UGLY SITUATION AT ANDERSON. .Militia ii icu Ar? Sent to Preserve baw und Order. Columbia, Nov. 10.-"I expect you as sheriff, the chief peace ofllcer of Anderson county, to perform those work. After the dinner hour the number of em ployees at their posts increased to 7 3. To-morrow morning the man agement expects 100 or more to bo at work. It required 360 employees to ?nan the machinery in all depart ments. Moro than GOO are usually employed, but a part of them work on the night shift. Because of the limited number of employees at work only the spinning and carding rooms were operated to-day. KlliliS HIS WIFE, THEN SELF. S]Mtrtanl>urg Miui Was Sej>nraied from Wife by IJquor. Spartanburg, Nov. ll.-John S. Baber, a white man 50 years of age, who lives in the city, shot and killed his wife, Mrs. Coralee Baber, here this afternoon and then turned the gun on himself and took his own life. The killing occurred lu an ali stairs room of a boarding house sit uated on Magnolia street, near the Southern depot, about 1.30 o'clock. Baber and his wife had been separat ed since last January, but were ap parently on friendly terms, and at least twice in the last few months had she come to town from her home in the country where she lived after tho separation, to soe her hus band. Early this afternoon she came to town and inquired of Mrs. L. G. P. Ca rou th, Hie proprietress of the boarding bouse where Baber was staying, where she could find her husband, and received the answer thal he was possibly up town. She drove away in the buggy in which she came to town, and later returned to tho boarding house. Baber, in the meantime, had returned, and when his wife drove up ho went to tho buggy and helped her out, being apparently on very friendly terms with her. They went up stairs to his room, and in a few minutes Mrs. Carouth heard shots, and called for help. J. W. Becknoll came in answer to Mrs. Ca rou th's call, and when ho got to tho room he found Babor lying on the floor with a pistol in his hand, dying and Mrs. Baber lying on the floor already dead. Babor had been married to tho wo man Ito killed for 17 yoars, and four children, survive them. It Is said that on account of her husband's lovo for whiskey Mrs. Ba bor left him last January, but that no cause had been assigned for a quar rel, and they had seemed to be friendly since they pnrted. Four shots were fired into Mrs. Ba ber's body, ono of which passed through the heart. Only ono shot entered Baber's body, passing through his heart. Mrs. Baber had been married twice previously, both her other husbands being dead. She was about 19 years old. A coroner's Inquest was held over the two bodies this afternoon, and the verdict of the jury was that Mrs. Baber came to her death by pistol wounds Inflicted by her husband, and that Baber committed suichha follow ing the killing of his wife. All Remaining 1010 Issues Freo. New subscribers for The Youth's Companion for 1917 who send $2.00 now will receive free every remain ing weekly Issue of 1916. The Com panion Improves every year-new features, captivating stories, side splitting sketches of down-east life. If you have a growing family whoso pure ideals you wish to seo reflected in their reading you cannot choose a moro satisfying publication for every ono in it than The Youth's Companion. Let us send you free the Forecast for 1917, which describes In detail the good things promised to Com panion readers during the 52 weeks of the coming year. New subscribers for 1917 will re ceive free The Companion Calendar for 1917. j The publishers of The Companion have arranged with the publishers of McCall's Magazine-the famous fash ion magazine-to offer you both publications for 19 17 for $2.10. This two-at-one-price offer in cludes: 1. The Youth's Companion-52 is sues In 1917. 2. Al! remaining 'November and December issues of The Companion free. 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1917. 4. McCall's Magazine-12 fashion numbers in 1917. 5. One 15-cent McCall Dress Pat tern-your choice from your first copy of McCall's-if you send a 2 cent stamp with your selection. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. St. Paul St., Boston, Mass New subscriptions received at The Keowee Courier office.-'Adv. To tell the size of a hat, hatters add together the number of inches in the long and short diameter and divide by 2. Master's Saies. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEB. In Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to decrees of the afore said Court, In the cases named below, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, in front of the Court House door, nt Walhalla, South Carolina, on MONDAY, the 4th day of DECEM BER, 1916, between the legal hours of sale, tho tracts of land below de scribed : Diedrlch 'H. Wald, in his own right, and as Administrator, with the Will Annexed, of William Wald, deceased, et al., Plaintiffs, against Mrs. KUa Pace Martin et al., 'Defend ants. Tract No. 1.-All that certain piece, pnrcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being In the County of Oc?nee, State of South Carolina, on Cane Creek, containing twenty-six acr?,s. moro or less, adjoining lands nov,- of J. F. Wald, 'Harmon Hus kamp, Fred Bell and others, same 'be ing more fully represented by plat of survey thereof by Wm. F. Ervin, Surveyor, dated 15th of September, 1877. ALSO, Tract No. S.-All that piece, par cel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the County and State aforesaid, adjoining lands of Hus kamp, Tracts Nos. 3 and 5 of Wm. Wald land, and the Home Tract No. 1, containing thirty-one and one quarter acres, more or less, same be ing moro fully represented by plat of survey thereof by I, H. Hnrirson, Surveyor, dated August 20, 1916. ALSO, I Tract No. ii.-'All that piece, par cel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the County and State aforesaid, containing thirty-eight i and one-half acres, more or loss, ad joining Tracts Nos. 2, 5 and I of the Wm. Wald land and others, same being more fully represented by plat of survey thereof by I. H. Harrison, Surveyor, dated August 26, 1916. ALSO, Tract No. 4.-'All that piece, par cel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the County and State aforesaid, containing forty-eight and one-quarter acres, moro or less, ad joining lands of John Wald, Tract No. 3 of Wm. Wald land. Locroy and others, more fully represented by plat of survey thereof by I. H. Hnrison, Surveyor, dated August 26, 1916. ALSO, Tract No. 5.-All that piece, par col or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the County and State afore said, containing thlrty-nlnoandthree tenths acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Huskamp, Lecroy, Tracts Nos. 2 and 3 of the Wm. Wald land and othors, more fully represented by plat of survey thereof \yy I. II. Harrison, Surveyor, dated August 26, 1916. Terms of Sale: Cash on day of salo. That in event of failure of tho purchaser or purchasers to comply with tho terms of salo promptly on th? day of salo, that the Master do resell the said tracts of land on tho ?same or somo convenient saleciay thereafter, at the same placo and on I the same terms as heretofore set out, at tho risk of th? former purchaser or purchasers, and that ho continuo so to do until he has found a pur chaser or purchasers who shall coin ply with the terms of the salo. Purchasers to pay extra for papers. NV. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. Nov, 15, 1916. Mrs. ?Mary Ertzberger, Plaintiff,, against Elmore Ertzberger, Defendant. Al) that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and ho ing Ju the County of Oconee and Stat? aforesaid, adjoining lands of W. il. Hunt, Paul Armstrong, O. S. Wyly, the Oglosby Estate and oth ers, containing thirty-one acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land conveyed to the said C. W. Ertzberger, by W. H. Hunt, on the 25th day of January, 1915. Terms of Sale. Cash. That In event of the purchaser falling to comply with the terms of salo within Ave days from the date of same, tho Master do re-advertise and resell tho promises at tho samo placo and on the Bailie terms on some subsequent and convenient salesday, and that he continuo so to do until ho shall have found a purchaser or purchasers who will comply with the terms and con ditions of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. Nov. 15, 1916. H. T. Poe. as Administrator of the Personal Estate of Mrs. Ellen E. Sloan, deceased, and in His Own ?tight as Assignee and Crant?e of tile Interest in said Estnte of Mrs. Sue lOllen Carpenter and Mrs. Nina I). Hunter et al., Plaintiffs, against Robert Karlo Ecwis et al., Defend ants. (1.) All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate in the Town of Seneca, Oconee County, Sont li Caro lina, being the western half of lot known and