?XEOWISE COURIER ( KsUblhrfiod 1840.) "tablislicd Every Wednesday Morning ?^:IK;< ii I ilion $1 iVr Annum. Advertising Rateo Reasonable. -Hy tVJPEOK, SHI'JIIOR & 80 ll RODER. Coinimmlcatioiifl of ft personal character charged for au advertloo ?7?C.I11S. Obituary notices ann tributes of V?96pecl, of not over 100 words, will bo printed froo of charge. All over Vj?iat number must bo paid for at tho r.\to of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, 8. C.: WEDNESDAY, SKIT. ?, HM?. OUR DA HV INDUSTRY. Hie Cream Route is Droving Doth Kutisfaetory mid Profitable. Walhalla, lt. I'1. ,D. 1, Aug. 28. -.pedal: Quito a mnnbor of Oconco M?: ate now learning what a real cream route is, bul not many of linn realize just what it means to the average farmer along thesV. nulos. Ellice April Mic Clemson co-opera tive cream route from Richland has hoon growing and developing. Front a mere handful ol pal rons some ! 2 >.u ll, with lil cows this route luis now en listed 2'? pal rons with 00 or moro cows. In Ibo month of July over ROO pounds of butter lat were collected }?> J. R. Wright, tho genial, courte ous driver, and about $110 was dis tributed amour, Hie 2f? pleased pa trons, who bad simply carried their cream lo their doors, twice a week, then received their chocks, at the samo place, at *lhe cud of the month. They realised a larger pro fit. without, the loss of time incident to the old way of .bringing a horse or mulo fnun the field, dressing -(oh, yes, "-.hey must "dress up" to go to town)-then driving from two to six Titiles to a market, whore they may ? ir may not bavo been able to dispose .of the soft, ill-shaped moulds at prices ranging from 1 2 Vis to 25 cents V'O.r pound. A number of people living on this route (bink they must have cream separators before 'they can profit ably disposo of tlteir cronin. This ls i mistake, Some of the patrons who '"hand-skim" gol lest figures that rival those of the liest machines. For Hiiy ono patron of this route, who '"hand-skimmed," averaged a tcs't of i7 per tent, which any dairy expert would consider an excellent test for machine separated cream. When this route attains certain proportions, eggs, poultry and coun try produce will ;u!so be collected ?it ' '.'nr. door of the farm-houses, thus 3pollilig ti degree of prosperity for this territory thal the most progres sive optimist has failed Lo conceive. Whenever Yo? Need n General Tonic Toko Orovo's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless .hill Tonic is equally valuable ns a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertlcsof QUININE; :md IRON. It nelson the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System, 50 cents. (Bri Blatantly Killed. .Camdon, S. C., Aug. SO.-'Lillie rtpradhw a while girl of nine years, '.vas shot and instantly billed at Cas satt, In Ibis county, about S o'clock Uns morning, 'by Hillie May Thomp son, a young negress. Tho Spradley famlH wore residing on ibo farm of T M. C. Mosier and ti young white ?W.Vn named SllCOI'n had been sent hi re lo move them, Tho negress picked np a shotgun and first point ed at i mule: Iben pointed it nt She orn and fired. Shcorn dodged tho load .md it took offed in the Sprnd ;.ey girl's abdomen, creating a ghastly 'A on nd. No cause l8 assigned for the Teed other than, lt is thought, the negress was ol unsound mind. KV FR SALIVATED RY CALOMEL ? HORRIBLE ! ?Calomel is Quirk Silver and Act? Dike Dynamite on Your Liver. Calomel lotes you a day! You V.a.w what calomel ts. lt's mercury; Ulick silver. Calomel is dangerous. VI crashes into sour bile like dyna mite, clamping and sickening you. Calomel attacks tho bones and should nover bo pul Into your sys .em. When you fool bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and btollevo you need a dose ol' dangerous Oi?doiiiel just remember thal your ? i r u jd s t sells for .">0 cents a largo '.v.vd'.e of Dodson's Livor Tone, which tfi em i t idy vegetable and pleasant to 'take and ls a porfod substituto for calomel. It ls guaranteed to ?'tart your liver without stirring you up ins''.?