Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, July 15, 1914, Image 4

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KEOWEE COURIER ( ESTABLISHED 184??.) PubDshed Every Wednesday Morning P^Iweriptl(?n fl Ber Annum. Advertising Bates Reasonable. -By RTECK, 8HELOR & SCHRODER. Communications of .1 personal char acter charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of re-' ?pect, of not over one hundred words, will ho printed free of charge. All over that number' must be paid for at the rate of one I cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA. S. C.: WEDNESDAY, JULY IR, HM I. JAMES HASKELL DENDY DEAD. A Hood Mun Has Passed to His Re ward-Local In?oUigeneo. Richland. July HI. Our commu nity is still dry. We were visited hy several liuht showers during the past week mid a very nice rain Thursday j afternoon, bul we have had nothing i like a season and the crops In our j section are below I lie average for this ' ? i me of j ea r. Death of .1. Haskell Dendy. The whole community and cou .ly were greatly saddened Friday morn lng by the announcement of ti > death Of .lames Haskell Dendv which occurred al his home friday morning about '.'< o'clock. Ile had not been feeling as well as usual for the past month, bul was in bed a lil le over two weeks. Ile was attacked !M dread typhoid fever ten days be fore bis death and gradually grew weaker until the end. All (hat skill ed physicians and loving hands could do oiilj made the end easier, for it was the will ot fae Almighty Eather thal bc should leave this earth for Iiis heavenly home. Mr. Dendy was. in lus I'.Tth year and had spent all hut a few veals in Ibis community. Ile was a son of the late Thomas ll. and Lin y A. Dendy, of this place, and | was horn and raised and spent the greater part, of his life at the old homestead, about ono mile northeast of Richland. At an early age he be came a member of Richland Presby terian church and since then every Sunday morning he would be found in his place at Sunday school and church. Ile enjoyed music and sang I in the Richland choir for a number of years. ile also was the elllclenI secretary of the Sunday school tor' several years. The deceaS'Hl was a charier mem ber of Richland ('amp. Woodmen of the World, and was a strong member; mini his death. Mr. Dendy was of a jolly disposi tion and a great favorite of the young people, for he always had a kindly aro rd ol' encouragement for them and groat i v enjoyod their sports and amusements. He was a prosperous and progres sive fanner on (he old home place, and made many numerous and bene ficial improvements. About seven years ago Mr. Dendy' arni Miss Carolyn Wideiliail, of Due West, were happily married. Four children were horn to them. hui three preceded him to tin? grave. The older sou. James H., Jr., survives. Mrs. Dendy has greatly endeared her self to our people and tiley all join II s in our deep and heartfelt sympa-, thy in her groal bereavement. De sides his wife and son the deceased leaves tour brothers and three sis-' tors, hosnies a number oi other rel atives and friends. He was a melli-' .r of one of the most widely con Cted families in upper Carolina. Dis brothers and sisters are: Rev. Jos. T. Dendy. Fori Mill: J. Allen Dendy, Anderson; Rev. J. Plumer Dendy, Lexington, (?a., W. Engine Dendy, Monroe, Ca.; Mrs. Chas. M. (laines. Aniericus, (?a.: .Mrs. M. A.' Marett, La von ia, (?a.; Mrs. Ken li n, Reading, Kans. Funeral ser vices were held at Richland church Friday afternoon ai ?? o'clock, and the remains were in terred in Richland cemetery. The ahurch was too small to seat the large congregation who gathered to pay 'heir las! respects lo their departed friend. I{e*. I. I?;. Wallace, of Sen isa, conducted the services, which were simple, hut very impressive and ? consoling, lb- was assisted at the grave bj Rev. M. M. Drooks, of West-i minster. J. Allen Dendy and wife, of Ander son, spent several days in our com-I milllity and attended Hie funeral of thc former's brother. Mr. Dendy is, manager of the Cluck Cotton Mill- 'i Store, near Anderson Dr. Wideiuan and daughter, Miss' Fannie, ol' Die West, spent several davs in Richland during the past j week ami were with their daughter and sister. Mrs. J. II. Dendy, during' her bereavement. Dr. Wideiuann has returned home, hut Miss Fannie will j Spend several days with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Marett, of La ...mia. i ?a., v (sited in Richland Fri- I day and attended the funeral of the I latter'H brother, J. ll. Dendy. Mrs.) Maret) is pleasant!