OUR CHRISTMAS ( Fifteen Cen for Your Wc arc offering Christin, a pound cotton value. Thc biggest linc of Toys played herc at such little pri Sec our linc of The Da vi Xmas lines. These bcautif good taste, and your friend them. m* ** M? Norman's Stores .?..?..?..?..?..?..?..?..?..j. .j..?..?..?..?..?..?..????. -I -J. IAH:Ah AM) I'ICKSOXAL. week-end m Walhalla visit ing friends. John l?\ Tnlhani. of Columbia, ,s spending the holidays in Walhalla wit h his fa mil} . N'unnally's lino candies at hell's drug store. Fresh every dav. Adv. Mr. and .'vii- C. W Tat telson and children, ?>i Townvllle, spent yes terday in Walhalla as guests of Mr. and Mrs. lohn W Davis. Krank ll. Hill, of Highlands. N. j <' . was a business visitor to Walhalla , yesterday. Ile has many friends! herc who are always pleased to see him. Mrs. John F. Craig. Mrs Henry ! ami Miss Marguerite Brcnnecke spent ; Monday in Anderson among friends j and looking al ter some Christ nias snooping. -Yoke nice young steers; weight about 1.S00 pounds. Price right; fenns to suit purchaser. W. .M. Drown, Walhalla.--Adv. t. f. There will he a Christmas tree and a se-v h e of recitations and music at St. John's 1.ul heran church, Wal halla, on Christmas night at 7..'in o'clock. Everybody is Invited and will he cordially welcomed to this st rv it e. Last Friday thc Walhalla High School vacated for two weeks. The school will open again on Monday, January 3d. Miss Sarah Rudd, of the High School faculty, is spending the holidays with relatives at Sum merville. -Rig line hooks and Bibles at Normans. Adv. Married, at the residence of S. II. Medlin, in the fObenezer section, on Sunday. December 19, Miss Grace Chandler and Henry Addis, both of the lObene/.or community. Friends of the contracting parties extend eon prat ulat ions and best wishes. -Mrs. I... H. Van DI viere and daughter. Miss Margie, who have been spending some time ill Wal halla, returned lo their Savannah home yesterday afternoon, lo the re gret of maii.v tri< mis here. Their return to their Walhalla (|uartcrs for the summer will i>< the source of much pleasure io their friends here. For Sab Two yoko good oxen, animals weigh about I.ono pounds each. See C. W. & J. K. Bauknight, Walhalla, fora bargain. -Adv, At a meeting ol' Piedmont Pres bytery, held al Seneca last Friday, the pastoral relation between Kev. C. M. Wilcox and thc Presbyterian churches ai Walhalla and Bethel was ordered dissolved ami Kev. Mr. Wil cox was dismissed to the Pec-Dee Presbytery, in ?he bound . of which lie will labor after January !st. It'll', his new charge being at Hen ncttsville. Rev. W H. Mills. of .Clemson College, presided over the m? eiin:? ot Prcshytt ry. figaro Preservar. or liquid r lindie, for enring meats, ;lt C. W. & .1 10. Bauknight's, Walhalla. Adv. We H? CHRISTIN/!/ We Have E Thc Stock Consists of IV Wc Mention a Fe v^vuv vjiass,, Silverware, Sterling Silver Novelties, Electric Table Lamps, Hand Painted China, Mirrors, Toilet and Dressing Cases, Thermos Bottles, Fountain Pens, (Parker's and Waterman's Ideal.) Pictures, BELL'S DR! Walhal Nunnally's 1 3REETING TO ALL ! [ ts a Pound Cotton ! is Goods equal to 15 cents and Fancy Goods ever dis cos. is Quality Cards and other ul gifts will appeal to your s will bc proud to receive ike Your Purchases Early. >, Walhalla, S*C Sterling silver novelties at Hell's drugstore. Inspect the line. -Adv. We are requested to announce that there will be ;i Christmas tree ?nd appropriate exercises al the Kooky Knoll ll iptist chu re h on Christmas dav (Saturday) ul 3 o'elo.ek. Plans are being made to have this year's entertainment one of the best in thc histor* '>r the church. The public is COI'diall> invited. I >u t uc Jersey sow pius, pure bred, s weeks old. AppR to li. P. 