Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, April 12, 1916, Image 3

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j Uses and Abus j By Prof. R. J. H. De Loach, Dlrec 5. FERTILIZERS A The Fifth of a Se The fruit and vegetable growers a foods for their cropB. This ls especial they wish is rapid growth in their p tables on the market in tho shortest i This is the secret of success with veg conditions is to apply fertilizers in 1 ?hall tell about tho "home garden" i paper we aro to toll more particularly plants. The relation of apple growing to ft worked out. We know that the ue .specially apples, pays, but we have lor the various kinds of trees, nor the In hlB book on "Trees and Tree Plant Quantities of manure should be use< These manures should be rich in pl peoted to make rapid growth. The 1 manures is to add to the manures t and mix with leaf mold and manures should not bo Allowed to grow u rou iv the plant food which ls put down for The beBt method of producing fruit growing other crops which require co farmers and horticulturists fertilize tl in this way save the expense of fert Instances legumes are grown as a c< nitrogen. The orchard oannot be cult It needs to be cultivated shallow, i reasonable quantities. Wbilo it is net ?f the tree, yot the roots scatter pr?t food that happens to fall further awt A large ?crop of apples or peaches such as nitrogen, potash and phosphor time to time, the trees will provo le fruit, and what they do bear will be i trees In rastures bear good fruit is n many isolated places this way that Many times it is the natural leaf molt and other materials carrying availat such trees. Besides, such fruit is ra that grown in a well-kept orchard, garden crops, must be forced moro or To force the fruit, and at the same th to the soil as much fertilizer as the c Fruit trees demand in their growth phosphoric acid, but not very rich in trees In California at the Riverside E: did better every way with a complet food element, or any incomplete con aoid requirements of theso trees we ph ate of ammonia than from any ott Many of the experiment stations ha orchards, but none quite so good as tl of work with apples, says: "To sum up the results In increa chemical fertilizers on tho very thin i lng into consideration all our diff?re 40 miles of country, we have the folb Average per acre, per year fertilize Average per acre, per year unfertil Cain per acre, per year, from f?rtil Cost of gain per barrel, per year, This is the strongest endorsement I orena rds that we have yet seen, and t Incomes from an orchard by the wist Prof. Maurice A. Blake of the New J an application of 450 pounds of fertlliz of the Georgia Experiment Station trie several years ago on peaches, and f paid. .J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J. ?J. ^.J..J..J..J.uJ..J?>J..J.?J? ty CLOSING: EXERCISES. ty ? tytytytytytytytyty tytytytytytytytytyty Picket Post School. The fellowing commencement pro gram was carded out by tho Picket Post Graded School on Wednesday night, March 29th: Song--".loses Loves Me." By grades 1 and 2. Welcome-By Gerold Rutledge. Song of Welcome-iBy rradc I. Next on the program was a group of recitations hy the following chil dren from the primary department: Ma Elliot, Pauline Todd, Johnnie Hark ins, Annie Janies, J. P. Beaty, Thelma. Rankin. Omega Alexander. Declamation-"Tho Sword Shall Pierre Thy Heart." By Clarence Snead. Rei ital ion - "The Way 1 Speak a Piece." By Aloe Snead. Recitation-"My First Rei ital." By Mae Harrison. Pantomime-''Nearer, My Cod. to Theo." Recitation -- "Pardoned." By Oayiioll AU .vaniler. Recitation - "Tho Best Cow in Peril." By Viola Todd. A Joke-By Harry Beaty. Recitation-"Mattie's Wants and Wishes." By Cornelia Orr. R?citation-"Curfew." By Clara Snead, followed by a parody on "Cur few," by Rubye Beaty. Dialogue--"Tho Train to Mauro." (Cast. Of characters: depot agent. Clarence Snead; Mrs. Buttermilk. Alma Alexander; Johnnie, Chester Beaty.) Recitation --"Ile Kissed Mis Mo ther." By (Jaynell Alexander. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the sure?t way to stop them, jj The best rubbing liniment isl MUSTANG LINIMENT ? Good for the Ailments of S Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. ^ Qoodfor your own Aches, * Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cut?, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers. res of Fertilizers tor cf Georgia Experiment Station. ND HORTICULTURE, rles of Six Articles. ,re always leaders In the use of plant ly true of the vegetable growers. What roduce, so that they will got the vege jossiblo timo from the timo of planting, etablos, and the only way to meet such arge quantities. In tho next paper we ind how to fertilize lt. In tho present about fruit trees and other horticultural jrtlltiers has never been very carefully ie of fertilizers with fruit trees, and not yet worked out the best formulae amounts which pay best. BrlBbin says, lng," that in planting young trees large 1 in preparing the place for planting, ant food elements If the trees are ex )08t way to increase the plant food In he mineral elements in various forms, BrlBbin also recommend* that weeds d the apple trees, as they will take up young trees. is to keep the held or orchard clean by not ant attention and cultivation. Most he crops that grow in the orchard, and Hising the fruit trees again. In many iver crop, and, incidentally, to furnish ivated too deeply, or injury will result, and manures or fertilizers applied In pessary to put fertilizers near the trunk ty well over an orchard, and the plant ly from the trunk ls vnot lost. takes from the soil much plant food, io acid, and unless this le supplied from ss fruitful and finally bear very little of poor quality. The argument that old iot sound, because conditions prevail In cannot be duplicated in the orchard. 1, woods earth, droppings from animals, de plant food that make the fruit on rely ever as excellent and delicious as Fruit, like all other kinds of field and less to measure up to a high standard, ne keep the land fertile, wo must apply rop takes from lt. i a fertilizer rather rich in potash and nitrogen, lt was fnund that the citrus ?p?riment Station grew better fruit and e fertilizer than with any Bingle plant ibinatlon. It was also fo*.,nd that the re more completely supplied with sui ter nitrogen source, ve secured good results from fertilizing io Ohio station. F. H. Ballou, In charge sed fruit production from tho URO of orchard land in southeastern Ohio, tau nt plots at the various places covering owing; ~ id, 100 barrels, lzed, 44 barrels, l/.atlon, 66 barrels. 17.8 cents. for the uE.e of commercial fertilizers in mows how it is possible to increase the s use of the proper kinds of fertilizers, iersey Experiment Station recommends er per acre with peaches. Prof. Stamen id many formulas at the Georgia Station ound that in ?very cast the fertilizers . " ''? ' ' ' C-y. -i' Recitation-"Anyone Will Do." By Clara Hubbard. Recitation-"Where He Lives." By Jnnle Lipscomb. Dialogue-' Taking the Census." Agnes Lipscomb and Bd. Snead. Recitation--"'Mysterious Guest." By Dula Orr. Recitation-"A Mother's Fool." By Clara Hubbard. Recitation-"The Great Fight." By (?ladys Alexander. Play--"Jumbo .lum." (Cast of Characters: 'Jumby Juni, Chester Beaty: Mr. Cobbleton, Clarence Snead; Lawyer Cheat om, John Chal mers; Henry Merv' io, John Todd; Hannah, Agnes Lipscomb; Adalidee, j Ru bye Snead; Mrs, doubleton, Al ma Alexander.) Sons-"Happy School Days are I Over." Presentation of honor diplomas to students of the lenin 'honor roll, as follows: Xiii th Grade-Rubye Snead. ISighth Grade--Aluin Alexander. Luther Orr. Lula Orr. Seventh Grad?-Fu II ice Beaty,, Sixth Grade-Cornelia Orr. Fourth Grade-Pauline Todd. First Grade-Pearle Orr. At the close of the above program a few well chosen remarks were made by County Superintendent of Education Tims. A. Smith, in which I he commended the teachers and trustees of Pickel Post school upon the success of thc school term then (dosing. A large, appreciative and very orderly audience attended those exercises. Cures Old Sores, Other Romedles Won't Cure. Thc worst cases, no matter of how loiur stnndlnti. nie cured hy the wonderful, old reliable I>r. rotter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. lt relieves J Min and Heals at thc sante time. 25c, 50c, $1.00 Lynched ror Assisting Hon to Escape. K',.liston, X. C., April fi.