KEOVVEE COURIER (Established IMO.) Published Every Wednesday Morning SHIIVI ription si Per Annum. .Advertising Hates Reasonable. -Itv - si MK. Sill- l/OK A' SCHItODKIt. (',, mun ira (ions of a personal character charged for ; $7:1.000.000 The plan, in its approved lorin, will bo pros-inted ?o Congress with tho full hat kum of the administration, Much ol tho mr cased appropria tion Mould ho devoted lo coasi de fen i's ami a uli lani lal in croa s? in t lie Iii 'd 11 ; illcry. 11 'latia as io in cleasis in Ci" army';- per mine! '.'ave lint '.el lieeii made punlic, \il| lo Exceed $ tot?,OOO,OOO. II the navy, which will ask for an incl ? iso of * I (Ml,linn.nan. earl es th rt MI;: ii its plan, makin; tho lota! ipropriations ?J!V una.tom. the a .. i (inri.11 ion.- for n i'ional do !'.-.!... 'i ' ntl i n ;.. Ihe arc v's .s I M . ? .i, " ti, v\ ouid loial > I :to.ono,i?uu. li ... probable, hnwevor. thal m liual form ihe appropriations will not ex ceed J i The President spent pracli ?illy ile eulin morning going over Secretary (?art icon's esl ?males and pian.-, which ure understood to propose an in crease oi :',u.linn lo ?O.OOO men and in Hu ?irni> a large reserve to ho cre ated through inducing men to joh i tho ranks hy short terni enlistments. Tho plans also include encourage ment nf tho national guard and it'-. creasing the number ol ai my oflieers by using the West Point Military j At adi mj !t> it-^ lull capa ?ty. .?._ (?el Ititi ol' Th uso Poi soils in Your Syst om ! You will lind l>r Kind's N"W Life Pills a most, satisfactory laxative in releasing the poisons from your sys tem Accumulated waste and poi sons muse manifold ailments unless released. Dizziness, spots before the eyes, blackness and a miserable feel ing generally are indications that you need Dr. King's New Life Pills. Take a dose to-nighl and you will expert- 1 en co grateful relief b\ morning. 2."?c. - Adv. ::. ? .n n t . S. It.v.lio Service. Was liing, on. Oct. IL A id render- , ed by tho K? tl era I radio service toi American snips which mot with neel- i dent or disaster during the past fiscal 1 Mar resulted, with lilli one excep tion, in the loss ol' only two 'ives, j Th?; exception was tho Lusitania which was torpedoed hy a Cern?an SU bina ri ne. Reports t" the bureau of ua\iga lion .-bow thal Ut! vessels left An.- ri can ports and rou, ni red the use of winless to summon help. Of thal .nimix i" four caught (Ire, twelve ran ashore, stranded, o- got into au ice iain; dree broke down; live were ! in collisions; ore was storm-batter-I ed or wator-loggod md one waa lor in tilled. Invigorating to tho Pale and Sickly The Old Stn ntl a rd fcctternl tr n."Uienlug toole GROVE'S TASTKLHSSchOI IONIC, drives out , Tiiuri.i enriches UH blt . esterday. She ? tho da lighter ol Thomas Ca rret :. of I his county ?nd I bo wife ol Ex Con. r< ssin m W. I. Talbert, ol this placiu e a tc ispooul ul to day oft??n -ivis ;, s?, k idiild to mon ow If your little ono is oui -ot -sorts. mill sii k,'l real ing, eal ing and acting natura'l) look, mother' See f tongue i, co..ted. This is a sure ^-is.n that ita little stomach, liver and bowels are clog geil willi waste When cross, irritable, feverish, stomach sour. I? toa th bad or luis stomach ache, d.anho,M. sore throat, full of told, give a Ina* poon ft:! of "Cali fornia Sy rup of Kigs," and in a few hours all the constip i(od poison, i >.. digestid food and nour bile gently moves out of Hs lit ti*- bowels without, griping, and you have :i well, playful child again. Mothers can real cass nfte*. giving tliis harmless "finit laxative," be cause it never fails lo ( l?anse (ho iit tle one's liver and bowels and sweeten Q stOIUACh, und ?hey dear ly love it? piensan! tasto. Kuli di rections for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups printed on each bottle Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for il 50-cenl hot Mo of "California Syrup of Figs;" then seo that it in made by the "Cal ifornia Pig Syrup Company/'.