Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 22, 1915, Image 3

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HIGH LABOR LEADER INVOLVED Hy Investigation Into Munitions De struction ami Strikes. New York, Dec. 15.-It was learn ed authoritatively to-day that a high Official of one of the largest interna tional unions in America is seriously involved in the investigation foiled States Attorney Marshall is making in the Franz von flin telen conspiracy to foment strikes in munition facto ries. This man is of German descent. He was prominent in the prolonged strikes in Bridgeport, Conn., facto ries last spring, and also took a lead ing part in the strike of 12,000 work ers last summer at the General Elec tric Company's plant at Schenectady. New York The investigation into the strike conspiracy has been halted for some days pending word as to when Sam uel Gompers, president of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, could ap licar before the grand Jury. Mr. Marshall learned to-day that Mr. Gompers had arrived ill Washington and sent word to the capital to have the labor leader subpoenaed. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, 09 the formula is printed on ev ?ry label, showing it is ninnie and lion in a tasteless form, he Quinine Orives out malana, the Iron builds up *he system. 50 cents New Leader ol' British Arms. London. Dec. l?. --Cen. Sir Doug las Haig luis been appointed to suc ceed Field Marshal Sir John French in command of the British armies in France and Flanders. Cen. French has been transferred to another field at bis own rennest. Cen. Haig bas been intimately associated with thc retiring general In the operations In France. Ile is seven years younger than Cen. French. What Splendid Light the RAYO Gives! "J" TS glow is so soft and bright that you can read all evening without tiring your eyes. The Lamp is the most popular kerosene lamp ever made. -because it gives a clear, powerful, mellow licht -because it is easy to clean and In/hr -because it is durable, good looking and economical Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best ir suits in Oil Stoves, hamps mid Heaters. The Kayo is only one of our many products that bring comfort and economy to the farm. Matchless Liquid Gloss Standard Hand Separator Oil Parowax Eureka Harness Oil Mica Axle Grease If your dealer does not carry these, write to our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( Now JiMey) BALT1MORB Waahiniton, D. C. Charlotte. N. C. Norfolk, V?. Charle .mn. W. Va. Richmond. Va. Charleston, S. C. MASON'S ELECT NEW OFFICERS. Grund Lodge Mel In charleston Dur ing Fleet Week Celebration. Charleston, Dec 15.-With Ibo election and installation of offlcen, appointment of committees, 'll busi ness having been disposed of, the Grand Lodge of Masons closed i's 139th annual session at the Masonic Templo this afternoon, to meet In Charleston again next von: on thc sciond Tuesday in December. The following officers were elected* C.rand Master- R. A. Cooper, Lau rens. iioputv (?rand Master Wm. W. Wa una in a ker. Orangeburg. Senior (?rind Warden W. A. Giles, Graniteville. Junior (?rand Warden s. T. Lan ham, Spartanburg. Grand Treasurer-W. H. Prioleau, Charleston. Grand Secretary-0. Frank Hart, Columbia. Grand Chaplain Rev. W. P, Smith, Spartanburg. The following District Deputy Grand Masters were named: 1st W. G. Ma/.yck. Charleston. 2d--P. M. Buckner, Walterboro. 3d-A. A. Lemon, Hai n well. 4th-W. W. Edgerton. Aiken. 5th-B. E. Nicholson, Edgetield. .Uh -Kenneth Raker, Greenwood. 7th- T, P. Watkins, Anderson. 8th- IL T. Halium, Pickens. Sith-A. S. Rowell. Piedmont. loth W.H. Patton. Cross Anchor, .th Van Smith. Whit m i re. I 2th- ll. M. Sandi fer, Rock Hill. 13th--dos. Lindsay, Chester. 14th J. H. Wallace, Camden. I "tb E. C. Haselden, George town. 16th-T. B.Wannamaker, Cheraw. 1 7tl -J. C. Sellers. Sellers. 