KEOWEE COURIER (Established tnt?.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription $1 Per Annum. Advertising Kati's Reasonable. -Hy STIX K, SIIKIAMt A SOHRODKK. Communications of n personal j character charged for as advertise-; menta. I Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of aol over loo words, willi bo printed free of charge. All over that number must IK> paid for at the rate of one cent a word. Cash to , accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, 8. C.: WEDNESDAY, JUNE Kl, 1015. Conmine, t?> Cat Without Stomach. Halt ?more. Md., .lune I I. Meyer Cuplan, a mcrcbanl of Newberry, S. C., ?s ut tl local hospital learning un der the direction of a I rained nurse to eat, virtually without a stomach. )lc caine to Halt ?more I wo weeks ago ,n in treated for tumor of the sto mach and surgeons removed all hut ll boil I two inches of this organ. The miall flap attached lo the aesop ha gus was joined lo tho duodenum, a part o? Hie small intestine The mau is now abb- lo take into bis system food that is easily digested. This '.ie must take standing, a spoonful at a limo, SO thal euell meal takes about two hours. Tho surgeons think bo bas ninny yours of usefulness ahead ?if him Cu vern hie Impression in I teri in. Mei lin, lune I ?J. The lexi ol' I he V, morit a ll noir w.u. published today in tho berlin alterno.m newspapers. Definite st a t einen l s as lo the attitude of i lu> Herman governnienl with r? sped to the note ure not yoi availa ble, hui in cindi's which, while them selves not officially responsible, aro often good barometers of the senti ment in responsible quarters, tho note soe? 111 s to have made a distinctly favorable impression and is believed lo offer the possibility of negotii) lions on which satisfactory settle ment might bo reached < oneiliutocy Tone Pleases. own views, which made discussion al most impossible, aro now willing to talk of compromises m which the compromise would not be all on one side. Poplar Springs Corals. Walhalla, lt. C I). No. I. .lune I I. -Special: Curing thc fair weather our farmers have been busily at work and are almost through cutting grain. Mrs. I. C. bee has been quite sick it her home here. Inn is reported some better. lier friends hope lo See her out SOO tl. .1 ll Lee and Iwo daughters, Misses Minnie and llosa, visited at New 1 lope Sunday Mrs. J. M. Sanders is in Anderson visiting her daughter, who is quite sick. We a'a- sorry io know thal our pastor is sick. Ile was unable to lill tils appointment al this place on our regular meeting day. Rev. J. ll. Farmer filled his place. Friends hope he will soon bo restored to hen lt h. Tho body of Mrs. Washington Rowland was laid to real ill Poplar Springs cemetery Inst Wednesday. Wo sympathize wi "> tho bereaved ones. (bo inans Execute Eight Spies. Am (ordain, .1 uno I - A 1 lori i II dispatch says: "Since the begin liing of the war Cerinany's enemies have employed II number of spies for col lecting in format ion. The Cern?an authorities recently discovered a con spiracy which has ils he.ubina rt eis al Maes I riebt. "Seventeen spies were arrested in Belgium, and it was proved they had com mu II lea ted ni for mat ion reg a riling (he movement of troops on tho Heb gian railways. Court martial* con demned lo death eleven of tho ac cused and siv were sentenced to a total ol 7 7 years' penal servit tide. "(in June 7 olghl of tho accused were executed. The three others asked for ti pardon and a decision in their case is pending." Indians Attack Train. Nogales. Ariz., .lune 1.1. One man ?vas killed and three other Southern Pacific Railway employees, two of 'hem Americans, were wounded In tin attack on a work train by Yaqui In dians last night at Mapoll, five miles south of Guaymas, according to re ports received hore to-day. A military escort of 2,r> soldiers, which accompanied the train, killed several of tho Indians. I'M NZ EITEL AGAIN TO FORE. Member* of (Yow Now Absent, their Whereabout Unknown. Paris, Juno ll A Havas dispatch from Algeciras. Spain, li led y estorday. gives details ol' the arrest there of the man who professed to he the commander of the German converted cruiser Prinz Eitel Friedrich. Ile shipped as a cook aboard an Italian steamer hound for Genoa, in tending to go from lhere to Germany. British authorities were informed of his presence aboard the vessel and held up the steamer. When questioned the supposed cook dei lated he was an Italian, hut Dually admitted he was a German, and asserted he was the 15itel's com mander. Ile was interned at Gibral tar. (Obviously the man arrested at Mgeclras \< masquerading under the name of Commander Thierichens, of the Prinz Eitel Friedrich, for the lat