Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 06, 1915, Image 8

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To all our customer; * , wishes for a Happy and Pr< .j. Thanking: you for > .b and hope to have you conti * will do our best to please y . interest. Very Resp G. A. Norman * * * * * * -I* * * * ?I* * r* ****** ****** **4 LOCAL ANO PERSONAL. ?jL.T..J. .J. .?"T..?..?..?. ?T.LJ..J.?J. ,T".'.,|. -T. E. Alexander gells Rock HU] buggies. Walhalla, S. C. udv.-tf. Duke Kuller, ol Marietta, tia., spent several days last week in Wal halla visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Wit ch ford. -The Mayne Circle will meet with Miss Daisy Strong next Friday after noon at t he usual hour. Members ate urged to attend promptly. - Highest prices paid for chick ens and eggs. W. A. Peehuff, at Walhalla Cotton Mill. adv. -The Ladies' Aid Society of the Walhalla Methodist church will meet with Mrs. 1). A. Smith on Thursday tto-morrow) afternoon. January 7, at :i o'clock. -Wo are requested to announce that then? will bo preaching at Pleas ant Ridge Baptist church next Sat urday morning at ll o'clock. All members aro urgently requested to attend promptly. -Wanted-Reef cattle and hogs, also bides. Highest prices. A. L. Ellison, Walhalla.--Adv. t. f. -Mrs. R. A. I'. Dean, of Avalon. (Ja., was a visitor last week to friends in Walhalla and other parts of the county, who were glad to meet her again. She was accompanied by Miss Ruth McRath, of Avalon. -Louis I\ Sloan, of Charleston, is spending some time in Walhalla visiting at the home of Mrs. .lames Seaborn and among other relatives. He has numerous friends here who are always pleased to soe bim. ?Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Seaborn will in Hie near future mme into Hie Vei ner cottage on College street, south of the depot. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn, who now occupy Hiis cottage, will tako rooms with Mrs. Fahnestock on Mauldin street. - Wanted-Regular boarders. Ap ply at Walhalla Hotel for rates and particulars. Hood service; hotel ren ovated.- Adv. -"Walhalla misses Hie bright 'aces of the numerous college girls, who have returned to their respective col leges after spending a pleasant holi day heie. We wish for each one i full measure of success during Hie re mainder of tlie school Mrs. George W. Dyar and chil dren, of Johnston, S. C. spent tho Christinas and New Year holidays with tho former's mother, Mrs. W. C. Owens, near tow n They have num erous friends who were delighted to meet them again. Thej returned to their home yesterday. Rev. N. C. Ballenger will preach at Fairview church on the first Sun day in each month at 3 30 p. m. and on the third Sunday at 1 I a. m. Rev. 1. K. Wallace will preach at. the same place on the fou rt li Sunday of each month at 3.30 p. m. All interested are urged to bear these facts in mind. if you need an\ kind of rough lumber call on "The Old Hustler," West 1 ' ti ion or Tamassee. Ready to lill any order from 100 to 100,000 feet. You gel what you want. .1. c. Shockley.- Adv. l ? ? Dr. and Mrs. .1. Ti. Stokes and daughter, Mrs. U. .1 Sifford, have re turned from a I wo weeks' visit at different places. They bad a de lightful time, spending Christmas at Walterhoro with Mrs. Lcmncks, a Sister of Dr. Stokes, where their son, Rev. Marion fi. Stokes, and family were visiting also. Dr. Stokes w;is in bis pulpit at the Methodist church last Sunday morning, preaching a splendid New Year sermon to a large congregation. A marriage thal will prove of in terest lo innnj in Oconee was solemn ized at Commerce, Ca., on Tuesday of last week, December 2f?th, when Miss Maj McDonald, of Commerce, and Henry L. Vernor, of the Retreat, section of Oconee, were joined in wed lock. Tho ceremony was performed at tho home of the bride's parents by Rev. Du Bose, a Presbyterian minister of Jefferson. Ca. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Mc Donald, of Jackson county, Georgia. Mr. Vernor i.