Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 25, 1916, Image 8

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Knights of Pythias. A special meeting of Walhalla Lodge, No. 07, K. of P., will be held at the Masonic Temple next Monday night, November 30, at 7.30 o'clock. It 1H important that there he a full attendance of tho momberB, as some business "iiust bo attended to. Vlsitii.g Knights always welcome. J. W. SHIOLOK, C. C. T. li. SHELOK, K. It. & S. (adv.) ?$. LOCAL AND PERSONA Ii. ?{. ?J? ?*,?.]??|??J.?J??|??J??J??J? ?J??|??J??J??|??J??J??J??J? - Butterick patterns. C. W. Pitch ford, Walhalla, S. C.- Adv. t f. --C. It. D. Burns spent Sunday In Anderson with friends. --Tho Emery Cl Ul) will mee?, with .Mrs. Jas. li. Darby Friday afternoon of this week at I o'clock. - If you want mules with quality, wo have them. C. W. & J. 10. Batlk night, Walhalla.-Adv. - The. Young Men's League will meet at the Methodist church at 3 p. tn, Sunday, C. F. Mellick leading. - --Misses Lula and Rosa'Mae Busch are attending tho State Fair In Co lumbia this week, and visiting among friends. --?Another car of line young mules to arrive? this week. Can suit, you In nicely matched pairs or single mules. Neville Pros., West I'nion, S. C. .adv. ?Misses Cod ye and linnie? (irani | are spending this week In Columbia j with their sister, 'Miss Pauline Grant, I and attending tho State Fair. -C. W. Bauknlght is in St. Louis 1 this week selecting a lot of horses and mules, which he will ship to I Walhalla the latter part of this week, j -Lost, between Walhalla and eld ; Toll dale, on Turnpike, army over coat. Finder leave at S. X. Pitch- \ ford's store. Walhalla. Reward. C. C. Wilson. Glenville. X. C.-Adv.* --Miss Dora Pitchford spent seve ral days lust week visiting among rel atives and friends in Atlanta and tak ing lu the fair in that city during hei st ay. --Luther Hammond and sisters, Misses Fm ma and Pearle, of the Xew Hopo section, are visiting relatives in Hartwell, Ga. They are making the trip by auto. -Wanted-Veal calvos, pork and hides. Highest cash prices. See me before you sell. T. J. Todd, or Whit Grant, Walhalla.-Adv. -Services will be held morning and evening at the 'Methodist church next Sunday. Kev. W. il. Hamilton, of the Presbyterian church, will preach at the evonlng hour. -'Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. McKinney left last week for Columbia, where they will spend some time. They have many friends hore who wish thom a pleasant stay In the CnpPal City. -See me now. Theso lino mules and horses will sell fast. Cheap for cash. E. C. Marett, at Oil and Fer tilizer Co.'s office, Westminster.-Ad. -Avoid chilly rooms in the. morn ing by using Cole's 'Hot Blast heat ers. They prevent colds and sick ness. They are sold by the Ballen ger Hardware Co., of Seneca. See advertisement elsewhere in this is sue. -L. Blumenthal, of Westminster, has a very attractive offering of bar gains announced this week. See his advertisement on the lifth page and call on him. He has a very handsome free offering for Saturday next, from 2 to 1 o'clock In the afternoon. Don't miss this sale. -When a good thing is pointed out to you, you should investigate and learn more about it: therefore an investigation of our monuments would bo profitable to you. Seneca Marble and Granite Works. -Adv. -In the contest for Queen of the Harvest Jubilee, Miss Louisa Dun can, of Cn lon, was the successful con testant. Miss Duncan is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. C. Duncan, and is a graduate of the Columbia College for Women. She is also a niece of '.Mrs. Mudie M. Coleman, formerly of Seneca. Miss Duncan received a total of 02$,200 voles in the contest. -Phone 7 0 for frosh fruits, vege tables, something to boil. O. H. Schumacher, Walhalla.