Explosion in Prices That Wil! Startle the Entire Community Good ws for You-Read lt! ? s Starts Friday, NOV. 12-9 a. m. CASH MONEY WILL DO WONDERS! Never before in the History of this store were we ever prepared to j^ive the people such values as ri ?ht now. u& We have Been preparing for months for this Great Emergency Stile, and when the A complete stock in every respect* Everything strictly first-class and with our guarantee behind every purchase of your money back if you want it* 3 boxes Safe Home Matches for I Oe. 3 cakes Soap for 10c. 3 packages Arm & Hammer Soda for J 0c. Large Tin Dish Pans for 10c. doors open here next FRIDAY we are going to treat you to some of the best bargains that you ever bought.^ This is the time when everybody is buying-when goods must be bought for the fall and winter, and the expenditure is large in many cases. JL\> Naturally you should lock around to see where your cash money will buy the most goods. J& We have had big sales in the past. We have offered you good inducements in the past, in fact the every-day prices at this store are lower than you pay in other stores, but now we come to the supreme event of all our sixteen years' merchandising. ?t> ?t- ?* "< J* J* J* il THIS SALE RUNS FOR JUST FOURTEEN DAYS. Look over this list carefully. Sec what you need, then come HERE to buy it and get the benefit of the Big Reductions in price-Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishings, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Ready-to-Wcar, Underwear, Shoes, Rubber Over shoes, Clothing, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Granite Ware, Rugs, Mattings, Hardware, Plows, Cultivators, etc. 1 lot Men's Hats, your choice for 39c. Small sizes Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes 50c. and 75c. 1 lot small sizes La dies', Misses' and Children's Button Men's 50c. and $1.00 Dress Shirts for 35c. and 69c. Children's large size Dresses for 43c. 1 lot Men's Hats, your choice for 98c. Store Closed AH Day TL i ExLra Special FRIDAY. Grocery Department. To tlif lirst five roaching this dcpnrt inenI Friday morning, Nov. 12th, wo will sell 10 lbs. Good Coffee for 2 5c. 10 lbs. Sugar for 15c. Hardware Department. To the Ural live reaching this depart ment hridny morning, Nov. IJth. we will sell $1.00 Diamond Edge Axes for 25c. EXTRA SPECIAL -FRIDAY Glassware and Crockery Dept. To the Hrsl live reaching this depart ment Kridny morning, Nov. 12th, we will sell Lantern Globes for lc. Tinware Department. To ile* first live reaching this depart ment i i'i?ay morning, Nov. 12th, wc u ill -ell 50c. Lanterns for 15c Here's Why We Can Undersell Others : When cotton was selling around 6 and 7 cents we had plenty ready cash to load up on Merchandise, and we did it. Wc own thousands of dollars' worth of Merchandise to-day way under thc market price. Wc are going to make you prices right now based on the low cotton market, which will mean a saving to you of many dollars, and we assure you that it will bc years before you will ever buy goods again at thc prices we will make for thc next fourteen days. ?i ! Ext>ra Special FRIDAY. Shoe Department. To the lirst live reaching this do part men t Friday morning, Nov. 12th, we will sell $3.50 Men's Shoes for 75c. $3.00 Ladies' Shoes for 5Oe. Dry Goods Department. 'I'o the lirst live roaching this depart ment Friday morning. Nov. 12th, we will sell 12 yds. Calico for lOc. COM bl K RID AV-Ol ?JG NTT ?STG I >A ? \ Be with the crowds on thc opening day. Bc here for SATURDAY also-no matter whether you want to buy or not. Come anyway. Mix with your neighbors and friends. Let's make it a big day for every one. We arc working hard to get ready to make everything convenient for you, *.* We have given you a Lw prices. You can judge by these. Hundreds as good and even better. Now wc put it up to you : Wc must unload this stock and wc can usc the money. You need thc goods and will appreciate thc savings. J*> No matter what price you get elsewhere you should get to this sale before you buy and get the price HERE. ./* Be fair about it. Compare goods and compare prices, but do it honestly. That's all wc ask. Now, remem ber FRIDAY MORNING, November 12th, at 9 o'clock. We'll be looking for you. Shoes for 98c. J lot Men's Shoes, $2.50 to $3.00 values, for $1.98. $7.50 Men's Suits for $4.98. $3.50 Boys' Suit? for $2.98. L Look for the Big Black and Green Signs. rSl CARTER'S SPOT CASH STORE, ! 1 I_WALHALLA. SOUTH CAROLINA._|