- well known to the peo plo of Oconee as one of the most pro presslvo farmers of this section of the state. We congratulate him on his good fortune in winning the In-art and hand of his charming bride, and to the young couple WC join with a wide circle of other friends in extend ing every good wish, .i-f* ?I? ?I? ?I? ?I? ?I? ?J. ?j. ^ ^. s, wc wish to extend best * Dspcrous New Year. rour patronage in thc past nuc to trade with us, Wc 4. on and make it to your * >cctfully, * id F. E. Harrison. * .I? ?J. ?J? Sf ?J? ?J* .J. .J. .J. .J, .J, When Starting a New Business Year bo Biire you start right, especially in j tin' selection of a l?ank: you will I bave no regrets on that score if you become a depositor in the Hank of Walhalla. We uso every endeavor to treat our friends with every de utet! of fairness, and tho many years that we have enjoyed the confidence of thc leading business men of our town is a guarantee of our interests and commercial solidity. Bank of Walhalla, WALHALLA, S. C. Spot cash for your corn, hay and fodder. See W. M. Brown, Wal halla.- Adv. Horn, unto Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Schroder, December 80th, a daugh ter. -C. I. .Nicholson, ol Montvale. N. C.. is spending a few days in Wal halla among relatives and friends. Mr. Nicholson cune specially at this time to see his sister. Miss Kssie Nicholson, who is quite ill at her home here. Wo hope that she may soon be restored to health. Com, hay and fodder ;is good as money. Bring yours and "swap" it to nie for hard cash. W. M. Drown. Walhalla. Adv. Married, bj Kev. c. R. Aber crombie, al Iiis home in I lie Salem section, on Saturday, .lannary 2d, at fi o'clock ?II the evening, Mi-s Rstelle A herc rom hie, of th> fall Creek sec tion, and frank Alexander, of thc stamp Crook section. Tho young couple have tho best wight's of num erous friends. Klaren Kilter's niau;, friends are glad lo welcome him bark to Wal halla after an absence of several months spent at Pendleton, Mr. Kit tel- has resumed his nhl position ai tho Blue Ridge depot "Dutch" bears strong testimony to the truth of the old saying, "There's .io place like home." One. of the many happy occasions of the Christmas season was the cele bration, on Christmas day, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Hughs, near town, of the 37th anniversary of their marriage. There was a goodly assembly of the Immediate family and a few intimate friends, and the occasion was a most joyous one. The Courier extends to Mr. and Mrs. Hughs its best wishes for their continued happiness and prosperity and many opportunities to celebrate returning anni ve IN aries. -Cotton is not the only "money crop." Bring me your com, hay. Kidder, etc., ami uer spot cash for it. W. M. Brown. Walhalla.-Adv. Mien Cam', af ?-lodges, Green wood county, was a visitor to Wal halla Monday, having come up to at tend to mal ter.s of business He is looking remarkably well, and he and his arti enjoying prosperity m the home of their adoption. Mr. Gantt is in charge ol the power station of tho Southern Power Company, near Hodges. !!'. also has two sons that are well up in the management of affairs for thal company. One is located at Greenville and the other at Spartanburg. Mr. Gantt was greeted by friends In Walhalla Mrs. Mary L Corley died at the home Of her nephews and niece, the Messrs. Hutchison and Miss Sue Hutchison, In West Union, last Thurs day morning at ."