Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 27, 1916, Image 6

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! .? i. F (EE COURIER .sUbli'sliod 1849.) "Every Wednesday Morning Elidion .SI Per Annum. Advertising Rates Reasonable. -Ry riCK, SI I IC l/OR tV SOU RORER. Communications of a personal jharactc-r charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices ann tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, will bo printed Troc of charge. All over that number must bo paid for at tho rato of ono rent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA. 8. C.: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER U7, Illili OUR PAYERS Ol*' INCOME TAX. Twelve in ibo County Say Their Net Incomes Exceed $2,ft0O. Prom the Hilt) tax sheets ia Hie county olli.?.; we take tho following information with regard to those in Oconoo who will this year pay income U'X. They aro as follows, the amount OJ income lune shown heilig thc amount in excess of $2.r>nn ne' per annum, which amount is not taxable: Kxeoss Over Amount $'.\r,oo or Tax. Dr. K. c. Doyle ... * IOS) S 4.Ol? L. A. Edwards .... 0,008 75.02 C VV. Cllgnilliui ... 1 .500 15.00 |{ T. Jay nos. 1.100 I 1.00 W. M. Higgs. 1.700 ! 7.HO c. \v. .v.- J. rc. l?auknighl ... 1,522 1 f.,22 \V. M. Urn wu . :t 2 0 ll. 20 I Walhalla > W. J. Lunney. 135 \.' IC C. Mareil. I'10 I . J?..s, M. Moss . 10 .in c w. i'ltcbford ? ? i.s.: LS..1 ; P. P. Sullivan . . . I .02$ I il - S Total income tax . . .> I SS.MIS Tlu< is I he larges! list o. income lax payers thal Coonee lias ever had Some ol' those who have heretofore been on the list have dropped from ii. while lhere are several now names appearing. "lt's ll sad story, mates." There are lois ol us who would like io ;>?. in position to pa.\ the tax, ami those who have lt), hate to. Neglected Colds Crow Worse. A cough thal racks and irritates, the throat may load lo a chronic cough, if neglected. The healing pine balsams in Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar Honey nature's own rem edy will soot bo and relieve tho irri tation, breathing will be easier, and the antiseptic properties will kill tho germ which retarded healing. Have it handy for croup, sore throat ami chronic bronchial affections, (let a bottle to-day. Pleasant lo lako. At all druggists, 25e. Adv. I. Mrs. C. E. Watson. Den vcrdu m Association mourns the loss of our beloved vice president, Mrs. C. li. Watson, of Greenville. Saturday morning at I o'clock, after a few hours'.illness, she heard the ruminons, "lt is enough; come up higher." The funeral services wer?' held at Pendleton Street church Sun day afternoon al 3.30, conducted by her pastor and Dr. Cody, using one of her favorito passages of Scripture as a text I st John, :: : 2. Four State oflicers and eight super intendents were honorary pallbear ers, each bearing the lierai offering from their divisions. Tho many and most beautiful Howers bore silent tes timony of loved ones and friends. Hoaverdam's offering was a largo cross of pink carnations and white geraniums on a green background. 1 wish thal every worker in Iteaverdain who loved nor and had felt the im press of her Ufo in our work could have seen it. I am sure you would have said it was beautiful. We shall sorely miss her wiso counsel and safe leadership, but let us gather our forces together and strive to emulate her pure life, given so wholly to the service of her Mast?n-. Mrs. W. J. Lunney and the writer attended the funeral as representa tives from Ilea ve rda tu Association. Mrs. O. K. Ilrcazealo. TAN UK VIEW HOARD REPORTS. Much Increase in Valuations-Lisi of Reduct ions. Columbia, Dec. lt? The tax re viewing bonni, provided lor under the Tax foin mission Act, has an nounced its first work. lu 1015 the tax commission added to the then as sessment $?M0,(i88; in Mil?; it udded $2SI,32I, Those increases were bj adding heretofore unlisted property, new values and increases The in creases were only on sm h property as has bern considered by thc State Tax Commission and did not include the bulk ol' real esta to and personal property. The reviewing board re cently heard rotpiests for reductions, and oui Of the many requests these wore the fortunato ones io secure what Hie hoard regarded as proper reduct ions Charleston South Carolina Loan m,i Trusl Co., $10.000; Charleston 1 'onsolidated Uailwas and Lighting Co., $232,120; Charleston Trust ami Curran t.