KED WEE COURIER (ESTABLISHED IHII*.) PmbUahed Kvory \V eduosdaj Morning Subscription U?? l*cr Annum. Advertising Halos Reasonable -Hy STECK, 8HELOR AL- SCHRODER. Communications of a persona! char acter charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of re ?] Bpect. of not over ono hundred words, will be printed free of Charge. All over that number must be paid for at the rate of one cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, PROTECT YOUR COI TON, The Courier realizes fully the fact thal often farmers hool al any advice emanating from a printing o Alee ns to methods of growing or earing for ?roes. Yet there are, we think, things pertaining io farming that at times aro not only deserving of com ment hy the newspapers, but also de serving of serious consideration by the farmers. Tor instance; Recently wc have noted numbers of bales of cotton standing around the farm houses un protected from Hie weather, exposed io the sun and rain, tin- staple dete riorating dnj by day. \'.'hv will this expensive practice continue? ls it loo expensive to protect your cotton'.' Why not, when your grain is threshed each year, sack it up and pile the sacks, unprotected, out In the var.'. .' True, Hie deterioration in Ibis ease would amount to total loss, but the principle is the same. I! cotton i> wort li growing it is also worth pro tect in?* alter it bas boen grown, picked, ginned and baled. Bul the farmer does not always seo, and douhtles: never ivalixes, the "ulti inate re elis" of the folly of dumping his cotton bales out in the weather. We commend tho following "com plaint" as worthy of careful reading and consideration, lt is the com plaint of a ma n I act ii t er to his "buyer." and appeared in thc Char leston News and Courier of Saturday: "We are just in receipt of the first 2? bales of cotton, and lind it is in a I very had condition. Il .seems it has been I, fl out in the rain Btaildlug on j one end, and the end on which it stood is nearly rotten. Also the top end. When we went to tho car it looked like a Held ol new cotton, as the . ! had sprouted, and was grow- . ing luxuriantly all over tho top of the bales. We OIK bise you a few sprouts showing you the condition of ! the cotton. Any man who would treat cotton in this way does not de serve the name of a farmer, or plant - , er, and does not deserve any returns ; whatever for bis labor. We believe son.n of the bales have from 2? to 7"> pounds of water in t lient. Such as this is a shame. We are sending you j by parcel post some of the cotton taken off ol' the ends. The staple seems to lie all right, mid we feel : that il would be satisfactory if it was | liol rotten. We will not uso it, hut put it in our warehouse to dry out. We lii-'imc a large portion of it will ? rot before it doe.. Irv. hors of it is tl I rea (Iv reten, as sou will see from Hie samples, and we cannot uso i. in this condition. We have not { seen i orton shipped in such a condi tion h oie. us hear from you in re.-.i rd : o t his." Ot" course, all this is absolutely none of our business. We neither' grow < ot ion nor manufacture it after it is grown. Bul it does seem that I the Sollt ?i's chlo; produi t should lie given helier care aller it is grown. Too expensive io shelter if? The truth of the matter is timi Its neglect i is one of the great drains on the South s resources. Colton is neglect ed by ".ll per cou I ol' the '.'.rowers even | ?ri the seed ls put into th : rou nd. The neglect begins with tho preparation of t he soil, and it ends I when the llnished hales are dumped I ont into the yards, unprotected, and forced lo take whatsoever the ele ments have In store for them. Shelter > ou r col lon. EVER SALIVATED HY CA M ?I EL ? HORRIBLE : Calomel is Ooicksilvcr and Acts Dike Uv iiamite on \ our Liver. Calomel lo < s >ou li da ! Von know w hal calomel is. lt < mer cury; qui ksllver. Calomel n dan gerous. lt crashes imo mu ? bile like dynamite, cramping and sicken ing von. ('alonul attacks the Iones and should never be pul into vour system. When von feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and ail knocked ont iud believe you need a do o ot danger ous calomel just remember tba! your druggist sells tor 'm cents a larve bottle o'' Dodson's Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleas mit '<> take and i- a perfect substi tute for calomel, lt i, guaranteed lo start vom liver without stirring you up inside, and cannot salivate. Don'i take calomel! lt makes von sick tie "oxl (|ay; j, ,()Sl.s yo*, " day : work. Dodson's Liver Tone straightens you light up and von feel great. Hive ft. to the children be cause it is iierfectly harmless and doesn't gripe. Adv. lt is said that 72 |MT cent of the cities and towns in Sweden are light ed by electricity developed from wa tel power. The longest electric power trans mission line in servile |a between Bishop and 101 Centro, Cal., a distance of over 400 miles. -- -4 . fe Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general ntrengthenlnB tonie OROVK'8 TASTBU^ChlM TONIC, drives out Bys. 50c Mala? la.enrlchea the blood,Andbuitdsupthe aya. tem. A true tonic. For adults aud children. 