> o'clock, after an illness of some two months, the im mediate cause of her death being an attack- of pneumonia. Mrs. Corley had been a sufferer, however, for sev eral years, having some years) ago been stricken with partial paralysis, from which she never fully recovered, though able tt? be up and in '.ile home until the recent attack of pneumonia. Mis. Corley had lived at the Hutchi Hon home for the past two or three, years, her niece and nephews giving her that gentle care and attention that might be ex|>ected by a mother. Her husband, Rev. H. F, Corley, a Baptist minister, died a number ol years ago, he being a much beloved pastoi and well known throughout tile Stale. Mrs. Corley was before marriage a Miss Morris, being a na tive ot' Fairfield county, this State. She was a consistent member of the Baptist church and a devout Chris tian, living daily in accordance with lier professions. Besides her niece and nephews, Mrs. Corley is survived l>v only one other near relativ??, a sister, Mrs. s. c. Ly les, ot' Wlunsboro. To the bereaved ones The Courier joins with other friends of the family in extending sincere sympathy in their hour ol' sorrow. Funeral ser vices were held on Friday last at li.?50 o'clock, the interment taking place ai the Walhalla Baptist ceme tery, where the service's were con ducted by Rev. L. D. Mitchell. CLEANSES VOI R HAIB, MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL. It Becomes Thick, Wavy, Lustrous and All Dandruff Disappears Hair Stops Coining Out. Surely try a 'Danderine Hair Cleanse" ii you wish to Immediately double the beauty ol' your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil- in a few m.mites you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, duffy and abund ant and possess an Incomparable snit ness, lustre and luxuriance. Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissolves I every particle ot" dandruff ; Invigo rates the scalp, stopping itching and falling hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. lt goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous bair, and lots of it, if you will just gel a '25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any ? drug store or toilet counter and try I it. as directed. Adv. Bounty I-und Local News. Bounty Land. Jan. 4.-Special: Miss Agnes Doherty, of California, who has been spending a part of the I Yuletide with ber cousins, Misses j Sallie and Julia Davis, leaves to-day j tor a short visit to relatives near i Seneca before returning to hwr'\ me in Handsford. Miss Doherty is .1 '.Ito an Intelligent and accomplished young lad) and made many friends during her stay in this part of the country, whose good w ishes will fol low her lo her distant home. O. K. (luntharp left Tuesday fora , \ ?sit to relatives in At la uta. Miss Clyde Smith left Saturday to resume her work as teacher in a high school in Orange' urg. .lohn Moroney and sister, Miss Maude, of Salem, were guests Satur day at the home of Ci. B. Guutharp. Misses Ruth Berry, May Hubbard, Lura Perritt and Cary Doyle lyeft to day for Rock Hill to resume their studies at Winthrop College. Rev. Wilburn Abbott, of Coneross. is a guest of Jasper Doyle to-day. Miss Hettie Guutharp spent seve ral days last, week In the Shiloh sec tion with relatives. Hon. and Mrs. John L. Smith hail a family dining on New Year's day. C. M. Byrd and T. C. Cary were guests of 0. H. Doyle Sunday night. These three young men leave to-mor row for the University of South Car olina. The Richland young people had a surprise party af. the home of Mr. and '1rs. Jasper Doyle Friday night. All present seemed to enjoy the occasion to tho fullest extent. O. II. Doyle and sister, Miss Susan, were recent guests at the home of B. ll. Smithson, of Westminster. Misses Sallie and Julia Davis, Agnes Doherty and Dean Davis also spent Thursday night at the Smithson home. .1. B. Shank 1 in. of Anderson, and son Julius, of Belton, were guests In the community during the holidays. A. S. Rollins came up from Char leston Friday and accompanied his family home Sunday. Mrs. J. I!. Pickett is visiting nt Sandy Springs as a guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. M. M ila m. Misse.? Irene and Izelle Stone en tertained several of their friends Thursday at a spend-the-day party. Kev. Mr. Holland, of Easley, was a guest of R. N. Rankin the week end. Burns Gillison distributed among appreciative friends and relatives Quite a number ol' crates of delicious apples from his orchards at Bine Mountain, (la. Marconi to Italian Senate. Koine, Dec. .11. -Guglielmo Mar coni, ol' wireless telegraphy fame, was a pointed a member of the Ital ian Senate to-day by King Victor immanuel. DEATH OF MIIS. M. L. CORLE*. Many Friends to Deplore Her Daw- j lng Away-Other Notes. \.est Union, Deo. 2.