designated in the plan of sahl town as lot No. 27, on the plat of survey of said town. Same being the lot conveyed to Mrs. Ellen E. Sloan by M. W. Coleman, L. W. Jor dan and W. S. Hunter by deed bear ing date October 1 900, and recorded in Clerk's olth.e, Oconee County, S. C., on tim 20th day of March, 1*901. in Hook X, page 191, and on which : ls located store building, together j with an undivided half Interest in j the wall of the brick store room con- i veyed by W. H. Moore to Ellen L. Sloan by deed bearing date the 131 h day of May, 1907, and recorded in Clerk's office. Oconee County, S. C., j in Book WW, page :tS5, on the 6th : day of November, 19 16. (2.) All those two certain parcels or lots of land situate in tho Town of : Seneca, Oconee County, South Caro lina, and known in the plan of said town as lots Nos. 81 and S2, contain ing half an acre each, and being the same lots conveyed to Mrs. Ellen L. Sloan by W. A. Clarke by deed bear ing date the 31 si day of October, 190:1, und recorded in Clerk's ofllce, Oco.'i' ?. bounty, S. C., on tho 7th day of December, 1903, In Bunk BB, page 52, i?.) Al! tua; certs] i lot of land in th? Town of Seneca, Oconeo County, South Carolina, fronting 60 feet, on Main Street and running back 160 feet, adjoining lands of Livingston i & Co. on the east, F. M. Jordan on ! the west and north, and on the south by Main Street, same being the lot conveyed to Mrs. Ellen L. Sloan by W. E. Henry by deed bearing dale the 1st day of December, 1913, and recorded in Clerk's ofllce, Oconee County, S. C., on tho 2d day of De cember, 1913, In Deed Book SS, page 296. (4.) All that certain lot of land in S the Town of Seneca, Oconee County, ! South Carolina, on North First1 Street, adjoining lots of Mrs. J. N. ? Hopkins on tho west, John W. Har- ! per estate on tho east and known In the plan of said town as the western half of lot No. 63, containing one fourth of an acre, more or less, and ' being the same lot conveyed to Mrs. E. L. Sloan by Mrs. It. P. Cochran by , deed bearing date the 18th day of; September, 1908, and recorded in I Clerk's office, Oconeo County, S. C., i on tho 22d day of September, 1908, ! In Book II, page 245. (5.) j All those two certain lots of' land in tho Town of Seneca, Oconee County! South Carolina, and known In the plan of said town ns lots Nos. 664 ard 665, save and except a small portion of said lots conveyed hy Mrs. Ellen h. Sloan to Mrs. Suo L. Cllgnil-! Mat by deed bearing date January, j 1897. and recorded In Clerk's office. Oconee County, S. C.. on the 2d day of May* .1 897, In Book U, page 321, beginning at an iron pin on tho alley leading from tho public reservation on thc'Public Square and known as Main street, and running thence In a southerly direction 2 00 feet to thc supposed right of way of the South ern Ridway Company, thence In an easterly direction along said suppos ed right of way 114 feet to land for merly belonging to Mrs. L. W. Jor dan, Denco in a northerly direction along said Jordan line to the above I mentioned alley, or Main Street; I thence along said alloy, or Mnln Street as now known, 24 feet to the beginning corner, the said Mrs. Ellen L. Sloin reserving nevertheless In and br said deed a space ten feet wide along tho wost line of said lot so conveyed to be kept open for '"ho use ns a joint alleyway for Ingress and egress to the said lots as speci fied in 3aid deed. The said lo;s Nos. 664 anil 665 being the same loti con veyed 10 Mrs. Ellen L. Sloan by Mrs. Rebeca J. Watson by deed bearing dato tho first day of August, 1891, and recorded in Clerk's offlce, Oco neo County, South Carolina, on thc 14th day of January, 1902, In Book P, pago 202. (6.) All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate In Oconee County, South Carolina, adjoining lands of Earle W. Lowry, J. S. Fow-4 lor and others, containing 120 acres, more or less, same being moro fully represented by plat of survey there of by M. S. McCay, Surveyor, of date September 4, 1871, and being tho same tract conveyed to Mrs. Ellon L. Sloan by Earle W. Lowry by dood dated January 29th, 1916, recorded in Clerk's offlce, Oconee County, 8/ C., on tho 30th day of March, 1916, Put these two ir* Your Home and enjoy some of the conven iences of life as you go along. We have Buck's Ranges that are guaranteed to bake perfectly, and give satisfaction in every respect. If you want a better one, there is only one, The Majestic. If in thc