A Regular Communication of Blue Ridge Lodge, No. 92, A. F. M., will bo held next Fri day evening, October 6th, J 910, at ? o'clock. JOHN A. ANSEL, W. M. W. O. WHITE, Secrotary. (adv.) I. (). O. F MEETING Oconce Ijodgo, Ne. 04, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet Next Tuesday Night, Oct. I (Hil, at 8 o'clock. Visiting Odd Fellows wolcomed. HA lt RY ll. HUGHS. N. G. ANTON GERBER, Socrotary. ad. Knights of Pythias. A .special meeting of Walhalla Lodge, No. 07, K. ol I*., will bo held at tho Masonic Templo next Monday night, October ?Hil, at 7.30 o'clock. lt ls important that there be a full attendance ol' the members, as some business must bo attended to. Visiting Knights always welcome. J. W. SI I FLOR, C. C. T. B. SI HC LOR, K. R. ft S. (adv.) Rainfall tuc Week. Rainfall for week ending October 2d, at 7 p. m., is furnished us by H. W. Brandt, co-operative observer. Thc record follows: Date- Inches rainfall. Sept. 27- -Clear. Sept. 28 -Plly cldy. T. Sept. 2H Ptly cldy.10 Sept. 30 Clear. Oct. 1 Clear. Oct. 2.Clear. Oct. :i -Clear. Total for week.ttl ********** ********* * * * LOCAL AND PERSONAL. * ********** ********* Plenty dolls and toys for the kid dies. Norman's Drug Store..Adv. -Horn, unto Mr. and Mrs. M. C. I/ong. September 29 th, a son. -T. 13. Alexander, Walhalla, sells land. Rock HUI buggies and harness. - Adv. -A. P. Crisp, F. IO. Harrison, W. M. Brown, Walhalla, and C. C. My ers, of Oakway, aro among those who attended Federal Court in Greenville this week as jurors. - Miss Sara Moss, who bas been spending some Hmo at Asheville, N. C., has returned to her home here, greatly improved In health. Her many friends gladly welcome her. -When good material and work manship is wanted in a monument or a tombstone, buy from us. We can save you money. We employ no agents. Seneca Marble and Granite Works. Adv. -G. A. Norman returned last week from a business trip of several days, during which time he placed bis or ders for holiday goods and many fancy articles in silver, china, cut glass, otc. .Mr. and .Mrs. .lohn W. Lee loft ibis morning foi* points in North Car olina. They will spend two woeks In the Old North State visiting relatives and friends, returning lo Walhalla lifter the middle ol' UK- month. -Pretty line dr) goods, waists, skirts, blouses and underwear at tl Kl - der-value; also pretty line ladies' and children's bats, ribbons. F. C. Harrison, Walhalla Adv. Sheriff and Mrs. John W. Davis spent Monday and Tuesday in Ander son, Mr. Davis attending the meeting of tho Sherill's Association. They had a most pleasant visit, meeting numerous friends of Anderson and adjoining count les, Miss Maggie Martin, of ( rcon wood, bas been spending tho weok in Walhalla as the guest ol' Mrs. Faunie Rreunocke. She viii leave this afternoon for her home. She will bo accompanied by Miss Ad die Tatham, who will spend a week in Greenwood. We have just received a large and well selected stock of millinery, coat suits, coats, middies, skirts, no tions, etc.. and will bo glad to show thom io you. Come and soo thom even if you do not want to buy Just now. Other goods lo arrive in a few days. Among them a large shipmen) of coats and suits. Mrs. W. M. Drown ft Co.. Main street, Walhalla. S C. Adv. 'rhos. C. Todd, an aged Confede rate veteran, died at thc home of bis son. T. Joe Todd, in Walhalla, last Thursday morning, after ti long ill ness, which hi ii succeeded a gradual decline extending over a period of several years. Mr. Todd was SI years of age. He made a good sol dier, serving throughout the war as a member of Company C. Orr's Regi ment. Ile was a good citizen, up right and honest, and bad. since young manhood, boon a member of Bethel Presbyterian church. Ho leaves four sons. T. J. Todd, of Wal halla; J. Du file Todd, of Columbia; Samuel Todd, of the United States Army service, and Hen D. Todd. One daughter Mrs. Jos. Villieer. of Ar gyle, Wis., also survives. His wife, who was Miss Anna Duncan, preced ed him to tho grave several years. T. J., J. I) and Sam Todd wore pres ent at the funeral, Mrs. Vllllger and B. I). Todd being unable to attend. Mr. Todd was a native of Oconoe, having been born and reared to young manhood in the Oconoe Creek section. Funeral services were con ducted Friday by Rev. W. H. Hamil ton, of the Walhalla -Presbyterian church, after which tho remains were laid to rest In the Bethel cemetery. There are many who will Join with us In extending to the bereaved ones sympathy In their sorrow -G. A. Norman has purchased a complete line of up-to-date china, out glass, toilet and leather goods, stationery, pictures, statuary, bas kc's, books, toys and biio-a-brae tbe best to be found In the best mar kets, at attractive prices for the scar City of the present times.