-Joseph Black, a negro, was taken from the Lenoir county jail here this morning and lynched. His body was found at Lizzie, Greene county, several hours later. lM-i' k was the father of 16-year old William Black, removed last week from Greene county to Raleigh to prevent lynching. He was accused of assaulting a 6-year-old white child In Green county, lt ls alleged thc .father assisted lils son to escape. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Iiccause of its tonic and laxative effect, I.AXA Tty Ii H ROMO OUXNINRis better tlinn ordinary 8ninnie and does not cause nervousness nor nRine in head. Remember the full linnie and look lor the signature of K. W. GKOVK. 25c. NOT UNTIL VILLA IS CAUGHT ----ir win U. S. Trooi>s Be Withdrawn from Beyond Mexican Hordel*. Washington, April G.-Categorical denial by Secretary Lansing late to day was the ollleial answer to per sistent reports that the American troops might bo withdrawn from Mexico shortly regardless Of develop ments in t/he hunt for Villa. 13oth Mr. Lansing and Secretary of War Baker indicated there was no inten tion of changing the original orders given Cen. bunston. News from the border that a train load of supplies, shipped by private linns, had left Juarez to-day lor Ca sas Granules and Pearson, where they will be available to Gen. Per shing, caused satisfaction here. Even without further action by or concessions from Carranza, Blich use of the railways, some ofllclals think, may meet the needs of the United States. Secretary Baker Indicated to-day that in the present status of the Mexi can campaign tho motor truck lines from Columbus are to be the princi pal artery for supplies, Kaihvay Question. State Department dispatches from Special A<gent John L. Rodgers, at Queretaro, told of continuance of ne gotiations with Carranza on the rail way question, lt was officially stated that Rogors's messages were some what vague and indefinite regarding the exact status of the negotiations. Interest in tho political questions affecting the Mexican situation was renewed by receipt at the State De partment of correspondence between Mort Von Der Glotz, alleged German spy and aid of Capt. Von Papen, tho former Germain military attache. It was understood some of the corres pondence, submitted by the British government, dealt with activities of Von Der Glotz tn Mexico. Oh'.cial attention also was given to the reported revolution of Felix Diaz In Southern Mexico. Information of the Department of Justice locating Diaz Lu Mexico has been laid before tht State Department. The latter also had confirmed rumors that Diaz is'getting both men and supplies from Guatemala. The only dispatch received to-day from Gen. Kn aston was regarding distribution of the recent army- re cruits among the border patrol. Take Liv-Ver-Lax And Feel Well Don't suffer from the ill effects of an inactive liver, such as headache, indigestion, constipation, lack of en- i orgy and low spirits, when for a little money , you can get a remedy of proved merit. GKIGSBY'S LIV-VER LAX will get your liver right and let you enjoy better health and brighter spirits. LIV-VER-LAX acts natu rally and effectively. Has none of ?Hie dangers and bad after-effects of calomel. Sold under an absolute money refund guarantee at 50c. and $1 a bottle. Each bottle ls protected by the likeness of L. K. Grigsby. For sale by Norman Drug Company, Wal halla, K. C.-Adv. ADAMS SECURES FULL CONTROL Of Southern Express Company Changes Among O?icials. New York, April G.-Changes in ibo directorate of tho Southern Ex press Company., a controlling interest lil which was recently acquired by the Adams Express Company, were an nounced here to-night. Wu:. M. Bar rett and C. S. Spencer, ol New York, president and vice president, re spectively, of the Adams Express Company, and John B. Hockaday, of Atlanta, Ga., and Dr. Wm. McFar land, ol' Birmingham, Ala., were elected to tho boaid of the Southern Express Company. Mr. Hockaday has boon general manager of the Eastern department and Dr. MacFar land, general manager of the Western department of the- Southern Express Company. The four members who retire from the directorate, of the