Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, September 29, 1915, Image 8

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Ten-Day S ff> .{..{..!<. *!. *I* *l* *.* .Tr - .fr To start thc Clot hil 4? sell, for thc next tea day; .?. October 2 .fr 25 Men's Blue Serge Suits ?fr 25 Boys' Blue Serge Suits .j. J lot Boy Scout Suits for $ T J lot Blue Serge Men's Pat T 1 lot Blue Serge Men's Pa n* 1 lot Blue Serge Men's Pa J 25 pairs Boys' Knickcrbocl . Our Dry Goods Dc| best values. Galitcrc Clc Good Calicoes-Best Sea * 10c, at 8c. Our Shoe and Hat : + At thc lowest prices V. K. IIARH1S< ?fr * Normans Dry .i. ?fr ?i? ?fr ?i? ?i- .fr ?fr .fr ?i- ?fr ?fr Knights of Pythias. regular meeting or Walhalla j Lodge, No. 07, K. of I?., will be held .it tho Masonic Temple next Monday night. October Ith. at 8 o'clock. Ail members urged to he prosent. Visiting Knights always welcome. W. lt. CR MG, Chancellor Commander, w. c. 11 rc I is. i<. lt. & s. (adv.) Weather Forecast for One Weet (Special to Keowee Courier.) II, S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Rnreau, Atlanta. Ga., Sept. L'S. 191"?, Following is tlie weather forec ast issued hy tho C. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, 1). C., for the week beginning Wednesday, Septem ber 29, Ol 5 : For South Atlantic and Cast Gulf Statk-s: Rains and high winds are probable in the Hast Cult' States and local rains in the South Atlantic States the Hist half of tho week. The latter half will he fair and cooler. *Jo.T*.T.,T. ? ? . *! ? ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr?fr?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr LiOCAL A XI) PERSONAL. 4* ?fr ?fr ?fr? ?fr?fr?frmfr?frmfr?frmfr.\. Wauled Scrap iron and cast ings. Will pay 1 ."?c. lier hundred. Cash. .1. W. Lee, Walhalla.-Adv. * Mi^ lilla Higgs, of Atlanta, is spending some time in Walhalla with li?r sister, Miss Alice Di^gs. --.Mrs F. K. Harrison ls spending this week at lY.massee with her daughter, Mrs. Ilaviie H. Jones. --The "H.1" Club will meet with Miss Julia Maxwol1 Friday afternoon of this week at I o'clock. The mem bers will please hear this in mind. W. L. Littleton, of Salem, lias boen appointed a rural policeman for that section of Hm county, lt is not understood when Mr. Littleton will assume his official duties. We nie requested to announce that Rev. S. A. Tow will preach at tho Station school house on tie first Sunday in October at I 1 o'clock a. m. Public cordially invited. li:.', acres, .", miles from West i mon; Tn acres in cultivation; 7 room house; 4-room tenant . ouse. Mile and half from high school; good neighborhood; fine orchard and pas ture. Jiifi uer acre. Moss & Little ton. Walhalla. - Adv. t. f. Robert Miller returned last Thursday from a visit to his old home m Paris Mountain township. Green ville county, where he spent a short while visiting his sister. Mr. Miller was greatly Interested in a visit he paid to an old mulberry tree at the old homestead, which he found In splendid condition and measuring now ls feet in circumference. The tree is still In fine bearing condition and has never failed to produce .'?I abundant crop of berries in 40 years. - W< clip thc following from the Ridgefield Advertiser: "W. W Friar suffered tlie misfortune of being run Into by a heav> automobile on Satur day evening on ?he ridgefield road, 'le was driving a lumber wagon and li;o machine ran into the rear of his wagon, and knocked Mr. Criar uncon scious. Tbc wagon was pretty well broken up ami om- of Hie mules In jured Mr. Friar l itcr regained con sciousness, and did not suffer other injuries." Mr. Friar is well known to many m Oconoe, he having gone from Hrs county some years ago to Aiken eouuty, where b,. has since been located, engaging in the lumber business. We rejoh e ? id him in his good fortune in escaping more seri ous In Ju o. -C. W. Pitchford is paying high est prices for cotton and cotton seed. He will swap pound for pound, meal or acid, for cotton seed. This is a rare Opportunity for farmers, as acid promises to be much higher next spring than last. In fai t it ?s higher tO-daj than it was a year ago, See him before you dispose of your seed. Jf will by to your Intore t Ad?. .J. .J. .J. ?J. ?J? .J? .J. .J? .J. ?J? *J? pecial Sale ! * - + rig Ball to moving, we will **" s, beginning on Saturday, *fr * tor $5.00, worth $7.50. 