18th W. L. (Haze. Orangeburg. 19th-"H. H. Anderson, Tucanau. 20th-'B. B. Bishop, Inman. The most interesting and import ant business transacted during the session of the Grand Lodge was the approval of the policy of the relief committee In applying the income from Hie Masonic home fund to In dividual charity in private station of deserving Masons and orphans of Ma sons It ls regarded as likely that this will become the permanent pol icy of the Grand Lodge, and that the project of a central institution will be abandoned. No definite detenu i nation has yet been proposed of this important matter, however. The session of the Grand Lodge this year was unusually well attend ed and its deliberations most harmo nious. Many of the delegates took advantage of their presence to attend j the Commercial Congress, and most of them found time to see the naval display and view the parade. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure". The worst enscs, no matter of how lontr standing, nre cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain aud Heals Qt the same time. 25c. 50c. jl.UO Savannah Has $100,000 Cotton Fire Savannah. Ca.. Dec. lb.- A loss of ii inn.unit was caused by an early morning cotton fire to-day in th? warehouse of Pearce ?Si Batley, cot ton factors. Thc building is located near the Ocean Steamship Company's terminals and was entirely destroyed. The salvage on the cotton will b< about IO per cent. The cause of Hu blaze is unknown. The hiss is fully covered by insurance. A stiff wind was blowing at th? time and the lire threatened spread lng to a big brick warehouse owned hy the same linn, and containing 10 ? HOI bales of cotton. Six box cars ol the Southern Railway Company standing on a side track near flu vat-el ouse, were partially burned. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard stenera! strengthening tonic. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out M n luria, enriches the Mood, paul builds up the sys tem. A true tonic. I'or adults and children. SOC Even the Serbs Take Prisoners. Paris, Dec. h'.. A division of thc Serbian armies, escorting is,ooo Ans n iau prisoners of war, bas arrived at Tirana and Elbassan, in Albania, cording to a dispatch from Janina Moama, to thc (lavas Agency. Tlx Serbian officers and soldiers are in no wie discouraged, ti e dispatch adds and all declare they are ready and eager to resume the struggle. There is more catarrh in this sci lion ol' the country than all other diseases pul together, and until the Ins! ;ew years .vas supposed to be incurable. Cor a .'real many years doctors pronounced it a local disease .and prescribed local remedies, ami bj constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science bas proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. it is taken internally. It acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. The: offer one hundred dollars for anj case it fails to cure. Send for circu lars and testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c, Take Hall's Family Pills for con-1 8tipation.-Adv. / ?KACK, SUFFRAGE, PHOHIIHTIOX Phose Throe Ooestions Aro Upper most in Bryan's Mind. Charleston, Dec 16.-William J. Iryan, who luis been a national flg ire in politics for 20 years, respond 11 g to a toast at a banquet given ast night to tho Secretary of the .?avy, told his hearers that it was his ntentiou to remain in politics for the icxt 20 vears, and maybe 2"> years. "What course will you pursue and ./hat measures will you advocate in he future?" was the question put to ?lr. Bryan to-night. "I expect to deal nth such questions as may arise rom time to time," he replied. " What will you fight for during tho lext several years '" was asked. "1 am for peace, 1 am for woman ult rage and prohibition in the States tnt il they are ready for national ac ion." replied the former Secretary of "date. "Will you meet