AUSTRIA CONQUORS MONTE NEG. rapt HIV of OcUJnJe, Ute Recent Sent of Government, Announced. London, Jan. 14.-Cettlnje, the Montenegrin capital, has been taken by the Austrians. It now seems In evitable that Montenegro will expe rience the fate that befell Serbia, as there appears to be little to Interfere with the speedy overrunning of the remainder of the Montenegrin king dom by the power of the Austrian ar mies, which already have eaten deepr ly into Montenegrin territory on the north, east and southwest. The fall of Cettlnje was seen only to bo a question of time when the Austrians took Mount Lovcen, the dominating height nearby, and yes terday it was announced that the Montenegrins were prepnrlng to evac uate the little city which had been their seat of government. The Montenegrin force that was offering a desperate but hopeless re sistance in the Lovcen sector, ls be ing pursued, the Vienna official an nouncement states. Its onlyavenue of retreat seems to be into Northern Albania, which ls hardly friendly ter ritory owing- to the attitude of the tribesmen there. Liven Up Your Torpid Liver. To keep your liver active use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They insure good digestion, relieve constipation, and tone up the whole system-keep your eye clear and your skin fresh and healthy looking. Only 2f>c. at your druggist.-Adv. 2. Mrs. Harriet Swofford Dead. (Mt. Rest Cor. Tugaloo Tribune.) Mrs. Harriet Swofford died at the .home of her daughter, Mrs. Fed. Lee, on January 3d. She was taken Fri day with a severe stroke of paralysis and died Monday. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. J. Moore, and her body was laid to rest in Long Creek Baptist cemetery Tuesday af ternoon. What Splendid Light the RAYO Gives! ITS glow is so soft and bright that you can readall evening without tiring your eyes. The RQTo Lamp is the most popular kerosene lamp ever made. --because it gives a clear, powerful, mellow lieht -because it is easy to clean and light -because it is durable, good looking and economical Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. The Rayo is only one of our many products that bring comfort and economy to the farm. Matchless Liquid Glos? Standard Hand Separator Oil Parowax Eureka Harness Oil Mica Axle Grease If your dealer does not carry these, write to our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Now Jersey) BALTIMORE Washing-ton, D. C. Charlotte. N. C. , Norfolk, Va. Charleston. W. Vg. Richmond, Va. Charleston, 8. C. VON PAPEN PAPERS SEIZED. Copies Transmitted by Great Britain to tito United States. London, Jan. 14.-Copies of cor respondence seized from Franz von Papen, recalled German military at tache at Washington, when he reach ed Falmouth on his way to Germany, have been turned ?. vor to the Ameri can embassy for u uismisBion to thc State Department. They show that Capt. von Papen mado frequent pay ments to persons charged with the responsibility for blowing up muni tions works and bridges In tho Uni-, ted States. (?ave Money to Dynamiter. One entry shows that Capt. von Papen gave $700 to Werner Horn, who was arrested In connection with blowing up a Canadian Pacific rail way bridge at St. Croix, Maine. The day before this check was Issued the German embassy paid $2,000 into Capt. von Papen's account. Among the letters taken from Capt. von Papen there is little of In terest with the exception of a letter from thc German consul at New Or leans condoling with him on his re call from Washington and criticising severely the attitude of the American government. Payments by Von Rciustorff. Capt. von Papen's check stubs, bank books and letters from his bank, tho Riggs National Bank, of Washington, D. C., show about f>00 Items, many of which had to do with routine expenditures. Others, how ever, revealed