands. N. C., and on branches, waters of Village Creek, waters of Changa Creek and waters of Tugaloo Hiver, adjoining lands of John C. Powell, J. A. Callas, F. A. Hull and W. Ci. Russell, and being more fully described in a deed from John C. Powell to John l^ochrie, re corded in tho Clerk's office for Oco nee County, in Hook "CO", at page 333; the line beginning at corner one, which ls corner twenty of the Southernmost corner of the W. C. Russell tract, and also common to the John Lochrle number two and F. A. Hull "Mongold" tracts, an origi nal rock corner established by E. Cal las. Surveyor, April 18th, 190S, thence with the boundary o? the F. A. Hull "Mongold" tract to corner two, an original rock corner, common to the John Lochrle tract number two, and the F. A. Hull "Mongold" tract; thence to corner three, an original rock corner, common to the John Lochrle number two and the F. A. Hull "Mongold" tracts; thence to corner four, an original rock corner common to the John Lochrle tract number two and the F. A. Hull "Mongold" tract; thence to corner ilvo. an original rock corner, set be side a ten-Inch Spanish oak, marked as a corner common to the John Lochrle tract number two, and thc F, A. Hull "Mongold" tract; thence to corner six, nu original rock cor ner, common to the John Lochrle tract number two and the F. A. Hull "Mongold" tract; thence to corner seven, an original rock comer, com mon to the John Lochrle tract num ber two and the V. F. Holden and F. A. Hull "Mongold" tracts in a ra vine; thence with the boundary line of the V. F. Holden tract to corner eight, an original rock croner, com mon to the John Lochrle tract num ber two and V. F. Holden tracts; thence to corner nine, a corner com mon to the John Lochrle tract num ber two and the J. C. Powell and V. F. Holden tracts; thence with the boundary of the J. C. Powell tract to corner ten. which is corner twenty one of the W. G. Russell tract; and the Westernmost corner of the J. C. Powell tract; thence 'with the line of the W. G. Russell tract to the place of beginning. All and singuar that tract of land known as the John Lochrle "Roach" Tract, (No. 3); in the County of Ocouee, and State of South Carolina, on Chattooga River, adjoining lands of John R. Hamey, William E. Roach and Nancy L. Roach, and being de scribed in a deed from Chattooga River Lumber Company to John Lochrle. recorded in the Clerk's of llce for Ocouee County, in Rook i i.", ut page 420'; tho said tract therein said to contain two hundred and thirty l??O? aeres, but Contain* irifc two hundred and ono and $6/ 100 (201.35) acres; tho line beginning at corner one, a point in the thread of a stream of Chattooga River; walch ls also corner six of thost set in a mound of stones and ?cribed "No. 1-L"; thence with the ino of the M. D. Lee tract to corner .wo, a rock on East slope, a white >ak post, surrounded by a mound of dones, bein g. set and scribed; thence o corner three, a rock, a corner com oon to the John Lee and John Loch 'ie tracts, a white oak post set and ?cribed; thence leaving the boundary >r the M. I). Lee tract and with the mnndnry of the John 1/Ce. Jr., tract 0 corner four, a Spanish oak stump, 1 corner common to the John Lee, lr., and John Lochrle tracts; thence 0 corner five, a rock which ls also 1 corner of the John Lee, Jr., tract; hence to corner six, an old chestnut, low down, on side of mountain, a ?omer common to the John Lochrle md John Lee, Jr., tracts, a white oak jost, surrounded by a mound of dones, scribed "N-C-L"; thence to ?omer seven, a common corner of the lohn Lee, Jr., and John Lochrle rncts. a white oak post set and scrib al ; thence with the line of Nathan rVatkins tract, to corner eight, orlgl lally a pine stake, a common corner >f the John Lee, Jr., Nathan Wat tins and John Lochrle tracts; thence o corner nine, a