KEOWEE CO?ItlEK (Established iso.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Bulmt'i'lptlon $l Per Annum. Advertising Hates Reasonable. -Hy BT FX'Kt SHEIiOH Afc HUH HO HEH. Communications ol' n personn! elia meter charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices ann tributes of respect, of nol over 100 'words, will bo printed free of charge. All over that number must be paid for at tho tate of ono cont a word. Cash to accompany ma n usc ri pt. WAMI A I.HA. H. C.: WEDNESDAY, APIUH Hi, 1010. HE PO I (TS POINT TO S CDMA RI.NH. American Naval Attaches Report) SIISM-V Was Torpedoed. Washington, April 0. Iteporls of tile \moricuil naval 'attache al Con don ea Iiis lu vest? gat lo ll of the do st nu ?.on ol' the lin'.i Sussex receiv ed io-tln> ai i he State Department, agret with the reports ol hho attache :ii Cari--- that tho ship probably was destroyed by a torpedo, '/em Torpedoed WU boult Warning. Qu ec usto wm, April (i. The British steamer 'Anni ilia? been torpedoed without warning wonl of Fnstnol. Forly-'olghl meiubors ol' ber crew ure missing and are supposed to have been drowned. Two mon were hill ed. Capt. Marlin and nine ol' Hie crew have landed here. 'IMi.' /eui was ol' ?I,KIMI lons. Sinking ol' Ships Stirs Spain. Madrid. April ll. A meeting ol' the Spanish cabinet ?vas called to night io consider the question of tho torpedoing ol' Spanish vessels. The meeting was brought about by a message* from till ip owners in Bil bao and Seville, wilie telegraphed the government inquiring if the Spanish Hag was a siUllciont protection again.-1 a repetition ol'tho torpedoing ol Spanish vessels, euell as the Vigo, by Cern?an submarines. NO Americans on Kau*. Washington, April (1. The A meri on ll consul at Havre reported to-day that in tho sinking of the Norwegian steam"!' Bans, presumably by a sub marine, four porno n s perished, bivi thal no Americans wore aboard. Card of Ttianks, Townvillo, April 3.-Editor Keo woo Courier : 1 wish to extend through you it paipor my heartfelt thanks to tho good people ol' this community for their many acts of kindness during tho sickness of my wife. 1 also want to thank tho no ble-hearted physicians who wore ever rea ly to res-pond to our calls and worked so faithfully. May our Heavenly Father's richest blessings ivtvt upon oaeh and every of them. c. \v. Patterson. Hanger ol' Drafts. Drafts .eel best when we aro hot and perspiring ju?t when they aro most dangerous and tho result is neuralgia, stiff neck, Boro muscles or sometimes an attach ol' rehuinat.isin. In such eases apply Sloan's Hini nieiu h stimul?tes circulation lo the -ore and painful part. Tho blood llow.s freely and in a short time lh loose dirt was re moved a linc little girl was found still alix e. lt was rushed to Dr. Bowdoin's of li e. where it was dressed. The she rill' and a posse are now searching for tho inother. Slate ol' ohio. City ot' Toledo,] Lucas County. Crank .1, Cheney makes oath thal he is senior partner ot' the firm ol C. .1. Cheney Sr Co.. doing business in tho cit) of Toledo, county and State aforesaid, and thal said linn will pay the sum Ol One Hundred Dollars for onoh and ovcr> case ol' catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use ol Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence, this (?th day ol December. A. D. 1886. t Seal. ) A W. Gleason, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cnn? is taken In ternally and acts directly upon the Idood ind mucous surfaces of tho sys Som. 'send for testimonials, free F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists. 7*?c. Take Hall's Family Bills for con st ipa t ion. -Adv. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTBLKSS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. I The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up tbe system. 50 cents GAINS 30 PO?NDS AFTER SUFFERING SIX YEARS Mrs. Roberts, of Columbia, Vainly Tried Many Ways to Combat lils. UNDERWENT OPERATION. A Hier Taking Two Bottles of Tania?; S!io Was Strong Knoiigh to Bov With Son. Prompted by a reeling of gratitude that apparently was deep and sincere, M. A. Roberts, of 7:il Assembly s*.. Columbia, one of tins city's well known plumbers, told a story that will necessarily make a deep impres sion upon many, for it ls a story of lin man sufferiim and of the means vhicii brought a feeling of content ment, peace and "good will toward men." lt is another one of the remarka ble Tanbie stories, and as mankind is hoir to suffering, Mr, Roberta's statement almost assumes the im portance ol' a sermon. Ile said "I shall be glad to loll you how Mri. Roberts at last regained he I health and strength, and ['shall tell you .s hy she can now engage In box ing matches with our 16-year-old sou instead ol' conducting herself RS one broken in health. "For a number of years Mrs. Rob erts suffered acutely with kidney troubles and chronic appendicitis, with their accompanying ills. she wa ! generally run-down in health, and was forced to undergo an opera tion, which, however, gave her 11 Mle relief. "She perhaps suffered equally as much with liver troubles, and, dur ing an operation, a surgeon removed several hundred small gall stones. He gave nie a bottle containing two hundred ami thirty stones, which were scraped from her liver. During j Hie past live yours her health has been very satisfactory. 