} remembered as Miss Maria Dendy. Sim was the only sister present ai hoi brother's death, the oilier two sisters, Mrs. C. M. Caines, of Americas, Ca., and Mrs. R. N. Keuhn. of Heading. Kans., be ing unable to he present. Storstad Blamed for Tragedy. Quebec, July i I. The collier Bte rs ta (I i.^ held to blame for the Em press of Ireland disaster in the Und ings of the wreck commission hand el' down to-day. The commission held that the dis aster was due to the Storstad's change of course, ordered hy the third officer without instructions from the hrst officer, who wat, in charge of the collier at tho Dine. The Empress was sunk in the st. Lawrence River on May 28th with a los., of more than l.OuO lives. HAYNE CIRCLE ENTERTAINED. Delightful Meeting Hold Friday With Mrs. K. li. Herndon. One of ttl" most elaborate enter tainments ever given In Walhalla was that on 'ast Friday afternoon when Mrs. E. I<. (ierndon was the ('harming hostess to the I layne (Mi ele and many visitors. Our ever beautiful Stars and Stri|>o8 appearing at every turn, gave evidence that our Hag is the still beloved emblem as of old. On arriving, the guests were served refreshing nectar in the spacious re ception ball by little Miss Maynlta Walker. They were then invited into the parlor, which was lu decorations suggestive ol' the patriotic Fourth. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Steck, and after roll call the following program was enjoyed : The Machinery of Government Mrs. J. w. Bell. Popocatepetl-Mrs. Rogers, In the Crater of Popocatepetl - M iss 1 rem; St rot her. Vocal solo .Mrs. .lohn A. Ansel, accompanied on violin and piano by Mesdames George M. Ansel and M. V. Sloan. At the conclusion of the regular session the hostess appeared with cards, on which were firecrackers and bearing this inscription: "To gel a report from this cracker, pull the fuse." These proved to be names of States and their capitals, by means ol which partners were found for the afternoon's historical contest. The guests were conducted to the spacious galleries, where they were confronted with pictures of the Pry.iidents, un der Which were facts that led the contestants to give correct answers. When time was called the guests found their places by patriotic place cards at prettily appointed tables. In the center of each was a compote tilled with red, white and blue bon bons. In the draw for ' rsi prize Miss Irene Strother was the winner of a most exquisite red satin sofa pillow stuffed with rose petals, with a Battenburg cover design of an eagle and a shield. Mrs Rogers received as second prize a guest towel inset with star crochet.' The visitors' con solation, a crochet-covered red satin pin-cushion, foll to Mrs. (Miase, while Miss Neville was the happy recipient of the club's consolation, a Hag pin cushion. Mrs. Herndon. assisted by Miss Gertrude Smith, served a bountiful repast of salads and sweets. As a souvenir of this delightful occasion each received a miniature cannon mounted on wheels. The out-of-town visitors present were Mesdames Meakin. Dodd, (Miase, Shanklin, Marshall. Wise. Walker. Harrison. Smith, Si ff ord. Stokes and M iss Hinda Thompson. Slew Her Father, Woman Tells dury. Wingham. Ca.. .Inly 1 1 .Mrs. Clif ford Griffin, 24 years old, daughter of ll. Preston Howe, a widely known Grady county farmer, who was found dead In his bed yesterday morning from a gunshot wound, told a coro ner's jury to-day that she bad slain her father, as be slept, because of repeated attacks on her. She declared that her father bad repeatedly attacked her and bad come to b<?r room after midnight yes terday. She followed him to his room, she .-.aid. and when he slept (Ired into the back of his skull with a shotgun, killing bim instantly. She was freed on a verdict of jus tifiable homicide. Her brother, How ard Powe, aged IS, who had been ar rested, was released also. Notice to Baptists, The next session of the Heaverdam Association will be held with Wal halla Baptist church on Tuesday. Au gust Ith. 1 !. 