-\dv. -Cheap horse for sale. Apply to S. N. Pitchford, Walhalla.-Adv. -Colo's 'Hot Wast Heaters make a ht? reduction In your coal hill. Seo their advertisement and guarantee. The Hallenger Hardware and Furni ture Co., of Seneca, sell these heat ers. Walhalla Chapter. I). A. lt., will moot at the home of Mrs. W. I). Moss Tuesday afternoon, October loth, at I o'clock. Hostesses, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Francis Hughs, Mrs. W. I). Moss and Miss Georgia Van DI viere. .For Sale -Hood 8-h.p. Interna tional gasoline engine; good run ning order; practically new. Apply to I. W. Henry, Whetstone, S. C. Adv. 1 1 + .lohn M. Led ford, ol* Central, spent the latter part of last week in Walhalla visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anion (Serber and among friends, who are always glad to wel come him to his old home. J, C. .layaos and family, of Greer, spout a part of last week in Oconoe visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. VV. J. O, Hay, of the Oconoe Creek section. Mr. Jnynes and fam ily spent a few hours In Walhalla Saturday. -Two pl ii KS Hod J. tobacco for 1 r.e. Denton Pros., West Union, S. C.-Adv. IO. -Hov. w. M. Hammond, of tho New Hope community, left Inst Mon day for Louisville, Ky., whore li?1 will enter the Southern I la pt ist Theologi cal Seminary. Mr. Hammond is a graduate of Fur man University. Wo wish for him a successful course at the Baptist Seminary. W S. Hunter, of Seneca, is back again in the columns of The Courier with a talk to his friends and pa trons. Head what he has to say. call at his store and give his largo lin?? of goods "the once over." A look means ?I purchase al Hunter's store, and a purchase means a saving. .Miss elizabeth Hay, after spend ing the summer here with ber niece. Mrs. .1. A. Sleek, returned Monday to ber home 111 Houston, Texas. She was accompanied as far as Atlanta by Mrs. Stock, who will rel urn to Wal halla Wednesday evening. Miss Hay has numerous friends hero who will gladly welcome ber on future visits. - See our elegant line stationery and toilet art b ios. More to arrive. Norman's Drug Store.-Adv. -Tho Young Men's League will meet next Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church at :i o'clock. Hol leman Seaborn will be the leader. A larne attendance is hoped for, and the league is anticipating tho inaugu ration of a fall campaign. A cordial invitation is extended to all, and the young men of the town and commu nity are urged to attend. Interest locally has centered for the past few days in the following in vitations which have been received in Walhalla and other places during the past week: "Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall Theodore Hughs invite you to he present at the marriage ol' their daughter, [Theodosia Katherine, to Mr. Jool Dickens Keys, on Tuesday, tho Kith ol' October, a half after eight O'clock- in tho evening, Presbyterian church, Walhalla, South Carolina." s. A. c. Ilerndon and two chil dren, tedmund and Miss Rhoda, ol Tyler. Texas, arrived in Walhalhi Sunday evening last. Mr. Ilerndon left Texas Friday after having re ceived word of the serions illness ol ?MS mot her. Mrs. Rhoda Ilerndon w!io bad passed away before Mr Ilerndon and bis children reached Walhalla. Mr. Ilerndon was greeted b\ many old friends here who sympa I li Ixe deeply with him in bis sorrow 1U1 and his children returned to theil Texas home this morning. New arrival ol' all kinds notions millinery ami dry goods. Bargaim at !.'. 10. Harrison's.