> and cannot salivate " "'t take calomel! lt makes \o-' .' l< the next day; it loses you a da' ' . work. (Dodson's Liver Tono st r> "Mens you right up and you Teel 'teat. Hive it to tho children be n uso it is perfectly harmless and ulo"-ii'i ?ripe.-Adv. i Olin's MON AT 8KNB0A. 4* .j? ?j. ?j., j?, j?, j? ?j..?j. ?j? (Hy J. Russell Wright.) .Wednesday, August I (>, 1010, was a red letter du y at 'Seneca. Thal being the annual reunion of Orr's Regiment, tho survivors of that famous command were on hand, and quito a number of invited guests wore there from other regiments. Hy I I o'clock tho school building was packed with old men and matrons, young mon and maidens. Miss Nol lie? Hines, at the piano, played a march, and fourteen beautiful little girls, dressed in spotless white, carno upon the stage and sang "Dixie" for tho boys, and ".Mary land, My Maryland." ("Dixie" is ono ol tho most inspiring songs known to the musical world), and the old veterans gave them a rous ing cheer. All honor to those four teen sweet little girls. Well done, well done! Children, th oso songs called up sacred and hallowed mem ories that cluster around tho Con fed?ralo Cause and hoc flag, and caused something bot to trickle down Hie cheek. .Governor Ansel's speecli touched his hearers deeply. His leading thought was: "Thc Confed?rale sol diers; their history, their wonder ful achievements In the past, and bow the magic band of time has healed tho wounds. North and Routh, tlio blue and tho gray." Mo gave expression to tho wonderful and glorious peace celebration of thc Blue and the Cray at Gettysburg, showing to the world that bullet am] saber scars are not so deep as thc feeling of American brotherhood. His tr?bulo to the mothers and daughters of the Confederacy wai grand and noble. The Governoi made a declaration in his speed: that Orr's Regiment did more bard fighting than any regiment in Hu service. Ho should have modi flee it by saying "as much," instead o! 'more than." History doesn't sus tain that declaration. .A host of these old veterans, upoi whose heads the snow that nevei melts bas fallen, shook off Un weight of years for a short time am stopped into lino with that sam? elastic step, and tho same patrioti lire in thoir bones, as they marche* into the rooms where tables wer loaded down with everything goo that tl takes lo satisfy the longing of the inner man. it seemed to ni that tho comfort of tho veterans wa the first consideration of the peopl of Seneca. .Fifty-live , years hav passed since these soldier boys wen to tho front. No such army wa ever seen - no tory or foreign bin ling among thom. The most inspiring sight of th reunion was to seo tiioso gracefi and cultured young girls looking a ter tlieso old follows, seeing tin their plates were kept well lillei glad to pay honor to the men wh helped to write the most b'WIIat page in all military history--a pafi that will grow brighter as limo roi on and a.s people become hot I or ai quainlod with the details of the gre: struggle that encircles the Con fed i rate soldier with a halo ol' imperial able glory. I have told you of thc music, tl songs by tho little girls, and (1 (iovernor's speech. Now I am goin lo toll just how Seneca opened lu heart and doors to these grizzly ol vols. I wish I could wield the pc of a ready writer. I would write lottors of gold and in pictures of si ver what tho ladies of Seneca did ft us liming the two days that w wore in thoir midst. Their hospita it y was unbounded; welcome wi expressed upon every countonnnc thc electric currents whispered kin liest greetings; tho soft zephyrs th floated through tho leaves ol' tl trees said, "Welcome"; the Uti brook that (lowed hard by murmu ed its pleasure at our presence. Wi one acclaim both man and natu bade us truest welcome. Seneca d herself proud in the liberal rece lion sbo gave those bullet-scarr veterans. I repeat lt, wo aro ? proud of Seneca for thc magnifi?e way in which the good people toi care of this reunion. I havo atten od many reunions, and I recall no