Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, November 17, 1915, Image 4

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KEOWEE COURIER (Established IN lt).) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription $1 Per Annum. Advertising Kates Reasonable, -Ry STECK, KI1ELOK AL SCHRODER. Communications of a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributos of res; eel. ol liol <>\er ino words, will bo printed free of charge. All over thai number must, be paid for at tho rate of otu? eent a word. ('ash to accompany man use ri pt. WAMI A M *A, 8. C.: WEDNESDAY, NOV 17, i'.i'.r.. DAV EA KIA NEXT WEEK. Thursday of next week will he Thanksgiving Day, and, according to out custom, The Courier will be printed on Tuesday, Novombei ?.'.'ld, a ?lay early, in order thal our pa trons living on rural louies will not bc delayed until Friday In receiving their papers. All those who have business w ii lt us pertaining to m-xi week's paper will please bear in mimi the fact <>' publication a day earlier. Those who w iii will be dis .1 ppoin ted. TO Ol K Si I'.St i;tIII KS. We feel like apologizing this week for the short amount of general news appearing in The ('ourler. After selling "ii|? lo Cue limit" our adver tising space, government .and legal mutters not contemplated at the mo ment, but necessary for publicaion nt unce, caine to us. and we are forced to curtail general news, not having sufficient time to issue extra pages. Westminster l*oc?l News. We I minster, .Nov. ir.. Special: The Matrimonial Exchange." a hum orous play, by home talent, will he given ai the auditorium m-xt Friday evening. The entertainment onitnit tee ol' thc Civic l/oaguc his this play in charge and the proceeds will bc used for the beucht ol I lie towt'., so a full audience is desired. Mrs. I. M. Brunei" is visiting rela tives in Birmingham, Ala. Dr. A H Marett, ol .New Orleans, is at home for a few days. Miss I lol tense Cross D visit in.-, rel ut ives at I iel Rio, Texas. Dr, and Mrs. I. II. Stoneoyplier are spending ?1 few days in Atlanta at the Harvest Festival. Mrs W. M. D?minons is visiting relatives in Atlanta. Kev. and Mrs. J. E. Wallace and little son will leave ibis week for Sale Creek. Tenn., lo visit relatives. They will probabl.v he away for two weeks. Miss Dora We bens ?s visiting in Diekens. Mrs. E C. l'oore is at Lavonia 'his week visiting her mother. Mrs. C. K. Dickerson, who is seriously ill. Mrs. Frank Deesen and little daughter Frances visited nola ti vos here this week. T. D. Poore is visiting Iiis dutlgll loi Mrs (e'er at Anderson. Mrs. R. li. Cannon and Mrs. W. R. I'shery. nf Tiger. (Sa., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cannon. The girls auxiliary of tin Baptist ( burch was entertained Thursday hy Miss Cr K C Stribling. Several con tests were engaged in, and the plans of inv itai am and entertainment were unique throughout. Delicious re freshments were served. The W M. S. desires that all who will contribute anything in the way of fruits or live fowls, etc.. for the orphanage will .end them to Mi Ces Cash store hy Saturday next. Here they will be packed and sent off al once. Anderson Young Man Killed. \ndorson, Nov. 1 :? Waymon Cain, a young white mau, was shot and almost instantly killed last .lisrhl about ll o'clock bv Ernest i ; ? ; ry. mar I aek son ' * Mill. The shooting took place as a party of vounu men were going home from a d im e, and .cu a horrible example of the evil <.; pistol carrying. Seven young men nero walking along the public mri and some (lilli culty IIM'IIII le hiv- arisen between Iteed Shaw. Ernest (Sentry and Wnv inon Cain. Tee shot ft ere ll red in I he dark, and the evidence seemed to (.un to (?entry .1 the man who did the -hooting. Tue lordiol of the 1 ot - om r's jury was that Cain came to bis . loath from a gunshot wound ai tho hands <>; (?entry. Shaw being acces sory to the fae) Both voung men w< re ii crested. The shooting took place on thc iiblic hiirhway. Master's Sales. S PATE OF Sui "I'll CAROLINA, ( i ll NT Y tic OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas, Pursuant lo decrees of the afore said Coull, in the cases named below, i wu; offei for sale, to the highest bidder. In front of Hie Court House door, al Walhalla, South Carolina, on MONDAN, the lilli da> of DECEM