ter now is at Norfolk, Va. Ile gave his parole not to leave the United Stales after his ship was interned at Newport News.) All of < few Not Present. Washington. .1 une M I neu t. Bram r and "certain men of the crew" of the German commerce raider Prinz Eitel Friedrich, who lofl the ship before .dm was formally Interned and have not returned to the Nor folk navy yard, are believed to have left .?ie country. Customs Collector Hamilton, al Norfolk, has made Ibis report to tho Treasury Department. special agents of thc Department of .1 II st iee aro conducting an investi gation ni the instance of the State Department, to which Collector Ham ilton's report was referred. I tenor) of the ( 'ollector. "lt has come to my al lent ion.'' ('ol lector Hamilton reported to-day "thal one Lieut. Brauer, who was either ?ho lust officer or thc execu tive officer of the Prinz Eitel Fried rich when she arrived al Newport News. Va., March 10, 1915, has left the ship and is not now aboard. There is also rea. on io believe that Lieut. Brauer may have left the United states, and that certain oilier mem bers of the crew of tho Crin/. Eitel, who were aboard the ship when she arrived Mandi 10, are not now aboard, and may possibly have also i til .1 l O i lo HO >. llO.." . U , HW 1 iii I HO present time oi the Prinz Eitel Fried rich's crew. . The commander when offered by me tho privilege of landing al New port News for any personal business lie might have ashore after having been at sea for seven months, said he could not leave his ship, asserting that this not only applied lo himself, but also to his officers and men, who must remain on hoard. "Two days later tho commander volunteered to nie the informai ion that he had received from the proper United States naval authorities, through Bear Admiral Beatty, com manding the Norfolk navy yard, per mission for his officers to go ashore at Newport Nows, Norfolk, Ports mouth, Old PoinI Comfort, Va. ' I was advised by Bear Admiral Beatty thal he had transmitted per mission to the commander of tho Crin/. Ebel Friedrich for the visiting ashore in restricted territory ol' tho Crin/. Eitel officers, and that permis sion had hoon given for tho landing of men from tho Prinz Eitel when ac companied h\ a guard, either from Cort Monroe or the navy, those guards to be furnished upon the ap plication of the commander of the Prinz Eitel Friedrich. "Inder hose conditions officers and men from t he Friz Eitel Fried rich landed and wore ashore prior to the Prinz Eitel's internment and the giving of th?- commander of his written parole to Hear Admiral lleat iv at the Norfolk navy yard." Collector l la milton's report, it be came known unofficially, was made on May Ht. No explanation was made of why it was made public at this Hmo. lt was believed, ho wovor, t ha : caldo dispatches tolling of the arrest on an Italian steamer of a man said lo bo ("apt. Thierichens, and subse quent conflicting report.- that other officers of the Prinz Eitel worn ab sent, led to its publication. Capt. Thierichens is aboard the Prinz Eitel. Third Surgeon Nobe is said lo be away from tho di ip, and an in vestigation is hoing made. Obi egon Loses Hight Arm, Washington, June !". Cen. Ohre gon, Carranzas com inc ..der, in fight ing at Leon against Villa, lost his right arm and narrowly escaped death by a shell while directing ope rations on the firing line. Consul Stillman cabled from Vera Cruz seve ral days ago it was reported that Ob rogon was wounded, and this was confirmed In an official dispatch to the Carranza agency here. .J. THU PEACH TREE BORER. ?fr .I* *I- ?I* *I* 4* -I* *I* .!? ?I- 'i This ls the insect that causes tho gu in around the base of tho tree Hast wt< k I was in a farmer's or chard and he showed ino two trees killed by bord's and said they wore worth $25 each to him. The trees could have been saved by five min utes' work with a shovel. To keep the borers out of the trees, pull up the earth around the huso ol' Oho tree to ll height of eight friches during the first w ok lu July, and take this mound '.own about October ._'.".th. G. M. Harnett. Demons) ration Agent. Wehten e Nows. West I'nion, K. I'. D. No. 1, .lune ll. Special: Our Sunday school is progressing nicely under the man agement of J. M. Mauldln. The many friends of Miss Minnie Chandler w ill regret to learn that she has been very ill for the past two weeks. We hope she may soon be restored to her usual health. M. ll. Hughs had the misfortune to get one ol his horses badly hooked bj a cow about (et) days ago. Mrs. J. I>. Martin is unite sick. Wo hope she will soon bo well again. Iber?' will be prayer meeting al the home of M. H. Hughs Wednesday night. There will be all-day services at Welcome church next Sunday. Every body cordially invited lo attend these services. Come and let us spend tho day for the Cord. There will bo prayer services al the church every Sunday night. British Seize Oil Ship. Condon, .lune ll. 