* ??. *?? ?j. .j* * -I* * * * j& NEW C * NORMAN'S DFY GOODS . * Pretty line Lawns, Lil * Piques, Dimity, Ginghams, * dm bries, Suitings, Shoes, * Notions, Millinery. .g. New /ot Crockery, GLi . all Goods at lowest prices. * One lot WINE CARI * F. E. HARRIS* .fr? 'h *I* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? 4? 4* 4* 4* j o??-f"fr .j-fr^M"!* .??|?i|??|?>??i* 4*4*4' I LOCAL AND I ?H USO NAL. .? ? T T T T TTTTT *T , MfM^j. ????..?.?H. *.K~H Two ? ails pi?' poaches for I .*.<'. C. W. & J. E. Him knight. Adv. .lohn M. l^edfi rd, of Central. speiM. (ho latter part of last week III Walhalla among his many friends. He is holding an ovciseer's position with the Central MI I.s. Ho ls al ways a welcome visi.or In Walhalla, whore he resided with his family for a 1111 mher of years. All the nice things that you can Hud in the city milliner*jj establish ment yon will lind right here nt home in our store. I >iggs-l I ll tc ll Iso ll Co., Walhalla. Adv. News ol' the death of Dr. .lohn C. Carman, wh: h occurred al Spar tan buri; last Saturday, will be learn ed with deep regret b> man> in Oco neo. Dr. Cannan was a great Sun day school worker. lt was antici pated that he would bold the promi nent place In Hie proceedings of tho recent 111 terdeno mi notional Sunday School Association meeting at Wal halla, but he was taken suddenly ill. his illness preventing his attendance upon the meeting hero. It was not known, however, until a few days ago that his illness was of a critical na ture. 11 is services were such that he will bo sorely missed from t'he ranks of Sunday school workers In South Carolina and other States in which he had been engaged, and in each o? which the felt a |>ersonal interest. T. E. Alexander, Walhalla, has a few cheap mules and horses to sell on easy terms. Also a one-horse farm to rent.-Adv. 1 1. -There are numerous friends of Prof. H. W. Moore, in charge of C department of animal husbandry at thc South Carolina Industrial School at Florence, who will he pleased to learn that his work at that. Institu tion has proved successful to a marked degree so much so that it has attracted attention in other parts of Ph?? count ry. Prof. Moore has ac cepted a post with a college at Mon roe. Ha., where lie ? ill take charge in tho near future. Prof Moore is a son of C A. Moore, of tho Oak way section, and his wife is a Spartan burg girl, a graduate ol' Limestone College at Ca ff ii ey. Her maiden name was .lohn.-. We join with many other friends of Prof. and Mrs. Moore in wishing them every success, prosperity and happiness in tho home of I h< ir adopt ion. The Westminster Oil Mill will gin cotton on Tuesdays and Fridays Of each week. Adv. 1 1 . The Oconee county jail is de serted by all .save Sheriff .lohn W. Davis and family. With the closing of the work of the recent session of Criminal Court all the prisoners were disposed of. some going to the county works for varying periods, some being released from custody to follow their own sw ?-et w ills, while others were released on bonds for their appearance at future terms of the Court. This is the second linne during Sheriff Mavis's tenure of of fice that the county jail has been empty. Tho other time this condi tion prevailed only over-night, when new prisoners were brought In. For five days now there has been "nobody home" at the county Jail, and Sheriff Davis looks greatly pleased with the condition of things. For Kent R-room house, near Coin- House and depot. Apply to !. W. Davis. Walhalla. Adv. tf. Friday. March fith, was a dark ami gloomy day, bul the members of 1 he Paul llnyne Circle lost all sense of gloom after me?.ling with .Mi's. .I. W. Hi l!. l|, r spacious rooms were bright, with golden daffodils, sug gesting sunshine, ?md the members could bul feel thal sprin- is wailing inst round Hie corner. T;". program for the afternoon centered the atten tion on Brazil and ii., boundless natu ral resources: 'The Mighty Ama zon," .Mrs. Horndoii; "Brazilian For ests," Mrs. Hot lick; "Sons (,f |,nc Forests." After which the Circle we? carried from the new world to tho old as Miss Irene Strother and William Bell sang "lt's a Long Way to Tipperary." Tho clever hostess then entertained her guests with an original contest about I rees and rivers, suggested by the afternoon's program. Mrs. w. L. w.r bore off the first prize, "made from Bra zilian rubber trees to'bold the wann ?OODS* * *?