Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 22, 1915, Image 6

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ivEOVVEE (JOUKIKM (EbUblibliod 18U>.) Published Every Wwlnesday Morning Subscript ion 81 Per Annum. Advertising Kalos Itousonuble, _i;> - BT ECK, SIIEI/)lt ? SCH ItOIIElt. Communication.; of a personal character charged ICM as advertise* mears. Obituary notices an" tributes of respect, of not over H?0 words, will tm printed free of charge. All over number nins' b .. paid for at. the rate of ono (?Mit a word. Cash to a? company manuscript. WAMIAMiA, S. C.: WEDXESOAV, ni;.', aa, 11>irs. TAX COMMISSIO.N IS IPilEM?. Supreme Court Says I kink s Have Ade ?piale Kriliidi El.SOVt llt'l'C, ? oin ntbia. I lee. I U The ?iel ? feat - j ti ^ Hie Slate Tax Commission was ll ph?, ld i o a iL' h I ill an Ol' lei by I he Sup:-? nu' Court dismissing the appli cation o| the National Loan and Ex change Hank ol' tl reen wood, for an in.ina (ton. ard the applicatiim ot th< People's National Hank ot' ll reen kill?', for a m i ada inns, directed against the Tax Commission. The Coull says lhere is adequate remedy ;>t law for tln se hanks and refuses to cnj-iit. the Ta>: Couuni sion. Ibo opinion .v...s written by Asso ciate Justice Eras! ir, anti concurred in t>' Chief Justice Cu.. and Associ iiie liistieo Hydrick. Associ?t* .lus tu' Hage dissented The opinion ??.. nhs Associate Juwlho Watts, v ho originally granted the rel iel asked fol bj the hanks, til?'case being carried on tppeil lo the Supreme Conn b\ \ssistant \ll;irnoj (leneral Dominick. ( ?pinion ot' ( 'nill i. le opinion ol the cou ri follows: "National Loan and KxcllUUge Hunk, of C reen wood, and W. 1". Hai ley, petitioner, respondents, vs. Adol phus W. lone.-;, .lohn I' I lei hatti atui VV. C. Query, constituting the South Carolina Tax Commission, and I. W. Canfield, auditor, respondents-appel lants. And t he People's Hank, of Green ville, s. C., a corporation under Hie .aws ol' the United States, in behalf ot itself and all oilier banks ol ibis State, plaintiffs, respondent, vs. A. W. .Innes. J. P. Hcrhani and W. G. Query, Commissioners ol' the South Carolina Tax Commission, defend ants, appellant. "These two cases were beard to g< tber. The one is for injunction, the other ls for mandamus. The one ob ject of the two proceedings is to | re vent an alleged unlawful assessment ol bank property for taxation, and so Jil?' unlawful collei lion of taxes so assessed. Hot h are extraordinary remedies; neither is . diable where there is any other adequate remedy provided 'nie ala lu lc* of Ibis State p rovide an adequate remedy, i. e., pa mein ol th.? dispul ?I lax under protest and a sn il for re? o very ol' the unlawfully pnid. The Constitu tion ot th;s St ile cm-- the power to the courts to iss'te wiits of injunc tion and luanda mus and the Legisla ture can obviai,- the necessity for the issuance ol those writs by providing un adequate remedy al law ns it has ?lone n tb; mai ter >>i assessment and ?oil? cl lou ol' I a x?*s. Adequate Item. d.\ . lt is liol HOI essa ry to sta te t lie .questions it.volved, as it is held that ' ? . re is m adequ ?te remedy at law in ?v hil h all I h.? que,: ?oas ma y be ais< d in due course und decided, rim ; und deriv ed from assessment und collodion of taxes from the food ti I ply ol ti gov eriimenl. The a bi lily .if .: gov. ?.iliu m io exercise its I'unr : bois depends upon | he colled ion of laxes, and it will md be summarily deprived of it., power except it? cases ?>l lb olute necessity. Many citizens ? ! in . io i on 11 ' J1111. . io the tu mis oj ? be Si ?te and lo pay a tax. til though .; is no) in ac ord willi the forms o ' ! I'.V. The policy of Hie Saw is to g i vi (bose citizens au opportuni I V do so. .\n ad. piale r iio dy is prov ide I thus? who pay lindel protest, and ?' n? oi ii. i1 of in i II ii ol iou and llian 1 '. um ... ov "i a uled ?ind t he jndg II? ' ' - a ? ea '.ed lioii: I "\ el's, d." Easy to Take, No Pain or Ache. lt's no longer necessary to bear thc weakening sickness and terrible nau : . ;, t hal alway..; follow s a ?lose of I'S. . niel. J I V-\ LK-LAX clo in ... th? tor;.id liver and livens up the whole . ystein by ridding it of the clogging poisons. Yet it works so gently ami pleasantly that you baldly know you've taken it LIV VE ll-EA X, being purely vege table, is absolutely harmless, and does not tear up lb.