'The Standard Oil Company's tanker Plat?ria, from New York. May J">. for Oskarshamm, Sweden, again is iii the hands of the Itritish admiralty, having boen seized and taken to Kirkwall, Scotland. The tanker carried oil for Scandinavian ports. i This is rlie third time the Platu rla has been detained by tho British. In October, CMC while on her \.ay from New York to Aat linus with a cargo of oil she was seized and taken into Stornoway. The H ni ted States protested and the ship was released. -!.. l>r,,,",l ,-"r . . I Hine Ridge Auditor to Atlanta. Anderson. June CC -The auditing department of tho Blue Ridge Kail way, which has boen located here since the Southern Railway acquired the property many years ago. will he moved to Atlanta July I. Cor the convenience of Henry W. Miller, pres ident of this road, and vice president Of the Southern, and from an eco nomic standpoint the removal is deemed w ise by the officials. Bond Anderson, who has i een assistant, auditor of the South- rn. assigned to the Clue Ridge for the past ten years, 1.o ines auditor of eight lines owned and controlled by the Southern. Ile and his office forces will move to At lanta, and will lie located in the Southern Railway building. Card of 'Thank-. We desire to irv. through 'The Cou rier, to express our thanks to the people of Walhalla and Oconee coun ty. While words cannot tell how wo appreciate their kindness shown us during lim sickness and death of our dear sister and daughter. Kssie, our prayers ate that Ibo Cord will bless every, one that remembered us dur ing these hours of needs. Mrs. .lane A. Nicholson and Children. <'ard of Thanks. Cditor Keoweo Courier: Please al low us space in your columns to ex our heartfelt thanks to ?he coed of this co n; in ti n i I y for the kindness ami syt '. 'hy shown us during tho dark hon s o. .. illness that came to us in the loss of our dear husband and father. May Hod's riches! blessings rest upon them as we humbly submit to His will. t M rs. i w w. Hollingsworth and Children. Westminster, lt. P. H. No. I. Panania Canal Impregnable. indiana polis, .1 une IC 'The de fenses of the Catlaina ('anal are. such that no hostile Heel could pass through tile waterway, according to a statement math' by Maim Hon. Ceo. w. Goethals, Governor of tho Canal /one. who was in Indianapolis yes terday to appear before ?ho C?derai grand jury which is investigating al leged frauds in the conduct of the office of .fohn Burke, manager of the commissary department of the Pan ania railroad. Hen. Goethals added that tho United States Meet could pass through the canal immediately if necessary. Now Supremo Arehon for lloptasophs Richmond, Va., June 12.-John C. Tolson, of Baltimore, was elected Su premo Archon of thc Improved Order lloptasophs at the annual convention hero yesterday. The proposal to ad mit women to full membership was adopted. NKGRO LYNCH Kl) AT TOCCOA. Convict Escapes and Makes Assault. Deult With Quickly. Toccoa, Ga., .June I I. Atter an at tack on the Stephens county jail here lasting Iront 12 o'clock last night un til this morning at 6 o'clock. Sam Stephens, a negro convict, who es caped from the Stephens county con vict camp a lew days since, was taken trout the jail hy a body of s?ve rai hundred men and hanged in the city limits about two or three hun dred yards from the residence section ot' the city. Sunday afternoon about l o'clock the negro assaulted a young lady, the daughter of a prominent farmer of the county, who lives six miles from Toccoa. Al the time the young lady. IC. years of age, and her older sister were at home alone. She was drag ged some distance to Hie woods and Hier?' left in an unconscious eondi t ion. Hast night Stephens was captured tit Madison. S. C., and was brought to Toccoa by Sheriff Stowe about I 1 o'clock. Soon afterwards many peo ple began to gather about the jail, and the negro was demanded, but the sheriff refused to opon tho doors or to furnish the keys. The attack on the jail began as soon as the young lady reached roc ina and iden tilled Stephens. Many citizens undertook to dissuade those engaged in the assault on the jail, hut lo no effect. The wall was bat tered down, and then the cage broken open. Stephens hid in a dark cor ner of the cell, lighting lo the last, and hail to he smoked out. In the meanwhile he was shot several times, but not fatally. Two or three persons I were injured by him. Ile was dragged from the jail lo the place where he was hanged and shot to pieces. A few years ago Stephens was con victed in Hall county under a ( barge of assault with intent to rapo and assault with intent to murder, am! was sentenced u, eleven years in tho penitentiary. VOTES FROM RICHLAND. Several Yening People Return Home With Sheepskins. I Richland. Juno 5.