4? for $3.00, worth $5.00. * 1.00. * its at $2.50, worth $3.50. nts at $3.50, worth $5.00. . nts at $2.00, worth $3.00. *er Pants at '5c., worth $1. ^ sartment is full of thc very .j. ?th, worth 15c, at 10c- .j. Island 1-yard, wide worth . stock is complete. .fr )N, MANA(ii;i{. r Goods Store, + .fr ?fr 4? 4? ?fr 4* 4* "fr 4* *fr 4? 4? -T. E. Alexander sells Rock Hill buggies. Walhalla. S. C. adv.-tf. Rev. L. Rigdon, pastor, closed a short, hut very successful, revival at the Walhalla Mill church (Wesleyan) Sunday night. ?There will be no meeting of the] Young Men's League next Sunday af ternoon on account of the Sunday school rally at the auditorium. Mrs. E. R. Lucas and children are spending several days among rel atives and friends in Columbia and at etiler points in t he lower pan of the State. The friends Of Mrs. Wm. [.aus terer will regret to learn thal she has been ?piite sick tor a week or more. Her friends hope for her early recovery. Mrs. A. P. McClair, Of Atlanta. 8 pen I several days last week in Wal-I halla visiting her friend. Mrs. C. H. Strong, and among others of her many friends here. Supervisor and Mrs. W. C. Hos ter are rejoicing over the advent of a new member of their family. A fine 15-pound hoy arrived at their home at Richland yesterday (Tuesday, i - Married, at the residence of the j officiating minister. Rev. H. A. Whit ten, in West I nion, on Tuesday, Sep tember 28th, Miss Hertie Williams and Lex Heaton, both of Anderson. -Sam A. Hutchison is having his cottage at the corner of Tugaloo and South Broad street greatly improved. A new coat of paint has recently been added and the house otherwise im proved. - We are requested to announce that there will be ail all-day singing i at Poplar Springs Baptist church next i Sunday, October 3d. All singers arel cordially invited to be present. AU are requested to bring dinner baskets j and spend a day ol' enjoyment in the I song service. - We are glad to note that Con ductor Haul Fredericks, who has been quite ill for some time, is im proving. We nope that he may soon b?> able to resume ins duties on the Hine Ridge. Ile has been a great sufferer during his illness of several weeks. .Miss Estelle Haines, of Greer, conducted services in ?he Millville ( burch last Sunday morning, and or ganized a Young Missionary Work ers' Hand with an en roi 1 men t of 55. Miss Gaines's friends .vere delighted to meet her again and hear her preach the Word, it having been seve ral years since her last visit lo Wal halla. Attention is directed to the new advertisements of Norman Co. and C. W. k J. E. Bnuknlght, Walhalla; Ballenger Hardware Company. Sen eca; Westminster Hank, Westmin . ster. and the Anderson Phosphate and Oil Co.. of Anderson. Keep yonrseli posted as to vvhei(' to buy by reading the advertisements that appear weekly in Thc Courier. Rev. Ceo. H. Mayes, a former pastor of de Walhalla Presbyterian church, now superintendent of Syn od i< al Home Missions, will be in Walhalla next Sunday and will occu py the pulpit of the Prescbyterian church at ll o'clock a. m. and S o'clock p. in Rev. Mr. Ma ves is well known her, and is universally pop ular. There are many who will be delighted to have another opportunity to bear him preach. The public has a most cordial invitation to attend both services, Information was received in Walhalla this morning of the death of Mrs. I). II. Italiens at her home in Charleston. Very few details were received, and the time of her death, or the cause, is not known here. The body will reach Walhalla to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, ami funeral arrangements will be made. Interment will be In St. John's Lutheran cemetery. Mrs. Ru bens had many friends here who will regret to learn of her passing away. Siie was about t,b years of age. The bereaved ones of the family have the sympathy of many in their sorrow. -Rev. George James, of Anderson, will preach at the Walhalla :nlll vil lage Wesleyan church next Saturday night and Sunday, October 