\ Co., $31,000; Charleston Savings Institution, $3,111. Total, 5 2 7 0,0 53. Chester Kori Lawn Telephone <'o., $ 1 50. Chest* rileld l>u\ ail Trust Co., $15,032; Trusl Company of Cheraw, S3,500, Total. $21.1 32. I ??lion jRnnk of Latta, $ ! !>,000, (Irccnvillo Home Telephone Co., $2r?0. Total reductions, y.\ I h. 185. The tax commission has passed upon, and includes in the classifica tions on which it bas acted an aggre gate of $107,225,350. This group ing does not include personal prop erty and real estate assessed every four years. 'Tho total taxable properly in tho State now runs about $311,000,000. "COM li TO Sl?NDAV sen ooh. Pobriiary ll, li) 17, Fixed ns Day to Kully th? S. S. Kunos. To All Sunday School Workers of All Denominations in South Carolina .fj reelings: February ll, 017. has been desig nated hy our State Sunday School As* sociallon as "South Carolina Oome to-Sundav School Day." All sc hool a 01' all denominations are invited to pai tic!pate. Thc purpose ol "South Carolina Come-to-Su inlay School Day 1 ls: t I i To arouse tho entire State lo th?! value of the Sunday school; (-) To rall) each Sunday school for moro aggressive work; < .'- ) To hi ing into th?- Sunday school on this day thou sands Of people who rio not ordinar ily attend, and lo make every effort to retain them as permanent mem ber-. We. therefore, call upon all San day school ofli<er>. teachers and members >n South Carolina to Join in this concerted effort to build up tho Sunday school cause Of the State, lu particular we make tho following re- ; quests: !. study carefully the leaflet enti- 1 lied "South Carolina Co mo-to-Su inlay School Day," which explains the plan, hov to prepare for the day, and haw 1 !.> secure the host results from it. ! ?This I ea liol was printed in the No vember Promoter, and may bo secur ed hy writing to the South Carolina . nnday School Association. Spnrtan bu rg. ) j. Plan at once to have your -. hool observe this day. T Pray for Cod's guidance ?III I blessing neon the plans made ?ind the efforts put forth. Ceorgia. Alabaina, Mississippi, Ar- 1 ka rn-ns, will observe this day with South Carolina. Wo ask youl co-op eration in making it a great success lu our State. .lohn I). Cappolmanu, president: W. ll. ls. Pendleton. <'naiitnaii exeni t.\.- committee; ll, il Do.Ment. vice I president: W. S. Morrison, vice pres iden ; D. D. Jones recording -enc- j tary: S, T. Held, treasurer, and W.I. Herbert Horace C. F. M. Fllcrbe. T, .M. L> les. li. IO. Hoggs and S T. Lanham, members of central j ( otu ni i i tee. l ill; CAST CALI. COU I CNDS. Thousand Dollars Needed lo .Meet Dc- j licit Allotted (o Tin id District. | Newberry, Dec. ls. Kditor Koo-, w <> Courter: I am enclosing von a j copy of letter received from Hon. | Danial C Hoper, of i ?ie National Democratic campaign headquarters, wh!"h will explain itself. 1 am for- j wa.ding (his to all nf the newspapers ' ind ahem one hundred other Demo- i . rat, in I he Third District. If each , -oe- addressed will contribute or .so licit subscriptions to this fund to Hu- I amount of at ?east >lu. the asses?- ? mont of >i lum for this district win bo easilj uni quick !.. 1 alsed. Will von not help your district and j the Democratic party ont in this emergency ? 'All subscriptions, no maller hov. large or small, w ill he cheerfully ac cepted. All subscriptions forwarded to mo will be promptly remit led to the treasurer of the com mit tee, and will be acknowledged by the treasu rer and also in the newspapers of thc district. In forwarding subscriptions, please ?rive names and post office address of subscribers, so that proper personal acknowledgement can bo made. I shall deeply appreciate an early response so that we can have our as sessment subscribed and paid by January 1. I ill 7. Thanking you in advance for your interest in tho matter, and with best wishes for a happy holiday season, I am, Sincerely yours, Fred II. Dominick. Mr. Hoper's Call. Washington. I). C., Dec. 13. Hon. I F. H. Dominick, Newberry, S. C Dear Mr. Dominick: The Democratic, party .von the greatest victory of its history it the recent election. Never before did it battle with a more ac tive foe to popualr government. Vio lent publicity attacks were propelled by large volumes of money.. The ne cessity of melding quickly and thor oughly those propaganda in the clos ing hours of thc campaign resulted In a larg?