NEW ll KAI) KOK ASYLUM. l>r. ti. F. Sargent, Kxpert In Care poll tax when due and payable, except, that minis ters and teachers can vole after six months' residence in the State. The office of superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane is rt constitutional office, for Article II'. Section 2, says: "Slate Hospital for the insane Officers of The He gents of the State Hospital for the Insane and (he Superintendent there of, who shall bo a physician, shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. All other physicians, offi cers and employees of the hospital shall be appointed hy the regents, unless otherwise ordered by the General Assembly." in the view of several lawyers the State Hoard of Charities and Cor rections will bo stopped by the Con stitution from going wit bout the Slate to employ a man for secretary. They point finish oui his term, j which ends the last of this month, instead of accepting a mom h of free dom which Governor Staion recently I off?'red bim bj way of parole. The parirle has been re tu rm d by lb?' war den of th?' New ion county gang with the st al e men t that the negro has de clined on tho ground thal he is very well conical in his presen) ri rr ti in stances. Whenever You Need n Oenerul Tonic Tuke drove's The Ohl Standard Grove's Tasteless .hill Tonic is equally valuable ns a General Tonic because it contains the well k nown tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the lllood and Builds up thc Whole System. 50 cents. Lady Dies from Wound, (Charleston News and Courier, 8th.) Mrs. G. W. Kennell, who was fa tally won mied in tho righi temple accidentally a week ago this morn ing at her home in Hampton, died yesterday morning a-bout I o'clock at the Saker Sanatorium, where sim was brought last Thursday night for treatment. Coroner Mansfield held an inquest yesterday and a verdict of accidental death was returned. Mrs. Kennell was starting a tire in her home, when sh?> accidentally knocked a pistol, supposed to be un loaded, off the mantelpiece. The lour cartridge was discharged when th?- pistol struck the hearth. Thc bullet lodged in the right temple. Thc body was shipped to 1 lamp ion, where the funeral will take place to-day. Mrs. Kennell ts sur vived by her husband and seven chil dren, thc oldest of which is fourteen. EY Ell SACIVATI.D HY CALOMEL ? IIOIUtlllLE ! Calomel ls Quicksilver and Acts Like Dynamite on Your Liver. Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. it's mercury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. lt crasher Into sour bile like dyna mite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put Into ytmr system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked ont and believe yon need a dose of dangerous calomel Just remember that your druggist sells for 50 cents a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, w hich is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute foi calomel. it is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you ni? Inside, and can not salivate. Don't take calomel! lt makes you sick the next day; it loses you ? .lav's work. Dodson's Liver 'Ton? Straightens you right up and you feel great. Give it to the children be cause it is perfectly harmless ami doesn't griiie. Adv. The European \\ Austrian I toi UM Were Deadly. Paris, April 8- Twelve women and children were killed and forty-eight etiler? injured by bombs dropped by Austrian aviators ill the marke1 place art Podgoritssa, Montenegro, yesterday, according to a Cettinje dispatch to I lavas Agency. Many buildings were destroyed by missiles, seven of which wore dropped from one aeroplane. Austrian Anny ('uti in Two. Petrograd. April 8. The advann of the Russians in the Carpathians lias cut the Austrian army under (len. Hoe ro vi tc li in two pieces. Thc eastern wing of this army is in a pre carious position. The Russians have captured Smolnlk, Hast Lupkow Pass, and also have thrown back the Austrians in Mho district of Hartfield and in I ie district of Lupkow. Having ad vanced through Rostock Pass, ti wedge has been forced between the Austrian armies. Smolllik controls the only road through tb?> Beskid mount:.ins be tween Mezolaborez and lizsok, ti distance of f>0 miles. Holli Make Claims in Carpa thin ns. London, April 8.-Fight for the Carpathians is proceeding bitten . both sides claim local successes. The Russians are lighting their way over four passes-Dukin, Lupkow, t'/.sok, Rostock, the last named .ic ing in their possession. The Austrians seem to have onlj enough men to bold the Russians tu check and evidently are unable to make an effective counter stroke from Bukowina. herefore their hope must again center on tho Ger- | mans, who may force back the Rus- j sians. the invaders, as they did otee | before when the Russians reached a point further within Hungary than they have tims far gained at this' t i me. Russian Airships Wrecked.: Ilerlln, April 8.