2d and 3d. Everybody is cordially invited to at tend t ' v services. Ko .t A. Hutchison, who has laen spending some time vis ling his mother in West Union, returned to bis home in Florida last Thursday. Mr. Hutchison is engaged in railroad work in Florida, holding a responsi ble position. His many friends were glad to meei him on his visit home. .Miss Roxie Reid, ot' Woodbury. Oa., spent part of Monday and yes terday in Walhalla as a guest of Mrs. J. A. Stock Miss Reid's many friends here were delighted to meet her again. She was on her way to Ninety-Six, where she will probably spend the winter. Her sister, Miss Annie, is engaged in the millinery business there this year. The many Oconee friends of the bride-to-be will be interested In tho following announcement, wliich we are authorized to make: "Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kelley announce the engagement of their daughter. Pau line Smith, to Mr. John Christopher Parrott, of Washington, D. C. The marriage will take place at the home, in the New Hope section, Wednesday, October 20, 1 '.' I .">." -C. W. Bauknight left Monday for St. Rouis. Mo., where he is attending a special sab1 of fine horses, mules and mares. Recen, ly Mr. Bauknight had shipped to Walhalla 28 head of good stock. They arrived Saturday a week ago. and during the Monday following he had concluded 2- trades on the stock. Tho Bauknights have made a reputation on their live stock dealings. Mr. Bauknight expects to return this week with another ship ment of line stock, which he antici pates being able to dispose of at prices lower than the last shipment. --There are many friends in Oco nee ot' Mr. and 'Mrs. Evin Pearson, who reside near West Union, who will regret to learn that they con template moving in the near future to North Carolina. Mr. ami Mrs. Pearson recently visited their daugh ter, Mrs. T. T. Fowler, in North Car olina and have about decided to move lo that State in order to be near her. Mr. Pearson is one of tho old-time, substantial farmers of this section, honest and hard-working, and whose word is as good an a bond. We will regret to lose our good friend from Oconee and this section. They will probably move in/Novem ber or December. Mr. Pearson has recently sold his small farm tc Jesse C. Neville, ol' West Union. Ravenel's bridge, over Seneca river, is being thoroughly repaired and overhauled at the present time. New cement piers have been built, and other work started, but it will be aboul three weeks vet before tho bridge can be thrown open to public travel. Many inquiries have been and are being made concerning this Important bridge, which was badly damaged during the heavy rains of a few weeks back. Supervisor Foster is pushing ?he work with all possible speed, but the work is of such an ex tensive nature that it will take a con siderable time to pul the bridge in proper shape for entirely safe travel. - Miss Mary Ansel was the charm lng hostess to the Raul llayne Circle on last Saturday. Roll call was an swered with the natue of a Dutch painting. The program was as fol lows: Art of Holland.'' Mrs. John A. Ansel; "The Artist," ta picture by Rembrandt), Mrs. Dendy; "Hol land's Greatest Artists," Mrs. Sloan; Mose!' Israal," The Millet of the Dutch, Miss Smith; piano solo, Mrs. Herndon. After the business a de lightful social hour was enjoyed, at which time a delirious sweet course; was served by Misses Fm m ie Ansel and Rloise Mont joy. Twenty mem bers were present. Visitors were Mrs. lewis and Mts. Ruhn. of Char leston; Mrs. Sifford, Miss Dobbins and Miss KU nu. One of the most charming and pleasant occasions in church social circle^ that has been tendered re cently was that which wa, enjoyed lasl Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James I'hinney, !n Wes' I nion, when Mrs, Phinney en tertained the ladies ot the RlRbe.'an Aid Society and their friend' at a Japanese lea. The guests wets met at the door by the hostess and were also greeted by two little silver ira*-' bearers, who took tim ' .