\ * \ Will You Do the Same Old Thing in the Same Old Way Again ? ! T COSTS A GREAT DEAL OF MONEY TNM?TPT SOUTH EVERY FALL. Wc want to call your attention to one cost that could easily be stopped if you would think it over. Wc will buy at Westminster, say, an average of Seventy Bales of Cotton a day for the next Sixty Business Days. Say they bring only $40 per bale-then wc will pay out at Westminster $2,800 a day in money for cotton. Four out of five farmers want the actual cash, and they put it in their pocKets and carry it off Home with them. That means $2,200 every day will go out into the country. It costs thc bank $2 a day to ship in currency to pay off for cotton. Wc arc constantly calling on the city to ship currency. Wc also have to carry a big balance in city bank to get this accommodation. ?fi ?fi ?fi ?fi ?fi ?fi "?* Thousands and Thousands of Dollars reshipped south every tantow for _Cotton. You carry your hundred dol lars home and keep it a while. Hundreds of others are coing thc same thing. After you have sold eight or ten bales, then you go into town and pay your bills and accounts. In the meantime, it Has cost the country heavily to get in this currency. If you would deposit this money, and then, when you get ready, check out account to pay different accounts, this cost would stop, and you would also Have a record of all monies paid out and received. You would also bc on thc Bank's Books as a Depositor, and thc Bank would Know you better when the borrowing time comes in the Spring, ?fi ?fi ?fi ?*- ?fi ?A ?fi The South is the Only Section in the world that demands the actual money for its crop. What a killing the "hold-up men" would make if they would come South and stand around and sc the rolls of currency carried o?i home every day ! By carrying all your earnings for the year home in money, you stand a good chance of losing it all some night. jt, M TRY CHECKING IT OUT THIS FALL, AND SEE >M TV HOW YOU LIKE THE CHANGE. VST WESTMINSTER BANK fi THE OLD RELIABLE." P* SULLIVAN, PRESIDEN r. 4 7R T. PEDEN ANDERSON, GA?Ki?h\ * J * ?to fe- * H. ?x \ ?e.v> \ - i -v ri w. .??. . v. i . v.?rt % V?fc -x *>.*?*. -V b ?v*> *.?%%.%'? ?*>. .* % V% W ?%-?*? ?e.-v. A >V *.'<. * ft, * ?*\?v- .*: *-%?%.** Fierce Kati lc in Went, Paris. S?'?it I. A violent liai tl?' is raging around Schratzmaennole, in tierce i ii fu ii t r> ami gas-bomb attack with bayonets ami knives ami drove tin- (?eruiHius hack. Thc Connans lett huinli?ils ot' dead Indore the French trenches. Tille Tunis for Russians. Petrograd, Sept I. Strongly re inforced Russians in (?alicia have taken th?' offensive ami arc threaten ing to roll up Hie right Hank of the Aust ro-< iermans. Dispatches indicate that the Pus- j sinus have gained between Strypa, '/lota, and Lipa. Southwest ol' Tar? liopol thc Russians captured it,OOO prisoners and a number of guns. Miners' Strike Settled. Cardiff. Sept. I. The South Wales Miners' Conference has formally ratified tin- peace agreement made hy the London representatives, end-j MIS; the second coal strike. All the' miners have Peen instructed i<> re turn to work. Lutsk Taken bj Austrians. Vienna. Sept. I. The Russian for trose of Lutsk- has been captured by ' I teutonic torres, it was officially an nounced to day by tin- Austrian war olfice. 'flu- announcement reads: "file lol lie s Of Llltsk is ill OUI. j hands, fhe .".'.nh regiment of infant ry, at tile point of the bayonet, eject ed iii?' Russians from the railway station and entered the town al t he j same time with the enemy, 'fhe town yesterday evening was cleared of the I (.nelli). "Near Hail) Kamien, in North Cn llcia, the army ol Cen von Koehlll Krmolli broke through ; he enemy I no- on a : i om of I 2 Vj miles. Thc double defeal forced the Russians lighting west of i lie Slyr lo retreat behind the river. "The army of Cen. von Kotluiier yesterday captured Xhorow. Fight ing on ibo Siripa is proceeding. North of Rueznos a counter attack was repulsed." Lutsk is in the province of Vol hynin, GO miles east of he Rug, on a branch of the main line rnilwu) from Southern Russia northward to Rrest-Litovsk. R is one of the tri angle of fortresses which lie about ."ni miles from ea? h other in Ibis region, the other I vv o being Dllbno and Rovno. Its population is more than 20,000, Vosges. /ar Day by Day. Aust ro-Gerninn innes recently have been reported near Lutsk in their drive eastward. Sn tar as olfi cial reports have indicated, it is tile j most oas teri.