50c Tillo A MK RICAN RKI> GROKS. Appeal tot- More Mian Million Heij> h-.Hs Women luid Children. To i ho People of South Carolina: In asking your paper to prosont to you (his appeal, in the name of hu maiiity, from the American Red Cross, I shall bc brief and not over tax youi- pat lenee. There is suffering and distress pre vailing in Ku rope to-day, the magni tude and depths of which never en tered the mind of man. The vic tims now, from conservative Investi gation, have reached tho appalling number of one million fatherless children, and one hundred thousand w idows. Think of it in the fear of Cod-these, an independen! citizen ship, having had all the comforts and conveniences of life, living in happy homes and in charity with all the world. Yet a war tor which no one can give a reasonable cause caine upon thom like a thunderbolt from a (dear shy, involving two-thirds of the nations ol' l lie eart h. Those prosperous people living in th" section of the war zone that has become the theatre ol' the most bloody and merciless war that has ever blackened the story of civiliza tion, have met with reverses and bar barities that reach Satanic cruelty. Their crops have been destroyed, their houses ruined anti burned their ATI, gone their ALL gone. This is no overdrawn picture, al though it is almost beyond our im agination. Shelterless, clotheless, provision less, in dismay, hopeless, not knowing where to turn, with no eye to pity, and no arni lo save! My friends and fellow citizens, think ol' the situation and lake it in il you ?an. We plead and pray thal your hearts may be tom lied and your pocket-books opened. Don't treat this petition with in diff?rence. lt conies to each anil . every one of you as a message from above "ile that hath this world's goods a'd sooth his brother in need and ?Im 11 et li up Iiis bowels of com passion from bim. how d wei let h the loi e of Cod in iiim ?" Si ti I your contributions to the un dersigned. They will bo most wel come and promptly acknowledged and handled. In all modesty and esteem, | beg to remain. Ymir friend and servant. A. C. Kau! niau. Acting President S. C. state Hoard American Ked Cross, Charleston, Oct. 2 1. 1914. GIRLS! GIRLS! TGV IT; 11 RA I'TIF Y YOI ll HAIG. Make it Thick, (Rossy, Wavy, Luxu riant ?ind Remove Dundrun Kool Surprise for Vim. Your hair becomes light, wavy, Huffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's alter a "Danderine hair clea use." .lust try this-moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small stand at a time. Tills will (deanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments von have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beaut irv ing the hair at once, Danderine dissolves every par ticle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and Invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair. Bul what will please .von most will ' be after a few WI '"s' use when you will actuallv see icw hair line and downy at Hrs; yt s but really new hair growing all over Ihe scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it surely gel a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any druggist or toilet counter, and just try it. Adv. Says Ment Moy linn Short. Chicago, Oct. II?. Shortage of a meal supply faces the world as a re sull of the Ku copean war. Geo. K. McCarthy, of New York, secretary of the American .Meat Packers' Associa tion, asserted before the ninth an nual convention of the association, v.* li li h opened hero to-day. Light on the questions of the di minishing bee)' .supply, the waning herds on the American cattle ranges, methods lo be a'dopted to induce far mers lo raise more stock and the ef fie of the war on the cost of food produc?s ls expected to be shed by thc cou v en I iou. which is to !>e in ses sion for i bree days. A ur -, ^_" ?_? _ _ A nappy nome (Read What P?rima Did) Mrs. James P. Summitt, No. 1006 East Eighth St., Musca tine, Iowa, writes: "My health was so miserable for years that I was practically an In valid. We had no family, owing to my 111 health. I was induced to give P?rima a trial, and found very quickly that it was helping me. I am now well and Happy. We have A Baby Boy He is our first and only child. "I am now well and happy. We have a baby boy, which we believe ls t\e direct consequence of my im proved health. He ls our Srst and only child, and if P?rima had not cured me of my ailments we should never have had him. I hope every ?Uttering woman will give PA run a a trial, the samo as I have." # Tho?? who objeot to liquid m?dl. oin?? can now procure P?runa Tab? Uta, THREE BATTALIONS BLOWN VI?. French Touch Off Mine Under Ger mans-Fighting is Severe. From tlie Battle Front, via Paris, Gd. 20.