- deficit, which must bc promptly mot. South Carolina, since the eletciou, has contributed about $l.noo towards this doliicency. but about $7,000 more required from the State to meet its proper allot ment. Thia is but $1,000 per Con gressional District, and I am making this appeal to you to circularize your dist l ief regarding this ?nat(or. lt re quires but len contributors of $lou each, or one hundred contributors of $10 each lo raise the $1.000 for thc district. Tho contributors may he given until February loth to com plete their payments, hui it is noces s arv that the subscription be seen rod al once 111 order thal tho entire de ficit maj he met before President Wilson is inaugurated for his second term on March Ith. Checks should he made payable tn vV W. Marsh. Treasurer, hut for warded, if von please, through me. a., I tia ve been charged as a member tu the campaign committee, with tho SI ate. ^ This is a party emergency, and i am sure son appreciate its great im pel tame. I therefore thunk you in advance for the co-operation re quested. Sincerely yours, ( Signed i Daniel C. Holier. CASTORIA For Infants and Children j Bn Use For Over 30 Years I Always bears thc Signature of Itear Admiral Hunker Dead. Asheville, N. C.. Dec. IO, Hoar Admiral John J. Hunker, retired, V > years old, died hero to-night. Heal Admiral Hunker, whose homo is al Ptlt-in-llny, Ohio, caine to Ashcvilh about three years ago. Ho is sui vi Vet! by one son, Capt. J. H. Hunker of LOB Angeles, TOI Some Live Thoughts foi Never Was a Yesterd be a To-Morrow-C ( From Moa it's ? Life is n necklace made up of beads, each bead another TO-DAY. To-day is a second lu time-eter nity back oj it. eternity ahead of it. Time never bud a BEGINNING, that is sure. Forever and forever back of you time stretches. Time can have no BND. That is absolutely sun;. We may die, and tin- sun ?row cold, every star fade from tho ?ky. and force ?ind matter become ti formless chaos undirected. BUT TIMK MUST UO ON. TIMK without end or beginning, 3PACK without any possible limit. That is the awful combinat ion that faces the man who thinks. If be asks himself what he. a hu man insect, can do in the face of In finite time and induite space, his all over is very simple. Work to-day. *<??** ' The work of the mind, plus the ! Iiours of TO-DAY. makes un all that! hmo is worth while of the human race. Keep this great word TO-DAY in j lour mind always, Don't delude ?'ourself with visions of what may : Kippen to-morrow, and don't weaken i ?.ourself with useless regrets for j what happened yesterday. Always tay, "There WAS no yesterday, there 1 VI?VKB WILD BK a to-morrow. But I IO DAV ! SHALL DO IT." We human beings naturally put I everything off. We will play a game. >r run. or eat. or do any animal thing ' S'OW. But thal which renn ires solf otitrol, BUAIN work, we Instinctive |\ postpone ?int'I to-morrow. For wo ::<? animals still. The Hillsides work ; readily, tho brain reluctantly. Tins idea about tho biggest word in ? :>nr language- -TO-DAY- is as old j is the race, tis old as the oldest in habited planet sailing around the t .?Mest of all the millions of suns. And yet ?t is a new idea for every i roting or old man and woman, be- | .ause every TO-DAY is NNW. * ?