-An extraordinary aerial light is described in a dispatch I from Budapest. An Austrian aero plane, it is said, encountered three Russian aeroplanes, and, mounting , above its adversary, dropped a bomb I which si rin k ono of t hom and seul ? it plunging l.?OO yards to earth. The resulting atmospheric disturb ance upset and wrecked the other! two Russians. Another dispatch says French aviators during a nocturnal UL ht over Strassburg dropped bombs ia al prison camp where 500 French sol diers were confined, wounding live of them severely. \\ la tors Puisne Train. (e"ieva. Switzerland. April 7. Two French aviators pursued a Her- i man military train yesterday from Marbach to Villingen, in Ibo Black ! forest, damaged (he railway and stations along Hie line and dropped bombs on Muelheini and N'eu bourg. A French biplane, pursued by Ger man aviators, lost its w> ;" >i>e mist las) night and Kudcd near P< rein truy, Swit/.er'aiid. The two ti.en abo.i rd w il' be interned. Londot . April 8. Russian troops are pus ling forward rapidly in tho Carpathians. Petrograd claims that ?the road "o t he plains of Hungary now lies Ope?, before thom. The Russians au said to have cap tured Sniolnik, east o' Lupkow Pass, and driven a wedge between the western and eas.ern wings of the Austrian army in tho Hoskids, plac ing the eastern wing in a precarious posit ion. The Austrians seem to have only enough men to hold the Russians ill check, and ev Iden Hy are unable to make au effective counter stroke from Bukowina. Therefore their hope again must center on the Ger mans, who may force back the Rus sians as they did when the invaders had reached a point further within Hungary than they have gained this time. f)n that occasion an Austro Ger-man force attacked the Russian Hank in the country sou t H of Cra cow, and threatened its lines of com munication, quickly bringing about a retreat. A similar movement might be attempted now. bul Its chames of success probably would liol be as great as before, for the Russian positions now aro heavily en t rene li ed. III the west tlx' French are ham mering awn) at the German wedge extending to St. Mlhlel. Both the French and German officia] state mei ts show thc now battle between the Meuse and the Moselle has de veloped Into a ver) severe struggle. The Paris announcement says the gains made heretofore by the allies have been maintained In the face of violent counter attacks, in which the Germans suffered e lormous losses. The Gorman account of this fight ing mentions French attacks al eight points, and says all were repulsed. The Berlin statement says the tosses Of the French were very heavy. Land Forces at Dardanelles. Paris, April 8. French troops from Africa aro ready to assist the rar Day by Day. lilied Heel and British expeditionary iones against Turkey. This official statement war issued by the war Dlflce to-night ? ' The expeditionary corp.- to tho Drlent, which was placed under com mand of Gen. A. ('? D'A made and .oncentratcd al Bizerta (a fortified seaport of Tunis. Attica), to perfect its organization, has effected ?the voy age to the Levant under the best of conditions. lt has boen ready since March I "> to aid thc allied Meets and British expeditionary corps. . In wait in:;, it was deemed advis able not to prolong tho stay of Hie troops aboard transports, and for this reason the hospitality of ligypt was accepted. The French forces have been debarked at Alexandria ind are installed al Ramleh, where [hey are resting and perfect lng their organization. They are ready to proceed without delay to any point necessary." Sahl to He Disembarking. 'London, April 9.- The Haily Mail's Aihens correspondent says he earned from Dedeaghatch 'that s?v irai transports of the allies, escorted i>y warships, were seen Wednesday )tT Knos, and that it was supposed toops were being disembarked along he Turkish coast. [Jennany Prohibits Kxports to Haly. Geneva, Switzerland, April il. The German government to-day, be nd es prohibiting exhorts from Ger many to Italy, is stopping al the routier stations all empty Italian reight cars homeward hound. Pas senger trains arriving in Switzerland o-day from Italy are crowded with dorman families. Kreuch Advance Against Germany. Hond?n. A, iii A further ad vance between the Meuse and the Moselle, ?where a concerted aid ion ?vas begun hy the allies several days tgo, is announced to-day by the French military authorities. It is said t rouelles were captured at seve ral points and in some instances hey were , wk d with the dead. The German war office says the ?attie is proceeding with increasing fierceness and heavy loss of life, but hat the efforts of the allies have icen unavailing. On the contrary, t is said. Hie Germans succeeded in .apturing trenches from the French. The village of Drei Grathcen, vhich the Germans captured only to ose on the following day, has been main taken from the Belgians, the Iterlin statement announces. In the Herman campaign against Kassia new fighting has developed tort h of Sti'Wnlki, the result of I which is not announced, otherwise j liiere is no rhytnge along thc front. Russian tariff olllcers regard tho Austrian operations in tho Carpa-! lilians as having collapsed, and are . considering tlx beal rouie for an In vasion of Hungary. lt is said in , Petrograd thal till Hie main summits md . 