Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 20, 1915, Image 7

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POPULAR VOTING ( QUEEN OF T Rending Pu' lie lo Choose iron Photograph.! Submitted by Various Counties CONTEST CLOSES OCT. 23 ill rollin rt inn with tin- State Fall to de hold in Columbia from Octobc io '?9, tlir ("olnilibili Chumbo o Com morro is eomlnet lng a Stntcwidi tlemonstrnt ion ami fcstlvnl to lu known as (lie South Carolina Marven Jubilee, consist Int,' ol' a series ol' pa l ades ami pageants depicting I lie nat Mini rt sou recs of the Stale. itne ol' tbe important fen I ll ros o tlie Harvest Jubilee w ill bo Hie crown lng of the beauty queen, to lake plaei nt tlie State capitol on tbe evenitn of October 25. In this ceremony tin Governor <>f (lie state win olllclatc assisted by n committee from tho Co lumbla Chamber of Oommorco, ; committee of prominent Columbi) matrons ami twelve maids of honor who will attond upon tho queen. The queen and her maida will bc Jil ,j "-KM^^4^ / CONTEST FOR HE HARVEST JUBIL select eil hy popular vole from photographs reproduced in this ll plement, all of which lin vc been milted hy newspapers or local c initi?es in various counties of Ki (karolina. The young lady recel tho great esl number of votes wll announced ipieen at thc close of cont rsl, and the twelve nexl In <> in thc voting will he appointed ni of honor. In oidor thai tho votes he r si rici ly on (he merita <>f thc ph f graphs, all names and addresses I been purposely omitted and each D didale has I.n nssigncd a iiiiiiil>c i which she win bc known In tho - lng. Ulchlnnd county as host du - the Stale Kn lr. has entered no ca thilr In this contest, but nearly o f oilier county in the State is rr . sentcd. 1 Kvcrv reader of (bis ncwspnpi ' reouesled lt) lill iii tho voting coi . on the opposite page, design) , choleo hy numbor, signing his or ? name ami address am) mailing i vole so ns lo roach tho Colin i Chamber of Com morco not later . p. m., October 23, at which the contest will closo and tho vot< i counted. RECORD CROWDS FOR STATE FAIR Attendance Predicted to Be 100,000. FEATURES TO VARY Harvest Jubilee Departure in Week's Programme-Queen Contest of Lively Interest. All Indications point (<> an unusual ly large attendance ai thc approach ing S(M!.> fair, i ?. K. Kimi, secretary of tho fair associ?t ion, says that nt no time has there over been such In sistent pressure for concessions and space allotments. In addition to this, more cities and counties are taking an active part in assembling floats for the parades, and are planning to bring special trains to Columbia fair wook th- :'. on any pre ceding year. It ls genori'Hy predict ed that the attendance will run cloee fl._ -v I Mir1 ^^^^^ ^ > persons against n m tendance o? about fi?,ooo. The most attractive feature .ur will bo thc harvest jubilee ration, which is to bc held in action with tho fair. This will de an ungle of local interest In cally nil counties in tho Sfntc mern 1 pin n bein;: lo ba vc on . j (ly from each county nominal? 10 harvest queen contest. l?'roi ?tions of the State unusual In is been manifested In this nei t rt ure from tho conventional 'ogro m mc, and n bond of int lationshlp has been thus < st;ii?li allowing tho coronation ceroni onday evening n dance is lo bc the capitol In tho queen's hoi Heavy Schedule of IVotbal Another potent drawing ard hedulo of gridiron contests. / 11 in football bas been BChOi c sanies to bo played in Coll at week. Though tho Btruggl premaey hetween Clemson and Inn will be largely ttie focusing interest, thc gaines of mino irtnnce will be followed with g degree? of enthusiasm and rt. Porter Military academy lylor Preparatory Behool of l le, Tenn., play tho initial lesday noon. ? ?n Wednesda; esbyterlan College of South a and the Citadel clash, with na and Clemson meeting iursday. Underclassmen fron HP ^^^^^^ &r?LM-?A>?WZW ' fj^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' ha l\VO lotter institutions also mci < 'olnmhla that work. < 'anilina a thnil rame scheduled with Duvi for friday. < ?u throe ?lays three events horse racing will hold the carda, of thc purses each day aro for each. With a I hird of $150. A Kl stake of $."?0 was recently : i j ? I > r atcd, together with a model class 111 i ll III ot' $ Ht. Kveryhody Will l*nrndc. Thc natural resource par.nie ' ?enday afternoon will ho of o ordinary comprehensiveness. S< teen counties have pledged floai Well as six or seven Cities Mai the tloats are hoing built in lumbla, and are designed to inti accurately the natural und indu: resources of the state. An ntl is being made to have the "float artistic beauty In design, as wc representativo of the states w of natural resources. "Smith Carolina day" is to i>< served the following afternoon, parade will he the huge carava the week. In this the trades di tloats will he a distinct font ur ?'ol II in hia's business enterprises a bc represented In thc lineup. The State militia has been in lo participate in the week's fo.sti md will greatly onlargo the ho? ibo parades. Sixteen companic the National Guard will camt October 20, 1915 Columbia (luring Inc week, na well as a contingent of coast artillery from Kort .Moult ric. Military day ls to he full of athletic events, to bo ongnged in l?y thc members of tho different companies. Supplemental to this aro also lo lie comp?titive drills, dress parades and Other activities. Hoys' mid Girls' <'luhs Coming, ('om einii hoys and tomato club girls will also hoi i i prominent placo m the week's programme. In addi tion to tho attractive bootha at the fair grounds, which will display tho results of the year's efforts, the per sonnel of these groups will take an activo part in thc parades. The corn Club boys will 'compete for $CS In cash They will also march in the parades, dressed so as to em phasize tho harvest season idea, with their palmetto hats and overalls and with rod bandanas aboul their necks. The oread making contests by the girls and thc displays of canned goods and pickles will also be of In terest Thc mayor of Columbia is to ten der a breakfast to all visiting mayors. Newspaper men from all sections of tho state are to bold an Informal mooting. A convention of hoisemen bas been called, and numerous other hollies will bo assembled. Ono or gnnlzntlon, which will bo largely rep resented, will he tho South Carolina Federation of Labor, which will as semble then.