11 u t ch ison. West Union, S. C. Ad ' On December 12th la t Miss Mary Alexandi r and Hush Crenshaw, ol' the Salem section, were married hv Kev. s. A. Bryant. The ceremony v\;is pei formed at the home nt the bride's parents. The young ?implo lia\e a hos; ot friends who will loin with as in extending hearty good wishes. Recently we have made mention of several lar.? hogs that have been l;i!led in this and other sections of the 'ounty. We are in receipt ol in lorm.ttion concerning a l ti-months-old pork? r. however, that "brings on more talk.'' This animal was slaugh tered l'y W. T. Dodd, of the Newry section, and il netted 177 pounds. It was a Ouroe-Herkshire cross. Will buy a few head cattle (feeders I. Ile sure to see us. C. W. & .1 K. Mauknight. Walhalla.- -Adv. We aie requested to announce that the session of the Walhalla Pres byterian church has excused Rev. G. M. Wilcox from holding service here next Sunday, the same action having been taken by the session of the church at Bethel. There will, there fore, be no services next Sunday at either the Walhalla church or the church at Bethel. - Miss Daisy Pendley and Fred j Smith, ol' Oconee. wore married at Liberty, Dickens county, on the 13th ?ol' November, the ceremony hoing I performed by Magistrate Gantt. The 1 bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 111. M. Pendley, of Clemson College, and Mr. Smith is a son ol' Mr. and .Mrs. W. IO. Smith, of Salem. Tile Courier joins with many others in wishing the \oung couple every joy and happiness through life. -Big lim- dolls and carriages a.' Norman's. Adv. The propert v ;it the corner of Main and College streets, now owned hy Major Wm. .1. Strihling and used as the central ollie? ol the Oconee Telephone Company, is being im proved. Workmen have been en gaged during this week in excavating under the building, taking down about four feet ol' earth, and it is un derstood a concrete lloor will he luid on a level wi' i the sidewalk. A plate glass front will bc put in the build ing. It is also stated that the Main street sidewalk will be paved in front ol' this property and that the College st loot walk on the west side will he I lid straight through to the depot in regulation block or sectional con crete sidewalk material. This will be a greal improvement not only to the plojienv. hut to the street as i well. - For Sale -".0 acres of land ad I joining corporate limits of town of West I nion; on public road and rail road; LT) acres in cultivation; six room dwelling and good barn; $.",0 per acre. Moss & Littleton, Wal halla. S. C.--Adv. ive the Assortment GOODS ver Carried. lany Beautiful Selections, w of thc Leaders : Toys and Toys (Greatest Assortment.) Dolls, all kinds. Fire-Works, Air Rifles, Linen Picture Books, Bibles and Testaments, Assortment of Books, Beautiful Linc of Box Sta tionery, Christmas Cards. JG STORE, la, S. C Fine Candies ^J? -T. E. Alexander sells Rock Hill buggies. Walhalla, S. C. adv.-tf. Don't forget that the stores of Walhalla will bo closed Saturday and Monday. Anticipate your wants and make your purchases early. . C 0. Knsley, of Sunburst, N. C., is in Walli.illa for the holidays visit ing his family. Mr. Ensley is holding a position as salesman in a store at Sunburst. Ho will return on the ii . "> 111. Mrs. Hnyne li. Jones, of Ta m as soc is visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. li .Harrison. Her many friends boro will bo de lighted to know that she will romain in Walhalla until after tile beginning ol' tbi' new year. ?Everything for Xmas going .heap al Norman's.