Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 10, 1916, Image 3

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THE RACE OE LIFE. A Talk With the Boys. ( Progressive Farmer. ) (The talk this week is hy Hon. T. lt. Marshall, Vice President of the United States. He ls a native of In diana, and served as Governor of In diana before becoming Vice President of the United States.) Every man who has knowledge of conditions is greatly rejoiced to ob serve a tendency toward a return to the farm. Tho farmer is nature's nobleman and society's benefactor. He alone creates; the rest of us transmute or destroy. Boys leave tho farm because of the mistaken Idea of what constitutes real success in life. Abo Martin, our In dianapolis humorist, has said that they leave the farm because lt is In convenient to plow in a dress suit. I am not opposed to the dress suit. 1 like it, but it is not necessary in or der to be either a gentleman or a success. To my mind there is more provincialism in polite society than among farmers. Everything is pro vincial which is strange and unusual. lt takes the city-bred man longer to fall into the environment of the farm than it does tho farmer to fall into the environment of the city. If th? 'boys of the farm will only realize that success ls not to be counted in what we have, but what we are and what wo may do, more of them will be content to remain. I do not know why the ancient custom of toasting the cook has 'been abol ished. I hope to see lt restored and with H will come the idea that a gen tleman is a gentleman anywhere and success is success only when it adds to the sum of human happiness. Sincerely. Thos. R. Marshall. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with local applications, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you must take Internal remedies Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not. a quack medicine. It was pre scribed by one of the best physicians in tills country for years aird is a reg ular prescription, lt is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingre dients is what produces such wonder ful results I ni curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, I ree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by druggists, 7 5c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con st rpatlon.-Adv. Horse Frightened th? Death. ( Easley Progress.) A horse 'belonging to and being driven by J. B. Holder became fright ened at the steam shovel at work on the railroad, and died suddenly last Thursday afternoon. He was driving down East Main street, near where the shovel is at work, and when op posite the machinery 'the horse be came terribly scared, but was flrnilj held by two men. Being unable to tear away, the animal quivered from head to foot for a few moments, then fell to the ground groaning like a human being. Either bis heart stop ped beating or an internal hemer rhage ended thc suffering of the pooi animal within a few moments. The loss falls pretty heavily on Mr. Hoi der, for only a short lime ago he had a mule to sicken and dio. Mr. Hoi der resides at the Easley cotton mills Installation Service nt Walhalla, May Mth. Rev. W. 'll. Hamilton took up the work of Walhalla and Bethel (.burches April 1st. Mr. and Mrs Hamilton found a hearty welcome eJivd a well-lUU.'d pantry when Mies arrived. Tho installation will tak place on the second Sunday in May at Walhalla in the morning mid at Bethel in the afternoon. The com mission appointed by Presbytery to this duty is Rev. J, E. Wallace to preach. Rev. I. E. Wallace to charge the pastor, and Elder M. S. Striblln to charge the people. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Uecnusc of its tonic and laxative effect, I.AXA Tjvn HKOMO QuiNiNii is better Hum ordinary Quin/- s nnrl does not cause, nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full natue and look for the signature of Ii. W. GKOVH. 2Sc Alabama Youth Kills Merchant. Huntsville. Ala., May 4.- Pen Baker, a merchant at Owens' Cross Roads, was shot to death late yestei day by (Vari Stone, a hoy 18 years old who alleged mistreatment of bis sis ter some mouths ago hy tho moi chant. Baker was indicted for sedu Hon, but disappeared. Recently lu returned with a wife married Texas, .stone ia in jail. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil linimeNit. That's the surest way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. ^ Qood for your own A ches. Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c 50c. $ I. At ?ll Dealer?. PLANNED INVASION OP GANADA. Many Would Turu Against. U. S. 'in Caso of Gemuut Break. Now York, April 29.