'opes of th? Bcskid mountains I now are in I lie hands of Hie Rus sians. Italy Hurrying War Preparations. Italy continues rapidly her mili- I tary preparations, but no decision lias been real lied whether she will participate in the war. lt is report ed from Geneva that Italy is with drawing railroad equipment from the Swiss frontier for the movement ;>f troops to the territory adjoining the Austrian tyrol. Tho border Fortresses have been garrisoned and Gqnipped. KitiK Constantine of Greece is re ported as saying his country is in a position similar to Italy, having made military preparations without Abandoning neutrality. The King ex presses confidence that Creeks all over the world would fight enthusi astically should war he decided upon, but counsels a policy of pru dence. Further negotiations between Bul garia and the Triple Rn ten te powers may he initialed for the purpose of ascertaining the intentions of Bul garia. A Rome dispatch says the pro-Russian party in Bulgaria, fav oring the country's participation in the war on the Bide of the allies, ls seeking to bring about an under standing. Complete Su ess Claimed hy Russia. Petrograd nil 0 With Russian forces in po sion of all the main summits and slopes of the Beskid mountains, army officers hore say the Austrian operations in tho Carpa thians have collapsed. The Russian general staff now is considering the best approach Into Hungary. The operations about Mezolahorz, Bartfeld, Llipkow .and ITzsok, appear virtually to have ended, with the Austrians on the defensive along the whole line and perceptibly weak ened. Heep snow bars any rapid advance into Hungary, but once that difficulty is overcome and the Russians reach thc southern slopes, where signs of spring are appearing, the most seri ous obstacle io ti further advance will he the artificial defenses which t is assumed have hoon erected. The country hot ween the San and he Laborcza is believed to provide he best route, but the Russian stu ff ll 111 ks the (lennans have already ransferrcd all available troops from >ther trouts to defend thtit region. lt is expected the Herman answer 0 tlic Russian offensive will he a lew movement in Poland, starting rom Thorn or Cracow. Put Inva dion of Hungary is regarded here ?is a foregone conclusion, unless the lennans are abb' to transfer a for nidable force o? first lino troops to tilfen the Austrian armies. I udor these conditions the possi bility of a separate peace for Aus ria-1 lungnry is discussed widely in he hus ian press and in diplomatic .ircles, particularly the reported at empt of Emperor Francis Joseph to itilisl the influence of the Pope In lia direction. Ir-trhms Declare Heavy Russ I,esses Vienna, April !>. Tho following dllcial communication was issued to bi y : "In tho east Beskid mountain! t'.e ituation ls generally quiet. "!n the ?wooded mountains the .neniy is prosecuting frontal attacks, donning without regard for life. Ugh heaps of dead or wounded nark tho battlefield which lies vithin effective range of our guns md machine guns. Yesterday wo ap tu red 1,600 unwounded prison us. "On Hie remainder ol' the front no .articular events have taken place." 1 til te of Ohio, city of Toledo, ] laicas <'utility. Frank J. Cheney makes oalh that! ie is senior partner ?d' the linn of j .". J. Cheney ?Sr Co., doing business in | lie City of Toledo, County and State iforesaid, and that said linn will pay I he sum of One Hundred Hollars for ?ach and every case of catarrh that .annot be cured by the uso of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before nie and subscribed n my presence, this (Ith day of De eniber, A. I). 1 SSC. ( Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. j Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-' lally and acts directly upon the blood . md mucous surfaces of the system. ! Send for testimonials, free. E. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists. Tao. Take Hall's Family Pills for Con itipation. Adv. BETTER BUSINESS BEGINS. hit look as r.vhloiiced hy National Hank Examiners is Good. Washington, April S. -Business .onditions throughout (lui country i ire showing marked improvement in i limos) all lines, according to r iris rom national bank examiners . de mblic to-night hy tho Treasury De .art nient. Highly of tito nicety ex iininers in Hie United States report-1 .d a permanent improvement, ann ? daine ls said to be the only Stat? vhere nal depression OX?MS. "Pronounced hopefulness is pre va- . . nt in nearly every district," says ; lie announcement. "Agricultural ondit ions are generally excellent,1 md commercial lines, willi co ni par a ively few exceptions, are enlarging heir activities, mainly throug' an HC reused demand, but in some c.,.., s ?reparation for activity is exiiected o develop witli the coming of good veather. Manufacturing is on the. aerease, and those industries hav ng orders for supplies from foreign ountries continue especially active. "Further orders have been placed or cars and rails by the railroads, md some large contracts have boon nade for structural iron for large mi.dings in different portion? of the ou n try." Marked Improvement in South. Tho statement attributes depres sion to unusual conditions abroad, nit says thalt business hero has icon stabilized through the applica ion td' economy. "The South," it continues, "is mowing marked improvement. The late of cotton is active at advancing trices, with tho result that all busi loss in that section is feeling a dea dy improvement. The prospects or larg?- crops generally are excel ent. and there will be greater diver sification. "The Now England and Middle Al ant ic Spites and portions of the ('eu ral West, although generally report lig ni improvement, seem to feel the mst depression lo the greatest ex nil I. Farmers, however, generally lave had satisfactory results; but manufacturing, with the exception if that to fill foreign orders, ls feei ng the Improvement to the least ex ent. There is improvement, how ever, in most, lines. Savings hank loposits are Increasing and generally linnks have an abundance of money." White Man With Black Liver. The liver ls a blood purifier, lt was thought at ono time it was the Ben-1 of the passions. The trouble With most people ls that their liver becomes black because <>f Impurities in the blood duo to bad physical states, causing biliousness, headache, dizziness and constipation. Dr. King's New Life Pills will ( lean up the liver and give you new life. 25c. al your druggist. Adv.3. \\ IIM>\V CAUSES COURT SCENE When Jury Frees Negro WI io Hud Slain Her Husband. (Atlanta Constitution, ?th.) The acquittal of the negro who shot and killed W. B. Ormond last November created a tensely dramatic scene in the court house Thursday afternoon when the wife of the slain man hysterically accused the freed man. almost precipitating a near t iot. and necessitating an ambulance trip to Grady Hospital. The slayer. Walter Ballard, after live months' of itu prison men t. ad mitted the shooting, but was acquit ted on the defense that he had an swer;;! Mrs. Ormond's cries for help, and had sit?t her husband under the belief that he was her assailant. .Indee lien Hill paid a tribute to Ute jury's verdict, pronouncing it fair and worthy. As the negro walked from the court house, a free man. Mts. Or mond, who was accompanied hy members of her family, arose un steadily from lier seat. She was weeping ?ind the arms of relatives led her to the doorway. The court room was crowded, and as the crowd j flied out, Mrs. Ormond encountered the acquitted man. She fell into a convulsion of hys terics, seeking to tear herself from the hold of those about her and rush upon Ballard. she shouted accusa tions, screaming that he had mur dered her husband in co'.', ?(?t(v,ij. The scene atti" .ed crowds from the adjoinKg floors. Mrs. Ormond vv??c in a frenzy of excitement, and policemen and court attaches carried the neuro lo the next floor. An am bulance was summoned and Mrs. Or mond was carried to Grady Hospital, where she soon recovered. A squad of policemen from head quarters was hurried to the court house, and protected Hie negro from the huge crowd that had gathered upon the sidewalk and steps leading to the court house. Tho acquitted negro was represent ed by Attorney John Boykin. Ho testified that be had boon attracted on the night of tho shooting by the screams for help from Mrs. Ormond when a II euro snatched her purse on Woodward avenue. near Cooper street, as she was returning home. lier ouitcries also attracted her husabnd, who came from the Or mond home with a lille. The ne mo Ballard also had a gun. In the darkness, he said, he mistook Or mond for the robber. Simultaneous ly, Ormond caught sight of Ballard, and believing him to lie the negro who liad attacked his wife, opened lire. A fussillade ensued, in which boih men were struck by bullets. Parachute tails, I alls on Tom li. Louisville, Ky.. April S. When Iiis parachute failed to work .lohn Henry, an aeronaut giving exhibi tions ai llopkinsville, fell 200 feel and landed on a tombstone in the potters' field. lt was said to-day bis in iuries probably would cause bis ! death. TEN WEEKS IX BHD EMINENT PHYSICIANS EA Hi ED, WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. 1 wish to inform you of tho great benefit 1 have derived from the use of Swamp-Root. I had been a suf ferer for more than twenty yea's from kidney and liver trouble and was almost constantly treated by the most eminent 'physicians who could only give nie temporary relief. I had boon in bed ten weeks when I began tho use of Swamp Root. In side gt" twenty-four hours I could see that I had been greatly benefited. 1 continued to use Swamp-Boot until 1 had used several bottles, when I really felt 'that my old trouble was completely cured and I am positive that any person suffering with kid ney or liver trouble can be cure I hy the uso of this preparation. I am now in tho best of health bettor than I have been for ten years or more. I do not know how to ex press myself as strongly as I desire, in favor of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Koot, as I am sure thal il saved my life and that my good health is due. entirely to this great remedy. I heartily recommend it lo every suf ferer, and am confident they can bc benefited as 1 have been. |( is a pleasure for me, gentlemen, to hand you this recommendation. MRS. H. J. PRICE, ! I0G Center St. Portsmouth, Ohio. Personally ap pea ed? before me this 18th of September, 1901), Mrs. II. I. Price, who subscribed the above statement and mada oath HUH the same is true in substance and in fact. R. A. CALVERT, Notary Public. I I Lotter to Dr. Kilmer A Co., j Binghamton, X. Y. | Prove What Swamp-Root Will IKi for You. Send lon cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample !ze bottle. It will convince any one. You will also receive a book let of valuable Information, telling about, the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Walhalla Weekly Keoweo Cou rier. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for ale at ail drug lores. -Adv.