Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 27, 1916, Image 8

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t? - 'sr. OF FINE Young Horses, COME AND GET YOUR CHOICE! WE HAVE FIFTY HEAD OF MULES, MARES AND HORSES FROM WHICH TO SELECT, AND CAN FIT YOU UP. Hight Point Buggies ! ..When You Hide, Ride Right!" Columbus WAGONS? Thc Wagon with that Good Fifth Wheel. We arc " The Columbus" Headquarters. Brown Has It, Or Brown Gets lt. W. M. BROWN, WALHALLA, S. CAROLINA. ?talR Cutters -International Heavy 9-Blade Implements, the kind that does the work, snd Satisfaction Guaranteed, Oliver Plows and Repairs, Drag Harrows, etc. Prices are right. Come and see for yourself. "Our goods talk." Knights of Pythias. The regular meeting of walhalla Innige, No. 07, li. of P., will be hold at tho Masonic Temple next Monday evening, January 1st. I ill 7, at 7.?IO o'clock. Installation of officers. Visiting Knights .always welcome. J. W. SH13LOR, G. C. T. B. SU10LOR. IC. lt. & S. (adv.) ?J? . J? . J . ?J? ?J? . J ? ?|? ?J. *|? ? J-> ?]? ?|. . J t ?J. ?|? ?J. ?J? ? J i. T. ? LOCAL ANO PRRSONAIi. .?. 4^.$ - For Sah---Milch cows at rcn'son able prices. Call and see thom. M. T. Hughs, Walhalla.-Adv. - Miss Mamie Crooks ls Spending thc holidays at Newberry and Lock hart with relatives. -Miss Marjorie Nield, of Green ville, is spending the holidays at the home Of Mtv. (?. K. Maxwell. --Misses Ida Biemann and Mary Cornelia Harlen, of Landor College, Creon wood, aro with their relatives in Walhalla for tho holidays. -Wm, 13. Brown, of Oreonvlllo, s (Mutt Christmas in Walhalla with his friend, Baylus Harrison, who was vis iting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. A. Harrison, -(?inning days will be Friday and Saturday. January 5th and fith. C. W. Pitchford, Walhalla.- Adv. -Prof. and Mrs A. C. Shanklin and daughter, Miss Janie Neville Shanklin, aro spending tho holidays with Miss .lanie Novillo and brothers In West. Union. -Attention ls directed lo the an nouncement on this pago of money lo loan at (5 per cent interest. Bead tho announcement, then call on Wadi' C. Hughs or Harry lt. Hughs. Wal li til la, for particulars. - We are requested to announce that Blue [litige school will open noxt Tuesday. January 2d. Cul rons will please take due notice and have tho children ready for the first day's work of i ho New Year. First-class shingle mill and en gine for sale. T. li, Alexander. Wal halla. S. C. Adv. ??-tf. --Chas. Linstcdt, of Seneca, spent Christ mus with Mr. and Mrs. Janies I'hinney, of West Union, and among other relatives. Mr. dusted! has numerous friend.; here who are al ways glad to welcome him oil his \ isis lo Walhalla and West (Inion. Miss Cania Wince, ono ol' the teachers lu tho South Union High School, left last Friday for Spnrtnn hurg to spend tho holidays with lier parents and relatives. She has many friends in tho county who wish for her every happiness for the holiday vacation. ll W. Harrison of Greenville, George Harrison of Spartnnburg. and Miss Kale Harrison, who is engaged in teaching nt Cross Roads, this coun ty, have been with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Boo. A. Harrison, during the holidays. 1!. W. I lat-.-ison has return ed to Greenville. Cor Sale Small quantity of pea vine and crab grass hay, haled; $ I.-"", i er hu nd rmi. Call on W. B. \u)l. Walhalla. Vdv. . --Walter M. Cannon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tims. 1?\ Cannon, of tho High Calls section of the county, died at his home in tho High Calls section on Monday. December ISthi after an illness of five weeks. Mr. Cannon was the only child of his parents, and his death came as a deep affliction to them, especially as ho was just 011 terjng young manhood, hoing in Hs L'Uth year. Mr, Cannon was stricken with pneumonia about five weeks ago, ilea th resulting after ?1 lira ve struggle against tho ravages of tho disease. The young man was a member of the Baptist church, and on the 101ti his body was laid to rest in tho cemetery of the Baptist church at High Calls, thc order of Woodmen of the World having charge of the services at the gravo, Tho deceased was a young man of promise, an energetic worker and of fine character. Thc sympathy Of many friends goes out to the be reaved parents and other relatives in their time of sore trial. Thousands Rebel Eight Per C< YOU CAN ALL THE AT SIX P] OR COUNTRY PROF LOANS, BY APPLYING Harry R. Hughs ot Walhall --For SftlO-.MMdh cows at-reason able prices. Call and sec them. 13. Ol ll Ison, Walhalla, lt. E. I). 1. -Adv. -Chus. Pitchford is spending some days in Atlanta among relatives and friends. -?