- * * I There yon sit, or stand, as you read this. On your watch the SCeond hand is ! Hying rapidly around. That repre sents voe. And tho minute hand is going j slowly. That represents your nation lind its history. And tho hour hand is going so slowly that you cannot see it move. That represents the history in' thc world, You are the little second hand, rpiick in movement, short in life. Knell year ta to you what a second is to that second hand, lt makes one circle of sixtv and then makes ano ther. But when YOU have made your circle of sixty-your work is done, your days aro practically over. You may live a little longer, but you aro like the old pack of cards. Life ls no lon tier using you in its game. * ?:? * * Unfortunately, only the old know the value of the TO-DAY so often neglected. "Young men THINK that old mon ure fools; old men KNOW that young men are fools," so said the aid writer. Young or old, he is a fool who makes any plan, deludes himself with any idea, scheme or hope, in which TO-DAY is not the chief ingredient. ll you cannot do it now. or begin Lo do it, or lay the foundation of it, YOU WILL X KV KR DO IT. Sick or well, poor or prosperous, dd or young, this TO-DAY is your :>nly chance. When does a little boy learn to NOTED MAN DIES SUDDENLY, I'mf. Hugo M uns! erborg Succumbs to Heart Failure Attack. Boston. Dot. 16.-Prof. Hugo Munsterherg, professor of psycholo gy, of Harvard College, dropped dead farly to-day w hile addressing a class it Radcliffe, intense excitement pro railed among the '-'iris ill the class room. In ihe midst of his lecture Dr. Munsterherg suddenly swayed and feebly grasped the edge of a table for support, and then ei'U3hcd lo the floor. When student;! reached Him ie was dead. Physicians, hastily um moued, said hean disease caused loath. Prof, Munsterherg was ">'.'< years of igo und had seemingly boen in per ec? health up to the moment of his teat h. Prof, Munsterherg had boen work up! night and day .ance the war. an .woring criticisms in magazine artl rlcs made against him. and had boen a boring under intense 'nervous it rain. Ile cann- to Harvard I I years ago, ? ni b.ul in ver become an American .itizon He was a personal friend of ile Kaiser, and had written hook-; i pon thc relation.; Ol Germany and lu- United States. At a public meeting in Boston ro oney he was called "a high-class ;?>y" for the Kaiser, and Prof. Mllll itcrborg was known to feel this -reenly. as he ?lid also the charge that be war had severed bis long friend ;ltii> with Prof. Josiah Boyce, pro ossor of psychology ai Harvard. Prof. Munsterherg conducted dusses lu Radcliffe College, as do mont Harvard professors Th is is be CollogO for girls, and ls known ilso as tho Harvard annex. Foremost Scholar, I ? i ol. Hugo Munsterherg was one >f the foremost scholars of the world. D' was particularly widely known in lie United St.u?>s and In Germany, from whose universities ho held nany degrees. Ile contributed many r the New Year-There ] ay-There "Never Will )nly TO-DAY. _____________________________ < (unday American. ) skate? TO-DAY, when he puts on , his skates and goes on the iee. ile learns to swim on the TO-DAY , when he goes into tho water. And he learns to read on that TO- j DAY when lie goes to school. ? Xot planning and hoping, but DO ING is what counts. And everything that has ever been done since time , began, and everything done in all the ? thousands of billions of centuries that time and matter had lasted be fore this world began, was done in some TO-DAY. ? ? * * There are words in the language- ' impressive words, full of moaning as ETERNITY, MONEY, AMBITION, JUSTICE, HATE. WAR, PEACE all groat words. Hut the greatest of all, in which the others aro all in cluded, is TO-DAY. * * * * Make the children and tho young people understand the importance of this TO-DAY. When the child speaks I ol to-morrow, remind him that there is no such thing as TO-MORROW, there is nothing but TO-DAY. Noth ing else is real-all the rest of Hine is a dream, a memory or a guess. In tho mental picture that, lias in spired this article tho sun is setting, and the man is still working. The weather is good TO-DAY. The horses are strong, well and willing TO-DAY. Ile has health, and the plow cuts deep, and tho farm is his, and the haystack safe- -TO-DAY. Ile knows il. and he is making ol' TO-DAY all that he can -using the last light ol' evening as he used the Rrst light of dawn. AND HE WILL | SI CCEED. j So will YOI', if you will take thc ? word TO-DAY in this mental picture as your controlling word in life. if | you have children, preach this ser- j mon of TO-DAY to them in a way I thal their younger minds will under-! stand. Make them