Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, June 23, 1915, Image 4

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&EOWEE COURIEK (Established IMO.) IPubllshed Every Wednesday Morning Subscription $1 l*or Annum. Advertising Kates Iteasonablo. -Hy STECK, SIIELOK * SCHRODER. Communications of a personal haracttr charged for tis advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of no1 over 100 words, will bo printed free of charge. All over that number must be paid for at tho rate of one cent a won!. Cash to ;v company manuscript. WALHALLA. H. C.: WEDNESDAY, JV NE 1015. SENECA IS NEEDING KAIN. V. lt. I loy lo Died in Oeorgiu-Special Women's Meetings. Seneca, .luuv 22. Special: News vas received hero Saturday of the loath ol' V. B. Doyle ut Moyston, Ga. Mr. Doyle was a brother of Mrs. II. Mexandor, of Seneca, who was villi him during the lasl days of his illness. Mr. Alexander, Mr. and Mis .1. ll Th O in psi) ll, Mrs. Wood and Miss Hortense Doyle attended the funeral at Royston on Simd ty VV S. Hunter, .1. V Brock and lt. > Hopkins were among the Seneca leople in Al Inula last \\ eek . Mrs, I E. Wallace and children ile visiting rel ?Mi ves at Iva. Miss Bessie MeBride, of louisville, ia , i visit inc, .1 rs lt. I) Neill. Mrs. W K Livingston and chil Iren and Mrs s. D. Cherry left last ?eek for an extended visit to Birm in g hu tn. Kev. N, G. Bullenger and family I efl on Tuesday morning for their summer home al Brookside. Announcements of the marriage of ir E. M. Coleman tn Mrs. Stiff, of .Charlotte, N. C., were received here '.asl week. Dr. Coleman has many i fiends in Seneca who arc extending O him hearty good wishes upon his rood fortune. Mrs. ,1. li. Adams was in Atlanta he pasl week. Joe Byrd, Jr., toidi advantage of he excursion1 and visited relatives in Vt lauta the past week. vi Atlanta for several weeks, will ar ;ive home the last of tho week. S K. Dendy, Jr., spent tho past 'veek-end with his f nani ly here. I bo Success Theater is offering iin isiinl attractions this week. Local pictures, including tho photographs . i numbers of Seneca babies, were made last week and are being shown for four nights this week, beginning Monday night. <", and Mrs. F, S. HollcillUll spoilt asi week in Charleston, where Mr. to)', attended Lhe State Bank 1 i's' \ssociatioii. Mrs, Ben I tar per has rctu rued rom a \isit to Atlanta and Com merce, Ga. Miss IO lea n or Norman Iscntcrtnin ? og on Tuesday afternoon for her sis er, Mrs Arthur Norman. The alarm of lire was given Moil Say morning when Howry & Hollo ..i>'s stare room was caugh from .atcr boiling over upon a ^as stove. Tho blaze was quickly smothered and nile damage done. rho meeting which waa in progn at Hie Methodist church last week losod Sunday nigh!. Thc pastor, ?Rev. N. G. Ballenger, did Hie preach ing, giving lino sermons, the meet ing being held preparatory to a re vival which will be held in Seneca 111 August. , Rain is needed in Seneca, and \i vdnity, both in crops and lo la> the lust. Mi s Stella Fi nea n mm s friends are sympathizing with her in a continued illness. They IIO;H' to hear of her improvement s ?on. Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Striblillg, of Roswell. Ga., were in Seneca last week They came for the funeral of Mrs C. L. Reid. Mrs. Martha kani aaj accompahicd them ! mue. I. W. stribling has accepted a posl ion with ibo Courtenay Manufactur ing Company for the summer months. I. W. is a textile student at Clemson, having just completed tho junior vear. Misses Lillian Floyd and Dorothy Mason, of Charlotte, are guests in the nome of Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Huntley. Miss Florido Uro pst is teaching a >.0ass in music at Fair Play. Mrs. M. J. Floyd, tho mother of Charles Floyd, is quite unwell at the lome of her son. She suffered a fall recently ard has boen confined to the .use of