- Adv. USE OF FORMALIN ?O PREVENT SMUT Botanist of Clemson College Gives Simple Preventive of Grain Disease. fOROATSAND WHEAT SEED Formalin Solution Applied to Small Grain Before Planting Kills Spores of Smut Without Injury to Germii nating Powers. Smut is t ho most widespread ?md destructive disease of small grain and it occurs wherever oats and wheat are grown. When pro pi r control meth ods are not practiced, it frequently causes serious loss. Fortunately, it is not hard to prevent this disease. In formalin we have an easily obtainable preparation that does the work elli ciontly. He fore sowing oats or wheat, fanners should treal the seed with a formalin solution to prevent smut. Smut is caused by a parasitic growth that lives in the tissues of the . . mt. The disease spreads by spores i very email, seed like hollies) which cling to the hulls or lodge in the creases of individual oat or wheat grains and are thus carried in?-> a tedd with the seed. The spores germi nate at about the same time that tho plants come up and the disease mows directly into the tissue of the young plant. Smut lives in plants apparently ? nit doing serious damage until the plants begin to head out. Then the disease concentrates i's efforts in the heads and black, sooty masses of spores till the places where main should form. As these masses break up. tho spores are scattered over the Held by wind. Many lodge in grains on healthy heads of oats or wheat and remain alive there until the seed are planted again. Some remain In the diseased heads and aro carried to tho thresher In threshing, tho smut spores aro scattered everywhere and many (ind resting places in healthy pt rains. Oat or wheat smut can bo controlled by soaking the planting seed in a chemical solution that will kill the smut spores in the s.1 without Injur ing the germinating powers of the seed. The best chemical to use for this is formalin, which is a 40 per cent solution of formaldehyde, lt may be procured from any reliable druggist. Treatment with lt ls made as follows: Make np the formalin solution by mixing one pint formalin (40 percent solution of formaldehyde) with 40 gal lons water. Sack the grain to he. treated, about u bushel to a sack. Dip each sack of grain into the barrel of solution and let it remain there for from live lo ten minutes, moving the sack up and down several times to make sure that all the grains are thor oughly wot. Finally, lift the sack anil let the solution drain out, after which either pilo rho bags of treated grain together and cover with hagging or ranvas. or pour the treated grain Into a ?din on a clean door and cover with bagging or canvas. Leave the grain covered 'hus for from 12 to 24 hours. As a last step spread the grain thinly over a clean floor to dry. Tiie grain seed should be dried as rapidly as possible io prevent sprout ing. Nlaturally. cram (tims treated should be put in clean bins or sacks so ns not to be again exposed to the disease. Sicks and bins that have contained diseased ?Tain may he dis infected by washing willi a formalin solution made of one pint formalin to 10 gallons water. Il W. BARRE, Professor of Melany, Clemson Agricultural Coll eire ARE YOUR COWS EFFI CIENT? Putting the efficiency test to cows with tb? milk scales and 'he Babcock tester is one of the essen, als of con ducting a successful dairy. When feed is high in price a fannel cannot af ford to have boarders in his dairy barn who eat lip more in feed than their milk yield is worth. The Bab cock test will show these delinquent cows in their (rue light and the milk ?eales win put ibo clincher on the argument. Testing cows will give some latin?is a big surprise. Some times the cow that looks like the poorest c ron tu re in the lot is the best butterfat producer. The dairy divis ion of clemson Collcgo offers to give ....y farmer advice about testing milk and keeping records. Test, don't guess. EQUIPPED FOR LIVE STOCK WORK. The extension division of Clemson College ls well equipped to assist farmers in any part of South Carolina with any problems in livestock that may arise. Tho college has two mon giving all their time to beef cattle and ?wino extension work, threo dalry extension experts and one extension poultryman. This is one of tho larg est and best equipped animal husband ry extension forces in tho United States. South Carolina farmers should take advantage of their oppor tunities along this line to get export help free of coat. ISOSTON IS AGAIN JUBILANT. lt?-?I Sx victory was a popular one. Elve G?ines Wore Played, Philadelphia winning in the first, and Boston taking tho remainder consec utively. Tho scores were as follows: Kirai (?ann' i at Philadelphia . Philadel| bia Heston M. Second i ?ame Heston '1, Philadel phia I. Third (?ame (ai Heston) Boston J. Philadelphia I. Fourth (Janie Boston Philadel phia I. Kif! ii Came i at Philadelphia I Ho..ton ... Philadelphia I. The championship games for de cision re(|iiire the winning of tour out of set en. What Players Got. Twenty thousand three hundred and six fans paid $52,029 to witness the lina I game of the world's series between the Ked Sox and the Phil lies. Of this amount 10 per cent goes to the National Commission ?iud the remainder divided equailj be tween the two (duhs. the pla.vers' share ending with the game Tuesday. The Ked Sox players will divide $$(?,0.19.70, or $.1.779.OS to each of the "J:! men (?II the eligible list. The Phillies will divide $."?7.051 .so. or $2.519.12 to each of their efigihles. The National Commission gets in per cent of the total receipts which were $?'20.?i(S l . ">". 1 I funs pay ing this much mo nev to see i h ? - live games. The clubs will gel $7 1,7 I-I.!M? each as t heir share. ism mid Allied Pains-They Must (Jo! The congestion of tho blood in its How causes pain. Sloan's Liniment penetrates lo the congestion and st..tts the blood to How freely. Thc holy's warmth is renewed; thc pain is 'one. The "man or woman who has rheumatism, neuralgia or other pain and tails lo Keep Sloan's Lim men1 in their home is Uko a drown ing man refusing a rope." Why suffer? (?et a bottle of Sloan's. 25c. .ii i ?'.'tc >| bottle holds six times as much as size. Adv. ;:. British yeomanry '"orces were Hist instituted bj Loni Chatham in IT"'. I. In some cases, when a man is head strong, it is a sign that the bone pre dominates. Ca I III JS ! OIKLS ! THY IT ! STOP l>A NDHl l l' A M> ULAI Til Y YOI lt HAIR. Hair Stops I ailing Out and Gets Thick, Wavy, Strong ami Hen ut i ful. Your heir becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "Danderine hair (l?anse." Just try this -moisten a (doth with a little Danderine carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, ibis will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few momenta you have doubled the beauty of your bair. He Ules beautifying the hair at onie. Danderine dissolves every par ticle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair. Hut what will idease you most will bo after a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair line and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it surely gel a 25-cent bottle o'" Knowlton's Danderine from any druggist or toilet counter, and just, t ry it.-Adv. Thc firent in morton ?a MO I. ASS cWii Pie feed hill unit RED S HORSE AND MULE ICH something the horses and s?y||f appetite-stalls the saliva r '"*^W\r Far superior to an till ptain mules a treat, and at the same Our RED SHIRT (first grade) 1 '.foi* and put contains Corn, Oats, Ground Alfi ffift and pure enuc molasses, and anal; <\, Protein 1U ; l at 3',; ; Fibri ^ PIEDMONT KORSS ? WU?j MOLASSES 12vi ; ( arbohydraw ? .... |sWAMPrOXJlQRSF.&vii?.i'.