Mr. Tord and his leaee party ?" he was asked. "I am expecting to go, out 1 am tot absolutely certain," replied the '.ommoner. "In addition to the economic ques ions which ?viii he at issue next year here is the peace question. That is i great question just, now. It is really he overshadowing question tit this ime. It presents three phases teeplllg out of this war ourselves, ivolding a policy that will provoke nture wtirs, and to do what we can o end the war. "After the peace question the next .oining issue--and it is not far off s th ? prohibition question. I do not >xpect it to be in the campaign next . ear, but at the rate it is growing in he States it is likely to be in national ?ol it les 1 y i 920. " These are the three questions for he near future, at least that are in irospect at this time, but predictions ire not certainties, because allowance las to be made for unexpected things vhich may hasten or retard coming oforms." Assist Your Stomach To Get Rid of the Poisonous Gases ?*nd Fermenting Food. A -good long fast will do thia sometimes. A trip to the moun tain?. Tramping. Roughing lt. Yes. very good remedies. But arc you going to avail yourself of either one of these remedies. No? Then the next beat thing is to try a bottle of Peruna. Take lt according to di rections. You will have a natural appetite. All gas and fermenta tion in the stomaco will dis appear. Read what Mr?, am nw Bell, Box 204, Fort Pierce, Florida, says: .'/ was taken suddenly with swelling of the stomach and bowels, and great distress. Very painful. Three doctors gave me no relief. Could not eat any thing. Everything soured. I was starving to death. I began taking Peruna and was soon strong enough to do work. After taking five bottles 1 can truth fully say I am well. I gained twenty pounds. " Will Re McCormick County. Tile election on the question ot treating the new county of McCor nick carried in the recent election ty about I to i. Alter the result wa.s tertain, citizens of the town of Mc 'orniick addressed the following tel egram to Governor Manning: "New cou lily election won by landsome vote. We appreciate youi bought fulness in our behalf." The now unit will bc recognized, cry probably, hy thc Legislature vhich convenes in January. An election was held, which car ded in favor of tile county, more lian a year ago, but was thrown out ly the courts. McCormick will be the county seat ?r the new county. Cutting at Cox Mill. I Anderson Mail. 1 6th. i Deputy Sbej iff olin Sanders was ?iib d to the Cox Mill Crossing, wes! if the city, last night about '.' o'clock, o arrest Howard Mayes, who bad cut Cugene Hutchinson. The case arose ti a little row. Mayes was drunk, md ?-ut Hutchinson's throat, Injur ing him severely, Imf not fatally. According to eye-witnesses, Mayes darted the trouble, culling Hutchin on before the latter was able to de end himself. Mayes was brought to town and edged in jail, where he awaits trial >n a charge, of assault and battery \ it li intent to kill. Drummer Died in Fire. Charlotte. N. C., Dec. 1 li. M. M. 'oltharp. a traveling man of Fort dill, S. C., was burned to death early o-day in a fire which destroyed a loarding house In Monroe, N. C. AGED WOMAN "DIED FLYING. .Vii*?. Comstock, at 74, Wanned to "Fly .lust Once .More." San Diego, Cal., Dec. 16.-Express ing the desire to fly once before re tiring to a quiet life," Mrs Lulu Com stock, aged 74, of this city, arranged for a flight with Aviator Anton Muy erhoffer, .ir., that ended to-day with tho railing of the Hying boat in the waters of San Diego Hay ami the death ol the woman. Mrs. Comstock stated that she Wished to he taken to a height of at least. 