whore every detail was so perfect carried out. 1 want to thank Mrs. W. J. Lu ney and Miss Louise Lawrence, behalf of the old soldiers, for me? ing us at the station and extend! to each a hearty welcome, and fm isbing thom with badges after th had registered, and assigning us homos in tho city; and to tho wlu committee of ladies we como w gloves off and hat in hand, and bi our thanks to the matrons and m dons-tho uncrowned queens of c hearts-for tho bountiful dim sorvod to us. Such hospital! shown on every band, while wo wi in your thriving little city, mn oach ono feel whllo there that was In tho house of his friends, we give our lovo to Seneca and all who dwell within her gates. 1 all will carry sweet memories of this grand occasion with us as a loving token on the mile-post of life. Words aro too cheap and common place to give expression to what we feel. Hut in behalt of every vete ran, we express our t Han ks and best wishes to the committee of ladies, and to the boy scouts, and to tho gentlemen who gave us so many pleasant drives in their motor cars. May tho golden howl of health bo full for each of you like the pool tn tho valley - here How the waters from the springs hidden in thc heart of the hill. May each heart he filled in tho future with a sweet charm, like unto tho gentle murmur of a silver fountain stealing forth midst a bed of roses; and every evening may you lie down in (ho green pas tures of Cod's love, and by the still waters of Ills grace, whore the Angel of the Lord will watch over you un til tho morning comes. August. 1916. Clour Had Skin from Within. Pimply, muddy complexions are due to impurities in the blood. Clear Up he skin by taking Dr. King's New /.ife Pills. Their mild laxative qualities remove tho poisons fron: tho system and brighten the eye. A full, free, non-griping bowel move ment In the morning is tho reward Of a dose of Dr. King's New Life Pills the night before. At your druggist, 2,r)C.-Adv. I. Relieving Some Guardsmen. San Antonio, Texas, Aug. 31-Ma |or-Gen. bunston to-day designated the Pirat and Second Infantry as the Illinois Guardsmen who will return North, and it was thought probable they will ha stationed noar Chicago. Cen. Jack K?ster also will return to Illinois. Cien, bunston does not know what other State regiments will be desig nated for recall, as ho has not yet hoard from tho divisional command ers, to whom was assigned the task or' selecting the regiments. TIM 10 TO ACT. lhm't Wait for the Fatal Stages of Kidney Illness-Profit Hy Wal halla People's Exp?riences. Occasional attacks of backache, Ir regular urination, headaches and dizzy spells are frequent symptoms of kidney disorders. It's an error to neglect these Ills. The attacks may pass off for a time, but generally re turn with greater Intensity. Don't delay a minute. Begin taking Doan's Kidney Pills, and keep up their uso until the doslred results aro obtain ed. Good work in 'Walhalla proves the effectiveness of this great kidney remedy. Mrs. C. W. Pitchford, Depot street, Walhalla, says: "I suffered from pains in the small of my back. I was so nervous that I couldn't stand tho least bit of noise, and at times i felt drowsy. The kidney secretions passed too.freuuen'tlv and caused me much trouble. I had dizzy spells and my feet were pretty badly swol len. After taking Doan's Kidney Pills i felt relief right away. Two boxes cured me of the complaint." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills-the samo that cured Mrs. Pitchford. Fostor-Mil hurn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.-Ad. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will make application to V. P. Martin, Judgo of Probate for Oconee County, In tho State of South Carolina, at his olflco at Walhalla Court House, on Saturday, Septem ber :i0. 1916, nt ll o'clock In tho forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can bo heard, for leave to make final settlement of tho lOstato ol" W. H. Murphree, deceas ed, and obtain final discharge as Ad ministratrix of said estate. (MRS.) A LI CIO MURPHREE, Administratrix of the Instate of W. H. Murphree, deceased. August 2:?. 