-The German Invaders are meeting a vigorous resistance i" ef forts to shorten , heir lines and rest their right wing further southward upon the English Channel. Much fighting ls being done In tho obscur ity of fogs. Kreuch marines are giving a unod account of themselves. German t roo ps tried a surprise a Hack on the marines Sunday, but the French force held the Bold works against superior numbers, The light lasted all day. A thick fog covered the entire re gion Monday and tho marines, accus tomed to such weather conditions, crept close iii? to tho (?eiinan t ronches. "No shooting!" was the euler. "Use the bayonet!" Tho marines got within thirty feel of the trenches heidie they were seen. Their coming .vas heralded too late for the defenders, who were bayoneted in the trenches and be yond the trenches as they ran. Four hundred German prisoners were taken. An Important Place. One of the places where the French had been most harassed is near the elbow of the western line. Thc important position there had been taken and retaken frequently dining the last three weeks, livery time the Germans had been obliged to abandon the position they return ed in force and pushed back the French by weight of numbers. The French took the position for the twelfth time and held it fol ten hours. Then came a shock ul the human battering rani and the Kreuch gradually gave way. Blown Up by Mine. The Germans began fortifying the place, hut while they wer? engaged in this task the earth heaved and tere was a deafening explosion. Thc ten hours the French held the point had been sufficient to mine every rod of the .mound. lt is estimated thal three (o rman battalions were anni hilated. The strength of the German positions north of Roye, which facili tated their movements toward lillie, is explained by the fad that they were occupying an untmished canal, extending as far as Beisel. The Ger mans lound in the (hep. broa.I cul magnificent entrenchments. Olli eera of the allies say the., have noted thal about 40 per cent of the shells from German guns explode. They say also thal tho prodigality of their tire apparently lias depleted the German supply of ammunition, also the intensity of the lire latch has diminished their supply of shells. Ms Pjl stimulate the TO RPI By LIVER. Strengthun the digested organs, regulate thc bowels, nr>?'- arc un equaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues are widely recognized, as they possess peculiar properties in freeing the system from that poison. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. - ? State Convention W. M. r. The State Convention ot" ?he Wo man's Missionary Inion will meet with the Newberry church November IO to 13. Delegates expecting to attend this meeting will phase send their naines as early as possible to J. li. West, Newberry, S. C. You are entitled to the following representation: Superintendent of association, associate superintend ents of Y. VV. A. and Y. P. S., asso ciational chairman ol' misson study,! one delegate from W. M. s., one from i Y. \Y. A., and ono from Y. P. S. I hope as many as possible will at- ? tend this meeting. Begin early to | make your preparations to go, mak ing sacrifices if necessary, for it will ! greatly repay you. Mrs. O. K. Breazeale, Supt. Tait Advocates Reform in Marriages. Washington, Oct. 19.- Reform in marriage and divorce law? through uniform State legislation was urged by former President Tait to-day In a brief address before the commission on uniform State laws. Tho former President condemned the looseness with which the marriage tie is looked Upon In many Stales." Mr. Taft placed himself on record as flatly opposed to "tinkering" with the Federal constitution miler pres ent conditions. SAYS SULPHUR IS SURF, IO RELIEVE ITCHING KCZEMA. Get an Ounce of Bold-Sulphur Cream and Heal Skin Eruptions Bigbli Up. Any breaking out or irritation on the face, arms, legs or bod) when ac companied by itching, or iv hen tho skin is dry and feverish, can be read ily overcome by applying a little bold-sulphur cream. ... s a noted der matologist. Ile in.onus us thal hold-sulphur Instantly allays the angry Itching and irritation and soothes and heals the eczema right up, leaving tho skin oh ir and smooth. Bold-sulphUf haa occupied a secure position tor many years In tho treatment of cutaneous disorders because of its parasite-de stroying property. .Nothing has ever been found to take Its place In treat ing the irritable and inflammatory skin affections. While not always establishing a permanent cure lt never falls to subdue the itching Irri tation and drive the eczema away and lt is often years later liefore any eruption again appears on the skin. Those troubled should obtain at any pharmacy an ounce of bold-sul phur cream, which is applied to the affected parts in the same manner aa an ordinary cold cream. It Isn't unpleasant and the prompt relief af forded, particularly in Itching ec zema proves very welcome.