payments to various persons Who have figured prominent ly in the activities of Gorman agents in America. Several large payments were made to Capt. von Papen by Count von Bernstorif. Most of these were for salaries or bonuses. A number of en tries showed payments made by the ambassador to the military attache for "war Intelligence office." One of the payments on this account, made in October of 1914, was for $2,300. I In January, 1915, Capt. von Papen gave a check payable to Ameick & Co., .New York, but with the name of E. Kuepferle in brackets on the stub. This ls believed to have reference to the man named Kuepferle, who, af ter being arrested in England on a charge of espionage, committed sui cide, leaving a written confession in his cell. Explosion Followed Payment, Another check stub shows that about two weeks before the explosion in Seattle on May 30, 1915, Capt. von Papen sent $500 to the German consulate at Seattle. In February of 1915 he sent $1,300 to the German consulate hi that city. v As an example of the size of the captain's financial operations his bank book shows that In January of 1915 he received approximately $0, 4 00, and paid out $5,000. Consul Explains. (Atlanta Constitution.) Dr. Wilhelm Mueller, former Ger man consul at Seattle, and now con sul in Atlanta, stated that he had received money from time to time from the German embassy at Wash ington, "and possibly from von Pa pen," but declared that such money was used for enabling German sub jects to go from Seattle to New York "on the chance that they might re turn to Germany." The consul's statement was made when he was ?shown London dispatches saying that papers taken from Capt. Franz von Papen, recalled German military attache of tho German embassy at Washington, showed von Papen had sent $500 to the German consulate at Seattle about two weeks before ah explosion at Seattle on May 30 last. "Any intimation that I was con nected with any explosion at Seattle is absolutely um-Minded," he declar ed, accompanying the statement with gestu res. U. S. Xot Prepared. Austin, Texas, Jan. 13.-"Let thos men in Congress who are now con demning President Wilson and de manding that wo interfere in Mexico realizo tho fact that tho United States is wholly unprepared for war with Mexico," said Governor Fergu son In a statement to-day. "In the present state of our army and navy it will bo the wildest folly to attempt the pacification of Mexico by force, and yet, until conditions are improv ed wo must sit silently by and see our citizens murdered by savages. "Wo need not seriously concern ourselves about a demand for repara tion until wo aro In a position to com pel our demands to be respected," the Governor concluded. How to Cul? Colds. Avoid exposure and drafts. Eat right. Take Dr. King's Now Discov ery. It is prepared from plnex tar, healing balsams and mild laxatives. Dr. King's New Discovery kills and expel? the cold germs, soothes the ir ritnted throat and allays inflamma tlon. It heals tho mucous mern birnie. Search ns you will, you can not find a hotter cough and cold rem edy. Its uso over 45 years ls a guar nnlee of satisfaction.-Adv. 2. COUNTY CLAIMS APPROVED, Following aro tho claims that were passed on by the County Board of Commissioners at their regular meeting held January 7, 1916: Roads. A. J. Duncan .$ 22 25 W. H. Alexander. 14 25 G. E. Deaton. 22 25 W. B. Mongold. 22 75 J. IL Crumpton. 1 00 M. P. Littleton . 12 95 S. M. Morton. 15 60 W H. Glazener. 1 55 J. Duff McMahnn. 22 13 A. H. Land. 37 50 J. C. Boggs . 27 15 V. P. Holden... . 5 50 Geo. W. Cobb . 24 70 G. W. Powell. 10 90 J. S. Abbott. 13 00 T. R. Jenkins. 4 00 E. L. Stone . ll 50 E. P. Holden . ll 82 W. M. Perry. 2 40 J. T. Harper . 4 00 Marshall Abbott. 4 50 Homer Ballenger. 3 25 E. N. Fester .' 18 25 S. D. Rogers. 