-Adv. 21 tf. -The Oeonee Club of Lander Col lege. Greenwood, met with Miss .Mary C. Harton Monday evening, Oc tober ir?. All members were pres ent. Miss Jessie Lawrence being the lucky one in the contest, she was awarded the prize. The hostess served delicious refreshments, which were greatly enjoyed The next meet ing will be held with Miss Riemann on October 3 0th. --300 bushels Fulgrum seed oats, clean and pure; $1 per bushel. See Geo. M. Ansel. Walhalla.-Adv. t.f. --M. C. Todd spent several days last week in Columbus, Ga., where he visited his half-brother, Janies D. Massey, formerly of this section. Mr. Massey is now vice-president of the Eagle and Phoenix Mills of Colum bus, and is prominently identified with a number of other large enter prises in his adopted home city. Mr, Todd took in the Atlanta fair during his trip to Georgia. -Elegant lino standard toilet preparations**! Norman's Drus Store. Also, new line all kinds brushes, combs, soaps, sponges, chamois, ad. -Clarence E. Norman, a student at the Lutheran Theological Semi nary, Columbia, will preach at St. John's Lutheran church next Sunday morning nt 1 1 o'clock. Mr. Norman has been called by the Board of For eign Missions to teach English In the mission school in Japan and will tako up his work upon the Comple tion of his theological studies in Co lumbia. He will also speak to the young people Sunday night at 7.30 o'clock. Everybody is invited to those services. Buy 1 ftc. cloth for 10 cents (a variety) while it lasts, at F. E. Har rison's. He can save you $2 to $r> on suits clothing. All new goods. No old Stuff to offer.-Adv. .--Pretty line stationery at Nor- | man's Drug Store.-Adv. -.Ins. M. Moss and son Marion are in Columbia for the Fair. -Miss May Boll ls gponding this week in Columbia with her sister, | Mrs. D. G. McAliater. -Our Queen Quality Shoes aro here. Come in and look them over. C. W. & .1. IO. Bauknlght.-Adv. Teay B. Hutchison is taking in tlie State Fair this week, and vlsitin>; among relatives in Columbia. -Mrs. M. lt. MoOonald and cnild are spending this week in Columbia visiting Mrs. McDonald's mother. -New arrival of ladies' and chil dren's coats, dresses, skirts, waists and middies. F. 10. Harrison.-Adv. - Miss .Mary Hilen Wilson has de cided to organize a class in elocution. Miss Wilson is a graduate of Win throp. She made a specialty of ex pression during her prosecution of the Winthrop course. Announcement elsewhere*, -Car load good horses and mules, ('heap for cash. See me at once. 10. C. Marett. Oil Mill offlce, Westmin ster.-Adv. 43. - We are requested to announce that Kev. [, IO. Wallace, pastor, will preach at Richland next Sunday morning at ll.?Ul o'clock. The mem bers of this church and the public generally of the community are urged to bear this service in mind, next Sunday being the lift h Sunday in Oc tober. -T. IO. Alexander. Walhalla. S. C.. sells land, buggies and harness. See bim before you buy.-Adv. -Attention is directed to the ad vertisement of Carter & Co., of Wal halla, wno are conducting a special k?alo for the next 1 fi days, beginning with Sal urday, October 28th. Theil store will be closed Friday ol' this week for the marking down of price.' for this special sale. This large stock is "Doomed," and you will d< well lo seo thal you get your lui share ol' ibo bargains that will b<> ol' fered. -T. X. Carter's Spot-Cash Store Westminster, is thc place to buy yout oats. Now is the time to sow.-Adv --Mrs. Sarah Ann Bottoms. age( 09 years, died at the borne of her son .lack Albertson, in West Union, las Monday. She was the widow of tin late Perry Rot toms. Mrs. Bottom bad been a member of the Baptis church since 16 years of age, and sh was a consistent member thereof an? a consecrated Christian. Fu?era services were conducted by Rev. Mas sib Cobb yosterday, the Interment bc lng made at Poplar Springs. Ther are many who will learn with deep r< gret of the death of this good womal Thc sympathy of a av Ide circle c friends is extended to the bereave ones. -Another car of flue young muk to arrive this week. Can suit you i nicely matched pairs or single mule Neville Bros., West Union, S. C. ad -Some of the best corn we hn\ seen was exhibited in our office ye terday morning. lt was grown c the M. T. Il uglis farm, just out < town. There were four ears exhl ited, the largest weighing one pour and six ounces, the four pulling tl scales at even live pounds. A peen larlty about the making of this crt is thc fact that after it was plant? the rain set in and thc only work li it got -was the running over of a di harrow. Not a hoe nor a plow ev got into tlie Held. The weeds ai cockle burrs were cut down betwe< the rows by the discing process, b in the rows the cockle burrs lie stand as high as the corn. The is a good and reasonably iinifoi yield on this Held. Mr. I highs ; tributes (he success ol' the crop the preparation ol' the seed-bed. -If you are in need ol' inonu mc tal work, you will lind il to your a vantage to place your order with t Seneca Marble and Granite Works. -Mr. and Mrs. 10. I.. Ilcrndon 1 turend last week from Granltevil where Mrs. Herndon bad been 1 some time on account of the Ulm of her mot IHM-, Mrs. Caroline 10. Pla Mr. Herndon was su ni moued by telegram announcing a change for t worse in Mrs. Flatt's condition. M Pint! died on Monday, Hie ll', shortly before Mr. Ilerndon's arri at Graniteville. The deceased was years ol' age. She had been in faili health for a year or more. The sy pa thy of many friends goos out to I bereaved ones in their sorrow. F( sons and Iii ree daughters survive li those being W. P. Platt, Aiken; 10. Platt. Charlotte, N. C.; S. Platt. Augusta. Ca.; 10. 10. Pit Graniteville; Mrs. F. B. I lenders Aiken; Mrs. 10. L. Herndon, YY halla; Miss Alice Platt. Cranitevi --Fix now for your horse po> for next crop. Car load horses i mules just in. See me at once. Ch< for cash. 10. C. Marett, Westmine Oil and Fertilizer Co.'s office.-A? -John J. Woodall, an aged C federate veteran, died at the hom? Iiis son. .lonas Woodall, who resi in the hosiery mill village, last 1 day night. Mr. Woodall had beer declining health for a long time, : his death was not unexpected, was about 81 years of age. He ser throughout the Civil War as a im ber of Coin |ian y F, Orr's R?gi in? and made a good soldier in every sped. Ills commanding officer Capt. W. F. Hollingsworth. Woodall was a good citizen, and was well known over Oconee com There are ninny who will learn v deep regret of his death, ile Wi native of Oconee county, having s, tho greater part of his life in Long Creek section, where he born. Funeral services were ( ducted Saturday at Long Creek, interment taking place in the L Creek cemetery. We join with ot friends of tho deceased in extend sympathy to the bereaved ones their sorrow. Funeral services w conducted by Rev. Masslh Cobb. Woodall had for many yenrs bee consistent member of the Rai: Church, having joined In early li - Nice line men's $2 hats $1.60. F. 10. Harrison. Also. Miss Annie Schroder for milli! and full line hats and caps at barf . rices.--Adv. -Special prices on cotton and pea nut meal in ton lots. C. W. ft J. E. Dauknight, Walhalla.--Adv. -Krank II. "Shirley, of Westmin ster, ls still in tho real estate busi ness. See announcement on this page. -Mrs. J. E. Stokes and .Mrs. Kate O. Smith are In Helton this week at tending thc district meeting of the Missionary Societies. They repre sent tho societies of the Walhalla Methodist church. .-Married, on Sunday, October 2 2, by Kev. M. Cobb, at the home of the bride. Miss Ruth Hulton and W. I. Woodall, both of Walhalla. The cou ple have the good wishes of numerous friends. -Another lot pretty sport coats received, at bargain prices. K. E. Harrison. Walhalla.