\ point on Kassian terri- I tory reached b\ th? Teutons. Its rapture marks Hie fall ol' the tenth J fortress within a month under Aus-I tro-German snacks, beginning with the taking of Warsaw on August .>. Russians (lp|M?se Advance. Petrograd. Kept. I The Russian success in (?alicia, reported in yester day's official statement, was obtained against the arm> of (len. Pflanzer, which is estimated to comprise live Austrian and Germany army corps. The communication follows: "III the Riga region Monday night [he enetn\ assumed the offensive rom the railwav to Cross Kkau and Sen hut northward. This offensive las been held upon the River M ?ssa. Northwest of Priedriehstadl the ene uy's lltlempl to cross the Dvina was . .pulsed Sunday, and the Germans vho crossed to the right bank were drown back. Ai Priedriehstadt, mi ler cover of artillery fire ol' hurri atie intensity, there were further ?orinan attacks Sunday and Monday ighls on ?he Russian bridgehead. .11 these attacks were repulsed with envy enemy losses. "On the right bank of the VIII ja e assumed an offensive, which de Clotted successfully on I he lilith. De ween thc Vii i jn and the Niemen we on ti ti ned io hold the enemy's offen Ive. On the Ppper Dohr we again (pulsed enemy attacks in the regions I Dipsk and Sidra in the coins?' of unday and Monday. There bas been o essential ?hange on the Iron; he kveen Grodno and the Gorodyk dis .ict. (?n Monday, in the Gorodyk .gion, wc repulsed two enemy al icks. "In the region of Vladimir-Volyn cy we took about 200 prisoners, re dling enemy attacks Sunda) casi of j v iniuchy. In Galicia, aller a prolonged lull, iistro-Gerinnii troops on Sunday and ; outlay made a serie- of energetic I Ko ks along our whole front. This Tensive was preceded by very vin ni light and heavy artillery (Ire. j he attacks were particularly fierce nth of ZIOC/OW. In tb?- regions Of oinor/.nny and /.boro, as well as on ie froni of Ihe River Siripa, between te railways leading toward Tarno <\ .uni Czortkow, the enemy made eight separate attacks, which were ? repulsed with such heavy lusses to 1 the enemy thal in some districts he w.is compelled to make a precipitate retreat. Thanks to our counter at i.K ks. we had great success on an extended front, capturing ?ti guns. ;U machine guns and about 3,000 ' prisoners, half of whom were Ger mans." Grodno F.vacuated. London. S<'|>t. 2.-lOxcept ill tho region of Kiga where the Russians are presenting a formidable front to von Hindenburg, thc Austri-tlerman offensive again is making headway j and the Russian troops have resumed , their four months' retreat. Grodno's western t o rt s were evac- , uated after two were destroyed by heavy guns and stormed bj the In fantry, and it is considered verj like- ' ly that the whole fortress already bas been left to its fate, for il .vas no | longer tenable after the Germans had , crossed the Grodno-Vilna railway, which they did at two |Kf August has been calm Ibroughout m tb? southern front, in thc north >rn /.one British troops delivered suc cessful attacks which pu: thew in lossession of a hillock to i!?.. vest ol' levuk Annfarla, which had been con esled keenly. "To Hie transport sunk on the 2011? if Angus! by one of our aviators in he anchorage at Achnsbilintail it is lecessary to add four lian- uris tor tedoed hy British submarines; two if them ; t the same point, and two 'thors between Gallipoli ai.ii \agara. "The guns of the bnttlcshj < have it several vessels anchored m tho t raits." Hsnster Reported Ito Allied < miser. I lo ri i II , Sept. I. (tepon was given ut b> the Overseas .Neus Agency to ny ?hat a cruiser of the allies had let with disaster off ti e coast of sin minor. he Quinine That Doe;. Not Affect The Head mae <<( its tonic Mid laxative effect I.AXA I Vii itKOMo QUININK is better Pian ordinary ni ti i ne and does not mus. iiervotisittM nor nul UR bi head. Kemenihei thi lull name and ok tor Hie signature o? J:, W. OKOVK. 