-Following ?ilils indeterminate sentence to the pen itentiary for bigamy by Judge Rosal sky, in General Sessions yesterday, Max Lynar, better known ?is "Count" Max Lynar Loudon, confessed to As sistant District Attorney Minion that up to last June ho had been Involved in a daring plot hatched in the Uni ted States to invade Canada with lf)0,000 former German soldiers now in this country. .Mo insisted that n $16,000,000 fund had been raised among wealthy German-Americans to finance the ex pedition, and that these reservists were even now organized and prepar ed to take up arms against the United States in case of trouble with Ger many. Whether his story is true or not, for over six months Federal agents .have been trying >to put Lynar MI jail. Mis statements yesterday were the result of an interview which he had with Mr. Minion a few days ago. On only ono point was he unwilling to speak. That was to give thc names of those who hud first approached him in the matter, mid of those who were to be his associates lu the expe dition. Plans for Invasion. Lynar declared that because of bis experience In both the American and German armies he was asked io be come chief of staff of the expedition. One section of the expedition, he said, was to start from Silver Creek, N. Y., with the Welland Canal and Windmill Point as its objectives. An other was to start from Wilson, N. Y., for Port Hope, and n third from Watertown with Kingston, Ont., as Its destination. Another was to start from ii point near Detroit, and ano ther was to cross the St. Lawrence ?it Cornwall to 'inarch on Ottowa. "The expedition," said Lynar, "was to he made up almost entirely of men who still retain their German citizen ship, although there wore a fow Ger nvan-Amerieans included. I was first approached tn the fall of 19 14, and as I was ready to do almost anything to help the country which has my sym pathies, I consented to head the expe dition. "Secret meetings were held in many of the Eastern, cities, and ar rangements we ie made for raising four divisions of soldiers. One was to come from New York city and Connecticut, another from Pittsburgh and Buffalo, the third from Philadel phia and the fourth from Detroit and Milwaukee. Plans were developed to make the attack this spring. "Tho divisions were to include a regiment of artillery and one of sharpshooters. The matters of arms did not bother us, for any one who bas the money can buy guns and mu nitions in this country. Once on the shores of Lake Erie, the St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario, tho .men were to be t uk ell to lonely points, where lt would he possible to load them into boats. Arms and- Uniforms on Doats. Germany, you know, has topo graphical moips of every country with willoh there ls a possibility of her having war. These maps were to be our guides. Ten days before the ex pedition 'was to start a message was to bo sent to every person who had been selected as a member to proceed to his appointed rendezvous. They were to march to the boats on the pretext that they were going on a picnic. These picnics were to be far enough apart not to arouse suspicion. "Once on the water, arms and uni forms would be found walting. We had accurate knowledge of the forces at the disposal of the Canadian gov ernment, and there is no doubt that such an expedition, once started, would have been successful." "In some way-I believe it was through a woman to whom 1 had talked-the British embassy got wind of what was going on, and one day a Burns detective met nie and took me to the Blltmore Hotel. There I met a military attache of the embassy, who offered mo $20.oot) for my plans." Lynar'then said he ceased to he ntl active member of the plotters and became an informer, saying that through his friendship for United States army officers he became con vinced that such a step would be un justified. He said he turned an out line of the plans over to L. M. Garri son, then Secretary of War, last June. He continued, ho declared, to associ ate with the plotters until last No vember, when they became suspicious and eliminated him from their meet ings. "1 believe," ?he said, "that In case Of war with Germany these same men are prepared lo take up arms for Ger many. I myself could not do such a thing, for I consider myself an Amer ican. And 1 believe that 9 0 per cent ol' the German-Americans feel Hie same as 1 do about it." CHICHESTER S PILLS DIAMOND /5??^ BRAND GO* I.ADIKS f Anb T?nr UruRffUt for CTTI-CIIKS-TKR 9 A DIAMOND llRANI) PIl,l,S lu RRD III4/A OOI.O mctnlllc boxes, scaled with Blue(0> Ribbon, TAKB NO OTIIKR. nuyoFyonr\Y/ Drafts!** ami ?uk fur OIII.OIIKF-TKH 8 V PI ..Mt.'