-, system lil<e cal omel. And it's guaranteed to be .sat isfactory, or the druggist will returi your money. Por sale at 50c. and %] at Norman's ?rug Store, Walhalla i>. C.-Adv. GAS?L?! NE CHICES SOAKING. european Tuking, Increased Home l s?-, Supply Shortage, Aro ('mist's. New York, Dec. 16. The greatei demand for crude and refined oilh abroad, with the addition ot au in reased domestic demand and a lower production, lias caused Mic prices of i lu so commodities to advance mate rially in Hie last few months, and well informed persons in tito lltiuheia] list rmi sa) higher prices will occur in thc coming year, Gasoline, in par lieular, it is said, will advance in price. Dispatches received yesterday -lanai thal 11.20 per hanoi lor Okla lonia crudo oil. announced by a local o in pa n v. was the highest since Ihe mid continent field became a promi nent producer, lt is three times tho ??rice asked last August. The cause tor this rise is due t<> the gradna! I'xhau.stion ni the Cushnie, pool. This veil is producing approximately !H), .HMI barrels a dav. A j'ear ago the productiill was 1100.OOO barrels Tho output of the huai oil refin eries is sold oui far Into the Bpring. lt has been estimated thal the 2. IO.OOO automobiles In 'he United States last year II ed approximately 2,000,000,000 gallons of gasoline, and thai during the coining year an additional 1.000.0011 i u tom.?biles viii require half as mm h tuon". CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Dears tho Signaturo of Bandits (Jet Small Hoot v. Mena. A rk.. I lee. 1 ii. Sou t h bound passenger train No. 1 ol the Kansas Cit) Southern railroad, was held np between Eagleton and Acorn, small stations near here, early to da) bj three robbers. The bandits blew open the safe in the express <;ir The loot, according to railroad offi ciais, consisted of four registered packages ol small value. The pas sengers ?vcr? unmolested. MAM: MU K TAX KUTI KXS. \uditor's Olllce. Oconee County, S. C. December 17. I?il5. The Auditor's otllce will be o|)OH to receive returns for Personal Prop erty for taxation from the 1st day of January, lain, to the 20th day of February, I!tit!, inclusive. The Township Boards of Assessors are required by law to list all those who tail to make their own returns within the time prescribed by law. Hence the dilliculty of delinquents es caping Mic .".II per cent penalty, as well as the frcqueiu > of errors re sulting from tins practice. By ah mentis make vom own returns and liieret)) save expenses and confusion. All personal property must be item ized. Kcal Estate not returnable I iis year, except property that has been bought or sold, in which case same should li?- noted .is such. De sure and *.;ive vour correct school district. All piersons between the ages of 21 and itu rears, except ex-Confederate soldiers a Ml those incapable ol' earn ing a support front bein.-, maimed or o!h"i causes, shall be deemed taxa ble polls Please don't neglect returning "our dogs. Foi Hie convenience nf tax-payers tho Auditor or his deputies, will re . .?ive returns nt the following times iud places' Tugaloo Academy-Monday, Jan. Madi on Tuesday. Ja?. I. l'aboi Wednesday, Jan. ">. South Union Thursdav, Jan. .>. I air I'la) Frida ? . Jun. 7. Earle's Drove i Abie's Store) ?al ur?la \. Jan. y Oak w iv Monda .. Jan. I 0. Tokooiri Tnesda c. .lan. I 1 w. N. WoollirighU.? Wednesday, lan. I '. Friendship Thursday, .lau. I it. .1 ed i n ia Frida > Jan. l l lt it-h la II cl Sa I u rd iv Jan. 1 " Adams's Crossing Monday. Jan. 17. s to I '? o'clock. i be ni i "o|!eir< . Mi adv. .1 an 17 ll lo I o'clock. Newr.v Tuesday, Jan. IS. CKrk s Store-Wednesday .?.an 1 Salem Thursday, Jan. KO. Little Uiver Fri lav. .1 m. 2 '. Tamassee Saturday Jan. 22. Mt Kesl Monday. Jan. 2 I. Henry'? Store- '?ne day. Jan. 2"?. Cannon's Store Wednesday, Jan. .' li. Westminster Thursday and Fri day, January 27 and L's. Seneca Monday and Tuesday, Januar) ".I and February I. Ileturns will bo taken at all place? mentioned above from li' o'clock a m. until ?'