-Born, unto Mr, and Mrs. John ll. Ernest, (louie No. I, December 25th, a daughter. -Dr. J. I). Veiner spent the holi days in Walhalla with his parents, Mr. ;nid Mrs. J. I>. Vernor. Dr. Ver lier resides at Griffin, Cn. --Mrs. Dora McKinney, of Colum bia, is spending some time al tho homo ol' Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. McKin ney, on Faculty Hill. lim- many friends are pleased to welcome ber back to Walhalla. -To pay iKore for hogs is foolish; to get thom cheaper is risky. Geo. T. Morton, Walhalla.-Adv. 2* - Miss Pauline Hughs, of Wash ington. I). C., spenl last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. liunhs, near town. Miss Pauline caine down on the sad mission of attending the funeral ol' her little niece, Eliza beth Bowen, at Liberty, hist week. She returned to Washington Monday. - Misses Tablilla Striblliig. Julia Kaufmann, Frances Earle, Grace Beard. Pauline Stock, Ida Pitchford and Linnie Clldd, students of Win throp College, Hock Hill, are'among relatives and friends in Walhalla for the Christmas and New Year holi days. They will return to their studies next Tuesday, January 2d. - Married, at the residence of Clerk of Court J. E. Craig, on Mon day. December 2f>, Miss Sallie 1/ce and J. B. Schlitz. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Lee, who live near Poplar, and the groom is a son of John E. Schutz, of near West Union. The young couple have the good wishes of many friends. - Married, at the residence of J. F. Craig. Clerk ol' Court, on Sunday, December 24th, Miss llosa Belle Da vis and B. E. Duke, of Westminster, ?md Miss Bertha Hutchins and Hood Chapman, of near Walhalla, Those young couples have the good wishes nf nu nierons friends. Tho ceremo nies were performed by Clerk Craig, tho good wishes of many friends. Mr. Craig performed the ceremony. Wo have been pleasing hundreds of customers for years. I/ot us figure on your monumental work, mi l you, too, will not only bo satisfied, but de lighted with our service and work manship. Seneca Marble and Granite Winks. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kine, request The Courier to extend to tin people of Walhalla who were so kind to them during the Christmas holidays their most sincere and profound thanks. They were the recipients of numerous gifts that have been the source of great pleasure and comfort to them, especially to Mrs. King, who is practically blind and seldom able to leave her home. Both Mr. ?md Mrs. King state that they can never adequately thank their friends for those kindnesses, and they Bike this means of expressing to all-some of tho donors being unknown to them their heartfelt gratitude. They wish to extend to one and all the wish for a New Year full of happiness and prosperit y. Strayed Two red pigs, 0 weeks old. Notify. Reward if returned. V. S. Medlin. West Union, R F. I). No. 1. -Adv.* -Sheriff John W. Davis returned late last Wednesday from the Toll Gate section of the county, where he went lo attend the investigation into the death of McDuffie Winchester, whose dead body was found in the road in that section on the 19th. There were no marks of violence on the body, and lt is supposed that the unfortunate man was overcome by cold, falling in the road and freezing lo death. His body was not a great distance off the main public highway. On Saturday previous to the Unding nf the body Mr. Winchester was with two other men, all three walking In the public road together, and Win chester took a by-road by himself, bis companions going on their way in the publb road. That was the last seen of Winchester until his body was found. In the meantime a heavy snow had fallen ?ind the man's body was completely concealed from view. Against Paying znt Interest. GET MONEY YOU WANT ER CENT, ON TOWN ?ERTY, LONG TIME r TO Wade C. Hughs, a? 3* Cv. -Butterick patterns. C. W. Pitch ford, Walhalla, S. C.-'Adv. tf. -Glenn Abbott, of the Pell Tele phone Co., Greenville, is with his family here for the holidays. -Clyde Brown, of Wofiord Col lege, Spart nu burg, is with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown, for the holidays. --Marvin Borley and Cordon Pant, of Clemson College, are at their re spective homes in Walhalla for the holiday vacation. -Kor Sale-lit?S acres timbered land, suitable to farming, on Walhalla lt. V, D. 2. (> miles from town; lies on public road and adjacent to grad ed school. Terms to suit. Call on or write .1. H. Darby, Walhalla.-Ad. .Mrs. I J. lt. Van Di viere left last week for her home in Savannah, Ca., after having spent some time in Wal halla among relatives and friends. Mason v. Seaborn'; of Atlanta, ls spending the holidays with bis mo ther, Mrs. .la no's Seaborn, and among other relatives in Walhalla. He has a host of friends here. - Married, on December 24th, by .1. M. llunnicutt, Notary Public, Miss Velma Medlin atm Dewitt kidds. The young couple have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. - Harry Earle, of Milledgeville, On., is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Earle. Harry has many friends here who are giving him a hearty welcome. -T. E. Alexander, Walhalla, S. C., sells laud, buggies and harness. Seo him before you buy.