hickory, a common omer of tho John Lochrlo, J, Tom Thrift and Nathan Watkins tracts; hence with the line of the J. Tom thrift tract, to corner ten, a rock, a omer common to the J. Tom Thrift ind John Lochrle tracts; thence to omer eleven, a rock, a corner com il?n to the J. Tom Thrift, W. J. itrlbllng and John Lochrle tracts; hence leaving the boundary of the . Tom Thrift, tract, and with the on e. dory of tho Strlbling tract, to omer twelve, a common corner of he W. J. Strlbling, Dr. Thomas Earle nd John Lochrlo facts; thence to omer thirteen, a pine stump, a com lon comer of the Dr. Thomas Earle nd John Lochrle tracts; thence to he place ol beginning. N C d si n I) Ii w I tl All and singular that tract of land I) nown as the John Lochrlo "Smith- c< Whltner" tract (No. 7-8), in the County of Oconee, and State of South Carolina, one part consisting of a tract of land lu Pulaski Township, on the Rast side of Chattooga Uiver, ou Camp Branch, waters of said river, adjoining lands of George Wat kins, Jesse Watkins and others, for merly said to contain six hundred (COO) acres; the other tract, also on the Kast side of Chattooga Uiver, ad joining lands of J. W. Smith. Kate O. Vandlver and others; being tho two tracts of land first described in the first part of the description given tn a deed from C. H. Ellison to John Lochrie, recorded in the Clerk's of fice Tor Oconee County, In Hook "DD", nt pago 162; the tract of land herein involved, In Its entirety, con sisting of one thousand and live and 07/100 ( 100r>.67) acres; the line be ginning at corner one, an original' rock corner, common to the lands of Goorge S. Watkins, an oak post set in a mound of stones and scribed "L-l"; thence with the George S. Watkins boundary to corner two, a pine knot stake with witnesses, a cor ner common to the lands of T. J, Thrift, an oak post being sot In a mound of stones and scribed "L-2"; tboneo S. 26-12 W. 39.02 chains to a corner, a fallen tree with witnesses presont, an oak post In a mound of Btones and scribed "1-3"; thense S. 80-23 W. 16.80 chains to corner, a rock in a field, an oak post sot in a mound of stones and scribed "L-4"; thence N. l-l W. 43-83 chains to cor ner, a rock with witnesses present, an oak post being set in a mound of stones and scribed "L-4 Ms"; thence S. 80-11 E. 3 4.95 chains to the said corner two, a pino knot with wit nesses, common to tho lands of T. J. Thrift, an oak post being set In a mound of stones, blazed and scribed "L-2"; thence with the boundary of the T. J. -Thrift lands, N. 73-47 W. 35.69 chains to corner three, a twen ty-six-inch hickory, marking the cor ner; thence io corner four, a stone with witnesses; thence continuing along the boundary of tho T. J. Thrift lands N. 37-34 W. and at a point 9.9 6 chains from corner four, leaving the T. J. Thrift lands, and continuing the same course with the vV. N. Moore tract, to a point twonty rour and 71 /1 00 (24.71 ) chains from said corner four; thence leaving the SV. N. Moore tract, and continuing the same course with the George Smith tract to corner five, a rock with witnesses; thence with the | uoum r.\ of the George Smith tract 10 comer aix, a stake with witnesses; dione" to corner seven, a stake with ivHhesses; thence with the boundary 11 the M D. Lee tract, to corner 'ight. a corner site with witnesses, a omer common :to the lands of M. D. ...ec, un oak post in a mound of itones being scribed "L-10"; thence .0 corner nine, a rock ?nd a pine mot with witnesses; thence to cor mr ten, a point in the thread of Chattooga River, a four-inch poplar >n Mo iOas't bank being blazed and ?cribed as a witness corner; thence rom coiner ten, down the meanders >f Chattooga River, with the thread )l tibe stream to corner eleven; hom - leaving the river, S. 65-17 E. C- 5 ciiains'to corner twelve, a rock MtM vimesBes marking corner com oon *o the lands of George S. Wut i\na, ti i onk post in a mound of Jones, -cribed "L-64"; thence with tie boundary of the George S. Wat kins lands to corner thirteen, a fif eoh-?nch yellow pine, blazed and cribed; thence to tho place of be-' duning. I Adi and singular that tract of land nu v a as the .lohn Lochrie "Fred I Tract (No. 9), lu the County of leo nee and State of South Carolina. i,:l ae: cribed in a deed from Chnt 001 i Uiver Lumber Company to ob Lochrie, recorded in Clerk's of- ' Ic? for Oconee County, In Rook Li ' at page 420, as on thc East ldc of Chattooga River, and former y conveyed by F. B. Lee to Clarence 1. Ellison, and by said Ellison con- ! eyed to Chattooga River Lumber Jompany; therein said 'to contain bree hundred (300) acres; but con alning two hundred and thirty-eight nd 24/100 (238.24) acres, the line (?ginning at corner one, a rock on ; ho South bank of Shoulder Hone ireek, an original corner common to he .lohn Lochrie "Fred Lee" tract, ! j. C. Sw?fford tract and N. J. Wat :1ns tract, and lands or George S. j Vatkins; thence with the line of the j. C. Swofford tract to corner two, a ! omer common to the P. J. Carter : rael, a twenty-inch post oak; thence vith the line of the P. J. Carter tract 0 corner three, a corner common to ; ho Oconee Timber Company, a six een-inch post oak; thence to corner ! our, a point in the thread of Chat ooga River, a ten-inch Ironwood, on j ians of river being blazed and scrib d as a witness corner "\V 0-4"; l? hence from said corner four, up the , aeanders of the Chattooga River ' /Rh the thread of the stream, to a oint in thc thread of the Chattooga , tiver, on the mouth of Shoulder!] tone Creek, a thirty-inch sweet gum n bank of stream, being blazed and i? cribed "L W C-5" as a witness cor- ? or; from said point, thence up the ;, leatiders of Shoulder Hone Creek, saving Chattooga River, to the place f beginning. ? All and singular that tract of land 1 nowa as tho John Lochrie "Beaton" 11 'ract (No. 10), In Oconee County, h nd State of South Carolina, on Mill : Ireek, of Tugaloo River, adjoining ) MdB of William D, Deaton. ?. C. J | totbell and others, being described 1j i a deed from Chattooga River Lum- | er Company to John Lochrie, re- | orded in tho Clerk's office for Oco- ? j co County, In Rook "'LL", at pago j 20; 'therein slated to contain one j nndred and ninety-two (192) acres, j, ut containing ono hundred and ( Ighty and 88/100 acres; the line { eglnning at corner one, un original . amer on the edge of Mill Branch, a ] orner common to tho John Lochrie i Thoma* and Howell Carter Tract ' ( fo. 2" and "Deaton" tracts and the . leaton lands; thence with tho mean- j ors of Mill Branch to corner two, a tako with witnesses, a corner com ion to the John Lochrie and the i eaton Innds; thence leaving Mill ] ranch to corner three, a pine stump < Ith witnesses, a corner common lo 1 io John Lochrie tract and lands of < eaton ?nd James Lee; thence to t jrner four, a rock marking corner i common to tho John Lochrlo tract and the lands of J. T. Patton and .hunos Lee; thence to corner live, a corner common to the John Lochrio and J. T. Patton tracts; thence to comer six, a post in a mound of stones, scribed "1/-',10"; thence to comor seven, a rock with witnesses, a'corner common to the John Loch rio and J. T. Patton tracts; thence to- corner eight, a rock with wit nesses, a corner common to tho John Lochrle and J. T. Patton tracts; thence to corner nine, a rock with witnesses; which ls also corner fif teen of tho John Loch rle "Thomas and Howell ('arter No. 2" tract; thence to the place of beginning. All and singular those tracts of land in the County of Oconee and State of.South Carolina, formerly consisting of four tracts, described In a deed from N. H. and T. J. Car ter to C. H. ICUiBon, recorded