13 00 J. T. Ramey .... :. 4 15 James Burgess . 18 50 S. B. Hubbard . . . %. 6 50 C. W. & J. E. Bauknight ... 5 60 J. L. Kell. 12 25 J. H. Brown . 6 50 J. O. Campbell. 23 21 P. A. Martin . 3 00 A. B. Redmond . 12 00 W. M. Hunnlcutt . 3 7 5 J. A. Knox. 17 00 John T. Dyar. 40 71 W. Y. Smith . 16 25 J. H. Crenshaw. 6 20 E. \V. Woodall. 3 00 G. W. Weldon.,. 3 50 S. P. Jenkins . 2 85 B. B. Simpson . ll 75 J. A. Harbin. 7 70 Mrs. W. S. Kestler (Claimed $50; held for Investiga tion) . W. J. Huskamp. 17 00 S. L. Brown . 16 25 D. E. Nicholson . ll 05 D. A. Perrltt (Amount claim ed $300; disallowed) .... W. L. McMahan. 26 36 T. Y. Chalmers . 35 95 M. D. Leo. 16 00 T. R. Jenkins. 29 60 W. E. Smith. 31 65 W. C. Rogers. 36 00 A. M. Brown. 10 00 Total for roads.$'.59 59 Bridges. J. B. Whitten.$ 5 40 W. E. Smith. 35 39 A. H. Land (Claimed $16; allowed) . 10 0C S. H. Orr . 4 95 W. H. Blackwell . 35 20 T. E. Sanders . . . 1. 7 4 75 Gus Hawkins. 37 '50 L. D. Cox. 33 00 J. S. Abbott. 5 00 J. A. Knox . 21 20 J. B. Holder. 4 38 E. B. Ramsey. 124 66 J. J. Rankin. 6 15 H. B. Duke. 22 25 Harry Miller. 1 50 Tho Brown Lumber Co. ... 19 91 F. M Biemann . 3 00 E. W. Moore. 4 00 G. J. Ramsay.j.. . 1 05 E. F. McLees. 6 72 A. P. Duke (Claimed $77.34; allowed)_. 35 48 W. H. Cole. 50 00 M. L. Cox (Claimed $2.50; disallowed) . Total for bridco3.$550 49 Total roadd and bridges . .$1,310.08 Chain Gang. W. M. Brown.$ 39 88 W. C. Kelley, Sergeant . . . 326 29 W. C. Foster. 49 78 Cudahy Packing Co; . 22 10 Wood & Shirley . 24 50 W. II. Glazener. 5 00 M. G. Holland . 1 25 Paul Lewis. 14 00 J. W. Leo. 3 50 M. E. Kelley. 40 00 C. R. Knox. " 1 00 Gignilllat & Son. 98 39 M. Ii. Tippett. 12 00 C. W. Pitchford. 8 30 Geo. Kerr (Claimed $25; al lowed) . 12 50 J. L. Marett.'_ 16 25 Sullivan Hdw. Co. 68 28 Dr. J, S. Strlbllng. 175 Ballenger Hdw. & Furn. Co. 36 49 T. W. Burkett. 2 00 H. C. Harbin. . 3 00 Hutchison Bros. & Co. .. . . ! 8 75 Paul Miller. ll 40 C. W. & J. E. Bauknight . . 227 26 S. B. Hubbard. 9 00 J. L. Kell. 4 00 Total for chain gang . . .$1,046 67 Poor Farm. W. R. Cobb.$ 83 94 Tho Brown Lumber Co. .,.. 14 20 C. W. & J. E. Bauknight ... 134 98 J. J. Ansel . . 8 00 Total for poor farm.$241 12 Salaries. W. C. Foster.$ 100 00 R. A. Reeves. 8 34 D. E. Nicholson. ? 34 M. R. McDonald . 10 72 John F. Craig. 25 00 lt. H. Alexander. 36 ll Thoa. A. Smith . 06 66 D. A. Smith. 36 12 Miss Sallie Strlbllng. 41 66 W. R, Cobb. 29 17 John Wi Davis. 83 33 Whit Knox. 8 33 P. L. Creen. 8 35 M. H. Lee. 12 50 S. H. Marett. 37 50 J. N. Hopkins. 12 50 J. A. Kubanks. 25 00 J. A. Keaton. 20 83 W. A. Dickson. 16 66 H. C. Harbin. 1G 66 M. P. Littleton. 625 E. A. Holbrooks. 6 25 J. H. Mason. 20 00 S. L. Leathers. 6 00 L. A.'Martin, rural police. . 70 00 J. H. Thomas, rural police. 70 0? W. L. Littleton, rural police 70 00 J. C. King, janitor. 16 66 Wm. J. Strlbllng, Co. Atty.. 50 00 Total for salaries.$1,024 94 Contingent. Jas. M. Moss, agt., prom... . $ 56 00 V. F. Martin, preiu. 12 50 M. R. McDonald, agt., prem. 155 00 Gulf and Atlantic Ins. Co., premium . . 21 00 W. T. Edwards, prom. ?0 00 V. F. Martin. 3 72 Miss Sallie Strlbllng. 3 00 John W. Davis. 17 85 lohn F. Craig . 9 38 Thos. A. Smith. 4, 25 M. R. McDonald. 4 00 Rescue Orph. Association . . 20 00 The Worrell Mfg. Co. 45 00 R. H. Alexander. 9 20 D. A. Smith. 4 30 W. O. White. 1 06 Total contingent.$375 66 j Lunney Proceedings. Dr. J. S. Strlbllng.$ 5 00 J. H. Thomas. 25 00 John W. Davis. 25 00 Dr. H. M. Barton. 5 00 Dr. J. R. Heller. 10 00 V. F. 'Martin . 20 00 Dr. J. J. Thode. 5 00 Total for lunacy.$> 95 00 Public Buildings. D. E. Good.$ 1 30 T. W. LeCroy. 4 50 Standard Oil Co. 12 25 C. W. & J. E. Bauknight . . 2 10 C. W. Pitchford . 3 25 Jas. Harrison. 35 00 Total public buildings . . .$ 58 50 Printing. Farm and Factory (Held for investigation, $27). Kee wee Courier. 