market, you can do no better than sec us. Put a Kitchen Cabinet in Your Home. After you have once tried it you will say, "How have I done without it ?" One of the most modern and useful conveniences of the present age. See us when in town for your STOVES and RANGES, FURNITURE and HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES. Balleneer Hardware & Furniture Co,, (Undertakers.) SENECA, S. C. TheBoll Weevil Is Coming. If it isn't here next year the chances are it will be here the year after, and it is just good business, it is just common prudence on the part of every fanner to raise his own food Stuffs for man and beast at home. The fanner who bas his wheat and oats, corn, hogs and molasses cane at home will not be hurt so much by the boll weevil. The man who has these things to buy and pay for them ont of a crop of cotton will be in trouble when the boll weevil strikes him, Now is the time to sow wheat and oats. Ii you really want lo make grain, if you ate in earnest about it, fertilize il when you sow and usc the Anderson Kish ami blond Goods. That takes the "?ls" om of ufa king grain. Now is thc- lime. Anderson Phosphate & Oil Company. SEE MOSS & ANSEL, P. P. SULLIVAN & CO., Walhalla, S. C. Madison, S. C. J. G. BREAZEALE, Westminster, S. C. in Deed Book VV, page 364. Terms of Sale: Cash. That in event of the failure of tho purchaser or purchasers to comply with the terms of sale within Aye days from day of sale, the Master do re-adver tise and resell said premises on the following saleday.or some convenient saleday thereafter, at tho same place and on tho same terms as heretofore set out, at the risk of tho former pur chaser or purchasers, and that he do continue so to do until he has found a purchaser or purchasers who com ply with the terms of salo Purchasers to pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. Nov. 15, 191 6. 46-48 SHERIFF'S SACIO FOR TAXES. By virtue of tax executions to mo directed by lt. H. Alex antler, Treasurer of Oconoo County, South Carolina, I will ofter for salo, to tho highest bidder, in front of the Court House door* tn Walhalla, S. C., between tho legal hours of salo, on MONDAY, 'DECEMBER 4th, 1916, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following real estate, to wit: All tbo8e certain lots of land in tho Town of Seneca, Oconee County, S. C., known In tho plat of said town as a portion of Lots Nos. 438 and 430, containing one-half aero, more or less. Levied on as tho property of tho Estate of Mid Craft, deceased, at suit of the State for taxes. v All that tract of land in Tugaloo Township, Oconeo County, S. C.. con taining 200 acres, moro or less, ad joining Southern Woodland Co. and others, on wators of Changa Creek. I/evlcd on as tho property of W. E. Mills at suit of tho State for taxes. Tract of land (being a part of a 100-acre tract of land owned by J. W. Lee), and containing Hi acres, more or less, adjoining or near to lands of T. J. Thrift and othors. Lev ied on as tho property of the estate of D. A. Holmes, doceasod, at suit of tho State for taxes. 104 acres, on South side of Bono Camp Creek, wators of Chauga Creek, described in plat by A. Tay lor. I/eviod on as tho property of Shuman & Dills at suit of tho State for taxes. Terms of Sale: CASH. JOHN W. DAVIS, Sheriff Oconee County, S. C. Nov. 14, 1916. 46-48 Miss Mary Ellen Wilson, Teacher of EXPRESSION. DR. M. R. CAMPBELL, Registered Optometrist? AND MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN, Anderson, S. C. Bell's Drug .Store, Local Repre sentatives. Take your repairs and broken lenses to them for prompt and aeeurate work. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indobtod to the Estate of WI LL PA M H. 'MOORE, deceased, aro hereby notified to make pay ment to tho undersigned, and all per sons having claims against said es tate will present the same, duly at tested, within the time prescribed by law or be barred. (MRS.) MARYA. MOORE, Administratrix of the Personal Kstato of William H. -Moore, docoased. Nov. 8, 1916._ 45-48 NOTICE OF FINAL"SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice IB heroby given that the un dersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconeo County, in ti.o State oi South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on Saturday, tho 9th day of December, 1916, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, for leavo to make final settlement of the estate of William