-Adv. -The Courier feels a peculiar in terest in tin' following announcement which appeared in the papers of last week: "E. C. Manu, an attorney of si. Matthews. i.s being mentioned as a successor lo the late Solicitor 1*. T. Hildebrand." Mr. Mann is unite well known in Walhalla and Oconee, being a son of the late Rev. Coke H. Mann. We are requested to announce that Hi?! stores of C. W. Wickliffe, J. E. Morton, Hutchison Hros. having been forwarded to Oconee, and Treasurer Alexander has received the money and passed it to tho credit of the schools. The schools that aro benefited by this dis tribution of State aid are as follows: Oakway, $150; Seneca, $250; Town ville. $100; Walhalla. $2.">0; West minster, $250. This distribution is in the nature of a half payment, a similar install ment to be made as soon as the State's funds aro in such shape as to warrant another payment. - Ruy sterling silverware at Bell's drug store. Elegant line to select from. Adv. --Austin Beatty, of Chino. Cal., ar rived in Walhalla Monday and will spend a month in this section visiting among Iiis numerous relatives and friends. Some years ago Mr. Beatty left this section for the Weaiv^nd he has now become a great lover of that section of our country. He has made a success of farming and will return tlie latter part ol January to look af ter bis business affairs. We join with others in according him a most hear ty welcome back to his old home. An other Oconee ni who is making his home at ('.ono, in the "Golden Wost." is W. C. Grogan. He also ls doing well in bis adopted home. I. W. Hollcman, Esq., has been quite silk foi' about a week, but we are glad to note that he is consider ably improved at present and hope that he may soon be entirely recov ered. Mr. Holleinan hopes especially to be able to meet his appointments as I'onsion Commissioner by the first Saturday En January and each suc ceeding Saturday in that month. However, should be not be in posi tion to take np Hies?' duties, Capt. M. A. Terrell, of Westminster, will be secured to take his place, and the interests of the old soldiers and the duties of the office ' ill be given the usual careful attention. There were no ( banges made in the pension laws by the last General \sesmbly. A heavy rain fell over all parts of Oconee last Friday afternoon and nights. Low-lands wer?' Hooded and upland badly washed. Creeks were '?ut of banks and much damage done to bridges in various sections. Seneca river was reported very high, also Changa. On Cane Creek the Thompson bridge was washed away. On North Cane creek the Ivester bridge was torn from its fastenings. On Changa the Jenkins bridge was damaged. A small bridge near the Ravenel bridge, on Seneca River, was washed away. The plant of the Wal halla Dight and Rower Company was torced to close down about mul l? 11; h I.. Thu ?wry cotton mill was (dosed down on account of the high water and was not operated until Monday following. This was one of tho biggest "winter" freshets known in years. Mig line (lolls and carriages at Norman's. Adv. Julian J, Neville, ol Atlanta, pent a very brief period in Walhalla last week, ho having come over on Hie sad mis don of attending the fu neral of his cousin, Miss Mary Ai.sol. Ex-Governor and Mrs M r. An:,ol, m Groom llb . ..?so came over to Wal halla for the funeral. Mrs. G. E. Clarkson, of Verdrey, S. C., and las. E. Ansel of Chattanooga, Tenn., sis ter ard brother of the deceased, at tendetl thc funeral also. The Wal halla High School attended in a body, paying a beautiful tribute to Hu- deceased, who was teacher or the fourth -'rade in the school. There were numerous beautiful floral trib utes, some (foiling from a distance, some ti om individuals, others from pupils :itid the faculty ot tho school, .and om ?rom t lu? Maul Mayne Circle, the local literary club, of which Miss Ansel had been a member for some years, The services at the church and at tho grave were largely attend ed. The Lutheran church was una ble to accommodate Hie large cou cou i se. Huj Nunnolly's candie at Dell's drug store. Some elegant piece? to selecl from in boxes, baskets, etc. Adv. -Everything for Xmas going cheap SH Norman's.