75 50 The R. L. Bryan Co. 2 50 Walker, Evans and Cogswell Co. . . 157 36 Total for printing.$235 36 Dieting Prisoners. John W. Davis .$ 18 20 H. C. Harbin . 1 40 Total for dieting.$ 19 60 Permanent Re Chronic KNOWLEDGE ANO PRACTICE OF CORRECT DAILY HABIT THE GREAT ESSENTIAL. Constipation ls a condition affect ing all classes of all people and can be permanently relieved only by ac quiring habits of regularity. Tho most natural time for the eliminative process ls In tho morning when both the muscular and nervous systems aro relaxed by sleep and rost. When relief does not come readily, lt is an excellent plan to tako a mild laxative at bedtime. Cathartics and purgatives, that by tho vlolonce of their quick action shook and disturb the system, should not be employed. An effective laxative remedy that is very decidable, and which does not gripe or otherwise disturb the organs Involved, ls found in a com bination of simple laxative herbs known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pop sin that can be bought nt the drug store for fifty cents a bottle. Mrs. C. C. Allen, 215 Foam street, New Monterey, Calif., wrote to Dr. Caldwell that she "found Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin just what was needed for constipation and distress I Aid to Soldiers. W. L, Thomas.$ 5 00 A. B. Stewart. 1 00 .Hutchison. 1 00 C. W. & J. E. Bauknight ... 9 00 C. W. Pitchford. ll 50 R. H. Alexander. 9 00 W. H. Cole .. 1 00 A. M. Brown \. 2 00 Total soldiers* aid.$ 51 50 S ^\ Jp * ? Mothers ! S of the family from youth JJ when you use this old ar g Sloi * Link S Bruises-Rheum, M Mothers: ''Keep a 1 SJ Prie? 25c 5C ?MMMHMMMMKKX* Prince Albert such friendly it just makes a man sorry he arid cigarette smoke long, long , quick as the goodness of Pri s life 1 The patented process fi and parch 1 on the right-smoke-track soc erstand yourself how much 3 the national joy It stands to reason, doesn't ii nt Watch your step! It*? easy to chango tho shape and color of unsalable brands to i.v?talo tho Prince Albert tidy red tin, but it it impossible to imitate the flavor of Prince Albert tobacco4 The |f?? patented process protects that! Pf he sa M Al to th it'i lief for i Constipation. MRS. C. 0. ALLEN, of tho stomach niter eating. It should he In every household." Get a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and keep lt In the house to uso when occasion, arises. A trial bottle, free of charge, can ho oh 'nineo by writing to Dr. W. B. Cald well, 454 Washington 'Street, Monti cello, 111. Telephone Service, 1015. Wm. J. Stribling.$100 00 Borrowed Money. R. H. Atexandor, Co. Tr., $10,250.28. Total approved.$-4,557.41? drum! total, including paid hack IrorrowtMt moneyH $1-4,807.71 Respectfully submitted, W. C. FOSTER, Supervisor. M. R. MCDONALD, ciork. (adv.) [MMMHMMMMMMMB |nPr~-fi j i * i Your cares in comfort- )g? ing the aches and pains \-j to old age, are lessened w id truet-worthy remedy- J| \r?& 1 tient g ?tism-Neuralgia S ?ottle in your home )B? ?c. and 51.00 S is tobacco > didn't get wind of this ago. He counts it lost nee Albert gets firm set xes that-and cuts out >n as you you'll like know howl smoke L that if men all over the ition, all over the world, efer P. A. that it must ive all the qualities to tisfy your fondestdesires? en, get us right on Prince Ibertl We tell you this bacco will provo better an you can figure out, 3 so chummy and fra ant and inviting all the ne. Can't cost you more an 5c or 10c to get your afingsi Bay Print* Albert tworywhoro tobacco I? told-in toppy tod baut. Set tidy ved tint, ?Oct . handsome pound and half-pound I tin humidor*-and-in that cia $ ey ] crystal- eta?* pound humidor with eponf-mohtencr top that http? th? tobacco in auch groat trim/ , R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Win?ton-Salem, N. C.