1,600 feet. Within a few min utes after the flight had heen started. according to Mayerhoffer, Mrs. Com stock was seized with a lit, and. reaching out, grabbed the aviator in a finn grasp. Mayerhoffer says that he struggled desperately to get free, hut before he could release himself the Hying boat, which was about 50 feet in the air. turned over and fell into the waters of the bay. Mayerhoffer and Mrs. Comstock were hurled clear of the wr?ckag?, and rescue parties within (Ive minutes had brought both to shore. Mrs. Comstock, however, was dead. Mayerhoffer escaped with a few scratches. Bad Wreck on B. A O. Philadelphia, Dec. 17.-Fifteen persons aro reported to have been killed and several injured in a pas senger train wreck on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad between Chester ani Wilmington to-night. 1,(formation received at (lie Balti more and Ohio ollices here was to the efff; t that five persons had been kill ed lind a score or more injured, some fa .Uv. Dense fog prevailed in this section to-night and railroad olficials say this probably was the cause of t luv. Accident. ! Wo wreck occurred about ti o'clock at Felton, two miles south of ehes te'-. According to the few details re ceived by tho company, a train of empty cars ran into an accommoda tion train hound from Baltimore for Philadelphia. The dead and injur ed wc .*> taUen lo ''hester hospitals. Preparing Saloniki Defenses. Athens. Greece, Dec. 16.-Saloniki is being transformed into a great fortress by the allies, who are antici pating an attack by the Austro-Ger nians and Bulgarians. Earthworks ar.tAbeing built, gun ranges plotted aai Railroads mined. The invasion is not expected for a few doy.- yet. The I'Yeich have largely fallen back In the direction of Saloniki, while the British hold near the Bul garian border Lake Doiran. Heavy laius and reinforcements have been landed at Saloniki. The Greek presr, asserts that the allies will have no difficulty in defending the fort. British forces report that the Bul garians were moved down as if with a scythe by French "7.Vs " The at tack in seven waves resulted in wip ing out tile enemy. Serbian* in Dad Blight. Saloniki, Dec. 16.-A million Ser bian girls and women who have been left behind since the retreat of their anny, face suffering and dead for lack of food and clothing, or worse, because ?hey are at tho mercy of the roving bauds of Bulgarians. The Serbs have ordered all men and boys to '.eave the villages and join the anny in its retreat. America must aid or thousands will die. The German government alone can arrange! to distribute funds, clothing and food from the l nited Si ules. You Nee There are times in e\ needs a tonic to help VI* n that time comes t( to tare-Cardui, the worn posed of purely vegetal gently, yet surely, on the and helps build them ba lt has benefited thousam niling vomen in its past success, and it will do t You can't make a mi The Worn Miss Amelia Wilson, says: "I think Cardui is th for women. Before I bi so weak and nervous," ? spells and a poor appetite as strong as I ever did, ? Begin taking Cardui toda Has Helpec ct* ?; ALCOHOL 3 PER CK NT. ANfcgelable PrcparailonforAs siniilalingilicFooilanilRe?ula tingllte Siontac'us uiidDowdsol' Promolcs DigpsHonllif erfid ncss und Rest.Contalns neither Opium .Morphine norMiucral KOT NARCOTIC. lirmpkt'n Sctd- . ffeMt- I Ai?cStti * \ Wrm&fd- 1 Aporiecl forCoroflp* t ion, Sour Slonvicl\.DUivitoea \Vrurnio,i'o:\vivL>iu..:. .IV. rcru? ncSSfmujA^SSOFSLEEP. FacStin'.te Signature of THE CENTAUR COMTAKT, NEW YORK. V Aie months old ?5B?SES-J5 CENTS hn.-irantccd undcrfl??To?[^ Exact Copy of Wrapper. McKIXI.AK DEFEATS PATTERSON IViinesseo F.x-Govenior Coes Down in Ruco for C. S. Senate. NashviHe, Tenn., Dec. 15.-Con gressman Kenneth D. McKollar, of Memphis, to-day won tho Democratic nomination for United States Sena tor, defeating former Governor Mal colm R. Patterson in a "run off" of the primary last month by a major ity estimated on the face of unoffi cial returns in excess of 15.000 votes. Hx-Governor Patterson conceded defeat early to-night and pledged his support to Mr. McKellar in the gene ral election to be held next Novem ber. Ex-Governor Patterson's statement follows: "I have been defeated and there are no explanations to make. To the friends who gave me their confidence, I am very garteful, and have no bit terness for those who opposed me. "! congratulate Mr. McKellar and will give liim my cordial support." Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Dnys Your druggist wilt return! money ii PAZO OINTMENT (ails to cute ?ny ense o? Itching, niind.nieedintior Protruding lt days. Tile first application gives liase ami Rest. 50c Wooes .Motlier, Weds Daughter. St. Louis, Dec. lt;.-John Kiley, of this city, and Miss Amelia Moss were married in Clayton, and the chief wit ness was the girl's mother, to whom IC ley was once engaged. "1 don't blame them," she told a reporter. "After 1 was divorced from my husband I mel Mr. Riley ind I thought bini a very nice young man. Ile courted me four years, and we were engaged to be married, when he saw Amelia. He fell right out of love with nie and in love with her. lt's all right." Riley and his bride will live with his former sweetheart niiillicr in-law. d a Tonic 'ery woman's life when she her over the hard places. ) you, you know what tonic an's tonic. Cardui is com ble ingredients, which act weakened womanly organs, ck to strength and health. ls and thousands of weak, half century of wonderful he same for you. ?stake in taking ian's Tonic R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Arie, e greatest medicine on earth, ;gan to take Cardui, I was and had such awful dizzy Now I feel as well and and can eat most anything." iy. Sold by all dealers. I Thousands. GASTONA For Infants and Children. rhe Kind You Have Always Bought Thirty Years CASTOR? ? .fr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -fr DR, W. R. CRAIG, ^ * mfr Dental Surgeo~>. mfr WA CD ALDA, 8. CAROLINA, mfr Onice Over C. W. Pitcliford's Store. .fr DR. W. F. AUSTIN, mfr .fr Dentist, mfr .fr Seneca, South Carolina. mfr .fr - 4 .fr Phone 17. mfr .fr --? ?|, 4? HARRY R. HUGHS, mfr fr mfr .fr Atborney-at-Law, -fr * * .fr Walhalla, South Carolina. mfr .fr-?J, .. 4* MARCUS C. LONG, mfr .fr A ttorney-at-Law, mfr .fr Phone No. 00, mfr .fr Walhalla, South Carolina. mfr * - 41 .fr Office Over Oconee New?'. mfr -fr-mfr .fr J.R. EARLE, mfr .fr Attorney-at-Law, -fr .fr WALHALLA, S. C. 'fr mfr Practice in State and Federal -fr .fr Courts. ??a .fr FARM IX) A NS. mfr * - + .fr E . L . ll B R N 1) O N , mfr .fr Attjomcy-nt-La\v, ?fi .fr Wnllutlln, South Carolina. mfr .fr PHONE NO. Ol. mfr, .fr-4 mfr R . T . J A Y N E S , mfr .fr Attorney-nt-Law, mfr^ .fr Walhalla, South Carolina. .%) .I* Bell Phone No. 20. -fr * - * .fr Practice in State and Federal ?ft .fr Courts. mf{ .fr-?|< .fr J. P. Carey, J. W. Shclor, mfr .fr Plckens, S C. W. C. Hughs, -fr ?fr CAREY, SHE LOR & HUGHS, -fr .fr Attorneys and Counsellors, -fr .fr Walhalla, South Carolina, -fr .fr Practico In State and Federal mfr .fr Courts. -fr .fr mfr .*. mfr .fr ?fr .fr .fr .fr .fr .fr .fr ?fr ?fr Roofing, - Repairing. Kurfees Paints and Oil. Gutter and Repair W <. I>. E. GOOD, TINNER, - WALHALLA, S. Cv Germany Loses Powerful Zop. Copenhagen, Dec. 15.-A report of the destruction of the super-Zeppelin L-?2 was received from Schleswig to day lo n Copenhagen newspaper, it is said '.'early all the 40 members of the crew were killed or wounded. The loss of the Zeppelin ls said to h : i v ? * been due to the accidental ex plosi?n of a bomb as the airship was leaving its shed. The explosion de molished the shed. The Zeppelin had been In servite only a few weeks. It is described as a sister ship of the L-l 8, recently re ported to have been destroyed by an explosion at Toudern. It wa? of the latest type, with visible gondolas, platforms at the top of the envelope and detachable rafts for use In case of accident while crossing the sea.