* * IIVED vYrr AND MILLINERY STORE. * lens, Ratine, Voiles, Crepe, * Percales, Prints, Chiffon, * Hats, Underwear, Clothing, * ? iss, Enamel and Tinware- ?j. XJIto ?o at 85 cents. ^ DN, MANAGER. * 4? *h "V *i* *l* *i* .b 4* waters ul thc Amazon," a faee rub ber bottle, dainty tn a handsome ease of yellow and white. Miss Gertrude Slllltlh drew .second prize, a laney wooden trinket ease, and Mrs. J. R. Anderson was |i resell ted with white and yellow shoe-trees. The unusu ally tempting salad course ?erred by the hostess, assisted hy die Misses Strother, carried out in every par ticular the beautiful color scheme of white and gold. Music, given by Mesdames Si ff O rd and Ansel, Miss Irene Strother and William Bell, added greatly to the pleasure of the afternoon. Visitors were Miss Lord, Mrs. Sifford, and Mrs. .1 lt Anderson, of Anderson, a former member of t he Mayne Olivie. !,<>st Pocketbook and contents. Finder please leave at this ellice and get reward. Adv. Mrs. Harry R. Hughs entertain ed most delightfully, on Thursday of last week, in honor of her aunt. Miss Williams, the occasion being tho eel ebralion of her 7 t li birthday. An hour was pleasantly spent) in conver sation and the solving of a little con test, at which Mrs. S. K. Dendy was the fortunate winner of a bottle of perfume. The ladies were Iben in vited into tho dining room, where a beautiful table was set. having for a centerpiece seventy-five lighted can illes and at each place a dainty little bouquet of violets. A delicious hot su Plier was served, followed by cakes and cream. Mrs. Hughs's guests In cluded, besides the honoree, Mes dames S. A. Lockwood, C. G. Strong, Dendy, S. C. Henry, Ida Darby, J. L. Stokes and M. T. Hughs. After sn p|icr the hostess charmed her guests with a delightful rendition of many quaint old melodies. The ladies then departed, af tor expres sions of a charming afternoon and many good wishes for tho honoree. We study to please. Homo and bo pleased. DlggS-Hutchlson Millin ery Co., Walhalla. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. \. H. Fant have again set up housekeeping. They aro occupying rooms in the Craig-Verner building, on Main street. Frank ('ross has been confined to ins hollie for several days, suffer ing wit ll grip. lb- i? reported con siderably bet ter to-da >. Cotton is not the only "money crop." Dring me your coin, hay, fodder, etc., and gel spot cash for it. W. M. Brown, Walhalla. Adv. Mrs. J. lt. Anderson, ol Ander son, .-pent a short while in Walhalla las) week among her many friends. She was a guest al the home ol Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moss. Miss Daisy Strong left last Mon day for Columbia, where sh?- will spend a short while among friends. During her stay in i he Capital City slie will consul; a specialist willi ro I gard to ti t liront t rouble. Seed oats Red rust proof, Burt or 90-duy and Black. C. W. & J. E. Bauknlglit. Adv. The many friends of Mrs. .lohn I). Perry will regret lo learn that she has been a sufferer from an attack of grip during the past few days. lt is hoped that she will bo out again soon. (?uss Sullivan, who resides in tile Rocky Knoll section, left this morn ing for Greenville, where he will be engaged in tho lumber and shingle business. His many friends wish him success. Poultry wire, best grade, lf?0 feel to roll, galvanized, $1.96 for the 4-fool width ?ind -_'.|."? for tho 5-foot. 'Maynes cuts ibo ? rice and solis Hus goods." Adv. l'a ti I Fredericks has boen quite ill for several da s, suffering from a severe attack nf grip, by reason of whh h he has '..-..n unable to continue his diitie- conductor on the Blue Ridge road. Mr. and Mrs. Fredericks are now keeping house in Walhalla, i'iiey ?ire occupying the Norman cot tage on Mauldin street. Conductor I.uni!.in is .i.ining in Mr. Freder icka's pince luring his enforced ab sence from duty. Two young cows, one older cow. all willi young calves, for salo at .1. P. Striblin ; .