BER, 1015, between tho legal hours of sale, the tracts ot laud below de scribed : The Oconoo Hank. ,\ Corporation, Plaintiff, against T. N. Carter and D A. Mu Ikey, Defendants, All thal certain piece, parcel or tract of land, lying in the Town of Westminster, S. C., the same being the pla 0 where 1 (C. J. Mulkey) now live, adjoining lands of Wm. .1. Stribling Evans 'Norris and others, the sanie being the lots of land con veyed to mo (O. J, Mulkey) by C. M. Walker and Tho Seneca Bank, con taining twenty-one acres, mon? or less. Terms 01 Sale: CASH. That in event of tho failure of the purchaser or purchasers to comply with the terms of sale within live days l rom the day of salo, the Master do ro-ad vertise and resell said premises oil the following saleday. or some con venient saleday thereafter, at the same place and on the same terms as hereinbefore set out, at the risk of the former purchaser or purchasers, ami thal he continue so to ?lo until he shall have found a purchaser or purchasers .vho comply with the terms of sale. Purchaser lo pay extra for papers and stamp. VV. (). WI UTK, Master for Oconec County, S. C. Nov. 17. I I :.. .1? .1. rhode. Individually and as A iiiinistrator of the Personal l?s tate of Mrs. A "v O'Kellcy, de ceased. Plaintiff, against lohn T. O'Kellcy et al.. Defendants. All :t.;.; certain piece, paitad or tract ol land situate, lying ami being in the County of Oconee. of the State ol South Carolina, containing sev en!.i live a.res. more or less, lying east ol the public highway leading Mom West I nion toward Salem, and adjoining lands ol' W. A. Strother. ? "i i-i! Hell, Seek Hold Estate and oth ers, anti known as the old Ueilj. F. O'Kelley home place. lentis of Sale: One-third cash oil day of sale, and halam-e Oil a credit of one and two years, credit portion i to hear interest from dav of sale, io he secured by bond o'' purchaser or purchasers ami a mortgage of the premises, wit li privilege to the pur chaser or pun liaseis to anticipate the payment ol Hie credit pori ion ai any tune; thal in event of failure of pur chaser or purchasers to comply with the terms of .-ale promptly on day of -ale. said Master do resell the Sttld premises on the same or some con venient s.ilesday thereafter at the same place and on the same terms as i heretofore set out. at the risk of the former purchaser or pu reliaseis, ami that lie continue so lo do until he lias found a purchaser or purchasers who shall comply willi the terms of I he sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamp. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. Nov. 17. I ill fi. Tile Citizens' Hank . Plain t iff. against Roselle Williams et al., Defendants. All that certain lot or parcel of land, containing ten acres, more or less, adjoining Mariah Crant anti others, and being a part of the csa te of Henry Williams, deceased, being the same conveyed to Lucy Williams by the other heirs-at law of Henry Williams, deceased, and being a part of the home tract of said Henry Wil liams, deceased, and including a half interest in the dwelling house on said tract of land. Terms of Sile: CASH. That in event of failure of the purchaser ol' purchasers lo comply with the terms of sale wit h i II live days from day of sale, the Master do re-ad v er t i se anti resell said premises on I he following saleday, or some convenient saleday thereafter, at the same place an on the same terms as heretofore set out. at the risk ol' the former purchaser, 'ir purchaser.;, and that he do con tinue MI to do until lie has found a purchaser or purchasers who comply wit h the t erins of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamp. W. O. WHITE. Master for Oconee County, S. C. Nov. 17. 1 :. I Thomas Sprinkle. Plaintiff. against .1. M. Reardon, Defendant. All thal |iarce! or lol of land situ ate, lying and being in I lie County and Stale aforesaid, and being lots four and live, in Rieck Number One. as shown on plat of the lands of Pled mont Land and I m prov tunen t Com pany, made hv D. Conger, dated No vember, I '.'ns, the dimensions of said lui together are as follows: Regin ning on Piedmont street, ai corner lot No. ... thence N. ~>'2X,<? E. 170 feet, to Lemons line, i hem e along said line 7s feel tn Poo re's line, thence along Loores lille loo ;eet to Lot No. <>. theme along Lot No. li S. r? 2 Vis W. D'.'i feel ii. Piedmont street, thence up Piedmont street I'm feet to the lieu in ning. ALSO. All I lia I pa reel or lol ol' land sit l? ate, lying and being in the ('011111." ami State aforesaid, anti being Loi Number ( ?ne il?. Two 1 2 I and Three l'Ai, m Rieck Number One iii. as :-hovv a on plat ol' the lands ol' I he Piedmont L ind ami Improvement Company, made by D. Conger, dated November, loos, further described as follows: Hegiuililig at corner of Her minia and Piedmont street-, thence S. .Hi's E. 22."