> o'clock p. m., except those noted otherwise. I) A. SMITH. Auditor Ocouoo County. S. C. .I* .!* .!* 'I* ?I? *I? ?I- ?i* ?fr ?p ?fl .J. HACK IIOMK FOR CHRISTMAS '} .J? ?J? ?J? ?J? *|* ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J. .J. (Charlea Hanson Towrie, in Deceinbei Housewife. ) I went hack nomo for Christmas, / And I M as glad I wont. Por in that lit tl?- village I found oUI content. The wreaths within the windows. Tho nods and smiles for me. The unforgotten welcome, Tho dear serenity. \nd ah! that wondrous moment I clicked the little gate. And trod t he snow-bound lilith way, Joj fill, swift, elate! The porch and then the lire, Within t iiat undent room! ()l?. in my heart a fragrance TIK> holly's deep perfume! And then toe old folk.-; 'round me, Tho servants in the hall, V dozen hearty kisses, A warm, "(Jod Mess you all!" I weill Pack home tor Christmas. Ami I was glad 1 went. Por in that little \ Hinge I found that old content. A MKKCIIJIOSS .11 IK ; C. I lue Who Shows No Favor. A ue r. iles, judge is Father Time. Before him the weak and the want ing go to the wall. Only the truth can stand. For years the following statement from a Walhalla citizen has w ithstood I Iiis sternest ot all tests. K. I). Oelkers. butcher, W. Main street. Walhalla, says: "I have suf fered from rheumatic pains ever .-ince I was young. My kidneys have always been irregular in action, and ! have had backache. I used Dean's K iii ney Pills, procured from Dr, Hell's drug store, and they gave nie relief. Another of the family liad dizzy ind nervous spells and i,'ie kid neys wer,- weak. Backaches also caused milch suffering Donn's Kid ney Hills brought relief." (State ment given March li'., lill 1.) No Trouble Sine??. On December 17. lui I. Mi. Oelk ers said: "1 haven't noticed the slightest sign of kidney trouble since ' Dean's Kidney Pills cured me. I ant now in the nest of health." , Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that ; Mr. Oelkers had. Poster-Milburn ' Co.. Props.. Buffalo, X. V.-Adv. Cbarlestoiiinns Are Pleased. Charleston. Dee. li;. Secretary .Jo sephus Daniels, accompanied by Sen ator H. li. Tillman ind Rear Admiral I Samuel McGowan, paid a visit this i morning to the Charleston navy yard. All of the departments were inspect ed liv the Officials. The people of Charleston were very much pleased last night with thc ?announcement by the Secretary that as soon as certain improvements are completed the government will begin tiie construction of gunboats and de : ivers at the Charleston yard. A Touch >f a Touch a match, utes the Perfecii Oil Heater is spre and warmth. The Perfection k( S tld in many styles ar Highest Award al Paitan: Loo A for tho Triangle 1 Usc Aladdin Security Oil Od Stoves, Lamps ami H STANDARD (New Jeri HAL TI M < Waihintft'.ii, I). C. Norfolk, V? Richmond, Va. MR. BRYAN IN CHARLESTON. Senator Tillman Wan Freseilt, Rut Health I'reventcd His Staying. Charleston, Dec 16. William J. Bryan, leading exponent ot the forces in the United States who aro battling with words against war and the gen eral program of defense, to-night brought his message for universal peace to the delegates of the South on- Commercial Congress in the tier man Artillery Hall, which was tilled io capacity. Hundreds were turned away unnbl to gain admittance. Another distinguished speaker of t ho evening was Wm. C. Gorgas, sur geon general, r. S. A.. who won a world-wide reputation because of his conquest of disease in the tropics. The title of the Commoner's ad dress was "War or Peace." Ile luis been delivering practically the same address at many points in the United states since his retirement as Secre tary of State in die Wilson cabinet. The address of Mr. Bryan injected a new element into tho Com inertial Congress, which has been giving sc ions consideration to the necessity ol arming the United States to repel j : ll invasion. In his address tho for \ t ier secretary ridicule:! the idea of a j nation attacking the United States, i thought Hitit the driving out of whis I key to prepare the citizenship physi cally lit for a hallie i.