- . Richland. S. C. Ad. I 0 Married, on Sunday afternoon, Mareil ?th, a1 li o'clock, tit tho home of X. I?. Whitton. Of Salem. Miss Myr tle Rebecca Moss and Floyd Watkins Whitten. The groom is a son of J. B. Whittell, of Pendleton He is a prosperous young farmer 01 this county, having received his training at clemson College. The bride is the fourth (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Moss, of Salem. As Miss Moss she was most) popular with tho younger social set. Tho groom is to be congratulated upon winning tho heart mid hand of so charming and a fonipllshed n young lady. Attora i few dava h-ieiii at tho homo of tho groom's l'allu r and anion;', other rel atives |n Anderson, city and county, they will lie at home to their many friends at Salem. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. A, Whitten. -Tho host In millinery always at the DlKKS-Hutehison Co.-Adv. tf. Horn, unto Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Ansel, March 7'th, a son. Dessert poaches, worth 25 cents, for 15c. C. \V. & J. E. Bauknlght. ad. Dr. S. G. Bruce, Of Anderson, was in Walhalla for a short while yesterday among friends. Girls wanted at the Hot rick Hosiery Mills. Apply at once.-Adv. We are requested to announce that there will be no services next Sunday al St. John's Bpfescopal church, as was announced at the last service. Instead of th?? afternoon service on the second Sunday, the next service will bo held at nigh) on the third Sunday at S o'clock. All members are urged to bear Uhis in mind, and the public will bo most cordially welcomed at tho church on tho '? 1st instant. -New goods arriving daily. They possess beauty and ( harm in style and quality, and one ot' tho peculiar!) at tractive features is tho very low prices that obtain at our store. Call and see. Diggs-Hutchison Co.. mll 11 n ers, W a 1 ha lia.-Adv. -One of tho biggest hawk stories that we have hoard recently conics to us from tho Now Hope section of tho county. Some ten days ago D. M. Owens, who lives on tho farm of lt. L. Hoggs, noticed that some of his chick ens were missing every nowt and then. Ile began a careful wntrth. and il was not long until ho found tho cause, which was discovered when he sighted two large hawks tearing to pieces one of his fowls, when they had finished their .meal ho baited and set a steel trap right where they had dined. Ile watched again from a concealed position, and some hours la:er, alter seeing tho birds descend to t ho same place, visited his trap to lind that ho had caught Mr. Hawk. He was dispatched, the nat) again baited and sot. On the follow ing day he visited the spot and was rejoiced to lind that Mrs. Hawk had followed in the footsteps of her hus band." walking right into the trap sot for her. One of the birds meas ured I feet '* inches and the other 4 fe? : from tip to tip of wings. Mrs. W. M. Drown & Co. will have their millinery opening March 10th and 20th They want all their friends lo call and see their line not only bats, but ladies' and chil dren's ready t.-wears. De sure and see them before you buy.-Adv. ll. -Nows comes to us of the death of Mrs. Mead Martin, which occurred suddenly at her home in the Return section last Thursday morning aftei a brief illness, death being due to an attack of heart failure. During Wednesday Mrs. Martin had com plained of not feeling well, but vas not thought to bo seriously ill. About 10 o'clock Thursday morning slit breathed her last. Mrs. Martin leaves her husband and one child two sisters and three brothers tc mourn her death. The sisters .nd brothel's are Mrs. B. C. Sanders. Mrs lt. QriJtlitot, Mack and Joe Sanders, ol HreewVllle, and Hester Sanders ol Newry. Mrs. Martin had been twice married, her first husband bein J Willis White. lier maiden nanu was Miss A rm i ii cia Sanders, she belli?, a daughter of the late "Uncle lohn nie" Randers, well known lo many lt Oconee. On September L'Trh last she was married to Mead Martin. Tin deceased is survived by ono child hi her first marriage. The sympathy o' many friends goes out to the be rea ved enes in their hour of sorrow The interment took place at lleturi cemet cry. The times say "economize." Tin echo answers. ".Trade with Jay HOS.' 'Maynes cuts the price and sells th? goods."