KEOWEE COURIER . (J S i AltllSIH I) 1849.) . Piio?slud iv.rv Wednesday Morning S iihscription $1 Per Annum. I he ( om it r and Tho Progressive Farmer : Vcar v.u lt, l?oth for $1.50. Advertising Rutes Reasonable -By- H ST KC Jv, SHKLOR r< SCHRODER. ('?.; ini'jiii) . : >?H , ??i t personal character '. >? > ! fm ? .. ivcrtisemcnls. Obitum .i.'.d tributes o? respect ol IM ever ?nc hundred words, will bo 5: '. d li ? '.:( r hui go Ail over thai . '.ta.bov mus? !>c paid for .it (he ralyc! on; cc..?, a \. o?d. Cash to at comp* ny man1, wi ?ot. WALU ALLA. S. C.: WFILNFSHAV, .MAROU 21, HM."?. TIM: IIK?(?.VC,\MIM:ITI CASI;. Court ol Ap|MM?Ls Sustain* Conviction in Iro\\ er < 'omi. Francisco. March is. The II HIV ht ions of F. I Hi'w Ca minot ? i. son ot' Antliouv Cami netti, United States Commissioner (lonentl of Immigra tioi iud Maurice I. Iliggs, former Stale Architect, under the Mann wli?c slave act. were o.lllrmcd to-day b> trie Cnited Stale.* Circuit Court of Appeals. Higgs ami <'a mine' I i v. ere I ried a nd rom ii ted in Ibo I K a rp 1 1 hm ri In I'll;: foi Hie transportation of Lola Norris and Marsha Warrington from Sa ru?nenlo. Cai., lo Reno, Nev., for humera 1 purposes. I . ig ps was septen 'cd to imprison ment ia McNeil I-land foi two years and tined #*j.ouu. Ca m i netti was sentenced in is mon,Mm imprison ment all.! a tine i>. .J-1 ,500. The case wonl t> Hie liigher court on a wr ' ol' error l ue opinion holds t:hal 1I10 prose cution li ad a righi to comment on the tart thal Higgs wa.; silent upon the movements ot' tie- lour principuls al er lhe\ hit Sacramento and that it proper for 'he jur> to consider .his as an ia lieatlon of gui!' or innocence. White Man Wild I'.iaek Liver. The liva is a. blood pu ri tier. lt was I ?tonghi at ene time it was the soul ot the passions The 1 rouble with mos; people is .! ? 1.1 : their liver becomes black beeaiuso of impurities in i he blood due t,i had physical state-, causing biliousness, headache, dizziness and cousUpattinn. l?r. King's New Life Tills will rloian up the liver .and ui\e Non HOM life. 25c. ai your druggist. Adv.:!. ROTH Fl RF. ANO WATF.H I Slip. Ma/.Ul'iuil Lake District Craved Heil til Trap (o Russians. Lone UL March IS. How he Her mans en,?do.vcd both life and waler to destroj ibo Russians in the campaign in the Mazurian Lake dist rici. Hast Prussia, is rebuted in ;i communica tion re . iveil hy Hie Westminster Ha vel te from ( ?ot ben bu rg. "Herman stratog*y ?mun tod aol onl.v on wa el- and mire, but even lire." Hie co r ros pon don I says. "Their en gineers have for nt ia., years been equipped with a i|>eculiar kind of au ger for excavating tie- trunks of soft MI? s such as the M. it h g Moline. lt wa-? an ?easj task for Hie Heimia.n ar illerv to -et a match lo this bon ll re and burn up the Russian r had cut rapped." "SYRt'P Ol' litis" FOR CONSTIPATF.I) CHILI). Deli? ions "Pruitt fja.vnt.ivc" Can't Harm Tender Little Stomach, Liver and Rowels. livery nan lier realizes, after giv ing her children "California Syrup of Figs." that this i., their ideal laxa tive, because they love its pleasant taste .md it thorough!) cleanses the fender little stomach, liver and bow els without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish or breath is bad stomach sour, look at Hie tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and in a. lew hours all the foul, constipated wa de, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful Child again. When its little swinm is fail of cold, throat sore, lias sto machache, diarrhoea, indigestion, rollo remember, ti good "inside cleansing" should always be the first ' ment given Millions of mothers keep "Califor nli Syrup Of Figs" bandy; they know a teaspoonful to-day saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for a r.U-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of ?il! ages and grown-ups printed on tho bottle. Be ware of counterfeits seid here, so don't he fooled. (?ct the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Com t?ajiy."