10 10. 34-37 N OT I C IO . State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. (In ('oort of Common Pleas.) Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line Rail way Company, Petitioner, Vs. Caroline Vonllollen, Henry Simms, Lena Simms, Nora Simms, Bertie Simms, Virginia Simms, Miss] Simms, Arthur Owens,-Kel ley, Defendants. Notice. To the Defendants, Caroline Von llollen, Henry Simms, Lena Simms, Nora Simms, Bertie Simms, Virginia Simms, Miss Simms, Arthur Owens and-Kelley: Take Notice: That under authority of the Act of (he General Assembly of South Caro lina, approved February 10, 10 ff), and for the purposes therein Indicat ed, the Atlanta & Charlotto Air Line Railway Company, a corpora tion under tho laws of the State of South Carolina, and owning a rail road in said Stale, requires tho fol lowing described real estate owned by you : All that certain strip, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying and ho ing on either side of located common center line of proposed Central-Sen eca new double track railroad of At lanta & Charlotto Air Lino Railway Company, as the same has been lo cated through tho lands of Caroline Vonllollen, the apparent owner, ad joining lands of C. H. Rlppoy on the east, .1. T. Crenshaw on the west, and tho said Caroline Vonllol len on the south, in tho County of Oconee, and State of South Carolina, more particularly described as fol lows, to wit: in goodness and in pipe satisfaction is all we or its entht astic friends ever cia for it ! It answers every s or any other man cool and fragrant smokeappetite that it in a mighty short Will you invest 5c i so on the national j( R, J. REYNOLDS TOB Beginning at a point on the divid ing line between lands of C. H. Rip per and Caroline Vonllollen, 100 feet south of said located common center line at survey station 7f>f>0 plus 00 and running thence (1) Through lands of said Caro line Vonllollen north 82? 11' paral lel witli and 100 feet south of said Tocated common center line 305 feet to survey station 7552 plus 47.2; thence (2) In a westerly direction by a curve to the right having radius of 2704.0 feet, parallel with and 100 feet south of said located common center Uno 127 feet to line of land of .1. T. Creii8haw, to survey station 7554 plus 3.r>; thence (3) North 20? west along said line 71 feet; thence (4) North 85? 40' east and cross ing said located common center line 390 feet to line of land of C. H. Rip pey; thence (5) South 26? along said lino and recrossing said proposed common center line 14 4.9 feet to point or place of 'beginning. Said strip of land containing 0.9S1 acres, and being shown in yel low upon blue print map of survey dated .May 2, 19 10, hereunto annexed and made a part hereof. You, and each of you, are requir ed to serve upon the Petitioner I within thirty days from the service I of this Notice upon you, and each of you, in writing, your refusal or con sent to its acquisition of said real estate. j ATLANTA AND CHARLOTTE AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY, By COTHRAN, DEAN & COTMRAN, R. T. .IAYNES, Attorneys, Petitioner. Walhalla, S. C.. August 17, 1910. NOTICE. State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. (In Court of Common Plea?.) Atlanta & Charlotto Air Line Rail way Company, Petitioner, against J. T. Crenshaw, W. E. Henry, A. E. Osborne, Henry Simms, Virginia Simms and Miss Simms, and Ar thur Owens, Defendants. Notice. To J. T. Crenshaw, W. E. Henry, A. E. Osborne, Henry Simms, Vir ginia Simms, Miss Simms and Arthur I Owens, Defendants: Ta ko Notice: That under the. Act of thc General Assembly of South Caro lina, approved February 19th, 1915, and for the purposes therein indicat ed, tho Atlanta & Charlotto Air Lino Railway Company, a corpora tion under tho laws of the State of South Carolina, and owning a rail road in said State, requires the fol lowing real estate owned by you: All that certain strip, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and