1 1. beginning at lu a. m. AM church clerks are urged to send to W. M. Brown. Walhalla, names of all delegates from their churches as soon as they can conveniently do so. Al! delegates who desiri! entertain ment will kindly notify W. M. Brown, chairman of entertainment commit tee, as soon as convenient, that he make assignment of homes for each and avoid confusion at the meeting. .1. W. Sheior, for Church, SIMMONS FOB lt IC LIEF. rill'. STATIS OK SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. (Court of Common Pleas.) William .1. Stribling, Plaintiff, against Lucinda .lane Eaton, Annie Brewer, Mrs. Susan Dickson, .lohn I). Heid, George ll. Refd, Mis. Hon Lisle, Mrs. Ollie Dunlap. Mrs. Lena Smith, Mrs. Annie Bibi), Mrs. Mary Watkins, and the Heirs-at-Law of Harrison Eaton, Names and Ad dresses Unknown, Defendants. (Summons for Relief-(Complaint Not Served.) To he Defendants Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the Complaint in ibis action, which was tiled in the 0 th ce of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said county, on t he 3d day of Jilly, I '.? I 1. and to serve a copy of your answer to the said Complaint on the subscribers at their offices, on the Public Square, at Walhalla Court House. South Caro lina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day Of such service; and If you fail to answer the Complaint wit bin the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will applv to the Court for the relief demanded in the Com plaint. Dated July 3d, A. D. 1914. (Seal.) JOHN F. CRAIG, C. C. P. R. T. .IAYNES. .1. B. S. DENDY, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the Heirs-at?Law of Harrison Eaton, Deceased, Names arni Ad dresses Unknown, Absent Defend ant.*: 1 Please Take Notice, That the Sum mons and Complaint In tho above en titled action were filed In the office of tho Clerk of Court ot Common Pleas for Oconee County, South Car olina, on the ?ld day of July, 1914. lt. T. JA YNES, .1. 1?. S. DENDY. Plaintiff's Attorneys. Walhalla. S. C., July 3, 1911. 29 NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION. Pursuant to an order of tho Coun ty Hoard of Education of Oconee County, South Carolina, notice is hereby given that a S|>eclal Election will be held at the school house in Rod Hill School District, No. Tl!, on Thursday. JULY 23d, 1914. for the purpose of voling upon tho ques tion of levying un additional extra two-mill tax for school purposes and four ni i 11 s tax for building purposes upon all the real and personal prop erty in said Rod Hill School District. No. T:;. At said election each elector favor ing the proposed levies shall cast a ballot containing tho word "Yes" printed or written thereon, and each elector opposed to said levies shall cast a ballot containing the word "No" printed or written thereon. At the said election only such electors as return real or perso:i il proporty for taxation, and who ex hibit their tax receipts and registra tion certificates as required In gene ral elections, shall be allowed to vote. Polls will be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and will close at 1 o'clock p. tn. M. (!. HOLLAND. J. w. COX. T. D. EA DES, Trustees of Red Hill School Dist irrt, No. 7:'., Managers of Election July If?, I '.' 1 ?. 28-29 AN ORDINANCE To Amend No. Entitled: "An Or dinance to Preserve the Health and Cleanliness ol' thc Town of Wal halla." Ita (ti fled on the Ith day of February, 11)1 I, by Striking Out Section -, and Inserting in Lieu Thereof tin* Following: Section 2. That it shall be unlaw ful for any person, or persons, io es tablish any slaughter house or but cher pen within the corporate limits Of the town, and it shall also he un lawful for any person, or persons, to uso or occupy any slaughter boase or butcher pen established hy any other person, or on the premises owned, leased or occupied by any other per son, within the corporate limits of tho town, and any person, or per sons, so doing shall he liable to Hue or imprisonment, at the discretion of the Mayor, within the limits of his authority. Done in Council and ratified under the Corpoarte Seal of tho Town of Walhalla on the ?ld day of July. 1 9 1 4, and in the one-hundred and thirty-eighth year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. NV. M. BROWN, Mayor. JAS. M. MOSS. Town