? feet, theme \. ii2% E. I7n feet, to Lemons line, (hence 208 feet io iron pin. t hence 111 I feet lo Herminia street, thence along said -neel S. W. :!.".n feet to begin ning cornel. Terms of Sale: CASH. Thal in event of failure of the purchaser or purchasers .<> comply with the terms of sale within live days from dav of sale, the Master do re advertise ami resell said premises oil the following ulesday or some convenient salesday thereafter, at the sam?' place and on tile same terms a; heretofore set out, at the risk of the former purchaser or purchasers, and that he do con tinue so to do until he has found a purchaser or purchasers who comply wit li I be fenns of sale. Purchaser io pay extra tor palters and stamp. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. Nov. 17, I :. I .">. Mrs. Lula Mooro, in Her Own Righi and as Administratrix of th - Por sonnl Estato of .lohn T. Moor 1, de ceased, Plaintiff, against Horace Lee Moore et al.. Defendants. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying ?ind being in the County of Oconee, Slate of South Carolina, on both sides of Per kins' Creek, waters of Conoross Creek. adjoining lands now or formerly of .1. R. ].]. Sloan, J. T. Stone, A. c. stone, w. iB. Browning and D. F. Lumpkiu, and containing one hundred seventeen (117) acres, more or less, and bein? the tran of laud conveyed to John T. Moore by li. I Stone and others by deed bear ing date the llb day ot' .November, I'.MIL', and recorded in Clerk's office, Oconee County, S. C.. on tho Otb day of January, 1903, in Hook Z, page ;">. and being the tract ot land on which tie resided .it the time ot bis death. Ternes of Sale: CASH. That in event of failure of the purchaser to comply with the terms of sale within live da>s from day of sale the Master do re-advertlse and resell said prem ises on the follow ing saleday or some convenient saleday thereafter, at the same place and on the same terms as heretofore set out. at tho risk of tho former purchaser, and that ho do con tinue so io do until he has found a pun basel- who complies with the terms ol sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamp. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. No\ I". Ci;.. Thomas Sprinkle. Plaintiff, against IC. M. n shields. Defendant. All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in i iie County and Stale aforesaid, and being lois Numbers ."> ami ti, in Hlock I, as shown ; ll plat of tile Pied mont Land ami Investment Company, made by W. 1'.. Trogdon, Jr., and dat ed May 2m h. 11)10, said lots being the same conveyed to Iv M. O'Shields by C. II. Miller hy deed hearing date the ?ld day of April, CM I. and recorded in Clerk's olino. Oconee County. S. C.. on the 2 1th day of August. 10 l?, in Volume IT, page 'a. Terms of Sale: CASH. That in event of failure of the purchaser or purchasers to comply with the terms of sale within live days from day of sale the Master do re-advertise and resell said premises on the following saleday. or some convenient saleday thereafter, at the same place and on the same terms as heretofore set out. at the risk of former purchaser or purchasers, ami that he do continue so to do until he has found a purchas er or purchasers who comply with the terms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamp. NV. (). WHITE, Master for Oconee County. S. C. \'o\. 17. 191 Lemuel A. P. Nicholson et al., Plaint ill's. against Doctor K. Nicholson et al.. I lefendants. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Oconee County, State of South Car olina, on waters of Whitewater Uiver, adjoining lands formerly belonging to Kenedict-Love Company, and being the same tract ol' land conveyed to Mary Rebecca Nicholson by her fa ther. Milton Xii bols?n. Sr.. by deed bearing date the 12th day of July, 1902, and recorded in Clerk's ellice, Oconee County, s. c.. on the 1st day September, 1902, in deed book V, page 538. containing one hundred and ten acres, more or less. Terms of Sale: One-half cash, and balance on a credit of one year; c redit portion to bear interest from day of sale at the rate of eight per cent per annum and he secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of the prem ises, with leave to the purchaser to anticipate payment at any time dur ing said year hy paying interest on credit portion from date of sale at rate of eight per cent per annum; thal 'n event of failure of the pur chaser to comply with the terms of sale within five days from day of sale the Master do i e-ad vert iso and resid? said premise.-- on Hie following saleday, or some convenient sale,lay thereafter, at the same place and on the same terms as heretofore set out. at the risk of the former purchaser, and that he do continue so to do un til he has found a purchaser who complies with the terms of sale Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamp. NV. < >. NV HI TH, Master for Oconee County . S. C. Nov. 17. I '.' I 5. Dempie A. Adams. Individually and as Adininistrntrix of the Kstate of .1. II Ada ms. dei eased. et al.. Plaintifs against I'u rina n l"niversit> el al.. Defendants. 'Thc ll. H. Clad in Corpora t ion. Plaintiff, aga inst Dempie A. Adams, as Administratrix of the Cstate of .1. II. Adams, do < ( isod, Defendant. fl.) All t hat cert tir parcel o'' PMKI situate in Oeoiioo County, being on the eastern ?ide of Hie Town of Sen eca. partly inside and partly outside of said town, known mi the plan of said town as Ca rm No. i 1 .". i Fifteen, containing twenty-seven ami 90-100 acres, moro or less, being the same conveyed io IO. C. Doyle l>\ o |{. Hoyle. W. lt. Doyle and Mis. Vir ginia Jones on I ">th April. IN'.ig, and by the said K. C. Hoyle lo J. H. Adams. (2.) All thal certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in tile State and County aforesaid, on Double Hranch. waters of Conneross ('reek, adjoining lands of NV. K. Tan - nerv. K. T Vernor, J. II. Sinon and others. containing Bevon ty-se veil acres, more or less. I "'. i All that certain piece parcel or tract of land situate. Linc, and be ing in tlio County of Oconee of the State aforesaid, on the middle prong of Snow Creek, of Conneross ('reek, of Tugaloo Liver, adjoining lands now or formerly of W. S. Pritchard, Robert Moore. M. C. Lcmnmn-; and other-, containing one hundred forty seven and one-half acres, more or less. (l i All that piece, paree! or lot of laud situate, lying and being in the County of Oconee, in the State of South Carolina, on both sid'-s of the public road leading from Pendleton to Retreat, adjoining landa of the estate of Mrs. T. W. Foster, M. M. (?a'ties. Asbury Cox and ot bes, ho ing made up of two tracts, ono con taining eighty-two acres and the other containing forty-three acres, to bo sold separately. Ci.) All that pice, parcel or tract of land, in State and County afore EARLY IN THE GAME We began our big buying campaign way back in the summer when merchandise was fairly plentiful and cheap. Every week since we've been getting them in and putting them out on a basis of goods well bought. YOU, TOO, BE FOREHANDED, Come this week while stocks are complete and you can get what you want at the right prices. Our stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing and of Ladies' Suits and Coats and Children's Coats are un equalled, ??e Four Hundred Men's Suits in stock. Whatever grade, color or price you may want we can please you. Prices range from - $5 up to $15 Quite as Many Boys' Suits, Blue Serges, T^ancy Worsteds, Cassimercs, all Norfolks. Sizes, 4 to 20 years. Prices, $1.25 to $9. Nearly a Ihousand Pairs Men's and Boys' Pants CHEAPEST TO BEST. Ladies' Coat Suits. Our extraordinarily big sales on Ladies' Suits makes new shipments necessary each week, bringing fresh and correct styles. You'll be pleased with them? Al terations free. Notning but All Wool, Satin Lined ; well-tailored garments, at $10 to $20. Sport Coats at - - - $5 to $6. Long Black Coats - $2.50 to $9. Children's Coats - - $1.50 to $5. SWEATER GOATS. Little Folks' All-Wool, at .