- better and scathingly arraigue,! what be termed jibe jingo metropolitan press ; Mr Bryan was given ?in ovation j to-night when he entered the conven tion hall. Mote than inn persons 'jumped to their feet, cheering wildly. The Commoner was particularly I eloquent and despite the fact that Iman) in the audience were opposed to some (d' the policies enunciated he i received liberal applause on every point scored in favor of peace. 'I bo efforts of Mr. Bryan to secure pro gressive legislation and his constant tight for measures to help the unisses was the comment by Senator Duncan ll. Fletcher, president, who intro duced the former secretary. Senator B. lt. Tillman was present at the meeting, but was torced to leave shortly titter Mr. Bryan began j his told ress. The Senator assured Mr. Bryan that it was his physical .condition thal caused him to retire and said that he would read all that j be had i o say. i Upon being introduced Mr. Brayn 'said that it was a great, pleasure to have tiie privilege of addressing the . Commeri ia! Congress. ID; called at tention to tile fact that three United States Senators were present to hear ' his address. lu his address to-night Mr. Bryan did not advocate the dismantling of tho Meet or the disorganization of_the army. Ile vigorously opposed the increase of these two fighting wings of the government service. At one time in his address the former Secre tary said: "And I so much believe in the right of the people to have what Match Brings a Ton In five mi? ?n Smokeless ading comfort chill-free and cc and take it wht extra heat. L carried. Smoke Ten hours glo\ ?eps any room a gallon of kerc id sizes at all hardware and general ste ia-Pacific Exposition, "ra rf?? rn a rfc. or Diamond Whit? Oil to secure beat resul eaters. OIL GO. ey) 3 RE Charlotta. N.C. Charlot,>n. W. V?. Charlcton, 9. C. Thc gr? in mod U MOLA* dann tha feed bill ai RED i HORSE AND MULI It's something the horses a appetite-start? the saliva Far superior to an all grail mules a treat, and at the sam ^///v Our RED SHIRT (first grade) contains Corn, Oats, Ground A .V\v nuil lime cain1 m<il:iKHi>H. and an; and pure cane molasses, and an; Protein 10'.', : Fat 3%J PH j? PIEDMONT HORSE & MULE MOLASS ? 12% : Carbohydrate? !>5r,'c. f SWAMPFOX HORSE & MULE MOLASSES FE I PERFECTION HORSE & MULE FEED ff^ ? Protein 12'Yci Fat 3r'o: Fibre 12','< ; Carbo " grain and ground Alfalfa Meal. RED SHIRT Firitt Grade: A balanced ration contn 4; keepit thom in Kood condition. Incrcasen $ nt a reduced cost of feeding. Containn Ground Alfalfa, Pure Cane Molnsacs am j? Fibre I2','c : Carbohydrate* BO",.. I PIEDMONT DAIRY FEED S^cJSft ta RED SHIRT HOG FEED ^???SS We manufacture also REP SHIRT Serai "SEVEN EGGS A WEEK" HEN MASH Kice, Cottonseed Meal, Cow Penn, M Protein 18%? Fat ; Fibre 12';i : A? ?hown on the baps in our nd. nf.-ti "^vS^v.TJ- product?, even to the bnRi and I? for Oat?, Corn, Wheat, Alfnlfi Wo ateo carry n full ANO Our feeds nu HUH on scientific prir greatest nourlsl co?l. Let lia cut your fe jd Ub for Kolony & CHARL! they want that I admit the right ol' the people to go to war if they really want it; but 1 feel, as a North Caro lina Congressman expressed himself, that il we are to have war, it would be better for tho people to vote it upon themselves than to have others vote it on them. I believe that the women should vote on all questions, but if they vote on only one it ought to be an election which decides the issue between peace and war." Mr. Bryan's reterences to Presi dent Wilson were In a very friendly tone. Coughs ami Cold are Dangerous. Kew of us realize the danger of coughs and colds. We consider them common and harmless ailments. However statistics tell us every third person dies of a lung ailment. Dan c.v "oil;, bronchial and lung diseases follow a neglected cold. As your body struggles against cold germs, no better lid can be had than Dr. King's New Discovery. Its merit lois been tested by ol tl and young. In use over 15 years. Cet a bottle to-day. Avoid the risk of serious lung ail ments. Druggists.