--Adv. Th?' news ol' thc death of Mrs Sophia Keith, widow ol' the late W C. Keith, came as a great shock t< friends in Walhalla last Saturday Mrs. Keith had been in apparent Ij perfect health up to a short while be fore tli?? end came. She suffered ar attack of congestion ol' the langi early Saturday morning, having beet taken ill about 2 o'clock, lier phy vician was called and gave her modi cal attention, her condition becoming much better. During the mornlnt hoers members ot tho family won with ber, and about S o'clock sb< went to sloop, resting in ease. Visit ! to her at intervals revealed the fae that she still was sleeping. Abott in o'clock a member ol tho tamil: went in to her room and it was fount that at some limo between the visit! to the sick room Mrs. Keith hat peacefully passed away. She was (>. years of ago. having celebrated oi Wednesday, September 20th, be birthday. Hoi husband preceded be to the grave just about two years, lu having died in September, di l. Mrs Keith was a splendid woman, kim and I bought lui ol' others, alway ready to do anything in her power fo those in trouble or distress. She wll be sadly missed wherever she wa known, and in tho homo especiall will her taking away be most keen! felt. Before marriage Mrs. Kelt was Miss Sophia Kell, a daughter o the late J. ll, Kell, tine of the earl German settlers of this section, an a sister of the late .1. ll. Keil. Jr who died a few years ago from an nc Cidont, From early girlhood she ha boen a member ol' tho Hut bora church. Funeral services wore con ducted Sunday at St. John's Luthers church by the pastor, Rev. W. I Anil, the Interment following in th cemetery of the Walhalla Baptif church, In the presence of large number who came to pay th last sad tribute to tho deceased. Mri Keith ls survived by two daughter! Mrs. Rettie Alexander and Miss Ad Keith, anti one sister. Miss Christin Keil, who is living in Greenvlll I county with relatives. There ai I numerous other relatives left I mourn her denth. To the bereave i ones The Courier joins with hosts ( I tither friends in extending sincei ! sympathy. j .Make it a point to visit our sbo I room. We have this week sixty-nli monuments and tombstones for yo to select from. Seneca Marble an Granite YVorks.-Adv. -Phone 76 for fresh fruits, vege tables, something to boll. O. II. Schumacher, Walhalla.-Adv. 21 tf. -Horn, unto Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Schumacher, Jr., on Friday, Septem ber 22d, a son. - . Thos. lt. Keith, of near Seneca, was among the visito. l.n Walhalla last week. Mr. Keith h. numerous friends here at his old home who are always glad to welcome him hack. - Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Barron and Mrs. L. Li. Chandler, of Seneca, spent last Sunday In Walhalla visiting at the home o? Mrs. W. W. Hurley. They attended the funeral of Mrs. W. O. Keith. -Irish potatoes 30c. peck; $1.20 per bushel. C. W. & J. IO. Hauknigbt. Walhalla. -Adv. - Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Sharp, of Rivoli, Anderson county, were visit ors last week to .lodge J. W. Hollo man and among friends here They made a very pleasant trip to the old Shari) homestead, several miles above Walhalla, and Dr. Sharp carried back with bim a lew apples taken from trees on the old place-the same trees from which, as a barefoot boy. he bas many times taken fruit be fore. We arc not "giving away" any information as to the good Doctor's age. or youth, lie is, however, the youngest of a family of fourteen chil dren, only two of whom are living. Dr. and Mrs. Sharp have numerous friends bore who are always glad to welcome thom. Ladies' sport coats, pretty as sortment. See window display. F. IO. Harrison, Walhalla. - Adv. -The following item, clipped from the Concord (X. C.) Times of September 25, will prove of interest to many ol' the readers ol' The Cou rier: ?Tho Foreign Mission Board of tbi' Genera] Council of the Luthe ran church has called Clarence 10. Norman to become teacher of Eng lish in the Kyushu Kakuin School at KumamotO, Japan. The call is ur gent, and Mr. Norman was consider ing going to .lapan this year, but be lias received instructions to finish bis course at the Theological Seminary in Columbia. S. C., before leaving Amer ica. Ile will, therefore, leave to-day for the seminary, where he will com plete bis course next May and be or dained by the North Carolina Synod, alter which he will sall for Japan. The school at Qumanioto was built and is owned by the United Synod of the South, but the General Council co-operates in its maintenance." Young Mr. Norman is a son of our former townsman, V. L. Norman, now a resident of Concord. We wish for our young friend abundant suc cess in lils chosen Held of labor. -Riggest bargains in good new shoes, bats, pants and clothing, ties, collars, underwear, hosiery. shirts. F. IO. Harrison.