Southern Ex press Company are Geo. W. S'herer, Frank D. C. Sullivan, Ernest Pope and O. M. Saddler. President Barrett, of tho Adams Company, declared there would be no other changes In Hie officers of the Southern Express Company and that the affairs of tine company also would bo continued without Oh an ge. PartlcC Murder Trial Postponed. (Tooeoa, Ga., Record. Gth.l One of the most interesting, and one that will provoke one or the hot test legal battles in tho history of Franklin county, is that of the Sta'te against J. W. Partee, of this city, who ls charged with the killing of the Davis brothers at a circus at Ln vonia last fall. The ease was called by Judge bor ley In Carnesvillo this week, but ow ing lo tho absence of ono of the de 'pudnnt's Important witnesses, lt was postponed until May 15. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION For Conter omi Tugaloo Townships, New Bethel, April t5th. Following is tho program of tho Interdenominational Sunday School Convention tor Center ?nd Tugaloo townships, to ho held with Now Bethel Baptist church on Saturday, April 15th: li.20 a. m.-Song service. J. A. Durham. 10.00-Devotional services, led by C. F. Hotriek. 10.:10-'How can wo hold the stu dents of the 'teen ages in Sunday school? By Prof. Morrison, Clemson Collose. 11,00-'How can wo get our teach ers to train themselves for teaching? Uev. J. E. Wal Ieee and Rev. H. M. Fallaw. 11.30-Sermon by Kev. C. D. Boyd. 12.00 m.-Adjournment for din ner. 1.30 ?. m.-Cradle Roll possibilities and plans. Mrs. W. 1'. Reid, Elemen tary Superintendent, Seneca. 2.00-Some discouraging features of Sunday school work. By tho su perintendents of tile Sunday schools of Center and Tugaloo townships. ? 2.30-How to eliminato thom. Rev. T. M. Calphln, Seneca; Prof. W. S. Morrison, Clemson College. 3.30-Adjournment. Tho music will be conducted by J. A. Dunham. All lovers of Sunday schools, good music, Christian fellow ship and unbounded hospitality are urged to attend this convention. The good people of New Bethel Baptist elmrch will endeavor to make every ono feel conten ted, welcome and happy. Dcnr superintendents, we urge yon to come with a full representation from your school. J. S. Glymph, Rev. C. D. Boyd, For Committee. Powdered Beer for Oregon. Lakeview, Oregon, April 7.-Pow dered beer is the latest in Oregon, which has "fallon hard" for t'he pro duct of an Ohio firm. In this form BLUB RIDGE KAI LAVA Y-BI0TM Timo Table No. 18.-Effective 12.01 EAST-BOUND mt, .EASTBOUND Leave Walhalla. Leave West Union. Leave Seneca. Leave Jordania . Leave Adams's Crossing. Leavo Chorry's Crossing. Loa VB Pendleton. Leave Autun . Leave Sandy Springs. Leavo Denver . Leave West Anderson. Leave Anderson (Passenger Depot). . Leavo Anderson (Freight Depot) .... Leave Erskine's Siding . . .. Arrive Bolton. NUMBER OF TRAIN. WESTBOUND Leave Bolton. Leavo Erskine's Siding. Leave Anderson (Freight Depot) .... Leave Anderson (Passenger Depot) .. Leavo West Anderson. Leave Denver. I^eavo Sandy Springs. Len ve Autun. Leavo Pendleton. Leavo Cherry's Crossing. Leave Adams's Crossing. Lo.avo Jordania. Leave Seneca . Leave West Union. Arrive Walhalla. XUMBER OF TRAIN." . Flag Stations: Anderson (Frelgh Sandy Springs, Ai.tun, Cherry's Cross Steam trains will stop at followin passengers: Wo", Toxaway, Phlnnc HUSBAND [ DESPA After Four Years of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave (Jp in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky.-In an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows : "I suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, I could only sit up for a little while? and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, I would have severe pains in my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but 1 was soon confined to my bed again. After that? nothing seemed to do me any good. ALCOHOL 3 PEU O EN T." Afectable PivparadonforAs siniilaljii;.ilicr?ouan?Rct?u!a (kc StuuiKhs tuidJJwisof ?SE?NX>S./CHliPRKN-' Promotes DigesttorbChee rfur ness and RestCont(iln?P5llto Opiiuii.Morphiac norMtifiral NOT NARCOTIC. fitiifsofohiDrJ&mmiavji Bivf??t Sttd" jit.x.Savm *. u4niscSctd + ilfnttnttul- . ItlCiirhiit?St?i KvvSifJ ?lc.titd Sime. ni./Wyrtt'/Twnvt Aperfecl Remedy fci-Constlpft 1 lon ? Som- StowacU.l)larriwoa Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Lo s s OF SLEEP. Ti\c Simile Signature of TllE CENTAUn COMPAHT, NEW YORK. "At6 months Old J5 DOSES-JjCFisn Guaranteed under the rowTi Exact Copy of Wrapper. hundreds of quarts of beer may be shipped In a small package. The company says the sale of "powdered beer" cannot bo stopped by any pro hibition law. The inhabitants of Cochin, China, prefer rotten eggs to fresh ones. 