KEOWEE COURIER (KstabUshod 18 fO.) B'lihlishcd livery Wednesday Morning Subscription $1 Per Annum. Advertising Huton Reasonable. -Hy-.' tVIM K, SIIKLOR ,v HOI HM) DIOR. Communications or a personal I character charged for au advertise- 1 nient s. obituary notices ana tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, will bc printed free of charge. All over! that nulabor must bo paid for at tho j rate of one cent a word. Cash lo accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, 8. C.: W ND NHS DA Y, A PHI L 12, HMO. I'RKA.M PRODUCTION l'A VS. j .). M. liurgcsH, U. M. Darnell and '. I). W. Watkins, representing Clemson j College ami 'h<< ll S, Department of Agriculture, were in (own lasi Wed-I nesdav afternoon for the purpose of interesting Hm farmers and business /nen ,i the dairy work I liai has boen Ktarlcd recently In the Stale. 'Plie pinn of operation is for the Clemson crciMiicry ' ou- Mio evening o?' April ' ! I I'. Tliis lil I )te [\\ -;t i imo ui a i . ? i.e.-1 i'or ii: .' \\ I'.i ' he held. The public is cordially invited to attend. Below is tho program for that night: Music (Sextette) "My Old Ken tucky Home." Walhalla Hlgih School. Ealr Play-Catha Davis: "Katri na s Visit tf? New York." Mu Ale (Vocal solo? "Tho Spring Has Como." (While) Miss Ruth White. Oak way i Not sent In). Westminster - Eleanor Kecso: "Here Comes tho Bride." Music iChoru.i) "Sweet May." Westminster High School. Keowe" 1'earle White: "A Sln fion Agent's Story." Hine Ridgo Elizabeth Moser: ."rho l.a.-t shot." Music (Piano duct)--Misses Mary Hines and Sue NI III moils. Walhalla A n nie St rut ton : "Botsy in a Storm." Seneca- Louise Dendy: "Lochin var." Mn ic (Chorus) "The Dance of tho Rino Tree Fairies." Westmin ster High School. Kbone/.er May Vaughn: "The Hide ol' .lonnie McNeil." .Ind.-,es Miss Robbie Waketleld. ol' Anderson; Miss Mary Blanton, of ll ron a ii College; Prof. Wells, of Clemson (liege. Medal l'or lirsl place is given by the Westminster Hank; modal for sec ond place bj I'. 1'. Sullivan. H. W. Irby. President. Tesl ( 'use April I 7. Charleston. April 10.-Chief Jus tice Eugene B. Gary, of the Supreme Court, has Issued an order tempora rily restraining Insurance Commis sioner Mc.Master and Attorney Gene ral 'Phos. ll. Peoples from enforcing Hw antic-compact, or Lnney-Odom, lire insurance act, which went into offed March 22, and which has at tracted national attention. The re spondO'Ms in this petition, brought by Charleston lawyers on behalf of a local Iii?' insurance agent to test the constitutionality of the anti-compact ad. must appear before the Supremo Court on AprH 17. al lo o'clock, lo show cativo why lin petition should not be granted. Chief Justice Gary signed the temporary injunction or der at Abbeville Saturday, and this morning papers were f.o lu1 filed and served in Columbia. The petition al leges several violations ol' the State Constitution in the form and pro visions ol' tho now noted anti-com pact act. Singing nt Madison. There will be au afternoon singing at Madison Baptist (burch on the third Sunday, beginning at 1.110 o'clock. Tho following singers have prom ised to be with us- J. A. Durham. R. L. Hall. J. F. Morton. J. P. Coo and Terrell Bayes. Also the noted bass singer, Homer Greer, of Lu ia. Ga., hat promised to bo on hand. All lo\ors of music are Invited to be wMb us and bring song books. J. W. Reynolds Parents Shouh this Spl SIM I MilO LAXATIVE COMPOUND 11 IO DPS TO COKKHOT CONSTI PATION IN CHILDREN. With till children there are times when the bowels tail to act naturally amt it becomes necessary for the par ents to administer a remedy. Ca thartics and purgatives should never he used as these agents alford only , temporary relief while their violent action shocks the system unduly. Mrs. eva F. Calf. 17 lath Street. Wash ington, I). C.. say., that her little girl, Marie, had been subject to constipa- | lion, and that she lound Dr. Cab!