-Adv. -Special Agent A. T. Reid, of Greenville, and Rural Policemen J. II. Thomas and W. H. Littleton, of Coonee, made quite a haul ol' illicit liquor in thc Jocassee section last Sunday afternoon about ?1 o'clock. One of those little sparrow birds bad been conversing with the officers for some time about matters lui nul and sections mountainous, and as a re sult Hie officers found themselves wending their way Jocassee wa rd early Sunday morning. They finally found the place where a still bad been in operation, but the place that once knew tho copper still knew it no more, for ibo stlllers hail evident ly gotten wind of officers coming, and the still bad boen removed from the plant when they arrived. The offi cers destroyed some 25 bushels of meal mash and about SOO gallons of beer ready for a Monday "run." They were disappointed in not getting the copper still and bogan nosing around for traces of it. These they found later along a trail through the woods, where droppings of mash were discovered. They did not locate the copper, however, but in a "sink hole" tliey found 40 gallons of the finished still product-corn "licker." lt was in jugs, sizes ranging through the ocale of big, medium and small. There was no way ol' getting the "lo gallons ol' 10-rod" out to their automobile, so they proceeded to have a genuine Carrie Nation liquor smashing. Jugs were smashed to smithereens and the liquor roiled down the hillside. Then the officers left. The plant was located about a mile from the Whitewater (Jocassee) Inn, on the opposite side of the river. No arrests were made, but the offi cers say they know a hoop more than they are giving out for publication. And thereby bangs a tale that may or may never be told. .I* *?* 'I ?P 'I* * Fall G Sec our linc of New 1 opened? They are the late: v lng undone to hold thc pric< ?fr when you examine them, ty ther you buy or not. * Our line of Dry Goo ty bracing all you may need fe ty derwear. Dress Goods. Silk of all kinds* -Butterick patterns. C. W. Pitch ford, Walhalla, S. C.-Adv. tf. -Rev, Chas. Atkinson will preach at Coneross on the second Sunday (the 8th) at ll o'clock. Public cor dially invited. --Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris and young son, of Oreen ville, were guests the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. F. 10. Harrison. They came over in their car, making a trip also to Ta mass?e. -For Rent-Five rooms in Main street residence. Apply to Mrs. Ade line Oelkers, Walhalla.-Adv. IO -The members of the Junior Pris cilla Club were delightfully entertain ed by Miss Alice Relic Mc Lees on Fri day. September 2i). The usual hour was spent in sewing, after which a delicious salad course was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be with Miss lOloise Mont joy on Octo ber 6th, at 1 o'clock. -The Priscilla Club was delight fully entertained last Tuesday after noon by Mrs. H. W. Casque. Oaring the afternoon a tempting salad course was served by the hostess, as sisted by her mother, Mrs W. O. White, and Mrs. Elliott Rhodes. Mrs J. W. Reil, Mrs. J. ll. Darby. Mrs. C. W. Pitchford. Miss Floise Strother and Miss IOmma Stancil were visitors and added much to the pleasure of the meeting. The next regular meet ing of tile club will be with Miss Dora Pitchford on Thursday, October 4th, at I o'clock. -?500 bushels Fulgrum seed oats, clean and pure; $1 per bushel. See Ceo. M. Ansel. Walhalla.-Adv. t.f. - Attention is directed to thc ad vertisement of Hie Anderson Real Es tate and Investment Company, which appears this week on the fifth page. This enterprising real estate firm will conduct a sale ol' lots and small farms at Townville on Saturday of this week, October 7th, beginning at 10.30 o'clock a. m. They are offering IS cents a pound for cotton in pay ment for the lots to be sold. Those who know the Townville section and the thriving little town itself need no word from us. Those who want small farms or town lots in a good commu nity will do well to go to Townville next Saturday and look over this good country, lt is worth while see ing, and it is worth while buying. Rear in mind the date, the place and the fact that there will be some fine lots and small farms for sale at auc tion. Beaverdnm Y. \V. A.'s and G. A.'s. There will be a Young Woman's and Girls' Auxiliary rally at Coneross Raptlst church on Saturday, October 