1 spent practically all I earned paying the bills for medical services for her. "She was so sore on ber right isde that she could not even bear'to touch lt. Because all our efforts to lind relief had failed, she became discour aged. We saw almost every day in the paiiers a statement by some one who had been greatly helped by Tanbie, and she decided to give it a I trial. We certainly are thankful we j did, and we are also tha'nkf'itj . we j were privileged 'to got lt. "This ls the reason Mrs. Roberts j feels fine now, and from a weight of j one hundred seventy pounds, when she last weighed before taking Tan lac, she had increased in weight to more than two hundred pounds She was forced to increase by four inches the waists of all her clothes. I have seen her on several occasions boxing with our 10-year-old son, and she says she can now take as much punching on her right side as on the left, so completely was the soreness in that ?ide removed while she was t ak ii1 g Ta niai. "Mrs. Roberts hes taken just two bottles ol' Tail lac, and is now taking her third bottle. She did not want to start the third bottle because she is gaining weight rapidly. She say?, she does not need medicine now. Really, her recovery bas been more than remarkable, and I am more than glad lo tell the public of the gnat beneftt it brought her. We certainly are strong boosters of Tan bie. for it has done more tor Mrs. Roberts than all the other medicines. We have urged finite a number ol' our friends to take Tam lac for their trou bles." Tanbie, the master medicine, is sold exclusively by noll's Drug Store.Wal halla: Seneca Pharmacy, Seneca: stone.\vphcr Drug Co., Westminster; \v. ll. Hughs, Richland.-Adv. Carolina Mill Mun Honored. .lohn A. Law, of Spa rta tl bu Pg, was Lisi week eb ?ed president of the \merlcnn Conon Manufacturers' As sociation al ibo meeting in Atlanta. Won?J?ffl Look MATHESON HARI WKSTMIXS' A Talk With the Boys. ( Progressive Partner.) (This is tho 'message Partner Bon Tillman sends to the farmer boys. .Senator Benjamin H. Tillman has a right to speak to farm boys, for lie ls a genuine farmer himself and did nothing else but farm during the first lu years ot his life, i lis mes-, sago is brief, but ls nevertheless one of tho best in the series.) "Hot Ul? Karly and Use Your Brains.*' I have always noticed tba? tho far mers who got up early and are indus trious and frugal and who use their brains in their business as well as their 'hands and logs, succeed and make money. As all of you will not romain on the farm. I will lay this rule down for your guidance: No matter where you work, whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. This maxim I learned from my mother, dead now these many years, hut lt has always guided my actions everywhere. Stbk to whatever you undertake and ''et? miine io succeed and you will "get there" Huntly. M. It. Tillman. Colds Quickly Believed. .Many people cough and cough from the beginning of fall right through to spring. Others get cold after cold. Take Dr. King's New discovery and you will get almost Imemdlate relief, lt chocks your cold, stops the racking, rasping, tis sue-tearing cough, heals the inflam mation, soothes Ibo raw tubos. Easy to take, antiseptic and bealing, (let a "?0c. bottle ol' Dr. King's New Dis covery and koop it. in the house, "lt is certainly a great medicine and I koop a bottle of it continually on hand." writes \V. C. .losseinan, Pran conia, N. H. Money back If not sat isfied, but it nearly always helps. -Adv. I. Quarterly Meeting Pirat Division. Following is tile program of the quarterly meeting of the 1st divis ion NV. M. U., Bea verdant Associa tion, io be held with Con o ross W. M. V. on Saturday, April 15th: 10 a. m.-Devotional. Mrs. S. M. H uns i ager. How can we increase interest, at tendance and membership of the so cieties? Open discussion, led by Mrs. O. K. Brea/.eale. Address by pastor, Rev. R. G. Lee. Benefits derived from R. A. work. Dowey Butler. . lin roll monti ol' delegates, with short verbal reports from each so ciety. Adjournment for lunch. 1 p. m.