-' well's Syrup Pepsin the best remedy because of its inihuiuoS, and now ni- ! ways keeps a bottle ol' M in the bouse. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a I (impound of simple laxative herbs, I free from opiates or narcotic drugs ot' i any kind, and ls an idea,! remedy for children because of its mild action ; and positive effec t, lt? u^<> tends lo streunt bon the impaired bowel action ; and restore normal regularity. lt ls important that parents should j ItllOW of a dependable remedy with j no unpleasant after effects, griping or j KEV. S. C. ZIOTTNER IS DEAD. Was formerly Pastor of the Wal halla I iii theran Church! Prom the San Antonio. Texas, Ex press ol' April i wc clip the following notice-, which will be read with deep regret by many friends ol' Rev. Mr. Z?llner and bis family lhere: "Rev. s. C. Zet tner. a minister of the Evangelical Lutheran ?burch, who had cha?nes in Bren liam and Eredeiicksburg, but for the last two years had been teaching school in thc Melotes community) died at 9.0? o'c lock Monday night in bis home at I {elotes. Ile was 63 years of age and is survived by his widow, who was his second wife: four daughters, who were children of bis first wife. Mrs. Fred Zuercber, Mrs. W.O. Lowe. Miss Kale '/.ettner, of San Ai.Ionio, and Mrs. Robert Moory, of Beaumont; one daughter and three sons, children of bis second wife. 'Miss Elizabeth Zet tner and Carl. Walter and Theo dore? Zottner; a sister, Mrs. John Nier, ot' Jersey City, N. J., and by live grandchildren, "Born in Bavaria? Germany, No vember ?5, 1 S"?. Mr. Zettner was edu cated in the Universities of ?Heidel berg and Munich. Coining to Amer ica about I I years ago, he settled In Baltimore, Md., where he was ordain ed pastor ol' St. Matthew's Evangeli cal Lutheran church in 1X76. Dater he had charges in Scranton, Pa., Walhalla. S. C., Brenham and Fred ortcksburg. His first wife died ll years ago tn Frederlcksburg. Rev. Mr. Zettner retired from tho ministry il twe yen rs age mid moved to IIOlOUlS, Wi * : I !l< '.OUC/IS .1 botcc (led became a ic eher in tho acbool. . "Funeral ".o'rvtee; will heco?i.du^t i efl In ihe ??. >< ai 3 ?ti) .; dock tl . loon by Kev. Paul I ?In, linster j of Hie Grace Evangelical Lutheran church. Interment will lie made in the Hel?les cemetery." Rev. Mr. ZetMier is pleasantly re membered here by many, with whom The Courier joins in extending to the bereaved ones sincere sympathy In I heir sorrow. Express Agent. Shot. Gaffney, April IO.-J. ll. Bulee and Clarence Cray, local express ?gent, bad an altercation late yester day afternoon at the Office over the shipment ol' some fowls, and Cray was shot In the left arm by Hu ice. Bulee claims that Gray was advancing on him with a knife, although it is said that this statement will not be borne ont by those who witnessed the difficulty. Bulee spent the night in jail, but is now out on bail, (?ray was at his place ol' business this morning though Iiis wound was paining him. NEWS NOTES PROM CO NE ROSS. Church nod Fanners' Meetings Sched uled foi- Next Saturday. Coneross, April I il.--Special: Miss Maud Bethell, of Toccoa, Ga., is vis iting ber cousins, the Misses Arve. There will be preaching at Cone ross friday at S p. m. Our pastor. Rev. R. (!. Lee. will preach. Every body is invited to attend this as well as all other services al Coneross. Miss Elsie Morgan and brother Stanley aro welcome guests of their cousins, th?; Misses Barker. The play at Hine Ridge Friday night was postponed for a few weeks on account ol' th.