-'Adv. -'Mr. and Mrs. K. AV. Vroinan ar rived in Walhalla the latter part of last week from North Carolina and are spending a few days here among friends of Mrs. Vroman, who was Miss Lillie Byrd. They were mar ried recently at Candler, N. C., at which place Miss Byrd was visiting her uncle, W. T. Byrd, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vronian will leave in a few days for theil* home in Los An geles, Cal. They Will carry with them the good wishes of many friends in Walhalla, who will regret exceedingly to lose Mrs. Vronian, who has resided in Walhalla all her life. -?We have a large stock of dry goods, most ol which was bought be fore thc advance. Cet our prices. C. W. ft J. K. Bauknight.-Adv. -The Raul Mayne Circle was de lightfully entertained by Mrs. W. I>. Moss Friday afternoon, October 20. A very interesting program was ren dered, as follows: "The Bible as a Whole." Mrs. Sloan; "Religious Life Of the Orient," '.Miss Strong; "Tho Mountains of Benjamin," Mrs. Steck ; "Thessalonlea--The City of tho Liv ing," Miss Stribling. After the ad journment of the circle the hostess served a lovely salad course. Visit ors adding pleasure to the afternoon were Mesdames Stokes, Sifford, Cov ington. VanDiviero (Savannah), and Mrs. J. R. Anderson (Anderson); Misses Nellie- McCullough, Georgia and Marjorie VanDi viere. --Great bargain sale Saturday! Call on K. E. Harrison for dry goods, shoes, clothing, pants, hats, under wear, millinery.'-Adv. -The people of Walhalla, and friends elsewhere in the county, of Samuel E. Maxwell, formerly of Walhalla, will be interested In the following item, clipped from the Co lumbia State of last Sunday: "Mrs. Dorthy Welch Rhea and Samuel Earle Maxwell, both of Columbio, wore married last evening by Rev. Chas. E. Burts, D. D., at his resi dence. The service was quiet and in formal and the wedding was a sur prise to most friends of the couple. They will make their homo in Colum bia. Mr. Maxwell, formerly of Wal halla, is a conductor in the service of the Southern railway." The Courier joins with other friends of the groom 111 extending to him hearty congratu lations, and to the young couple all good wishes. The announcement of the marriage came as a pleasant sur prise to the friends of Mr. 'Maxwell In Walhalla. THIS WEEK T. N. Carter is paying" 20 cents per pound for Cotton on Accounts. NOTICE OF ELECTION. State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. Notice is hereby given that the General Election for State a-ul Coun ty O (ll ce rs will be held at the voting precincts prescribed by law In said county, on Tuesday. November 7, Mill!, said day being Tuesday follow ing the first Monday in November, as prescribed by tho State Constitution. The qualification for suffrage: Managers of election shall require of every elector offering to vote at any election, before allowing him to vote, the production of his registra tion certificate and proof of the pay ment of all taxe*, including poll tax, assessed against him and collectible during the previous year. The. pro duction of a certificate or of the re ceipt of the officer authorized to col lect such taxes, shall bo conclusive proof of the payment thereof. Section 2 37. Code of Ml 12, as amended by Act No. t>. special ses sion of 1911. Section 237. There shall be three separate and distinct ballots, as fol lows: One ballot for United States Senator, Representatives In Congress and Presidential electors; and ono ballot lor Governor. Lieutenant Gov ernor. State officers, Circuit Solici tors, members of the House of Rep resentatives, State Senator, County officers, and one ballot for all Consti tutional amendments and special questions, each of three