a rolling chair since. The missionary society of the Pres byterian church held an open air meeting on tho lawn of Mrs. J. J. Cromer Monday afternoon. This so ciety is divided Into four circles, and "during the summer months lt Is in NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER. Saul Death of Infant)-Revival Ser vices-1A(T?I Note?. Weat in I aster, June 22. Special: The in Hill Of Mr. ami Mrs. Al hort Harton died ill Atlanta Tuesday and the remains were brought here and interred in Kastview cemetery Wed nesday afternoon. The bereaved taniily have the sympathy of many friends. Mrs. C V. McCarey, of Seneca, spent a few days last week with her nieces, Misses Pal and Kate Medalia ha ti. Mr. and Mrs. Knox Anderson vis ited relatives in Atlanta last week. Miss Ruth Littlejohn, of Gaffney, is visitin? al the home ot Mr. and Mrs (V I. Poster. Revival services arc in progress at the Westminster Baptist church this week. The pastor, Rev. ll M. I 'al - law, is being assisted in ?hese ser vices by Dr H. ll Dement, pastor of Greenwood Baptist church. Dr. D? nient is a most able and noted minis ter and the church is fortunate in securing him for this meeting. Mrs. L, K\ Melli, ot Chai lesion, is visiting her daughter, Mis. \V. W. Whelsell. Fred I). Stribling. of Kn o ree, is visiting his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Stribling. Roy Stribling, of Rockingham, X. C.. is spending a few days with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Stribling. C L. K?ster, who bas been in Greenville taking a business course, is home for a few days. Mr ai d Mrs. Rolfe Hunt have re turned .rom an extended 'rip North. Chester King, son ol' Mr. and Mrs. Blakeley Kinn, died at his home al Oak way Monday evening at s o'clock. His death followed an operation for appendicitis. He was a young man. inst about Jd years ol' age, and will be sadly missed, not only by his im mediate family, but by the entire community. The family has the sym pathy of many friends. Miss Mildred Peden is spending a week or two in Greenville. Miss Marion Pitts returned last week from a visit to ber aunt. Mrs. w. H. Mason. <; reen ville. Mrs. .1. A. Durham has gone to Greenville ?o he present at the mar riage of her niece. Miss Winnie Mae . ' ?" " e. lli.,,1,, ll nf .vus. ,i. Knox Anderson. Air. ano vus. H. I'. Huller and two children. Ed win and H. P., c. H. Stonecypher, H. M. Cross, w. L. Kngland, H. T. (. Kelley. .1 (J. Couch. C. C. Myers and others. Miss Jessie Voting, of Greenville, is Hie attractive guest ot' Miss Mar ion Pitts this week. Born, unto Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Bar ber, Tuesday, June 22. a daughter. T. X. Carter bas returned from a trip to Malvern, Ark., lo visit his son, J. Unfed Carter. A great man> people enjoyed Hie talk by Richard S. I.igon, ot' Ander son, on "The Hospital" at the Gil bert last Friday evening. Miss Honnie Melle Hunt, ol" Gaines ville, Ga., is visitng at the home of ber brot lier. W R. 1 lum Germans Report Many Prisoners. Berlin, June I H. The prisoners taken by th?' German and Austt'O ilungarian armies up io June ll to talled 1,61 " ">0. according to tho Bavarian siaais eitung. The news paper savs this total is divided as follows: Russian.}, 1,240,000; Kreuch, j;.;; K.iglish, 24,000; Belgian, ll.unit; Servian, fiO.000. Children's Day at Elnmczer. Children's Day exercises will be observed at Khcnczer on the second Sunday in July. We want everybody to come and enjoy the day wi'!: Bring well-tilled baskets and new song books. tended to hold the metings with thc various circles, each in turn being re sponsible tor th?! program. Tho pro gram on Monday was given by the banner circle, composed of the mem bers in this community, and was pie sided over by Mrs. Sallie Hollcmatl, the captain of the circle. Among oilier Interesting feature-, were the papers by Mesdames Heller and