understand, especially, I that everything of which they have (>ver heard was accomplished on some particualr TO-DAY. * * + * We are a free country because our ancestors said: "Wo will sign the i Declaration ol' Independence TO- j DAY." Renjamin Franklin said: "TO-DAY I will make my experiment with the ; lightning and the kite and Hie key," | and we know, because he said TO- : DAY instead of TO-MORROW, what! Franklin taught us. Edison, a simple telegraph opera tor, had an idea that it would be possible to send more than one mes sage over the same wire, and ho said: ? "I will try it TO-DAY." and he did. II he had said. "Some time or other I am going to see If it is possible to send more than one message over a wire," telegraphy might bo very far back. If our forefathers had said: "The conduct ol' England is outrageous, and SO M li day we must do something about it," we might be an English colony to-day. like Canada-and sending all our people over to be killed in the interest of England. * * * * Young man, you who ought to save your money. SAVE IT TO-DAY. Older man, you who ought to give up whiskey, give it up TO-DAY. There is only one real thing, only one chance to do anything. Take that chance and do lt TO-DAY. To-day you can do anything with will and energy. Hut only TO-DAY - there is no other day. works on art, science, psychology and go vern ment. Ile was horn in Danzig. Germany, .lune 1, 1863, and at 19 graduated ?rom the Danzig Gymnasium. The next live years after Iiis graduation he spent in post-graduate work in the universities of Leipzig and Hei delberg, specializing in philosophy, sciences and medicines. Al . ? he was an instructor in the University of Freiburg, Ile came to Harvard in IS92 as professor of psychology and director of the laboratory. In I hi o and 1911 he served as ex change professor at the University of Rellin. Prof. Munsterborg was In tensely interested in American life and government. Among bis works are "American Traits." "American Patriotism" and "American Prob lems." Stop (but Cough. A hacking cough weakens the whole system, drains your energy and ueis worse if neglected; your throat is raw, your chest aches and you feel sore nil over. Relieve that (i)ld at once with Dr. King's New Discovery. The soothing pine bal sams heal the Irritated membranes, and the antiseptic and laxative quali ties kill the germs and break up your cold. Don't let a cold linger. Get Dr. King's New Discovery to-day at your druggist, CiOe- Adv. 1. Card ol' Thanns. Editor Kcoweo Courier: Please al low us space in your paper to thank our friends and neighbors for tho kindness and sympathy shown us during the short illness, and at the death of our beloved sister, Lillie Crooks. May Cod's richest blessings be showered on each and every one all through the journey of life as they minister their kind deeds in time of such trials and sorrow. Signed: Mrs. C. C. Miller. Mrs. Pearl Hayes, and Brothers. Tho Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head llccnuse of it? tonic mid Inxntive effect, LAXA TIV!'. IIKOMO QUINI NP, ls better Minti ordinary 0?inbie rind doc* not cnuse nervousness nor i i nt; i in: bi bend. Kcinemtier thc hill nninc (md look for the signature of li. W. OKOVK. 25c. VILLA MAKES PROPOSITION ? Sahl that Ho Promiser to "Ho Good" if r. S. liCta Him Alone. Kl Paso, Texas, Dec. 16.-Francis co Villa, throne!? representatives nore, has made overtures to the Uni ted States and liss promised to cease his depredations upon American property and discontinue killing Americans in Mexico, it was announc ed to-day by a government agent boro. Thc report that representatives of Villa have been working here and alsewhcre on thc border to have Villa spare American lives and prop erty in return for assurances that his movements in Mexico would not be Interfered with by the United States army has been in circulation here for two days. Villa's friends have pledged him to carry out his part of tho proposed Agreement, it wa? said to-day. if he be not molested in his military ope rations. Unworthy of Consideration. Washington, Dec. 15.