-Adv. WOODMKX AND WOODWOMKN. Dual Session lOiuls at Charleston Next Session nt Greenwood. Charleston, March 17. About 1 , L'UU dolelates and members of local camps, Woodmen of the World, at lolldod iho opening session ol' the Hoad Camp Con volition for tho Juris diction ol South ('arolina in tho Ger man Artillery Hall. Four hundred and nighty-eight delegates and olli cers ol' the convention woro enrolled. Following several ;.. dresses oT wel come ami responses, the first business session of the Hoad Camp was Inrme diately called to order. The enroll in;: of delegates, reports ot ollie.MS and appointment of committees, reso lutions and other preliminary busi ness were disposed of at this session. At tho afternoon session o ulcers wore elected as follows: M J. Spears, of I.amar. Head Con sul. W. ll. Broome, of Spartanburg, Head Adv ?ser. I 'red c. Hot/, of Charleston, I lead Banker. lt. s. Hood, of Sumter, Head Clerk. J. M. Daniel, of Greenville, chair man of the Hoard ol' Managers. The hm:e parade yesterday after noon, in which 1,000 Woodmen par ticipated, is one of the big public fea- ' tures of tho convention, and many hundreds lined Ibo route of mandi to Hie ierrj wharf, whore the delegates and members ol' local camps embark ml for thc Isle of Halms. Arriving ?il du beach, the chief social feature ol' :1.invention was enjoyed by I he visitors this evening, (in.- of the larges! oyster roasts si not? the "Heel wee!:" .Clair al the Sidioutcupln:/. had lu en pioparod. \e\t Session nt Greenwood. On tho third Tuesday of Mardi. I li 17. Ibo clovnHi biennial session of the ll? ad Camp, jurisdiction of South Carolina. Woodmen of t he World, will be held al Greenwood. This was decided b> the State Convention Wed nesday, The Woodmen ("indo. The fourth biennial State Conven tion of tho Woodmen Circle adjourn ed last night, i ?reen wood was select ed as the place for the next conven tion, which will meet on tho third Tuesday in Mardi. 1 !? 1 7. Ollicers for the ensuing term were elected is fol lows: (.rand (?uar.lian Mrs. Hattie .1. Hr? uer, Charleston. (?rand Adviser Mrs. Lillian John son , (ii ey -Cou rt. Grand (Merk Mrs. Kihi Schiller, Va ncc. (Hand Hanker Mrs. Blanche Mar lin. Cher.i vv. Cram! Attendant Mrs. Lena Stei ler. Columbia. H ra nd Assistant .Vtondant Mrs. Ma nie Leary. Florence. ('.rand Chaplain Mrs. Villa Berry. I towma n. Crand Inner Sentinel Mrs. Hernie l'air. Greenville. Crand Outer Sentinel Mrs. Ina Coster, Paeolet. Grand Managers Mrs. Anna McF. Collins, llartsvi |o: Mrs. Mamie Waits. Columbia, and Mrs. Amelia' II ?gan, ( ; reelej v il le. Supreme Delegate Miss Mary De lahunty, of charleston; alternate. Miss Lizzie Corcoran, Charleston. Winde Family De|ieiideiiU li. Williams. Hamilton, ohio, j w rites: "Our whole family depend on j Pino-Tnr-lloney." Maybe some one in your family has a severe cold perhaps it is I he baby. The original , Dr. Hell's Hine Ta ? I louey is au ever ready household remedy-it. gives immediate relief. Pine-Tar-Honey policlinics the linings ol' the throat and lungs, destroys the germs, and allows nature to net. At your drug gist, 2">c. Adv. 3. SA VHS, KILLS FAT ll Hit. Head ol' Family Threatened His Daughter's Life, ('anton, l, t . Mandi 1 7. .1 udson I McCoy shu1 md killed his father, J. lt, McCoy, a well-known citizen of Cherokee county, at Ibo latter's home. I J io,b s west of hero, at noon to-day. Tho ebb r McCoy had struck his dailghtci ?villi a chair and tlien weir: lo a burelli drawer to secure his pis tol threatening to kill tho entire family. His son, Judson, Interfered, securing his father's shotgun and fired before the older McCoy could make good bis t hroat. The trouble arose over McCoy's daughter's refusal to allow one of his sons to cal dinner at their home. McCoy was a noted character in .this section and had large family con nections. He was on ono occasion tried for murder ami sentenced to bc hanged, but had lived a one or any combinatioi of which may react very unfavorably lo its mouth. Tho primary cm xv of clover failure appear to be die t' d* pletion of the humus content of tin soil and soil "acidity." Clover wil not succeed on poorly drained soil Lack of fertility reduces the yield ii some section.-. In the spring grail -celions the nurse crop should !" seeded from one-half lo two-third i be usual rat e. When a lull seeding of the nins ( rop is made, and this is especial 1 true of oats, the greater portion o the soil moisture is used by th grain. The (lover plants thus bc come weal-? ned and when the gr.ii is cul they have no time to recovei Alsike clover does well on soil wilie will no longer grow red clover, an where moist uri; is sufficient it is rei ommended that alsike bo plante? Sweel clover or soy luau- are ver good soil renovators, and they ma replace red clover In tue rations ul til tho soil is In such condition th; red ( lover will succeed. About Leaving the f arm. ( Progressive Farmer.) We know that Oil account of cond lions resulting from ibo F uro pea war. many white farmers and te?an will now be tempted io sell out ar move to town. The} ought to r member three things, however: 1. Thad practically ..ll other far products except coi ?un aro hringil good prices, and low-priced conon only a temporary condition. 