-Adv. The Courier learns to-day ol'th? death of Mason Duncan, an aged citi zen of Oconee. which occurred al hi: hom?; near Westminster some tim? during yesterday or Monday. Wi were unable to learn the exact tim? of his death. Mr. Duncan was alum SO years of age. and was well knOWl in all parts of Oconee, having boon ? native of this county, being born an? raised on Oconee Creek. His deatl was due to paralysis, he having re cent!y suffered a second stroke o that disease. Mr. Duncan w as a Con federate veteran, having serve* throughout the uar. Ile volunteer ed for service from Oconee. but en tered the Cern?an Artillery of Char teston. ile was a good citizen honest and upright in all his deal Inga, a true man In every sense o the word. Ile was a member of tfo Presbyterian church, having fo years hold his ur? >? ht rship at i'et'h? i huron, In which he had long been a elder. He is survived by severn sons and daughters. There are man friends of the deceased and his fair Hy who will learn with deep rogrc of his passing away. Funeral set vices will bo held af Wostminste to-day at 2 o'clock, followed by ir torment. The services will bo coi din ted by his pastor, Rev. G. M. Wi cox, of Walhalla, assisted by his foi mer pastor. Dr. .lohn G. Haw. of Wa halla, and Rev. II. A. Whitten of th Methodist church, of West Cnion. Corn, hay and fodder ns good fi money, Hiing yours and "swap" lo me for hard cash. W. M. BroWl Walhalla.-Adv. lt is with deep regret that w li ron ide the death of Mrs. Nanc \ . i ri Hu'!:, which occurred itt th home of her father, the late Maje [/CO ll ard Rogers, in the Salem se< ion last Friday morning. Mrs. Hus iad been in declining health for som imo. and recently, before tho doat >l her father, wont to his horne t ?vail on him In his last days. Duiin (IK- past few years Mrs. Dusk ha nade her home alternately with h< rather in the Salem set ?don and wit lu i sisters in other parts of th?; ( inn ly. The deceased was 05 years < ige on tho 1 Ith of Ootolier last. SI liad been a widow for many y<-ar lim son survives her. Frank R. Dasi >;' Atlanta, who came over, reach in Ibo Rogers homo a short while bofoi lis mother died. She is ,ils<> survive l)> a daughter, Mrs. Kati- McMahai >f tue N?>w Hope set Hon. Mrs. Hus s also survived by two sisters, Mr Daniel D. Alexander, of Little River, and Mrs. Bower?, of Picken? county. One brother, Will J. Rogers, of Ev ansville, Ind., also survives. Mr. Rog ers was unable to be Mere on this sad occasion, ho having been forced to return to his home alter the ?leath of his father i few ?lays previous. Mrs. Dusk was a splendid woman, a devout Christ ian and an earnest Church worker. 'l here tire hosts of mends of the faintly who will join with The Courier in extending to the bereaved oms sincere sympathy in their sorrow Funeral services were held Saturday, thc interment taking place at Whitmire's cemetery at 3.30 o'clock. _T. E. Alexander sells Rock Hill buggies. Walhalla. S. C. adv.-tf. lyon ten services at the Lutheran church Thursday evening at S o'clock. The public is cordially invited. The Methodist Guild will meet with Misses Myrtle and Ruth Drown Thursday (to-morrow) afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Quite a bit of hail fell in ^'ai halla last Friday morning, though the hail was much heavier ont in the country south and west of town. - Mrs. Ceo. L. Wilson, after spend ing ?i month in Florida with her hus band, visiting at various points, has returned to Walhalla. Mrs. Wilson was delighted with the "Land of Flowers." - Spot cash for your corn, hay and fodder. See W. M. Drown, Wal halla.- Adv. Miss Alice Smith and Mrs. Lon lloleman, of Town ville, were appre ciated visitors ai The Courier office last Wednesday. We are always glad to welcome the l idies of Oconee at The Courier office. -The members of St. .John's Lu theran church ?ire urged to be pres ent next Sunday morning. Import ant! You are cordially invited to come ir. lime to \i?dt the Sunday school at '.i. I ."> o'clock. -Thos. T. Fowler, of Ingold. N. C., was a visitor among relatives and friends in Walhalla last week. "Tom" says he likes Xor! h Carolina mighty well, and that he is gettting along nicely in his new home. -Married, on Sunday afternoon, March 7th. by Rev. T. C. Ligon, at his home near Townville, Miss Vivian Land and Alvan Glenn, both residing between Townville and Fair "lay. We wish for the young couple every joy and happiness through a long life. - Loans on farm lands Terms easy. Address R. T. Jaynes, Wal halla. S. C.