She lor, setting forth the virtues of our mountain sc hools. Mrs. W. 1'. Reid made a most interesting talk on the Nacoochee instinto, and a number of children in costume made a most telling plea for home missions. Miss Kleanor Ravenel sang two delightful solos and Miss Rel>ccca Todd render ed an exquisite piano selection. At tho close of the program M. L. Thompson and R. S. Vernor delighted the company with a number of violin selections, accompanied by Miss Lei la Thompson. The next meeting will be held with the circlo of which Mrs. .1. Ed. Sitten is captain. CROUCH-MAX \V KI,L WEM)] NO. llonutiful Ceremony at Joiuiston '?>??. 1 Thursday livening. There are many Walhalla and Oconee people who will he Interested I in the following Item clipped from i the Johnston social news published in the Columbia Stale of June lils?. The Courier joins with many otho* friends of the groom in extend) ig < hearty congratulations and to the i young couple every good wish for a < happy future. We quote below from i the Johnston correspondent: < Johnston, June -(>. One of tim < most beautiful weddings ever held l hero was that of Thursday evening < in HM> Methodist church when Miss t Elise Cathrine Crouch, the eldest j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hillery \ Westley Crouch, married Dr. Lucius < Sloan Maxwell. The wedding hour \ was !t o'c lock, but long before this t the church was filled. The Interior i of the edifice was decorated in the \ wedding rolo r.s. pink and blue, and ? the chancel and altar rall were bank- i ed In ferns and pink roses, and ?is it \ was a "butterfly wedding" about g were these gorgeous creatures. ? Previous to the entry of tho bridal s ??arty a musical program was on- i joyed. Miss Irene Strother, of Wal- \ balla, sang "Just Von," and again, | with Avory Uland, she sang "A Por- i feet Hay." being accompanied on the \ piano by Mrs. .lames Cllllum and violin hy P. M. Boyd. Mendels- < -olin's bridal chorus was sum; by ( Miss Strother, Mesdames Taylor c Goodwyn of Greenwood, L. C. La ti mer, P. M. Hoyd and Avory Bland. As Mendelssohn's Wedding March, i played by Miss IO m ma gan. Hie ushers advanced up Hie aisles. They were Earl Owington Crouch. Lewis Blount, W. li. On/.ls I and Charles Humphries of Walhalla. I | I The ribbon girls, Misses Hula Satch- j t ; er. Elberta Uland. Hallie White and I i Elise Mobley. drew pink ribbons to j '! . mark the bridal pathway. Thc at-lt lending maids and groomsmen en- j I M red in the following order: Misses l< Lida Caldwell. of Charlotte, and j 1 Miss Minnie Craig Taylor, of Cain- j I den. followed by Lewis Wannama- ; < ker, of Orangeburg, and Leroy j Wert/., of Holton; Misses nellie, j Bettis, of Trenton, and (?ladys Saw-; i yer, with Prank s. Bland and Rufus ? . ?May of Greenwood; Misses Julia j I Maxwell, of Walhalla. and I ulla 0 ti ' ' '">< t vit ll uxv> ? ?aiion ?Vutoii o> .....i.^... ll.u. girls were little Prances Crouch and Lona Perry. The maid of honor. Miss Annie Crouch, sister of the bride, entered alone The bride entered with her father, H. W. Crouch, and was met at the ! altar by tho groom, with his best man. Dr. Charles P. Corn. The cere mony was performed by Kev. j. T. Thacker. A lovely picture was the bride in ber wedding robes of shimmering white messaline. trimmed in real lace and pearls, ll was short length, with court train of lace and tulle, which fell from the shoulders, and; the bridal veil was encircled by or- | ango blossoms. Her only jewelry was a diamond necklace, the gifl of the | groom, and she carried her mother's ; wedding handkerchief. The shower bouquet was ol orchids and lilies of the valley. As the bridal party hit Hie church j the bridal chorus was sung. Immediately following the cere-1 Minny a reception was held at the home of tho bride's parents. As tho j guests entered they were served kv i tb punch on either