-Any sug gestion of an agreement between the American government and Villa is regarded by administration officials as unworthy of consideration. No official report of Villa's alleged proposal that an agreement, under thc terms of which he would cease killing Americans and order stopped the destruction of American proper ty, had reached the State Department to-night, and some doubt was ex pressed that be had made such ovcr tu res. Two Reported Killed. Kl Paso. Texas. Dec. 1.".-An American who arrived bete from Santa Rosalia. Mexico, brought con tinuation Of the killing of Dr. C. H. Fisher at Santa Rosalia, an unknown foreigner at Jiminez, and Howard Cray at Parral. THU TKST THAT TELLS. ls the Test of Time-Many Wai ha ila People Have Made This Test. Years ago this Walhalla citizen told in a public statement the benefit derived from Dean's Kidney Pills. The statement is now confirmed tho testimony complete. Instances like this are numerous. They doubly prove the merit of Donn's Kidney Pills. Can any Walhalla reader de mand more convincing proof? lt's Walhalla testimony-it may bo in vestigated. Mrs. Ida Heliums, Factory Hil!. Walhalla, says: "I suffered from backache and a tired feeling and couldn't do my work as I should. Af ter taking Donn's Kidney Pills I could see an improvement. tithers in the family have also been benefited hy Donn's Kidney Pills" (State ment given April 8, 1 !) 1 I. i After a Lapse ol' Over Three Years, Mrs. Hollanis said: "I have taken Donn's Kidney Pills since giving thom my endorsement and they have acted as a tonic to my entire system. I advise any one suffering from kid ney trouble to try Donn's Kidney Piils. as they are tho best kidney medicine I know of." Price 50c. at all dealers. Dou't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills-tho same that Mrs. Hella ms has t wice publicly rec ommended. Foster-Milburn Com pany, Props.. Buffalo, N. Y.-Adv. New Coins Are Held Cp. Issue of the new half-dollar, de signed by Adolph A. Weinman, cre ator of the new dime, and the new quarter, designed by Herman A. Mae Neil, both considered by experts coins Of great beauty, was ordered defer red by the Treasury Department un til the beginning of 1917. Tho extraordinary demand for small coins-cents, nickels and dimes-is taxing the facilities of the mints, and officials believed calls for Hie new quarter and half dollar would swamp the mints If they were issued now. Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money ll PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Ulecdlng or Protruding Piles In 6 to I4daya. 1 The first application gives Kaae and Rest. 50c. ! INSURANCE SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Inquiries .Made to County Superin- ! tendent Referred) to Atty. General. | Having received numerous inqtti- ! rios from the various school trustees I a.s to insuring school houses in mu- I i tun] insurance associations, I sub- ; milted tho matter to the Attorney j General His reply is published be-, low, Respectfully, Respect fully, Thos. A. Smith, County Supt. of Education. The Opinion. Columbia. S. C., April 8, HUG.-i Mr. D. II. Means, Secretary Sinking Fund Commission, Columbia, s. c. Dear Sir: Your letter of the tl th in .dnnt. with reference to tho insurance For Wi You nord n rral t tho trouble, het that ratlin hal conditions, rc ncuto catarrh ; it inns ?inontly bOComOfl pystorr linn! tract tts well na I PERUNA It clo?T away tho nnd tone.-; up llio nyntci in radii rh l>y thouann toll tho world of (hoir fMW?.CtKKut (OllS.OlUAXAl Di M V f S u>??IAI * tSiuf IS MWIWO CJJ/I TVU >) I "I '1 ?>"'' tl. mt,lil.'? rrlceflOCl?, (bi?i^,iiiw on school buildings, undor the act of 19IC, received. 1 beg to say that in my opinion the school trustees had no authority to hind their district as members of the tl U tu al Protective Association, re ferred to In Sections 2771 to 2780 of the Civil Code of 1912, and independ ently of such lack of authority to bind the school districts in such con tracts, the contracts are to be deemed determined by the act of 1916, when the latter took effect. Thc only sav ing clause in tho act of 1916 is with reference to outstanding policies of insurance running for U definite pe riod, and. upon the expiration of such policies, the new insurance is to be taken out as prescribed in the new act. The policies of the Mutual Pro tective Association, having no defi nite date fixed for their expiration, aro to be considered as terminated by the adoption and approval of the act of 1916, and no further assess ment should be paid under them. It will be expedient for you to glvo this matter your immediate attention so as to have these school buildings protected by valid Insurance without unnecessary delay. Yours very truly, Thos. II. Peoples, Attorney General. Columbia, Dec. 13, 1916.