^C?.ASSF.SFF.F.l PERFECTION HO'.iSE ft MULE FEED JJgi 1,1' ; ; I arbon) I. ^ Protein \i'. : l-'at 3'/. ; I .? ? grain und ?rroiii d Alfalfa .M i RED SHIRT I ?j J Fir;' Grade: A hal meed ration contain! kecpn in Koort r?r.liti?n. Increanes tin nt n reduced nm 1 f ferriiiijr. Contain? KI Ground Alfalfa. rc Cane MuiaMca and ! Fibre l2rA ; Carbolu dralc? 60'/e< I PIEDMONT DAIRY HEP ^dci?feta I RED SHIRT HOG. Fir.O *TXS?!1%y? We manufacture (.?so i'.?l) SHIRT Scratch Ml "SEVEN EGGS A WEEK" HEW MASH g? Rice, i oltonaeed Meal, l ow Tens, Mea ,\y\ Protein Wot l at 1 - ; l ibre 12%! C AH ?hown on thc h>\u* in our nd. nearly producir., ?-ven lo I he baffl ami twine for Oat?, Con?, Wheat, Alfalfa 1 We BUO corry o full ? AM) S' Our t?n\* a? nhowi on noontide princii Krealenl nourlflhm cont. Let u* ?h( cut your feed bl ut for pri Molony & CHARLES RORS CAROLINA POSTMASTER. Lutrin oili< ?al I from the hands ol' the postmaster and departed, although there was mme money in I he sate. This Hog Sleeps in Trees, ISt. Albans. Vt.. Messenger.) W. I.. Plumlcy, ol' Nor.b Carolina, has a freak dog whose specialty is climbing. The highest limb he ever made was feet. Veterinarians and ' others who have examined the dog's] feet are at a loss to understand how he grips a tree trunk in climbing. His nails are like ihose ot' the ordinary dog, though possibly a trille more pointed, and the lleshy pads of his feet are perhaps a little broader. So j accustomed to height is the dog that | he sleeps in tree branches '_'e fee' above i he ground. Ile is three J ea I'S old. .md part pug and part bull. 1W ..'.io v t? Ii lt X Nil PI 1.1.8, for I \v<-nty-fiTO year? i !. I ?19 IS? ? Safest, Always Reliable, l?V Ali PRUGG1STS , , EVERYWHERE S lt is mighty hard lo make i|l< world forgive a man who confesses and reforms. A Camel's Stomach. The stomach of a camel is divided Into four compartments, and the walls of these are lined with large celks, every one of which can be opened and (dosed at will by means of powerful muscles. When a camel drinks, it drinks for such a long time you really think it never meant to leave off. The fact is that it is not satisfying its thrist, hui is filling up its cistern as well. One after ano ther the cells of it.s stomach are filled with water, and as soon as each is quite full it is lightly closed. Then, when a few hours later the animal bet nines thirsty all ii has to do is to open one of the cells and allow the water to flow out. Next day it opens one or two more, and so it mies on i.-it thin? i feeding KS. lt cot!? builds up the stuck tNJflLtSTOH.S C. HURT MOLASSES FEED M I mules like-gives them an W&Z^ tinning and aids digestion, feed. Give your horses and lime save money. Iorse and Mule Molasses Feed ilfa, made appetizing with salt y/.cs as follows : g 12' i ; Carbohydrates 57r/(. r?"r? Second Crude - Anni? urn JD- WU* li Va' i : Kn? 2V4< ? ; Pro- ?| Fibre.** ^ not Orado This analvates: Protein 9%| S l'at2' i; Fibre 12% ? Carbohydrates 55%. 5 Ilxcd) Wc manufacture also a dry mixed (no j ICH) Horse and Mule Ferd, which analyzesi j dialia 57',c. Tili!? u composed of Hlraight ' ) AIR Y FEED j npr Molasses. Cntlle nrc very fond of it - > p How and enriches Hie quality of the milk i round Corn, C. S. Meat. Wheal Middling*, ; riait. Analyzes! Protein l.V'< ; Fal Z'/ol I fi ?.nalyics: Protein 12%: Fat 2V4%1 Fibre X ates :<:>' '<. ^ f Digestive Tankn'/e, Ground Corn. Hie* ?5 'aliening. Keeps thc hogs In good condition, fin Feed and II I) li SUI RT Baby Chick Cetil. (,m imposed of Ground, Corn, (?round (jul Un. (?round NN li ..nt. Harley, Maize, t Meal and Linseed Meal. Analysis! ;-S arbohydratea 40%. all of our feed la made from Carolina ^?y?? .. NVc are, therefore, in thc mnrkcl ???^2 lay and ony other kind of Hay ?r^t??