-Adv. m a Work in a Warm Room V\7HEN you take your sewing upstairs, take the heat along too. The Perfection oil heater is eas ily carried anywhere. You draw it up beside you and work in comfort, even if the room has no other source of heat. PERFECTION SMOKELESS} HEATERS Thc Perfection is solid, good looking, easy to clean and take eare of. It is smokeless and odorless. At hardware, furniture and general stores everywhere. Look for the Triangle tradem .rk. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Wa.hington, D. C. (NEW JERSEY) Charlotte, N. C. No,folk BALTIMORE Cfc.rle.lo-, W.Va. Richmond, Va. Lharleiton, S. C. Meut. Knox Hark from Philippines. (Tugaloo Tribune, 20th.) Lieut. Julius Terrell Knox, sim of Mr. and Mrs. .los. A. Knox, of the Tabor section, is expected to arrive in a few days from the Philippine Is lands ou a furlough. Ile is now in the Stales, having landed at San Francisco a few days ago. lt has linen about four years since Mr. Knox was at home and he will be warmly welcomed by his many friends, .lames Knox, of Southamp ton, Kngland, and Hen Knox, of Washington. D. C., are also expected home some time this winter. "CASCA HUTS" RTOLIKVK SICK, SOUR STOMACH. Move Acids, Gases and Clogged-up Waste from Stomach, Liver Ho weis-Cure Indigestion. Get a 10-cent box now. Thal awful sourness, belching of acid and foul gases; that pain in the pit of the stomach, the heartburn, nervousness, nausea, bloating after ealing, dizziness and sick headache, means a disordered stomach, which cannot he regulated until you remove thc cause. lt isn't your stomach's fault. Youl- stomach is as good as any. Try Cascarets; they Immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from thc liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from the bowels. Then your stomach trouble is ended. A Cascaret to-night will straighten you out by morning-a 10 cent box front any drug store will keep vom- stomach sweet; liver and bowels regular for months. Don't forget tho children -their little In sides need a good, gentle cleansing, too.-Adv. The city of Huron, on Lake Erie. ls the first Ohio town to install the new nitrogen-filled Mazda high effi ciency lamps for street lighting pur poses. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cur?. The worst case-, no matter of how lonjf .(anding;, nre cured by the wonderful, olr. I'ortcr'8 Antiseptic Healing Oil. It rellevn Pulu and Heals at tho una time. 25c, 50c, $1.00 STOP SICK HEADACHE OK NEURALGIA PAIN. Gel Instant Relief Witl\ a lO-Cent | Package of Dr. .lames' Headache Powders-Stop Sn tier i ng! Nerve-racking, splitting or dull, throbbing headaches yield in just a few moments to Dr. .lames' Headache Powders, which cost only IO cents a package at any drug store. It's the quickest, surest headache relief in tho whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve the agony and distress now! You can. Millions of men and women have found that headache or neural ? gia misery is needless. (Jet what you ! ask for.-Adv. I 71 Ships Under American Registry. Washington, Oct. 20. Seventy I four foreign-built vessels, with ag ! gregato of 264,337 gross lons, have ! taken American registry since the European war began, according to an j official statement to-day by t he De partment of Commerce. (?real Bri italn bas been the heaviest loser, (52 ol' the vessels previously sailing mi lder the British Mag, seven German and live Belgian ships complete the ! list. Forty-nine of the craft are freight ers and twenty are passenger ships. The remaining five are not designat ed. lOlevcn vessels secured provis ional registry through American con suls. Keep Your Stomach and Diver Healthy. A vigorous stomach, perfect work ing li'.'1: and regular-acting bowels is : guaranteed if you will use Dr. King's Xi v. Life ?'ills. They insure good digestion, correct constipation and have an excellent tonic effect on the whole system-purify your blood nnd rid you of all body poisons through tho bowels. Only 25c. at your druggist. Adv. Germans Permit Sugar Shipments. I Washington, Oct. 21. --Germany 1 will permit tho shipment of raw su gar to neutral countries, American Consul Donegan. at Magdeburg, Ger many, has advised the State Depart j ment. He slates thal from 160,000 ? to 200,000 inotrlc tons of raw sugar ls now available and approximately 000,000 metric tons wiii be available , later. The German beet crop, he re j ports, is expected to produce a mini mum of 