Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 29, 1915, Image 5

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SKA Kl Hi TRAGEDY IN ?BORGIA. Houng Funner Shootw nt Fiancee. Killed by Her Fattier. 8 Molona, Ga., Dec. 2b-Lovic Strlb ||ng. a young planter, at daybreak il? morning calk'd at the home of is fiancee, with whom he had boen ?lancing at a Christmas ball a few ?lours before, and tried ?o kill the j&irl by firing at ber with a shotgun. ?Us aim w-'.s poor and before he could ?hoot again the girl's fallier, John |R. Heaton, killed him. Strlbllng and Miss Heaton wen? to Shave been married this week. lt is [ reported that the girl wanted to post 8pone the wedding until next fall, and this is believe io moe been the in direct carse of Strlbling's attempt to take her life. Doth the Heatons and the Strib lings a e prominent families in t li is community. !t wa: about o'clock not long after they had separated at the lance - when St. ?hiing reached the home of his sweetheart. Ile called lieront on the veranda an.' asked her lo kiss him goodbye for the !ast time. The girl noticed something s. range ri his manner and when she saw a shotgun lean tu g against tho st?ps, ran, shrieking, into the house, sprang Into her father's room and locked the ?loor. , strlbllng followed Hie screaming girl, and, circling through the brill and lining room, appeared at ano ther door to the ronni in which she had taken refuge. Ile aimed the shot gun at her and tired, but she had stepped aside and the shot went wild. Mr. Heaton, aroused by his daughter's cries, then rushed up and tired at Strlbllng before the latter could shoot again. The y-oing man fell in the doorway, where he died ten minutes later. Strlbllng secured the shotgun early Sunday morning from his brother, who lives about half a mile from where Strlbllng resided with bis fa ther. In borrowing the gun, Strlb ling said he wanted to kill a hawk with it. The tragic affair has deeply shock ed the entire section, where the fami lies of both principals are held In high regard Knterttnininent ut Oakway H. S. We are requested to give notice that there will be a play at the Oak used for the benefit of the school. In addition to the play, which prom ises to he one of the most pleasing at tractions ever presented at the high school building, there will be a vot \" ?? contest for the most popu young lady. The public is . . rd ir. Hy invited and urged to attend, /ou may feel assured of a pleasant evening ami that your attendance will be of great benefit to a worthy < a use Card of Thanks. .Sd i for K co wee Courier: Please al low us space in your valuable paper to thank the many kind friends, both in Oconee and Anderson, for their kindness and help In our sad bereave ment. 'May Hod abundantly bless each one of t hem. Mrs. J, C. Garrison and Children. Walhalla, ll. P. H.. Dec. 28. Found Dead <>u Sidewalk. Saluda. S. C., Dec. 26.--Bub Pou. '2\\ years of age, was killed at Ward this counts, last night. Fred Kneece, also of Ward, is in jail here ch irged With the killing. Hon's body was found early this morning on tho side walk in front Of the home of J. A. Saldier. ll is claimed signs in dicated (dearly that the body had been dragged from the bonni of Kneece. Bloodstains, it is said, were found on Hie floor of Kneece's house. No further details have been learned of the killing, but it is thought both were drinking. Kneece claims thal lie knows nothing of the killing. Pou loaves a widow, having married only a few weeks ago. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment, That's the surest way to stoo them. ^The best rubbing liniment is ^ MUSTANG IHIMENT Good for the Ailments of I Morses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. ! Qood for your own A ches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealern. SMALL CHILD BADLY SCALDED. Numerous Visitors During Holidays. Many Empty Stockings Pilled. Westminster, Doc. 27.-Special: Dr. D. A. York. Jr., of Del Kio, Texas, is the guest of Mr and Mrs. P. M. Cross. Supt. and Mrs. W. C Taylor and little daughter Sara are spending the holidays with relatives at Greenville. Miss Mamie Nelson, of Cross Hill, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Witherspoon. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, of Belton, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Mason last week. Miss Blonde Leathers returned last week from an extended visit to rela tives at Athens and Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Reeder are vis iting relatives at Blacksburg. Our band, under the leadership of ''apt. W. E. Cheswell, is getting in good working shape now. They en livened Chirstmas day by some good music on the streets in the afternoon. Mrs. Plorence Ballenger is visiting relatives at Noreross, (?a. Miss Janie Harris, of Anderson, isl one of our holidays visitors. Miss Jodie Haley, of Camden, is spending several days wit lt lier mo ther. Mrs. R. L. Hairy. Miss Hattie Simpson, of Demurest, Ga , is 2lag the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Simp son. Miss Kathryn Russell is spending the holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Russell, at Russell. Mrs. W. E. Mason and little daugh ter. Mabel, of C. reen ville, are visit ing relatives bore this week. The ladies of the Civic League re ceived $31.?0 In the empty stocking fund last week and tilled almost 50 empty stockings, besides helping some in a more substantial way. This is a splendid work of tho league, and one that appeals to everybody. They wisli to thank all who helped in any way in this cause, either by giving money, toys, clothing or work. lt was all very much appreciated. D. L. Norris, of Greenville, was a visitor here the first of the week. The Berean class of the Westmin ster Baptist church, with some invit ed guests, will enjoy an oyster supper next Tuesday evening at the hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Hunnicutt. of Mount Airy, f?a., are guests of Mr and Mrs. J. S. O'Kelley. Miss Effie Kilburn returned to At Miss Zoa Poore is visiting ber sis ter, .Mrs. J. P. Heer, at Anderson. Miss Mary Simpson, of Atlanta, and Krank Simpson, of Egan, Ga., are spending a few days with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Simpson. Miss Carmen Cross entertained a few of ber friends Monday evening in honor of Dr. D. A. York, of Del Rio. Texas. The infant son ol' Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Mills had Hie.' misfortune to get badly scalded Sunday morning. The little one stumbled and fell into a pan of scalding water and suffered intensely from the hums. Every thing possible was done for bini, and we hope he may soon he quite well auain. ..ida ''elkins, of \tlanta. is visit ing h-s lather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Perkins. J. I.. O. King and family, of Sandy Sprints, have bough.! property and located here. Wc? welcome them to on i* town. I an a I Notes from Richland. Richland, Dec. 27.-Special: The past week has been home-coming wende for the school teachers and college studenls. Misses Mae Hubbard and Melle Stribling, from Winthrop College; Roger Coe? from the Presbyterian College: Stiles and Bruce Stribling and David Mc.Mahan, from Clemson, and Kdward Vernor, from the Univer sity O?' Alabama, are spending the holidays with honiefolks in the com munity. Miss Christene Anderson, who is teaching in Camden; Miss Pauline Anderson, who is leaching at Fair Clay, and R. L .Davis, who is teaching al Norton, arc1 also at home for the holidays. Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Wilcox, for merly ol" Walhalla, spent the past week at the home of Mrs S. II. Coe. They leave to-day for a short visit to friends in Walhalla before going to Bennettsville. whet' Mr. Wilcox bas accepted a call to become pastor of the Presbyterian church. His many friends here are very sorry to have bim leave tHo county, but trust that he will be abundantly blessed with success in his new field. Tom Anderson, of Greenville spent Hu- week-end as the guest of S. N. Hughs. Edward Vernor was considerably under the weather when he arrived late Saturday evening and remained in bed yosterday, but we hope ho will LEFT WEALTH TO CHARITY. Mrs. Rockefeller's Estate Has Reen Appraised at $1,400,371. New York, Dec 27.-Mrs. Laura S. Rockefeller, wile of John D Rocke feller, who died last March, left an estate valued at $1,490,371, accord in); to the appraisal died to-day. The hulk of the estate goes to charitable and educational institu tions. The estate consists mainly of railroad bonds and does not include any stock in the Standard Oil com panies. Mrs. Rockefeller's wedding ring, which she bequeathed to ber son, .lohn 1). Rockefeller. Jr., is appraised at $3. Her most valuable piece of jewelry, a diamond watch chain, val ued at $12,000, noes to her daughter, Mis. Edith McCormick. The most valuable piece of wearing apparel listed in the appraisal is a seal coat and muff valued at $1 .">?