25C. AMERICAN RODI KS IN LAKE Missouri Fanner and An Engineer Klint by Mexicans. brownsville, Texas, Sept. -' The bullet-riddled bodies of two Ameri cans who were early to-day kidnap ped by Mexican bandits about IL' miles north of here, were lound late to-day in the bed of a dried lake about 12 miles north of hore. The bodies were brough) to llrownsvllle to-night. The tuen were Earl Donaldson, a tanner, who ? ame here from Fayette, Mo., two weeks ago, and an engineer named Smith, engaged in construc tion work on an irrigation canal. These men, with Stanley Dodds, the contractor in charge of the canal work, were taken prisoners early to day by the bandits, who burned the trestle north ot here la.st night. Dodds escaped late to-day, when the Mexicans became involved In a light with United States soldiers, and telephoned from a distant ranch. There wore I tl Mexicans in the band, which met half a company of United States infantry north of brownsville late to-day. One Mexi can was killed. Thc others escaped, s'o soldiers were hit. licuare ol' Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury is mercury will .surely destroy I he tense of smell and Completel) de ange the whole system when enter ng it through tlie mucous surfaces. Inch art ?(des should never bc used ? xcept on prescriptions from repu ta lle physicians, n? the damage they ?.ill do is ten ?old to Hu- good you an possibly derive from (hem. lull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured ?y F. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, ontains no mercury, ami is taken menially, acting directly upon th?' dood and mucous surfaces of the ystem. In buying Halls Catarrh 'ure be sure you gel I he genuine, lt s taken internally and made in To Bdo, ohio, by F. .1. Cheney & Co. 'est i mon ?als free. Sold by druggists. Priot 75c, per ot I le. Take Hali's Family Pilla for con tipation. Adv. China Rack to Moilun hy '.' Shanghai. China. Sept. li. - Li nen Heng has resigned as vice resident of the Chinese republic. lie interpretation placed upon his ct is that it is preparatory to the slablisbinenl of a monarchy, which i popularly regarded as virtually .rt a in. lt.\LI Rescue <'-<.< nt improvement, md reichsmarks wenl up an eighth ?i .. .. -M to sn %. Socs So Cause for Alarm. New York. Sept. li. Sir Herbert Holt, president of the Royal Bank of 'anuda, an arrival on the Adriatic, aid the members of the British finan ?ai commission coming to New York o effect a readjustment of the for lign exchange situation, were tr? lave sailed on the Adriatic, bul :hanged their plans al the last min no. Ho added that be believed they von ld reach New York in the near otu re. From another source it was learn (1 thal the commissioners planned to ?ill for New York by way of Canada. V. S. TROOPS RATTLE MEXICANS. American Cavalrymen Surround Mex? leans Who tired Trestile. Brownsville, Texas, Sept. 2 A de enchmeni of Troop C, Third United States Cavalry, and a hand of Mexi can bandits were reported engaged in a hattie this afternoon ll miles north of here. Cavalry and infantry were being spread ont ru (tidly from Port Brown in an effort to surround the Mexi cans, who set fire to a railroad tres tle north of here early this morning. Thirty of the Mexicans were seen about seven miles north of here at noon, according to reports. Aviation Lieut. R, C. Morrow has been ordered to ascend in an aero plane and locate the band and di rect t he soldiers to them Col. lt. L. Hilliard, in command of the border patrol here, was a passen ger aboard a train which crossed the trestle shortly before it was set on lire. He was returning from a trip ni inspection. About :'.!> shots were (ired from ihe Mexican side of the international boundary yesterday while an army aeroplane was Hying near here, lt was not known whether the shots were directed at the aircraft. A party of Americans traveling in in automobile, win passed (he t ros ie shortly before it was set on lire, reporled that they had been fi red I poll by a hand ol' between 25 and in Mexicans. "I see no occasion for alarm in the 'lilted Slates ovet the sudden drop n foreign exchange, especially the english pound sterling," sal?! Sir lorbert. "I might say that, regard ess of how low exchange falls. Or eat lill,un must have the munitions of var she is securing in Ibis country. Uso I leid confident that the ex hange matter will soon adjust it elf." Maj. (len. Sir Sam Hughes, Cana lian minister of militia and defense, vas another arrival. Ile has been ?siting Ibo battle front in Prance nd Handers and training camps in England. "We have every reason to bo rood of Hie Canadians and the nnkces who are lighting with them II the trenches," he said. "I would ot attempt lo predict when the war ,?11 be over, but I inn say that from ur stand, oint everything is now very atisfactory."