side of tho br ad veranda bj Misses Ruth Smith, Pel LaGrone and Mesdames H. l>. Moorer and Wilber Wertz. Mesdames Tay lor Goodwyn and Oscar I? Black greeted the guests at tho iront, and in the hallway Mesdames J. A. Lott and J, L. Walker conducted hem to the parlor, where the receiving line stood, Mrs. ('bailes E. Pasley, of Florence, introducing tho guest-. Mr. ami Mrs. Crouch, with the bridal pair, and the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Owington S. Wer?./, were first in the lino. The guests were directed to thc. dining room by Mesdames J. C. Wertz and M. W. Crouch. The wedding ring was drawn hy Mis:: Gladys Sawyer; thc engagement ring. Mr. Van; Miss Annie Crouch, tho cat; Miss Caldwell, t })e owl; Miss Maxwell, the shoo; Miss Met tis, the double hearts; Mis.; Rllse Mob ley, the cain; Mr. A i rici, the clock. The refreshments, block cream, with a pink heart In the center, with fruit and heart-shaped pound cake, and later pink and blue mints, were served hy Misses Ida Batcher, Frances Turner, Antionette Denny, RHa Ja cobs, Annabelle Thacker and Louise Hoyt. The guests registered, the hook being presided over bv Miss DeSea saure Hogan and Miss Maud Nicker son. During the evening, as tho bride mounted the stairway, sho threw her ROUTE THREE TRI-WEEKLY. Rest Servir? Possible Under Ruling of I'ost Office Department. The following letter is self-ex planatory with reference to the es labllshmenl of Walhalla Route No.3: Washington. Juno I t. 1915. Hon. Wyatt Aiken. Abbeville. S. C. My Dear Mr. Aiken: With refer m?e to your letter of the 10th in stant, addressed to the superintend ent, Dis ?sion of Kural Mails, trans Hitting a clipping from The Keowee lourier relative to ?he establishment )f proposed Kural Route No. 3, Wal lalla. S. C., which has been ordered established June 16, 1915, with hree-times-a-week service, wherein .ou again urgo\.\v request that ser ice on this rou lu be made daily ex ept Sunday, I beg to state that, vhilc the many forceful ropresenta lons made by you in behalf of the ?ros pee tl ve patrons of the route from .Valhalla who desire six-times-a-week lervice are appreciated, I can only 'eiterate the statements made in pre ious letters addressed to you on this uibjecl that under the postal laws md regualtions the frequency of s?r ico on newly established rural ?oates cannot exceed three times a veek unless such routes be eoni tosed wholly or in greater part of 'outes having six-times-a-week s?r ico. Regretting that favorable action >n your request for daily except Sun lay service on Konto No. ?I, Walhalla, ?anno! consistently be taken. I am. Sincer?is yours. A. H. Foster. Veting Fourth Asst. P. M. General. Service Days ('hanged. lt was found that the service could , >o better adapted to the needs of the ?atrons of Route No. 3 by changing he service days from Mondays. Wed lesdaya and Fridays of each week to Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, i md upon tho representations made (? the post office department the; ?bange was ordered. From this time orward, therefore, the patrons of [toute No. w ill be served their mail '? )ii the latter days-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Tlie rulings of the government, we unterstand, are that upon proper (bowing being made as to volume of ?usiness transacted by a given route. 1 he service can be changed from tri )? '. li .viii be inaugurated on the route. The pat-rons can lend material aid o this end by urging everybody' dong the route to patronize it and ?y making an effort to utilize the nail facilities for the transaction of ?ll business thal can be handled by , nail. MISUSE OF FLAG IS SUBJECT j - I )f Another Note to Great Britain. German U-20 Sunk. Washington, June 21.-New rep-, 'csentations to Great Britain on mis-, ?se of tlx; American Hag by English nea mers probably will be made in ho new note being prepared to deal I further with Interruptions to neu ral commerce. At the state Department to-day il .vas said no olfieial information was ?t hand on the Gei lnau charge that I he submarine U-2!) was sunk by a 1 British steamer (lying tue colors of Sweden. Tho British admiralty has louie,1 it. Berlin takes the view that, he incident has a bearing on the, legotiations with the United States >ver submarine warfare. American j ifficials, while not admitting thal the ase has a bearing, are curious to enow boss the Germar admiralty got 1 ts information inasmuch as all on ' he U-20 wore reported lost. Officials, however, felt that misuse ?f neutral Hags complicates the is me with Germany. Well Known Publisher Dead. .Vow Canaan. Conn.. June 2 1. Wm. II. Rand, for many years head if Ihe printing and publishing house ?f Band. MeXally & Co.. died last night at. the home of his daughter. Mrs. II. W. Chappell Ile had been il] for some time. Tillman Reaches Colon. Colon. June IS. Senator Benj. lt. Tillman, of South Carolina, accom panied by his family, arrived here to-day from New York. All the party were well, although they had rough weather for two days on the way down. They will leave Panania for San Francisco about June 29. bouquet, and it was caught by her 3lster, Miss Annie Crouch. Soon she returned attired In a travoling suit ot putty colored chiffon broadcloth. Before their return from their honeymoon they will visit the bride groom's relatives at Greenville and Walhalla. CANI SEA WILL SOC Wc arc prepared to J just unloaded one car Tin supplies-Solder, Cappin pers. Etc. Wc have also 400 case Mason Glas Tops and Rubbers bough have these in PINTS, QU An OIL STOVE is have during the canning si thc yard and do all this h( We have thc New Pe Automatic. It will pay you to get o Matheson Ha "Westminsi NOTICIO OF SPECIAL ELECTION. In accordance with Section 17-12, Civil Code of South Carolina, 1012, and pursuant to an order of tho County Hoard of Education of Oco noo County, South Carolina, notice is hereby given that a Special Flection will he held at thc school house, in Ebenezer School District. No. Oh, on Saturday, .lune 26th, IPI."., for tho purpose of voting upon tho question of levying a special tax of two mitta : I ? .uic?ii, v..?^.ii (doctor opposed to said levy shall cast a ballot containing the word "No" printed or written thereon. At tho said election only such electors as return real or personal property for taxation, and who ex hibit their tax receipts and registra tion certificates as required In gene ral elections, shall bo allowed to vote. Polls will be opened at 7 o'clock a. tn. and will close at 4 o'clock p. m. C. H. VVHITM1RE, .1. H. CASON, .1. A. I VESTE lt. Trustees of Ebenezer School District, No. 00, Managers of Flection. June 10, 1'.) 1"?. 24-25 \OTICF-SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY RY RECEIVER. The State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. (In the ('oort of Common Fleas.) Mrs. Callie R. Dillard, Plaintiff, against C. .1. Mulkey and Mrs. S. IO. .Mulkey, Defendants. t'y virtue Of an order of the Court ol' Common Fleas, dated the 1st day of February, 191.1, and signed by Honorable Frank B, (?arv, Presiding Judge, appointing nie. .1. H. S. Dendy, as Receiver of all the property of the defendants, C. J. Mulkey and Mrs. S. IO. Mulkey, and order ing nie to sell all the property of the said defendants, C. J. Mulkey and Mrs. S. IO. Mulkey, not being exempt to them as a homestead under the law, I will sell, to tho highest bid der, in front of tho Court House door, in Walhalla, South Carolina, between Ibo legal hours of sale, on salosday in JULY next, the following personal property, to wit: Fifty-one shares of the capital stock of Tho Oconee Hank, of Hie par value of one hundred dollars per share. Sold as the property of Hie d?fendant C. J. Mulkey. Twelve shares of thc capital stock of Tho Oconee Hank, of tho par value of one hundred dollars per share, property of Mrs. S. 10. Mulkey. .All tho Indebtedness ol' The Oconee Hank to tho defendant Mrs. S. IO. Mul key. Terms of Sale: Cash on flay of sale. J. H. S. DENDY. Receiver, .lune Hi. 10 1.".. 