-Adv. t. f. -On Sunday. February 28th, Mrs. Win?eld Hatldwin died suddenly at. her home on the farm of E. M. Keese near South Union. Heart failure was the cause of death. She was stricken while sitting in her home nursing her baby, death being almost Instanta neous, She and her husband moved from Georgia to Mr. Keoso's farm about Christmas of last year. The deceased leaves her husband and one child. Mrs. H.lld win was about 20 years of age. The lilth number of the lyceum course will appear at the auditorium on Monday, March lath. This com pany, "The Alkahest Favorites." is one of the best sent out by the bu reau, and is composed of three young ladies, each an artist in her line. Miss Cora Cawthorn, reader, of Mo-' bile. Ala., heads the company. She is al>ly assisted by Miss Hailey, vio linist, and Miss Beatty, soprano. The program will consist of violin .and soprano solos, readings, sketc hes and monologues. Tho prices for admis sion are: Adults, ila cents; children, 2"> cents. l'p goes the smoke over the bat tlefield ! Down go the pri?es at Jaynes's. "Jaynes cuts the price and sells tho goods."-Adv. Last Thursday night the store of C. II. C'hastain was entered from the side door on Tugaloo street. 'This door is barred from within with a medium heavy pie-e of wood slipped into iron fastenings on either side. The bar is about half-way between the bottom and top, and leaves the lower half easily movable. Hy means of a Stick used as a pry, I lu; door was forced open from the bottom. No money had been left in th<> store over night, and, so far as Mr. Chastain has been able to discover, nothing was stolen from his stock. The entry into the building was made almost directly under tho rays of a 60-watt light, which hangs almost within reach of the door. -Last Tuesday afternoon ;, most happy occasion for Hie smaller chil dren of Walhalla was a surprise birthday party which Mrs. E. u. Lu cas complimented Eleanor on her seventh birthday. Promptly .it j the little band assembled, carrying dainty gifts for Hie favored one, after which many happy games were indulged in. Not too soon, how ever, did tho hour come for them lo be invited into the dining room, where the table, most attractive to their eye, candles burning on a large cake, places adorned with dainty bas kets filled with mints, accompanied with tibe over cherished sweets so dear to Hm child's heart, were en joyed. After two hours of much merriment each one left with a good The Kind You the Roads (A Studebaker is Ah Studeb^Ker hub refined Iron perfec bands are welded 1 by hydraultc pressure. There fa not the slightest weakening" from visage or froi or climate severe enough to Wagons Every part-Iron or wood as the hub and bonding. Tha matin, and last lunger. f Come in and see the Stu. C. W. PITCHFORD Gene wish to Eleanor, carrying in their memories a mosit 'happy afternoon. Those invited were: Kinma Dendy, Caroline Darby, Ruth I iel rick, .Marie Pitchford. Lillian Pitchford. Lillian Pant, Marguerite Craig, Carrie D. j Harrison and Meta Norman. !J -The Courier is in receipt of the ! following invitation: "1915.-The I Graduating (Mass of The Baker Sana- i toriuni most cordially invite you to 1 the First Annual Commencement i Wednesday, March tenth, at eight o'clock p m., Preuadsohaftsbund ! Hall, Charleston, South Carolina." I We are pleased to note that among ' the list of 18 graduates there appears * tlhe name of Miss Sophie M. Puck- i haber. Sile is well known to the 1 people Of Wal lia lia, as she spent her i young girlhood here. She is a daugh- 1 ter of Mrs. Lena ' kimber, of Char- < lesion, and granddaughter of Mr. I and Mrs. H. L. Brandit, of Walhalla. | Miss Puck haber has many friends < here, with wlhom Tho Courier joins in extending congratulations on her attainments and all good wishes for ; a bright and useful career. Amoilla Class, i'.a pt i-i s. School. . The Amoilla Sunday school class of the Baptist church meit in business session at the church on Friday even