< lock of ?RAIN, HAY FRAW. i nhovc are mixed i>\en to furnish thc ent at the lowest iwn you how to Ila down. Write ices, etc. Carter Co. TON, S. C. _^ ilit > after day tint il Hie whole supply is exhausted, lu this curious way a camel eau li\e live or even six days v\ itlioul drinking at all. and so is nble lo travel (|uile easily through the des ert, where the wells are ellen hun- ', dreds of miles apart. ?.... ( Small Balkan War, $21.50. i v tianta Cousin ut ion, ht h. ) i The Balkan war h roko loose in At- 1 lauta Thursday afternoon, hut in- ' Slead ot Hie Tenions and t ho Allies engaging in hattie, it was "(?reek met < ?reek." Chris Sarrandulas espoused the cause of Kin.; Constantine and was ^ opposed to Greece joining tho allies. Louis Sperdox favored tho policies 1 of Prime Minister Yenizolos and wanted Greece io light because of , what Bulgaria had done. !\ "Long live the king!" shouted ? Sarrandulas, only ho said it in Greek. "Down with tho Btilgars," shouted c Sperdox, also in (?reek. t "Let Greece remain neutral!" cried DUI Sarrandulas. Greek again. "To arms! To arms!" cried out Sperdox. More (?rook. I Policeman VV. ll. Douglas henrd I tho debate, and it hoing all Greek to him, ho thought everything was so-' . reno. 1 ? Sperdox struck a Grecian Blow for | the allies, landing on Sarrandulas' solar plexus. Sarrandulas returned tho blow and I hon the war was on. Officer Douglas knew what the [?reek was for "fight" when there was moro action than words and ho rush-j | .il in and hogan forcible peace nogo- 1 tiations. 1 When tho Greeks were arra, 'tied in the police oort Friday afternoon, I i Recorder Johnson declared for th? i lietltralitv of Atlanta and lined each!*' )f the un scar red battle heroes ? ? 1 0.75. j I BARNIM BAILEY HA VU lb "MHiEDS Ol ' NEW I'LA ! I RES. ii Tho Barnum and .{ailey Greatest Show oil Earth, which conn'.-, lo An lersou on Friday, October 22, claim 0 presen I this year "A Circus of All j Nations," meaning one thal is lilied A it li all new features shown now for he first time anil presented by iso A'orld-fallied artists who represent | .sery nation ill the world. Tho en Ire world has boon scoured by ?pe ia'i Ita III um & Dailey agents so thai l>ractically all the arenic star-, thal ire really worth seeing take part. i Tin I line-honored custom has al ivays boen lo refer io each successive . .?rill- as "bigger and belier than .ver," but the phrase has become so liackneyed thai, this sear, Barnum & Hailey hesitate to uso il, despite the act that it adequately describes the .ntertainnieiit. More railroad cars Jj ne required to transport the -how. ?i.:gor touts are raised, more area is Jj 1 oed ed to accommodate the -how han over before. In fact, tho circus 'j las reached a point where il is the ^ lespail' ol many ol' the smaller rail- * nails and laxes tiioi" facilities lo the . Imlt, for 85 oars are needed to con roy tho gigantic canvas city from own lo town. 1 ' There's ma I olia 1 enough in this | ear's circus to make a dozen circuses j if ino old days. A "big lop" 080 reel ong, nearly i ..Min employees, iii ree N dugs, four elevated platforms, acres '"^ if i erial apparatus, tin' bigges) stage iver erected for a dramatic presenta- '' ion. a ll 0-cage menagerie, 7~>n torsos, IO elephants, a stree! parade bree milos long. y. Among tho novelties offered this (. icason are the "Six Riding Hanna- t? ords.I'he Caldrons," balancing, j j pyramiding and head jumping on the w ops of Imming lamps. "Pallenborg's r< yonder Boars," "Adgie" and her len of nine performing African Hons, barnum & Bailey statue horses. /Inda tn Brad na's Angel Horses. Three creal herds of war elephants, trained md shown hy tho first and only lady ilpehant trainers. Besides these, are ?0 aerialists, fd riders, 00 acrobats md f.u clowns. A wonderful prelude to this great f( lircus ls the presentation of the new, ni magnificent, spectacular pageant, m 7 _"TO THINE OWN 8?LF BE TRUE, A Xl) IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THE DAY: THOU CANST NOT THEN BE FALSE TO ANY MAN." By STECK, SHELOR & SCHRODER._WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, SE1?T. 10, 1014. New Serie? No. 8?0.-Volume LXV.-No. :?7.