21-20 1785 10 15 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON. Ht I st Year Begins October 1. Entrance examinations at all the county scats on FRIDAY, JULY 2, at 0 a. m. Full four-year courses lead to tho R. A. and B. S. degrees. A two-year pre-medical course is given. A free tuition scholarship Is as signed to each county of tho State. Spacious buildings and athletic, grounds; well equiped laboratories; unexcelled library facilities. Expenses moderate. For torms and catalogue, address HARRISON RANDOLPH, 26* PrcsidenL )N BE ON iupply your wants; have Cans, and all necessary g Steels, Tipping Cop :s of s Fruit Jars, t before thc advance. We ARTS, and HALVES, a mighty good stove to eason-you can get out in }t work under the shade, .rfeetion and Florence ur prices. irdware Co., CITATION NOTICE. (In Court of Probate.) Tho State of South Carolina, County of Oconee.- By V. F. Martin, ESQ., Judge of Probate.-Whereas, J. Wrinn has made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administra tion of the Estate of aid Effects of Jeremiah Wrinn, deceased These aro, therefore, to cite and idmonlsh all and singular the kin ' ii?: 5' ti ltd ie. tv.-:.-.!, .il.' WM . :.i . .t i/o e-.,>. 3outh i >ii,i, iHi?, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, [o show cause, if any they ?'ave, why the said administration s.iould not he granted. Given under my hand and seal this 14th day of .lune, A. I). 191 f.. (Seal.) V. F. MARTIN, fudge of Probate for Oconee County, South Carolina. Published on the 16th and 23d lays of June, 1915, in The Keowee Courier, and on the Court House loor for the time proscribed by law. June 16, 19 15. 24-25 CITATION NOTICE. Tho State of South Carolina, County of Oconee.- (In Court of Probate.)-By V. F. Martin. Judgo >f Probate.-Whereas, Mrs. Lula Moore has made suit to me to grant her Letters of Administration of tho Estate of and effects of John T. Moore, deceased-? Those aro, therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said John T. Moore, deceased, that they be and' appear before mo, in the Court of Probate, to he held at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, on Elli DAY, the L'd day of .ILLY, 1915, after publication hereof, at 1 1 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why tho said administra tion should not be granted. Given umler my hand and seal this 15th day of June. A. D. 1915. (Seal.) V. F. MARTIN. Judge; of Probate for Oconee County, South Carolina. Published on Hie 16th and 23d days of June, 19 15. in Tho Keowee Courier, and on tho Court House door for Ibo time prescribed hy law. June I (!, 191 5. 24-25 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby glvon that the undersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judgo of Probate for Oconee County, in tho Stato of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on SATURDAY, JULY 10th, 19 15, at ll O'clock In the fore noon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, for leave to make final settlement of tho Estate of John H. Zimmerman, deceased, and obtain final discharge as Admin istrator of said estate. W. lt. ZIMMERMAN, Administrator ol' the. Estate of John IL Zimmerman, Deceased. June 9, 1915. 23-26 N?TIGE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to tho Estate of John IL Zimmerman, deceased, aro hereby no Ohed to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate will present the same, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law or barred. W. R. ZIMMERMAN, Administrator of the Estate of John H. Zln,merman, Deceased. June 9, 1915. 23-26