be ing on the south side of located com mon center line of the proposed Cen tral-Seneca douhlo (ruck railroad of Atlanta & Charlotte Air Lino Rali way Company, as tho same has been located through lands of J. T. Cren ehaw, the apparent owner, adjoining lands of Caroline Vonllollen, on tho east, Louis Simms estate on the west, and other lands of J. T. Cren shaw on tho south, In the County of Oconee, and State of South Caro lina, more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on dividing line betweon lands of J, T. Cren shaw and the Louis Simms estate, 100 feet south of the locate \ com mon conter Une of said p'opoaed Central-Seneca douhlo track railroad of Atlanta & Charlotto Air Lino Rail Prince smc deli; - its fla delightf - it car --it car - you < as hard comebai pincas On the : Albert pa That mea joyment. sold with prefer to ALB! the national joy smoke m+ "^"OU'LiL, find a cheery howdy^do on *?SL ?* matter how much of a stranaer you ai ^iflw neck of the wood? you drop into. For, ^Wi^ Albert ia right there - at the firat ph paaa that aelta tobacco I The to ^NRSk, bag aelta for a nickel and the ^Sffl^. tin for a dime; then there'e ti . ?orno pound and half-pi IS1~ ^^^^C humidora and the ^^fc*. cryatat-gtaea humii imPf? aponga-moiati UL! I ICU that koopa ^^^K^^ bacco i moke desire you ever had! It is so and appealing to your you will get chummy wit time I or 10c to prove out our saj >y smoke? ACCO CO., Winaton-Saletn, N. C way Company, at survey station 7558 plus 42. and running thence (1) .North 3:!? wost, along said di viding line 33 feet, thence (2? North 8."?? 10' east 386 feet to line of land of Caroline Vonllol len, them e (3) South 20? east along said Car oline Vonllollen line 71 feet to a point 100 feet south of said located common center line at survey sta tion 7554 plus 35; thence (4) In a southwesterly direction on a curve to the right having ra dius of 2715 4.0 feet parallel with and 100 feet south of said located com mon center lino 3OS feet, to point or placo of beginning, Said strip, piece or parcel of land containing 0.1 OS acres, and being shown in yellow upon blue print map of survey, dated May 2, 19 J 6, here unto annexed and made a part hereof. You, and each of you, are requir ed to serve upon the Petitioner within thirty days from the service of this Notice upon you, and each of you, in writing, your refusal or con sent to its acquisition of said real estate. ATLANTA AND CHARLOTTE AIR LIN IO RAILWAY COMPANY, Dy COTHRAN, DEAN & CO'PHRAN, R. T. J A YNES, Attorneys. Petitioner. Walhalla, S. C., August 17, 1916. N O T I C IO . State of South Carolina, County of Oconce. (In Court of Common Pleas.) Atlanta & Charlotte Air Lino Rail way Company, Petitioner, Vs. Barbara Simms, Henry Simms, Lena Simms, Nora Simms, Mortie Simms, Guyton Simms, Virginia Simms, Miss Simms, Mollie Wig gins, Arthur Owens, Tho Citizens' Hank, of Seneca, S. C., a Corpora tion, Defendants. Notice. To tho Defendants, Barbara Simms, Fleury Simms, Lona Simms, Nora Simms, Bertie Simms, Guyton Simms, Virginia Simms, Miss Simms, Mollie Wiggins, Arthur Owens, and The Citizens' Bank, of Seneca, S. C., a Corporation: Take Notice: That under authority of the Act of tho General Assembly of South Caro lina, approved February loth, 1015, and for tho purpose therein indicat ed, the Atlanta & Charlotte Ali Line Railway Company, a corpora tion under tho laws of the State of South Carolina, and owning a rail road In said State, requires tho fol lowing described real estate owned by you : All that certain strip, piece or par cel of land of tile said Louis Simms estate, situate, lying and being on either side of located common center line of proposed now double track railroad of Atlanta & Charlotte Air .Line Railway Company, and to the southeast of and adjoining right of way of tho said Railway Company, for its present main (singlo) track railroad, adjoining also land of .J. T. Crenshaw, at or near the town of Courtenay, In the County of Oconce, and State ol' South Carolina, more particularly described as follows, to wit: Boginning at the point where the dividing lino between lands of Simms estate and Crenshaw intersects southeasterly boundary line of said present right of way being a point 100 feet, measured at right angle, southeast of contor line of said pres ent main track; and running thonco (1) South 33? 