in the Clerk's olllco, for Oconee County, in Hook "HU", nt page 101, and in a deed from Chattooga Uiver Lumber Company to John Lochrle, recorded in the i'll ric's office for Oconee Coun ty, in Hook LL", at page 420, being four tracts first In tho description therein, now consisting of three tracts and now known as John Lochrio "Thomas and How ell (tarter No. 2" tract, In said deeds referred to as two tracts, then sahl to eo?l?d*t of six hundred and sixty five (COG) acres and five hundred and forty-eight (548) acres, respective ly, but now consisting of one trae?, found by more accurate survey to contain one thousand and fifty and 77/100 (1050.77) acres, lying on Big Hrasstown Creek, waters of Ttt galoo River, adjoining hinds now or formerly of fi. l). Cox, ll. C. Rot boll and N. H. and T. J. Curter; tho line beginning at corner one, a rock on ?edge Jf Pulaski Hoad, marking cor I uer common to the John Lochrle ! tract and the lauds of D. F. Carter; thence with the meanders ol' tho Pu I laski Road to corner two, an oak poBt on edge of road, marking corner common to the John Lochrie tract and lands of Howell Carter; thence leaving the Pulaski Road, and with tho meanders ot ridge and old road, following the lino between the John Lochrle tract and Howell Carter lands to a point In said road S. 87 li. 2.1)8 chains from corner three; thence to corner three, a stone, an oak post sot in a mound of stones and scribed "L-4H"; thence to cornor four, a pine knot; thence to corner five, a white oak post set and scribed; thence to corner six, a rock with witness trees; thence S. 22-22 W. 3.14 chains to a point in trail; thence with the .meanders of a trail and continuing with the line between the John Ixichrlo tract and lands of Howell Carter, to corner seven, an oak post in a mound of stones scribed "L-Dl"; thence leaving the. trail to corner eight, a rock with witnesses; thence to corner nine, a pine knot with witnesses; thence to corner ten, a pine knot with wit nesses; thence to cornor eleven, a pine knot; thence to corner twelve, a ton-inch pino; thence to corner thirteen, a rock with witnesses; thence to c?rner fourteen, a pine knot with witnesses, marking a cor ner common to the John Lochrie tract and tho Howell Carter and Den ton lands; thence leaving the boun dary line between the John Lochrio tract and Howell Carter lands, and with the lino of the Denton lands, S. 89-36 13. 89.31 chains to a point; thence continuing the same course, and leaving the line of tho Denton lands, and following the lino be- I tween the John Lochrio and John Loch rle's "Denton" tracts to corner fifteen, a rock marking a cornor common to tho John Lochrio, J. T. Patton and John Lochrie's "Denton" tracts; thence, with the line between John Lochrle and J. T. Patton tracts to corner sixteen, a five-inch black pine; thence to corner seventeen, a rock; thence to corner eighteen, an eight-Inch chestnut oak with wit nesses; thence to corner nineteen, a rock near trail marking corner com mon to the John Lochrle, J. T. Put ton and L. D. Cox tracts; thence with the line between the John Loch rie and L. D. Cox tracts to corner twenty, a ten-inch black pine on top of ride; thence to corner twenty-one, an eight-Inch pine with witnesses; thence to corner twenty-two, a ten Inch black gum on bank of Hrasstown Creek; thence to corner twenty three, a pine knot with witnesses, marking a corner common to the John Lochrie and L. D. Cox tracts and lands of L. D. Cox; thence with the line between tho John Lochrle tract and the lands of L. 1). Cox to corner twenty-four, a twelve-Inch white oak; thence to corner twenty five, an eight-Inch black gum with witnesses; thence to corner twenty six, a rock with witnesses; thence to [?omer twenty-seven, a rook with wit nesses; thence to corner twenty Bight, a rock with witnesses; thence