-?iver offer ings" of the guests as they arrived. After a brief period of congenial chatting and general conversation, the guests were served Japanese tea, sandwiches and r?nko. There wero ?nrte a number of invited guests, and the ( harming occasion Wag most heartily enjoyed by all present. The handsome new homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Phinney was very attractive on this occasion. Quite a neat sum was ro ali/.ed for tie benefit of the ladies' societies of St. John's. Lutheran chu nil. There was a small fire at the residence of Mr. and Mis. Ri j,, Hern don, in Midway, last Thursday morn lng, but fortunately only small dam ago was done. During the summer months the fireplace openings had been Ailed with paper in order to prevent any soot coming down into the rooms, and at the opening of the. i-old snap last week a tire was made in one of the ?rates without the pa per being removed. This, it is thought, caused soot in the chimney to take fire, throwing many sparks, and lu some waj a blaze was started In otu- of the looms near the ceiling. I: was quickly extinguished, how ever, t iu greater part of the damage done being due to water. -The home of NV. Blanchett, about two miles west of Walhalla, was destroyed by lire last Saturday afternoon about t o'clock. The ori gin of the tire is supposed to have .been a defective Hue. The house was a double one, Mr. Blanchett hav ing some years ago added a new part to the old home, the original house being used as a sort of ell, being partly occupied. Very little <as saved from the house, and much of that which the family and friends who assisted them were able to get out of the house was destroyed, the shingles and other tinder rising to a great height and falling on the goods, which were set on tire and destroyed, j The total loss is somewhere between $500 and $SP0. Mr. Blanchett car ried insurance to the amount of $500 in the Oconee Farmers' Mutual insurance Association. We join with others in extending to Mr. Blan chett and family sympathy in their ' loss. -T. X. Carter, of Westminster, and Iiis son, T. X. Carter. .Ir., were among the business visitors to Wal halla yesterday. While here Mr. Carter informed us that he has just opened up a large business in West minster under the Brm name of 'f. X. Carter & Co. The members of the linn are T. X. Carter. Sr., C. C. Whit-' mire and T. X. Carter, Jr. They will do a wholesale and retail business in the lines of grain, groceries and hard ware. The business was opened last Monday, though their stock at the present is not complete. Their goods are arriving daily, and it is the in tention of the new firm to have busi ness in full blast on October 1st (Friday of this week). Mr. Carter, Sr., has been in business in our sis ter town before and needs no intro duction to tho Oconee public at our hands. His two young associates are also well known to many in tho coun ty. Mr. Whltmire is a son-in-law of T. X. Carter, Sr., and has been in business at Cornelia, Ga., for some time past. lie moved to Westmin ster about September 1st and will make his home there. We wish for Hie new firm an abundant success. Richland Local Notes. Bichland, Sept. 27.- Special' Mr. and Mrs. W. ll. Coe and two children, of Columbia, are visiting Mrs. S. II. Coe for a few days. T. B. Wyly and family have lately completed their beautiful, roomy and convenient new residence, and last week thev moved into this home. On Wednesday .light last the Misses Wy ly wore "at home." to their friends in the. nature of a "new home" coming. onie thirty of the grown-ups were present. Every detail was new, spick and span, and the welcome was most cordial. The colors were old gold and white, and golden rod was In evidence. Book was the prevailing game. A salad course was served hy Misses ('arrie Mc.Mahan, Nettie Hub bard and Lula Wyly. The score cards ii? the contests were hand painted by Miss Cora Wyly. Richland Graded School will open on Monday, October 4th, at 0 a. m., with Hoyt Miller as principal and Miss Beulah Berry, asisstant. All patrons and pupils are requested and expected to be present at the opening exercises. Cardo t Capt. Stiles S. Stribling, of Clemson College, paid homefolks a visit Saturday night. Miss Louise Dendy, of Seneca, spent the week-end with Miss Nettie I hibbard. Miss Ada Wyly leaves early this week for Ruby. s. C., where she will have charge of the primary depart ment in tlie graded school the com ing year. Miss Abby Stokes, of Greenville, is with her aunt, Mrs. S. X Hughs, for some days. .1. H. Stribling spent two days last week at Liberty attending the fall meeting of Piedmont Presbytery. Verdict, of $(10,000. Rochester, X. Y., Sept. 27.