$i.oo Boys'. s(JC. to $i .50 Ladies'.50e. to $3.00 Men's. 50c, to $3,50 Staple Cotton Co ods. Mottled Outings, yard. Mottled Outings, extra heavy, yd I'm it ot' Loom Wenching, yard. Bes! Mickory, yalli. liest Percales, yard . liest Feather licking, yard . IO Heavy Canton Flannel, yard. . . Vast ( <dor Apron Gingham, yd. Heavy Cotton Toweling, yawl. . Calicoes, yowl . Shirting Madras . I Od itch Sea Island . 7*?c. I Oe. . IOC lOe. . toe. 2-3c. . 10c. . tlc. . . 5c. . . 5c. . 15c. ?c. 7 '.. We Sell Shoes. Lott-; ol' thei . Twenty-live dozen arriving this week. Stock of sizes and grades most always complete. Hoys' Good Shoes, $1.25 (o $2.25; Hoys' Brogans, $1.25 ami $1.35. Ladies' Heavy Shoes, $1.50(0 $2; Lad WV Kine Shoes, $1.50 to $2.75. Men's Heavy Shot's, $1.50 (o $2.50; Men's Brogans, $1.75; Men's Tine Shoes, $2 0 ? $4.50. Men's Keith iV IVaU's Fine Shoes, $3.50 to $ 1.50. (.'il ls' and Children's. 5(>c. to $U. Notions and Things. Heavy Cotton Blankets, |H?r pair, $1 to $1.85. Crochet and Wrinkled Spreads, K5c. IK) $1.50. Towels, 5c. to 25c. Table Oil Cloth, yard, 15c. Good Window Shades, each, 25c. (.uaruntccd Kid (doves, ?mir, $1. Ladies' Wool Hose, pair, 25c. Ladies' I nion Suits, 50c. und 00c. Children's I nion Suits, *.S5. and 50c. Hoys' Union Suits, ^5 and 50c, Men's Underweur, (garment), 40 u> 50c. Ladies' Hals, 50c. to $3.50. Tani-o-Shn ll tipi's, 50c. The BEE HIVE, Seneca, S. C. J. E. HARPER, Proprietor. "SELLS FOR CASH ; SELLS 'EM FOR LESS." said, containing ono hundred and thirty-five acres, mon' or less, and known as the Moore lands, made upi ol" two tracts, one containing eighty-) n?nr and one-half acres and the other ! containing fifty-one and one-half ames, adjoining lands of C. .Iones, j F. K Cowan, Alfred Kelley and oth-I Cl's, to he sold in one tract. I 0.1 All that piece, par.el or lot ol' land in the Town of Seneca, and known on a plan ot' a certain block of land made by .1. 'i. Harper, July ?ilith, l?lOfi, as Lol .\o. Nine. This lot fronts sixty-eight feet on Sont ii ! Fourth street am' runs hack two hundred and four , -et to an alley. j ( 7.) All that pie e. parcel or lot of land in tile Town (>? Seneca, and i known on a plan ol' a certain block of laud, matle by J. H. Harper, Illly Ji.'b. 190?. as Lot No. Tell. "his lol fronts sixty-eight feel on '?Dut h Fourth street and runs baiK two hundred and tour feel to an alley. Terms of Sale: One-third cash on day of sale; one-third on a credit of one year, and the other third on a credit of two years from day of sale, the credit portion lo be secured by bond of the purchaser or purchasers and a mortgage over the premises, and to draw interest from day ol' sale at thc rate of eight per cent per annum till paid. That in the event of failure of Hie purchaser or pin chasers io comply with the terms of sale within five days from day ol' sale, the said Master do re-nd vert ?se ' and resell such of the premises as to which there is i failure lo comply, on the following saleday, or some convenient saledn> thereafter, at the I same place and on the same terms as heretofore sit out. at the risk of the former purchaser or purchasers, and that he do continue so to do until lie has found a purchaser or purchasers who comply with the terms of sah'. That any purchaser, or purchasers, desiring so to do. may anticipate payment of the credit portion of said lands and comply in full with his or their bids within (ive days after the day of sah-. Purchasers to pay extra for papers and stamps. W. O WH ITU, Master for Oconee County. S. C. Nov. 17. 1915. Mary Hare et Di., Plaintiffs. j against Luther C. Hare et il. Defendants. 'All that tract of land in Deo nee i County, South Carolina lying eist, of the following line, to wit: "Be ginning at the point where the middle thread of Big Toxaway Creek Inter sects the southern boundain line of said tract, said line running due east and wost, thence up the middle thread ot Big Toxaway Creek to tho fork of the .samo in the field thence the middle thread of Lire West fork to the ford below the mouth of the branch, thence a straight line up the ridge to a stone corner on the north ern boundary line, itt chains s. 15. from small black oak corner as shown In ?dat made hy Tyre H. Mauldin of il.;te April 20th, 1800, the said cor-' nor hereby designated hoing 5 ennins ' due u 'si from the nearest black >.ik : corner lue