KEOWEE COUKIEK (EstabUsliod 1840.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription fl for Annum. Advertising Hates Reasonable. STECK, SIlEIiOH & SCHRODER. Communication? of a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of not over 100 words, will bo printed free of charge. All ovor that number must bo paid for at tho rate of on? eont a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WAI?IIAIJLA. fl. C.: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ?, HMO. RIOMOVAIJ POWER NOT VESTER In (iovernor-llucknl>oo ls Reinstat ed ns Kershaw Sheriff. Holding thai the 'Legislature was without power to authorize the In definite suspension of a sheriff for neglect of ofllcial duty, the Supreme Court last week, in a unanimous de cision, ordered tho reinstatement of W. W. iluckabee as sheriff ol Ker shaw county. Mr. H ii ck a bee was suspended several months ago by Cover dor Manning on the charge that he had refused lo enforce Hie whiskey laws.. Isaac C. Hough W.I ? appointed to succeed Mr. Huckaheo by Governor Manning. "The result is that tho Governor." concludes tho opinion, "had no power lo suspend or remove the pel it ii nor or to appelai tho defendant in his place. "Tho judgment of this coull ia thal the attempted suspension of the | e lllloner and tho appointment of the defendant, lb.ugh, in his place were without authority of law and of no effect, and that tho petitioner is en titled to exe rc se tho duties of bis of fice of sheriff of Kershaw county.'" The opinion was written by Asso ciate Justice Hydrlck and concurred in by Hie othoi lour justices of the court. Recital of Eventa. The following facts are set forth preceding the Court's opinion: "The petitioner. \V. W. 'Iluckabee, was eloctod sheriff of Kershaw coun ty at the general election on Novem ber r>, 1912, and was commissioned on January I, 191 ?1, for a term of four years. On April 20, 10'.;"? after notice and a hearing, bis Excellency, the Governor, found, from the evi dence adduced at the bearing, that said sheriff bad neglected and re fused to on.orce the law regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors In this cornily, and suspended bis from of fice until the end of his present tenn. "On June 25, ?015, tho Governor appointed and commissioned thc de fendant, Hough, as sherill* of saul county. In place of petitioner. Tb.s action was brought (o lest the leg il lty ol* lluckahee's suspension, as well as the righi of Hough to perform thc duties of the ellice." Point* of Diff?rence. "In McDowell vs. Burnett, the dif ference between suspension and re moval of officers was pointed out: 'One is the mere temporary with drawal of the power lo exercise the dulles* of an office; the other is a complete and final deprivation of olli clal tenure.' In thal ease, and also in State vs. (tharne, il was held that the eon ?'erring of the power of sus pension mpliedly denies the power of remov? I. The two things are es sentially different, and are attended by difieren! consequences, both to the officer and to tho public. Remo val creates a vacancy in the office which may bo filled itt once In the manner prescribed by law j suspen sion creates no vncancy, and where there is no provision of law for some other lo perform tho duties ol' the office h. 'empornry appointment, or otherwise, wo would have an office and an officer, but no one lo dis cbarge (he duties of the olfico, to the groat inconvenience of the public for whose benofil the office was created. Hence, the reason ls apparent why the framers of the constitution placed greater limitation and restrictions upon the power of suspension than tbev did upon tho power of removal, and why. in tho genoral grant of the power of suspension and also In tho special cases in which it is allowed they made suitable provision for the performance of the duties of tho of fice by some oilier officer or by a tem porary appointee during (he Buspen sion. "In the caso before us the statute attempts to authorize Indefinite sus pension, not temporary suspension as a step In and Incident to removal; and lt makes no provision for the performance of the dillies of Hie of fice during the suspension. As we have seen, the Governor is without powor to appoint any one to dis charge the duties of the office in the place of a shorlff who ls merely sus pended. While the suspension until MARR NITRATES AT GT. FALLS. Substance Placed on Salo Saturday. Urcul Industry Promised. New York, Dec. 20.