Clerk and Treasurer. AN ORDINANCE Itegulatdng the Running of Motor Ve hicles Within the Town of Wal halla. Ib> it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Walhalla. In Council assembled, and by author ity of the same: Section I. No person shall operate a motor vehicle on a public street within the corporate limits of the Town of Walhalla at a rate ot speed greater than is reasonable and proper at the time and place, having regard to the traille and use ol' the street and its condition, or so as to endan ger the life, limb or property- of any person, or In any event at a greater rate than fifteen ( 15) miles an hour, subject, however, to the other pro visions of this Ordinance. Section 2. I'pon approaching a crossing of intersecting st reels, or a sharp curve, or a corner, or a steep descent, or a bridge, and also in trav ersing such crossing, curve, descent or bridge, a person operating a motor vehicle shall have it under control, and operated at a rate ol' speed no greater than six miles an hour, and in no event greater than is reasona ble and proper, having regard to the traffic then on such street and the safety of the public. Section :>. Any person operating a motor vehicle shall, at the intersec tion of streets, keep to th*' right of the intersection of the centers of such streets when turning to the right and pass to the left of such intersection of centers when turning to t ho left. Section l. Every motor vehicle while in use on a street shall he pro vided with good and efficient breaks, and also with a suitable bell, horn or oilier signal, and be so constructed as to exhibit, during the period neces sary from or after sunset until not necessary before sunrise, ;( white light visible within a reasonable dist ance in tho direction toward, which the vehicle is proceeding, and a red light In reverse direct lon. Set t ion .">. No mechanical devise known as cut-out. shall be used on any motor vehicle within the corpo rate limits of tho town of Walhalla. Section r>. "Motor vehicle' a - used In this Ordinance Includes ?ill ve hicles propelled by gasoline or other explosive vapor, steam, electricity or other kindred power, whether com monly known as automobile, locomo bile, or motorcycle. Section <">. Any person violating any Section of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall he punished by line or imprloninent. at thc discretion Of the Mayor, or Aldermen, within the limits of his or their authority. Section 7. This Ordinance shall be deemed general and perpetual, shall no into effect upon its implication and Continue Of force Util repealed or amended. Done in Council and ratified under the Corporate Seal of the Town of Walhalla on the 7th day of July, 1914, and in the one-hundred and thirty-ninth year of the Sovereignly and Independence of the United Stales of America. W. M. BROWN. Mayor. .IAS. M. MOSS. Town Clerk and Treasurer. REDTJ? MER MONE LONG ?J. ANNOUNCEMENTS. .> (Announcements of candidatos for office in Oconee county will be ac ceptcd and printed at a uniform rato of $:'>, Btrictly in advance. Announce ments at this rate must he confined to six lines. Extra charge for all in excess of that space.) FOR CONGRESS. I hereby announce muself a can didate for Congress from the Third Congressional District, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. JO I IX A. HORTON*. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the House of Representatives from Oconee county, subject to action of voters in Demo cratic primary eleotiot: FRANK H. SHIRLEY. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the House of Representatives, subject to the will of the Democratic party in the pri marv election for the nomination of said office. M. lt. MCDONALD. I hereby announce myself a candi date for election to Hie House of Rep resentatives of South Carolina from Oconee County, subject to the action j of the Democratic party In tho pri mary election. HARRY R. HCCHS. FOR AUDITOR: 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for tile office of Auditor of Oco nee County, subject to action of the ! Democratic voters in the primary elections. HUGH P. HOLLEMAN. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Auditor of Oconee County, subject to action of the Democratic voters at the primary election?. DRESDEN A. SMITH. FOR TREASURER: With appreciation for past support, I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of County Treasurer, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic voters in the ensuing primaries. R. H. ALEXANDER. On the same platform advanced by me in 1912-thorough competency for the duties of the place-I hereby announce myself a candidate for the position of Treasurer of Oconee County, subject to the action of the. Democratic party in the primary elections. JOHN H. CROWN. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. Pursuant to an order of the Coun ty Hoard of Education of Oconee County, South Carolina, notlco is hereby given that a Special Election will be held at the school house In Providence School District. No. 3, on Saturday, July 18 th, 1914, for the purpose of voting upon tho ques tion of levying an additional two mills tax upon all the real and per sonal property of Providence School District, No. 3, for school purposes. At said election each elector favor ing tho proposed levy shall cast a bal lot containing the word "Yes" orlnt ed or written thereon, and each elec tor opposed to said levy shall ca it a ballot containing tho word "Ho" printed or written thereon. At the said election only sn di electors as return real or property for taxation, and who e> hlbit their tax receipts and registra tion certificates as required in gene ral elections, shall be allowed to vote. Rolls will be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and will (dose at 4 o'clock p. m. J A M IOS H ATES, R. A. REEVES, H. C. BROCK, Trustees of Providence School Dis trict, No. ?,, Managers of Election. July 8, 1914. 27-28 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice ls hereby given that the undersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, In the Stato of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on FRIDAY, J CLY 21th, 1911, at ll o'cb.c.k In tho fore noon, or ns soon thereafter as said appllcat'on can bo heard, for leave to make ll aal settlement of tho Estate of Henrietta Choice, deceased, and obtain final dischargo as Administra tor of said estate. C. R. D. BURNS, Administrator. July 1, 1914. 26-29 EE Pl NG! 0T1ONS NOW IN SUM GOODS. ^ A LITTLE Y GOES A MIGHTY WAY. .AT 3 sr s, SENECA, S. C. CHICORA COLLEGE (Greenville, H. U. A College ol" Uelinement. Distinction and Clin nie ter A High Standard College A I.urge and Able Kaeiilty A Select Student Body On the Slope of the Hine Ridge, KKHI feet above Sea-level. Beautiful Grounds and Handsome, Modernly Equipped Buildings. A College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, offering (.Joneses Leading to the Degrees id M. A., H. A., B. S.. and B. Ped. A Conservatory of Music, offering Courses Leading to the Degree of H. Mus. Schools of Art. Expression and Business. QJJJ^OJ^^^ AN IDEAL COLLEGE FOR YOUNO For free Catalogue and Announcements, address REV. S. C. BYRD, D. D.. GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA THE HAMMOCK SEASON IS MOST GONE. We have several Hammocks that wc are going to to close out at a considerable reduction. If you have failed to get one it will pay you to see us. Wc have an attractive and most satisfactory Oil Stove to be found on thc market. This hot weather makes it more necessary that you have one, We shall only bc too gi td to show you the linc. Ballenger Hdw. and Furn. Co., Seneca, ?sSonth <J?1*0lin a,. Anderson's BIG Anderson's MID SEASON Continues Continues DOWN GO THE PRICES ! Here are a Few Special Things for the Week! Boys' Wash Knickerbocker I Rugs, Dry Goods, Under pants, 25c. wear, Hosiery, etc., at special Men's best $1 Khaki Pants, j cut prices, only 79c. Men's $2 to $3 Pants, $1.69. Ladies' $3.50 White Buck Pumps and Button Oxfords, only $1.48. Children's White Buck Strap Sandals, 79c. Ladies' Oxfords (one and two pairs of a kind,) values up to $3, all solid leather, at 73c. and 98c. ^ Furniture and Cooking Stoves ! Just rome and sec the difference in pric?s that oth ers arc asking for cheaper made Furniture. Solid Oak Rockers, 98c. and tip lo $6.48. ^ Beds, Dressers, Bed Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Cooking Stoves, etc. Get Your Wants Now ! This is Our Last Week of Out Prices ! Ruskin Anderson, - Seneca.