said boxes to be appropriately labelle.!; which ballots shall be of plain white paper and of snell wi.Uh and length as to contain the names of tho ofllcor or officers and question or questions to be voted for or upon, cloar and even cut. without ornament, designation, mutilation, symbol or mark of any kind whatsoever, except the name or nnnics of the person or persons voted for and the office to which such por soii or persons are intended to be chosen, and all special questions which name or names, ofllce or of fices, question or questions shall bo written or printed or partly written or partly printed thereon in black ink; and such ballots shall bo so folded as to conceal tho name or names, question or questions thereon, and so folded, shall be deposited In a box to bc constructed, kept and dis posed of as heroin provided by law, and no ballot of any other descrip tion found In either of said boxes sh n 11 be counted. On all special questions thc ballot shall state the question, or questions, and shall thereafter have the words "Yes" and ""No" Inserted so that the voter may Indicate his vote hy strik ing out one or the other of such words on said ballot, the "word not so stricken out to bo counted. Before the hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe the Constitu tional oath. The Chairman of tlie Board of Managers can administer tlie oath to the other members and to the Clerk; a .Votary Public must administer the oath to the Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at 4 o'clock p. m., except in the City of Charleston, where they shall be opened at 7 a. m., and closed nt G p. m. The Managers have the power to lill a vacancy; and if none of the Managers attend the citizens can ap point from among the qualified voters, the Managers, who, after be ing sworn, can conduct tho election. At the close of the election, the Managers and (Merk must proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes and count thc ballots therein, and con tinue without adjournment until tho same ls completed, and make a state ment of the result for each ofllco, and sign the same. Within three days thereafter, the Chairman of the Board, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commis sioners of Election the poll list, the boxes containing the ballots and written statements of the results of the election. At the said election qualified elec tors will vote upon the adoption or rejection of amendments to the State Constitution, as provided in the following Joint Resolutions: A Joint Resolution to Amend Sec tion 7. Article VIII, of the Constitu tion, Relating to Municipal Bonded indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto. Relating to School District No. I. of Kershaw County. A Joint Resolution Proposing tc Amend Article X of the Constitution by Adding Thereto Section Iii, to Em I power the Town of 'Mullins to Assess Abutting Property for Permanent Im provement. A Joint Resolution to Amend Arti ele X of tho Constitution so ns to Au thorize the Town of Clinton and tin City of Easley to Assess Abutting Property for Permanent Improve men ts. A Joint Resolution Proposing ar Amendment to Article XII, Section 2 of the Constitution, by Striking Ou the Whole of Said Section 2. Artich XII. and Substituting Therefor a Nev Section Providing for the Appoint meat of a Board of Regents for Inst! tutlons 'Maintained for the Caro o the Insane, for the Appointment of t Superintendent Therefor, and Defln ing the Powers. A Joint Resolution to Amend Sec tion 5, Article XI of the Constltu tlon, Relating to School Districts, b; adding a Special Proviso as to Spar tanburg County. A Joint Resolution to Amend Sec tion 5, Article X. of the Constitution Relating to the Limit of the Bonde Debt of School Districts, by adding Proviso Thereto a.s to the Charlesto School District, Comprised With! the Present Limits of the City c Charleston. A Joint Resolution to Amend Sec (ion 7, of Article VIII, of the Const: lotion. Relating to 'Municipal Ir deb?odness by Adding a Provis Thereto as to the City of Anderson. Election Managers. The following Managers of Elci tion have been appointed to hold th election at the various precincts i the said County: Cherry Mill-F. L. Moody, Jess Lay, John Barker. Clemson Ccdlego - -W. X. Trov bridge. Harry Sloan, A. W. Fant. Damascus-M. H. Lee, W. J. Wa kins, L. D. Cox. Double Springs-J. D. Uamby, V B. Mongold, J. T. Lyles. Kaile's Mill-Elias Earle, W. I Earle. J. A. MePhail. Pair Play-R. H. .Marett, D. 1 Wright, lt. E. Keese. Pricndshlp-T. ll. Brock, Bu: Campbell, >N. A. Moore. High Falls No. 1-Edward Cant J. H. M. Whit mire, O. C. White. High Falls No. 2-J. A. White, F. iiunnicutt, J. M. George. Holly Springs-W. H, Blackwo] K. L. Hulton, Rowland Cobb. Jocassee--A. L. Whitmire, A. Patterson, S. D. Hinkle.. Little River-AV. M. 'Perry, Jol S. Sheppard. J. R. Talley. Long Creek-Andrew Ramey, i lt. Singleton, M. I). Lee. Madison - W. J. Walters. T. , Spencer, G. J,' Ramsey. Newry-A. A. MeMahan, Le Moss. J. T. Dy ar. Oak way-W. AV. Dearden. Ber Moore, T. E. (iambroll. Providence-W. N. Woolbright, \ O. Prater. J. B. Ligon. Richland-W. H. Armstrong, J. Ballenger, AV. T. Hubbard. Salem-M. I,. Lu sk, C. R. Abc crombie, Floyd Whitten. Seneca-J. E. Hopkins. II. F. Ale nuder. Ike I). Fincannon. South Union-H. M. Cole, W. (?lawford, M. AV. Gibson. Tabor-J. E. Wrlnn, D. N. Sta cell and P. M. Adams. Tamassee-J. E. Kelley, J. J. Cowan, W. J. Beard. Tokcena-L. C. Hoggs, J. W. Rc vos, w. J. McLeskey. Tugaloo Academy-Wilbur Smit AV. R. Smith, R. "H. Powell. Walhalla-di. C. Busch. S. Pitchford. J. R. Tribble. Westminster-AV. O. Pitts, F. Shirley, B. D. Breazeale. AVest Union-C. AV. Wickliffe, T. Smith, Harrison J. Addis. Picket Post-T. Y. Chalmers, H. Garrison, L, A. Lay. The Managers at cadi preolr, named above are requested to de! gate one of their number to seen "boxes and blanks for the elect! from M. R. McDonald at Walha Court House on Saturday, Novernlj 4, 1 91 G. G. W. DAVIS, W. H. TALLEY. J. R. SPENCER. Commissioners of State and Conn Elections for Oconee County, fl. < October 21, 1910. 43-44 OUR FALL STOCK DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES' SUITS AND CLOAKS, HAS ARRIVED. CALL AND SEE THEM. C. W. PITCHFORD Walhalla. ?j. ?j. ?j? ?j? ?j-? ?j? ?j? ?j* ?j? ?j? ?|??!? ?j? .j? ?j. ??? ?j? ?j. ?j? ?.j. ?j* ?j? ?j. ?j.? ? - REAL ESTATE -t * - * I am still in thc Land Business, If you have * * anything to sell, or if you want to get the place that * * will suit you, come to see me, ??* ?fi J* * ?j. I have a number of small, well improved farms ^ .?. for sale now and a few larger ones, ?J* .j. .5? If you will let me know the kind of a place you -?* 4? want, I can get it for you, ?* & J* J* 4" J Frank H. Shirley, wIs0tm?^!er J ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J. ?J. ?J? ?J. ?J? ?J. ?J? .J? ?J. ?J? ?J? ?J. .j.) ?J? ?J.. ?J. ?J? ?J? ?J?, ?J. "Higher Prices Predicted." The steel market continues to advance, and some time ago we bought heavily on Nails, Roofing, Wire Fence, Heating Stoves,. Grates, Ranges, Blacksmith Tools, Carpenter Tools, Axes, Loaded Shells, Guns, Machinery Supplies, Elec trical Supplies, Etc. We can save you money on Watfon and Buggy Material. Our warehouses are full up. Goods bought for the Spot Cash, and you will make ?orne good money by getting in touch with our prices. Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster, S. C. Craveline for ?ravel or Stone in tho RI udder. Guaranteed to cure or your money har lt, NORMAN'S DRIKi STORE, Walhalla, S. V" Guaranteed tk> Cure Sore and Bn (lainod Eye?. NORMAN'S I>RUO .STORK, WaJlu?la, S. C.