-Adv. -Miss Beulah Holland is spending the holidays with ber brother, C. R. Holland, at Norfolk. Va. Miss Hol land is one of our Oconee public school teachers and has a host of friends who wish for her a most pleasant vacation. During her ab sence from home Miss Holland will also visit at Washington, D. C., and other points of interest. - D. H. Alexander and two sons, of Toccoa, passed through Walhalla yesterday on their way to the upper section of this conni y to visit tho former's father, Jacob B Alexander, who has been in unite feeble health. Friends of the old gent loman will be pleased lo learn of an improvement in bis condition, and will join most heartily with us in wishing for him a full mensuro of health and prosper ity Tor tho New Year. - (leo. P. Stock, of the lT. S. Navy, has boen spending the holidays in Walhalla with his lather. I*. I,. Stork, and among other relatives. He ex pects to return to his duties this evening. Ile is rounding out bis third year in the navy and now ranks as gunner's mate. He expects to be transferred at the beginning of the year from the dreadnaught Arkansas to another branch ol tho service at New London, ('omi. Ho has numer ous friends bore who were pleased to meet him again. -Sausage casing, (ldc. per pound. C. W. & J. E. Bauknlght.-Adv. -Tho pastor of tho Walhalla Methodist church will preach as usual Sunday morning next. At the evening hour a "Watch Night Ser vice" will bc held, beginning at 10.30 o'clock and closing at 12, when tlie bells will ring in the glad New Year. We wish this to be a union service of all the churches, and we expect the pastors of the other churches in town lo take part with short addresses. There will bo no elaborate program, but "Christian Unity and Co-opera tion" will be the keynote of the ser vice. Old, familiar stirring hymns will be sung, AH cordially invited. -The Anderson Real Estate and Investment Co. will sell a number of valuable tracts of land lying Just out of Westminster, well known as the Jenkins property. Read the an nouncement of tliis sale on the fourth page this week, and if you want to own a [netty piece of property, go over to Westminster next Saturday and be on hand at the sale promptly at 12 o'clock. Head announcement for terms, which are very liberal, and for description of tracts as they will be divided for sale. Above all, re member tho date-next Saturday and be on hand at the opening of the sale. This property will not "go beg ging." *-Sheriff John W. Davis is absent from Walhalla for a few days, having gone to Elizabeth. N. J., to get John Walker, colored, wanted in Oconee to answer to tho charge of murder. Mr. Davis secured the necessary papers from Governor Manning requesting tho Governor of New Jersey to de liver the negro to Oconee's sheriff, and Mr. Davi3 had telegraphic assur ance from the latter State that South Carolina's request would be granted. lt will bo the latter part of the week beforo Mr. Davis will be able to got back with his prisoner. Mr. Davis left Walhalla Monday. Walker is charged with shooting and Instantly killing another negro, Watlor Dodd, at a railway construction camp near Madison, this county, last August. -Our monuments posess three great features-attractiveness of de sign, beauty of material and estab lished durability. Try us with your orders. Seneca Marble and Granite Works.-Adv. -Phono 76 for frosh fruits, vege tables, something to boll. O. H. Schumacher, Walhalla.-Adv. 21 tf. - Miss Augusta Crenshaw, of At lanta, is spending tho holiday season with her father, N. Crenshaw, and family, in Midway. Her many friends ure giving hei a most cordial wel come. -.las. lt. Fanner, of Elberton, Ga., spent Christmas in Walhalla with his mother, Mrs. lt. A. Waite, and among other relatives and friends. Mr. Far mer came over in his touring car, re turning yesterday. -Joseph C Flsc.hesser, of Mont gomery, Ala., is spending a short while in Walhalla with his sisters, the j Misses Fischesser, on Faculty Hill, and among his host of old friends, IV ho are delighted to see him again. - Miss Helen Hoard, of Spartan burg, spent the Christinas holidays In Walhalla and at Tamassee visiting her sister. Mrs. J. M. Sitton, and other relatives hero, and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hoard, at Tamas ?oe. -The many Walhalla friends of F. L. Hunker are pleased to see him in Walhalla again, after an absence of a year. Mr. Bunker ls now located In Pittsburg, Pa., where ho holds a position with an electrical concern. -.1. O. Graham, of Seneca 'Route i 5, was a business visitor to Walhalla yesterday. He stopped at the homo of his nophew, Geo. L. Jones, where he also visited his sister, Mrs. Jones. Mr. Graham has a number of friends in Walhalla. -Rev. W. H. Hamilton left this morning for Greenwood, where he will attend the burial to-day of an uncle, Mr. Milling. In consequence of Mr. Hamilton's absence there will be no prayer service at the Presbyte rian church this evening. -26 Pigs for Sale.