2. That the war has made an ev bluer outlook for the 'own 'abor than for the fanner, employment 1 ing difficult to get and wages low. That if a mau h..s proper enough so that he can live tn tov without work, he had better mo I home comforts to the farm instead j moving to town lo get these co forts. Taint, good walkways a j driveways, light, waterworks - ? ciel money in town as well as in t i iou m rv ; so why not have them tho count ry '.' Make von r. elf neighborhood leader and lind now j among old friends and nei chbo I helping make your home and ye comm uni ly faino- and better, ist( of going to town lo rust out amid < familiar environments and linear: si ran ge rs. Think, too, ol the greater in pendeiM-e of the fanner, especially farmer who owns a little dirt, came across a saying of the I ite Knapp's the other day thal is wo 'iiii?'ii g .n this c mnection. 'i lie f mer who becomes a town laborer, declared "voluntarily exchangos ; rights asid privileges of a freon for a daily wage and (bc badge i erv ice." Make (Jardell and Orchard < oin 1. Fruits and Vegetables tire Pest Kind of Cash Crops. In rush lor a so-called "cash crop" d' forget that it is what we save, rat than what we make, thal counts, it good orchards and gardens, Ming us in large measure to ige with i he grocer and doctor, ? tish crops" in the very beal ens. 2. Don't Expect the Orchard Carden to Take Care of Tbemsel If you take caro or them they later do likewise by you; but pl lng an orchard or garden and gi them no fun! her a'ten (lon usi: means so mindi effort and mi ^ wasted. 3. Have- the Orchard and Garden Near the Monte.-Attention to this ina (tor will save many steps tor tho good wife, and will Insure better at tention to tho cultivation and general m an agent en t. I. Make Your Carden Fertile. Having a really good garden Oil poor land is almost au impossibility, and this is one ot the first and most im portant details to he attended to. For the average garden an abundance of well rotted stable manure is the best fertilizer, but of cou rsi? this will in most cases have to bo supplemented with applications of commercial phos phoric acid and potash. Plant Only tihe Host Varieties. Wo lia ve lost ninny thousands of dol lars through planting trees ami seeds thal later proved worthless, and 4o gel the most from garden and or chard it is essential that only depend able seedsmen and nurserymen bo pa t ronized. 6. Keep the Harden ni Work, lust as labor and machinery yield tho greatest return when steadily em ployed, so it is ?villi the garden. Two ami even three crops a year are easily possible, and unless you are gottiifg these you are falling sim. ot" your, opportunities. In making for "Diversification and Independence in lui".' well tended gardens and orchards are going to bo ' ini vhty Factors. Vre yours what they ; s)ion bl be? "Tl//' Pl TS .IOV IN SOKH, .ACHING FEET. I so "liz" for Tired, Tender, Swol len, Sweaty, Calloused Feet and Corns-K's (iraml! "TIZ" makes sore, burning, tired feel fairly dance with delight. Away go the aches and pains, t ho corns, callouses, blisters, bunions and chil blains "Tl/" draws out the acids and poisons that puff up your feet. No matter how hard you work, how long von dance, how far you walk, or how lons >ou remain on your feet, "TIZ" brings res'l ui foot comfort. "TIZ" is magical, grand, wonderful for tired, aching, .-.wollen, smarting feet. Ah! how comfortable, how happy you feel. Your feel Jusi tingle for joy; shoos never hurt or seen, tight. Cod a 25-cent box of "TIZ" now from any druggist or department store. End foot torture forever wear smaller shoes, keep your foot fresh, sweet and happy. .Inst think! a whole year's foot comfort for only _'."> cents.