.NI? nit,VM> VI li i.s. for twcntv-fiW) yenrs yarded ns Best,Safest, Always Kellatie. ?; x.D BY AU. DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ggft?g Rural Credit!? Bill Passes Senate. Washington, May 4.-The Hollis farm loan bill, embodying the ad ministration's plan for establishing a system of rural credits, passed tho Senate to-night by a vote of fi8 to 6. After n week's fight by Republican Senators to provide that farm loan banks and their mortgages should he subject to taxation, the Senate ta bled, 39 to 24, an amendment by Senator Cummins striking out tho section of tho Hollis rural credits bill providing exemption. Republi can Senators contended tho section would discriminate against other na tional banks. ADMITS l'A RT OF THU PLOT. Iiiout. Fny Kxperiinento<l With Ruinhs lor Shills' Ku<htors. New York, Muy 3.-Lieut. Fay to day took the witness stand In his own defense in Hie trial of himself, Walter Scholz and Paul Daeche, charged with conspiring to blow up at sea ships carrying munitions to tho allies. Fay testified that he lived in the United States from 1902 to 1907, when he went back to Ger many and enlisted in the army. The witness said he came to the United States a second time in 19 15, arrlv-' ing on April 3. Fay admitted that be had ex|>ert niented in the manufacture of bombs to be attached to the rudders of am ain in tion ships, hut declared that any damage done would be outside of New York harbor. "It was only the object to disable ships and not lo take life," said Fay. Charging that they planned to car ry out a military movement against Canada In violation of the neutrality laws, the Federal grand jury to-day handed up superseding indictments against Franz von Papen, Capt. Hans Tauscher. Wolf von Igel, Alfred A. Fritzen and Constantine Covani. The indictment was handed down for fear that the former Indictment against the men might be dismissed on some technicality. The charge is of plotting to blow up the Welland Canal. AFTER SIX YEARS OF SUFFERING Woman Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham'8 Vegetable Compound. Columbus, Ohio.-"I had almost given up. I had been sick for six years with female troubles and nervousness. I had a pain in my right side and could not eat anything with out hurting my Btomach. I could not drink coldwater at all nor eat any kind of raw fruit, nor fresh meat nor chicken. From 178 pounds I went to 118 and would get so weak at times that I fell over. I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and ten days later I could eat and it did not hurt my stomach. I have taken the medicine ever since and I feel like a new woman. I now weigh 127 pounds so you can see what it has done for me already. My husband says he knows your medicine has saved my life." Mrs. J. S. BARLOW, 1624 South 4th St, Columbus, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound contains just the virtues of roots and herbs needed to restore health and. strength to the weakened organ o of the body. That is why Mrs. Barlow, a chronic invalid, recovered so completely. It paya for women Buffering from any female ailments to insist upon having Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. NOVEMBER TO SEE END OF WAR. SU'ong Undercut rent Noted In Herl in, Do Not Want Another Winter. Ilerlin, May l -Despite an un questioned strong undercurrent of peace talk nero, officials resent the in timation carried in a recent Washing ton dispatch thal Chancellor Beth mann-Hollweg had asked Ambassa dor Gerard to cancel his vacation plans and return to America to trans mit peace offers from Germany. There is a general feeling that tho war ought to end by fall, some be lieve hy November, and the impres sion prevails that all belligerents are anxious to avoid another winter cam paign. SOUK; knowledge of this- feeling reached Washington, inspiring tho latest peace story. Germany, it is learned, has protested to the State Department against some leak that caused circulation ol' the stories. Time Not Hipe, Kays Page. Washington, May 4.-The lime doesn't appear to be ripe, for peace in IOuropo, Thomas Nelson Page, ambas sador to Italy, declared to-day, fol lowing a conference with President Wilson. Ile said that all the bellig erents are weary of the struggle, but they do not appear to see a way out now. However, he added, that peace may come spontaneously, as the war was started. He stated that a great victory by one side or the other prob ably would be the deciding point. Mr. Page insisted that the warring nations will not listen to peace talk from any neutral. Could End War In Thirty Miuutes? Charlotte, X. C.. May 4.