ing last for the election of officers for the ensuing year. The following of- 1 fleers were elected, to wit: Charles Hetrick, Jr., president: Olive Hunt, vice president; Glady; Burley, score- 1 tary and treasurer; Linnie Cudd, corresponding secretary Chairmen of committees wore elected as fol lows: Julia Duncan, membership committee; Maggie Ray Burley, re ception committee; Fannie Mu Ikey, entertainment committee; Fred Fow ler, devotional convinltteo, and Lola Kelley, visiting connniitteo. An invitation was extended the class to attend a reception at the homo of tho teacher on next Friday evening, which was accepted. Linnie Cudd, Cor. Soc. Lynched for Stealing Hogs. i Clarendon, Ark., Mareil 1. Jeff Manse] and H. M. Candy, while fish ermen, accused of stealing hogs, were taken from officers and shot to death by a mob near Clarendon, according to reports made lo tho sheriff here to-day. The men were arrested at their hoinea In a remote section, and wore hoing falcon in n boat through a nar row bayou to jail when t'ho mob, par tially hidden behind bustles on the bank of the stream, ordered (hat tho prisoners ho landon. Tho men wore heavily armed, the officers declare, and tho command was complied with. Later the bodice of tho fishermen, riddled with bullets, were found hy ' a searching party, Efforts to-night to secure informa- ' Hon as to the identity of members of tho mob wore unsuccessful. I The Ra ile. y Military Institute of Greenwood has received 20,000 rounds of ammunition from tho Uni- < led States War Depart mont. Tho : ammunition will be used by tho ca- 1 dels In target practice during the ?pring, i Need When Are Bad. vays Ready to Go.) MWCb ose ^BroKcrv 1ub Bar\ds wheels bands euro mad? ci a specially lly adapted for this use. Hub by electricity and then shrunk on ; possibility of Studebaker hubs TX weather conditions. No strain, injure 'hom. Sar vT* .ls made tn the same careful way t's why Studebaker wagons ron debaKer. ral Merchandise Walhalla MAY H AVE BEEN MURDERED. Lynchburg Officers D?> Not Relieve Kyfan Killed Mimself. Abbeville. March 7.--Tho body of \. H. Syfan, who was killed lu Lynch burg. Va.. Friday, was brought here For burial Tho funeral took place rom the residence of M. C. Syfan. a brother of the oeoeased, this after noon. It was al first reported that Mr. Syfan had committed suicide by {hooting himself through the bea, jvfth a pistol1, but police Investigation.' me ms to have established serious loubts as ;lo this. It is reported liere this evening that Mr. Syfan was nurdered, and thail a party In Lynch >urg has been arrested in connection Arith the alleged crime. It is said hat a watch of Mr. Syfan's was ?awned, and that following up this line the police made tho arrest. Abbeville was Mr. Syfan's hom< rom boyhood. Ile had many friends ind relatives in this section. He was i locomotive engineer and had boen ml of work for some time. He had icen in Lynchburg only a short time. Notice to Public. On account of my absence uhe l'on rt. of Probate will be closed from Monday. Mareto! '"..ai, iv, Friday, March 19th, 1915, inclusive. Tho illico will be open, to those wishing to examine the records, fran 9.30 a. m. until 12.30 p. m., each day. P. V. .Martin. Judge of Probate. Single Comb White Leghorn and Plymouth Hock Eggs for setting. Price, 50c. sotting or 13. J. H. HARNETT, Westminster, S. C., R. P. I). No. 4. 1 1 * WANTED-A white nurse, Ger man preferred; comfortable homo to the right party. Apply, stating ago and references, to MKS. H. L. ERC KM A NN, No. r>:*. Ashley Ave., [marleston, S. C. 1 0 SPECIAL OFFER-To patlonta coming from Oconee County to our Greenville office for eye work: As we are members of Chamber of Com merce, WC refund railroad fares. A. A. ODOM, Consulting Optometrist Optician; President The Globe Opti cal Co., Masonic Temple, (?reenville, S. C. 9-tf. FOR SALE! FRESH CORN MEAL, water mound, of country corn; delivered anywhere In town at 25c. peck, '$1 per bushel. Phono fifi. NICE, BRIGHT PEAVINE ANO DANE HAY for arie-$1.00 per 100 pounds. IF YOU PLANT ANY COTTON, plant the best. I can spare f>0 bush sis of Triumph Dig Poll Seed at ?1.00 per bushel. The earliest Cot Ion i bat grows. GEORGE A. HARRISON, Walhalla, H. c.