>. Fifteen suits are appraised at $300 and ten hats at $50. Local Notes from Seneca. Seneca, L>^:. 'S - Spacial: The holidays have been marked by unpre cedented quiet, socially, in Seneca. With the exception of Christmas guns there bas been nothing doing to indi cate the Yuletide. W. K. Livingston was called to Sa vannah on Sunday on account of au accident to his brother's son, John K. Livingston, who, it was reported, was injured by an automobile. The little fellow was in a hospital but the extent of the injury was not revealed in tlie telegram, though it was un derstood to be serious. Friends of the family here sympathize with them in their anxiety. Miss Sarah Busha ot Toccoa. is visiting Mrs. L. A. Edwards. Dr. E. C. Doyle left Monday to join Mrs. Doyle, who is in a sanitarium in Baltimore. T. Edward Stribltng spent several days with homefolks here during the holidays, returning to Iva on Mon day. Peachie Vernor, of Winston-Salem, N. C.. is expected to visit Iiis mother, Mrs. Crace Vernor, this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Sbelor are vis iting m Hartsville. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Smith are spending the holidays with the fam ily of W. O. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Ii. Thompson, of . * Mr . Mr. and Mrs. '1'. H. Jones are spann ing the week with Mr. and Mrs. \V. S. Hunter. J. Lee Carpenter, of Greenville, visited W. S. Hunter on Sunday. Mr. Hunter's friends are glad to know that be is improving after an illness of ten days. Larry Woodward left for New York on Monday after spending the holidays with friends here Mrs. W. J. Lunney is in Charlotte for a visit of a month to her parents. Col. and Mrs. R. E. Mason. Mr. Lunney is visiting his father at Dar lington. Watchman Found Dead. Kock Dill. Dec. 27. Geo. 1\ Mor row, night watchman at the Wymojo Mill and a highly respelled citizen, was found dead in his chair in the engine room this morning. The clock showed that the bad made the midnight circuit He bad then sat down to read a paper. be able to enjoy himself in a few day;:. Mrs. Forman Ruins, of Fountain inn, a.ul Miss Pearle Vernor, of Greenville, are spending the holidays with H eir parents, Hon. and Mrs. IO. E, Vernor. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. McDonald and daughter, ot Walhalla, aro visiting the former's motlier, Mrs. M. J. Mc Donald. .'cry appropriate Christmas exer cises were held ru the Richland Sunday school yesterday morning In stead Of the usual order of exercises. An address of welcome to the hotne comeia w is made by John T. Rallon ger, wit ii ii response by Stiles St rib ling. Recitations hy Louise Wright Ida Leih Doyle, Lessie Maj Si rib ling, David Stribling and Kenneth Hughs, preceded by the reading ol an appropriate Scripture lesson by Jack Davis. Interspersed by Christ mas songs and followed h.. "Honte, Sweet Home," with a few remarks by the superintendent, constituted the program. Miss Ada Wyly, of Ruby, and M'flS Cora Wyly. of Tokeena. and Miss Cora Hubbard, of Cree :ville, are also among the home-comers. The for mer two being numbered among our successful teachers, while the latter bolds a responsible position in one of the largo clothing stores in Greenville. Supervisor W. C. Foster, of Wal halla, was in the community yester day afternoon. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. I'nu t leal Application of Command nieitt Forbidden During War. Cologne. Dec. 25. -Elly Reuss, a woman missionary at Cologne, the j head of a small section of Seventh Day Adventists, who preached tim J practical application of the command- j nient "Thou shalt not kill," even un der war conditions, is on trial hero before a court martial, charged with treason and with having Incited mem bers ot' tlte army to defy discipline. The alleged offense consisted of com mendation of the desertion of Adven tists who were soldiers and a declar ation thAt Di,OOO other Adventist sol diers would have acted commendably il they had refused to fire against the foe. The prosecution demanded an ex emplary sentence, declaring it was impossible to allow so dangerous a person to remain at large during war time. Der defender asked an exami nation as to her sanity, a sister of the accused having testified thal she sui'- j iered from religious mania, and t li is j was granted. It was testified that the accused, j with a few followers, was expelled from the Adventist church, a majority of the Adventists holding that they ! were .instilled In fighting a defensive war. Poplar Springs Notes. Poplar Springs, Dec. 27.