-Adv. - Miss Caroline Loggan, an aged ?adv, has been quite sick at the home of .Mrs. .1. M. Loggan, near Walhalla, but is somewhat improved this morn ing. -The many friends of .1. Andrew Keaton, who has been quite ill for a week at his home here, will be glad to learn that he is reported this morning to be some better. We hope that he will soon be able to be out. -Christmas exercises will be held at the Lutheran and Baptist churches Christmas (Saturday) evening. Ex Ct'cises will be held at Hie Methodist church Monday evening at 7.30. The public generally is invited to all these exercises. Two good horses a.ul th rei1 cows for sale for cash or on time. T. 10. Alexander, Walhalla Adv. 51-1 Misses Pauline Grant, of Colum bia, and Lettie Grant, who is teaching school in the lower part of the coun ty, will spend the holidays in Wal halla with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. \. Grant, and among their many friends. They will reach Wal halla Thursday afternoon. Misses Ida Biemann and Mary Cornelia Harton, of Lander College, Greenwood, arrived in Walli illa Mon day to spend the holidays hore with homefolks and among their many friends. The Winthrop*girls are ex pected to arrive to-morrow (Thurs day) afternoon. -We are requested io announce that there will he preaching at Dou ble Springs next Sunday. December 2fith, at I I o'clock, and at Laurel Springs at 3.30 p. m. The pastor, Rev. H. A. Whitten, will preach and conduct the services, and tho public is most cordially invited to attend. Everything for Xmas going cheap at Norman's. - Adv. -Mrs. M. R. McDonald left early this week for her old home in Co lumbia, where she will spend part of the holidays with her mother. She will be joined the latter part of the week by Mr. McDonald. Mrs. M. J. McDonald, of Richland, is spending the Christmas and New Year holi days in Walhalla, dividing her time between the homes of her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Foster, and son. Mr. Mc Donald. -The many friends of Dr. T. G. C. Fahnostork will regret to learn that he is quite ill at his home near town. He bas been routined to bis bed for the past week, but we hope will soon bo able to be out. During the sum mer Dr. Fahnestock suffered a great deal by reason of being thrown from bis horse, which became frightened at an automobile. In bis present ill ness the effects of this fall are prov ing annoying. -At the recent meeting of Blue Ridge Lodge. No. '.?2, A. F. M., the following officers were elected for the new year: John A. Ansel, W. M.; Dresden A. Smith, S. W.; .lames L. Parker, J. W.; Chas. Pitchford, Treasurer; W. O. White, Secretary; J. 13. S. Dendy. S. D.; Wm. H. Jones, J. D. ; F. F. Collins and J. J. D. Cowan. Stewards; A. C. Phillips. Tiler. The officers were installed immediately after election and will take charge of lodge affairs at the next regular meeting. -M. R. McDonald, clerk of the County Hoard, requests us to inform the public that the money in aid of the old soldiers of Oconee has been exhausted, and that there will be no more payments to the veterans until tho Legislature meets and makes an other appropriation, lt will proba bly be March before additional sol diers' aid certificates can be issued. The commissioners regret this condi tion of affairs exceedingly, but it is one of those unfortunate circum stances that cannot be avoided, there being no funds available with which to continue the monthly payments to the needy soldiers. - There are numerous Inquiries as to when the municipal lighting plant will be put