Th? greatest thing in modern feeding is MOLASSES. It cot? down th* feed bill ?nd build* up tho ?tock. RED SHIRT HORSE AND MULE MOLASSES FE SUSHIS? CHARLtSTON.J t cn LtU It's something- the horses and mules like-gives them an ^ appetite-starts the saliva running and aids digestion. Far superior to an all grain feed. Give your horses and mules a treat, and at the same time save money. Our RED SHIRT (first grade) Horse and Mule Molasses Feed contains Corn, Oats, Ground Alfalfa, made appetizing with salt and pure cane molasses, and analyzes as follows: Protein 10%; Fat 3%l Fibre 12%; Carbohydrates 67% PIEDMONT HORSE & MULE MOLASSES FEED J^MS? 7-aAtn,l2v&" i Pro Fibre Carbohydrates 05', ?SWAMP FOX flORSE& MULE MOLASSES FEED i?/.d,ffiJ?^ PFRFFfTION HftRSF & Mill F FFFfl to ! per ton. This year seed open ed a: $25 and went up io $50 for a lew days. They are now worth $35. The boll weevil made its appear ance lien* about September 1st, but did no harm. Hut look out next year. ' The farmers in ibis valley sow no wheat, oats or rye. We have a State stock law, but farmers, alter crops are gathered, turn all stock out ti, graze over the Heids. I presume mis is one reason for not sowing grain. Plenty ot' cattle and hogs, but no sheep. We have a strict game law. hut not milch game. Rabbits and squirrels are plentiful, hut very few partridges and doves. Last week was "lair week" in Troy. There were big crowds, espe cially negroc -fully live negroes to one white per. m. I never saw as many automobile). About 100 were taking people "ne mile out to the fair grounds at lu cents each. The street leading out to the lair grounds had sign posts saying "keep to the right," and a polit oman there io see that Hie not it v was obeyed. Otherwise the street would have been blocked. I noticed one automobile with Xo. 07, f?(50. Saturday was the last ?lay to pay licence, and Ti>7 automobiles were at the court house to pay. The ACTIVITY ON RUSSIAN FRONT. Petrograd and Kellin Ko|H>rt.s Agree t<> i'luit Extent. Petrograd, Nov. ii,-The official communication issued by the war of ilce to-day says: "On the left bank ol the Uiver Aa, in Courland, our forros succeeded, assisted by artillery tire, in occupying the r?gion of Frankendorf and Pav assern and made a slight advance to tho south of Cake Biabte. "in the region of Mitau our troops advancing toward the south occupied the Zalay-Olal line, while to the west of Ikskul they carried tho village of Dabo. 'Near the western shore of Lake Sven ten new engagements aro going on. In some sectors our troops broke into the Hist line of the enemy trenches. lu the sector of Mikuli schki and Lanuolichkl, west of Lake Dominen, there was a violent artil lery lire. By a furious attack of our detachment we succeeded in occupy ing several lines of tho enemy posi tion near the village of Gutalishovi kay. capturing 4 00 men and some machine guns, the number of which has not yet boon ascertained. "North ol' the Okonko river in the region of Kulki we broke through tho enemy's front and occupied a line of fortified positions, capturing 100 men and five mac hine guns. Stubborn lighting continues. "In the region of Koinarow and Kurikovitchi, south of the Okokan river, heavy lighting is going on. An attempt made by the enemy to take the offensive southeast of Uslemchko, northwest of /ale Szczky, was re pulsed by our lire." Strong Offensive Begun. Merlin. Nov. 9.-A determined of fensive movement by tho Russians near Kiga and down along the line of the Dvina river to Dvinsk, is reported in to-day's official Kerman statement. "South and southeast of Kiga and also west of Jacobstadl and before Dvinsk tho Russians, after extensive artillery preparation, attacked with , strong forces. The attacks were re-j pulsed and in places the enemy suf- ] fered severe losses. "Kussian attacks northwest of j C'.artorysk were unsuccessful. Three officers and :'.7 1 mon fell into our! ! hands." ? The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head i Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA I TIVE 11ROMO QtUNINliis better than ordinary . Quinine and ?loes not cause nervousness nor i rinsing in head. Remember the full name and loolc for the signature of E. W. GROVK. 25c. Probate Judge collects tho license. We have extra tine roads and 1 sup pose this is one reason why there are I so many automobiles. ! I think the farmers art? going to ! plant a big cotton crop next yt ar. We have the farms and plenty of mules and negroes to work them The mer chants have collet led so well thia year thal credit will be good next year. J. X. Rutherford. Mr. Sandman Gomes Quick when You Drive Away Jack Frost The kiddies need no coax ing at bedtime - for the PERFECTION HEATER had made the room nice and cozy. The Perfection keeps Look for the Triangle Trademark. Sold at all hardware and general stores, and wherever you see the Perfection Cozy Cat Poster. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. dampness and cold out of all the house. Gives glow ing warmth in five minutes -ten hours comfort on a gallon of kerosene. Smoke less, odorless, safe. PE RF13CT1 ON SMOKELESSLO?y HEATERS ,tdlilnhn);?'J77 ,S? / ,0'?orrih hi p COMPULSORY SERVICE ? British Recruiting lli-ad Intimates (hat Tiyie I ?raws Near. London. Nov. ll. A strong inti mation ol' compulsion at an early dato is contained in a statement to night hy tho Karl of Derby, director ol' recruiting. This statement is made, Lord Derby declares, with the authority of the prime minister. lt says: "If young men medically tit and not indispensable in any business of national importance ur any business conducted for tho general good of the community do not come forward vol untarily before November 30, the government will, after that date, take the necessary steps to redeem the pledge made on'N'ovoniber 2." On the dato referred to Premier Asquith announced in the House of Commons if young men did not come forward voluntarily and enlist 'other and compulsory means would bo ta ken before married men were called upon to fill their engagement In ser vice. Whether a man is indispensa ble or not to his business will be decided, not by tho man or his em ployer, but by competent authorities and tribunals whic h are being sol up to consider such cases." 25 CENTS DESTROYS YOUR DANDRUFF AND STOPS I ''ALLING IIA I lt. Save Vom- Hair! Make it Thick, Wavy and I tea ut If ul-Pry This ! Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; cd' dandruff- that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff, lt robs the hair of its bistro, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a fever ishness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die-then the hair falls out fast. A little Dan deville to-night-now-any time will surely save your hair. Get a 2,r)-eent bottle of Knowlton's Donderlne from any drug store or toilet counter, and after the first ap plication your hair will take on that life, lustre and luxuriance which is so beautiful, lt will oeeome wavy and Huffy and have the appearance of abundance, an Incomparable gloss and softness; but what will please you most will be after just a few weeks' use. when you will actually see a lot of tine, downy hair-new hair-growing all over the scalp.-? Adv. Thanksgiving Day ard lix- Orphan. President Wilson has appointed November 2 ?t h tis the National Thanksgiving Day. It has been our annual custom on that day, or the Sabbath following, io remember tho orphans. We hope that every reader of these lines will gladly clo so. You have a wonderful amount to be grate ful for. Put your gratitude to the proof. Send to the orphanage of your church your thank-offering. Presbyterian people in Florida, Geor gia and South Carolina will remem ber that they are united in support ing the Thomwell Orphanage, Clin ton, S. C.. which is the property of those three synods. The children are all orphans, some 300 in number. There are 17 cottage homes, each oc cupied hy some I ii to 2fi children, with a good motherly woman in charge. The children are regularly in school for 40 weeks each year, and are taught some trade or occupation hy which they can earn an honest liv ing. Usually they leave the home at the ago of io to 18. unless an earlier disc barge is found ?advisable. Their support depends upon gifts of good men and women. Especially at Thanksgiving times, they ought to be remembered. There are 180 children from South Carolina. 70 from Geor gia and 28 from Florida. The rest came from seven other States. Contributions should be sent sim ply to Thorn-well Orphanage, Clinton, S. C. Cheeks and post otflce orders should be sent to the same address. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the oar. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inila med condition of the mucous lin ing of the Kustnchan tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the Inflamma tion can be taken out nnd this tube restored to its normal condition hear ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give one hundred dollars for any ease of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation.-Adv. SENECA. Mrs. W. O. Hamilton, Miss Lucile and Lowry Hamilton attended the presentation of "Barbara Worth" at the opera house in Anderson last week. Vlsp. Kate Mi (Manahan, of West minster, is visiting relatives In Sen eca this week. The handsome Buick cars pureba ed by Dr. E. C. Doyle, G. W. Gigni Mat and W. T. Edwards have arrlvi and have been much admired by au; judges. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hunter visited In Anderson last week, and thence to Lowndesville, where they spent sevt ral days with their daughter, Mrs. T B. Jones. Indigestion Ma Due ti M:<;U:< T OF IMPORTANT FUNC TION MW SERIOUSLY IM PAIN THE HEALTH. There are many people who be lieve they suffer from Indigestion when (heir discomfort really is due to a constipated condition. Bloat, with its attendant mental depression, sick lieada? ?e, the belch ing of sour stomach etc., are frequently due to inaction of the bowels. Relieve the congestion and the trouble usually disappears. The ? use of cathartics and purgatives ; should be avoided, however; these shock the system unnecessarily and, j at best, their effect is but temporary, j A mild laxative is far preferable. The compound of simple laxative [ herbs known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and sold in drug stores for fifty cents a bottle, ls highly recom mended. Mr. Uenj. Dassin, 3l>0 Mad- ! ison street, Cary, Ind., thinks Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin a wonderful medicine; for four years he had a severe case of Indigestion and con stipation before trying Or. Caldwell's J Syrup Pepsi", which he is glad to rec ommend to all who suffer with sto mach and bowel trouble. WESTMINSTER. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Poore, ol' Hel ton, are guests of Mrs. Poole's mo ther, Mrs. C. IO. Dickson. clarence Echo'ls, of Greenville, spent the latter part of tho week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Terrell. Mrs. P. P. Curry, of Spartanburg, is visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Bea iden. Carse Marett, of Greenville, visited relatives here Sunday. Miss .lanie Harris, who is attending school at Anderson, spent the latter part of the week with her father and motlier, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Harris. Miss Henrietta Gaston left last Saturday for Jefferson, Texas, to visit her brother, L. C. Gaston. She will probably be away for three or four weeks. Miss Ida Lou Brownlee, of Ander son, spent a short while here with relatives last week. Mrs. .1. 1). Witherspoon is spending somo time in Gainesville, Ga., with her uncle, .1. Carter. A goodly number from this place attended the Southern Textile Expo sition at Greenville last week. M. A. Herndon, of Hapeville, Ca., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. ,1. 10. Phillips. Burch Evans, of Comer, Ca., visited his aunt, Mrs. .1. ll. Stonecyplier, last week. Dr. IO. R. Gilbert has rid urned from a three months' stay at Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Paul Johns and children, of Toccoa, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. ll. Miller. Miss Sue Daly, of Seneca, was a visitor here the first pari of the week. T. X. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. T. X. Cartel-, Jr., spent Monday in Hart well. A Wonderful Antiseptic, Germs and infection aggravate ail ments and retard healing. Stop that infection at once. Kill the germs and get rid of the poisons. For this pur pose a single application of Sloan's Liniment not only kills the pain hut destroys the germs. Th's neutralizes infection and gives nature assistance by overcoming congestion and gives a chance for the free and normal flow of the blood. Sloan's Liniment is an emergency doctor and should he kept constantly on hand. 25c, 50c. The $1 size contains six times as much as the 25c.-Ad.. 1. Oakland, Cal., has a new ship building plant, this being its third. COUNTY CLAIMS APPROVED. Following are the claims that wero approved hy the County Board of Commissioners at their regular meeting, held November 5th: Roads. F. H. Lee .$ Ll 00 F. H. Lee.. 2 0 00 .1. L. Kell . C 80 M. Abbott. 5 94 F. it. Chapman . 18 f)X B. B. Simpson., 12 2f> Livingston Farm . ?7 82 F. H. Clinkscales. 48 00 W. F. Smith. 9 50 W. X. D. Rholetter. 17 50 M. P. Littleton. 5 Ii5 J. T. Dyar . 16 25 M. 1). Lee. 35 94 Andrew Burke. 20 00 .1. T. Ra moy . 1 7 5 A. H. Redmond . 4 00 .1. A. Knox. 35 4 2 .1. T. Harper. G 00 w. M. iHunnicutt. l 07 VV. .1. Huskamp. io 00 S. M. Morton . 10 5 0 H. ll. Kerr. 4 20 Homer Ballenger. 14 00 W. F. Fendley. 25 00 S. VV. Hughs. 37 50 .1. w. McClain . 18 70 G. 10. Denton. 9 00 W. C. Rogers. 8 85 I). IO. Nicholson . 17 80 J. M. Holden . 28 50 E. P. Holden . 5 25 W. H. Mongold. 19 75 Total roads.$530 8 2 Bridges. J. M. Holden .$ 5 85 W. M. Perry. 19 25 T. JO. Sandors. 84 20 Is. H. Richey . 5 40 L. E. Looper (Amount claim ed $64.00) allowed ... 29 00 f{ M ibbie. 4 50 1 I.. . my. 2151 ?j, !'" n. 18 50 xley. 151 78 . 6 70 < tander. 5 35 E. Bauknigbt. . . 150 Hoy. ?.l 5 8 Dil :on Lumber Co.. . 29 71 I ?bil ion (Claimed $6) 5 00 Wa :ins . 222 CO iv Be o Constipation w IIP* I t . . . - * BKNJ. BASSIN. A bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin should bo in every home for uso when occasion arises. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtain ed by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, -ir. i Washington st., Monticello, ill. 1 .lohn T. Moggs t Claimed $16) disallowed . L. D. Cox. :c> IS Gus Hawkins. 2 1 00 Cns Hawkins. 21 (?ti H. A. Beeves . 5 25 C. W. Hawkins . 29 IS Total bridges .$754 04 Total roads and bridges, $1,284.86 < liam (.'ung. J. X. Davis. Stonecypher Drug Co. . . Ceo. L, Jones. H. ll. Zimmerman . A. Caines . Brow nee & Co. J. W. Lee. C. W. & J. E. Bauknigbt Gignillial & Co. W. C. Kelley. H. H. Nesmith . 'Hutchison Bros. & Co. . W. M. Perry. United Duck Co. W. H. Pearson. Cudahy Packing Co. . . . Matheson Hdw. Co. 7 1 37 I 6 4 2 12 74 31'J 1 7 122 124 2 iii tr. r,o no cn 79 45 25 8 0 7? ;,o 25 un 1 0 10 80 nu 88 :i i Total chain gang.$1005 17 Poor Farm. W. B. Cobb .$112 86 .1. W. Lee. 1 90 C. W. & J. E. Bauknigbt ... 190 37 $315 13 W. li. I). M. Total poor farm . . . , Kabi ries. C. Foster.$100 A. B