-A ver dict of $60,000 against Mrs. Mary W. Harrlman and the estate of her husband, the late Edward H. Hard man, railroad magnate, wa , rendered by a sheriff's jury to-day. Mrs. Anna N. Lauer, of Penfield, brought tho action to recover damages, alleging that false representations were made to her regarding a tract of land she purchased from agents of Harrlman in 1904. Mrs. Harrlman entered no defense. We are ? Utz & 1 LATEST SI Fashionable $300 G. w. PH WALHALI ST)(K),<KMI,(Mio Loan Arranged. New York, Sept. 28.-The Anglo French financial commission an nounced to-night that the proposed credit loan to Great Britain and France would be issued on joint An glo-French 5-year 5 per cent bonds, ? offered to the public at 98 and to the syndicate ot underwriters at itt!. 1 lt also was announced that the 1 bonds would be issued in denomina- 1 lions as low as $100, and that sub scribers might pay tor them by in stallments. < The bonds issued nt 98 will yield j approximately 5% per cent to the in- J vestor. Formation of the syndicate 1 has been left to .1. !'. Morgan & Go. I and "a large group of American 1 hankers and financial houses." ,, REST Patent Flour, $G. T. N. Carter & Co., Westminster, S. C. OMA' ONE LEFT-'ersey Red Pig. First, caller g.ts it for $1. CFO. A. HARRISON Walhalla. tf. FOR SALK-L.rge, fine Jersey Cow; fresh, with young calf. J. F. ll EDDEN, Wast IJn'on, S. C. 36-tf. PURE Wheat Shorts, *1.35. T. N. Carter & Co., Westminster, C C. FOR SALE-Appier Pedig-oed Seed Oats, 80c. per bushel; Blue Slem Seed Wheat, $1.50 bushel. All seed grown by me and prepared for market under personal supervis ion. GEO. A. HARRISON, Wal halla, s. c. :is-tf. APPLER Red Oats, 65c. T. N. Carter & Co., Westminster, S. C. SPECIAL OFFER-To patienta coming from Oconeo County to our Greenville office for eye work: As wo are members of Chamber of Com merce, wo refund railroad fares. A. A. ODOM, Consulting Optometrist Optician; President Tho Globo Opti cal Co., Masonic Temple, Greenville, S. C. 9-tf. The Best Grain F?rtil Wc are recommcn 10-21-0 and our 10-2-0 for when you sow it. This will give it sta and that is what you want acres in wheat and five in c the land well and fertilizing goods, you will find it adva an especially fine goods for you. OUR OCONEE i .MOSS ?? ANSEL. P. P. SULLIVAN & CO. .1. G. IIREAZEALE . R. li. XIMMOXS . .1. O. ADAMS. ANDERSON PHOS! Anderso chowing Dunn's rYLES OF ; Footwear. 50 $3-75 "CHFORD, LA, 5. C. I m t Meeting. An important meeting of the exec utive committee of the Pendleton Farmers' Society will be held at Farmers Hall, Pendleton, Thursday, September 30th, at 0 a. m. All com mittees of the various departments d' 'lie society who desire funds for thc proper carrying out of their part af the program are urged to attend this meeting, as all appropriations will he made at this time by the ex ecutive committee. Be sure and at tend so that everything can be ar ranged so that there will be no hitch in the Anal home stretch. J. C. Sanders, President., .1. VV. Sanders, Sec. and Treaa. Optical Experience Years of successful opti cal experience are back of our work and we want everybody who has cause to believe that there is anything wrong with their eyes to consult us at once. IF YOU VALUE YOUR EYFS, nothing should keep you from giving them every necessary attention. We are prepared to give them careful, beneficial service und permanently relieve their troubles. GLOBE OPTICA!? co., Masonic Temple, Greenville, - - S. C. izer. ding our JO-J-0 and our Wheat and Oats this fall Ik, and grains in thc head, in grain. If you sow five >ats this fall after preparing it well, with either of these ntagcous. Our 10-21-0 is grain. Let us hear from \ G IO NTS ARK : .WALHALLA, 8. O. . MADISON, S. C. .WESTMINSTER, H. C. . SHNIOCA, S. C. .SENECA, M. <:. ?HATE OIL CO., n, S. C.