to corner twenty-nine, a ton-inch black pine; thence to corner thirty, a twenty-four inch pine on edge of stream; thence up the meanders of a stream to corner thirty-one, a point on the edge of stream, an oak post In a mound of stones, being scribed "L-75"; thence to corner thirty-two, ii -point at forks of strcnin, a post sot in a mound of stones and scribed .L-7G"; thence leaving the stream [ind ascending bluff to corner thirty three, a point on top of ridge, a cor ner common to John Lochrle tracts ind lands of Louis Phillips; thence to comer thirty-four, a twelve-Inch black pine, marking a cornor com mon to the John Lochrie tracts and the lands of D. P. Carter and Louis Phillipa; thence lo corner thirty-five, i black jack on edge of road, near into, marking corner common to the lohn Lochrle tract and lands of D. F. Jarter; thence with the meanders of i road and tho line between tho lohn Lochrie tract and the lands of [>. F. Carter, to corner thirty-six, a *ock by a fence at edge of road, an >uk post being set and scrHied 'L-81"; thence to the place of bo anning. All and singular that tract known is tho John Lochrle "Thomas and lowell Carter Tract No. 1", being lescrlbed in a deed from N. H. and r. J. Carter to C. H. Ellison, record ?d in Clerk's oillcc for Oconee Cotin y, In Book "GO", at pago 101, and a deed from Chattooga Itivor Lum ber Company to John Lochrlo, and hoing tho third tract in tho descrip tion therein, lying on branches, wa ters of Chnttooga Uiver, and adjoin ing lands of Campbell Courtenay, Hholetter land? ana others; therein said to contain one hundred and ninety-four (194) acres, but contain ing one hundred and ninety-one and 00/100 ( 101.00) acres, the line bo ginning at corner one, au original rock corner set in the ground on edge of road marking corner commou to the John Lochrle tract and tho lands of Robertson and Taylor; thence with tho line between tho John Lochrle tract and the lands of Robertson and Taylor to corner two, a rock set in the ground with wit ness trees; thence to corner three, a six-inch poplar; thence to corner four, a rock on edge of road with witness trees; thence with the me anders of an old road, and leaving tho line of the Robertson and Tay lor lands to corner live, a rock with witness trees: thence leaving the road to corner six, a rock with wit ness trees; thence to corner seven, a twenty-six Inch pine with witness trees; thence to corner eight, xn eight-inch black ouk with \vituo4S trees; thence to corner niuo, a (due knot with witness troes; thence to corner ten, a six-inch oak with wit ness trees; theneo up tho meanders of a stream to corner eleven, a rock with witness trees; thence to cor ner twelve, a rock on edge of road, with witness trees; thence with the meanders of road, to tito placo of be ginning, All that tract of land known as tho John Lochrlo "Howell Carter" traet, lu the County of Coonee, and State ol' South Carolina, described in a deed from N. H. and T. J. Carter to C. H. KU Ison, recorded in the Clerk's Of llce for Coonee County, in Hook "lill", at page 101, and dcod fro-oi Chnttooga River Lumber Company +.o John Lochrle, recorded In tho dork'? office, for Oconee County, in Book "LL", at page 4 20, being tho Fourth described tract therein, on branches, waters of Chnttooga River, adjoin ing lands now or formerly of Camp bell Courtenay and N, H. Carter; therein said to contain eighty-five (8!>) acres, but containing seventy seven and 04/100 (77.94) acres; the line beginning at corner one, a cor ner common to the Campbell Courte nay, Howell Carter and John Loch rle tracts, a six-Inch oak. an origi nal corner on toji of ridge; thence with the line of the Howell Carter tract to corner two, a pine knot on top of ridge, also a corner of the Howell Carter tract; thence to cor ner three, n rock on South ?lope,