-Devotional. Mrs. George Morton. Missions as taught In the Bible. Mrs. J. A. Watkins, Mrs. .1. P. Vaughan. How to enlist and keep young wo men in the work. Mrs. S. P. Reeder. I Song by C. A. girls. Every woman In tho Church an ac tive contributing member of the W. M. S. Mrs. .1. W. Sholor, Mrs. Paul A mist rong. Tho importance of Mission Study. Mrs. D. A. Renkt, Miss .lanie Alex ander. Recitation by Sunbeam. Each society in this division is urged io send delegatos; also, (burches not having societies will please send representatives. Visitors from other divisions will be heartily welcomed. Kate Ii. Abbott. Divisional President. SHIGHEST?R S PILLS BRAND Ar.!: .-our l>rur?liit for CTII-CHItS-TER 9 Di.'.'iiiND UK AND PII.I.S it? KKD and j O i : i> inrtallic boxes, fiealed will? Blue1 ' RiMiOlt, TA ltB Nt) OTHBR. lliiy oF Tour l>r>i>:r,l?l rivi auk f..r OUI.CHli3.TKR8 ; V>l ..!!<.> .? UK A NO PII.I.S, for twetitV-fifO I yea iv ??.iit!o F* WORTH .IV v TU. TKSTBP Monotony Too Much for Sexton. New York. April (i- -Philip H. Wal ler, v.! years old. sexton ol' the old St. raul's Cathedral for I veal's, to lay hanged himself from the stair way leading to the belfry. He re cently complained I hat Hie was t iring ol the monotony ol the position. Ills body was discovered by an assistant who lound a note Instructing the tinder lo climb lo tho room under the belfry. Wt. 'MOFthat OTorLFAK out for the leaks now?! don't " wait for bad weather. ^ ou can't afford to run tho mk of fire, or damage Hir property hom wind and rain, because ol a leaky om out rool. You can afford to put on a new roof ol CAROLINA METAL SHINGLES tccause the first cost is about the same as wood angles and they save 20 per cent in insurance, ast tully twice longer than wood shingles, and ab solutely guaranteed againtt wind, tain, fire and igainst rutting as is the case with cheap tin. The ecret of Carolina Metal Shingles is the base metal md special coating. Furnished galvanized or painted flak? Uf Pro*? TkU-Write for Informition and ??rice?. Moldet tefl? about Ute wonderful rutt-proof Carolina Meul le Carolina Mt tal Pratodt Ce., Desi A Wilmington, N. C. OWARE CO.. Agents, mt, S. 0. The largest shoe fa makes less tnan one shoe output, but the builds half of all thc America. This vo supply the demand looking for econom yours to-day ! Run Car $440; Coupelc $640; Sedan $740. Detroit, On dispk) Piedmont Anio Ci First U. s. Soldier to Die. Jos. NV. Allison, second lieutenant in the Thirteenth Cavalry, died In the United States army base hospital at Port Mliss last week from pneumonia contracted while on ho chase of Villa. Allison was taken to the hos pital from Casas Grandes. lie was 2(? years old, and was appointed in lilli) from Texas, where his father now resides. His wife is now in Elizabeth, X. J. SUMMONS FOB RELIEF. The State of South Carolina, County of Oconre. (In the Court of Common Pleas.) Boone lt. Moss. Plaintiff, against Owen Held, H on ry Reid, Eliza Pear son, Minerva Gambrell, Bettie Hawkins, Owen Williams, Lyda Williams, Sam Wright, and Walter I). Moss and George M. Ansel, as partners In trade doing businoss under the style and firm name of Moss &. Ansel, Defendants. (Summons for Relief.-Complaint, Not Served.) To tho Defendants Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the Complaint in this action, which was filed in the of fice of the Clerk of the Court of Com mon Pleas for the said? county, on the third day of April, 1010. and to serve a copy of your Answer to the i said Complaint on tho subscrib er, at. his otllce, on the Public Square, at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for I he relief demanded lu the Complaint. Da toe! April 3d, A. D. I!) I C.. (Seal.) JOHN F. CRAIG, C. C. P. R. T. J A YNES. Plaintiff's Attorney. > the D?fendants Above Named: Please Take Notice That the Sum mons and Complaint in tho above en titled action were Hied in the ellice of the Clerk ol' the Court ol' Common Pleas ol' Oconce County, S. C.. on the 3d day ol April, 10 I ti ; that the pur pose of this action is the partition of the real estate ol' which Seek Reid died seized and possessed, described in the Complaint herein, between the Plaintiff, Boone lt. Moss, grantee ol' Bettie Rivers and Lula Williams, two of the helrs-a-t-law of Seek Reid, de ceased, and the Defendants, Owen Reid, Henry Reid, Eliza Pearson. Mi nerva Gambrell, Bottle Hawkins, Owen Williams, and Lyda Williams, the remaining beirs-at-law ol' Seek Reid, deceased; that Sam Wright is made a party defendant as tenant in possession of the tract of f> I acres, described in the complaint for the year I it I il. and the Defendants. Wal ter D. Moss and George M. Ansel, as partners in trade under the (inn name Of Moss ft Ansel, are made parties de fendant as mortgagees of the De fendant Eliza Pearson, of her Inter est in said real estate; that, no per sonal demand is made againsl any one or more of said Defendants, this action being for partition oi the real estate aforesaid, between Plaintiff a id Defendants as above set forth. lt. T. JAY NES, Plaint ill's Attorney. Vpril ".. l!)lt>. I l-l?; THE UNITED STATES OE AMERICA In the District Court of the United States-Eoe tile Western District of South Carolina. THE UNITED STATES Versus A certain tract of land containing 404.13 acres, moro or less, situate in OhattOOga Township, in the County of Oconeo, in the Stato of South Carolina, known as W. G. Russell Tract. Notice that Application bas Been Made by The United States to Ac quire the Lund Herein Described, by Condemnation, Pursuant to an order made by his honor Joseph T. Johnson, United States Judge for the Western District E R'S A L CAR _ ictory in the country .