into operation. W?1 have made inquiry and are informed that the plant will be put Into full opera tion in all probability with the first day ol' the new year. Due unit is in perfect order and ready for operation, and could be started now, but it in thought advisable to wait :::;til thc second unit is completed, thus giving assurance of no further delay. In tb? present delay HU? trouble was the re sult of ' n accident in unloading thc heavy n :i hillery, a part ol' one en gine having been broken, n?cessit?t" lng securing new parts for it. FOR SALE-Fresh Mlle?' Cow with young calf; half Holstein, lr t Jersey; good milker. Terms to s'.it purchaser. Apply to J. F. HEBDEN, West Union, s. c. 49-tf. ?2 If. I*. Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engine, slightly used. Will sell cheaj for cash. Ballcnger Hardware and Furniture Co., Seneca, S. C. tf. TO HOG RAISERS-My fine Duror Jersey Hoar. "Chief of Walhalla.' Keg. No. 69191, is ready for service at my borne, one mile from town Usual fee. CHAS. W. BURNSIDE, Walhalla. S. C. 18-.") 1* SPECIAL OFFER-To patiente coming from Oconeo County to om Greenville office for oyo work: As wt are members of Chamber of Com moree, we refund railroad fares, A. A. ODOM, Consulting Optometrist Optici n; Presldont Tho Globe Opti cal Co., Masonic Temple, Greenville S. C. 9-tf. FRESH EVERY DAY J Fine Candies, (15 kinds), Fruits and Nuts of all kinds, Wholesale or Retail Come to us to supply your ne^.ds for the holidays. E. KHOUREY, Proprietor, Candy Kitchen, WALH ALLA. S. C. SENECA, S. C Near Post Office. Richardson Bldg To My Friends and Customers! The Season's spirit of good cheer and fellowship brings us again the welcome opportunity to express our appreciation of your friendship. We wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of happiness and prosperity. C. W. PITCHFORD. ? Something Good to Eat at CHRISTMAS TIME is pr?pc;\ and every one wants a little extra at the joyous season, and MOODY'S GROCERY is the place to blty if you really want something TASTY. A few seasonable items are mentioned below : All Kinds Sliced Meats. Fruit Cakes-1, 2 and 5 Pounds. Prepared Ci'ttiilKUTy Sauce, , , APPLES, (JHAIMO I Kl IT, OKA NOBS, BANANAS, GRAPES, CRANBERRIES, Mince Moat, Celery, AH Kinds Nuts, Shelled Walnuts ami Almonds. PICKLES, RELISHES, PRESERVED AM? CANNED FRUITS. RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON. Aldi VARIETIES CA MUIOS. M A CCA RON I, CHEESE, SPAGHETTI, THAT COCI) O. K. BREAD. CIGARS ANO TOBACCO IN DAINTY XMAS BOXES. Special Attention to Christmas Tree Ord? rs. BUY NOW AND II A VIO US PCT YOU R ORDER AWAY. J. ARTHUR MOODY, Walhalla. Good Things to Eat,. A Christmas Present For Everybody ! Santa Claus is Here ! For the Children-Toys of All Descriptions Dolls, Tea Sets, Floral Sots, Doll Carts Cradles, Pop Guns, Dull Reds, Hummers, Cow Roy Suits, Dressers, Hatchets, Mechanical Trains. Drums, ALL DESCRIPTION OC MECHANICAL TOYS. Horns, For the Larger Ones* Tricycles, Cypress Wagons, Rocking Horses, Velocipedes, Sho-l iys, Air Dilles, The Older Boy. Safety Razors, Leather Puttee Loggings, Razor Straps, (?uns, Mash Dights, Dilles, Driving Gauntlets, Hunting Couts, Crockery and Hardware. (Russ Wan-, HEISEY'S PRESSED GLASSWARE, Silver Ware, Crockery, CUT GI J A S.S. lOiiitinclcd Wale, HAND PAINTED, DECORATED ODD CHIN A PIECES, loo PIECE AUSTRIAN CHINA DECORATED DINNER SET - FOR $18.00 - TURKEY ROASTERS, CARVING SETS, FURNITURE AND STOVES, SIDE BOARDS, DINING TARDIOS, BUFFETS, HUGS, ART SQUARES, ROCKING CHAIRS, MAJESTIC RANGES, DAVENPORTS, IOU:. BUCK'S RANGES AND STOVES, HEATERS, Etc. Call and Look at Our Stock.v*Tt was Never More Com plcte.^Wc Can Please You in Your Wants. Balliger Mw. ant Furniture Co., SENECA, S. C. UNDERTAKERS. SENECA, S. C.