21. Every Y. W. A. and G. A. leader will please bring as many of their girls as possible. Remember that there is no limit to the number of delegates. The program will appear later. Bewley Ilunsinger, _Associate Supt. Y. W. A.'s. ty.ty..T..J..T.ty,ty.ty.?J? ty.ty.ty.ty.ty,ty,ty.ty.ty.ty? ty* OBITUARY. ty* ty* ty. ty* ty. ty* ty. ty* ty. ty* ty* ty* ty. ty* ty. Mrs. ii. M. Raitens. Charleston, S. C., Sept. 26, lill 6. In loving remembrance of our dear mother, Gesena Marguerlthe Italiens, who fell asleep in Jesus one year ago to-day. Just one year bas passed since Clod took from us our dear mother, leav ing us sad and lonely. Ob. mamma, bow we miss you! Words can never tell! We have but one consolation in the long years to come, knowing you have entered the golden gates of that beautiful Paradise. Mamma, darling, you have gone, but never will you be forgotten. (adv.) Children. MAKE YOUIfc OWN FLOUR! lt is cleaner and purer and better than any you can buy. lt is no trouble to make it if you use our Fish and Blood Guano when you sow your wheat. W. F. FARMER, Secretary ANDERSON PHOSPHATE AND OID COMPANY. - Seo - MOSS * ANSEL, Walhalla, S. C. J. (i. BREAZEALE, Westminster, S. C. P. P. SULLIVAN & CO., Madison, S. C. ?J. ty. ty* ty* ty? ioods ! * Fall Coats and Suits, just st, and wc have left noth ? down, and you will see it Glad to show them, whe- * * ds was never better, em- * >r winter-Cloaking^, Un- * :s, and GODMAN Shoes + 'S, Seneca. * . .i* .i* *i* .i* .i. ty* ty. OUR FALL STOCK S DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES' SUITS AND CLOAKS, HAS ARRIVED. CALL AND SEE THEM. C. W. PITCHFORD Walhalla. Victor Cheshire Indicted, Greenville, Oct. 3.-A bill of in dictment was handed out in the Uni ted States District Court here Tues day morning against V. li. Cheshire, editor of the Anderson Farmers' Tribune, on the charge of sending improper matter through the mail, the alleged matter being an editorial of August 11th, said to have been abusive of Prof. C. B, Martin of Fur man University, J. J. MeSwain and C. M. Thompson, city clerk of Green ville, entitled, "A Dirty, Contemptible Bunch/' The alleged attack on these men is claimed to have been made following FM!tor Cheshire's arrest and his be ing tined in Greenville on the charge of speeding and being drunk. AS I H AVK SOLD my blacksmith shop, all who know themselves to he indebted to me will jilease call at S. X. Pltchford's store and settle at once, as I have left with him all my accounts. I thank my customers, one and all, for past favors. Respect fully, .1. W. LKH. Walhalla. ? FOR RM XT-A two-horse farm suitable for dairy and truck; right at the town limits of Seneca; terms to suit; farmers have their own stock. Address MRS. L. M. COLE MAN, Sene.a. S. C. 4 0 SHOEMAKER WANTED.- Fir -t class Shoemaker and Repairer want ed at once; must know business thoroughly and bo strictly sober. Hood proposition. Write WM. LAUS TER'ER, Shoemaker, Walhalla, S. C. WAX * Ml) - Twenty-five white girls to sew. No experience requir ed, (iood pay and light work the year round. Anderson Underwear Co., Anderson, S. O. 42 AT A BARGAIN-One roan mare, four years old, Anderson county raised; a beauty; would mako a fine brood maree One set new harness and a buggy. T. M. GALPH1N, Seneca, S. C._40_ CALL AND SEE ME when in need of buggy and wagon materials, a? I have at my store spokes, shafts tongue chains, stay chains, clips-in fact, al] kinds of materials. The .1 W. Lee stock of materials will he sold chea|) for cash. Respectfully, S. N. PITCHFORD. Walhalla._? , WANTED-Indian pipes, pottery, spear heads, line arrows, heads, pon dants, ornaments, ceremonials; any article with hole drilled through, etc.; Confederate bills, fhnt-lock pis tols, pistols marked C. S., envelopes-' with stamps on used before 186f> 10. WALTER'S, 1540 N. f>8th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 41* The steel market continues to advance, and some time ago we bought heavily on Nails, Roofing, Wire Fence, Heating Stoves, Grates, Ranges, Blacksmith Tools, Carpenter Tools, Axes, Loaded Shells, Guns, Machinery Supplies, Elec trical Supplies, Etc. We can save you money on Wagon and Buggy Material. Our warehouses are full up. Goods bought for thc Spot Cash-, and you will make some good money by getting in touch with our prices. Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster, S. C.