- Adv. 1. I? a 4 HOlflHT&gUTERccs ?TIED SHIRT ratest thins ern feeding JSKS. It cot? nd builds up the stock. SHIRT h0LOMUCARTERC0 CHAHLtSfON.S G. 3 ti 1 rv i ^ " EMOLASSESFEED^ ?tl mules like-gives them an ' running and aids digestion. i feed. Give your horses and c time save money. Horse and Mule Molasses Feed Ifalfa, made appetizing with salt ilv/.os as follows: dre I2%| Carbohydrates ?>7',?> M FPPD Second tirade - Analyzes: Eu rC,ClU tein Fat ZVt,c/cl Pro Fibre Eft (3rd tirade) This analyzes : Protein 9%: g ?Lit Fat 2% J Fibre 12%; Carbohydrates 557c ^ r Mixed) Wc manufacture also a dry mixed (no | tssrs) Horse and Mule Feed, which analyzes! | hydrates O'/'.'-.. This is composed of straight j DAIRY FEED ming Molasses. Cattle are very fond of it - } thc flow and enriches the quality of the milk { ground Corn, C. S. Meal. Wheat Middling*. ; 1 Salt. Analyzes: Protein 15<7o ; Fat Sr,'ol jj I -Analyzes: Protein 129?: Fat 2Yirfcl Fibre J drates 55','t. of Digestive Tankage, flround Corn. R'ce y (attrning. Keeps the hogs In good'ondition. ch Feed and KED SHI KT llaby Chick Ft?d. Composed of Ground. Corn, Grouno Oats, (?round Wheat, Harley, Mnizc, . [cut Menl and Linseed Meal. Analysist ; Carbohydrates 10','c .ly all of our feed is made from Carolina inc. We arr. therefore, in til? mnr?".-*. j?PSa?LW \ Hay and any other kind of Hny stork of GRAIN, HAY STRAW. iwn nbove uro mired iciples to furnish the intent at thc lo-.v<?:,i shown vu how to hills down. Write ff priers, etc. i Carter Co. ?TON. a. c. ^W^m? Fl HE DESTROYS GEORGIA PAPER j I ncendlarism Thought Possible, Muy in* Carelessness-Loss $13,000. Cordele. Ga., Dee. 15.-'Fire early this morning destroyed the plant of the Cordele livening Tribune, entail ing a loss estimated at between $12. 000 and ? 1 5,000. The Tribune had only been in ex istence a few days, having published the first issue on Sunday. C. K. Brown, formerly with the Macon Tel egraph, was editor and proprietor. Tiie origin of the fire ls unknown. The theory of incendiarism is ad vanced, while the opinion is also held that a match was accidentally thrown into paper and other trash by some of the night shift, which worked through the night and until early this morning. All of the equipment of the plant, with the possible exception of a Du plex press and the linotype, was com pletely destroyed. Insurance in the amount of ST,non was carried on the press and typesetting machine. There was no insurance on other material. lt is stated that the Tribune will be re-established. Parties in the vi cinity of the fire state thal they were awakened by :i loud explosion, which occurred while the fire was in Ita in cipiency. War Upon Pain, Pain is a visitor to every home and usually ii conies quite unexpectedly, lmi yon are prepared for every emer ge nev if yon Keep a small bottle of Sloan's [.liniment handy. lt is the greatest pain killer ever discovered. Simply laid on the skin no rubbing required ii dn\rs the pain away, lt is really wonderful. Mervin H. Sols ter. Berkeley, Cal., writes- "Last Saturday, aller tramping around the I'a na ma Imposition with wet feet, I c ime home with my neck so stiff that I couldn't turn. I applied Sloan's Liniment freely and went to bed. To m> surprise, nevi morning the st iff - nes had ilmosi disappeared, four hours after the second application I was as good as new." (March, 1 !.!"..! Al druggists, 25c.-Adv. 1. Georgian Dies of Injuries. i To* coa Record, Itfth.) VVhlh shifting a shingle mill belt with his fool on Wednesday after noon. December sdi, at his mill near ?luena \" i s i :i. Ca., 15. V. Finley bad the misfortune lo gel ?.night in the ix li iud was thrown against the pul l< y v. it h terrific force t he blow '.ni-V;u h's sk ?i H .>!>!! breaking Iii.-, right arni and left leg. Physicians were immediately, gall ed io the scene of the accident, but lhe Injuries were ot so serious a na ture lint death resulted within a collide Of hours. Mr. Finie.** was well known throughout this section, having lived near this 'itv up until a short time ago. Ile was '!."> years of ago, and is survived by his widow and five children. The remains were brought here for burial last Friday. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless shill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propcrtiesof QUININE ?nd IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents.