% tf? ?j? *!* ?I* *!* ?I* *!* *!* '1? * * Ten-Day Sj * - * To start thc Clot hit * sell, for thc next ten days 4. October 2 * 25 Men's Bloc Serge Suits .j. 25 Boys' Blue Serge Suits I .j. 1 lot Boy Scout Suits for $j I lot Blue Serge Men's Par. I lot Blue Serge M n's Par * 1 lot Blue Serge Men's Par J 25 pairs Boys' Knickcrbuck . Our Dry Goods Dep best values. Galitcrc Cloi Good Calicoes-Best Sea 1 10c, at 8c. Our Shoe and Hat s ?fr At thc lowest prices. *fr I . K. IIAKIUSO * Normans Dry ?I? ?i? ?j? ??? ?j? ?i* ?j? ??? ?[. ?i* ?\- ? I. O. O. F. Oconee Lodge, Xi?. HI, Independ ent Order of Odd Kellows, will meei ut 8 o'clock Tuesday Night, October l-iii. Hogrec work. Visiting odd Follows welcomed. M. I,, ri 111.1.1 rs. N. u. ANTON GKRHKK. Secretary, ad. * * -V- LOCAL AMI PERSONAL. Kor Salo Nice rou wit li young calf. Apply to .las. II. Darb}. Wal halla, s. C. Adv. Miss I tono While, aller a pleas an vis.i to relatives and friends in Atlanta and Gainesville, returned to her home lu re Monday evening, lo the delight of her many friends. Sheriff .1. W. is. Chief Deo. I.Iones. Marshal A. T. Reid and ('unstable .1. A. Keaton are in Green ville this week attending the session of Knited States Court. G. M. Ansel and W. rhos. Maxwell are attending as jurors. -T. K. Alexander sells Rock Hill buggies. Walhalla. S. C. adv.-tf. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Whit mire, of I'ine Mountain. Ga., passed through Walhalla last week on their wa} to their home, after a lt osl pleasant and oxlended visit lo theil daughter, Mrs. Sam Masses, in Seattle. Wash. Hut ing their stay the} also visited the exposit ion. Mari us C. Long, Faq., announces that, in response to numerous re quests, lie will leach 11 class of JO pupils in shorthand and typewriting. Ile will benin the course November 1st. Consult his announcement else where in this issn?' and see him if In terested. Jacob HradhoiT} died at the home ot his nephew tn the Obi Pick ells section last Saturday. Ile was ?1 native of Georgia .mci was about To years of age. Interment took place ar Kbeiie/.er Sundas afternoon. Ser . i< os wore conducted b} Rev. V ll. I'ressley. Kine apple vinegar, ."...e. per gal lon: :: gallons for SI .lohn Kiiciu merer, Walhalla. Adv. * .1. Hoyt inn. of Los Angeles, Cal., pas-id through Walhalla last Saturday on his way from Horse Cove, N. C.. where he had been oil i ho sad mis- ion of attending Ibo tu : eta! of his brother, who met death al Los Angeles by accident on Sep tember lilith. - Miss Frances Stribling has gone :.? New York Cit} to resume her studies in art. She and her sister, Miss Sallie, attended one ot the art schools of thal city, the latter com pleting the course las! year. Miss Stribling's many friends wish for her every sue.a ss in her studies. - Mrs. H. C Husch and daughters, j Misses Lula and Rosa May. returned! lo Walhalla last Thursday night after spending some daw in Tampa, Fla., willi relative* The} bring back the welcome information thal their rola i?\e. William Rose, wno has boon (|ilite ill for some time, is very much improved. We hope for his early! complete recot er}. For Sale "ill acres of land ad joining corporate limits of town of \Vest t'nion; on public road and rail road; 2? acres in cultivation; six rooni dwelling ami good barn; $?0 : er acre. Moss fe Li H loton, Wal- ! Lalla. S. C. Adv. We ate requested to announce Ulai lhere .viii be a "box sale" at the West t'nion school house Friday night of this week, beginning nt S o'clock. The public is cordially in . ted io tutend and to pal ron ixe 1 he entertainment liberally. The pro ceeds of i he sale and entertainment will go towards a fund for the boned! of t he Wes; I 'nion school. -Tho largest sweet potato thal we have ever seen is now in Tho Cou rier office, lt was grown by .lohn R. Pea}', who lises near West I nion. Mr. Peny states that he has about a half acre In ihese potatoes (?he Tri umph) and he anticipait.s a yield ol' fit) or 00 bushels. The potato brought :o this office weighs live pounds ami 1 I ounces. lt isa real ht an ty ami has every appearance of fine quality. Rev. G. G. Mayes occupied the pulpit of the Walhalla Presbyterian church last Sunday, both morning anti evening, preaching lo gootl con gregations at each service. Rev. Mr. Mayes was at one time pastor of the Walhalla 'burch, and he is always a welcome visitor hero. Ile presented the cause of hour' missions oil this occasion. Rev. O. M. Wilcox pastor of the church, was absent, being In attendance upon the session of Synod at Charleston. ig Ball to moving, wc will * beginning on Saturday, "fr its at $2.50, worth $3.50. ^ its .it $3.50, worth $5.00. . its at $2.00, worth $3.00. cr Pants at 75c, wortli $1. "j. artmcnt is full of thc very 4. th, worth 15c, at 10c- .j. Island 1-yard, wide worth . tock is complete. Goods Store, * h * * * * * * * * * * * Wc tiro requested lo announce that the Methodist Cutid will meet Tliursday (to-morrow) afternoon ul l (."clock al tho home of Miss Ger trude Smith. Mrs. IO. M. Smith, of Hartwell, (?a., is spending this week in Wal halla visiting her sister. Mrs. Mary V Ansel. Mrs. Smith was at one time a resident ol' Walhalla and has hosts of friends here who are al way s glad to meet her. Miss lissie Macaulay, of Wood ruff, and Mrs. John W. Hollins, of Lake City. S. C.. are visiting at ilu do!.it' Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Macau lay lilis week. Mrs. ItollillS is a niece of Mr, Macaulay, Miss Macau lav heilig a sister. They are hoing cordial!) greeted hy numerous friends, Lost At or near Poplar Springs church. Sunday, October lld, gold La valli?re. Kinder leave at The Cou rier olllce and gel reward. Adv. Auditor I?. A. Smith has in hand the money with which to pay oft' all election accounts i for managers, etc., in the recent election OH the ques tion of prohibition or local option.) home claims have already been pre sented and paid. Checks will be mailed out next week to all parties who have not called for their money. The many friends ol' .lames M. Hughs, who has been for some time residing at Vineyard Haven. Mass., will Ix- pleased to le,nil that he will he in Ocouee for some time. Mr. Hughs has been finite ill for some time, and wrote The Courier ( Sep tember .".ot thal he was then able to he up and expected to start for bis old home at Richland within a few days. Brownlee & Company, year obi horses and inities. See ad vertisement on ll rsl page, and call on them i* yon wan! a uood young muk'. Wo a re i n formed t hat i ; will he possibly i wo weeks ve. before the Walhalla Hight and Power Company will he in position to operate their plant. lt was thought 'hat only a .ow of th ? i oil. h..d be< ii lui "ned ont by ?he Pghtnii-g stroke, hui .>:i cak ing upai'i 'lie machiner; ll A IS lo '.id thai about coils had been com pletely destroyed. Some new coils have been received, but not a SU Iii eleni number were ordered to repair ?he damage sustained by the plant. We have at Tho Courier olin c two h'anches lilied with very larg" berries, thc hi..; ol' the kind we have . K r seen. The) were grown by Clem Watkins at his bet.ie jU3t west of town. Ile calls them the "fall huckle berry" and states thai they prove an excellent relish after frost. They have much the appearance >f tin* berry catalogued by growers as the "Wonderberry." The two sections of vine, about three feel in length, lilied with berries, weighed a lillie .av er t wo pounds. Lost or Strayed from my home, on September '-'Ttl . ono red male pig, about live weeks old. Kinder please return and rece ve reward. Hilly Sanders. Walhalla. Adv. M r. a nd Mi.. .1 oh n ll. Kniest have moved from their town home to the country place of Mr. and .Mrs. I. flood, Mrs. Krnest's parents, where they will make their home in tin* fu ture. Mr. Krnest's cot am- on Church street has been rented to Mr. and Mrs. C. Fred Hrovvn. who will move into it this week from Tu ga loo street. The Marett cottage from which Mi. ami Mrs. Hrovvn will move has been rented to M. H. McDonald, (.lust what our young bachelor friend con t em pla i i's we are not authorized to state, hui we suspect that the bee of matri Oh, well, just wait ! ) -Daniel K. Hood has recently completed thc erection of unite al handsome suburban home on his place just west of Walhalla. Mr. and Mrs. Good moved in last week. Mr. Good will give much of his time! to the care and oversight ol' lils fine apple orchard, which bas just "come into its own"' this year Ile is sup plying this market with some of the finest apples we have over seen, not excepting even the fruit shipped here from the North. Ile has christened his new home place the "Apple drove Orchards." Ile ia opening up a busi ness thal promises well, and wo wish him every success. Postmaster Kant is in reecipl of a letter from the Post OMlco Depart ment requesting a township map of Oconee. We quote tho letter below. If any one possesses such a map. its loan to the postmaster will be appre ciated. The letter follows: "To aid in ofllcial mapping of rural delivery service, the department needs a township atlas or map of Oconee' county, showing roads and other characteristics. The atlas or map should be as nearly as possible cor rect and up-to-date, with scale about oiii- mile io the inch. If you secure such atlas or map. and will forward, without expense to the dt part ment, it will hi- consulted with care and re turned without unnecessary delay." The congregations ol' the Pres byterian and Methodist churches will begin a series of special services next Sunday evening ai 7..'10 o'clock, at the Methodist church. Kev. Mr. Wil cox w ill preach a series of sermons on the 2:td Psalm, running to Wednes day morning, Then, at the evening hour, the services will benin at the Presbyterian church, and hr. Stokes will preach, to the close of the meet ing, on the book of Galatians, lt is planned to have these services daily at lo a. m. and 7.30 p. m.. to run for one week, lt is the intention of Itevs. Wilcox and Stokes to make them largely a season of Hilde study, and it is requested that all bring their Bibles with them. Church members are requested to magnify this oppor tunity, so that it may result in the edification of believers ami the con version of souls. The whole commu nity is cordially invited to attend and to take i>art. A tire that came near being a very disastrous one occurred in Wal halla last "hursdny morning when the machine shop of W. John Schroder, at the corner of Main ami Tugaloo streets was totally destroyed. The tire occurred about IL'.::O a. m., dur ing a veritable deluge of rain. The alarm was given and crowds assem bled quickly, (bong most effective work, though nothing in the doomed building was saved. This bunding was within twelve feel of the Schro der residence, to the east, and not more than WU feet from a small traine store room fronting on Main street. Both the store room and residence were saved from damage. Much of the household good- was removed from the Schroder residence, the fur niture sustaining considerable dam age from waler. lt was indeed a I mk.v escape for the residence Mr. Schroder estimates his loss at about l.'ion on shop building and machin ery of various kinds. lt is supposed ihat the lire had its origin in -. arks from the forge. During the dav em ployees in the place had ox t i n u ; died Hames among the liner from wood work near the forge, and it is thought more than probable thai some smoul dering lire cnughl u|> later it: the night, causing the fire earl) lu the morning. Mr. Schroder carrie.! no insurance. Oconee S. S. Convention, Sunday schools ol' Oconee county, take notice! The annual convention of the Oco nee County Sunday School Associa tion will he held with Immanuel Bap tist church, at West in inst er. on Octo ber 28th and 20th, Program will be published later. Arrange for a full delegation. Yours very truly. Chas. K. Hot rick, County President. Warning MING Warning THERE'S ONLY ONE BIG, DCA nun SALE OPENING IN WESTMINSTER THIS WEEK MARK THAT, ONLY ONE THE DAY THE TIME THE DATE atiirday, OM Del 9 Brownlee & Company EMERGENCY SALE ! Don't Confuse this Sale with any Other Sale. It Docs Not Begin Until Saturday SATURDAY is the Day. Wait for it ! You'll Save Dollars if you do wait. We're getting ready now. Prices will bc Cut to make the Selling Quick. We've got to unload. We've got to Raise Cash and have it right now. Wc say again Wait ! Wait for the Real Sale ! The Big Sale ! ?ff* ^\ ^\ ^\ REWARD.-This store will pay $200 Reward if we fail to eui prices \\J 4L. \J \J on Merchandise as advertised, except Queen Quality Shoes an i J. & P. Coat's Thread. Wc advertise thc Truth ; we back up thc advertising with this reward. When we say wc cut prices, we mean that very thing, and we arc herc to make good. jfi>%&>jfi%?&jt>m*,& NOW, ONCE MORE ! WE CAUTION YOU AGAINST MAKING A MIS TAKE. * THE SALE DOES NOT OPEN UNTIL SATURDAY, OC TOBER 9th. * WE ARE GOING TO BE CLOSED ALL _DAY FRIDAY GETTING READY._ Brownlee & Co., Westminster, 5. C. ( .ina) Cloned Forty Days. Washington, Oct.. :;. War Dcparl iioiiI dispatches to-night announced :hai there was little prospect of re jpening the Catlaina Canal before November I. Since the channel was docked by a slide north ot' Cold (lill September 20 the movement of e.nh md rock has continued steadily. Hundreds ot' vessels will he held up >y the closing ol' the canal for 40 days ir more, causing the first serious in erruplion of canal traffic since the ipening in August, 1914. Unnecessary Eye Troubles. Defective eyesight mid ils resultant e free ts ( Head aches, Styes, Itching Lids, Nervous Winking.) are un necessary if you will wear glasses ns proscribed by us. PERMANENT RELIEF is assured our patients, but prompt action is ad v ?sod ou t be purl of i hose suffering with Hie above I roubles. Not bing lui I glasses will ever give absolute rebid. O IX)HE OPTICAL CO., NOIWJAN-COPPKH IJOTTOM Stnl ion. I now own tho lamons Pickle dmer Stallion, raised and in servite lear Highlands. Write me if Inter .sled in raising good stock. .1. E. 11 EDDEN, West Cnion, S. C. Hi-if. ONLY ONE LEFT-Jersey Red (Mg. First caller gets it for $4. 3EO. A. HARRISON, Walhalla. If. SPECIAL OFFER-To patients .omlng from Oconee County to our ircenvlllo of?ce for eye work: As we ire members of Chamber of Com nerce, wo refund railroad fares. \. A. ODOM, Consulting Optometrist optician; President Tho dobo Opti cal Co., Masonic Temido, C.reenvlllo, =5. C. 9-tf. We are Showing Utz & Dunn's LATEST STYLES OF Fashionable Footwear. $3.00 $350 $3-75 C. W. PITCHFORD, WALHALLA, 5. C. rou SAM;-Nice young cow with call'; cash, or on time if desired. J. K. IIKDOK.N. West Union, S. C. 10-tf. TIONA NT WANTIil) for good one horse la rm ; near Walhalla; stock and implements furnished hy me See me or write at once. SAM J. I'S!! li LL, Walhalla, s. C. 11-12 FOR SALK-Appier Pedigreed Seed Oats. 80c. per bushel; Pine Stem Seed Wheat, $l.?O bushel. All seed grown by me and propared for market under personal supervis ion. GEO. A. HARRISON, Wal halla. S. C. 38-tt,