-S necia 1: lohn i r ... i t.wop vio? o.,-,.., uui'd nome lasi week with the epidermis of the sheep in their possession, hearing evidence ol' their having completed the courses ?hoy have been pursuing in these col leges. \t pre-ont they are suffering themselves to be congratulated by their many friends. Miss Pearle Vernor is at homo from her work in Greenville to spend her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Mc.Mahan and tamby and Mr. and Mrs. .1. I1. Strib ling and family attended commence menl exercises at Clemson College. We are glad to announce that J. M. Hughs is improving at present, with every indication thal he will re gain his former health. Ile is able to sit up some now. This good news is very gratifying to his many friends here and elsewhere. Mrs. Sue Stribling. of linoroe, is visiting relatives in Richland. C. I). Stribling. formerly the '.mid get captain" of Clemson, is also vis iting here. He received his sheep skin at Clemson last Tuesday. Miss Mae Hubbard, after a few days' res! with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hubbard, lett yesterday for Hock Hill, where she will attend the summer school at Winthrop. Miss Lynn Vernor spruit the latter part of the week with relatives in West minster. There will lie special exercises in the Richland Sundas school next Sun day, designated as "Young Men's Hay." An attractive program has been arranged ami (he public gene rally, and the young men particular ly, aro invited to he present, Refore tue (lose of the session of Clemson College S. C. Stribling was elected editor-in-chief of "The Chron icle." This is a monthly literary magazine published hy the students of the college. Ile was also appoint ed as associate literary editor ol' "The Tiger," the weekly sporting paper of the college. This latter paper was recently shaken up. and in the future the managers expect lo put out a much larger paper, devoted not only to athletics, as formerly, hut to ail activities of tho college as will. John W. Shelor, J. J. Rallonger and J. P. Stribling attended tho called meeting of Piedmont Presbytery at Seneca yesterday. 4* 4* *I* *m* *m* .!. *?* *!* ?I* 4* .j. HARRY R. HIGHS, 4, ?J? ,t thornoy-ju-Law. ?j, .J? Wnihallu, South Carolina, I ?|? (lillee In j 4? Wm. J. Striming'* Building, ?J. Court House Square. .j. ' ?J. ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J. ?J? ?>J? ?J? ?j? ?j? GANI WILL SOC Wc are prepared to just unloaded one car Tin supplies-Solder, Cappin pei's, Etc. Wc have also 400 casi Mason Glas Tops and Rubbers bough have ihese in PINTS, QI An OIL STOVE ii have during thc canning s the yard and do all this h We have thc "New P< Automatic. It will pay you to get ( Matheson Hi Westmins NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. in accordance with Section 17 12, Civil Code of South Carolina. 1912, and pursuant lo an order of the County Hoard of Education of Ooo noo County, South Carolina, notice is hereby given that a Special Election will be held at the school hon.:e, in Ebenezer School Disu ,?. No. 69, on Saturday, .lune 2t'.ih. ! 1."?, for the oi { i . . .? . I- toi ? . ' ballot containing the word "Yes - printed or written thereon, and each elector opposed to said levy shall cast a ballot containing the word "No" printed or written thereon. At tho said election only such electors as return real or personal property for taxation, and who ex hibit their tax receipts and registra tion certificates as required In gene ral elections, shall be allowed to vote. Holls will bo opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and will close at 1 o'clock p. m. C. H. WHITMIRE. J. H. CASON. J. A. IVESTER, Trustees of Ebenezer School District, No. tl!), Managers ol' Election, .lune HI. 1915. 2 1-25 NOTICE-SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY itv RECEIVER. The State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. (In Hie Court of Common Pleas.) Mrs. Callie lt. Dillard, Plaintiff, against C. J. M ul key and Mrs. S. E, Mulkey, Defends nts. Hy virtue ol' an order ol' the Court ni ('i)iiiniitii Pleas, dated the Isl day of February, li) 15, and signed by Honorable Frank lt. Hary, Presiding .indue, appointing me, J, H. s. Dendy, ns Receiver of all tho property ot' the defendants, C. ,f. Mulkey and Mrs. S. E. Mulkey, and order ing me to sell all the property of the said defendants, C. J. Mulkey and Mrs. S. E. Mulkey. liol being exempt to them as a homestead under the law, I will sell, to Ibo highes! bid der, in front ot' tho Court House door, in Walhalla. Sont h Carolina, between I he legal hours of sale, on salesday in ?IDLY next. Hie following personal pi operty, io wit : Fifly-one shares ol' the capital stock ol' The Oconee Hank, of the par value of one hundred dollars per share. Sold as the property of Hie defendant C. .1. Mulka.*. Twelve shares of the capital slock of The Oconee Hank, ol' the par value ol' one hundred dollars per share, property of Mrs. S. hi. Mulkey. All the Indebtedness of The Oconee Hank lo the defendant Mrs. S. E. Mill key. Terms ol' Sale: Cash on day of sale. .1. H. S. DENDY, Receiver. July I 6. 1 it I... 2 I-2G ITS.". 1 !) I f, COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON, littst Year Itcgin.s October I. Entrance examinations at all the county seats on FRIDAY, J CLY 2, at 9 a. m. Full four-year course's lead to the H. A. and H. S. degrees. A two-year pre-medlcal course ls given. A free tuition scholarship is as signed to each county of tho State. Spacious buildings and athletic grounds; well equipped laboratories; unexcelled library facilities. Expenses moderate. For terms and catnloguo, address HARRISON RANDOLPH. 26* President, )N BE ON. supply your wants ; have i Cans, and all necessary g Steels, Tipping Cop is of s Fruit Jars, it before thc advance. Wc IARTS, and HALVES. ? a mighty good stove to icason-you can get out in ot work under the shade. 2rfection and Florence xir prices. irdware Co, ter, S. C. SHERIFF'S SALES FOR TAXES. My direction of Tax Executions to mo di roc tod by lt. H. Alex ander. Treasurer of Oconoo County, Sent h Carolina, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, in front of the Court House door in Walhalla, S. C., between the legal hours of sale, on MONDAY, the Gth day of JULY, 1915, the following described tracts r,r Int,. nf l...wl . no if.If fi i e let with o i<> build? ?:?>.. rbi. ti luster, 'tdjolning lamb of l.t. I. '.'ii;' ,-euthr ?: Ral cvay and tithers. Le\;ud on an ibu property ? i ?slate lui Liixca. 30 acres of land, more or less, in Tugaloo Township, adjoining lands of S. D. Hunier. Jesse Carter and Others, on road leading from Changa church to Retreat. Levied on as the prop erty of Hie estate of Essie H. Brown, deceased, at the suit of the state for taxes due in 1913 and 1914. 7 5 acres ol' land, more or less in Chattooga Township, on Hear Hollow branch, waters of Chattooga River, adjoining lands of Muck Wilhanks and others. Levied on as th? prop erty of Jeff Swafford at the suit of the State for taxes. Perms of Sale: CASH. JOHN VV. DAVIS, Sheriff, Oconee County, S. C. June 9, I !? 1 5. 2:{-2(l CITATION NOTICE. ( In Court of Probato.) The State of South Carolina, County of Oconee.-My V. F. Martin, Baq., Judge of Probate.-Whereas, .1. Wrlnn has made suit to me lo grant him Letters of Administra tion of the Estate of and Effects of Jeremiah Wrlnn, deceased These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all and singular the kin died and creditors of tho said JEREMIAH VVRINN, deceased, that they be and appear before me, hi the Court, ol Probate, to be held at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, on Friday, the !2d day of JULY, 1915, after publication hereof, at 1 I o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not ho granted. Hiven under my hand and seal this I I th day of June, A. P. I 9 I 5. IS, I.) V. F. MARTIN, .lad e of Probate for Oconee County, South Carolina. Published on thc It'.th and 23d days ol' June. 1915, in The Keowee Courier, and on Hie Court House door for tho time prescribed by law. June I ll. I !) I-? 1-U5 CITATION XOTICE. The State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. (In Court of Probate.) My V. P. Martin, Judgo of Probate. Whereas, Mrs. Lula Moore has made suit to me to giant her Letters of Administration of th? Estate of and effects of John T. Moore, deceased rie se are, therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said John T. Moore, deceased, that thoy bo and* appear before me, In tho Court of Probate, to bo held at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, on FRIDAY, the 2d day of JULY, 1915, after publication hereof, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, If any they have, why tho said administra tion should not ho granted. Given under my hand and seal thia 15th day of June, A. D. 1915. (Seal.) V. F. MARTIN, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, South Carolina. Published on tho 16th and 23d days of June, 1915, in Tho Keowee Courier, and on the Court House door for the time prescribed by law. Juno 16, 1915. 24-25