east from said stone cor ner; tin nee along Hie several ? ourses | and dist unes as shown in the plat aforesaid hack to tho beginning cor- : uer at thc middle thread of Hi:; Tox away Creek. The portion of said j traci lying on the west of said divid-j ing line being the share or portion of he plaintiff, .lames W. Hare, Jr., and the portion on the east of said dividing Iii1.?' being the share or por tion of the defendant, Marj Hare, and her children, named as defend ant- herein under Hie statines of dis-j tl'ibution of this Si tte." Terms of Sale: For one-third] cash and the balance on a credit of I ono and two years, in equal install-, monts; the credit portion lo bear in terest at the rale of seven per cent per annum and be secured hy lund of the piiri baser and a mortgage of the premises. That in case the pur chaser fail to comply with the terms of sale within live days the Master do re-advert iso the premires and sell the -ame the next sale day or some saleday thereafter, ai thc -ame place j and on the sa nie terms. Purchaser to pay extra for papers I and stamp. W. O WHITE, Master for Ooonee County, S. C. Nov. 17. 1915. Frank ll. shirley. Plaintiff, against M i Sa ra h .1 a ne Long Ol a !.. Defendants. All thal certain piece, parcel or tract of land, lying, being anti situ ate in TugalOo Township, Slate anti County aforesaid conti' ins.' thirteen and 38-1 00 ( I 3.38 > mn <.. more or less, and adjoining lal of Mrs. M. E. M< Cullin. Wm. M. i .ett. .1. Q. Couiii. tile saiti Frank ll. Shirley and others, and being the same tract of land deeded to Abraham II. Long on February 9th, I'ali', bs- said I Frank ll. Shirley. Terms of Sale: CASH. That in 'event of failure of purchaser to com ply with the terms of stile within five davs from day of sale the Master do re-advertise and resell .said premises on the following saleday or some convenient saleday thereafter, at the same place and on the same terms as heretofore set out. at tho risk of the former purchaser, and that he continue so to do until he has found i purchaser who complies with the terms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers ind stamp. W. o. WHITE, Master Tor Oconee County. S. C. Nov. I',". Ii)1 Wm. II. Muuldin el al.. Plaintiffs, against c. li. ll nilson el al.. I ie fendants. All that piece, parcel or traci of lan i situate, lying and heilig in Oco nee County. South Carolina, in Keo vvi e Township, hon lided on the north hy lands formerly owned hy S. K. Cannon, on the east hy Little Uiver, on tho west by lands formerly owned by .lames McCary. about ten mill's east from Walhalla, containing one hundred and twenty acres, more, or less, and being the same tract of land conveyed to William C ail 1(11 ll !>v .1. \|. Cannon hy deed dated 2f>th January. I SS!', w hich is recorded In Hook I. page Itegister ol' M cann Conveyance for Oconee County. Terms of Sale: CASH. Should any fail to comply with the terms of his hid. that the Master resell the said premises on some subsequent salesdny. upon the same terms, at Hie risk of (he former purchaser, and continue so to do until a purchaser -hall bc lound who will comply with t lie terms of his bid, Purchaser lo pay extra for papers and stamp. W. () Will Ti:. Master for Oconee County, s. C. \o\. 17. I I ".. Nancy Talley ot al.. Plaintiffs. against Susan Hynam el al.. Defendants. All ?hat piece, parcel Ol' tract of 'and . Hunte, lying and being in Oco nee Colliny, and in the Stat? of South Carolina, on Mill Creek, waters ol' OhnttOOgll River, bounded by lands Of W. M. Russell. Drown Jolly, Julius Karney and others, and bounded on the north by Mill Creek, and on the west by Chattooga River, containing fifty acres, more or less. 'Terms of Sale: CASH. That in event of failure of the purchaser or purchasers to comply with the terms of sale within live days from day of ale the Master do re-advertise ?Mid resid? said premises on the following saleday or some convenient salesday thereafter, at the same place and on the same terms as heretofore set out. at the risk of the former purchaser or purchasers and that he continue so to do until he has found a pur chaser or purchasers who shall com ply with the terms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamp. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. Nov. 17. 1!) I ". 4fi-48