-"If I could get the attention of thc crown ed heads ol' Europe, as I recently did that of Secretary of War Baker, I could stop the world-war that is now devastating Eurolie in 30 minutes," declared Sidney C. Tapp, of Kansas (Mty, Mo., who spent yesterday in Charlotte. "What is true of Individ uals is true likewise of nations. The great war and the spirit ol' unrest and strife that is so widely prevalent throughout the -world are but the physical results of the universal thought of selfishness, greed, vanity and hatred In the minds of the race in this age in which we live and tho seat of this thought ls within sex nature. The race must bo educated to understand the sex-psychology of the Bible. This, and this alone, will tlisarm the nations and give the world universal peace. - . -- - ? ^ Whenever You Need a deners! Tonic Take Grove?? The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless .hill Tonic is equally valuable ss a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents* I SULLIVAN IN HtlHIl VIAYT ? Former American Minister is Arrest ed tor Kobellion Complicity. I London, May 4.-Jas. M. Sullivan, fof New York, formerly American minister to Santo Domingo, lins been arrested in Dublin on the charge of complicity in the irish rebellion. Mr. Sullivan was arrested by the military authorities of Dublin on April 30. Mrs. Sullivan, who was with her husband, wrote on May 1 a letter which has just boen received by Walter Hines Page, the American ambassador, who addressed a note to Sir Edward Groy, the foreign secre tary, asking full I"formation ns to whether Mr. Sullivan was still in custody, the nature or the charges ami how soon he would 'be tried. lt is understood hero that Mr. Sul livan has ueen in Ireland for a con siderable time, having arrived there shortly after the severance of his connection with tho State Depart ment. His Ministerial Oftreer. Washington, flay 4.-.las. M. Sul livan's career as American minister to Hie Dominican Republic was brief and sensational and ended In his res ignation under charges which a com mission appointed by the State De partment, headed by Senator Phelan, investigated and round he had been guilty of indiscretions which unfitted him for his place. The charges con cerned Sullivan's alleged participa tion in contracts on tho island, but no evidence was found that ho had profited, Sullivan had been a lawyer for .lack Rose, one of the gamblers in the Rosenthal murder case. His ap pointment generally was credited to former Secretary Bryan, who in look ing for a place for bim wrote Receiv er General Vick, in the Dominican Republic, asking "what positions you have at your disposal with which to reward deserving Democrats." Secretary Tumulty disclaimed re sponsibility for Sullivan's appoint ment and told the Investigating com mittee he acted simply as the medium of transmitting Sullivan's endorse ments. Sullivan was exonerated once by Secretary Bryan, but the charges against him would not down and a second investigation resulted in his resignation. Former Governor Ford, of New Jersey, who conducted the first investigation, declared Sullivan was "a big-hearted, good-natured, honest Irishman." Sullivan sailed from New York last July for Liverpool with his wife and son, saying ho was going to Limerick, Ireland, to visit his mother. He was born in Killarney in 1873, and came to the Untied States in childhood. Requisition Asked for Tidwell. Columbia, May 4.-Governor Man ning to-day issued a requistlon on the Governor of Florida for the return to this State of Geo. W. Tidwell, wanted as a fugitive from justice. Tidwell ls under arrest in Florida. A Pine Remedy for Biliousness and Constipation People all through this section arc buying L1V-VEH-LAX because lt is a preparation of real merit, lt ls a egetable remedy that acts naturally ind effectively, thoroughly cleansing the liver and bowels. It ls easy to ike and has none of the dangers and id after-effects of calomel. LIV 'ER-LAX will get you right, keep ou right and save you doctor's bills. Sold In 50c. and $1 bottles under an absolute guarantee. Every bottle bears tlhe likeness of L. K. Grigsby. For sa'le by Norman's Drug Shore, Walhalla, S. C.-Adv. STELLA-VIT/E THE I Reme STELLA VITAE! ac tho function? pocult eua suppression. ant by weak, nervous, ri forera and is (ruanui first bottle if you an THACHER ME It Aiwa < says Mrs. Sylvania Woo writing of her experience tonic. She says further Cardul, my back and h thought the pain would 1 to do any of my honsewoi of Cardui, I began to feel gained 35 pounds, and n as well as run a big wa 1 wish every sufferii The Wow a trial. I still use Cardi and it always does me i Headache, backache tired, worn-out feelings, el ly trouble. Signs that yo tonic. You cannot make for your trouble. It has women for more than fifi Get a Bot Exact Copy of Wrapper. Tho Newberry "Steam Holler." (Columbia Record, 4ttl.) Fred H. 