00' east along said dividing lino 33 foot to a point 100 feet, measured on radius of curve, ivor is so different and so illly good; ft bite your tongue ; ft parch your throat ; :an smoke it as long and as you like without any ck but real tobacco hap reverse side of every Prino? ckage you will read : 'PROCESS PATCNTCD JUUV 30TH, 1907" ins to you a lot of tobacco en Prince Albert has always been out coupons or premiums. Ws give quality ( by R..J. R?TTloUto r Thia lt th? reror?? *Sdo o? l?* Prisca AlWl Ody r.d tia. RMJ uSb " Pat ?mtad Pl--" to-yea tmd r?alias what il rn? ka Makin? Prlaca AlWt w> m V? rotar Hhhaa southeast of said located common conter line ol* proposed new double track railroad; thence (2) In a general southwesterly di rection by a curve to the left having radius of 27C4.9 feet, parallel with and 100 feet southeast of said locat ed common center line, 23">!).5 feet to a point opposite survey station 7?S2 plus 3(1 on said located com mon center line; thence (3) North 52? 03' west 6.5 feet to a point 100 foot measured at right angle, southeast of center line of presort main track; thence (li North 37? 57' east along southeasterly boundary lino of said present right of way, parallel with and 100 feet southeast of said cen ter line, 536.6 feet, to point of curve; thence (5) lu a general notheasterly di rection by a curve to the right, hav ing radius of 1382.7 feet, continuing along said southeasterly boundary line ol' present right of way. parallel with and 100 feet southeast of said center lino. 1100.2 feet to point of tan rent ; thence (0i North 85? |0' east continuing along said southeasterly boundary line of present right of way. parallel willi ind 100 feel southeast of said couler line, G50 feet to point or place of beginning. Said strip of land containing 4.23 I acres, and being shown in yellow upon blue print map of survey dated May 3d, 1916, hereunto annexed and made a part hereof. Tho Defendant, The Citizens' Bank, is a corporation created by and ex isting under the laws of tho State of ?South Carolina, with its principal place of business at the city or Sen eca, of the County of Oconee, of the (State of South Carolina, and Peti tioner is informed and believes that it holds a mortgage on the tract of land ol' which the above mentioned strip, piece or parcel is a portion. You, and each of you, are requir ed to serve upon tho Petitioner within thirty days from tho service of this Notice upon you, and each of you, in writing, your refusal or con sent to its acquisition of said real estate. ATLANTA AND CHARLOTTE AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY, By COTHBAN, DEAN & COTIIBAN, II. T. JA YNES, Attorneys, Petitioner. NOTICIO TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to the Estate of Mrs. Sarah E. Mauldin, docoased, are hereby untitled to make pay ment to tho undersigned, and all per sons having claims against said es tate will present the same, duly at tested, within tho time prescribed by law or bo barret!. W. ll. MAULDIN, A dm i n isl ra tor of tho Estate of Mrs. Sarah E. Mauldin, deceased, August 23, 1016. 3 1-37 NOTICE OE FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice Is hereby gi von that the un dersigned will mako application to V. E. Martin, Judge of Probato for Oconee County, In tho Stato of South Carolina, at his of?lco at Walhalla Court House, on Monday, tho 25th day of Soptomber, 1916, at ll o'clock in thc forenoon, or ns soon thoreafter as said application can be hoard, for leave to mnko final settlement of tho Estate of Mrs. Sarah E. Mauldin, do coased, and obtain final discharge as Administrator of said estate. W. II. MAULDIN, Administrator of tho Estate of Mrs. Sarah E. Mauldin, deceased. August 23, 1916. 34-37