'FEN HELTON AND WALHALLA, A. M., February 27, 101?. a fi A. M. 7.20 7.26 7.45 7.48 8.04 8.07 8.19 8. 27 j 8.30 8.35 I 8.50 9.00 9.01 9.18, 9.30| ia i 8 ? P.M. 3.10 4.15 4 .18 4.43 4 . 45 ..05 i. 15 IO A.M. 11.40 11.46 1 . 45 24 P. M. 6.16 6.20 6.53 6.55 80 A.M. 6.30 5.35 6.30 6.33 6.57 01 17 29 33 41 8.00 8.15 8.17 8.35 8.45 8 P. M. 5.25 6.10 fi . 1 5 fi . 34 6.36 6.51 6.53 7.11 7.25 ll A.M 11.22 A.M. P. M. ll. 11 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 2 . I 2 1 2 12 12 12 1 2 1. 1 . 1. O 8.05 8.10 8 . 25 8 . 30 8 . 33 8.40 8.50 8 . 52 9 . 08 9.10 9.28 9.35 " 20 3.05 3.10 3. 23 3 . 28 3.31 3.39 A. M. 9.45 9.56 10.13 12 .25 12.33 12 . 53 1 .01 1 .05 1.17 4 9 52 06 30 no 55 25 33 37 01 45 15 23 L Depot), West Anderson, Denver, lng, Adams's Crossing, Jordania, g flag stations to take on and let off y's, James. I. R. ANDERSON. Superintendent. RESCUED IRING WIFE I had gotten so weak 1 could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and 1 com menced taking it. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. 1 can now walk two miles without itt tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up In despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic. It has helped more than a million women, tn its 50 years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist hat sold Cardui for years. Ho knows what lt will do. Ask him. He will recom? mend it Begin taking Cardui today. Writ? toi Ch?Uanoot* Mtikln* Co., U4to*f Advlaory Dept., Chattanooga, Tenn., fdr ?ttMMM Jnttruction* fft your cat? ?nd64-pa?a book, ?tom? Treatment for W?n?n," tent In plain wrap**. j3a CASTA?A For Infants and Children. [he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOR? TH ? OBNTAUN ?OKPANY, NIW YO?? ?IT?. ?J? ?I? ?J. .J. ?J. ?J? ?J. ?I? ?J? ?J. ?J* ty 4* PROFESSIONAL GARDS. ?ty Dental Surgeon. WALHALLA, S. CAROLINA. I? Ofllce Ovor O. W. Pitcliford'a Store. 4* DR. W. P. AUSTIN, ?ty 4* Dentist, ??| .{. Seneca, South Carolins. 44 f- .* .I? Phone 17. ?ty 4?-, 41 .fr HARRY lt. HUGHS. ofr * * .fr At?omoy-at-Law, ?fr .fr j WalhaUa, South Carol ina. -fr 4? i-----?fi .fr MARCUS G. LONG, .ty .fr Attornoy-at-Law, ?ty 4* Phone No. 00, ' ?ty 4? Walhalla, South Carolina. ?ty .fr - .ty .fr Ofllce Over Oconee New. ?ty .fr-3 .fr J. R. EARLE, ?fr 4* Attornoy-at-Law, ?ty 4? WALU ALM, S. G. ?ty ?J? Practico In State and Federal ?ty 4* Courts. ?|4 4? FARM LOANS. ?ty .fr - .ty ?I? E. L. HERNDON, ?ty ?fr Attoracy-at-Law, ?ty 4? Wnlhnlla, South Carolina. ?ty 4? PHONE NO. Ol. ?ty .fr-44 .fr R. T. J A YNES, ?ty. ?{? Attorney-at-Law, ?ty .fr Walhalla, South Carolina. ?ty 4* Hell Phone No. 120. ?ty .fr - * .I? Practice in State and Federal ?ty .fr Courts. ?ty .fr "--- 44 .fr J. P. Carey, J. W. Sholor, ?ty ?fr Plckens, S C. W. C. Hughs, ?ty 4? GAREY, Hil H LOK ?ft HUGHS, ?ty .fr Attorneys and Counsellors, ?ty 4? Walhalla, South Carolina. ?ty 4? Practice in State and Federal ?ty .fr Courts. ?ty .fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr oj. ?J. .J. ?J. .J. ?J? Kurfees Paints and Oil. Gutter and Repair Work. JT>. 10. OOOI>, TINNER, - WALHALLA, S. O? < 'M l ii whit ('oiinty Ci o position. Columbia, April G-Governor Man ning has fixed next Monday ab 12 I o'clock for a hearing on the petition asking that Catawba county bo Gro uted out of portions of York, Choster and Fairfield counties, with Rock Hill as the county seat. No matter what a man has done, tho world soon forgets him unless he r.eops right on doing. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless .hill Tonio is equally valuable as ? General Tonic because it contalas^the well known tonic propcrUe8o/QUINn*R and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System, 50 cents.