-Special: Just alter the last ray of 1914*8 set- . ling mm had finished it? mission and the gorgeous glow had faded away ( Into a steel-cold grey, passing on to brighten a new year, the beautiful 1 spirit of Mrs. Maty L. Cor ley, the j aunt of Miss Sue and tin? Hutchi son brothers, passed out not into a new year, as the sun, but into a new ! and beautiful home where her Sav lour awaited lier. She will he sadly missed here" by her loved ones, who tenderly cared for her needs; but should she waft back messages from Heaven to those who are now griev- ' ing for her, she would simd the Mas- . tor's words: "Come unto me, all ye 1 who labor and aro heavy-laden, and . I will give you rest." C. I>. Wilson, our depot agent, who has been away for treatment, is now at 'nome with his family, feeling much improved. Mrs. O. C. Lyles visited her par ents at Liberty last week. Mrs. Marvin Phinney has returned from Baltimore, win re she went for treatment. We are glad to report that she is better. Milledge Hunnicutt visited friends in Greenville last week. The visitors in the home Of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shockley during the holidays were Mr, and Mrs. J. M. M assen gi He and two children, and Mr. Edmonds from Drake. S. C. Misses Ellen and Dora Duncan will resume duties in their school rooms in Westminster Graded School and Clearmont, respectively, on Monday, January 4th. Miss Kate Smith is visiting rela tives at Williamston. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Shanklin were guests at the Neville home during the holidays. During Christmas week Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Duncan entertained in their bom?' Granville L. Wike, of Sapphire. \. C.; Misses Dessie and [tessie Wynne and brother Lamar, of Westminster, and Miss Dora Wie bens. Are we going to live out our New Year resolutions, or are we going to make and then break? Death of James Rochester. (Tugaloo Tribune, ."?th.) lames Rochester, a farmer residing on the Francis Hughes place, near Taber church, died last Tuesday af ternoon from a stroke of paralysis. He was about f>0 year of age, and was highly respe? ted In his vicinity. Ile leaves a widow and ton children to mourn his deal li. Ile w as a mem ber ol' Nazareth Methodist church. Funeral services were conducted by Kev. George Gary-Lee, of Wostmln- i ster, and ites. J. L, Singleton, of Starr, last Wednesday afternoon. Marriage at Fair Play. Married, at tho home of the bride's ' father, at Fair Play, on Sundas, De cember L'Tth. Miss Florence Carnes and Durant Bowen, of Oak ss as , Kev. W. J. Purcell, of Georgia, officiating. The bride is a handsome young lady of her section. Mr. Bowen is a son of W. A. Bowen, a prosperous and highly esteemed farmer of Oakway. Tiley have the. b<>st wishes of many friends. To Revive Knitting MID. J. S. Carter informed us yesterday that he was going to revive the West minster Knitting .Mill soon and would be running night and day. This will furnish employment for several hands. He will want more help than is in sight. * * * Mr. Carter has put in a concrete floor at the shuttle factory building, where he will manu facture picker sticks, coffin boxes, wagon beds, etc., this year. EAT CABBAGE, FISH, SAUSAGE, NEW BREAD. No Indigestion, Ons, Sourness or F|? sci Stomach if You'll Take "Rape's Diapepsin"-Try This! Do some foods you eat hit back - taste good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps and cause, a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now. Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this down: Pepe's Diapepsin digests everything, leasing nothing to sour and upset you. There never ssas anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your sto mach is disordered you will get hap py relief ill five minutes, but what pleases you most ls that it strength ens and regulates your stomach so you can eat your favorite foods with out fear. Most remedies give you relief sometimes they are slow, but not sure "Rape's Diapepsin" is quick, positive and puts your stomach in a healthy condition so Lhe misery won't come Hack. You feel different as soon as "Rape's Diapepsin" conn's in contact with the stomach-distress just van ishes your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching, no eructations of undigested food, your head clears and you feel fine. Co now, make the best investment you ever made, by getting a large fifty-cent case of Rape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes bow needless it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. Ads. m DroKcrx Hub Barxds on wheels StudebaKer hub bands aro made of a specially refined iron perfectly adopted for thia use. Hub bands are welded by electricity and then shrunK on by hydraulic pressure. There ia not the slightest possibility of StudebaKer hubs weakening from usage or from weather conditions. No strain or climate severe enough to Injure 'hem. Wagons Every part-Iron or wood-is made tn the same careful way as the hub and banding. That's why StudebaKer wagons ran ?n?i?> and laut longer. Come in and see the StudebaKer. C. W. PITCHFORD General Merchandise Walhalla WE H AV t EVERY IN ?>; ? CLASPS ? I Q TH I NC YOU WANT YOU GET "DOWN WEIGHT," UP QUALITY AND A FAIR PRICE WHEN YOU BUY HARDWARE FROM US. WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN HARDWARE FROM A CARPET TACK UP. MICE AND RATS DONT LIKE OUR TRAPS. BUT YOU WILL LIKE OUR BUSINESS METHODS. OUR TRAPS HOLD MICE AND RATS AND OUR SQUARE DEAL METHODS WILL HOLD YOUR BUSINESS. MATHESON HARDWARE CO., WESTMINSTER. - - - S. C. $1,200,00? Left to Charity. New York. .Ian. 4 -Miss Crace Headley Dodge, the philanthropist, who died in this city on December 27 last, left moro than $1,200,000 to public and religious institutions, un der her will, Hied to-day for probate. Bequests include $500,000 each to teachers' colleges of Columbia Uni versity, and the national board of the Young Women's Christian Association of the ['tilted States. FOR SALK-New crop Pure Geor gia Cane Syrup at 32c. per gallon, in barrels. W. H. DAVIS, Augusta, Georgia. 42-54 THOROUGHBRED DUROC JER SEY ROAR.-Service at my farm, near Walhalla. See ino for particu lars. W. CHAS. BURNSIDE.-62-1 ? JAMES W. HARRISON, B. S.t .J- Mc bani? al and Klectricnl ?% -j- ENGINEER, ?!? .i? (Superintendent "Walhalla .]* * Lighting Plant,) ?j? .h Electrical and Plumbing 4? ?J- Contractor, ?j .T? Phone No. 13, Walhall?, S. C. ?L 4? All Work Guaranteed Strictly A .fr? First (Mass nnd According to In- A .J* surnnee Huies. A .J? ?J .. J?. J.?J..J?.J..T. .J. AA A A?{? A A A A?4* ESTATE OF MISS PRANCES H. EARLE. .Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has qualified as Executor of tli(! will of Miss Frances II. Karlo, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate will please pre sent the samt!, properly proven, to the undersigned, at Columbia, S. C., or to the undersigned, care of Judge Of Probate for Oconee County, at Walhalla, S. C. And all persons in debted to said estate will please make payment to the undersigned. WM. H. LY LES, ill 2 Palmetto Building, Columbia, -S. C. Dec. ::o, 1011. 52-2 NOTICE TO TEACHERS. The teachers of Oconee county are hereby notified that there will be a special examination held at the Court House in Walhalla on FRIDAY, Jan uary 15, 1015, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. I am not advised as to whe ther the regular May examination ls to he held lu 1015, nnd I would ad vise all teachers whoso certificates will expire, and all those anticipat ing taking the examination In May to take advantage Of the special ex amination in January. Hear the date and time in mind. TH OS. A. SMITH, County Superintendent of Education. Dec. 23, 1914. 51-3