'Dominick, of Now'berry, candidate for Congres? from the Third Congressional District, ls in the city to-day and was asked about the "Btcam roller" that his political friends had been running so smooth ly in the county convention in New berry. "lt -was nothing but a determined effort on the part of my friends to see that 1 should not be discredited in my race for Congress," ho said. "Two years ago 1 was kept out of the con vention and -the fact was used against me by my opponents in the Third Dis trict. My friends were determined lt should not happen again. There was no personal feeling in tho convention, but my friends and I will represent Newberry In the State Convention." Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your dnieglst will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure ?ny ense of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles !n6to M days. The first application Rives Base and Rest. SOc< Revolt Hc|K>rtc<l nt Moscow. Berlin, May 4. - Revolutionary workmen In Moscow have exploded kerosene and benzine tanks belong ing to tho Russian government, ac cording to reporta from Stockholm received by the Overseas News Agon vy. The reports say that more than r>,000 tons of tho oils were destroyed in a few seconds, the noise of the ex plosion hoing >hoard at a groat dist ance from Moscow. Fire which started after tho explo sion has Bpread to tho administrative and other buildings in the neighbor hood of the tanks and is still burning. GUARANTEED dy For Women ls directly on tho remain orten nfl ?nd regulates ar to women. It otops wasting1, rolf oven danger 1 baiiiuhea the terrors of those periods so dreaded un down women. It has helped thousands of auf iteed to help you. Your money tack on tho very a not benefited.-41 at your dealer's. ( DICINC CO., Chattanooga, Tenn? mmm m ys Helps ds, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In with Cardui, the woman's : "Before 1 began to use ead would hurt so bad, 1 kill me. I was hardly able k. After taking three bottles like a new woman. I soon ow, I do all my housework, iter mill. ig woman would give ian's Tonic ii when I feel a little bad, *ood." ?, side ache, nervousness, tc., are sure signs of woman u need Cardui, the woman's i a mistake in trying Cardui been helping weak, ailing ty years. ? m MM -a av mi m CASTORIA For Infants find Children. Fhe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOR? .I* -I* *k 'I* .I* 'I* ?I* ?I? =?} 4. PROFESSIONAL GARDS. .ty Dil. W. R. CRAIG, Dental Surgeon. WALHALLA, S. CA ROM NA. Ofllco Over O. W. Pitchford'? Store. * DR. W. F. AUSTIN, 4| 4* Dentist, ?H 4* Seneca, South Carolina. 4$ * - m 4? Phone 17. .jjg f--- 4? 4. HARRY R. HUGHS, 44 At0oriioy-a4-Law, 44 f * 4? Walhalla, Mouth Carolina. ?ty 4*-- .ty 4? MARCUS C. LONG, ?ty .{* Attorney-at-Lftvt, 4^ 4? Phone No. 09, .ty * Walhalla, South. Carolina. tty 4? ,- ^1 .J? Ofllco Over Oconee New. .ty *-- ? ?I? J. B. EARLE, 4* 4* A ttorney-at-Law, 4$ .I< WALHALLA, H. C. 44 4* Practice in State and Federal ?ty 4? Courte. .J.j 4? FARM IX)A NH. 44 *-4| .J. E. IJ. H ERNDON, ?ty .J? Attorney-nt-Law, tty 4? Walhalla, South Carolina. 4} .J* PHONE NO. Ol. 4| 4.-.ty 4* R.T.JAYNES, ?ty 4? Attorney-at-Law, ?ty .I? Walhalla, South Carolina. .?j 4* Hell Phono No. 20. >ft *- f .I? Practice in State and Federal 4f .I? Courts. ?ty 4.-;-?41 4. J. P. Carey, J. W. Shelor, ?ty ?4* Plckens, S C. W. C. Hughs, ?ty .I" CAREY, SHEIiOR & HUGHS, 4{ .J? Attorneys and Counsellors, ?ty 4? Walhalla, South Carolina. ?4) 4- Practice in State and Federal 4| 4- Courts. 4| 4. * .g. 4. 4* -I* -I- .1?. ?j- -x ll ?J Kurfoos Paints and Oil. Gutter and Repair Work. X>. JE. GOOD, TINNER, - WALHALLA, S. C* Letter? Follow Telegram Deluge. Washington, May 4.-Printed form letters protesting against any stepi which may load to war with Germany began pouring in by the thousands to day upon members of Congress as a I sequel to the telegraph propaganda which swopt tho capital and telegraph! companies last^ .week. Even tho names of Congressmen aro printed on tho envelopes and everything gave,., evidence that tho letters had beea propared by tho thousands and re quired only written signatures. Senator Hasting, who attacked tho propaganda In the Senate and con ferred with President Wilson to find if thero is not some way tho Justice Department could uncovor tho source, i received letters which ho said added I evidence to his charge, that the American embargo conference was oehind the movement and had declar ed Its purpose of making "drastlo ef forts to prevent at least eeverenoo of dlplomatio relations/' *