-Special: t The Christmas holidays are passing i off very quietly In this section. Every- j body seems to be enjoying the season immensely. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wickliffe and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hutchison and children, of West I nion, wore recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. , J. L. Moser. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Morgan, who, have been spending the past week in Charleston, have returned. They re port having a very pleasant visit to their real ti ves and friends. Phis young couple will soon be at home, to their friends in the Fairview sec tion. J, H. Lee, who attended the South ern Commercial Congress at Charles ton as a visitor, bas also returned to his home here. He reports a delight ful time. W. iL Drewer and family have re cently moved from here to the Ebe nezer section. We regret the de parture of these good people from our . \ nd . .> . ii,, ve moved lui ?< to M.'. ? ? i . .' pie hack in our community. Next Saturday and Sunday will be the first service days of our new pas tor, Rev. L. M. Lyda, at this place. Everybody come and give him a hearty welcome. We wish for one and all of The Courier readers a bright and prosper ous new year. Putting It Off Taking Your Time in the platter of eye troubles is dan gerous indeed. WHY DELAY IN SO IMPORTANT A MATTER? Children, whose eyes are not exactly right, should be sent I us at once. Don't wait. The little fellows aro de pending upon YOU. They don't know these things themselves. GLOBE OPTICAL CO., .Masonic Temple, GREENVHJiE, S. C. A. A. ODOM, President, A. II. SCHADE, Sec. and Treas., Consulting Optometrists. CITATION NOTICE. (In Court of Probato.) The State of South Carolina, County of Oconce.-By V. F. Martin, lOsq., Holge of Probate.-Whereas, J. II, HARRISON lias made suit to me to grant him Letters of ^minis tration of tho estate of and effects of J. C. (larirson, deceased These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all and singular tho kin dred and creditors of the said J. C. GARRISON, deceased, that they bo and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Walhalla Court House, Routh Carolina, on Saturday, the 15th day of January IO ll!, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock In tho forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why I tho said administration should not bo granted. Given under my band and seal this 28th day of December, A. D. 1915. (Seal.) V. F. MARTIN, judge of Probate for Oconee County, South Carol! ia. Published rn the 20.h day of De cember, 191 5, and 5th day of Janu ary, 1010, In The Kcowee Courier, and on the Conn House door for the time prescribed by law. 52-1 We thank yo patronage given year and wish bright and pr Year. Ballenger Furnitui SENECA, (UNDTR NOTICIO OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice ls hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probato for Oconee County, In the State of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on Monday, the 10th day of January, 1916, at ll o'clock In the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, for leave to make final settlement of tho Bistate of Thomas J. Dalton, deceas ed, and obtain Anal discharge as Ad ministratrix of said estate. (MRS.) JULIA DALTON, f -' ^-?n*r r?f T!" ? . NO'J ll - Ci- I? I VA : HEi TC' .V ? T ! \ Si D1S4 it A C I Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, in the State of Soul li Carolina, at his ollice at Wal halla Court House, on Monday, tho 17th day of January, ll? 10, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, for leave to make final settle ment of the Estate of Miss Louisa Prater, deceased, ano* obtain tinal discharge as Administrator of said estate. JOHN C. DODDS. Administrator of the Estate of Miss Louisa I'ra ter, Deceased. Dec 15, 1915. 50-1 TRI STEE S SALK Ol ' REAL ESTATE. iiie United states ol' America, The State ol' South Carolina. In Hie District Court of Hie United Statu s, for the Western District of South Carolina. In the matter of RUSKIN" ANDERSON, Bankrupt. . In Da uk ru pt cy. In pursuance to an order to me di rected, 1 will sell, to the highest bid der, at public auction, in front of the Walhalla Court House door, on MON DAY, the 3d day ol' JANUARY, J it I ti, within the legal hours of sale, cer tain real estate belonging to the es tate of Ruskin Anderson, Bankrupt, t s follows, to wit : Tract No. 1.