-Thomas A. Smith, Supt. of Education, Oconee County, Walhalla, S. C.-Dear Sir: Answering your letter in reference to the insurance on school houses, I beg to band you copy of an opinion rendered by this office to Mr. D. H. Means, with reference to Insurance in Mutual Protective Asociations In which the insured becomes liable to his co-insurers. I think that a school district can not assume the liabilities incident to this form of insurance and that you should place the insurance in com panies insuring for a fixed premium to be paid by the school district without any further liability on its part. Yours very truly, Thos. H. Peoples, (adv.) Attorney General. MAKIO YOI lt TAX DI "IT'D XS. .Auditor's Office, Oconee County, S. C., December 27, 11)1?. The Auditor's office will be open to receive returns for Personal Property for taxation from the 1st day of Jan uary, ct 17, lo the 20th day of Fobru a ry. 19 17, inclusive. The Township Boards of Assessors aro required by law to Hst all those who fall to make their own returns within the time prescribed by law. Hence the ditllculty of delinquents es caping the 50 per cent penalty, as well as the frequency of errors re sulting from this practice. By all moans make your own returns and thereby save expenses and confusion. All personal property must be item ized. Heal Estate not returnable this year, except property that bas been bought or sold, in which case same should be noted as such. Hr? sure and give your correct, school district. All persons between the ages of 21 and (10 years, except ex-Confederate soldiers and those incapable of earn ing a support from being maimed or other causes, shall be deemed taxa ble polls. Please don't neglect otu rn in g your dogs. For the convenience of tax-payers the Auditor or his deputies, will ro celve returns at the following times and places: Tugaloo Academy-Monday,Jan. 1. Madl&on-Tuesday, Jan. 2. Tabor -Wednesday, Jan. 3, South I'nion- Thursday, Jan t. Fair Play-Friday, Jan. 5. On lt way-Saturday, Jan. 6. Earle's Grove-(Abies' Store) - Monday, Jan. 8. Tekoona-Tuesday, Jan 9. W. X. Woolbrlght's-Wednesday, Jan in. Friendship-Thursday, Jan. 1 I. Jordania-Friday, Jan. 12. 'Meilland - Saturday, Jan. 13. Cl.Milson College - .Monday, Jan. I . ii to 1 1 o'clock a. m. \dams's Crossing-Monday, Jan. 1 "1. 1 tn o'clock p. m. Newry -Tuesday, Jan. 16. Clark's Store Wednesday,Jan. 17. Salem-Thursday, Jan. is. Little Uiver--Friday. Jan. 19. Ttimassoc.Saturday, Jan. 20. Mt. Rest - - .Monday, Jan. 22. Henry's Store--Tuesday, Jan. 23. Cannon's SI ore Wednesday, Jan. 2 I. Westminster-Thursday and Fri das. Jan. :!.". and 25. Westminster Mill-Saturday, .tan. Seneca Mondas and Tuesday. .! ?11. 29 and 30. Returns will ho taken nt nil places mem inned above h om H) o'clock a. m. until :: o'clock p, m., exccpl those noted otherwise. I). A, SMITH, Auditor Oconee County, S. C. Doc. L*7. 191 6. -"2-1 inter Colds onie. Strength ls required to overromo tonic bc ono that la specially valuable in nd you can concilier tho cold. A cold U ' become chronic. Chronic catarrh fro lic, involving tho stomach nnd tho intra he nose or throat. It means stagnation. IS INVIGORATION waste mnttcr, dispels tho Inflammation rt. For forty-five years lt has been used ids of rratcful autTcrcrs, svho svllllngly relief. Perunn'n lon? history of helpful ness is tho best evidence that it M hliat you iihonld take. Liquid or tablet form for your con venience. Mnmtlln In thc Ideal lnxatlvo nnd liver tonic. In tnblot form lt is doll clous to take, mild and etfeetive, with out unpleasant effects, and will not form n habit. Lhiuld, 35c nnd $1.00; tablet?, 10c and 20c. THE PERUNA CO., Columbus, O.