-Ready for tle llvery January 10th; also severa' line brood sows. Several porkers, dressed or on foot. All at prices that will sell. If you don't see me i before you buy we both may lose money. Geo. T. Morton, Walhalla, : S. C. -Adv. 2* - lt is roughly estimated that there are now about 130 cases of measles in Walhalla. The epidemic first started in the lower grades of tho Walhalla High School, and has spread rapidly throughout the town. Tho first grade In the school has been closed for two weeks. So far there have boon no serious results. Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Corn spent Ibo Christinas holidays in Walhalla al the home of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Strother. Dr. Cern bas returned to his home al Johnston, this State, but Mrs. Corn will be here among her many friends for several days yet. -Miss Margaret Walmsley, of Rock Hill, is visiting at the home of Major and Mrs. Wm. J, Stribling, near town. Miss Walmsley ls a stu dent of Winthrop College, being in her senior year. She has, therefore, i number of acquaintances in Wal halla besides the young ladies who are now attending that college. - -Clerk of Court Craig yesterday performed a marriage ceremony that made Miss Verile Loudermilk and C. F. Cox man and wife. The young souple came over from Westminster. Tho groom is a son of the late As Inlry Cox. The ceremony was wit nessed by a number of people at the Court House. -J. J. Stewart, of Anderson, was i business visitor lo Walhalla this morning. Mr. Stewart recently sold his tine farm on Seneca river, near he Maxwell Bridge, to J. J. Fretwell. >f Anderson. He has purchased a farm near Anderson, on Route No. 3, ?ml has moved from Oconee. We re ne! to lose Mr. Stewart and his es limable family from this county, but .vfsh them continued success and prosperity in their new homo. Rainfall for Week. Kainfall for week ending December 2?.11?, at 7 p. m., is furnished us hy H. W. Brandt, co-operativo observer. 1 he record follows: Date- Inches rainfall. Dec. 20-Cloudy.20 Deo. 21-Cloudy.20 Dec. 22-Clear. Dec. 2.3-Ptly cloudy . Dec. 2 1-Cloudy . Dec. 2 5-Cloudy . Dec. 26-Cloudy. .19 Total rainfall for week.59 Slahs of natural corks expanded to more than twice their normal size nave been invented in England for 'old storage Insulation. WANTED-Men who desire to earn )vor $125 per month write us to-day or position as salesman; every op portunity for advancement. Central Petroleum Co., Cleveland, Ohio. FOll SADE-32 acres good farm and; half in cultivation, balance in mature and timber; , il-roor1 dwell ng. good barn and out-building's. Pwo and half miles from Walhalla, largaln for quick sale. Apply to D. SJ, GOOD, Walhalla. 52-2* -1917 Xmas and New Year Greetings ! I take this occasion to express my appreciation for the splendid support that my friends and cus tomers have given me during this year. May the Xmas Season be full of joy for you and yours, and may the succeeding days, usher ed in by the youthful New Year, match up with your fondest ex pectations. Sincerely, C. W. PITCHFORD Walhalla. 0 New Year Gifts THAT ARE USEFUL. = Buy sensible PRESENTS. Our Store is the place to buy good, Sensible GIFTS. Don't throw your Money away by buying a lot of trivial things that only last sometimes a DAY. Spend your Money for useful Gifts that will please those who receive them. When you buy goods at OUR STORES you will have thc satisfaction of knowing that they are GOOD GOODS and that the price is no more than GOOD GOODS ARE WORTH. Silverware, China, Cut Glass. Pickle Forks, Meat Forks, After Dinner Spoons, Casseroles, Chocolate Sets, Tea Sets, China and Aluminum, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Percolators, Trays. Bicycles for Boys, Velocipedes, Tools and Tool Chests, Foot Balls, Base Balls, Flash Light Lights, Safety Razors, Express Wagons, Erector Sets. ELECTRIC LAMPS ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS ? Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster, 5. C. Gun Shoot* .1,000 Times Minute. Vallejo. Cal., Dec. 20.-A centrif ugal machine gun, said to throw 3, 000 projectile? per minut? nt an Ini tial velocity of 1,000 fcot per second, was tested by naval authorltles horo to-day. The gun is operated wholly Dy electricity. E. N. Rice, of Francisco, claims the Invontlon. San Soveral houses in a Spanish town are built of meerschaum, a coarse va riety of which is mined in the neigh borhood.