2,500,000 tons of raw sugar. ? E. J;, MOOKK DIES IS COTJORADO. Well Known Rancher ls Stricken With Pneumonia, T1K> following item, clipped from the Wiggins (Colo.) Courier of Octo ber Tili will be roud with regret by many citizens of Oconee, not a few of whom knew the deceased. James L. Moore, a son of the deceased, is well known throughout this county, hav ing spent considerable time in this sec t ion during the years recently past. This branch of the Moore family is widely connected In Oconee. We uno;' from the Colorado paper: "li. K. Moore, aged .">". pioneer and cattle man of Morgan c< uuty, died at his home near Hoyt, Colo., Sunday, October Uh. He was buried at Port Morgan. Til?? funeral services were conducted by the B. P. O. E. "Mr. Moore wa saman of generous impulses and never forgot the hospit able ways of the pioneer. The stran ger, even though a beggar, never failed to find food and shelter if he BOUghl il at b's hands, and he was at home by the bedside of the sick and delighted in all kinds of neighborly offices. He had borne adversity bravely and enjoyed prosperity quiet ly. He bad filled the various rela tions ol' life, as son, husband, father, brother, friend, and filled them well. Who can do more? "Besides a devoted wife he leaves three sons, .lames. Lou and Ivodger Moore, and six daughters, Mrs. Mary Sherman, Mrs. Anna Childers, Eva Moore, Mrs. Lillie Sanford. Minnie Moore and Agnes Moore. We can only remind these mourners that be ls not dead; he is only asleep rest ing after a long and well spent life here; he could not, and would not If be could, return to us: we can. il we will, go to him. Behind thc storm clouds always lurks the rainbow, and when the storm is past it sweeps upon the Howers of the land and the pearls of the goa. Darkness precedes the dawning, and out of the blackness of night comes the sunshine and joy of tho day. And so from the beauty of his life take an inspiration and go forth to live as he lived, so that when the summons comes you may say, as he dill. 'All is well.' ?Could all live tho just and up right life that Mr. Moore lived, and die in his trusting faith, death could no longer be called the "King of Ter rors," for he inspired no terror there. The dying man and sorrowing family looked forward with the sante eye of faith to the brighter future where this temporary separation would end in eternal reunion." How's I'liis ? We offer one htindr? d dollars re ward for any case ol' catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by his finn. National Dank jf Commerce, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon thc blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation.-Adv. Killed by f alling Gull. Tampa. Fla., Oct. lit). A gun, jar red loose front a nail on the wall, ex ploded when it struck the floor, kill ing J, s. Krischet-, at Bradentown, this morning. Krischer, formerly of Sbamokin, Pa., was putting the fin - ishing touches to his house. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless .hill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the Well known tonic propertiesof QUININR and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drive9 out Malaria, Jin riches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 ccnt9. Card (d' Thanks. Editor Keowee Courier: We desire, through the columns of your paper, to tender sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbors for the kind ness, sympathy and help given tis during the sudden death of our dear husband and father. May Cod's richest blessings be with them. Mrs. T. .1. Dalton and Children. Seneca R. F. D" Oct. 19. N ICR VOUS DYSPEPSIA, OAS OK INDIGESTION. Each "Pope's Diapepsin" Digests .'?, 000 Grains Food, Ending AR Stomach Misery in Elvo Minutes. Time il! Rape's Diapepsin will di gest anything you eal and overcome a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach surely within five minutes. If your meals (I >n't 111 comforta bly, or what you cai lies like a lump of lead In your stomach, or if you have heartburn, thal ls a sign of In direst ?Oil. Get from your pharmacist a flfty ? 'Mt t case of Pa po's Dlapepsln and take a dose just tts soon as you can. Tin ie will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heart burn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating head aches, dizziness or intestinal grilling. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Rape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because lt takes hold of your food and digests it just the same as if you J stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all sto mach misery ls waiting for you at any drug store. These largo fifty-cent eases contain enough "Pape's Dlapepsln" to keep the entire family free from stomach disorders and indigestion for many months, lt bolong? In your home. ad.