- unfavorable wea ther. Mrs. I. L. Duckworth spent last week with her si-ter, Mrs. Will Haynes, who is (tuite 111 at present. .Miss Annie Abbott spent last week with relatives in Seneca. The ipi a rte riv meeting of the W. M. I', ol' this division will be held with the Coneross societies next Sat urday. April 15. We extend to everybody in this and other divisions a cordial web onie. Not only the chun hes that have societies are In vited to attend, but those that have not yet organized societies in their churches are urged to attend in order . o become interested in the work. We hope this meeting will result in the organization of new societies. The County Farmers' Union will mool with the Coneross Farmers' Un ion on the same date (April 15). All ol' the farmers are Invited to attend the fanners' meeting and bring their wive, and daughters to tho W. M. U., and the women and girls aro invited to attend the W. M. U. and bring their husbands and others to the Far mers' Union, as Interest will be in creased by attending both meetings. Dinner will bo spread together. Several from here are expecting to attend the truck meet at Clemson Saturday. Several of our Y. W. A.'s attended tho institute and enjoyed it very much. Ou Re a number, however, i Know endid Remedy MARIE QA KV. strain. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin costs only fifty couts a hollie and can he procured al any drug store. To obtain a tri >.l bottle, freo of charge, write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, I .Vi Washington . ? root, Monticello. Ul. wore disappointed in not being able ? n attend on account of tho unfavor able weather. Mrs. Josie Abbott and son Celie spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Abbott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. ll. Julian, ol' Hotnrn. Hil EUI EE'S SA1.K. state ol' South Carolina, Countty of Oconee. I. .lohn W. Davis, Sheriff ol' Oconee County, State aforesaid, will soil, to tho highest bidder, for Cash, in front of the Court House door, at Wal halla, S. C.. on .Monday, thc 24th day of April, 1016, at IO o'clock a. m., the following live stock: One Hine Maro Mule, about twelve years old, weight about 700 pounds. This being the properly ol' Mrs. Klorenco K. Watson, and was seized by nie, as Sheriff aforesaid, under ex ecution as issued in -the case of .1. R. Watson, Plaintiff, against Mrs. E. K. Watson, D?fendant. Chen under my hand and seal this 1 1 th dav of April. A. D. 101(5. JOHN W. DAVIS, Sheriff Oconee County, S. C. April 1 2. 1916, 1 5-16 Announcement Tho sn m iner work period of tho itabon Cap Industrial School will opel; April 24th, 1916, continuing three months. Students desiring to tako advant a: . of ibo opportunity or wo rh rug i hoi.* v t. through school at t'tat unie; bo given n placo. Those who cannot enter then will bo re quired l" v^oHt ? fidv?ip 1 u : arty ..."j '.ui.'i, . i-'?: . -he fall session and $25 for thc spring session, sante to be paid in advance. Applicants must not be under 14 years ol' age. The aim of the school is to pre pare boys to become intelligent far mers, to enable them to earn a liv ing, and to look forward to 'having farms ol' their own; and lo prepare girls for the duties ol' farm life, such as dairy work, laundry work, cook Inn, sewing, gardening, and poultry raising. Only those who wtsdi this kind of education aro experted to make application for admission. Students will furnish their own clothing, books, etc., for the first twelve mou'ibs. The reo ni red form of application will be furnished on request. A. J. RITCHIE, President, 16 RADI X HAP, (JA. TO THE Stock Raisers OF OCONEE ' Stock Ita Ising basc?me to lie quito an item to tho farmers of Oconee and throughout Ibo State. In a few more years, I ludiese. Stock Raising will be anionic the chief occupations of South Carolina. Tho paying feature ol' Stock liaising is lo have good blooded stock, I lia ve been studying tho raising ol' stock for a number ol' years, and for four years have been brooding auld raising all kinds of slock on Ibo farm iii' Dr. .1. W. Wickliffe, of West Union, and we have made a success Of our business. WE HA VE IN OUR HA UN S some line blooded males. One is a Thoroughbred Berkshire Hoar, j known as tho big-hone pug nose: an other is a Non h Carolina Ked Devon Hull a beauty. We also have a lino Jersey Hull. All for servile. 1 also have tho famous Hickies!mer Stallion. 