-fortieth of the entire Ford Motor Company ? automobiles made in lume is necessary to s of people who are y at a low cost. Get about $390; Touring it $590; Town Car All prices f. o. b. r and sale at i, Walhalla, S. ft ' Garage. luMwuJIM?truLimmnnu jij ol' Soubh Cu roi lim, on tlio nth d?y of March, A. 1). 1916, notice is here by published that application has boon made to the District Court of the United States for the Western District of South Carolina, in behalf of the United States, for the condem nation for the public use and purpose, of National Forest Reserve, of a cer tain tract of land, owned or Si.pposed to be owned by W. G. Russell and J;uie Russell, and an accurate de scription of said tract of land being as follows: All and singuar that certain tract of land known as the W. G. Russel! tract, in Chattooga Township, Coun ty of Oconce, and State of South Carolina, formerly said to contain five hundred (500) acres, but con taining four hundred and ninety four and 13.100 (494.13) acres, ad joining lands of Adaline Bynum, F. A. Hull, John Lochrle, Nicholson es tate and Roxford lands, on- the wa ters of Chattooga River, on the East side of Chattooga River, just South of the forks of the Fast amd West prongs of saki river; the line begin ning at corner ono, a rock pointed out by W. G. Russell as his begin ning and northermost corner, and a corner common to the A. -B., W. H. and R. B. Nicholson tracts respect ively, a .white oak post beside rock, set and scribed ; thence to corner two, a Spanish oak post set and scribed; thence to corner three, a pine post set and scribed; thence to corner four, a white oak post, set and scribed; thence to corner five, a Spanish oak post set and scribed; thence to corner six, a sourwood post set and scribed; thence to corner seven, a chestnut post set and scribed: thence to corner eight, a sourwood post set and scribed; thence to corner nine, a chestnut post set and scribed; thence to corner ton, a chestnut post set and scribed; thence to corner eleven, a sourwood post sot and scribed; thence to cor ner twelve, a chestnut post sot.'and scribed; thence to corner thirteen, a sourwood post setand scribed; thenco to corner fourteen,a chestnut post set and scribed; thence to corner fifteen, a wibi to oak post set and scribed; thence S. 38.55 F. passing witness corner sixteen, a black oak post set and scribed; to a point in the center ol' the Walhalla Bond 9.55 chains from corner fifteen; thence mean dering along said road; with certain courses and distances, passing wit ness corner seventeen, a red oak post set and scribed, to corner a black oak post set and thence to witness corner a chestnut post set and thence with Hie meanders of the dh read of a stream, to a point .90 feet from corner twenty, a stone set by Surveyor E. Callas April 18th, I 9 0s, and a corner common to the John Lochrle number two, F. A. Hull "Mongold" and W. G. Russell tracts, a Spanish oak post being set and scribed; flameo with thc boun dary line of the John Lochrle tract number two to corner twenty-one, a corner common to the John Lochrio tract number two, J. C. Powell and W. G. Russell tract:,; thence with the boundary 'of the J. C. Rowell traci to corner twenty-two, a six-inch pine, an original corner common to the j. c. Rowell and W. G. Russell tracts; thence to corner twenty three, a lourteen-inch white oak. au original corner; thence to corner twenty-four,' a twonty-four-ineh white oak. marked as thc original corner; thence to corner twenty-five, sile of an original rock corner, a while oak post being sot and scribed; Humeo to corner twenty-six, an origi nal rock corner, thence to tho placo Of beginning. All bearings being turned from tho true meridian. All persons Interested in said tract of land, aro hereby required to come forward on thc 1st day of June, 1010, and file with the Clerk or this Court, at his office at Greenville, South Carolina, their objections, if any they should have, to tho pro posed purchase or acquisition of said tract of l?nd by tho United States. J. WILLIAM THURMOND, United States Attorney. A True Copy. Attest: (Seal.) J. B. KNIGHT, il Clerk, U. S. District Court, West. Dist., South Carolina. March 22, 1916. 17 eighteen, scribed ; nineteen, scribed ;