- Nitric acid, obtained by .extracting nitrogen from tho air, will bo put on the market next Saturday by tho Sotubern Bice tro-C hem leal Co., according to a statement made public boro to-da. I.. .las. H. Duke, ono of ils officers. Tills announcement follows close Upon tho resignation of Brig, Cen. Wm. M. Crozier, chief ol* ordnance of Ibo United States army, who in bia annual report urged that tho nation take steps to bo independent of the Chilean beds for tho nitrates used in making gunpowder. Air. Duke's company expects to tum out four tons of nitric acid a (lay from Its works at Great Falls, S. ('., about 50 milos front Charlotte. The chemical will be produced on a much larger scale if tho great prob lem of getting water power cheap enough can be solved. Tho work will very likely be car ried on In Canada by tho Quebec Development Co., Ltd., of which Mr. Duke is president. This company bas been acquiring extensive water power rights in the neighborhood of Lake St. John, and will have works at Saguenay Uiver. Mnny People Don't Know a sluggish livor can cause a person an awful lot of misery. Spells of dizziness, headaches, constipation and biliousness are sure signs that your liver needs help. Take Dr. King's New Lifo Pills and see bow ? hey help tone up the whole system. Fine for tho stomach, too. Aids di gestion. Purl?les the blood and clears the complexion. Only 25c. at your druggist.-Adv. 3. Whitlock llcturns tki Post. New York, Dec. 28.-Grand Whit lock, United States minister to Bel gium, sailed to-day on tho Holland American Liner Rotterdam to re sume his duties abroad. Mr. Whitlock was the guest at a luncheon yesterday of Alexander llcmphill, treasurer of the commis sion for relief in Belgium, He praised the commission's work, declaring that if it should be interrupted for one week the suffering of the Belgian people would become a calamity. According to Mr. Whitlock shoes and cloth, from which to make cloth ing, are vital necessities in the stricken kingdom. Mr. Whitlock carried back with bini a purse of $5,000 subscribed by friends in Toledo, Ohio, to be dis tributed under bis personal super vision. Keep Yourself Up to Scratch. FORTIFY YOUR SYSTEM RIOFORF IT IS WUAIONKD BY ILLS. Don't wait until you are actually sick to take a laxative. You ki.ow "an ounce ol' prevention is worth a pound ol* cure." ll* you will just take Ll Y-YRH-LAX regularly it will keep you continually in the best possible shape- bright, energetic and happy. lt is made ol' harmless vegetable mat ter, and by acting gently, but effect ively, keeps tho system cleared ol' poisons and ready to perform its best work. LIV-VFIt-LAX is sold under an ab solute guarantee to give satisfaction j or money will bo returned. For sale in .">y R.'l. Mure, Billa Mure and Elizalli P. Mure and an accu rate dcscrlon of said tract of land being as fpws: All and (gular that tract of land . known as \ Mure and Mure tract, containing hlrty-one and 13/100 (31.13) n.c\ hereinafter more fully ri-?scribed, he being a part of that tract of iii situate and lying in Chattooga unship, Oconee County, and State douth Carolina, on the west side oftauga River, heretofore said to conti one hundred and fifty live (155) ;?s; the tract aforesaid, first referrei, is circumscribed by a line boglnnint corner one, which ls corner nine; tho. Miss L. G. Kuht man tract, a a corner of tho lands of S. P. Delila rock with witnesses, an oak posting sot In a mound of stones and sled K 0; thence with the boundarl the S. P. Dendy line. S. 36-10 E. turner two, on bank of branch a smagaple, a post being set In a mound Oonos; thence to cor ner three, al^corner of the Oconee Timber Coin?- lands, a thirty-inch white oak bl$ and scribed; thence N. 54-16 W. i, the line of tho Oco nee Timber Ginny to corner four, a rock with wtsses in place, an oak post being se^a mound of stones; thence to corjflve, also corner of the Rlackwelbq, a rock with wit nesses, a post Vg ?ot in a mound of stones; thenc^70-2l W. with tho line ol the Bland? lands, to corner six. also como)? ol' the Miss L. G. Kuhl man tract a corner of tho Blackwell land) | 2-inch black gum witnessed, byirner niuo of tho Kuhtman trnctd corner Ave, of the Mure tracts; thence S. J1-10 E. witftine of tho Miss L. G. Kuhtman trio the place of be ginning, all bfe'is being turned from the true fillan. \U persons itesled In said tract of land, aro heflroquirod to come forward on th^ day of March. A. D. 1010. and.with tho Clerk of this Court at hftce at Greenville, S.- C.. their objjns, if any they should have, to tgoposed purchase or acquisition old tract of land, by the United Sti J. WILLI Ali URMOND, UniteUes Attorney. A True Copy. AI (Seal.) J. B. KjiT, Clerk, IT>. Court. January 5, 1 0 fl I-f, 10,000 Soldiers fe ii()sl sight . New York, Dei-Dr, Helen Molen, who has barking In the American hospitalice, arrived here yesterday on; steamer Ro chambeau. She s^at moro than 40,000 allied soldiL] i>30n ITmde totally blind slnceWar bogan. FEATHER D^7 ss K >J !" SrH&iiJll^&W Clean, S?nl LS'Mi.flll '?Ihm, B?f???i Ticking Svld ^ on rnone? back (T'toO NOT BUV ?v in XR,VT? ?Y\b" ?ft. ?'?t'?i ra**> Writ?? po>Ul card ????"1, Wm???l. AMERICAN rVATHKR ? fc COMPAMV. DISK ? aa H^ILTBNH.