'Phis horse's blood is Mor gan and Copper-Bottom. 'Ho is solid black and wolghs about 1,110 pounds. He wax bred and raised near Franklin, N. C. Wo think thal .Mor gan lund Copper-Bottom horses aro Ibo longest lived horses ever intro duced into tliis part of tho country; also tougher and better work horses. Ono of this Stallion's colts has taken first premium at tko Sylvia. X. C., county fair two years in succession, xow, CEXTUEMHX, iiring your brood mares to the Ncklo slmer Horse, raise good colts and get rleih. This horse will bo found on the Stock Earm ol' Dr. J. W. Wick liffe, at West Cn ion. KEE, $10 TO INSURE COW. J. F. HEDDEN WEST ITXION', S. C. ? Spring Tim? Plai @ We have complete sloe ? Distributers, SpiKe ? ForKs, Hoes, RaKes, |jj Complete stock ot Plot* Turning Plows. Cole Plai ? ? ? ? Repairs, Etc. Paints, Oils and Kuli line of Auto Ti Bicycle Repairs, Etc Call on us to supply your Bailenger Hdw. I SENEC/ ? Vehicles b> I wish to say to our f I have the largest supply c Harness in the county? hav of Wagons and two solid bought these goods at rock ? and will give the people tl" buying. Can make the terr We are now in our n to have you call and look ot Oliver Chilled Plo Dynai Roofing, Rool W. M. B WALHALE Brown Has It-or ? ?Wt' 'i i ? " H Arrcsts Prevent ? ?-ations. droj)s o spot aru appears ?KKKMMHMMMMK* NOTICIO TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons Indebted to thc Estate of Rev. John (Jordon Law. deceased, arc hereby notified to make payment lo the undersigned) and all persons having claims against said Estate will present the same, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law or barred. JOHN (i. LAW, Executor of the Estate of Rev. .lohn Cordon Law, deceased, April ii, 15)16. 11-17 NOTICE TO DEBTORS A ND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to the Estate of J, IV JONES, deceased, aro hereby notified lo make pay ment to the undersigned, and all per sons having claims against said es tate will preso ni the same, duly at tested, within the time prescribed by law or bu barred. H. T. JONES, Administrator of tho Estate of J. P. Jones, Deceased. .March 20. 11)1 fi. 13-16 SPECIAL OFFER-To patients coming from Oconeo county lo our Greenville office for eye work, we re fund railroad fare to the amount of 10 per cent of tho amount purchased. A. A. ODOM, Consulting Optometrist, President of Tho Globe Optical Co., Masonic Temple, Greonvlllo, 9. C. tf ks of Cole Planters, g Harrows, Shovels, @ Etc. ? f Repairs for uti makes of ^ iter and Distributer Sundry Goods. % % % ires and Accessories, % % Hardware and furniture wants. W I Furniture Go., ^, s. c. r Carloads. riends and customers that )f Buggies, Wagons and ?ng received two solid cars cars of Buggies. I have Dottom prices in large lots, ie advantage of our large ns and prices to suit, cw office and will be glad jr stock over, ws and Supplies. iii" te. f Paint, Etc. ?ROWN, -A. S. C. Brown Gets lt. ||||||||nllllllM3^I? FF NEC?. ar those pains? * ingle bottle will convince you loan's liment Inflammation. ? severe compli Just put a few n the painful I thc pain dis (KMKKMMM FOR SALE, 2J)7 ACHES-:;o acron of hotton? laud and ?0 acres upland Mt cultlva LlonHon; well timbered; lino hard wood; IO0 thousand feet of lino h ?(kory timber on placo; two houses; five milos or Walhalla. S. C. $10 per aero. Hood tor ?lock farm. B. R. MOSS, HEAL ESTATE DEADER, WaUmlla, s. c. NOTICE OF FINAIi SETTLEMENT AND DIS0HAIM1E. isotlco ls hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, in the State of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on Saturday, tho 2Otto day of APHID, 191G, at ll o'clock In the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, for leave to make final settlement of tho Estate of J. P. Jones, deceased, and obtain finial discharge as Admin istrator of said estate. B. T. JONES, Administrator of the Estate of J. p. ; Jones, Deceased, March ?<>, H)1G. 13-16