-All (bat certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Seneca Township, Oconee County. South Carolina, on the west side of the right of way of the Blue Ridge Railway Company, adjoining lauds of I?. Dagwell, Dr. W. R. Doyle, and others, cont lining nine.y-oiie and '1/10 acres, more or les?, ant being the tract (if land con veyed t ) Ruskin Anderson by ,1. Keeso I loll., ul by deed bearing date tho ."iib day d' February, 191!, and recorded ?u Clerk's ollice Oconee Coun'y, S. C.. on Hie 2d day of No vember, I!'! I, in book TT page 191. tract No. ti.-All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in Seneca Township, Oconee County, South Carolina, at or near Courtenay Station, adjoining right-of-way of the Southern Railway Company, and lands of Lillie Mor gan and others, containing four and one-half acres, more or less, and he ine, the lot conveyed to Ruskin An derson by Mrs. Savannah E. Kelley by deed bearing date the litth day of .lune. Pit t, and recorded in Clerk's office on the 20th day of June, 19 14, in book TT. page la. Tract No. ;?.-All those two cer tain pieces, parcels or lots of land situate, lying and hiing in the Town of Seneca, of the County of Oconee, State of South Carolina, fronting on the right of way of the Southern Railway Company 20 1/8 reet and running back 100 feet to 3r>-foot al ley, and being two o? the eight lots r $ and Hers! ?u for the liberal us for the past for you all a osperous New Hdw. & re Co., ?TAKERS) S. C. conveyed to Ruskin Anderson by A. W. Thompson and others, by deed bea ri Ii?* date the 2 5 tb day of April. 1909, and recorded in Clerk's office, Oconee County, S. C., in deed hook KK, page 190, on the 17th day of November, 1 !)()!), and being designat ed as Lots Numbers (?S3 and 684 on plat of survey of certain lots in the Town of Seneca by J. W. 'Harper, Surveyor, in 1909. Terms: CASH. Purchaser to pay extra for papera and stamp. M. STOKES STRIBLINO, Trustee. Dec. ir>, 1915. 50-5 2 South Carolina, for the election of Municipal Officers for the said town for a fenn of two years. The olllcera to he elected are: Mayor, six Alder men and four Members of the Board of Health. Polls will be open at the usual vot ing place at Walhalla Court House continuously from 8 o'clock a m. until J o'clock j), m. The following have been appointed Managers to conduct said election: T. A. ('.rant. .1. It. Tribhle, Ped. White. W. M. BROWN, Mayor. .IAS M. MOSS. Clerk Council. Doc. ll, 1915. 5 0-1 NOTICE OF Pl NA Ii SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to V. P. Martin, .Judge ol' Probate for Oconee County, In the State, of South Carolina, at Iiis ellice at Walhalla Court House, on Thursday, the Otb day of January, 1916, ai li o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, for leave to make final settlement of the Estate of Mrs. Yelina (!. Kelley, de ceased, and obtain final discharge as Administrator of said estate. H. A. KELLEY, Administrator of the Kstate of Mrs. Yelina (!. Kelley, Deceased. Dec. s, I 'i I 5. 49-52 MASTER'S SADD. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to a decree of the afore said Court, in the case named below. I will offer for sale, to tho highest bidder, in front ol' the Court House door, at Walhalla, South Carolina, on MONDAY, the 3d day of JANUARY, litIO, between the legal hours of sale, the lots of laud below described: Thomas Sprinkle. Plaintiff, against Broadna Whltmlre, Defendant. All those certain lots of land situ ate in the Town ol Westminster, County ol" Oconee, State; aforesaid, being Lots Eight (8), in Block Two (2), and Lot No. Eight (S), in Block Five ( "> ), as shown by plat of Pied mont Land and Improvement Co., made lo W. B. Trogdon, Jr., dated May 2oth nit i. Terms of Sah;: CASH. That in event of failure of the purchaser or purchasers to comply with the terms of sale within five days from day of sale, tho Master do re-advertise and resell said premises on the following saloday, or sonio convenient saleday thereafter, at tho same plaro and on the slime terms ns heretofore set out, ?il the rfsk of the former purchaser or purchasers, and that he do con tinue so to do until he has found a purchaser or purchasers who com ply with the terms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamp. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconeo County, SC... Dec. 15, 1915. 50-52