- -Adv. Embryonic I ndcpcndciico, "What are you going io be when you grow II p, .lennie'.'" "I'm going lo be an old maid." "An old maid, detr! Why?" " "Causo I don't think I'd like to kiss a man a hundred times and toll him ho's handsome every time I do shopping. I'd rather earn money and buy t lungs for myself." CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of Heating Around (bo Hush. Susie's grandmother had been scolding her. .Susie fell indignant, but had boen taught never to "an swer back." However, she got oven. Taking lier killen in lier arms, slit' t hus soliloquized : "Kitty, I wish one of as wa-, dead this minnie. Not you. kitty, nor me. kitty, but (inti of us three in this room." THAT TIRED FEELING ! DO YOU CONTIXUAIJiY FEEL SLUGGISH, DISIXTHHESTEI?? If you do, il is probably caused by your liver. When the liver fails to perform Ita functions properly, the system becomes clogged with poison ous mat ter, that weighs you down mentally and physically. The liver gois out of order very easily, and if neglected, chronic trou ble usually results. Don't delay ii you fool badly. You knowingly lay yourself open to life-long pain when you allow yourself to continue In a run-down condition. Cure yourself Quickly and harmlessly with tho na tural vegetable remedy, Idv-Ver-I>a.\. It has all the effectiveness, but not the effect, of calomel. Genuine lylv-Ver-l>ov ,i<-?ars tho likeness and signature of L. K. Orlgsby, anti is guarantied to give satisfaction or money refunded. In sist on lt. For salo by Norman Company, Walhalla.-Adv. Ribbons - Pa] We can supply all Den Bonds, Heavy, Light and Fe quantity? High quality Carbon Pa We represent locally a Sales House. Best Silk Ribbc machines with but little delay. Orders for Supplies Han PRINTING The ki is righi Quality KEOWEE WALHAL THU STATU S. S. CONVENTION'. Session This Veal" Will Ile Held ntl Newberry, April 20*!2!2, Tho 3Sth annual session of the South Carolina Sunday School Asso ciation will ae hold in Newberry April :i0-L'Li. This convention bids fair to be ono of t ho most unique and helpful conventions ever held in the State. The theme of tho con' - tit ion is "Religious Education." The con vention will be characterized by the gathering together of the host edu and religious talent ol' tho State. Newberry is preparing to en tertain in her usual hospitable man ner 100 delegates. A nu inlier of so ldai functions in connection with the convention are being planned. Man Takes His Own Medicine-ls An Optimist. Ile has absolute faith in his medi cine - ho knows when he takes it for certain ailments ho gets relief. Peo ple who take Dr. King's New Discov ery for an irritating cold are optim ists-i hey know this cough remedy will penetrate tho linings of the throat, kill the germs, and open tho way for nature to act You can's de stroy a cold hy superficial treatment von must go to the cause ol' the trouble. Me tin opitinlst. Cet a liol tie of Dr. King's New Discovery to-day. Adv.!!. Emmanuel Church in Oootl Shape. Westminster, Mandi 17.-Special: Emmanuel Baptist church, in West minster, is moving on nicely under tho leadership Of our pastor. Kev. ft. A. Suhcjito. Wo have a fine Sun day school, with 20*1 on tho. roll. Our church is growing in numbers as well as spiritually. This week is being observed as '/eek of prayer by the Ladies' Mis sionary Society, and tho 1th Sunday ; of this mont h (Mandi 28th) will be Missionary Bally Dav, money raised io be given to it'bc I Ionic and foreign . Moa rds. The 'pastor will turn over his full hour to the Sunday school on this oe When Anyboc He Is Genera To Tell His fl Thc willingness of on< bor in a private way of t explains thc popularity ? vcrtising that has been t fl Thc fear of thc publi majority of such people used in thc newspaper, ceiving fine testimonials A M Elli A-Mrs. P. A. Do Wit fWklTIIH peruna to tie the run-down condition O? thc SPRING COLDST Coughed. Could not sleep. Poru?a, I am a well wornt f* AT AR DU-Mrs. Sadie Allei UAIftnnn ?."tirely cured ol thankful for your good ad SPRING TONIC V , , nets as a tonic. I consld?j chest." fl How did they hear of fl Simply hecausc one n another otic he has foun tion of grateful patients advertising. Much mor The " Ills of 1 The Peruna Co per - Carbons lands in Typewriter Papers ather Weight-any size, any per always in stock. Standard Typewriter Ribbon >ns 75c. Fresh Ribbons for all idled Promptly. nd that looks right and t, in Style, Workmanship, i and Price Write or call. COURIER, LA, S. C. Neuralgia Thoro ia no need to Huffer tho annoying, excruciating pain of neuralgin; Sloan's Liniment laid on gently will soothe tho aching head like magic. Don't ? ?lay. Try it at once. Hear What Others Say "I have been a Bufferer with Neuralgia for several years and havo tried different Liniments, but Sloan's Liniment is tba best Liniment for Neuralgin on earth. I have tried it Mi<-ee